DUMB » Stoves, Reaters, Ranges, Lots Nos. Springlike, aud ... · FrM-bnrnlng Coals, all RlzeA and...

TO . .. ?.'• . H O U SE K E E PE R S ard Maps ct al,. to William HenryDal- In Long Branch Cemetery; 810. EJrtttckcrlioff to Emeliue Lantbeeref—lot BeryChajr: .. - '.J ■_ . ... ;•■■■ -■ ■. •— ■ - ■ - . V i' J-V, - r NEW JERSEY, MAY 1887 A SBU RY PA RK , No. '20 VOL X IT PEOIAJj MASTER’S SALE OR -Keal Estate Conveyances. Ira t dstatt m oim im t (Svtto ROBERT T. GRAVATT, D U M B » A. W, HETRICK, M. D. . Homceopathlq Phyalolan and Surgeon. Con Coaktnan & Bangs am , Asbury Park, N. J. Honrft: until 10a. m.,Bindqftor4 p.m. JJ S. KINMONTH, M. D.r Conier Grand and Asbury Avenues, Office Hours-MTto 9 a. m ., 1 to 2 p. m., 6 to 8 p. m. T\R» BRUCE S. kEATOJL **“■ ' XJ HoroceopatbioFhyeioianand 8 nrgeon., Graduate of both Bohoola. , , Cot. Aabnry avenue and Bergh street. Hoars—Until 9 a/mT, 7 to 9 p.m. lephotr ■Telephone connectiona. JU GRISWOLD, M; D.j* r Homoeopathic Physician and Surgeon, < 512 Cookman avenue, near Grand avenue, t . Aabnry Park, N. J. Offioe Honrs—Until 10 a. m. From C to 8 p. m. "A "' F* PAWIjKY* ; *■*; ;v; ■ '!* :. eJ :■ »E tm sT , ;.._■ . .... 615 Bangs aye,,r ' Asbur y Park.N ; J. J)R. 8 . T\ SEOCUM, ' ' . * : - DENTI 8'B,f . . « . Offioto-304 Main St., opposite Railroad Station, Gas administered. ^ ; ; Asbtary Park, N. J. A. B7 BUfcTON.D, / L; Ct. BURTON, »• ». 8. Rafdettt Beatliti, G27Mattlson ayefiue/cornerBond street, Asbury Park, N. J. Office BOore: 9 a . m. to 5 p. m. Gas administered: Appointments made by tele- pboneprbymaiL . .-. 1 .; :*' :. . Stoves, Reaters, Ranges, — T IN W A R E , A c...7 .. Oookman av., nearBond et., ASBURY PARK, N. J. ‘ ' TIR lOBFIMi U U in , MTTIRt, AO. 60PPIR, TlR ARD RHUT I U I WORI OF All AIRDR. ■igF'FInrttolasa work at Tow rates. LIPPINCOTT, T A I L O IR> 727 Oookroan. A ve. - G rerits’ F u rn ish in g s. TRENTON STEAM DYEIN6 WORKS, . ESTABLISHED 1849. 1 Ladfto* dresses dyed In all the newest shades. Feathers dyed to all colors. Gentlemen’s cloth- ing cleaned, dyed and pressed^ equal to now. • Agent for ASburvPark. T , N. BBYMOUIi. P .P . B. - *- *• \ SZQffXCBIP, Office 45 Cookman avenhe, near Emory street. Mechanical work a specialty. . Difficult operations solicited. T? L it BRI8TOL, M, D., * aj , PhiTsiclaaand Surgeon • __ Comer of Bond street and Fifth avenue. Winter office-119 E. 40th St.. New York. Jy9. HAWKIK8..- - - 5 • i * DURAND. Attorneys-at-Law, Bollcitors"«" Masters inChan- - eery. Mikado Building, Cookman Ay., ... ABbnry Park, JT;..., v" JBAAC C. KENNEDY, ; , v_ , .i Attorney-afe-Law, Solicitor,'Master in Chancery jjftnd Notary Publio. Special attention given to examination of Titles, Offioe in Cook’s Building, . m 1 Asbury Park, New Jersey. A LFRED D. BAILEY, V A Attomey-at-Law, Solicitor and Master in , Chancery and Notary Public. . . .Special attention given to couootion of claims. - Offioe In Mikado Building, Asbujry Parkw OHH.TON ROBBIH8. AOTOh o. BABTSnoaKK. T>OBBIN8 & HARTSHORNB, J-1* AttomoyS and ConnHelors-at-Law, Offices between the Post Offioe and First Nation- al Bank, Main $t.t Freehold, N. J.. Law btxsiness transacted in all its branches. \AV1D HARVEY, Jr., Attornoy-at-Law, Solicitor, Master and E)tatntqer Irt.nTmnnanr. Ma4 ow PnLlln ' in Chancery, Notary Public. * Asbury ParkrN. J. Q.konon w. mxAH, .^..Attoroey-aWAW and Solicitor In Chancery, ' ** Address P. O. Box 10M, AflbnryuPark. N. J. j ' . WM. B, DOUGLAS, Aokkt. OUhe firm of Ddnglas A Enhn, sil Broad street, Newark, N. J. w. a. vnsoKHBpnoH. trxpxbick xarsxr. t VREDENBURGH A PARKER, . Counselors and Attorneys-at-Law, '■ : Freehold, N. Ji pRANK V..BODINE, MIKADO RUDLDJNOr' ...... " P. O. Box 294. ASBURY PARK, N. J. . H; B. JOHNSON, Practical Watchmaker, Dealer In Fine Watches,jJcwelry, Spectacles AC. Watches and Jewelry repaired at City Prices. Main street, near Goofanan avenue, ASBftRY PAEK, S. J. ~ W . E . D E N IS E , ' • jjeaitf-te-'- PURE ALDERNEY MILK AND CREAM, lWTTKIt AKD JROUS. Sewall Ave. bet. Bond and Emory Sts. Prompt servloe and trrtme flrooajr.-' CQOK HOWLAND, Architect & Buildqr: building plana executed and all work promptly done. Office In Cook’s Building,- Main street and Cookman avenue. Asbury Fork. , HAMPTON COTTAGE;' -Bond St. near Matt Ison Ave., * . ASBURY RARE. JOHN W. SUTPHEN, Corrlago work In all Itsbnujohoe. CARRIAGE PAINTING AND TRIRIMIN6 In the finest stylo of decorative art, • ' Main street and First averiue, ' ABBOIiY PARK. MRS. S. W. ET«HELLS, Fashionable Dressmaker, Plain and fancy stitching on aU kinds or Work^ The patronage or the ladles ofPark and Grove so- CHARLES PITCH ER. Successor to Wm. Miller, HARNESS MAKER, 206 Vain>t„ opp. It. It. Depot, Atbftry Park. A Mil supply ot Bobos, Whips, DnstonfrBlonli- mkfl, Bi —[traps# ..— A caiy a solicited. eta, Trunkal Dags,' Bag, Straps^Trirak Straps, Shawl Straps. Ropalrlng promptly attended to. P B U T T S , COWpKCTIONERTi Nut* or oil kinda* Florida Onmgefy i'a- tiortclf— *------ " ----------- ' t a w b r i »Jf»d M alaga tirspei, and luxuries of many'desorlptlons, cab ba found ' ........ at the new atore of *. WA8HINOTOIi WHITE, S3 MAIN-8TI1EKT. A8 BOTIY PABK NOTICE! - ^ Asbujit Paub, J a n . ST7,1 hereby authorizo Jamcfl-HrSMcton tq'take^ go^of .aU bpdfe^. whero ppforiora’ servicoaT needed, lri my ahsonco; , > WILL T. .VAN WOBRT. Coroner. tbe most peVfect Forde FeedFert latence. ^ndflifB and Grtet for catalogue, UflW .MILLS, - - # - ^hrMhlng ror catalogue. C IDER H ILL Ja»| aS ix a catalogue. _• ; A. p T l P A A M , ^ —• lOIUiiUO. . PeunsvlvanlaAgrJcultural wotkk, York, Pa. ' HENRY DOREN, . i (Successor to fl. W. Read,) MERCHANT TAILOR, 718 OOOKMAN AVENUE. Suite made to order guaranteed to fit. Cleaning and Repairing. ' SAMUEL W. KIRKBRIDE, CONTRACTOR, Carpenter & Builder. Plans and specifications furnished.’ Jobbing promptly attended, to. Best of reference given. Bo^ldenoe—Firet avo,, bet Bond and Emory fits. . Shop and Office—Firet ave. and Main st. P. O. Box 748: ASBUKY PARK, Pianos, Organs, Organettes, OTHER MUSICAL npTRUJIENTa, ForSi(iUd Ti Bait. Cash paid as rent allowed If p AND ORGANS TUNED A ■chased. ■PIAN 08 DRBPAIKED, Cincinnati Tire and Burglar Proof Safes for sale for cash on monthly payments. Window Shades, Cornices, Wall Decorations Ac. Coft Mattison av. and Bond St., Asbury Park ; 335 Sea Vlew av., Ocean Qrove, N. J. -. F E R G U S O N ’S COAL, WOOD & CHARCOAL ought to suit you. QtTAXilTY.—I keep both H ard Lehigh and FrM -bnrnlng Coals, all RlzeA and of the Lots Nos. 20 aud 21 at North Springlike, Fronting-on BRIGHTON AVKNUK.'and t 7 f Within '300ft. of the Surf, wna. BE 801.11 AT A BABOAIN. The iots are caqli 58i fept front aud over 800 feet deep. They are situated In tho^nest partof thetown> almost direotly on the - ooean frpnt, sarrounded by handsomo residencoS’ and on the block odlacent to the large Hotel WDburton. Tbis la a chance for ono of the surest Invest- ments on tho coast, tho dnly roason f or Belling Is that tbe owner requires the money Th hla busl- noas.. Address ' • .' r ,... E. WniGIIT, or - a II. BBOWN, / Bnring Monmouth Co., N. J. C. BRAEUTIGAMv Beal Estate and Insurance, Established In 1883.. . Hotels, Boarding Houses and Cottages to Let, for Sale and Exchange. Office on Cookman aye. OPP. KINMONTH A CO.’S DRUG STORE, P. O. Box'lT. Near Main at., Asbury Park, N .J. Bargains in Real Estate LOTS AND IMPROVED PROP-... . ERTY AT NORTH SPRING LAKE. Improved Property and Lots at Point Pleasant .cheap tor cash. . Lota at Man basset for Shle or Exchange. 200 tdot. of Ray front, ftuitoWP tor a-Wh&rt. The. only.BayJviront in the market for Bale'ih thatc “ioin“ - ~u^ — • vtcmtty, WilLbe sold cheap. ‘ Lot £5x125 feet on Sixth avenue, negr the ocean, Asbury Park. » , . -r'-' .. -?.. " If,you want to bny or rent any property any- where along the coast ; v \ Apply to - R. M. WORTHINGTON, V . Cor. BcwftU av. and Emory «t., Afibpry Park. Or W. T. Strbbv;’Point Pleasant, w .J; . V W; U. Potter, Spring Lake, N .J.. Real Rstate, lusnrance and General Agent. Property Sold, Rented tr In- sured in Ocean Grove, Asbury jJPark, Loch.Arhour,. Ocean Park, — Key -Eastj - Ocean-’ Beach and “ SpringLake., . :N , • Policies written at lowest rates . in strongest companies. ' Money ; loaned on Mortgage security, '. Conveyancing,Contracts made, Etc -------r. . • ’ ' « . W .M A RTIN, 47 Pilgrim Pathway, Opp; Post Office, Ocean Grove, 1<. J. irev-unrutng vw m , uu ujiu lji im best quality obtainable. My Wood ta ' extra good and Is always perfectly dry. My O bareoal I have made . especially for my own trade." PBICEN—Tbe lowest poaaftble* I ’keillliefl nneqnaled in this town. Full weight and measure guaranteed. Y A R D : Main st„ opp. Ocean Grove School ' y ** ,• House. B rsnehlO fH peat Lemkau’s Grocery. Asbury. • Park ; Wainrlght AiErrlckspn, Ocean Grovo. Order at (ifllces, of drivers, ty telephone or by mall, addressed - ^ FERGUSON’S COAL YARD GROCERIES. WILLIAM BEAMES, Successor to J. Honry Applegate, FLOUR AND FEED. Mattison Avenue, near fiend Street,. A B B t^ Y PA B tg. WOOLLEY '&• REE1 > , Cookman Avenuo and Bond Street,. < ASBURY PABK, . . M . JWI. CRO SS IE, Successor to David Cartwright, Tar Paper, Sheathing Paper, Two and - Three-ply Roofing. Paper. P. 0. Box 809. A sbary P a rk , N. J . B. CBOWELL & CO. Now occupy'tijo new brick1 building of J. Honry - Applegate, on - Mattison Avenue, near Bond Street,, where they aro prepated to estimate bn.all kiuda OF FLUUBIH3, HAS A M AIU1UM They do none other than fltsi^cTass, ,work, and all plumbing will bo done after tho moet approved Banltary methods. . .' v^«pnlriiiK promptly attended to. J. A* BORDEN’S EMPORIUM, Mattison Avenue, Asbury Park, N. J. Would call attention to tho fact that his place la always closed on tno Sabbath, and therefore-' he has a right to ^expect patronage from those w ho beliovo In Sunday observance. offick gf JOHN A. BORDEN, JaaUca of^tha Pease and Katary Fablic, . .Rea l Estate aad Mnranceat ERRICKSON, -AND- Park, ■ New "We would respeotfnlly^ Inform the public that we Are now ip receipt of several car-loads of Fnrpiture direct from the. Western' Manufac- turers, .whichfraar made especially f 6 r .the Sea- side Trade. , - - Fueling oonfldeut that from 21 yeareV expert- enoe In tbe business that we oan furnish to our patrons this season Goods that for style, dura- bility and price cannot fail to please, as they have been bought with the greatest of caw and for Icasb. The following quotation will show how therwlll be Sold: Wjhite Wood'Suits “. Af|h Suits, 6 pieces, *lr ,0*”•. Antique Oak Suits, ,rom^Mo of uii grades, a« Tow as Uie lowest market price. THE LARilEST LINE OF CARPETS AND NEW JERSEY COAST, and prices the ‘lowest. „ Special attention given to the Making and Putting Up of Window Shades by an: Experienced Man. . We «nurant*reoUM MtWaottdn In Stoves and Tinware, English and American Crockery, Fancy and Domestic Glassware, Table -Cutlery, Sil- verware Abd everything In a House f urn|ablng Une. Contracts solUHted for-furnishing Hotels and Cottages oomplete. Please call and got eatl- mates before placing your orders. B I R D ’S inickBrDQcker i ASBURY PARK, OCEAN BEACH, SPRIHO LAKE AND NORTH SPRING LAKE. „ Porsons wishing, to Rodty Purchase .or Sell at the above placea, .or ownerq having cottageB to rent for season of 1880, and dealnng to blewo them ln rhy hantlB, will recolye sppclatflttontion, For-firrthnr particulars or'taaph, addreBS E. WRIGHT, Box 108, Aebury Park. Am^^-LCor-Chokman andSowall Avs., A.Parkr 1 0t II. Brown’s store, North Spring Lake. N. B.—I have , 9omo. cottages and lots for .sale cheap, easy terms; also-a number 6/ cottages .for ren t.. * • ' ii —‘L------ j--------— — ; NEW YORK BOOK -AND-^ (OOk'N fifilUHKQ, ^20 COOKMAN AVENUE, A satisfactory place to doal, where everything jold Is guaranteed to be the best In the market. - Asbury Park, N ..J. A COMPLETE 8T0CK OF Blank Book9, Stationery, Sohool Pads, ~ " ~i Phish Goods, Artists’Materials,i-r if , Tissue Paper and Novelties, '•* , Albums, Clooka ^nd.Brio-a-brao. rOPULAft pJBUCATIO»B;-a-:-,-:', Hurd’s Writing. Paper, ~ In* tints; “Foley’s Gold i . ;'‘;/' ^Penij4^_eaSlueLlbrfkry.&d. ,. y •-* ■U B S M: E. COLEMAN, 1 DRESS-MAKER. dlTTTtNa AND KTTIKO A SyXCUALTV. „ , The art of dotting and fittlngfaught. p COIt. BOND STREET: AND BANGS' AVENtlB, AsburY Park,II. J./ H. C. MlARRYOTT, Carpenter & Builder, ... Cor. Sewali A?»; aud Emory St., Lock Box 710, ' - ASBBBY PABI£( N. J. IL V. B0DINE, THE GROCER, R18 Cookmdn Ave., A 8 BURV i»AKK. Asbiu^-Park Printing: House. Newest doBlgna •of,typelates.t ^Improved ma- chinery ; flklUedAyoTkmeh.; ©very description of prlnthij; estimatesglvem Bpec^pre^umaftom the County Fair for fine printing, :v.s . ' M ARKET, (E>(abIU(iMl la S«w Yo»U 1SS1.) 629 CootmaiAve.,AsM ry ParL ,NJ. ONLY THE B e s t jlydCea/tg ABB BOLD. Finest Poultry. "• Smoked Meats. Superior Corned B eef Frdm Kolpoled^t^k, ArtM l^W ater qpd Pure .rifts'! PlokUng-Materials. Vegetables and,Fruits Freah Daily fromJKoQiiaouth County •y • •. .. •.- Farms. ___ eAKiEDdrEdmlaiint, ■ v.