Dundas Museum & Archives Your Community...

It’s that me of year again! On the dark and stormy night of January 25, 1759, a poet was born in a lile cro in Alloway, Scotland. Over 250 years later, Robert Burns is sll one of the best known and celebrated poets of all me. Along with the many celebraons that are associated with his name, the Dundas Museum has added one more: Scotch tasng! Join us on Thursday, January 21 at 7pm for our third annual event featuring five flavours of the finest whiskeys, a tradional piping in of the Haggis, Scosh fiddle music, and poetry reading of Burns’ work! Tickets are $50.00 for Friend of the Museum or $60.00 for others. Call us at 905-627-7412 for more informaon. JANUARY 2016 Till a’ the Scotch Gang DryRobbie Burns Scotch Tasting Returns! Robbie Burns Scotch Tasting Returns! Robbie Burns Scotch Tasting Returns! Robbie Burns Scotch Tasting Returns! Dundas Museum & Archives Your Community Museum CONNECT WITH US ONLINE! Treasures from the Vault: 60 years of Treasures from the Vault: 60 years of Treasures from the Vault: 60 years of Treasures from the Vault: 60 years of Collecting at the Dundas Museum and Archives Collecting at the Dundas Museum and Archives Collecting at the Dundas Museum and Archives Collecting at the Dundas Museum and Archives The year 2016 marks the 60th Anniversary of the Dundas Museum and Archives! To commemorate this milestone, the Muse- um’s spring exhibion will highlight 60 unique and significant pieces from the col- lecon. Since opening in 1956, the Museum has collected over 16,000 arfacts— everything from tools to toys—and over 30 meters of archival materials that include historical records such as leers, diaries and photographs. Treasures from the Vault is expected to run from March 19, 2016 to June 4, 2016 Educaon Campaign Funds raised so far: $16,710 Thank You! See our back page for more informaon.

Transcript of Dundas Museum & Archives Your Community...

Page 1: Dundas Museum & Archives Your Community Museumdundasmuseum.ca/wp-content/uploads/2014/02/2016-Winter-Newsletter-Web.pdfChristmas Carol scavenger hunt to our visitors. ... Fashion,

It’s that �me of year again! On the dark and

stormy night of January 25, 1759, a poet was

born in a li"le cro$ in Alloway, Scotland. Over

250 years later, Robert Burns is s�ll one of the

best known and celebrated poets of all �me.

Along with the many celebra�ons that are

associated with his name, the Dundas

Museum has added one more: Scotch tas�ng!

Join us on Thursday, January 21 at 7pm for

our third annual event featuring five flavours of the finest

whiskeys, a tradi�onal piping in of the Haggis, Sco2sh fiddle

music, and poetry reading of Burns’ work!

Tickets are $50.00 for Friend of the Museum or $60.00 for

others. Call us at 905-627-7412 for more informa�on.

J A N U A R Y 2 0 1 6

““““Till a’ the Scotch Gang Dry” ” ” ”

Robbie Burns Scotch Tasting Returns!Robbie Burns Scotch Tasting Returns!Robbie Burns Scotch Tasting Returns!Robbie Burns Scotch Tasting Returns!

Dundas Museum & Archives

Your Community Museum




Treasures from the Vault: 60 years of Treasures from the Vault: 60 years of Treasures from the Vault: 60 years of Treasures from the Vault: 60 years of

Collecting at the Dundas Museum and ArchivesCollecting at the Dundas Museum and ArchivesCollecting at the Dundas Museum and ArchivesCollecting at the Dundas Museum and Archives

The year 2016 marks the 60th Anniversary

of the Dundas Museum and Archives! To

commemorate this milestone, the Muse-

um’s spring exhibi�on will highlight 60

unique and significant pieces from the col-

lec�on. Since opening in 1956, the Museum

has collected over 16,000 ar�facts—

everything from tools to toys—and over 30

meters of archival materials that include

historical records such as le"ers, diaries and


Treasures from the Vault is expected to run

from March 19, 2016 to June 4, 2016

Educa�on Campaign

Funds raised so far:


Thank You!

See our back page for

more informa�on.

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P a g e 2

The success of the DMA’s Made In Dundas Christmas event this year would not

have been possible without the help of our dedicated volunteers. Thanks to

their commitment and efforts, we were able to offer exci�ng ac�vi�es like

pictures with Father Christmas, cookie decora�ng, ornament making, and A

Christmas Carol scavenger hunt to our visitors.

More than 225 people enjoyed this annual event, nearly 100 more than last

year! We featured local entertainer Andy

Griffiths, and author Kerry McNamara was on

hand to promote the Museum’s new book,

Historical Dundas, a collec�on that brings

history to life with more than 50 stories and

images of the Valley Town’s past!

We hope to see you again at our next event!

