Dynamic Parish Prayer - ourladydunedin.org


Transcript of Dynamic Parish Prayer - ourladydunedin.org


Dynamic Parish Prayer

Loving Father, through prayer, open my heart to your will

so that I may bless this world with your presence. Through reflection and study,

may I continue to be inspired by the beauty and truth of my Catholic faith.

Let the life-changing generosity of your Son, Jesus, shine through my words and actions,

leading me to share the joy of his Gospel in ways that are dynamic and engaging.

By the power and grace of your Holy Spirit, mold me into the best version of myself,

through Christ our Lord. Amen.


Table of Contents A Letter from Our Pastor ......................................................................... 5

Clergy and Staff ....................................................................................... 6

Office Hours and Liturgical Schedule....................................................... 7

Campus Map ........................................................................................... 8

Save the Date! ......................................................................................... 9

Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic School .................................................... 10

HSA, SAC, Annual Fund Committee

Evangelization, Faith Formation, Youth and Family Life ........................ 12

Liturgical Ministries ................................................................................ 16

Spiritual Ministries.................................................................................. 18

Outreach Ministries ................................................................................ 20

Parish Life .............................................................................................. 23

Stewardship ........................................................................................... 24

Newcomer Registration, Parish Councils, Safe Environment Training

Parish Commitment Form ...................................................................... 25

The Conmy Center ................................................................................ 27

Index of Ministries & Contacts ............................................................... 28

Mission Statement “Our Lady of Lourdes Parish is a family of believers, embraced by the Father’s love, nourished by Jesus in Word and Sacrament, and strengthened by the Holy Spirit. Inspired by Mary we commit ourselves to live and proclaim the Gospel of Salvation.”



My Dear Parish Family,

I am delighted to present this Ministry Directory. We did not produce one last year due to the

pandemic. I would like to begin by thanking Kathee Giuffré, our Communication Guru, for putting it

together. We are blessed to have such a talented staff serving both our parish and school. This

has been a very challenging time for us all, and certainly for those working in the medical field. We

owe a huge debt of thanks to all our doctors and nurses, to all who work in our hospitals and

nursing homes. As priests we spend much of our ministry visiting the sick, and anointing those

preparing to meet our loving and compassionate God, and I have been deeply moved by the

selfless and sacrificial love of those who care for them. We pray for all who have lost loved ones to

the pandemic. In his book ‘Let Us Dream,’ Pope Francis writes: “In the trials of life, you reveal your

own heart: how solid it is, how merciful, how big or small. From this crisis we can come out better

or worse. We can slide backward, or we can create something new. This is a moment to dream

big, to rethink our priorities – what we value, what we want, what we seek. We need to proclaim

that being kind, having faith, and working for the common good are great life goals. I see an

overflow of mercy spilling out in our midst. This fills me with hope that we might come out of this

crisis better. But we have to see clearly, choose well, and act right.”

As the Pope says, let’s hope and pray that we come out of this crisis better people. Challenges

can either bring out the best in us or the worst. We can either pull up our drawbridge, find

someone to blame, only think about ourselves, or we can recognize that we belong to one human

family, and are responsible to and for each other, working always for the common good.

Throughout the pandemic our parish has continued Christ’s mission, first and foremost to the

poorest and most vulnerable in our society. We have fed the hungry, clothed the naked, visited the

sick and welcomed the stranger. Whatever we do to the least of our brothers and sisters, we do to

Christ. I would like to thank you for keeping the parish alive and active, open and welcoming. The

challenge ahead of us is to do whatever we can to reignite the flame of faith in those who have

distanced themselves from the Church over the last few months. We want our churches to be full,

our worship vibrant, and our love strong. As a parish family, we are ready and willing to rise to

every challenge, and open the door to new possibilities.

Be assured of my love, blessings and prayers,

Father Gary (Dowsey)


A Letter From Our Pastor


Our Lady of Lourdes Parish Family Clergy and Staff

Church Office

Mary Kibbey, Executive Secretary

Tanya Yunes-Pichardo, Business Manager

Sue Phillips, Accounting Assistant

John Oreskovich, Director of Music Ministries

Steve Walker, Director of Maintenance and Operations

Kathee Giuffré, Communications | Publications

Lisa Porthouse, Sacristan

Doreen E. Saccardo, Event Coordinator

Millie Cantone, Administrative Assistant

Theresa Tinkle, Administrative Assistant

Department of Evangelization, Faith Formation, Youth and Family Life

Mackenzie Stumpf, Faith Formation and Youth

Anna Marie Mastrangelo, Administrative Assistant

Our Lady of Lourdes School

Robert Yevich, Principal

Carmen ChooQuan, Office Manager

Father Gary Dowsey Pastor

Father Jonathan Stephanz Parochial Vicar


Parish Office Hours

Monday-Thursday 9am-5pm Friday 9am-12 Noon

Celebration of the Eucharist

Saturday Vigil ................. 5pm Sunday ........................... 7:30, 9:30, 11:30am, 5pm Daily ............................... 9am (Mon-Fri)