* DESSERT FRV1T8. ", PlfiJK PUDDINO.Ae. Telephone connections with Park and Grove. - JAMES H. BIRD. Carpet Cleaning. Carpet Cleaning. HOTELS, COTTAGES, Or PRIVATE HOUSES :, wUblhg Carpets pleanpd, can have 1 E X F E B )E N O E D M E N Id attdnd to It. 10 years experience In tho bnal- -v. •- — : v -■■■ ' •;peas. V ' • \> f CHARLES MITCHELL, Cwpet Cleaning Offioe, 1520 N. ISth'ST., PIIltA, Sea-Side Home, Boanliug SoliooKfor Young Ladioff and -• ' " Ohildrcn, ' r:- ABBVBT PABK. , ’ NEW JKBNET. f Eighth year opens Tuesday, Sept, ai; * 86, AddroBfl1" JULIA ROSS, Principal, : :[ ; '604 Asbury ave., Aspury Park, N ^J . BlanK leases, of Chancery of the State of* New Jersey, boaring' date the'fourteenth day.of Marob, A. D. 19B7, lu. ' AN tf HOTEL PROPRIETORS. a dau6e:d)f partition between 8 aHlo A. Wood, complainant, and Oharlos M. Wood et al,, defen- dants. tho subscriber, a Spoolal Master, will ex- pose at • "■ JA M ES ilToCREERY & CO; offer Spoolai lnducomonts to HousekoopOrs and Hotel pro- prietors In,the following l|nes . of Housekeeping Coods: v TABLE DAMASKS; .,60-QfcA) 66 oti., 76 ota., 86 Ota. and 81,00. V TABLE NAPKINS, $1, 81,25, $1,50, $1.75, $2,00 per doses. TOWGW ALL LINEW, $1, $1.26, $1.5b, $1.75, $2.pcr.doMn,- tOWEtlNCtf, 0 ets., 8 ct*., TO ct8., 12 H ots. per yard, CLASS TOWELINOS, ' _ 10 ctgi, 13H ota,, 15 ot.., 20 Otfl. por yard. ‘ BLANKETS, 81.26, 1.60, 81.76, *2.00 por pdr. ' BEB 8PREAD8,- ------ And eell to tho highest bidder, da Sahirday, .June 4, A. D. ’87 At;the Store of JamcH.O; Freeborn, In Ocean Beach, Monmouth County, Now Jersey, -Between the hours of IB and 5 o’clock In tho afternoon of said day, to wit: at 2 o’clock, all those certain lots of land'situate In tlie township of Wall, in the eounty of.Monmonth and State of Now Joraey, bounded and described as follows: Lots twelve hundred and thirteen, twelve hun^ dred and fourteen and twelve hundred and fifteen' $ office’ of the’ county of Monmouth aroresaid, bounded*, and described .'as follows: Together 85 centa, $1.00, $1.25, $1.60 eadj. t ^ UTIOA 8HEETINC8, 6-4 0-4 8-4 9-4 ^ . 1 0 - 4 .fronting or in width one hundred and fifty feet (150 ft.) on the northerly sldo of Seventh, avenue,, on said plan of.lots, pnd extending back from thence northerly the same width ono hundred and fifty feet, at a right angle to sold avenue, by and between lots twelve hundred and twelve on the east side thereof, and lot number twelve hun- dned and Rixteen on the westerly'side thereof, about one hundred mul fifty feet.Jie Jho aaraQ- -more-tfr-1 ewe to the kdutiicrly.il no of Bouth Lake avenue bn said plan of lots. Also certain other lots of land, rturabers fifteen hundred, and fifteen hundred and. ono (1500 and 1501) altuato on tho southerly rtdo of Eighth avenue, on the aforesaid '14 ota., KPcts,. 21 ots.f ' 23 cta>, 25 eta. - together with- on extensive vnrloty of finer qiialltlea, In- cluding new and elegant de- signs In fine' Table Cloths, Napkins, Lunch Cloths, etc. . They also offer In their" UPHOLSTERY DEPARTMENT ,- LACE CURTAINS, SI.60, $ 2 . OO, 03 , 00 per pair and upward. COLORED MADRAS CURTAINS, $ 6 , *0. S7.BO per pair aid ap 5 by the yard, 40a,, BOo., 60o., 75o. per yard aad ppw'ard. PORTIERES, 80.OO, *7.00, *10.00 per pair aad aprrard. . ~ SILK PLUSHES, 244aoh, *1.76, *2-60, *3.80 per yard. SILK BROCATELLES, 62-lanh, *4.00. *7.80 (urd 00.00 por yard. Hollnnd Window Shades, all sliesand colors, Stlp Coverings, and Cretonnes; Ac., Ac. __________ Id avenue, and cxtendlngback Tfom thence southerly the same width one bun-, dred feet at a right anglo to said. Eighth avenue, by and between the rear lino of lota numbers thirty one, thirty-two and tiilrty-three on tho easterly side thereof, and lot number fltteen hun- dred and two, on the westerly eido thereof, ono hundred and fifty feet to tho rear lino of lots number Blxtecn hundred, and Sixteen hundred and one on the aforesaid plan of lots. - Being tho Orcfer8 bylftail or Express fttm any part of tho country will receive careful and prompt attention,. N * Broadway and’ 11th St., New York. Oliver H. Brown’s H0USEFURNISH1N6 * EMPORIUM SPB1SG UB.S. J. CREATLl ENLARGED, NEWLfSTOCKED, “ ENTIRELYRE-ARRANGED. The Finest Stock of Honsefurnishing Goods to bo found on tlio Wew Jersoy Coast. "Newest Designs In Fu rniture. ANTIQLFE OAR-"*. ■* i ' • ' It Bedroom Suits, Side. Boards,. Chairs, Tablas, Etc. .■ f S ' Carpets: Mattings, E e o 'd 'a w Bod ^BEDDING^ a Silverware; Lamps, Stoves, ' All the Novelties In ' French, Bohemian and Do- - . - mestic Glass.. Foreign and Domesth) Cliina : r and Table WaTe. Goods delivered in Asbnry Park and Ocean: Grove. - . ' TO SHINGLES. Having purchased B, largo lot of Ha^gor, Pa.. SKd ATACdBtriotly made, frqm on crl>eu-*-norfaotter: mttdo ln BatiKOt yATlay-^" uih now prepared^to do slate roofing at the followlflff prlcea (sizes of Blata0xl4.8x10 and 9x18): fitriotiy- clear No, 1 at •Hix lilo GNlMlAhF €»NTS .per Toot,. fli^tHdato work on oorairion .ootiages, 1 Rib-' bon FlwM AMD ONE-HAE f " foot. f*CENTS per- | do not propose to gp around.and buttonhole people and mfsreprosent prices of others, bat I givo to the pnbllo m y p ric e s on Bangor slate. I thank my frionds who havo patronized*mo for tho many Veara I.have been In Aabury Park. I aliall Bttll adln ------------------- ... iflro etrimiy to my old prnotleo of doing good work In the hest-possiblo manper. Furthermore I..do not sell Koyfltono -Blate-for Chapman, but will figurp for any elate that my ouetomere wlelh ' v M. M, CROSBIE, '; street and-Munrop avenue, • . ABKUBY PABK, -'SNRW ifKpS^Y. sla T e flagging TEN )cean Beach and Spring Cake. Uflt, of conveyances*-Monmouth County Clerk’s ofllco, for the week ending May 7, 1887: ASBUKY parr . By virtue pf an order l|Buod out of. the Court Wm,’ \y. Wlnaer to Mary E. Green—lot 3G0 and westerly half of 851 Aabury Dark. 12,000.. ' J Thea Aumaek, Sheris’, to David I, Yanderv’eer ftf A aki.M I).. 1 . ttVA Asbury Park. $1,500. , Charles H. Klador to James H. Roriiain—lota. " ~ — - *- ' ttkcvw PovV El P U B L I C S A JL H J,. .846{846 and part of 844 Anbury Park. 01. • V OCEAN GROVE. Cornelius C. Clayton to Margaret liaise—lots 781 and 785 Ocean Grove. 01,800, < NEPTUNE TOWN8B1P. ;; . - ’ * Frederick G. Burnham to Mary J.* Howland—2 lota West Asbury Park. $640. , Annie Green dal: to Joseph Simpler—lot West [Ois. 1218,1214 aud 12ir>) on a plan of lots of the. iean Beach Ai^oclntion, duly (lied In the.CJerk'S ............ „ Joseph Simpler—lot West Asbury Park. $150. John H. White to Myron 8. Gould—2 lota Nep- tunp townflhlp.-frWQ..—................ lialsted E. Brown to Jamea W, Poland—lot Nep« tnnotownship, 0220. .. •_ t ... .. . •— •-•••••- .■ Ereilerlok u. Burnham to SaiuUel W. Robbins— lot 275 West Asbury-Park. $285.50. > FrederlokG. Burnham to Alfcwl Cuhherly—? lota.WOBt Asbury Park; 06S2.BO, . -v * . -p-. j; Dewitt Fay to the Church Extension Board of the Missionary Society of the N. J. Annoal Con- ference A. M. E. Zlon Church of America—lot West Asbury Park. 01. * .... , ( James H; Sexton to Barzlllal Grover et of.—lot 852 Mt Prospect Cemelery, 075, • Mary Ann King et al. to Sarah Emelli Bailey— lot Ocean Park. 01. . Sarah Emella Bailey to Mary Attn King—lot Ocean Park. 0t. -Samh Emelfa'Balley'to Catherine Bailey—M lot Ocean Park. 81. - : ; \ plan of lots;-togethor fronting or In width one mpdred-feet on'-lai * --------- --------- --—" Lake Beach. 01 per year add other consideration. Hannah Commons et of. to Frank Col/or—1 10100 acres Freehold township. S300. * ' . Elizabeth M. Glthens and bnsb&nd to Robert P. S. Pylo—58 40-100 acres Wall township, i960. same premises gmntod and conveyed byThomi *' to Anna J. Wood, bv dw Kenhe'dy and wife to Anna J. Wood, by deed dated November twenty-frtufth, A. D,, eighteen hundred odd sovcnty-nlno. and reeo-ded In tho Clerk's office of Monmouth county, In Book Vol. 320, page 372, Ac. Also aU that certain lot of lahiTsUuato as afore- said and numbered twenty ono hundred and twelvei2U2) on a plan of lots (rf*4he said The Ocean Beach Asaoci at ion, duly-fded In the Clerk’s offiqe of tho county,, of. Mpqmopth , aforesaid, hounded aiid dcscflbe<l (is foflows, to w it: Begin- ning at a point or Btako ln tho southerly lino of Eleventh avenue (as laid down on tho .aforesaid plan of lots) distent one hundred feet from the westerly lino of A strect. and extending thence 8outhQrlj*'ftt right angles to said Eleventh avenue and aldhg tho westerly lino of lot No, 2111; ono hundred audfifty feet (ISO ft.) to the rear ttue of lot number twenty-two mradred aiid twelve (2212) fifty feet to the easterly lino of lotnumber twenty- one hundred and thirteen (2113); thence (3) north- Robert Allen, Jr., Adm’r, to Abigail F. Harris— lot salt meadow, tw .' T \- Jolin Traflbrd ^ le q rt of., Ex’rs, to Charles G. Dennis—lot Red Baiik. 0500. - ___ * orly at right angleq to last course and,along the said easterly Hue of lot number twenty-one jiun- -----------..sfCorjgregatlonal Rhurch, Long Branch—2 lota Ix>ng Branch. 08 0. ^Pltman^West et al. to Morgan R. Mulford—2 loti Mary Elizabeth Appleby and husband to Davlcf fiDe<1* rind IfWTfemember rightly, sev- nir.1 law, ,nn ... . « ..i dred and thirteen ono hundred atid fifty feet (150 ft.) to' tho said southerly line' of Eleventh ave-' nuo; thence (4) easterly.'at right angles to last course and along the said southerly lino of Elev- enth nvenuo/flfty feet (60 feet) to tho pldbcot beginning. - Being the same premises granted aud conveyed by William H. Pearce and wlfo,to Anna J. Wood, by deed dated March third, A. tf. eigh- teen hundred" and eighty, and-recorded lu the leik’s office of Monmoutn afeds, page 196, Ac. Also, .that certain other lot of land numbered twenty-ono hundred arid Thirteen (2113) on tho plan of JTho Ocean Beach Association, described as follows: Beginning at a point or stake In tho eoutherlydlne-of Eleventh-avenuo (aa lalfi down on tbe plan of lota aforesaid) distant oueT»undred and fifty fcot from tho westerly Une of A street, Andbxtpnding thence (I) soutlierly, at a right angle to raid Eleventh avenue and along tho west- erly line of lot number twenty-ope hundred and twelve, one hundred atid fifty feet (150 ft.) to the rear line of lot number twenty-two hundred and thirteen (No. 2213); lh'enco (2) westerly at a right iiigid to last course and along theSa'd rcarlluo of ot number twenty-two hundred and thirteen (2213) fifty feet (50 ft.) to tho easterly linaof lot number twenty-ono hundred and fourteen; thence (8) Bame to same, 05.31. .Same to same. *6.01. Same to same: *205.42, Samo to same. *36.50. "" - Samo to samo. *0 .01:" Same to same. *5:4C :' - Hamo to same. 0293:54.""^“'^* ~ ' lAiwtavH. Brown to Levleo Chacey et al.—lot Long Branch Village. '*1.' • Matilda Corllea to Lewis H. Brown-r-lot Long' Branch V||Ioge.ll; .’.-...i... • :'. - Kulllvan H. Weston-to- John Sloan—tote Long Branch. 51 and other consideration. northerly, at a right an^le to tho^ last course, and along the said easterly iine of lot number ■wenty-one hundred and fourteen (No. 3114) ono hnhdred and fifty feet (150 fL) to the said south- erly llne'of Eleventh avenue; thence (4) easterly at a right angle to last conreo and along tho saia southerly line of Elevonth avenue fifty rcet (50 ft,) to the placepr beginning. Being tho(samc prom- ises granted and conveyedJam es li. Allgorand wife to Aniia J. Wood, by deedbcarlngdato March third, A. D. eighteen hundred, and eighty, and recorded In the Clerk’s offieo of Monmouth county, In BookttSof Deeds-page 191, &o. Also all those certain other lots of land situate as aforesaid and numbered twelve -hundred and sixteen and twelve hundred and seventeen (1216 and 1217) on plan of H. H. Yard's lots at Ocean Be&eh and bounded os follows: Beginning at the Intersection qf tho east side of B street .with tho north side Of Seventh avenuo; thence (l) along the north aide of Seventh avenuo two hundred, feet; thenco (2) northerly, at right nbglcs to first course, one bnndred ana fourteen feet more or less to the southerly aide of South Lake avenue; thenco (3) westerly along said south side of South Lake avonuo tho easterly side of B street; thenco (41 southerly along said easterly sldo of B street JlYty4wofeet more or less to'the point of begin- ning. -Bcing'tho same promises which Artcmlssa L. Richards granted and conveyed to tho told Anna J. > Wood, by deed dated the eighth day of April, eighteen hundred aud eighty, and of record to the said office, ;^rBoqk 826 of Dgeds, page '141-, Also those certain other lots of land situate as aforesaid, and numbered thlrty-onoarid thirty-two (81 and 33) on a plan of lots of said Ocean -Beach Association and bounded as follows: Together fronting or Jn width ono hundred feet on the westerly sldo of Ocean, avenuo on the aforesaid plan and extending back westerly tho same width one hundred feet at a right angle to said Oecan- avenue- by- apd between Jot number tftlrty-tiirco (S3) on the southerly side thereof and tho south- erly line of Eighth avenue on tho northerly side thereof one hundred and fifty feet to tho easterly lino of lot number fifteen Ipindred (No. 1500) on said plan: Being a part of tlio samo premises which Mark G. Korr and llerminea Si. Kerr. -his wife,-conveyed to tho Bftld Anna J. Wood, by deed dalpd February lCtb,1eighteen hundred and eighty-three, and of ,rooQrtl in tho said Clerk's offices In Hook 86t of Deeds,', pagp.gllS^Q,. .AlflO- TharpeftolifOtherjldroflarid situate In thetown- Bhlp of Wal( and county of Monmouth.aforosald; and numbered three-(3)'on a map of Brighton JUarid AsaoelatloR-adjoiriliig-Spring Like, and deiw ijiinFastollbw sr Beglii r 1 1ng’ih tlfefwesterly lipq o/Tbooan avenuo three hundred feet north Nyrtrom^^riwHhwcst corner of Ocer _ ewara-avim’ifbaT'thence (1) northerly nl( . westerly line uf Ocean avenue fifty ft.; thenco (2) •westerly, at right angles to Ocean avenue, ono hundred and fiity feet; thence (3) southerly, par- allel to Ooean avenue, fifty feet; thoneo (4) east- erly at right anclos to Ocean avenuo, one, hun- dred and fifty feet to thfrrplaco of beginning. Being tho same promises granted and conveyed *- " "’tit’ ' t — jy Carrie F, Tuttle And 0.' Wilbur Tuttle, husband, Uy deed bearing date tho fifteenth da' of Fehruary.elgUteon huudred and olghty-tiireo. and ’or'record In said, office, in Book 801 of Hgods, page 229, A c.. Together with all and sin- gular tno hereditaments and appurtonanoes to the same bolonglug or to any wme appertaining, and to bo sold by RICHARD T. MILLER; SpecialMAStor: Edward Dudlkv, Esri.. Hol’r. •Dated March 14th, A. D. 1887. (Pr’s fco, 032 40.] SEA SHORE LANDS . We offer for salo at a bargain, to oloso_an estate,,the oply largo plot of.shore land Jett ou tho New'Jersey coast, that'fs not already owned qs controlled by some Imnd arid Improvenloni Company.. This proporty (bolifg tho estato o .tlio fate Capt. E. Q. Jackson) oonaiBts of about 45 acres of hard dry land, with’ house,ipytbulld- ina,etc .altuato-at Manasqnan, N. J.,-within0 minutes of station on N. J. C. 11. R. from Now York, and 5 minutes of station on B* IL R. from Philadelphia, with numerous dally trains It Is bounded on tho north' by'a beautiful lake ft -mUo. fn-length)-wh{olrRDparftteg3i xrom Sea GIrt and f.hoBtatfl EnfiamimmttJ" tire Htato Encampmcn.it! U'n llife east by tho' Atltm-. ilo Ocean, on the south by main road, on tho west by prlvato property. This proporty. Is especially adapted for Sum- mer Hotel or Sea Side Cottage qao. Ita close proximity to tho Sea Girt improvement Com- winy’s Improved property,'village, railroad sta- tions and ocean, makes an opportunity for Investment, or speculation that Is seldom offered. Frir map and further partlonlars as tff price, &o, . ; Addioea S.