Dying for a bargain evaluation

DYING FOR A BARGAIN. Analysis of a documentary.

Transcript of Dying for a bargain evaluation

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Analysis of a documentary.

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Type of Documentary: This documentary is an Mixed

documentary as it includes; archive footage, interviews, and narration.

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Themes within the documentary: The themes within this documentary are

how cheap clothing is produced and the risks involved for the workers that create cheap clothing.

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Narrative Structure:

Beginning: At the start of the documentary we find out about the clothing industry and what risks and working conditions the works are in.

Middle: During the middle of the documentary we see what the Uks priorities are when it comes to the conditions of how clothes are produced in Bangladeshi.

End: Towards the end of the documentary we see how the Uk retailers react to the conditions that there clothes are being produced in.

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Camera Work:

Medium close ups are used for interview footage.

There are parts of this documentary which are filmed in handheld when they are filming undercover.

A tilt shot is used at the start of the documentary showing a collapsed building that clothing was being produced in.

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All of the interviews take place in relevent locations during this documentary.

At the start of the documentary the narrator is talking to the camera and behind there is the high street.

The interviews that take place on this documentary are recorded near when the locals work and the factories that they work in.

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Narration is used thoughout this documentary.

Simple non-diegetic music is used as background noise during the intro sequence as well during montages of clips of the high street.

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Simple cuts are used though out this documetnary.

A montage is included at the start with clips of people shopping and walking down the high street to set the theme of the documentary, A clip is also sped up during the montage to show the amount of people that shop.

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Archive Material: Archive material of clothing adverts is

used to show how the UK companies market the clothes that are produced in 3rd world countries.

Also archive footage of one of the building on fire is used to show the devastation caused by poor working conditions and the risks involved.

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Simple plain white graphics are used during the title screen.

Subtitles are also used (White text, on black background) when foreign people are speaking so the audience can understand what the are saying.