Sacrament of Reconciliation

Saturday ......................... 8-9am

Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament / Benediction

Wednesday .................... 2-4pm (Summer); 2-7pm (Fall/Winter/Spring) Saturday ......................... 8-10am

2022 Holy Days of Obligation

Mary, Mother of God Saturday, January 1 (not a day of obligation in 2022) Ascension of the Lord Sunday, May 29 (Since 2000, transferred to a Sunday in Florida) Assumption of Mary Monday, August 15 (not a day of obligation in 2022)

All Saints Tuesday, November 1 Immaculate Conception Thursday, December 8

Nativity of the Lord (Christmas) Sunday, December 25

Office Hours and Liturgical Schedule


Campus Map

Meditation Garden

Outdoor Stations of the Cross

Parish Offices

Faith F










A | R

m B

| Rm

C | Y


Lobby Music Room


Main Hall









San Salvador Drive


Save the Date!


Robert Yevich, Principal

730 San Salvador Dr. | Dunedin, FL 34698

(727) 733-3776

Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic School is a fully accredited PreK-8th grade school located in a safe, tree-lined campus in the heart of Dunedin. With innovative curriculum and programming at all grade levels, and a wide variety of extra-curricular activities before and after school, our students often exceed grade level expectations. Nurtured by dedicated teachers, students at Our Lady of Lourdes quickly develop a passion for learning, thriving in academics, athletics, and in the Arts. Through a strong Catholic education, rooted in the beliefs and values of the Catholic Church, our students are prepared to be the leaders of the 21st Century.

Volunteering Opportunities Volunteers in the school must have Safe Environment Training and Level II fingerprinting. Volunteers are invited to help with:

• Coaching sports teams

• Small group tutoring

• Literacy support for beginning readers

• Fundraising events

• Classroom enrichment activities

• Musical performances

Mission Statement

Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic School, as part of our parish faith family, builds a strong foundation by developing the unique, academic, physical, creative, social and spiritual gifts of its students, empowering

them to live the mission of Jesus.

Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic School


Home and School Association The Home and School Association ("HSA") is made up of school parents. All school families are automatically members of the HSA. The HSA promotes volunteerism and provides enrichment activities to benefit the students, parents, and faculty of our school. The Association is committed to providing service to the school, parish and community.

School Advisory Council

The purpose and mission of the School Advisory Council is to act in an advisory capacity to the Pastor and Principal. The Council serves the three-fold purpose of advising the pastor and administration with regard to school policy, long term planning and fostering good public relations. Members are appointed by the Pastor and Principal and serve at their discretion.

Annual Fund Committee

One Faith, One Family, Funding the Future completes the vision of diversifying the school funding opportunities by allowing any and every person within the school and parish community, who value faith based and academically challenging education, the opportunity to further participate in our school mission through financial support.


Youth Faith Formation and Ministry

Faith Formation

On Sunday mornings, classes are offered for children ages 2 years through 5th Grade during and after the 9:30am Mass. Children learn to pray, play, and love Jesus and our Church. Teens and adults are invited to serve our children as teachers, assistants, and substitutes. Contact: Mackenzie Stumpf Phone: (727) 733-0872 Email: [email protected]

Vacation Bible School (VBS)

Vacation Bible School (VBS) is a fun, engaging, hands-on faith experience. Campers will learn about scripture stories and our Catholic faith in a summer camp setting. Teens and adults are invited to serve our children during VBS as station leaders, crew leaders, and assistants. Donations are always needed. Contact: Mackenzie Stumpf Email: [email protected] Phone: (727) 733-0872

Evangelization, Faith Formation, Youth & Family Life

Our journey of faith begins the day we are born. The seed of faith, planted in each person’s

heart, needs to be nurtured, affirmed, and loved if it is to grow and blossom as God intends. Within a faith-filled family, our eyes are opened to God’s grace, glory, and presence in Jesus Christ. Within the family we are first taught to act justly, to love tenderly, and to walk humbly with our God. Within the family of God, the Church, we are invited to be faithful to prayer, the teaching of the apostles (Scripture and Tradition), the breaking of bread (the Eucharist), and to respond to the needs of those both near and far, for we are one body in Christ. At Our Lady of Lourdes we provide the parish community with a varied menu of grace-filled gatherings to nurture, enrich, and deepen our faith and commitment to Jesus Christ. We are given many opportunities to grow in faith and love: through sacramental preparation - involving the whole family and community; traditional faith formation classes; Life Teen and EDGE for our youth - the hope of tomorrow; and a variety of adult, intergenerational, and liturgical programs. Our Evangelization, Faith Formation, Youth and Family Life programs nourish and strengthen us on our journey of faith to the glory of eternal life.