-0. R'bGliiRS, ^Ahhury -Parky N ,J. or j; n. ir,ETOHisR,'; ... . _..V: 96 and 08 Folton 8 t; Row Yprk-Clty, NOVELT 1 ES A Iflte aoa Improyed edition, DtTunJoDnNAL I ^ aoWE toot ^ exceed 4,000 test) 'Kir TBM i' ■o!Qo9, 718 M sttlapn ave;—A dr. .. -ceN TS per foot. ; • . * !' . o - -. , * ... 1 . i .. ' 11 . Vine Stationery, Dolls, Tojh, I^Uery|Wrltlii« HfeterMi, ele ATiENKll^S’ NEW BRICK STORE ' Mftia.strqot, dppoeito Depot. -tot, Asbury Park, 0200. David L yariderveer to John F. Crawford-r-lot MI8CBLLANEOU8. John W. Ely rtal.ta Ann Clay ton—10 Acres woodland Atlantic township. 0200. ' Joseph C. Potter to Edward Bennett—lot. Long — ih. The Spring Lake-Beach Improvement Company » Frederick G. Elliott—lease of lot at Spring Theo, Aumaek, Sheriff, to Wm. Albert Van- Schoiek—lot at Oceanic. *650.. > Wm, A. VanScholck to Robert Allen; Jr.—2 lots Shrewsbury toWriship, *600. Wni. P.-Holder to Mary E. Cross—lots 56 and 58 Reid's ViUp Park. 81 and exchange of property. Julius MrrSpfero to Simon Suuan-^Iot Long Braneii, 81. . • D. Henry Iteld to Capt, Pitney -Curtis—2638-100 and 8 62-100 acres Manalapan township.'*327.15. Samuel M. Schanck, Jr., to Wm. ArDennte^IOt Ocean township; 85(,0.. ^ Sa. - Wm. G.Hall rt o t to Augrist Hchvrftrttog—lot near Ixmg Branch. $456. - John R. Bergen , t o tho First 'Com BairrI—10 25-100 acres Freehold township. 041. Deborah Ixjcompte to Charles Matthews—53 45- 100 4nd 5 31100 acres Howell township. 01: .. .The township of Ocean to Inhabitants of town-t ship of Ooean—sale for taxes. 04.83. Same to same, 0237.81. : " James Clayton to Samuel" T, Hendricktoa- 6 tracts land Howell township. 81,850, A ttem pt at K ldnapping. ‘EdwaidWilson, ot Rod Bank, fojtnerly of the DailV iJ ournal staff*' came to Aebury Bartonilhteitoa^aooora'patilod brOffiftefPa^' toraon In putonlt of painlel Ctaco, of ITeptnne City, who It Is ftllogod tried jto kidnap a llttio danghter. of John Dow, living near BhreWs- V bnry..., . . < .. •' ... ....... -^Cisco’s wife claims to l>e: a fprtnne-telleTj,^ while hp followsbprso trading,'posdlbly other practices even loss respectabio. Ori Mohday Cisco, had beeq at Red Bank and retnrnlng- / .came up to thp little Dow giri, who "Whs watcblng cows pastn ring alongthe roadii He - / tried to coax her Into uta wagon.and offered b©Tmoney, when fibejrepamo frlghened and rap away1 , - presently - meeting a .farmer to .whonxahe told her Btory. CIsoo In the mean* . - ttrao had disappeared. A warrant wris pro- cured by Mr. pow and placed In Officer ^at- tofsou’a hands. Cisco was found at bis home at Neptune JUlty, and was.Jqst hbont ^Ieavp _ # as MrrWilson and fche.ofBror came nppn him, . Aastlco Bordon hold him txttder $200 bidl to appt^r before tho Grand Jnry. . CBtabll.8liinf; a Boundary. _ The wators of Raritau Bay, .lying between . Momnouth cohnty and 8taton_Isl,aQd, mdst valliabTe^wnter territory, for Its'size* on the continent. Besides abounding Jn all the - finor fish that Inhabit salt Water, the1whole surface of the ground un^er the water is a .. vast field for . clam dredging; or beds for pro- pagating, th'e mpre popular sholl-ftph—the oyster; '''t * ' ' K’ The bay lying, between the. States, the shores of which being very Irrpgolar, makee the boundary a very unceptato lQqaI{on. and from time^fer back' there have piracies ..and Jencta without number between the Westfield- ; ers dn Staten Island and residents of Ghinga- : rpfaYKeyport) IriMonmouth,. Thptroubles— havo often culminated In. seizures adcT. occa- Blonally Woodshed. . ’ •>. Seven years ago a rich natural bed of oys- ters was “struck” • almost bn tbe middle ; ground, so near that both sides claimed it and neither would glvenp. Each side mastered ln ”foroe, a desperate fight ensued', but the AVcatfleldere got.the bettor of the skirmish, b$ jz they came.armed with, warrants and backed by a posse to enforce the aftreats! A number of the Keyport meritwero taken to Rlohmond, t Eleanor V. D. Vanderveer to Cbristophet T. Vanderyeer—80-16-100 acres Atlantic township. 01-, and other consideration. , . . i ' Christopher P. Vapderveerto Wm^Leaby—ao 18- 100 acrca Atlantic township. 01,000 and other con- sideration. Sarah E. Smook-and husband to Christopher 'r. Vandorvcer—30 18-100 acres Atlantic township. 03oftand other consideration. Jonathan Longstreet to Emellue M. Conover— 6 7^100 acres Holmdel township. 8813.75. ' Augustus Marsh to Sarah Coleman—lot at Long Brnuch. 0300. - •. *— ' Sarah Coleman to JohntColeman—}£ part Of lot at Long Branch. 01. AbBalom J. WalkeF to Rebecca D. Adam3—lot 1,313 Oeean Beach, 01,200. Samuel Hculltt to Samuel D. Heulitt—15 10-100 eral of their vessels were confiscated. Effortri.have been made in the paat to have, the boundar^ determined*-but Dot until last- year did anytblngtan'gible result. The Leg- Islatnre on April 20,1880,' enacted a law •ati^ “ 'thoHzing the Gqvernor to appoint a commfs- sipn to meet with , a like commission from . Nevr^ork ^tate ■ apd-jvdjust the-boundary. Gov. Green appointed Prof, George H. Cook \ : Riparian Commissioner Robert C.Bacot and ' ex-AtSsemblyman A. B. Btoney. In March q t J (^ b la y e a r theL egieiaturo atA lbariy authOTized- 4 like commission composed of W, if. Hazel-' tine, Robert Moore and LleuL J. Ci Hanna,- U. B. Navy. _i. i. Thoy met at the Astor ifousa on Friday * last and organized with Mr/Storiey as chair-'- man and Mr.'E^P. Doyle was selected 'secre- tary. Various committees. were appointed for preparing maps, documents and such lather^matters as may be needed in prosecnt- tog tho work. The commission adjourned to meet again on May fltli. acrcii'Wall township. $1,125. . Rebecca Eftkclcy rf m. ,_to Mary Patterson—title and Interest in lot at Red Bani. 01.' Mary Patterson to Mary Ann McSwyhey—lot In Red Bank. 07r ton.- In Freehold.. 03Q& . Evallne Fields andhusbarid to MatthiaarKraetn- er—lot Middletown township, 810a . ' Miranda'VanBftmt and husband to Evaline Fields^rlot MlddMown township."^. . - D. Jonfcs Roborffto Addle E. Roberta—Lot 43, Atlantic Highlands. *1. Hannah Sutpben to Acton C, Ilartehorae—re- lease dower 450 apres, Freehold township. 058.. William Cailaban to Hugh Herold—lot Shrews- bury township. 0100... , Garret V. Carson et at., to Annio V. DuBoIs—1 75-loP acres in Marlboro village. 51.500. JOhn Stryker to Charles H. Bennett—2 lota Marl- boro township. 0100. Charles E. Clayton to Emma Price—lot Eaton- towntown8hip. *50o. * GeorgeN; uapsto.Lewlg Jf- Price—lot tuQceaa- port. S70 41. Julia C. Wlkoff tp James, McDonough—lot at the Highlands.-8350. Julia C. Wlko/T to Edward Oakes—lot at tho Highlands.'*350. Anna Woerishoffer to Oswald Ottendorfer—pow- j r of attorney to selHandin Ocean township. *1. Anna Woeriahoffer .to Samuel M- Shafer—re- lease of dower la loth In Ocean township. 01. James L: Hays, guardian, to Samuel M. Schafer KUB1UUUI. HJaouiUCI —2 lots land Ocean township. $25,Q0Q. FrederickLuptonto,Frederick I.upton, Jr^-lot- in Mntawan. 8500. Tho Board of Freeholders of Monmouth- Co. ‘to' Joseph VauBrunt-aorcs 16, 20, 5 a n d 7 ' 77-100, IIowoll township. 5900 - .. Charles C. Bowue to Ella Slattery—lot. In Free- hold. 8105. %AIDCrt'ETReed,'assfgnee. to Fred W. Flannery— title and Interest In lot In Red Bank. 820. . 'Fred W. Flannery to Mary CrCornell—title and. Interest in lot. at Red Bauk -01 Tlelcua Ely rtrif.ex're, to CharleaH. Ely—is 87- ipo acres Freehold townsh|rL$49l' 75.- . Helena Ely, to Charles H.Ely—release of dower. 81. ' ' * Bftbyhood. The May number of itabffliood overflows with good things for young mothers; The opening.article on '“ Tbo Diet ot Nursing Mothera,” by Edward L, Partridge, M. D.j . Obstetric Surgeon to tbo Ndw York Maternity Hospital, ls pecullarly interesting, describing- , how milk Is produced. and bow the flow of milk^Ia^stimulated, showing tlfeadvantages \ of lactation tq tho mother, dispelling some grotmdlcsa objections to certain articles of food, and emphasizing tho value of others to both mother and child.Dr.-W .-B) Canfield^ ““ d l to n s s e s ’■ ‘TTio Development of Speech In- . . InfafitsiV; from .tbe first utterance’s till tbe' <: formation of the[ child’s, vocabulary, wltb its defects and podnllrirlties- There are many interesting hints to be found ■ in " Whgj.. Not to Name the Bab^.” Dr. Yale treats a much debated question In ” Eigh.t liontlis and|othejr_ - Premature Children,” showiug how prema-. turely-born chl’dron may often be saved'by . care and attention; In the^j^Jursery Obser- - rations”, aro rehearsed the peculiarities of ^, some babies, • ‘'Nursery Problems” ’ much valuable advice la given to mothers'' upOti-such stibjocts as “Sbro NippIea,”;”Cleft palate,” “ Suppurating Ear,” ” Decaying Teeth,” “ Weak Llmbfl,” oto. Iri tbo (tMtoU-. 1 er’sParliament” aro discussed '* A Bale’s Sea-Voyagai”- ”AteOrigloal-Wny-o^-i,cart Ing to Spell ;” vUToixcblng the use of the Nur-. .‘’ G ranuqLPoal^e^^Flttanpo^ and “ Thumb-Sucking.” _15 Babyhood "Charles H. Ely to tViiiiam I. Elr~1337-l60acres inlp. Freehold townsnlp. W91 Henry W; Herbert et at, to Annie Riggs—6 loU in Ocean township. 0)v ■. ^ Eleanor 8 . Thorne et aJ.t to. Garret Thorne—60 acres Raritan township. *2$00. i ■■, - • * Theodore Aumack, sheriff, to Jacob Wyokoff et a/.—32 acres Holmdfil township. 0500. ' .... ... , , Steamship Nomenclature. A study of steamship hbmenaojature dis- closes some rather, interesting facts. The Gulon favor,^hecTianitts: of.torr^ torle's; andheriBa-we havq.the^toiJbo arid' the ^iHzona. The names of tfie Cnnardi liners all end in “ia!’—for example, the ScrvUt and tpe (£lmnin .' The Oregon waa bullt^flth- tlip; Alaska and.Arizona, .to be leased to the Gulori lino, but she was acquired by the Canard liqe, and broke the spell bo far as boib hatno. and record vfor»' tfonoernjad. r\The -White Star boats include tho llejmbllc, the'-BKftmhie and tbo Celtic—aM the names terminating .with “ Ic.” . The Anchor Une favora the “la” ter- minal, and most of the steamship compauiea follow a hard and fast rule in selecting nampa JoLthcIiLboats^aay^xc^tioD-belngaccount^ od for by the purchaso of a particular vessel from cmothWl Iu o.—Gbfb^-lkmoci'dt. etters. post office a t: the week-ending * A d v e r t i s e d $ . List of le|tem remaiitihki -Asbury Park, N / j;, for M a y . 1887: K ' _'". T \ " ' A ah m orc^M W Debb IoLU t le ,lfra Laura Biddle. S & Lliytori, Joa H fioldon. RevRandolph Mar tin, MrS'ITA'" Benuett, A L ; , McCarty.1Cornelius' Belcher; Miss Annie Reed, JonnJI- Beatsbn, Maggie . Harles, Mary (2) Camolk Mrs J Tollman, Lucinda Clayton, Mrs E M J ;Thompson, Daniel Ohambqrs, Miss Gora Wilson, Mlss Rena JJlebrow, Edward -Wilson* Mlsairene- Ferguson, Miss L E Washington, Gwrge Gordon, Mrs WUUs ' - WhUriey, Mrs E (J Hendriokson, XAJVlnla Wolfson, 8 - James, Mrs 8 . A- v.j i; r\-^?*r.Vii Persons calling for the aboyp pleasp tusk loj advertised ie t^ ^. pj G. Snedhkkb, ^. jfr*' ToiCBables;” coats'a ntimber; $l-.50 a year. PabllBhtriy^., fi B^lTman^L. ^ew Ybrk;*: b ru n k W itliout-D rlnkliiff* hesteiy-te'tejd^Hwogentiemenrwhovia- . Itod a distillery at Omaha, In company. 'Omr was a fred sampler, while the othor was a total' absfalri'er; though 'h 6 ' 'was deslrous of Unoplng the process by,whtob good grain was converted Into bad whisky. •—' - , - : ' G olng through thu different departjnefnts -the tone mria^lre& with the abundance at every- band; the other refused all drink. .They h ad'^rcel£g<^ the tetSVdtTer began to-ehow ,9lgna -or iutK ^brlety, and whon they-paWeiJ riht from *1 the' building both were so drank that a carriage waarequired. The^ Iumcs of tb® Bquojr.bad reaohpd the braln lust as surely ua If takjn luto the stomach. W ork of £lieX ife?Savln|r:Servlce- . . ~ The active seasQh along the New Jersey ooaat,cloacd May iST- received os-' slktarico’ froiri tho lifetoving ortiws. an d 'a tonmt^r'of"persons wore rosouod under, the ; most unfavorable clrcumstericesT The disasi ters oocurred as follows; r July 9, August 6 , Sept. /B, Oct. 6 , Nov. 9, Deo. 12, Jan.>4,,Feb; 8 ,’Marob 4 and April 5r, There were 8 H per- sons on board' of the vessels assisted. Nine lives WereJos V two. by. the crfpalzlng of. their stnall boat and seven by tho capsizing of the sohooher Sarah A. n u m ber of tbe ship- wrooked/wore token to the stations and cared for. Spveral\vessel8 wore saved by the cirewa at the siatlonn. j ' * Teftchers’ IleaGinff jClrcle. The next meeting of th®' East -Monmouth , Teachers’ Reading Olrclo wlll bo held in the t ^_ . , ManasqUaa GradedSohoofbaildlog onfiatur- , ,, day* M ayW tii, a t 10.30 a. u .- AH interested ‘ ' - are cdrdially W ited-r; Subjects fpr .dlsous- ' " ston, “ Physical ©duration a necessary basje ..)' .r t> -f of moral educ&tloaj^ *^TbeTrortri£§^ “ " ^ llc’Sohools!” ;V.-'

