Dying languages.docx

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  • 8/11/2019 Dying languages.docx


    A) These are all words taken from the text you are going to read. Can you predict what the

    text will be about? Write a short paragraph trying to include all the words.

    ancient - colonization culture - evolution - extinct globalization knowledge

    language persecution - record (v) revival - UNESCO

    Now read the text and compare it to your prediction.

    B) Read the text again and choose the best title for the article.

    Con formato de ttulo de diario




    English Kills Languages


    Dying Languages

    Texto con formato de noticia de diario

    According to UNESCO there are about 6500 languages in the world today, and linguists

    predictthat by the end of the century only half of them will be spoken. The rest will have


    Subtitle 1.

    A language becomes extinctwhen the last speaker of that language dies. This happens for

    many reasons, but gradually adults do not teach their language to children, so only grown-

    upsspeak it. As time goes by, only older people know the language and eventually there is

    one last speaker. That is the case of Yaghan, a language that was spoken in Tierra del

    Fuego - the southernmostinhabited land of the planet- where from 2005 there is only one

    woman left who speaks it.

    Subtitle 2

    For some people, language lossis another facetof evolution, where the fittest language

    survives. In fact, it is the most prestigiouslanguage the one that survives. Either because

    of parents decision or by political persecution, a language is no longer taught to younger

    generations. Colonialism in the past and technology as well as globalization today, invite

    us to use only a few dominant languages.

    Subtitle 3

    For some other people, language loss is loss of ancientknowledge. Most dying languages

    have only an oral form, which means that when no one speaks it anymore, there will be no

    records of those peoples culture. Mistakenly thought, a language is not only about words

    and grammar. A language is the toolby which people have interpretedlife and beliefs,

    have explained science (zoology, medicine, geography, etc) and have created art.

  • 8/11/2019 Dying languages.docx


  • 8/11/2019 Dying languages.docx


    i) tool: device, instrument, weapon

    j) interpreted: deciphered, explained,understood

    k) record: copy, document, file

    l) implement: achieve, carry out, resolve


    sponsoring: advertising, announcing, supporting




    F) Grammar a decidir: Paragraph organization? Linkers? Tense? Which one?

    G) Two paragraphs in the text present opposing views: those who think language loss is

    part of evolution, and those who think languages should be saved. Which one do you

    support? Are you in favour or against efforts to saving a language with very few

    speakers? Explain why.


    Do a Google search and investigate about one of the endangered languages: where it is

    spoken, how many people speak it, whether it is being documented, etc. Make a very

    short oral presentation.

    I) Investigate about the dying languages in your own country. How many are there? Are

    there any efforts made to revive it?