EDGE is Life Teen’s little brother – a move-ment within the Catholic Church geared towards middle school teens to help lead them and their families into a deeper relation-ship with Christ and His Church. Volunteers are needed to lead the teens directly as catechists / Core team members. High school teens are invited to serve in this ministry. Contact: Mackenzie Stumpf Phone: (727) 733-0872 Email: [email protected]

Life Teen

Life Teen is a movement within the Roman Catholic Church which leads teenagers and their families into a deeper relationship with Jesus Christ and His Church. Life Teen is open to all high school teens, meeting Sunday evenings at the 5pm Mass, and then after Mass in the Youth Room. Volunteers are needed to serve the teens directly as catechists/Core team as well as background help for dinners, set up, and other prep work. Come and serve the young of our Church! Contact: Mackenzie Stumpf Phone: (727) 733-0872 Email: [email protected]

OLL Young Adults

The OLL Young Adults group is a place for the young adults of our Parish family to meet, foster a community, and grow spiritually with one another. All individuals ages 18-35 are welcomed to join us every Tuesday at a different place around Dunedin. Together we create a powerful community of young believers determined to live out the Gospel and become the next generation of spiritual leaders. If you want to join our community of Young adults find us on Facebook at OLL Dunedin Young Adults.

Contact: Fr. Jonathan Stephanz Phone: (727) 733-3606 Email: [email protected]

Until you discover God’s playfulness you will not

enter into the depths of the spiritual life. Until you

discover the playfulness of the child within, you

will not discover the playfulness of God. Dance

in the rain, play in the mud, lose track of time,

and maybe then you will find yourself lost in

God, and found once and for all. -Matthew Kelly, I Heard God Laugh


Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) RCIA is a wonderful process of initiation into the Catholic faith. It is a journey of knowledge and faith in community seeking to explore what it means to be Catholic. The RCIA, originally designed for adults seeking Baptism, has been adapted to welcome all over the age of seven seeking Baptism, Confirmation and Eucharist. Enrollment is ongoing; the full process takes approximately one year, depending on the catechumen / candidate’s progress. The Diocese of St Petersburg requires that children/youth complete one full year of catechesis to be eligible for initiation. This year may be completed in the parish Faith Formation Program (regular grade level) or Catholic School. Contact: Fr. Jonathan Stephanz Phone: (727) 733-3606 Email: [email protected]

Family Cub Scout Pack #422

The emphasis of Scouting is to have fun and learn at the same time. Cub Scouts (grades K-5) discover and master new skills, gain self-confidence, and develop strong friendships. Girls and boys welcome!

Volunteers require training through the BSA, Diocesan Level II back-ground screening, as well as Safe Environment Training.

Contact: Bill Badman Phone: (813) 601-1954 Email: [email protected]

Boy Scout Troop #422 A Scout receives satisfaction from meeting challenges, forming friendships, developing self-awareness, self esteem and self-confidence. A scout learns and masters new skills and discovers talents. To accomplish achievements, a scout will follow the scout law and scout oath. These are the moral compasses a scout will observe through adulthood.

Volunteers require training through the BSA, Diocesan Level II back-ground screening, as well as Safe Environment Training.

Contact: Daniel Rush Phone: 727-871-2120 Email: [email protected]

Cub and Boy Scout Chartered Organization Representative

Contact: Tom Wilkinson Phone: (727) 639-4504 Email: [email protected]


Adult Faith Formation

The Cornerstone Scripture Study

The Cornerstone Scripture Study is structured to meet the needs of those who may be just beginning Bible Study, as well as those who may have more familiarity with the Word of God. The goals of The Cornerstone are to foster a love of God through familiarity with Scripture, to develop or enhance a personal habit of prayer in each member, and to provide a communal experience with others on a journey of faith. They meet on Wednesday mornings. The study this year is the Book of Genesis and the theme is "Creation and Covenants" as we will study the Letters of James, Peter and John.

Contact: Mary Scott Phone: (727) 791-3240 Email: [email protected]

Website: thecornerstonescripturestudy.org

That Man Is You!

That Man is You! is transforming men, families and society as it presents the vision of man fully alive! Combining the teachings of the Church and wisdom of the saints with the best research from modern science in an interactive, multimedia format, That Man is You! puts this vision within the grasp of every man. You will find cutting-edge information to help you transform your life and be a true leader to your family and friends. They meet on Wednesdays at 5:45am for coffee before the 6am meeting.

Contact: Paul Foisy Phone: (727) 871-9972 Email: [email protected]

Walking With Purpose

Do you desire to grow in your Catholic faith and seek connection with other women in our parish community? Are you searching for something more in your life? We invite you to join Walking with Purpose! Group sessions are on Thursdays at 7pm. Whether or not you have any Bible study experience, you are welcome as you are to learn how the Scriptures apply to our everyday lives. Walking with Purpose is a women’s Catholic bible study that aims to bring women to a closer relationship with Christ. Personal study and small group discussions each week link our everyday challenges with the solutions given to us through the teachings of Christ and the Catholic Church. Contact: Angel Chiariello Phone: (727) 278-4797 Email: [email protected]

Set the worries of this world

aside, and allow yourself to

soar like a bird on the wind.

