E-Business Monitor: Benchmark Results (example)

Introducing the E-Business Monitor framework | january 2011 - @ebusmonitor 1 E-BUSINESS MONITOR Report example: standard membership

Transcript of E-Business Monitor: Benchmark Results (example)

Page 1: E-Business Monitor: Benchmark Results (example)

Introducing the E-Business Monitor framework | january 2011 - @ebusmonitor1


Report example: standard membership

Page 2: E-Business Monitor: Benchmark Results (example)

Introducing the E-Business Monitor framework | january 2011 - @ebusmonitor2

Thank you for participating in the global E-Business

Monitor, welcome to your results …


» E-Business Monitor overview

» Where you should look to


» Organization readiness

» Performance

» Enablers

» General findings

» Next steps

Member information:

» Your name: test user one

» Your company: Testcorp

» Your country: UK

» Your sector: electronics

» Your department: marketing

Page 3: E-Business Monitor: Benchmark Results (example)

Introducing the E-Business Monitor framework | january 2011 - @ebusmonitor3

Based on your results and current participants you

are now classified as: professional

Page 4: E-Business Monitor: Benchmark Results (example)

Introducing the E-Business Monitor framework | january 2011 - @ebusmonitor4

Detailed results of the global E-Business Monitor for:

march 2011 – by topic









Readiness 3,3 3,6 3,4 3,9 3,1

Performance 82 77 68 74 77

Enablers 8,1 6,7 7,0 6,9 7,7

Monitor score 21,38 31,02 32,35 24,65 22,23

Your current rankings 87 12 9 7

# participants (as of today)

122 26 44 12

Availability depends on membership level

Page 5: E-Business Monitor: Benchmark Results (example)

Introducing the E-Business Monitor framework | january 2011 - @ebusmonitor5

Detailed results of the global E-Business Monitor for:

march 2011 – by classification

Score You global country sector department

Innovator 70-90 12 3 2 4

Professional 50-70 18 6 5 7

Learner 30-50 34 6 5 4 3

Starter 10-30 4 4 1 0

Total number of participants 40 16 12 14

What does it all mean?

Based on the research findings, we have classified 4 categories of E-Business. These present a

running average of all participants.

Availability depends on membership


Page 6: E-Business Monitor: Benchmark Results (example)

Introducing the E-Business Monitor framework | january 2011 - @ebusmonitor6

Where you should look to improve your organization

readiness (maturity) - overview

Page 7: E-Business Monitor: Benchmark Results (example)

Introducing the E-Business Monitor framework | january 2011 - @ebusmonitor7

Detailed results of the global E-Business Monitor for

march 2011 – by classification

You global country sector department

Strategy 1,2 1,2 1,2 1,2 1,2

Governance 3,1 3,1 3,1 3,1 3,1

Ability to execute 3,4 3,4 3,4 3,4 3,4

Channel 3,2 3,2 3,2 3,2 3,2

Infrastructure 3,1 3,1 3,1 3,1 3,1

Measurement 2,2 2,2 2,2 2,2 2,2

Total number of participants 40 16 12 14

What does it all mean?

Based on the research findings, we have classified 5 levels of readniess for E-Business. These

present a running average of all participants.

Availability depends on membership


Page 8: E-Business Monitor: Benchmark Results (example)

Introducing the E-Business Monitor framework | january 2011 - @ebusmonitor8

Where you should look to improve your E-business

performance - overview

Page 9: E-Business Monitor: Benchmark Results (example)

Introducing the E-Business Monitor framework | january 2011 - @ebusmonitor9

Detailed results of the global E-Business Monitor for

march 2011 – by classification

You global country sector department

Financial 1,2 1,2 1,2 1,2 1,2

Organization 3,1 3,1 3,1 3,1 3,1

Channel 3,4 3,4 3,4 3,4 3,4

Customer 3,2 3,2 3,2 3,2 3,2

Learning 3,1 3,1 3,1 3,1 3,1

Total number of participants 40 16 12 14

What does it all mean?

Based on the research findings, we have classified 3 categories of E-Business performance. These

present a running average of all participants.

Availability depends on membership


Page 10: E-Business Monitor: Benchmark Results (example)

Introducing the E-Business Monitor framework | january 2011 - @ebusmonitor10

Where you should look to improve your E-business

enablers (E-Business Promoter Score)

Page 11: E-Business Monitor: Benchmark Results (example)

Introducing the E-Business Monitor framework | january 2011 - @ebusmonitor11

Detailed results of the global E-Business Monitor for

march 2011 – by classification

You global country sector department

management commitment 1,2 1,2 1,2 1,2 1,2

customer orientation 3,1 3,1 3,1 3,1 3,1

competitor orientation 3,4 3,4 3,4 3,4 3,4

future orientation 3,2 3,2 3,2 3,2 3,2

team abilities 3,1 3,1 3,1 3,1 3,1

market readiness 2,2 2,2 2,2 2,2 2,2

Total number of participants 40 16 12 14

What does it all mean?

Based on the research findings, we have classified 3 categories of E-Business Promoter Scores

(EPS). These present a running average of all participants.

Availability depends on membership


Page 12: E-Business Monitor: Benchmark Results (example)

Introducing the E-Business Monitor framework | january 2011 - @ebusmonitor12

Average turnover, budget and team size by monitor

level (march 2011)

starter learner professional innovator

Average E-Business turnover (dollars) 212K 3,4 3,9 3,1

Marketing 240K 240K 240K 240K

Sales 123K 123K 123K 123K

Service 308K 308K 308K 308K

Average E-Business budget 77 68 74 77

Marketing 240K 240K 240K 240K

Sales 123K 123K 123K 123K

Service 308K 308K 308K 308K

Average E-business team size (central) 3,6 3,4 3,9 3,1

Marketing 240K 240K 240K 240K

Sales 123K 123K 123K 123K

Service 308K 308K 308K 308K

Average E-Business team size (local) 77 68 74 77

Marketing 240K 240K 240K 240K

Sales 123K 123K 123K 123K

Service 308K 308K 308K 308K

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Introducing the E-Business Monitor framework | january 2011 - @ebusmonitor13

Average spending by monitor level (starter, learner,

professional, innovator)

starter learner professional innovator

Average campaigns budget 3,6 3,4 3,9 3,1

Marketing 240K 240K 240K 240K

Sales 123K 123K 123K 123K

Service 308K 308K 308K 308K

Average development & projects budget 77 68 74 77

Marketing 240K 240K 240K 240K

Sales 123K 123K 123K 123K

Service 308K 308K 308K 308K

Average investements in staff (internal) 3,6 3,4 3,9 3,1

Marketing 240K 240K 240K 240K

Sales 123K 123K 123K 123K

Service 308K 308K 308K 308K

Average investments in staff (external) 77 68 74 77

Marketing 240K 240K 240K 240K

Sales 123K 123K 123K 123K

Service 308K 308K 308K 308K

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Introducing the E-Business Monitor framework | january 2011 - @ebusmonitor14

Next step, review your results in 9 months.

Remember, the E-Business Monitor continually grows

Register at:
