E-Commerce and Social Media Use for SMEs

ECommerce and Social Media Use for SMEs Jane5e Toral h5p://www.ecommercephilippines.com
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An overview on how e-commerce and social media can be used as a tool by small and medium business. Presented by Janette Toral to participants from Ministry of Trade Bhutan at

Transcript of E-Commerce and Social Media Use for SMEs

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E-­‐Commerce  and  Social  Media  Use  for  SMEs  

Jane5e  Toral  h5p://www.e-­‐commercephilippines.com  

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DigitalFilipino.com  Club  

•  h5p://www.e-­‐commercephilippines.com  •  Free  research  reports,  markeEng  assistance,  referrals,  and  consulEng.  

•  Have  individual,  SME,  and  corporate  membership  

•  Nearly  100  members.  

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Select  Monthly  Online  Ac/vi/es  (%)     2009   2010   2011  

VisiEng  Social  Networking  sites     51*   53   82  

Search       58   76   80  

Instant  messaging     63   68   69  

Internet  Portal     54   73   67  

VisiEng  public  chat  rooms   54   67   65  

Email     63   65   64  

Played  games  online     53   45   54  

Listen  to  songs  in  music  websites   -­‐   -­‐   45  

Downloaded  or  uploaded  music  files  online     25   37   37  

Shared/posted  something  online  that  you  created   15   24   36  

*  Note.  The  2009  figure  for  social  networking  includes  community  groups  /forums  Base:  Past  month  Internet  users  aged  10+  across  NaEonal  Urban  Philippines  Source:  Yahoo!-­‐Nielsen  Net  Index  2010,  2011  

AcEviEes  showing  significant  increase  at  95%  confidence  levels  between  2009  and  2011  

Despite  this  stability,  overall  engagement  is  on  the  rise.  Social  networking  now  dominates…  

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Social  networks  start  with  ‘close  contacts/rela/ons’…  but  quickly  move  to  less  familiar  circles…  

Connec/ons  on  Social  Networking  sites  (%)  

Question: Who are the people you interact with regularly on these Social Networking sites?

Base: Past month Internet users aged 10+ across National Urban Philippines who have visited social networking sites in Past 3 months Source: Yahoo!-Nielsen Net Index 2011

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What  is  E-­‐Commerce?  

•  E-­‐Commerce  is  the  exchange  of  informaEon  or  transacEons  using  any  form  of  electronic  communicaEon.  

•  Covers  both  commercial  and  non-­‐commercial  transacEons  (Republic  Act  8792,  The  E-­‐Commerce  Law)  

•  The  Internet  is  the  informaEon  highway  or  public  network  where  e-­‐commerce  and  various  forms  of  communicaEon  take  place.    

•  E-­‐commerce  that  takes  place  over  the  Internet  is  ofen  referred  to  as  Internet  Commerce.    

•  Mobile  Commerce  -­‐  transacEon  takes  place  in  mobile  devices  such  as  cellular  phone  and  personal  digital  assistant  (PDA).  

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The  backdrop  to  e-­‐commerce  in  Philippines  

There  is  an  inherent  reluctance  to  “trade”  through  the  Internet  

Lack  of  ‘accreditaEon  

and  guarantees'…by  default  

modern  trade  actually  

encourages  desEnaEon  shopping  

Presence  of  counterfeits  and  


High  reliance  on                  inter-­‐personal  rela/onships  

IT  and  Banking  infrastructure  “evolving”  

Tradi/onal  trade  legacy  

Buyers  need  to  ensure  quality  by  physical  inspecEon  

Buyers  feel  the  comfort,  dealing  with  

known  vendors  

Low  levels  of  confidence/trust  in  

transacEng  online  

Digital  Philippines  2011  Yahoo  –  Nielsen  Net  Index  

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Cash  (face  to  face)  

Credit  card  

Transfer  via  ATM/Bank  

Internet  Banking  

Deposited  cash  at  bank  branch  

Online  accounts  such  as  Paypal  


Debit  card  

Payment    methods  (%)  

Payments  largely  made  offline,  given  current  trust  and  comfort  levels  with  e-­‐payment  

Digital  Philippines  2011  Yahoo  –  Nielsen  Net  Index  

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E-­‐Commerce  is  Growing  

Source:  h5p://bit.ly/pe7W5  

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•  Television  –  37%  •  Internet  –  25%  •  Radio  –  6%  •  Newspapers  –  5%  •  Magazines  –  4%  

What  Pinoys  found  most  as  effecEve  medium  for  adverEsement?  