Transcript of DUMB » Stoves, Reaters, Ranges, Lots Nos. Springlike, aud ... · FrM-bnrnlng Coals, all RlzeA and...

Page 1: DUMB » Stoves, Reaters, Ranges, Lots Nos. Springlike, aud ... · FrM-bnrnlng Coals, all RlzeA and of the Lots Nos. 20 aud 21 at North Springlike, Fronting-on BRIGHTON AVKNUK.'and

T O . .. ?.'• .H O U S E K E E P E R S

ard Maps ct al,. to William HenryDal- In Long Branch Cemetery; 810. EJrtttckcrlioff to Emeliue Lantbeeref—lot


.. - '.J ■_ /». . . . ;•■■■ -■ • ■. •— ■ —- ■ - . V i' ■ J-V, - r

NEW JERSEY, MAY 1887A S B U R Y P A R K , No. '20VOL X I T

PEO IA Jj M ASTER’S SALE OR - K e a l E s t a t e C o n v e y a n c e s .I r a t d s t a t tmoimimt (Svtto



. Homceopathlq Phyalolan and Surgeon.Con Coaktnan & Bangs a m , Asbury P ark, N. J .

Honrft: u n til 10a. m .,Bindqftor4 p .m .


Conier Grand a n d Asbury Avenues,Office Hours-MTto 9 a. m ., 1 to 2 p. m ., 6 to 8 p. m.

T\R» BRUCE S. kEATOJL **“■' ■■ X J HoroceopatbioFhyeioianand 8n rg eo n ., G raduate of both Bohoola. ,

, Cot. Aabnry avenue and Bergh street.Hoars—Until 9 a/mT, 7 to 9 p .m .

lephotr■Telephone connectiona.

JU GRISWOLD, M; D.j* r Homoeopathic Physician and Surgeon, <

512 Cookman avenue, near Grand avenue, t . Aabnry Park, N. J . •

Offioe Honrs—Until 10 a. m. From C to 8 p. m.

" A "' F * PAWIjKY* ■; * ■*; ;v; ■ ' ! * : . eJ : ■ » E t m s T , ;. ._■. . . . .

615 Bangs a y e ,, r ' As bur y P a rk .N ; J .

J )R . 8 . T\ SEOCUM, ' '

. * : - DENTI8'B,f . . «.Offioto-304 Main S t., opposite Railroad Station,

Gas adm inistered. ^ ; ; Asbtary P ark, N. J .

A. B7 BUfcTON.D, / L; Ct. BURTON, »• ». 8.

R a f d e t t t B e a t l i t i , ■G27Mattlson ayefiue/cornerB ond street, Asbury

P ark , N. J . Office BOore: 9 a . m . to 5 p. m.Gas adm inistered: Appointments m ade by tele-

p b o n ep rb y m aiL . .-.1 .; :*' :. .

Stoves, Reaters, Ranges,— T I N W A R E , A c . . . 7 ..

Oookman av., n e a rB o n d et., ASBURY PARK, N. J . ‘ '


AIRDR.■ igF 'F Inrtto lasa w ork a t Tow rates.


7 2 7 O o o k r o a n . A v e . -

G r e r i t s ’ F u r n i s h i n g s .


1 Ladfto* dresses dyed In a ll the newest shades. F eathers dyed to a ll colors. Gentlemen’s c lo th­ing cleaned, dyed and pressed^ equal to now.

• A gent for A SburvPark.

T , N. BBYMOUIi. P .P . B.-*-*• \ SZQffXCBIP,Office 45 Cookman avenhe, near Em ory street.

M echanical w ork a specialty.. Difficult operations solicited.

T? L i t BRI8TOL, M, D.,*a j , PhiTsiclaaand Surgeon

• __ C om er o f Bond s tree t and F ifth avenue. W inter office-119 E. 40th S t.. New York.

Jy9. HAWKIK8..- - - 5 •i * DURAND.

Attorneys-at-Law, Bollcitors"«" M asters inChan- - eery. Mikado Building, Cookman Ay., ...

ABbnry P ark , JT;..., v"

JBAAC C. KENNEDY, ; , v_ , .i

Attorney-afe-Law, Solicitor,'M aster in Chancery jjftnd Notary Publio.

Special a tten tion given to examination of Titles,

Offioe in Cook’s Building, . m 1A sbury Park, New Jersey.

A LFRED D. BAILEY, VA Attomey-at-Law, Solicitor and M aster in

, Chancery and Notary Public. . .■. Special atten tion given to couootion o f claims.

- Offioe In Mikado Building, Asbujry Parkw

OHH.TON ROBBIH8. AOTOh o . BABTSnoaKK. T>OBBIN8 & HARTSHORNB,■ J-1* AttomoyS and ConnHelors-at-Law,Offices betw een the Post Offioe and F irst N ation­

a l Bank, Main $t.t Freehold, N . J..Law btxsiness transacted in all its branches.


Attornoy-at-Law, Solicitor, M aster and E)tatntqerIrt.nTmnnanr. Ma4ow PnLlln 'in Chancery, Notary Public. *Asbury P arkrN . J .

■ Q .k o n o n w . m x A H , ■

.^..Attoroey-aWAW and Solicitor In Chancery,' ** Address P . O. Box 10M, AflbnryuPark. N. J .

j ' . WM. B, DOUGLAS, Aokkt.O U he firm of Ddnglas A E nhn , s i l Broad street,

N ew ark, N. J .

w. a . vnsoKHBpnoH. • trxpxbick xarsxr.t VREDENBURGH A PARKER, . •

“ Counselors and Attorneys-at-Law,'■ : Freehold, N. Ji


MIKADO RUDLDJNOr' ...... "P. O. Box 294. ASBURY PARK, N. J .

. H ; B. JO H N S O N , Practical Watchmaker,

Dealer In Fine W atches,jJcwelry, Spectacles AC. W atches and Jew elry repaired a t City Prices.

M ain s t r e e t , n e a r G oofanan avenue, ASBftRY PAEK, S . J . ~

W . E . D E N I S E ,' • jje a itf -te - '-


Sewall Ave. bet. Bond and Emory Sts.Prom pt servloe and trrtme flrooajr.-'

CQOK HOWLAND,Architect & Buildqr:

building plana executed an d all work promptly done.

Office In Cook’s Building,- Main street and Cookman avenue. Asbury Fork. ,

HAMPTON COTTAGE;'-Bond St. near Matt Ison Ave., *. ASBURY RARE.

J O H N W . S U T P H E N ,

“ Corrlago w ork In all Itsbnujohoe.

CARRIAGE PAINTING AND TRIRIMIN6In th e finest stylo of decorative a rt, •'

Main street and First averiue,' ABBOIiY PARK.

M R S . S . W . E T « H E L L S ,

Fashionable Dressmaker,P lain and fancy stitching on aU kinds o r Work^

The patronage or the ladles o f Park and Grove so-

C H A R L E S P I T C H E R .Successor to Wm. Miller,

HARNESS MAKER,206 V a in > t„ opp. I t . I t . Depot, A tb ftr y P a rk .

A Mil supply o t Bobos, W hips, DnstonfrBlonli- mkfl, Bi

—[traps# ..—A c a iy a solicited.

eta, Trunkal Dags,' Bag, S trap s^T rirak Straps, Shaw l Straps. Ropalrlng promptly attended to.

P B U T T S ,COWpKCTIONERTiN u t* o r o i l k in d a * F l o r i d a O n m g e fy i 'a -

t io r tc l f — *------" ----------- 't a w b r i »Jf»d M a la g a t i r s p e i ,and luxuries o f m any'desorlptlons, cab ba found

' ........ a t the new atore of *.W A 8 H IN O T O Ii W H IT E ,


N O T IC E !- ^ Asbujit Paub, J a n . ST7,1

hereby authorizo Jamcfl-HrSM cton tq 'take^ go^of .aU bpdfe^. whero ppforiora’ servicoaT needed, lri my ahsonco; ,> ■ W ILL T. .VAN WOBRT. Coroner.

tbe m ost peVfect Forde FeedFert latence. ^ n d f l i f B a n d Grtet fo r catalogue, UflW .MILLS,- - # - ^ h rM h ln gro r catalogue.CIDER HILLJ a » | a S i x acatalogue. _• ; A . p T l P A A M , — •lOIUiiUO. .

PeunsvlvanlaA grJcultural w otkk, York, Pa.

' HENRY DOREN, .i (Successor to fl. W. Read,)


Suite m ade to o rder guaranteed to fit. Cleaning and Repairing. '


Carpenter & Builder.Plans and specifications furnished.’ Jobbing

promptly attended, to . Best o f reference given. Bo^ldenoe—Firet avo,, be t Bond and Emory fits.

. Shop and Office—Firet ave. and Main s t. P. O. Box 748: ASBUKY PARK,

Pianos, Organs, Organettes,

O T H E R M U S IC A L n p T R U J I E N T a ,

F o r S i ( i U d Ti Bait.Cash paid a s ren t allowed If p


Cincinnati Tire and Burglar P ro o f Safes fo r sale for cash on m onthly payments.

W indow Shades, Cornices, W all Decorations Ac.

Coft M attison av. and B ond St., Asbury Park ; 335 S ea Vlew av., O cean Q rove, N. J . - .

F E R G U S O N ’S

COAL, WOOD & CHARCOALought to su it you.

Q tTAXilTY.—I keep bo th H a r d L e h i g h andF r M - b n r n ln g C o a ls , all RlzeA and of the

Lots Nos. 20 aud 21 at North Springlike,Fronting-on BRIGHTON AVKNUK.'and t 7 f

Within '300ft. of the Surf, w n a . B E 8 0 1 .1 1 A T A B A B O A IN .

The io ts a re caqli 58i fept fron t aud over 800 feet deep. They are situated In th o ^n es t p a r t of thetown> alm ost direotly on th e - ooean frpnt, sarrounded by handsomo residencoS’ and on the block odlacent to the large Hotel WDburton. •

Tbis la a chance for ono of th e surest Invest­ments on tho coast, tho dnly roason f or Belling Is th a t tbe owner requires the money Th hla busl-noas.. Address ' • . ' r ,...

E. W n iG IIT , o r • - a I I . BBOW N, /

Bnring Monmouth Co., N. J.

C. BRAEUTIGAMvB eal E sta te a n d In su ra n ce ,

Established In 1883.. .Hotels, Boarding Houses and Cottages to Let,

fo r Sale and Exchange. Office on Cookman aye.


P. O. Box'lT. N ear Main a t., Asbury Park , N .J .

Bargains in Real E stateLOTS AND IM PRO V ED P R O P -...


Improved Property and Lots a t Point Pleasant .cheap tor cash. .

Lota a t Man basset for Shle o r Exchange. 200tdot. of Ray front, ftuitoWP to r a-Wh&rt. The. only.BayJviront in the m arket fo r Bale'ih thatc“ ioin“ - ~ u ^ — •vtcmtty, WilLbe sold cheap. ‘

Lot £5x125 feet on Sixth avenue, negr the ocean, Asbury Park. » , . -r'-' .. - ? . ." I f , you w an t to bny o r ren t any property an y ­

where along the coast ; v \Apply to - R. M. WORTHINGTON, V

. Cor. BcwftU av. and Emory «t., Afibpry Park. Or W. T. Strbbv;’P oint Pleasant, w .J ; . V

W; U. Potter, Spring Lake, N .J . .

R eal R state , lu sn ran ce and G eneral A gent.

P ro p erty Sold, R en ted t r I n ­sured in O cean G rove, Asbury

j J P a rk , L och.A rhour,. O cean Park, — K ey -E as tj - O cean-’ Beach and “

S pringL ake ., . :N , •Policies w ritten a t lowest ra tes .

in s trongest com panies.' M oney ; loaned on M ortgage

security, ' .C onveyancing ,C ontracts m ade,

E tc -------— r. . • ’ '« . W . M A R T I N ,

47 P ilgrim Pathway, O pp; P o s t Office, O cean G rove, 1<. J.

i r e v - u n r u t n g v w m , uu ujiu lji imbest quality obtainable. My W o o d ta' ex tra good and Is always perfectly

dry. My O b a r e o a l I have m ade .especially fo r m y own trade."

P B IC E N —T b e l o w e s t poaaftble* I ’k e i l l l ie f l nneqnaled in this town. Full

w eight and m easure guaranteed.Y A R D : Main s t„ opp. Ocean Grove School

' y ** ,• House.B r s n e h lO fH p e a t Lemkau’s Grocery. Asbury. • Park ; W ainrlght AiErrlckspn, Ocean Grovo. Order a t (ifllces, of drivers, t y telephone o r by

mall, addressed - ^

F E R G U S O N ’ S C O A L Y A R D


Successor to J . Honry Applegate,


Mattison Avenue, near fiend Street,.A B B t ^ Y P A B t g .


Cookman Avenuo and B ond Street,. <


M . JWI. CRO SS IE,Successor to David Cartwright,

Tar Paper, Sheathing Paper, Two and - Three-ply Roofing. Paper.

P . 0 . B o x 8 0 9 . A s b a r y P a r k , N . J .

B . C B O W E L L & C O .Now occupy'tijo new brick1 building of J. Honry

- Applegate, on -

M attison A venue, near B ond S treet,, where they aro prepated to estimate bn.all kiuda

OF FLUUBIH3, HAS A M A I U 1 U MThey do none other than fltsi^cTass, ,work, and

a ll plumbing will bo done after tho moet approved Banltary methods. . . 'v ^ « p n lr i i iK p r o m p t l y a t t e n d e d t o .


E M P O R IU M , Mattison Avenue, Asbury Park, N. J.Would call a tten tion to tho fac t th a t his place la always closed on tno Sabbath, and therefore-' he has a right to ^expect patronage from those w ho beliovo In Sunday observance.

o f f ic k ’g f


JaaUca of tha Pease and Katary Fablic,. .Real Estate aad Mnrance at


- A N D -

Park, ■ New"We w ould respeotfnlly^ Inform the public th a t

we Are now ip receipt of several car-loads of F nrpiture d irect from the. Western' M anufac­turers, .w hichfraar m ade especially f6r .the Sea­side Trade. , - -

Fueling oonfldeut th a t from 21 yeareV expert- enoe In tbe business th a t we oan furnish to our patrons this season Goods th a t for style, dura­bility and price cannot fail to please, as they have been bought with th e greatest of ca w and fo r Icasb. The following quotation will show how th e rw lll be Sold:

Wjhite Wood'Suits “.Af|h Suits, 6 pieces, *lr ,0 *”•. Antique Oak Suits, ,rom Mo

of uiigrades,

a« Tow as Uie lowest m arket price.



and prices the ‘lowest. „

Special atten tion given to the

Making and Putting Up of Window Shades by an:

Experienced Man.

. W e «nurant*reoU M M tW aottdn In

Stoves and Tinware, English and American Crockery,

Fancy and Domestic Glassware, Table

-Cutlery, Sil­verware

Abd everything In a House f urn|ablng Une.

Contracts solUHted for-furnishing Hotels and Cottages oomplete. Please call and got eatl- mates before placing your orders.

B I R D ’S

inickBrDQcker i


Porsons wishing, to Rodty Purchase .or Sell a t the above placea, .or ownerq having cottageB to rent for season of 1880, and dealnng to blewo them ln rhy hantlB, will recolye sppclatflttontion, For-firrthnr particulars or'taaph, addreBS

E. WRIGHT, Box 108, Aebury Park. Am^^-LCor-Chokman andSow all Avs., A .P a rk r • 1 0t II. Brown’s store, North Spring Lake.

N. B.—I have ,9omo. cottages and lots for .sale cheap, easy term s; also-a num ber 6/ cottages .for re n t . . * • ' • i i —‘L------ j--------— — ;


( O O k 'N f i f i l U H K Q ,

^20 COOKMAN AVENUE, A satisfactory place to doal, where everything j o ld Is guaranteed to b e the b est In th e m arket.

- A sbury P a rk , N . . J .

A C O M P LE T E 8T0 CK O FBlank Book9, Stationery, Sohool Pads, ~ "~ i Phish Goods, Artists’ M aterials,i-r

if , Tissue Paper and Novelties,'•* , Albums, Clooka ^nd.Brio-a-brao.

rOPULAft p JB U C A T IO » B ;-a -:- ,- : ',

Hurd’s Writing. Paper, ~ In* t in ts ; “Foley’s Gold i . ; ' ‘; / ' ^Penij4^_eaSlueLlbrfkry.&d. , . y ■ •-*

■ U B S M : E . C O L E M A N , 1


The a rt o f dotting and fittlng faugh t. pCOIt. BOND STREET: AND BANGS' AVENtlB,

AsburY P a rk ,II. J . /


Carpenter & Builder,... C or. S e w a li A ?»; a u d E m o ry S t . ,Lock Box 710, ' - A S B B B Y P A B I£ ( N . J .


R18 Cookmdn A ve., A 8 B U R V i » A K K .

Asbiu -Park Printing: House.Newest doBlgna • o f ,ty p e la te s .t Improved ma­

chinery ; flklUedAyoTkmeh.; ©very description of p r ln th ij ; estimatesglvem B p ec^ p re^ u m afto m the County Fair for fine printing, :v.s . '

M A R K E T ,(E > (ab IU (iM l l a S « w Y o»U 1SS1.)

629 CootmaiAve., AsMry ParL,N J.ONLY THE

B e s t jlydCea/tgABB BOLD.

Finest Poultry. "• Sm oked M eats.

Superio r C o r n e d B e e f

Frdm K o lp o led ^ t^k , A r tM l^ W a te r qpd Pure.rifts'!PlokUng-Materials.

Vegetables and,FruitsFreah Daily fromJKoQiiaouth County•y • •. .. •.- Farms. ‘ ___

e A K i E D d r E d m l a i i n t , ■ v.*D E S S E R T F R V 1 T 8 .

" , P l f i J K P U D D I N O .A e .

Telephone connections w ith Park and Grove.


Carpet Cleaning.Carpet Cleaning.


: , wUblhg Carpets pleanpd, can have 1

E X F E B ) E N O E D M E NId attdnd to It. 10 years experience In tho bnal-• -v. •- — : v -■■■' • ;peas. V ' • \>f • C H A R L E S M IT C H E L L ,

Cw pet Cleaning Offioe, 1520 N. ISth'ST., P IIltA ,

Sea-Side Home,B oanliug SoliooKfor Young Ladioff and -• ' " Ohildrcn, ' r:-A B B V B T P A B K . , ’ N E W JK B N E T .

f Eighth y ea r opens Tuesday, Sept, a i ; *86,‘ AddroBfl1" JULIA ROSS, Principal,

: : [ ; '604 Asbury ave., Aspury P a rk , N J .

B l a n K l e a s e s ,

o f Chancery o f the S tate of* New Jersey, boaring' da te the'fourteenth day.of Marob, A. D. 19B7, lu.

' • A N t fHOTEL PROPRIETORS.a dau6e:d)f partition between 8 aHlo A. Wood, complainant, and Oharlos M. Wood et al,, defen­dants. tho subscriber, a Spoolal Master, will ex­pose a t • • "■

J A M E S i l T o C R E E R Y & C O ;offer S po o la i ln d u c o m o n ts to HousekoopOrs and H otel pro­p rie to rs In ,th e fo llow ing l|nes . o f H o u sekeep in g C o o d s:

v T A B L E D A M A S K S ;.,60-QfcA) 66 oti., 76 ota., 86 Ota. and 81,00.

V T A B L E N A P K IN S ,$1, 81,25, $1,50, $1.75, $2,00 per doses.

T O W G W ALL LINEW ,$1, $1.26, $1.5b, $1.75, $2.pcr.doM n,-

t O W E t lN C t f ,0 ets., 8 ct*., TO ct8. , 12 H ots. per yard,

C LA S S T O W E L IN O S , ' _ 10 ctgi, 13H ota,, 15 ot.., 20 Otfl. por yard. ‘

B L A N K E T S ,81.26, 1.60, 81.76, *2.00 por pdr.

' B E B 8 P R E A D 8 ,- ------

And eell to tho highest bidder, da

S a h i r d a y , . J u n e 4 , A . D . ’ 8 7A t;th e Store of JamcH.O; Freeborn, In Ocean

Beach, Monmouth County, Now Jersey, -Between the hours of IB and 5 o’clock In tho afternoon of said day, to w it: a t 2 o ’clock, all those certain lots o f land'situate In tlie townshipof Wall, in the eounty of.Monmonth and State of Now Joraey, bounded and described as follows:

Lots twelve hundred and thirteen, twelve hun^ dred and fourteen and twelve hundred and fifteen'

$office’ o f the’ county of Monmouth aroresaid, bounded*, and described .'as follows: Together

85 centa, $1.00, $1.25, $1.60 eadj. t ^ U T IO A 8 H E E T IN C 8 ,6-4 0-4 8-4 9-4 ^ . 1 0 - 4

.fronting or in width one hundred and fifty feet (150 ft.) on the northerly sldo of Seventh, avenue,, on said plan of.lots, pnd extending back from thence northerly the same width ono hundred and fifty feet, at a right angle to sold avenue, by and between lots twelve hundred and twelve on the east side thereof, and lot number twelve hun- dned and Rixteen on the westerly'side thereof, about one hundred mul fifty feet.Jie Jh o aaraQ-

-more-tfr- 1 ewe to the kdutiicrly.il no o f Bouth Lake avenue bn said p lan of lots. Also certain other lots of land, rturabers fifteen hundred, and fifteen hundred and. ono (1500 an d 1501) altuato on tho southerly rtdo o f Eighth avenue, on the aforesaid

'1 4 ota., KPcts,. 21 ots.f ' 23 cta>, 25 eta. -to g e th e r w ith - on extensive vnrloty o f f in e r q iia llt le a , In ­c lu d in g new a n d e le g a n t de­signs In fine' T a b le C lo ths, N ap k in s , L u n c h C lo ths, e tc . .

‘ T h ey a lso o ffe r In t h e i r "


S I .6 0 , $ 2 . OO, 0 3 , 0 0 per pair and upward. C O L O R E D M A D R A S C U R T A IN S , $ 6 , * 0 . S7.BO per pair a id ap 5 by the yard, 40a,, BOo., 60o., 75o. per yard aad ppw'ard.

P O R T IE R E S ,80.OO, * 7 .0 0 , * 1 0 .0 0 per pair aad aprrard. .

~ S IL K P L U S H E S ,244aoh, * 1 .7 6 , *2 -6 0 , * 3 .8 0 per yard.

S IL K B R O C A TE L LE S , 62-lanh, * 4 .0 0 . * 7 .8 0 (urd 0 0 .0 0 por yard.

H ollnnd W in d o w S h a d e s , all s l ie s a n d co lo rs, S tlp C o ve rin gs, a n d C r e to n n e s ; A c ., A c .

__________ Id avenue, and cxtendlngbackTfom thence southerly the same width one bun-, dred feet a t a right anglo to said. Eighth avenue, by and between the rear lino of lota numbers thirty one, thirty-two and tiilrty-three on tho easterly side thereof, and lot number fltteen hun­dred and two, on the westerly eido thereof, ono hundred and fifty feet to tho rear lino o f lots number Blxtecn hundred, and Sixteen hundred and one on the aforesaid plan of lots. - Being tho

Orcfer8 b y lf ta il o r Express fttm any part of tho country will receive

careful and prompt attention,. N *

B roadw ay and’ 11th St., New York.

Oliver H. Brown’sH0USEFURNISH1N6 *



“ ENTIRELY RE-ARRANGED.The Finest Stock of

Honsefurnishing Goodsto bo found on tlio Wew Jersoy Coast.

"Newest Designs In Fu rnit ure.ANTIQLFE OAR-"*.

■* i ■' • ' ■I t Bedroom S u its , Side. B oards,. Chairs,

Tablas, Etc. .■f S 'C arpets: M attings,

E e o ' d ' a w Bod

^ B E D D I N G ^a S ilv erw are ; Lamps, Stoves,

' All th e Novelties In '

F ren ch , B ohem ian and Do- - . - m estic G lass..

F o re ig n a n d D om esth) Cliina : r an d Table WaTe.

Goods delivered in Asbnry Park and O cean: Grove. - ■ . '

TO SHINGLES.Having purchased B, largo lo t of Ha^gor, P a ..

SKdATACd Btriotly made, frqm on crl>eu-*-norfa otter: mttdo ln BatiKOt yATlay-^" uih now prepared^todo s late roofing a t the followlflff prlcea (sizes of Blata0xl4.8x10 and 9x18): fitriotiy- c lear No, 1 a t •H ix l i l o G N lM lA h F € » N T S .per Toot,.fli^tHdato w ork on oorairion .ootiages, 1 Rib-'bon F lw M AM D O N E -H A E f "foot.

f* C E N T S per-

| do n o t propose to gp around.and buttonhole people and mfsreprosent prices of others, b a t I givo to the pnbllo m y p r i c e s on Bangor slate.

I thank my frionds who havo patronized*mofor tho m any Veara I.have been In Aabury Park. I aliall Bttll adln ------------------- ‘ ... iflro etrimiy to my old prnotleo ofdoing good w ork In the hest-possiblo m anper. Furthermore I..do n o t sell Koyfltono -Blate-for Chapman, b u t will figurp fo r any elate th a t my ouetomere wlelh ' v

M . M, CR O SB IE,• ' ; s tree t and-Munrop avenue, • .


s la T e f l a g g in gT E N

)cean Beach and Spring Cake.

U flt , o f conveyances*-M onm outh C ounty C lerk’s ofllco, fo r the week e n d in g M ay 7, 1887: •

’ ASBUKY p a r r .

By virtue p f an order l|Buod o u t of. the CourtWm,’ \y. Wlnaer to Mary E. Green—lot 3G0 and

westerly h a lf of 851 Aabury Dark. 12,000.. ' JT h ea Aumaek, Sheris’, to David I , Yanderv’eerftf A aki.M I).. 1. ttVA

Asbury Park. $1,500. ,Charles H. Klador to James H. Roriiain—lota." ~ — — - — — * - ' ttkcvw PovV El

P U B L I C S A J L H J , .

.846{846 and p art o f 844 Anbury Park. 01. • V OCEAN GROVE.

Cornelius C. Clayton to Margaret lia ise —lots 781 and 785 Ocean Grove. 01,800, <

NEPTUNE TOWN8B1P. ;; . - ’ *Frederick G. Burnham to Mary J.* Howland—2

lota West Asbury Park. $640. ,Annie Green d a l: to Joseph Simpler—lo t West

[Ois. 1218,1214 aud 12ir>) on a plan of lots of the. iean Beach Ai^oclntion, duly (lied In the.CJerk'S

............ „ Joseph Simpler—lo t WestAsbury Park. $150.

John H. White to Myron 8. Gould—2 lota Nep-tunp townflhlp.-frWQ..— ................

lialsted E. Brown to Jamea W, Poland—lot Nep« tnnotownship, 0220. .. •_ t ... .. .•— •-•••••-.■ Ereilerlok u . Burnham to SaiuUel W. Robbins— lot 275 West Asbury-Park. $285.50. >

FrederlokG. Burnham to Alfcwl Cuhherly—? lota.WOBt Asbury Park; 06S2.BO, . -v *. -p-.

j ; Dewitt Fay to the Church Extension Board of th e Missionary Society of the N. J . Annoal Con­ference A. M. E. Zlon Church o f America—lot West Asbury Park. 01. *.... , (

James H; Sexton to Barzlllal Grover et of.—lot 852 Mt Prospect Cemelery, 075, •

Mary Ann King et al. to Sarah Em elli Bailey— lot Ocean Park. 01. .

Sarah Emella Bailey to Mary Attn King—lot Ocean Park. 0t.-Sam h Emelfa'Balley'to Catherine Bailey—M lot

Ocean Park. 81. - : ; \

plan of lots;-togethor fronting or In width one mpdred-feet on'-lai * --------- “ --------- --— "

Lake Beach. 01 per year add other consideration.Hannah Commons et of. to Frank Col/or—1 10100

acres Freehold township. S300. * ' .Elizabeth M. Glthens and bnsb&nd to Robert P.

S. Pylo—58 40-100 acres Wall township, i960.

same premises gmntod and conveyed byThomi *' to Anna J. Wood, bv dwKenhe'dy and wife to Anna J. Wood, by deed dated November twenty-frtufth, A. D,, eighteen hundred odd sovcnty-nlno. and reeo-ded In tho Clerk's office of Monmouth county, In Book Vol. 320, page 372, Ac.

Also aU th a t certain lot of lahiTsUuato as afore­said and numbered twenty ono hundred and twelvei2U2) on a plan of lots (rf*4he said The Ocean Beach Asaoci at ion, duly-fded In the Clerk’s offiqe of tho county,, of. Mpqmopth , aforesaid, hounded aiid dcscflbe<l (is foflows, to w it: Begin­ning a t a point or Btako ln tho southerly lino of Eleventh avenue (as laid down on tho .aforesaid plan of lots) distent one hundred feet from the westerly lino o f A strect. and extending thence 8outhQrlj*'ftt right angles to said Eleventh avenue and aldhg tho westerly lino of lot No, 2111; ono hundred audfifty feet (ISO ft.) to the rear ttue of lot number twenty-two mradred aiid twelve (2212) fifty feet to the easterly lino of lotnumber twenty- one hundred and thirteen (2113); thence (3) north-

Robert Allen, Jr., Adm’r, to Abigail F. Harris— lot salt meadow, tw .' T \ -

Jolin Traflbrd ^ l e q rt of., Ex’rs, to Charles G. Dennis—lo t Red Baiik. 0500. - ___*

orly a t right angleq to last course and,along the said easterly Hue of lot number twenty-one jiun-

— -----------..sfCorjgregatlonalR hurch, Long Branch—2 lota Ix>ng Branch. 08 0.^Pltman^W est et al. to Morgan R. Mulford—2 lo ti

Mary Elizabeth Appleby and husband to Davlcf fiDe<1* rind IfWTfemember rightly, sev-nir.1 law, ,nn ... . « . . i

dred and thirteen ono hundred atid fifty feet (150 ft.) to ' tho said southerly line' of Eleventh ave-' nuo; thence (4) easterly.'at right angles to last course and along the said southerly lino of Elev­enth nvenuo/flfty feet (60 feet) to tho pldbcot beginning. - Being the same premises granted aud conveyed by William H. Pearce and wlfo,to Anna J. Wood, by deed dated March third, A. tf. eigh­teen hundred" and eighty, and-recorded lu the

leik’s office of Monmoutn afeds, page 196, Ac.Also, .that certain other lot of land numbered

twenty-ono hundred arid Thirteen (2113) on tho plan o f JTho Ocean Beach Association, described as follows: Beginning a t a point or stake In tho eoutherlydlne-of Eleventh-avenuo (aa lalfi down on tbe plan of lota aforesaid) distant oueT»undred and fifty fcot from tho westerly Une of A street, Andbxtpnding thence (I) soutlierly, a t a right angle to raid Eleventh avenue and along tho west­erly line of lot num ber twenty-ope hundred and twelve, one hundred atid fifty feet (150 ft.) to the rear line of lot number twenty-two hundred and thirteen (No. 2213); lh'enco (2) westerly a t a right iiigid to last course and along theSa'd rcarlluo of ot num ber twenty-two hundred and thirteen (2213)

fifty feet (50 ft.) to tho easterly lin ao f lot num ber twenty-ono hundred and fourteen; thence (8)

Bame to same, 05.31..Same to same. *6.01.Same to same: *205.42, “Samo to same. *36.50. "" - ■Samo to samo. *0.01:"Same to same. *5:4C : ' -Hamo to same. 0293:54.""^“'^* • ~

' lAiwtavH. Brown to Levleo Chacey et al.—lot Long Branch Village. '*1.'• Matilda Corllea to Lewis H. Brown-r-lot Long'

Branch V ||Ioge.ll; .’.-...i... • : ' . -Kulllvan H. Weston-to- John Sloan—tote L ong

Branch. 51 and other consideration.

northerly, a t a right an^le to tho^ last course,and along the said easterly iine of lot number ■wenty-one hundred and fourteen (No. 3114) ono

hnhdred and fifty feet (150 fL) to the said south­erly lln e 'o f Eleventh avenue; thence (4) easterly a t a right angle to last conreo and along tho saia southerly line of Elevonth avenue fifty rcet (50 ft,) to the placepr beginning. Being tho(samc prom­ises granted and c o n v e y e d J a m e s li. Allgorand wife to Aniia J. Wood, by deedbcarlngdato March third, A. D. eighteen hundred, and eighty, and recorded In the Clerk’s offieo of Monmouth county, In B ook ttS of Deeds-page 191, &o.

Also all those certain other lots of land situate as aforesaid and numbered twelve -hundred a n d sixteen and twelve hundred and seventeen (1216 and 1217) on plan o f H. H. Yard's lots a t OceanBe&eh and bounded os follows: Beginning at the Intersection qf tho east side o f B street .with thonorth side Of Seventh avenuo; thence (l) along the north aide of Seventh avenuo two hundred, feet; thenco (2) northerly, at right nbglcs to first course, one bnndred an a fourteen feet more or less to the southerly aide of South Lake avenue; thenco (3) westerly along said south side o f South Lake avonuo tho easterly side of B street; thenco (41 southerly along said easterly sldo o f B streetJlYty4wofeet more or less to 'th e point of begin­ning. -Bcing'tho same promises which ArtcmlssaL. Richards granted and conveyed to tho told Anna J. > Wood, by deed dated the eighth day ofApril, eighteen hundred aud eighty, and of record to the said office, ;^rBoqk 826 of Dgeds, page '141-,

Also those certain other lots of land situate as aforesaid, and numbered thlrty-onoarid thirty-two (81 and 33) on a plan of lots of said Ocean -Beach Association and bounded as follows: Together fronting or Jn w idth ono hundred feet on the westerly sldo o f Ocean, avenuo on the aforesaid plan and extending back westerly tho same width one hundred feet a t a right angle to said Oecan- avenue- by- apd between Jot number tftlrty-tiirco (S3) on the southerly side thereof and tho south­erly line of Eighth avenue on tho northerly side thereof one hundred and fifty feet to tho easterly lino o f lot number fifteen Ipindred (No. 1500) on said p lan : Being a part of tlio samo premises which Mark G. Korr a n d llerminea Si. Kerr.

-his wife,-conveyed to tho Bftld Anna J. Wood, by deed dalpd February lCtb,1 eighteen hundred andeighty-three, and of ,rooQrtl in tho said Clerk's offices In Hook 86t of Deeds,', pagp.gllS^Q,. .AlflO-

TharpeftolifO therjldroflarid situate In thetown- Bhlp of Wal( and county of Monmouth.aforosald; and numbered three-(3)'on a m ap of BrightonJUarid AsaoelatloR-adjoiriliig-Spring L ike, and deiw ijiinFasto llbw sr Beglii r11ng’ih tlfefwesterlylipq o/Tbooan avenuo three hundred feet north

N yrtrom ^^riw H hw cst corner of Ocer_ ewara-avim’ifbaT'thence (1) northerly nl( .westerly line u f Ocean avenue fifty f t.; thenco (2)•westerly, a t righ t angles to Ocean avenue, ono hundred and fiity f e e t ; thence (3) southerly, par­allel to Ooean avenue, fifty f e e t ; thoneo (4) east­erly a t right anclos to Ocean avenuo, one, hun­dred and fifty feet to thfrrplaco of beginning.Being tho same promises granted and conveyed *- " "’tit’ ' t —jy Carrie F, Tuttle And 0.' Wilbur Tuttle, husband, Uy deed bearing date tho fifteenth da' o f Fehruary.elgUteon huudred and olghty-tiireo. and ’o r 're c o rd In said, office, in Book 801 of Hgods, page 229, A c .. Together w ith all and sin­gular tn o hereditam ents and appurtonanoes to the same bolonglug or to any wme appertaining, and to bo sold by

RICHARD T. MILLER; SpecialMAStor:Edward Dudlkv, Esri.. Hol’r.

•Dated March 14th, A. D. 1887. (P r’s fco, 032 40.]

SEA SHORE LANDS.We offer for salo a t a bargain, to oloso_an

estate,,the oply largo plot of.shore land Je tt ou tho N ew'Jersey coast, that'fs not already owned qs controlled by some Imnd arid Improvenloni Company.. This proporty (bolifg tho estato o .tlio fate Capt. E. Q. Jackson) oonaiBts of about 45 acres of hard dry land, w ith’ house,ipytbulld- in a ,e tc .a ltu a to -a t Manasqnan, N. J .,-w ith in 0 minutes of station on N. J . C. 11. R. from Now York, and 5 m inutes of station on B* IL R. fromPhiladelphia, with numerous dally trains I t Is bounded on tho north ' by 'a beautiful lake ft -mUo. fn-length)-wh{olrRDparftteg3i xrom Sea GIrt and f.hoBtatfl EnfiamimmttJ"tire Htato Encampmcn.it! U'n llife east by tho' Atltm-. ilo Ocean, on the south by main road, on tho west by prlvato property.

This proporty. Is especially adapted for Sum­m er Hotel or Sea Side Cottage qao. Ita close proximity to tho Sea Girt improvement Com-winy’s Improved property,'village, railroad sta­tions and ocean, makes an opportunity forInvestment, o r speculation th a t Is seldom offered. Frir map and further partlonlars as tff price, &o,. ; A d d io e a S . - 0 . R 'b G liiR S ,

^Ahhury -Parky N ,J .or j; n. ir,ETOHisR,'; ... . _..V:

96 and 08 Folton 8 t ; Row Yprk-Clty,

N O V E L T 1 E S

A Iflte a o a Improyed edition, DtTunJoDnNAL I ^ aoWE too t ^ exceed 4,000 test) 'Kir T B M i' ■o!Qo9, 718 M sttlapn ave;—A d r. .. ■ - c e N T S per foot. ; • . • * •!' ■. o - -. , * . . . 1 . i .. ' 11

. V in e S t a tio n e r y , D o lls , T o jh , I ^ U e r y | W r l t l i i « H f e t e r M i , e l e

ATiENKll^S’ N E W B R I C K S T O R E' M f tia .s trq o t, d p p o e ito D e p o t .

-tot, Asbury Park, 0200.David L yariderveer to John F. Crawford-r-lot

MI8CBLLANEOU8.John W. Ely r ta l .ta Ann Clay ton—10 Acres

woodland Atlantic township. 0200. ' ’Joseph C. Potter to Edward Bennett—lot. Long — ih.The Spring Lake-Beach Improvement Company » Frederick G. Elliott—lease o f lo t a t Spring

Theo, Aumaek, Sheriff, to Wm. Albert Van- Schoiek—lot at Oceanic. *650.. >

Wm, A. VanScholck to Robert Allen; Jr.—2 lots Shrewsbury toWriship, *600.

Wni. P.-Holder to Mary E. Cross—lots 56 and 58 Reid's ViUp Park. 81 and exchange of property.

Julius MrrSpfero to Simon Suuan-^Iot Long Braneii, 81. .• D. Henry Iteld to Capt, Pitney -Curtis—2638-100 and 8 62-100 acres Manalapan township.'*327.15.

Samuel M. Schanck, Jr., to Wm. ArDennte^IOt Ocean township; 85(,0.. ^ Sa. -

Wm. G.Hall rt o t to Augrist Hchvrftrttog—lot near Ixmg Branch. $456. -

John R . Bergen , to tho First 'Com

BairrI—10 25-100 acres Freehold township. 041.Deborah Ixjcompte to Charles Matthews—53 45-

100 4nd 5 31100 acres Howell township. 01:.. .The township of Ocean to Inhabitants of town-t ship o f Ooean—sale for taxes. 04.83.

Same to same, 0237.81. : "

James Clayton to Samuel" T, H endrick toa- 6 tracts land Howell township. 81,850,

A t t e m p t a t K l d n a p p i n g .

‘E d w aid W ilso n , o t Rod B ank, fo jtnerly o f the D ailV iJ ournal staff*' cam e to Aebury B artonilh te itoa^aooora 'patilod b rO f f i f te fP a ^ 'toraon In putonlt o f painlel Ctaco, o f ITeptnne City, w ho I t Is ftllogod tried jto k id n ap a llttio dangh ter. of Jo h n D ow , liv ing near BhreWs- V bnry. . . , . . < .. •' ... . . . . . . . ‘-^C isco’s w ife c laim s to l>e: a fprtnne-telleTj,^ while hp follow sbprso trad ing ,'posdlb ly o ther practices even loss respectabio. Ori M ohday Cisco, h a d beeq a t Red B ank an d re tn rn ln g - / .came u p to th p little Dow giri, w ho "Whs w atcblng cows pastn r in g a lo n g th e ro ad ii He - / tried to coax her Into uta w agon.and offered b©Tmoney, w hen fibejrepam o frlghened and rap away1, - presently - m eeting a .farm er to .whonxahe told her Btory. CIsoo In the mean* . - ttrao h a d disappeared. A w arran t wris pro- cured by Mr. p o w an d placed In Officer ^ a t - tofsou’a hands. C isco was found a t b is hom e a t N eptune JUlty, and was.Jq s t hbont ^ I e a v p _ # as M rrW ilson and fche.ofBror cam e nppn him , . Aastlco Bordon hold h im txttder $200 b id l to a p p t^ r before tho G rand J n ry . .

C B ta b ll .8 l i in f ; a B o u n d a r y . _

The w ators o f R a ritau Bay, .lying betw een . M omnouth cohnty an d 8taton_Isl,aQd,m dst valliabTe^wnter territo ry , fo r Its'size* on th e continent. Besides abounding Jn a ll th e - finor fish th a t Inhabit s a lt Water, th e 1 w hole surface o f the ground u n ^ e r the w ater is a .. vast field for . clam dredging; o r beds fo r p ro ­pagating , th'e m pre popu lar sholl-ftph—the oyster; ■ ' ' ' t * ' ' K ’

The bay lying, betw een the. S tates, the shores o f which be ing very Irrpgolar, m akee the boundary a very unceptato lQqaI{on. a n d from tim e^fe r back ' there h ave p iracies ..and Jencta w ithout num ber betw een the Westfield- ; e rs dn S ta ten Islan d a n d residen ts o f Ghinga- : rpfaY K eyport) IriM onm outh ,. T h p tro u b le s— havo often culm inated In . seizures adcT. occa- Blonally Woodshed. . ’ •>.

Seven years ago a rich n a tu ra l bed o f oys­ters was “ s tru ck ” • a lm ost bn tbe m iddle ; ground, so near th a t both sides claim ed i t an d neither w ould g lv e n p . E ach side m astered l n ”foroe, a desperate fight ensued', b u t the AVcatfleldere g o t.the betto r o f th e skirm ish, b$ jz they cam e.arm ed with, w arran ts and backed by a posse to enforce th e aftreats! A n u m b er of the K eyport meritwero taken to R lohmond,

t Eleanor V. D. Vanderveer to Cbristophet T. Vanderyeer—80-16-100 acres Atlantic township. 01-, and other consideration. , . . i '

Christopher P. Vapderveerto Wm^Leaby—ao 18- 100 acrca Atlantic township. 01,000 and other con­sideration.

Sarah E. Smook-and husband to Christopher 'r. Vandorvcer—30 18-100 acres Atlantic township. 03oftand other consideration.

Jonathan Longstreet to Emellue M. Conover—6 7^100 acres Holmdel township. 8813.75. '

Augustus Marsh to Sarah Coleman—lot a t Long Brnuch. 0300. - •. *— '

Sarah Coleman to JohntColeman—}£ part Of lot at Long Branch. 01.

AbBalom J. WalkeF to Rebecca D. Adam3—lot 1,313 Oeean Beach, 01,200.

Samuel Hculltt to Samuel D. Heulitt—15 10-100

era l o f t h e i r vessels were confiscated.Effortri.have been m ade in the paat to have,

the boundar^ determ ined*-but Dot u n til last- year did any tb lng tan 'g ib le result. The Leg- Islatnre o n A pril 20,1880,' enacted a law •ati^ “

'thoH zing th e Gqvernor to ap p o in t a commfs- sipn to m eet w ith , a like com m ission from . N e v r ^ o rk ^ ta te ■ apd-jvdjust the-boundary . Gov. Green appoin ted Prof, George H . Cook \ : R iparian Com m issioner R obert C .B aco t an d ' ex -AtSsemblyman A. B. Btoney. In M arch q t J

( b la y e a r theL eg ieia tu ro a tA lb a r iy authO Tized-4 like com m ission com posed o f W , i f . Hazel-' tine , R obert M oore and LleuL J . Ci H anna ,- U . B. Navy. _i. i . —

Thoy m et a t th e A sto r ifo u sa on F riday * la s t and o rganized w ith M r/S to riey a s ch a ir- '- m an and M r.'E ^P . Doyle w as selected 'secre­tary . V arious co m m ittee s . w ere appo in ted fo r p reparing m aps, docum ents an d such

lather^m atters as m ay be needed in prosecnt- tog tho w ork . T he com m ission ad journed to m eet again on May fltli.

acrcii'Wall township. $1,125. .Rebecca Eftkclcy rf m. ,_to Mary Patterson—title

and Interest in lot a t Red B an i. 01.'Mary Patterson to Mary Ann McSwyhey—lo t In

Red Bank. 07r ■


In Freehold.. 03Q& .Evallne Fields andhusbarid to MatthiaarKraetn-

er—lot Middletown township, 810a . 'M iranda'VanBftmt and husband to Evaline

Fields^rlot MlddMown township."^. . -D. Jonfcs Roborffto Addle E. Roberta—Lot 43,

Atlantic Highlands. *1. •Hannah Sutpben to Acton C, I la rtehorae—re­

lease dower 450 apres, Freehold township. 058..William Cailaban to Hugh Herold—lot Shrews­

bury township. 0100. . . •, Garret V. Carson et at., to Annio V. DuBoIs—1 75-loP acres in Marlboro village. 51.500.

JOhn Stryker to Charles H. Bennett—2 lota Marl­boro township. 0100.

Charles E. Clayton to Emma Price—lot Eaton- towntown8hip. *50o. *

GeorgeN; uapsto.Lewlg Jf- Price—lot tuQceaa- port. S70 41. ’

Ju lia C. Wlkoff tp Jam es, McDonough—lot a t the H ighlands.-8350.

Ju lia C. Wlko/T to Edward Oakes—lot a t tho Highlands.'*350.

Anna Woerishoffer to Oswald Ottendorfer—pow- j r of attorney to se lH and in Ocean township. *1.

Anna Woeriahoffer .to Samuel M- Shafer—re­lease o f dower la loth In Ocean township. 01.

James L: Hays, guardian, to Samuel M. SchaferKUB1UUUI. HJaouiUCI—2 lots land Ocean township. $25,Q0Q.

FrederickLuptonto,Frederick I.upton, Jr^ -lo t- in Mntawan. 8500.

Tho Board of Freeholders of Monmouth- Co. ‘to ' Joseph VauBrunt-aorcs 16, 20, 5 and 7 ' 77-100, IIowoll township. 5900 - ..

Charles C. Bowue to Ella Slattery—lot. In Free­hold. 8105.%AIDCrt'ETReed,'assfgnee. to Fred W. Flannery—

title and Interest In lot In Red Bank. 820.. 'Fred W. Flannery to Mary CrCornell—title and.Interest in lot. a t Red Bauk - 0 1

Tlelcua Ely r trif .ex 're , to CharleaH. Ely—is 87- ipo acres Freehold townsh|rL$49l ' 75.- . Helena Ely, to Charles H .Ely—release o f dower.

81. ' ' *

B f t b y h o o d .

The M ay num ber of itabffliood overflows with good things for young m others; The o p en in g .a rtic le o n '“ Tbo D iet o t N ursing Mothera,” by E dw ard L , P artrid g e , M. D .j . Obstetric Surgeon to tbo Ndw Y ork M atern ity Hospital, ls pecullarly in teresting , d e sc r ib in g - , how m ilk Is p ro d u ced . an d bow th e flow o f m ilk^Ia^stim ulated, show ing tlfead v an tag es \ o f lac ta tio n tq tho m other, dispelling som e grotm dlcsa objections to certa in a rticles of food, and em phasizing tho value o f o thers to both m other and c h ild .D r .-W .-B ) Canfield^ “ “ d l to n s s e s ’■‘ TTio Developm ent o f Speech I n - . . InfafitsiV; from .tbe first u tte rance’s till t b e ' <: form ation o f the[ ch ild’s, vocabulary, wltb its defects an d podnllrirlties- There a re m an y in teresting h in ts to be found ■ in " Whgj.. N ot to N am e the B ab^.” Dr. Yale tre a ts a m uch debated question In ” Eigh.t l io n tlis and|othejr_ - Prem ature Children,” show iug how p re m a - . •turely-born chl’dron m ay often b e saved 'by . care and a tte n tio n ; I n the^ j^Ju rsery Obser- - ra tio n s” , a ro rehearsed th e peculiarities o f ^ , som e babies, • ‘'N u rse ry Problem s” ’m uch valuable advice la g iven to m others'' upOti-such stibjocts as “ Sbro NippIea,” ;” C left p a la te ,” “ S uppurating E a r,” ” D ecaying T eeth ,” “ W eak Llmbfl,” oto. Iri tb o (tMtoU-. 1 er’s P a r l ia m e n t” a ro discussed '* A B a le ’s Sea-V oyagai”- ” A teO rig loal-W ny-o^-i,cart In g to Spell ;” vU Toixcblng th e use o f the N ur-.

.‘’ G r a n u q L P o a l^ e ^ ^ F l t t a n p o ^ and “ T hum b-Sucking.” _15


"Charles H. Ely to tViiiiam I. Elr~1337-l60acres inlp.Freehold townsnlp. W91 „

Henry W; Herbert et a t , to Annie Riggs—6 loU in Ocean township. 0)v ■. ^

Eleanor 8 . Thorne et aJ.t to. Garret Thorne—60 acres Raritan township. *2$00. i ■■ , - • *

Theodore Aumack, sheriff, to Jacob Wyokoff et a/.—32 acres Holmdfil township. 0500. '

. . . . ... , ,S t e a m s h i p N o m e n c l a t u r e .

A stu d y of s team sh ip hbm enaojature d is­closes som e ra th e r, in teresting facts. The Gulon favor,^hecTianitts: o f . t o r r ^torle's; andheriBa-we havq.the^to iJbo arid' the ^iHzona. The nam es o f tfie Cnnardi liners a ll end in “ ia!’—for exam ple, the ScrvUt an d tpe (£ lm n in . ' The Oregon waa b u l l t ^ f l t h - tlip; Alaska and.Arizona, .to be leased to th e Gulori lino, b u t sh e w as acqu ired by the C an a rd liqe, an d b roke th e spell bo f a r as b o ib hatno. and record vfor» ' tfonoernjad. r\T h e -White S tar boats include tho llejmbllc, the'-BKftmhie and tb o Celtic—aM th e nam es term in a tin g .with “ Ic.” . The A nchor Une favora the “ la” te r­m inal, an d m ost of the steam ship com pauiea follow a hard a n d f a s t ru le in selecting nampa

Jo L th cIiL b o a ts^ aa y ^ x c ^ tio D -b e ln g a c co u n t^ od fo r b y the purchaso o f a p a rticu la r vessel from cmothW l I u o.—Gbfb^-lkmoci'dt.

e t t e r s .

p o s t office a t : th e w eek-ending

* A d v e r t i s e d $

. L ist o f le |tem rem aiitihki -Asbury P a rk , N / j ; , for M a y . 1887: K ' _'". T \ " 'A ah m orc^M W Debb I oLU t l e , l f ra L au ra Biddle. S & Lliytori, J o a Hfioldon. R evR ando lph M ar tin , M rS'ITA '" Benuett, A L ; , M cCarty .1 C o rn e liu s 'B elcher; M iss A nnie Reed, J o n n J I - B eatsbn, M aggie . Harles, M ary (2) Camolk M rs J Tollm an, L ucindaClayton, M rs E M J ; Thom pson, Daniel Oham bqrs, M iss Gora W ilson, M lss R ena

JJlebrow , E dw ard -Wilson* M lsairene- F erguson, Miss L E W ashington, G w rg e Gordon, M rs WUUs ' - WhUriey, M rs E (J H endriokson, XAJVlnla W olfson, 8 - Jam es, M rs 8 . A- v.j i; r\ -^ ? * r.Vii

P ersons calling for th e aboyp pleasp tusk l o j advertised i e t ^ ^ . p j G. Snedhkkb, ^ . j f r* '

ToiC B ables;”c o a ts 'a n tim b er; $l-.50 a year. PabllBhtriy^., fi B^lTman^L. ^ew Ybrk;*:

b r u n k W i t l i o u t - D r l n k l i i f f *

h e s te iy -te 'te jd ^ H w o g en tiem en rw h o v ia- .Itod a d istillery a t Om aha, In com pany. 'O m rwas a fred sam pler, while the o thor was a t o ta l ' absfalri'er; though 'h 6' 'w a s deslrous of U noplng the process by,whtob good grain w as converted In to b ad whisky. • —' - , - : '

G olng th rough thu different departjnefnts -the tone m ria^ lre& w ith th e abundance a t every- b a n d ; the o th er re fu sed a ll d rin k . .They h a d '^ r c e l £ g < ^ the tetSVdtTer began to -eh o w ,9lgna - o r iutK

^brlety, and whon they-paW eiJ riht from *1 the' b u ild in g b oth were so d ra n k th a t a carriage w aarequired . The^ Ium cs o f tb® Bquojr.bad reaohpd th e b ra ln lu s t as su re ly u a If ta k jnlu to the stom ach.

W o r k o f £ l i e X i f e ? S a v l n | r : S e r v l c e -. . ~

T he active seasQh a long th e N ew Je rsey ooaat,cloacd May iST- received o s - 'slktarico’ froiri tho life to v in g ortiws. a n d 'a

to n m t^r 'o f"p e rso n s wore rosouod under, th e ; m ost unfavorable clrcumstericesT T h e d isasi ters oocurred as fo llow s; r J u ly 9, A ugust 6 , Sept. /B, Oct. 6 , Nov. 9, Deo. 12, J a n .>4,,Feb; 8 ,’Marob 4 and April 5 r , T h ere w ere 8 H p e r ­sons on b o a rd ' of the vessels assisted. N ine lives We re Jo s V two. b y . th e crfpalzlng of. their s tnall boa t and seven b y tho capsizing o f th e sohooher S arah A. num ber o f tb e ship-wrooked/wore token to the s ta tions a n d cared for. Spveral\vessel8 wore saved by th e cirewa a t the siatlonn. j ' * ‘

T e f t c h e r s ’ I l e a G i n f f jC l r c l e .

The nex t m eeting o f th®' E a s t -M onm outh , Teachers’ R eading Olrclo wlll bo held in th e t ^ _ . , M anasqUaa G radedS ohoofbaild log o n f ia tu r- , ,, day* M ayW tii, a t 10.30 a. u . - AH in te rested ‘ ' -a re cdrdially W ite d -r ; S u b jects fp r .dlsous- ' "ston, “ Physical © duration a n ecessary b asje ..)' . r t> -f o f m oral educ& tloaj^ * ^ T b e T ro r tr i£ § ^ “ " ^llc ’Sohools!”


Page 2: DUMB » Stoves, Reaters, Ranges, Lots Nos. Springlike, aud ... · FrM-bnrnlng Coals, all RlzeA and of the Lots Nos. 20 aud 21 at North Springlike, Fronting-on BRIGHTON AVKNUK.'and


§istetr(r |m tn m l__ AND M ONM O UTH R E PU B LIC A N . j_ _

/-N JOHN U COFFIN eujxm.

. . • • SUSUSHSP WftXtY AT "' t h W a s b u r y p a r k p r i n t i n g h o u s e ,

I- K. WilUCI.718 MATffeoN AVENUE,

USURY PARK, - • j ♦ W£W,4BMCY.

•v Entered o f the Potfofflce ctiAebury Farfrt Jfop. Jerwy, (M »a»ndV<w* »*<*(&»*• ; / ,

TERM* Of SOBIDRIPTIQU.1 year. In a d V A n o e i , ; ; . . . . . . . S O8 months, in a d v u n G o , ' , , *v;- . . r .v ,. -» 7s

: a month*, ln-advunoo/;,,. ^Singlecopies.. .<.< . . / . 1v. . . . . . . . . . . . . • 8

. i .

TO ODORtlPDNDEIITO.W e Bball be glad to receive flams o f news: and

. opromnhl cations on. subjects o f in terest to this ~-njommunlty. - • . . ; V T /"v In--writing articles Intended fo r publication,

o a r friends will p lease b ea r in m ind th a t a sheetw ritten on both sides has to be copied before go­ing to the p r ln te r - a labor w e cannot undertake.

All communications should be accompanied by the fall .name and address of the writer, not

- necessarily for publication b u t as a guarantee o f good faith. Anonymous. le tters will not, be

, noticed. • • . . . . . - . / .„'••* •*.. t We cannot return rejeoted communications,■ ba t will hold them f o ra llnil ted tim e If requested

/■V All letters Intended for th e editorial o r hews ■ 'departm ent should bo addressed to th e—

Editor of Thk J o u rn a l a n d KBFtrBrtcAN, Asbury Park, New Jersey.

S a t u r d a y , m a y u t i8 8 7 .

r - - v- r * S P E C IA L I V p n C B . ;

O n i h e l{ tb e l o f «m H ( a ^ e r w i l l b e . f o u n d T h e d a t o o f :e x p i r a t i o n o f . t h e

s u b s c r i p t i o n . I f t l l t s « J a t e i s w r o n g p l e a s e n o t i f y . n s a t o n e e j i f y o n a rO I n : a r r e a r s p l e a s e r e m i t a t o n e e . * •*.

N ot for . years has th ere been such a htrlfe In o n r Borough election a s there was on T oes ' day o f this week. T he fight was en tirely o f er the C om missioners, and I t assum ed sonjo p e­cu lia r phases. A t th o R epublican p rim ary on Tbaredsy J fS t 'Heflpra. TenHroeek and Ripley wefe .nom inated ,. while M essrs. Beegle .and and Bmlth wpre tied on th e v o te . The' p ri­m ary w a itb o n adjourned un til S a tu rd a y when the t ie w as decided In favor o f "M r. Beegle by a v o te o f 82 to 2 .4 - A t the Citizens’ p rim ary F riday evening Messrs. Kroehl and Beeglo w ere nom inated, and Sm ith again- tied, t^ Is -tim e 7fUh; J . 8. Ripley. T his s ta te of affpifa le f t five, cand i­d a tes In th e field for th re e offices—fo u r Re-, jfubUcdh* a n d one D em ocrat. T here w as little opposition to Kroehl, b u t sofiiew hat m o ie to

S R g g lo ; the m ain s trife , however, w as the -triahj^alar-ono am ong th e ' th ree R epublicans —i#nUb, Ripley an d T enBroeck. . Sm ith’s advan tage was th a t h e bad tw o candidates against him and h is following s an d th e opjMK sltlon was fhUs dlvlded. H is m a n a g e ^ too, showed th eir knowledge o f political tac tic s by inducing nearly seventy m en to c a st their haUots fp r b u t one Com m issioner—Smith- and so ou ttlhg dow n th o to ta ls of-T he tw o o th er men. This conrPe succeeded in’ m ak ing him th ird m an a n d e lec ting him* although h e had b u t BO* votes o u t o f th e e n tire 470.cast, o r 159 less than hla tw o opponen ts combined,. W e append the full retu rns;: ! ', ,*' Whole num ber votes east.. . . i . . . 4 7 0Judge o f Election, * • '/ , '

J . E. W n r t m a n i . s . ; . . . . . . . . ; . . . . ^ . . : 4 MC lerM f Election, - * ,

Harry Rockafeller,.........Inspectors o f Election,

Alfred Hart1. : ..........Jesse Clay ton— . — .