Listen to the whispers of your

Creator calling gently to you,

inviting you to remember that

just as the body needs food,

so too your soul needs to be

nourished. -Matthew Kelly,

I Heard God Laugh


Audio/Video Ministry

Volunteers in this ministry help with the projection of song lyrics, prayers, pre-Mass announcements, videos, and other graphics on the large screens. AV team members also run cameras and video equipment to assist with the church’s online live stream. The 5:00pm Saturday Vigil, the 9:30am Sunday morning Mass, and other special celebrations are live-streamed for our homebound parishioners and those who are unable to celebrate with us in our church.

Contact: John Oresovich Phone: (727) 733-3606 Email: [email protected]

Contact (Life Teen Mass): Eric Hoegstrom Email: [email protected]

Communion to the Sick

Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion take Communion to Catholic residents and patients in the hospital, nursing homes, Assisted Living Facilities, and to the home bound. Our Lady of Lourdes serves over 400 people a week; volunteers are always needed. Applicants must be registered members of the parish and confirmed Catholics. Volunteers will meet with Father Jonathan, receive procedural training, Diocesan Level II background screening and Safe Environment Training. Family members may bring communion to their loved ones without screening. This is a beautiful, rewarding, spirit filled Ministry. Our absent brothers and sisters really appreciate the love and caring we show by bringing them the Eucharist when they are unable to attend Mass. Contact: Theresa Tinkle Phone: (727) 733-3606 Email: [email protected]

Environment Committee

This committee is responsible for decorating the church in accordance with each of the liturgical seasons.

Contact: Lisa Porthouse Phone: (727) 733-3606 Email: [email protected]

Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion

Extraordinary Ministers are confirmed Catholics who assist our priests in the distribution of Holy Communion at our weekend and weekday Masses. Training is required. Contact: Ellen Ficarrotta Phone: (727) 784-2489 Email: [email protected]

Flower Ministry

This ministry provides altar flowers for the Church and for the many functions and special events held at the parish, including weddings. Contact: Josephine DePresca Phone: (727) 415-8379 Email: [email protected]

Liturgical Ministries

Altar Servers

This important ministry of serving at Mass is available to all boys and girls of the parish who have made their first Communion and are in 4

th through 12

th grade. Altar Servers

serve a minimum of one Mass a month with opportunities to serve special Masses, in-cluding funerals and weddings. Training is provided.

Contact: Lisa Porthouse, Sacristan Phone: (727) 733-3606 Email: [email protected]

Church Keepers

Help us keep the Church clean by vacuum-ing, dusting or polishing.

Contact: Lisa Porthouse, Sacristan Phone: (727) 733-3606 Email: [email protected]



Readers proclaim God’s Word at Mass and at other liturgical celebrations. A love of God’s Word and prayerful preparation is necessary to fulfill this ministry successfully. Volunteers require training, which is provided both at the parish and diocesan level.

Contact: Chan Tinkle Phone: (312) 519-6520 Email: [email protected]

Traveling Chalice Our mission is to promote vocations to the priesthood, religious, and married life within our parish community through prayer, worship, education and fellowship. Our major focus is the Traveling Chalice, Vocations Awareness Week, and World Day of Prayer for Vocations. Set aside time each day to pray for Vocations. Receive the chalice at Mass and reverently display it in your home for one week. Contacts:

5pm Saturday Mass: Veronica Keith

Phone: (727) 738-4798 Email: [email protected] 7:30am Sunday: Mary Vendetti Phone: (727) 365-5365 9:30am Mass: Lisa Porthouse Phone: (727) 733-3606 Email: [email protected] 11:30am Mass: Sheila Burbine Phone: (727) 298-8548 Email: [email protected] 5pm Sunday Mass: Lisa Porthouse

Gift Bearers

All members of the parish are invited to bring the offertory gifts in procession at Mass. The bread and wine are striking symbols of the life we offer up to God. This is a wonderful way to celebrate a special event such as an anniversary or birthday.

Contact: Kathy Bolton Phone: (727) 784-5755 Email: [email protected]

Greeters Greeters welcome parishioners and visitors to Mass and other liturgical events. They make people feel happy they came and that their presence is important. The greeter makes all who enter feel welcome.

Contact: Pam Popson Phone: (727) 787-1249 Email: [email protected]

Music Ministry

Effective musical leadership helps promote full, conscious, and active participation in weekend liturgies and other special occasions throughout the year. Come, make a joyful noise unto the Lord as a member of the choir, as a soloist/cantor, as an instrumentalist, or as a member of the Life Teen band.

Contact: John Oreskovich Phone: (727) 733-3606 Email: [email protected]

Contact: Eric Hoegstrom (Life Teen) Email: [email protected]


Ushers make each and every parishioner and guest feel welcome, wanted, valued and special. Ushers are always needed!

Contact: Lisa Porthouse Phone: (727) 733-3606 Email: [email protected]


Spiritual Ministries

Circle of Joy

This dedicated group of men and women come together to pray the morning Liturgy of the Hours. They pray for vocations, their own special intentions, and requests directed to them through the parish office. This group meets every Tuesday morning at the 9:00am Mass and then we move to the Conmy Center Rm C. Contact: Maria Smetana Email: [email protected]

Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament

Exposition honors the Holy Eucharist, Christ’s presence among us. The power of prayer is beyond our understanding. 40 Hours of Exposition is a ministry devoted to preparation for prayer before the Blessed Sacrament for the 40 hours prior to the Feast of Corpus Christi. During these 40 hours we pray for souls of the departed and special intentions for families. Weekly Adoration is held on Saturdays from 8-10am and Wednesdays from 2-4pm in the Summer, 2-7pm in the Fall/Winter/Spring Contact: Lisa Porthouse, Sacristan Phone: (727) 733-3606 Email: [email protected]

Come to the silence and

learn what it is that you need

to thrive. Embrace what it is

that makes you dance for joy.

And share with everyone you

meet the love that Love

himself has filled you with. -I Heard God Laugh


Jesus Salvador Hispanic Ministry

Jesus Salvador Ministry is a Spanish speaking prayer community that meets every Monday evening from 7 to 9pm, starting with the recitation of the Rosary, followed by worship and praise before opening the Word of God, praying, and giving loving support to one another. They also meet the first and third Wednesday from 7:30 to 8:30pm to pray the Divine Mercy Rosary and reflect on the Diario de Santa Faustina. Come and experience the powerful love and guidance of the Holy Spirit. Jesus invites you to renew your life and deepen your faith. Children are welcome.

Te esperamos. ¡Gloria a Dios!

Contact: Julio and Mary Lourdes Haedo Phone: (727) 734-1971 Email: [email protected]

M.M.P. Prayer Rosary Cenacle

Come, See and Participate! Every Friday after the 9am Mass we meet in the church and pray the Sorrowful Mysteries of the Rosary, read and meditate on a passage from the book, “To the Priests, Our Lady’s Beloved Sons” by Father Stefano Gobbi (founder of the Marian Movement of Priests), and chant The Divine Mercy Chaplet, as Our Lord instructed St. Faustina. For more information, join us on Friday mornings at 9:30am.

Ministry of Consolation

The purpose of this ministry is to assist families in the preparation of the Funeral Mass of their loved ones lovingly and compassionately.

Contact: Bob and Aylie Boitmann Phone: (727) 754-5401 Email: [email protected]

As you stumble and fumble toward

ecstasy, learn to listen to the voice

of the one who created you. He

speaks gently to you throughout the

day, and delights in those moments

when you sit with him in solitude. -Matthew Kelly, I Heard God Laugh


Christmas Giving Tree

Over 35 years ago our former pastor, Father Larkin, asked several parishioners to look into the plight of the migrant farm workers. They learned of the poverty and despair within the farm worker community and decided to have a special Christmas collection of toys for the farm workers’ children. A wicker basket was placed in the Narthex and approximately one hundred gifts were donated. The following year a Christmas Giving Tree was placed in the Church Narthex, decorated with tags stating the ages and gender of the farm children. The response was very generous and enough toys and gifts were donated to fill a van. Now more than 2,000 gifts are delivered each year to the farm worker families. On delivery day, parishioners and students get caught up in the Christmas spirit as they lend a hand with loading the truck. Contact: Pat Emrick Phone: (727) 733-3887 Contact: Julio & Mary Lourdes Haedo Phone: (727) 734-1971 Email: [email protected]

Faith Community Nursing

Faith Community Nursing is the specialized practice of professional nursing that focuses on the intentional care of the spirit as part of the process of promoting whole-person health and preventing or minimizing illness in the community. Nurses are provided free CEU training, materials, resources, mentors, and liability coverage to learn about developing the optimum level of whole person health - body, mind, and spirit - of our parish family. Contact: Mary Kibbey Phone: (727) 733-3606 Email: [email protected]

Outreach Ministries

Grief Recovery

This ministry offers the opportunity to share your story of loss in an atmosphere of car-ing among a community of believers who are on the same journey. Three 6-week sessions are offered throughout the year. Please call the Parish office to be put in touch with Shirley.