Source:  Synovate  Media  Atlas  h5p://bit.ly/nQUx1t  

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From  family  delicacy  gifs  to  full-­‐blown    export  business.  

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Provide  soluEon  and  collaboraEon  opportunity.  

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Educate  the  market,  show  potenEal.  

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2011  will  be  year  of  Mobile  Content    and  Mobile  MarkeEng  

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Use  social  media  to  engage,  generate  results,  proacEvely  connect.  

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To  rank  vs.  To  be  social  

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To  rank?  

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To  share  a  story?  

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Share  stories….  

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….then  rank  later…  

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Get  suggesEon  from  friends  

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Share  your  experience  to  others  

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The  Social  Object,  in  a  nutshell,  is  the  reason  two  people  are  talking  to  each  other,  as  opposed  to  talking  

to  somebody  else.    -­‐  Hugh  Macleod  

Source:  h5p://gapingvoid.com/so/  

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Where  do  

Pinoys  go?  

Source:    Jane5e  Toral’s    Google  AdPlanner    

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Are  you  engaging?  

Source:  h5p://bit.ly/qRqc4t  

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•  When  customers  trust  you.  •  When  customers  care  about  your  brand.  •  Your  stories  are  exciEng.  •  When  you  get  people  part  of  something  bigger  than  your  brand.  

•  When  you  bring  people  of  common  interest  together.  •  When  you  make  your  customers  feel  like  an  authority.  •  When  you  make  your  audience  think.  •  You  know  and  understand  your  audience.  •  You  use  e-­‐mail  effecEvely.  

When  do  people  share?  

Inspired  by:  h5p://bit.ly/nGytuN  

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Driving  E-­‐Commerce  via  Facebook  

•  Likeable  wall  post.  •  Exclusivity  with  promoEons.  •  Add  incenEves  with  one-­‐Eme  promo  codes,  coupons,  shipping.  

•  Solicit  input  on  how  you  can  improve.  •  Share  news  beyond  retail.  •  Use  it  for  customer  service  –  enable  reviews.  •  Flash  sales,  group  buy  offers,  contest.  


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Monitor  your  Spikes  

•  Impressions  /  Feedback  •  Comments  

•  Unsubscribes  •  Likes  •  External  referrers  •  Demographic  

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Building  links  to  your  site  


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Top  5  Viral  Videos  of  All  Time  

©  Copyright  2011      4TH  Media,  Inc.          |          hWp://www.  4thMediaCorp.com/        |        Page  No.  Source:  h5p://bit.ly/ppOJcH  

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5  stages  of  customer  buying  cycle  

•  Awareness  •  ConsideraEon  •  Preference  /  Intent  •  Purchase  •  Repurchase  

Make  content  available  through  the  right  channels  


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Abandon  shopping  cart  

•  Do  the  two  step    – 1st  step  is  name  and  email  address  

•  Make  your  message  immediate  (within  24  hours)  

•  Express  concern.  (reminder)  

•  Offer  incenEves  •  Get  them  to  take  another  acEon.  


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Web  AnalyEcs  Measurement  Model  

Source:  h5p://bit.ly/rfE34e    

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•  E-­‐Commerce  Law  •  Data  Privacy  •  AnE-­‐Spam  

•  Cybercrime  ConvenEon  

•  Consumer  ProtecEon  

•  Data  Log  RetenEon  •  Sales  PromoEon  

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E-­‐Commerce  Project  Plan  

•  Workshop  

•  Align  with  strategic  plan  •  Market  and  compeEEve  


•  CompeEEve  advantage  •  Product  or  service  plan  •  Partners  •  MarkeEng  

•  Success  criteria  •  Content  plan  

•  Technical  specificaEons  •  Legal  •  TesEng  •  Security  •  Customer  service  

•  LogisEcs  •  Payment  •  Maintenance  

•  Budget  

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Book  reference:  Brains  on  Fire  

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•  Products  •  MarkeEng  

•  Content  •  Sales  •  Customer  Service  

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Photo  credit:  PinayAds.com  



Capacity  building  


ConEnuous  Research  


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Know  and  manage  exactly  who  you*  are    

on  the  Internet