Are you

interested in

helping at the


If you would

like to


please call


Or contact



Lori Scapinello



for more


Made In Dundas Christmas:Made In Dundas Christmas:Made In Dundas Christmas:Made In Dundas Christmas:

Even Scrooge would approve!Even Scrooge would approve!Even Scrooge would approve!Even Scrooge would approve!

Voices of DundasVoices of DundasVoices of DundasVoices of Dundas

Celebrate the people, places, and

stories of Dundas by par�cipa�ng in

the Voices of Dundas Oral History

Project! If you, or someone you

know, have a story or memory about

our town to share, please get in


To learn about this project visit


or please contact

[email protected]

A Dundas Bestseller!

Only $20!

Get yours today!

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Rick McKenzie, Rob Robichaud, Rolph King

Water Drops to Waterfalls

Rick, Rob, and Rolph (the 3 Rs), came together several years ago

through a mutual desire to photograph the natural elements of

the Niagara Escarpment. The waterfalls in Ancaster, Dundas, and

Hamilton have been of specific interest. Through displaying and

discussing their work at different venues, they discovered that

many people of the region were either unaware of or had rarely

seen the majesty of the City of Waterfalls.

The works are mostly based upon views of the landscape,

concentra*ng especially on the many creeks, shorelines, and

waterfalls of the area. A great number of the images show moving

water and how it has affected the environment through which it

flows. In addi*on, some of the work deals with how the smallest

form of water, the water drop, interacts with other drops or a pool

of water. Although not visible in the field, these interac*ons are

occurring in every waterfall.

Through photographic images, the ar*sts want to share some of

the uniqueness of the world that is present in the everyday scenes

that many of us take for granted or never see. In each case, they

hope to leave the viewer with a feeling that she or he is seeing the

familiar for the first *me.

Water Drops to Waterfalls will be on display star*ng January 12,


Did you know?

The Museum has a surprisingly large collec*on of

an*quarian books! They range from the Bain

sisters’ school book collec*on to religious tracts to

novels to children’s story books. They all give a

fascina*ng glimpse into what our ancestors were


Thanks must go to our wonderful volunteer,

Samantha Thompson, who has been cataloguing

these gems. You can find out more about our

collec*on by visi*ng the Museum’s site on

LibraryThing at: librarything.com/catalog/

DundasMuseum. This book aided in the construc�on of Dundas buildings, including some on King Street. It is part of the Museum’s an�quarian book collec�on.

Page 4: Dundas Museum & Archives Your Community Museumdundasmuseum.ca/wp-content/uploads/2014/02/2016-Winter-Newsletter-Web.pdfChristmas Carol scavenger hunt to our visitors. ... Fashion,

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Family Day Holiday Activities!

For the third year in a row the Dundas Museum and Archives will present Family Day ac*vi*es on

Monday, February 15, 2016 from 11-3pm.

Bring the family out to the Museum to enjoy a day of fossil fun hosted by the Giant’s Rib

Escarpment and Educa*on Network at the Dundas Museum and Archives! Ac*vi*es will include

fossil replica*on and fossil examina*on, and fun fossil


Family Day is also Fashion Day as the Museum presents the

last day of our Silhoue#es in Time exhibit!

Visitors can dress up in historical costumes as well as

design their own fancy ou?it to match those on display!

This event is free, and, as always, dona*ons are welcome.

Silhouettes in Time:

Timing Out

It’s been an incredible few months with our latest

exhibi*on in the Feature gallery, and we’re sad to see it

go. But historical fashion won’t be gone forever!

Collec*ons Manager, Sandu Sindile, already has plans to

con*nue the theme in two years with the temporal

con*nua*on of the exhibi*on. The next *me around, the

Museum will showcase collec*on items from the late

19th and early 20th century.

We hope with this last exhibit, the people of Dundas

have seen not only what their predecessors dressed like

in the 18th and 19th centuries, but have come to

appreciate these items of clothing for what they are:

pieces of art.

The last days to view this fantas*c exhibi*on will be

Saturday, February 13, 2016, and Monday, February 15,

which is the Family Day holiday.

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From the DMA Classroom: Thinking Historically!From the DMA Classroom: Thinking Historically!From the DMA Classroom: Thinking Historically!From the DMA Classroom: Thinking Historically!

Did you know that there’s a direct cause-effect link

between the inven�on of the co�on gin by Eli

Whitney in 1794 and the Confedera�on of Canada by

Sir John A. and the Fathers in

1867? Sorry – I’m not going to

explain it here. That would short-

circuit your historical thinking!

But it’s just one of the many

fascina�ng explora�ons in DMA

Educa�on’s new program:

Silhouees In Time: 19th


Fashion in Dundas. This is DMA

Educa�on’s first program for

secondary school, intended for

the Grade 11 Social Science course, Understanding

Fashion, and designed to exploit the current display of

Victorian fashion at the Museum.

An important focus of the OMA (Ontario Museum

Associa�on) course in Museum Educa�on that I

enjoyed in Trenton in October was historical thinking.

This is a theme that permeates Ontario Curriculum

Policy documents in Social Studies and History and is

already proving to be a significant influence as I re-

view and revise our current programming.

A�ending to the concepts associated with historical

thinking engages the student with the “stuff” of the

Museum in a way that’s meaningful. This is what is

meant by interpreta�on. It’s much more than just

providing informa�on about, for example, The

Desjardins Canal (grade 6) or The Incorpora�on of the

Centennial Exhibit: Picone’s Centennial Exhibit: Picone’s Centennial Exhibit: Picone’s Centennial Exhibit: Picone’s

Food MarketFood MarketFood MarketFood Market

The DMA is proud to present an exhibit of ar�facts and

photographs celebra�ng 100 years of Picone’s Food Market in

Dundas. Joseph Picone Sr. received his peddler’s permit on April

12, 1915. Curated by the DMA’s Director of Educa�on, Dr. John

Picone, the display includes a copy of this permit, historical

family photographs, Joe’s passport, as well as his first driver’s

license from 1918, the year he bought the store’s current

loca�on. You can also see the old pot belly stove that heated the

first store as well as the basket used by Joe when he went about

the Valley Town selling produce door to door.

Town of Dundas (grade 8). Most importantly,

it invites students to formulate intelligent

ques�ons. And that’s exci�ng! You can read more

about this on the DMA website

under Educa�on Programs.

I had the privilege of par�cipa�ng

in a most energizing professional

development in-service session at

the Hamilton Wentworth District

School Board. It was intended for

secondary teachers in Canadian

and World Studies. We explored

pedagogical approaches

centering on inquiry, and the

moral impera�ve of developing young people into

cri�cal thinkers. It was a most invigora�ng �me!

Although a li�le late in geHng off the ground,

school bookings started in the middle of November

once the elementary teachers’ contract was

se�led. In one month, DMA Educa�on hosted

almost 300 students! I’ve also had the opportunity

to address teachers at several staff mee�ngs to

encourage them to visit their other classroom on

Park Street.

On the horizon… more programs for secondary

students in history and English. Maybe even a

wri�ng contest! Wishing everyone a Peaceful 2016,

Dr. John Picone

Director of Educa�on

This model is wearing a very fashionable

bicycle helmet. Really! Can you find it?

Joe Picone's two surviving sons, Len on the leO

and John Sr. in front of the display. John holds

the basket used by his dad a hundred years ago.

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Board of Directors

Clare Crozier President & Board Chair

Kerry McNamara, Vice Chair & Secretary

Ron Simpson, Treasurer

Tom Bontje

Peter Cur�s

Keith Green

Russ Powers

Dorothy Richardson

Arlene VanderBeek


Kevin Puddister, Curator

Sandu Sindile, Collec�ons


Sandra Kiemele, Archivist

John Picone, Director of


Devin Bateson, Oral History

Program Coordinator

Esther Brouwer, Museum


Shawna Bu*s, Collec�ons


Rebecca Hicks & Claudia

Palermo Museum



Tues, Wed, Fri: 10am - 4:30pm

Thurs: 10am - 8pm

Sat: 1pm - 4pm

Sun & Mon: Closed

Admission is Free.

Donations Welcome.

[email protected] @DundasMuseum /DundasMuseum dundasmuseum

A Celebration of Art, Artifacts, and Flowers Chase away the winter chill with beau�ful floral displays and great art as the Dundas Valley School of Art,

the Carnegie Gallery and the Dundas Museum & Archives join forces to present the inaugural Winter

Blooms event, January 28 - 31, 2016. Winter Blooms will feature exhibits of original artworks and precious

ar�facts, accompanied by fresh floral arrangements that take their inspira�on from their paired work of art.

Best of all, admission to the exhibits at all three loca�ons is free.

Education Fundraising Campaign Education Fundraising Campaign Education Fundraising Campaign Education Fundraising Campaign Hello Friends! We enter the new year with a great opportunity to ensure the con�nua�on of high quality

educa�on programming at the Dundas Museum and Archives for years to come. As we announced late last

year, a couple, who are long-�me Friends of the Museum, announced they were prepared to make a

$25,000 giO to the Museum. These funds will be specifically allocated to ensure the long-term sustainability

of the Museum’s successful educa�on program. To receive this wonderful giO we must secure matching

funds, a common prac�ce in today's not-for-profit world – essen�ally doubling your dona�on!

As you consider your giOing and tax planning this year, we ask you to support the Dundas Museum and

Archives in reaching our $25,000 fundraising goal, which when matched by our generous Friends, will equal

an astounding $50,000! This is an opportunity we cannot afford to miss. Dona�ons of any size are gratefully

received and income tax receipts will be issued for all giOs of $20.00 or more. For more informa�on on this

important campaign, please contact me at the Museum any �me.

Kevin Puddister, Curator