Contact: Shirley Celidonio Phone: (727) 733-3606 Email: [email protected]

Kimberly Home Pregnancy Resource Center Kimberly Home is a non-profit organization dedicated to LIFE that has been caring for women in unplanned or challenging pregnancy circumstances and their children since 1983. Pregnant women and new moms are provided assistance from the first trimester through delivery and into early childhood. Services include, but are not limited to: free pregnancy testing; limited ultrasound; mentoring programs; education in pre/post-natal care, birthing, baby care, parenting, and life skills training; licensed infant/ toddler day care; transitional housing; adoption counsel and referral; information and referral networking; and material assistance such as: maternity and infant/toddler clothing, baby food, formula, baby supplies / furniture. Volunteering requires training and background screening. Kimberly Home has two thrift stores that serve to fund all programs. Pick-ups and deliveries are available. Contact: Kate Kelly, Executive Dir. Phone: (727) 443-0471 Email: [email protected] Website: www.kimberlyhome.org

You have the heart of a lion, strong and

courageous. Let nothing distract you, let

nobody discourage you from your daily

communion with the one who created you. -Matthew Kelly, I Heard God Laugh


Men’s Al-Anon

Anyone who feels his personal life is or has been deeply affected by close contact with a problem drinker is eligible for membership in Al-Anon. Al-Anon Family Groups are a fellowship of relatives and friends of alcoholics who share their experience, strength and hope in order to solve their common problems. We believe alcoholism is a family illness and that changed attitudes can aid recovery. The focus of this Men's Al-Anon Group is "Recovery for Men" who have been affected by living with a problem drinker.

Meetings are on Wednesdays from 8-9pm in the DuBois Center. Contact: Buzz Phone: (727) 218-3996 Email: [email protected]

Lend A Hand

This ministry, coordinated by the Knights and Ladies Auxiliary, offers one-time or temporary services to Parishioners, assisting with small chores normally done by home-owners themselves, but which they cannot perform due to a temporary inability or illness. Examples of services include changing light bulbs, changing fire alarm batteries, small home repairs, walking a dog, yard clean-up, grocery shopping or moving light furniture. Work requiring a permit or professional licensure is not included. Volunteers do not have to be members of the Knights or Auxiliary. Contact: Antje or Dennis Anderson Phone: (727) 656-9741 Email: [email protected]

Knights of Columbus JFK Memorial Council #5635 Knights of Columbus JFK Memorial Council #5635 is a thriving Catholic men’s fraternity (as well as Ladies Auxiliary) which fosters charity, unity and fraternity. Our time and treasure is focused on our church, commu-nity and families. Knights-sponsored events include the annual Totally Yours Festival, youth competitions such as Free Throw Championship, Soccer Challenge, and Spelling Bee. Fundraisers for many local charities include Kimberly Home, Special Olympics, vocations, and more. The annual OLL School Golf Tournament raises thousands. Catholic men 18 and older are welcome to join.

Contact: Steve Beaty Phone: (727) 580-5858 Email: [email protected] Join at: www.KofC.org

Knights of Columbus 4th Degree Assembly #1706 This men’s organization fosters the spirit of patriotism and encourages responsible ac-tive Catholic citizen-ship. The Assembly, in addition to supporting the Council activities, participates in get out the vote campaigns, funds Catholic military chaplaincy, and pro-vides an honor guard to Catholic functions and ceremonies for the local Church and Bishop. Members must be Catholic and a 3rd Degree member of a Council.

Contact: Jim Hobbie Phone: (727) 736-1574 Email: [email protected]

Ladies Auxiliary This ministry aspires to promote faith in ac-tion through service to our parish, school, and community. Our ladies share fun and fellowship at social events while working on their own, as well as in concurrence with the Knights of Columbus on activities such as: the Kimberly Home Baby Shower, Project Angel Backpack Drive, Kickoff the Summer Golf Scramble, Rosary Coast to Coast, and many more. Please join us! Membership is open to all interested adult women. Contact: Michelle Victorine Phone: (941) 725-7874 Email: [email protected]


Pinellas Hope

Pinellas Hope is a program of Catholic Charities, Diocese of St. Petersburg that provides a safe living environment for homeless individuals and support to become self-sufficient. There is an oppor-tunity to share your compassion by feeding the homeless at Pinellas Hope. Our Lady of Lourdes serves the residents twice a month, which gives one plenty of opportunity to participate in any of the following ways: make or purchase desserts; help prepare meals in our kitchen; serve meals at Pinellas Hope; or make a donation to help offset the cost. This is a wonderful way to serve - you will not be disappointed! Contact: Mary Kibbey Phone: (727) 733-3606 Email: [email protected]

Respect Life Respect Life fosters an under-standing of the sacredness of human life in all its dimensions. As Catholics, we respect life from conception to natural death. We believe all life is God-given and precious. Contact: Dan Pepin Phone: (231) 675-3384 Email: [email protected]

Parish Mission Twin Parish & School in Haiti This ministry coordinates the efforts to assist our twin parish, Sacred Heart of Jesus in Acul des Pins, Haiti, with various needs. The funds raised so far have enabled us to help complete the Mission Chapel, purchase a vehicle for the pastor, continue our support in funding classroom teacher salaries, and sponsor summer camps for the children. We have also raised enough funds to provide each child with the “shoe that grows,” purchase French Bibles and Catechisms, and connect electricity and solar panels to the school. We have sent groups of teachers and young adults to the parish to work with their youth during the summers. Most recently we raised enough money to purchase sound equipment and a generator for the parish, make improvements to the school building, and purchase soccer equipment for the camp.

Contact: Father Gary Phone: (727) 733-3606 Email: [email protected]

For our annual (June) life changing experience for the young adults of our parish:

Contact: Artie Donner Phone: (727) 265-0889 Email: [email protected]

St. Vincent de Paul Society

The Society of Saint Vincent de Paul has a long history at Our Lady of Lourdes Parish. Located in the Dubois Center, SVDP is open to Dunedin residents every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday morning from 10am-12pm. People of all faiths are served. During office hours, clients are provided with food, utility bill assistance, clothing and furniture vouchers, and emergency travel. They also hold an annual Thanksgiving Food Drive, which provides a holiday dinner to needy families. They do whatever they can for the homeless in our area as well. Contact: Joan Hughes Phone: (727) 252-0361 Email: [email protected]


Sunday Breakfast Café

Sunday mornings from September through April in the school cafeteria, join your fellow parishioners for breakfast and fellowship. All proceeds benefit the Pinellas Hope Ministry. Volunteers are always welcome to cook, serve and clean. Contact: Doreen Saccardo Phone: (727) 733-3606 Email: [email protected]

Fall Festival October 13-16, 2022

Our Annual Fall Festival runs the third weekend in October, Thursday evening through Sunday at 5pm. This event has grown over the last 50 years from a parish gathering to a community event for Dunedin and North Pinellas. We offer carnival rides, games, food, beer, and quality entertain-ment throughout the weekend. Fun for all ages! Contact: Katie Sellers, Co-chair Phone: (727) 365-5252 Email: [email protected] Contact: Lisa Suarez, Co-chair Phone: (813) 431-2242 Email: [email protected]

Parish Picnic February 6, 2022 Everyone is invited to serve at our Annual Parish Picnic. Volunteers are needed the day of to prepare and serve food, set up/clean up, facilitate children’s games, raffle tickets, and more. All who help will still have time to enjoy the picnic with friends and family before or after their volunteer time. Contact: Mackenzie Stumpf Phone: (727) 733-0872 Email: [email protected]

Parish Life

Saints and Sinners Ball February 26, 2022

The Annual Saints and Sinners Ball is a pre-Lenten gala benefit for Our Lady of Lourdes School. Held in the Conmy Center, the event includes a wide variety of patrons enjoying the finer things in life: delectable food, including a seafood bar, games, top shelf bar, and the swanky sounds of a live band, all in a richly decorated and theme-inspired atmosphere. There are numerous opportunities to volunteer before, after and during the event. Contact: Christy Harrison Phone: (813) 833-5936 Email: [email protected]



Safe Environment Program

Safe Environment Training and Level II Fingerprinting Background Screening are mandated by the Diocese of St. Petersburg for all parish and school staff, volunteers, and clergy whose work brings them in contact with children, youth and vulnerable adults. Our parish and school have an obligation to safeguard the health and well-being of everyone.

Finance Council

In accordance with Canon Law, a Finance Council is mandatory in each parish to assist, counsel and advise the Pastor in the overall fiscal operations of the parish. The Council consists of Pastor, School Principal and a cross section of parishioners.

Contact: Tanya Yunes-Pichardo Phone: 733-3606 Email: [email protected] Chairperson: Keith Segrue

Legacy Council

The Our Lady of Lourdes Legacy Council is a subcommittee of the Stewardship Council. The Legacy Council exists to educate parishioners about the life-planning opportunities for becoming good stewards of the gifts God has given them; to promote and inspire interest in contributing to the future growth of our parish community through a variety of planned gifts; and to recognize and honor those who have made legacy gifts to the parish.

Contact: Frank Massotto, Co-chair Phone: (727) 698-4066 Email: [email protected]

Contact: Kathy Cormier, Co-chair Phone: (727) 415-6835 Email: [email protected]

Newcomer Welcome and Registration The Newcomer Welcome and Registration serves as an outreach to welcome new members to our parish faith family and strives to make each new member feel the warmth and friendship of our community upon entering the doors of our church. The gatherings are held monthly following the 9:30am Sunday Mass.

Contact: Angel Chiariello Phone: (727) 278-4797 Email: [email protected]




The Conmy Center is a multipurpose facility that serves as a gymnasium to our school and a venue for special events and theatrical productions. The Conmy Center is also available to rent for private functions and meetings. All proceeds from the Conmy Center benefit our parish. We can accommodate intimate events from 20 people to lavish weddings up to 400. We have a net-work of vendors including caterers, specialty linens, photographers, and DJs - whatever it takes to make your event memorable and unforgettable. Our expert staff is available to assist in planning.

Event Coordinator: Doreen E. Saccardo

Phone (call or text):

(727) 409-2650

Email: eventcoordinator


Website: www.ConmyCenter.com

The Father Thomas Conmy Center


Ministry / Event Contact Email Phone Page

40 Hours of Exposition Lisa Porthouse [email protected] (727) 733-3606 18

Altar Servers Lisa Porthouse [email protected] (727) 733-3606 16

Breakfast Café Doreen Saccardo [email protected] (727) 733-3606 23

Audio/Video John Oreskovich [email protected] (727) 733-3606 16

~ Life Teen Eric Hoegstrom [email protected] 16

Boy Scout Troop 422 Daniel Rush [email protected] (727) 871-2120 14

Christmas Giving Tree Pat Emrick (727) 733-3887 20

Julio & Mary Lourdes Haedo [email protected] (727) 734-1971 20

Church Keepers Lisa Porthouse [email protected] (727) 733-3606 16

Circle of Joy Maria Smetana [email protected] 18

Communion to the Sick Theresa Tinkle [email protected] (727) 733-3606 16

Conmy Center Doreen E. Saccardo [email protected] (727) 409-2650 27

Cornerstone Scripture Study Mary Scott [email protected] (727) 791-3240 15

Cub Scout Family Pack 422 Bill Badman [email protected] (813) 601-1954 14

EDGE Mackenzie Stumpf [email protected] (727) 733-0872 13

Environment Committee Lisa Porthouse [email protected] (727) 733-3606 16

Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament Lisa Porthouse [email protected] (727) 733-3606 18

Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion Ellen Ficarrotta [email protected] (727) 784-2489 16

Faith Community Nursing Mary Kibbey [email protected] (727) 733-3606 20

Faith Formation Mackenzie Stumpf [email protected] (727) 733-0872 12

Fall Festival Katie Sellers [email protected] (727) 365-5252 23

Lisa Suarez [email protected] (813) 431-2242 23

Finance Council Tanya Yunez-Pichardo [email protected] (727) 733-3606 24

Flower Ministry Josephine DePresca [email protected] (727) 415-8379 16

Gift Bearers Kathy Bolton [email protected] (727) 784-5755 17

Greeters Pam Popson [email protected] (727) 787-1249 17

Grief Recovery Shirley Celidonio [email protected] 20

Jesus Salvador Hispanic Ministry Julio and Mary Haedo [email protected] (727) 734-1971 18

Kimberly Home Pregnancy Resource Center Kate Kelly [email protected] (727) 443-0471 20

Knights of Columbus - JFK Council #5635 Steve Beaty [email protected] (727) 580-5858 21



Ministry / Event Contact Email Phone Page

Knights of Columbus - 4th Degree #1706 Jim Hobbie [email protected] (727) 736-1574 21

Ladies Auxiliary Michelle Victorine [email protected] (941) 725-7874 21

Legacy Council Frank Massotto [email protected] (727) 698-4066 24

Kathy Cormier [email protected] (727) 415-6835 24

Lend A Hand Antje and Dennis Anderson [email protected] (727) 656-9741 21

Life Teen Mackenzie Stumpf [email protected] (727) 733-0872 13

Men’s Al-Anon Buzz [email protected] (727) 218-3996 21

Ministry of Consolation Bob and Aylie Boitmann [email protected] (727) 754-5401 19

Music Ministry John Oreskovich [email protected] (727) 733-3606 17

Newcomer Welcome & Registration Angel Chiariello [email protected] (727) 278-4797 24

Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic School Robert Yevich [email protected] (727) 733-3776 10

OLL Young Adults Father Jonathan [email protected] (727) 733-3606 13

Parish Mission Council Father Gary [email protected] (727) 733-3606 22

~ Youth Mission Artie Donner [email protected] (727) 265-0889 22

Parish Picnic Mackenzie Stumpf [email protected] (727) 733-0872 23

Pinellas Hope: Mary Kibbey [email protected] (727) 733-3606 22

RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults) Fr. Jonathan [email protected] (727) 733-3606 14

Readers Chan Tinkle [email protected] (312) 519-6520 17

Respect Life Dan Pepin [email protected] (231) 675-3384 22

Saints and Sinners Ball Christy Harrison [email protected] (813) 833-5936 23

St. Vincent de Paul Society Joan [email protected] (727) 252-0361 22

That Man is You Paul Foisy [email protected] (727) 871-9972 15

Traveling Chalice ~ 5pm Vigil Mass Veronica Keith [email protected] (727) 738-4798 17

~ 7:30am Mass Mary Vendetti (727) 365-5365 17

~ 9:30am Mass Lisa Porthouse [email protected] (727) 733-3606 17

~ 11:30am Mass Sheila Burbine [email protected] (727) 298-8548 17

~ 5pm Mass Lisa Porthouse [email protected] (727) 733-3606 17

Ushers Lisa Porthouse [email protected] (727) 733-3606 17

Vacation Bible School Mackenzie Stumpf [email protected] (727) 733-0872 12

Walking With Purpose Angel Chiariello [email protected] (727) 278-4797 15