OollectoT, —Milan Ross.. , . . , . . . . .

^ T S & r p i d - u . F ie ld e r.:.:.. .Commissioners o f Appeal, - -

Alfted 0.-Atkina.—;

T h e A n n u a l C h a n g e .

Tho re-election of M r. John D. Beegleand M r. Geo. JTl& oehTaa Oominisayjh-ere of th is ,B orough is a matter., upon wliioh our. citizens may well congratulate themselves. Tw6 years, m ore of their strict and careful financial management will p u t onr city nj& n av firmer feasia tfian it has ever before stood; — 1 _ . *

The desirability of the change made between M r,1 Roqaain and M r. Sm ith can only be determ ined a fte r the la tte r gen-

-Hlqmqn has had. an opportunity to make h isreoord in / tfrb Board. “ A man is

; known by tiioiSompany he keeps,!’ and r an official is known by* the faction-that

electa him. 'IFwdtild' be nnfam-to criti- « pise in advance “a merely sappoeitiotis

recohl. /W e . sincerely hope th a t Mk. Smith will mifee a good and e f f i ^ n t Oommipefoner, and we shall givehirg full' credibdoT. eveiylduty. well and faithfully performed; V —

T h e T b W n R e p o r t . “

A large am ount of space is occnpied in. th is issue by, th e animal' report of the- Collector, Treasurer und Finance Com-.,

^ ^ i t t e e f o f PBoifdijigir'of”' AaB’ury^ P w k ,■ To those who take a weekly^paper for the

. . amount of love story i t cwntehis i t will no doubt prove dry reading—should they attempt; to waiJo through i t ; but to the;

. majority of our readers, who are inter- ested in Uie offairs and-prospm ity.of onr.: : town,(it will be quite as interesting as the

^ same space in local happenings.I t is the best, cleanest and most com­

plete annual report ever published, AiRT is a good sample of thebnsineas methods of our efficient F inance Committee.

’ Next^nffij^i;fhe ever popular D aily J oubnal begins its 30fth year of pnblioa- tion. . I t is ah established paper that is know,n all through the region rotind about jj.ft'p rog ress ive ; wide-awo^e and ’thor-

— oughly reliable journal th a t is always ahead in everything. In th e years th a t j t has greeted tlielihAdreds of thousands pf our visitors here i t has -won fo r itself the title of rf the~m odel seaside daily.'I f w ilt always..retain its leadership, and tlTd'lBHuea-ofrl 887 will be better thanever. > Advertising space in the D a ily is

; j8caTce. A few• -iEr®i8o u tiie ' flrriT a jld l^ o h il pages, aud

a little. hOteL Bpace^on the th ird page is _ all that is y e tin the’ n o t c a ll a t p u r office s e n d n s a p o s ta l a n d

- >vo w ill r e s e rv e ro o n i f o f y o u .

• In the article elsewhere under th e title; of * ‘Wholesale B urglary V we m ay glean a t least three things worthy of comment. T he first is th a t the authorities o f Ocean Grove ancj Asbury Park are ceifamly alert for the ' safety 6f -the persons and

-’property" of the ir - residents, and- theyqEre •vigilant and keep .in rthe detection un d puniohihont of offondora. In th is they are nblvwasisted by such offimals as Jng-

■^Tce^^dfdehrpAiToU i^^ that in’-this' ^ i c M ^ e s p e o i a l l y , p e o p le j ia n n o t lbe

' ’f a r e f n l i n 'b u y i n g g o o d s o ffe re il a t a s o n g b y su sp io id ils lo o k in g p e rs o n s . T h e

r tp u ip ta tio n is -o f te n s t r o n g to g e t a j ‘ b a r ­g a i n , ” ^ i i t th o b a rg a in i s - a d e a r o n e som ptim efl. T lu rs p e e ta c le o f G ro v e r , t h e

c— k e e p e r o f a g r o g - s h o p - j u s t o u t s i d e - t h e ^ s h h t h e r i i 1 nSilo ' l im it , i s n o t a n e d i f y i n g _ . „ o n a ^ H e b o u g h t a p a r t o f th p . s to le n

g o o d s 'a n d t h e n r e c e iv e d tR e m o n e y b a o k T f ro m t h e t h i e f - in p a y m e n t f o r . l iq u o r .

y T h e i ik d ih io o d o f h i s p ro se c u tio n , ' h o w -; ever, is & source of some satiafaotibn.

- N e w T r a i n s .

Cbm menojjig on M onday, M ay 10,1887, the . Peonsylvanla R ailroad C om pany will add 'a n ^ ex jjj^w train- fo r N ew -Y crk , Newark.' EHza-

betljVifeo., leav ing A shury P a rk -a t 0.50 A, M.; R etu rn ing leave Now Y ork a t 8.10 p . Mv T o r ’

Philadelphia v ia 8ea (71 rt,. leave Aflhtiry P a rk 'a t 7.23, T.42 a . m :,< 1^.37, 4.20" an d 5.80 p. m : . v ia Bay H ead a t 4,40 p . m . F o r fu rth e r IpfoN m atlon see advertisem en t l a an o th er cdlumtf.

X i j b r a r y A s s o c i a t i o n .

, T he la s t feguTai1 w eekly m eeting o f the to o l _ e ty for th e season was held o n M onday even­

ing. -.T h e president w as in th e cha ir. Ow ing to the unavoidable absence o f the secretary .,

- “M iss Georgle R o b erta was. appo in ted secretary protem ; Th‘o^)rograffii*8bohe<l w ith - a p iano Solo by Mlsa Form am hove In M ay.” M iss

. r ^ U a ire je o lte d ” 5 f |!8 a ilo r Boy.” D r..P a w le y o -rep r^sen ted thq 'dopartm en t p f L ocal-A ffairs,- o f which h e ia ch a irm an v glviiigla^ sh o rt lee- ■; to re en titled , ‘‘ H an d s U p ^ rr^Ehe -!8 obiety-

fy-.GBZ(Jtt6*, wft3 rea d b y ’the ‘ ed ito r, M rs.7, Boyd, M rs,‘K in g s a n g N °U re w n wlthontv vcfGroasif’ M r/W » H . M lld rre p O se n ted ; ihe d ep a rtm en t o P L ite ra th re a n a A rt, by e je c t in g______________________________ ^ ______ ^ ..T ii^ ac tl0P laa a ld to have b ^ n .t^k en o n a

_ S - , - J r o i S m aMlote o n fo r•. W oipna.V jn th e - .f a e r io n s CopiedlM .” T be *h ' “ 'reading-cff' the *ff i t iq w closed tnc^ixerclaes.• ' : : r r - - • '• r r E . M, J . ;

1. - Mr. A Ifred C .-A tklns ibad theT jonor o f pofi- 1 Ihg a li b u t fou r o f th e ybtea daat onTflefldhy.

B o r o u g l i E l e c t io n .


J. Ifenry Applegate W. D. Pennypacker. . . . . . . .

1 Washington white.Commissioners. 2 years,

• Q. Fred Kroehl..»,John D. B eeg lo .../...............William H. Smith.............. 7,P. L. TenBroeck ... . . iJohn 8. Ripley .. .7

. . . . .s.r.TOl„ .. ; . . .a 4 9

.204 . . . . . . . . . 182.,,. .. .. ,.1 8 1

“AH o fth cab o v cw eree lected ex cP p .tM cssM rW hite, TenBroeck and Ripley.

L i b r a r y P u b l i c .’- ^ h c laat L ib rary Pnffilo o f th e season* will, take'place a t E ducational Hall M onday even­ing.; Miss E . M. Jo h n s to n will gtve^a r e c i ta ­tion and M rs. Beegle an orig inal poem. - - In m aslo. there will b e a p ian o dinet by Misses Lizzie. Lord an d B e ll'G reen ; vlqjln solo by Mr.* G. S a n fo rd ; vocal solo, Mr. H arry R ed w ay ; vocal-so lo by Miss M. M cK eage; vioHu duet, M iss N ettie Brown a n d G. S ab ' t o r d ; vocal solo, Georg e W ; F itc h .' .

The prbgrara wili .ooncidde w i t h S w e e t ­h earts ,” by VY. S. G ilbert.

, The report was received a n d th e com m ittee discharged.

• T h e ' W ater Com m issioners, in accordance with the law , su b m itted an estim ate -of tho

Receipts an d e x p en d lm rre o f th e W ater De­part tnent f o r : the 'co in in g year* 'The total ru n n in g expanses, includ ing in te re s tn n w ater bonds, were placed a t $8,230. an d the estim a­te d re<S3lpta from all sources, $7,580, leaving h.defioienoy o f $700* I t w as explained by one. of th e W ater Com m issionors th a t aa tho wbrks bad been in operation less than a year, an d as the U riah W hite p la n t h a d b u t ' j i i s t been ac­quired, it w as a yery-dl(Bcult_m aUer:t9 m ake close figurca, . A fu ll supp ly of w dter w as re­garded a s the first consideration , b u t l t w opld bo obValoed a t the least-posslble expense; The estim ate was retu rn ed to tfcfo W ater Commis* sionera for revision,- to. see If th e deficiency could nbtj>e elim inated.

^•mtrttOT-'of-«priijkllng"M ain--streci- 80u th .o f W esloy I A te th e S treet Com m ittee reported th a t they deem ed It inexpedient to m&kej|t c o n trac t fo r tfals Beason, ow ing to .tbe increased .business o f the B orough. .*■ A pe titio n from the-* ‘tonaorlal artiata” of A sbury P a rk p rayed fo r perm ission to keep their shops open on Stfbday m ornings. ; They

• , CnARACTBRS, .M iss JanS N o rth co tt.; . . . . .M rs. W. H ..M ilesR u th Mlsa D ora C ow ardSir H arry .S preadbrow , . . . . . .M r. W. H. MilesW ileox . J "M r. M. F . Bird/A d m lsa lo u 15 c e n ts ; ch ild ren 1 0 cen ts ; ...

B o a r d o f T r a d e I n S e s s i o n .

T he reg u lar meettHg' o f the -Board w as held on W ednesday evening, V ice-President H ar­rison occupying th e c h a ir d u rin g th e early p a rt o f the session, u n til the a rriv al o f Presi- ‘d en t BuchafiSn. • ,

Several com m unications an d r e p o r t : from .other assoc 'a tlons were received and propertydisposed of. - ' , ; ; - - ~ r ------ •

Chairm an Glthens, of the R ailroad Com m it­tee, reported no special action had been taken since the )aat m e ^ ^ g , a n d th a t im p ro v em en ts were In p r o g i o ^ ^ q n r sta tion . j .

C.halrmfn i:M idley, o f th e In su ran ce Com­m ittee, reported th a t Jt waa n o t consldered p racticab le to s ta r t a m u tu al com pany . The secretary suggested a p ian fo r a p ro tective ^ssooiatlon, ap'd on haotlon o f Mr. G ithens; the m atter w as refe rred to the Insn ra tice Com­m ittee to r ep o rt a t n ex t m eeting. -

A n in v ita tion w as received iro m th e Retell .Grooeni’. U nion, New Y ork, to a tte n d a ban : qnet. M r. John-A . Q Ithens w as appoin ted to represent th e B oard .- ^-‘ . ' , 1

A large p ortion o f th e evening w as tak en np w ith d iscu ssin g the c red lt^ an d com pla in t system of th e B o a rd ; ite-needs* advantages, aq d how b est to conduct If. “ .Messrs. F er- gusbii, G ltheus, T reat, D udley, LeRoy an d the president gave testim ony a s to thudm pbrt- ance o f g u ard in g the c re d it t ra d e of o n r bUB-•inew V

W lto le g a le B u r g l a r y .

W hen^Mr. Jo sep h W hite, o f th e S pray View House. Ocean Grove, com e o v er from P h lla- delpjjla od Sa tarday , b e : found bis bouse bad been en tered and robbed o f p ictnres, clocks, carpets, e tc ., t o th e a m o u n t o f $300 a t least. V

H e a t once suspected th a t Philip Loudqr, who form erly lived w ith him, b u t Af la te h as been Hying a d issolute llfej h ad b roken 'In an d carried dff the articles. . Ju s tic e Borden issued a search w arran t, b u t th e officer failed

b u t the officers belng a b sen t a t-co u rt, - the- -Justice th o u g h t b e w ould try h ie h an d a fd e * teC tlyp"W °rk. Fortum U ely a b o u t th ia tim e Chief Bailey had a telegram ’th a t th e cu lp rit W aa, a t Spring Lake* A rm ed with th is In fo r­m ation, M essrs. W hite an d B orden d rev e to S p rin g L ak e a n d found th e tr m an. H&Was re lu c tan t a b o u t »retorn ln g wlth'-'flie^’aqnlTe, b n t ho was soon convinced th a t i t would b e dangerons to resist o r 'ta k e le g ball.

O n 'tiietf"\vay up , by jUdkjiotwf pum ping, Louder confe*y$d th at he had taken th e a r t i ­cles and* gave Inform ation w here they could

kins’. W est G ro v e ; a t M ary- BoVles^ W est G ro v e; while som e had been sold to Mr. Green, Mr. Robinson, C easar Riley, Barzilla! G rd v er' an d "otbow. * Nefffiy all the (pissing, goods have been re s to re d .' -

an d on Th'urBday,.ln_defauItpL$000 ball,_ lie. w as cotnmUted- to th e jaU f o r thg.gallon o f th e court. '

W arranto have, beep Issued.for all the p a r ties who bought any o f the goods, a s th e p a r chase o f s to len a rtlcles is a c rim inal offence.

X o u d er . s ta ted tlta t he jsord tw o.of the p lc- 'd ju r e a —ojie —find oil pa in ting—to Barzillal

Grover, o f N eptune C ity. fb r oiie dollar, an d th h trsp en t the m oney fo r fiqCor" In G rover’s place. - ,- .v . ' 1 •- T ' •

; • f T l i e N e w ' B o a r d i 5

D o in g s o f t l io C o m m is s io n e rs .Mat 0,1887.



T h q old Board of Com'misslbnera assem bled for tbe la s t m eeting o f the flsoaJ y e a rp h M on­day 'n lg h tj Mesars. Gonld, B radley; Bailey, MoEwan, Beegle a n d K toehl-being p resent.

T h e special com m ittee in relation , to road jnoney reported a s fo llb w s: : *,

Y our com m ittee, appoin ted to confer with tho T ow nship Com m ittee in rela tion to a n ap7 propridtion of.road m oney to be eipendftd^on tbe township, re a d s w ith in th e corporate fllmlte, w ould rep o r t m eeting ' w ith sa id com ­m ittee on S a tu rday last," a t w hich tim e the- , following proposition w as m adA: The Towd- ship C om m ittee ag ree to kedp su ch tow nship rea d s a s a re w ith in th e Borough lim its inrepair, p rovided they have en tire co n tro l of ill r e ---------------------- ’ ■ 1 ’rep a irs necessary, an d ,th e ro ad s be placed under th e ir jurisdiction* G* F . RgbEHL,

; * J , D . BbsJq lb ,' ' v. 4 . .Committee.

tu n n ouuib uiwu uii o u u u a r iuuiuiuks, ih d j , . . „ ' , . . , ..80t fo rth the necessity o f each a m casurs a n * f '» 4“ ' k“ e« ' h0 l « h t -vW ontly

^ belbg only from th e s tr ik in g o f a m atch by som e ope,

its g eneral jnpffenalvenose to the public.- C om , E radley offered th e following resolu­tion, which, was ad q p ted ;" W u rr e a s , The b arbers of AsBtiry .P ark

have In a bueihess-llke an d rcapoctfal.m anner presented th is Boftrd w ltb 'h .petition rela ting to condncting th eir bnsluess on S unday, and

W iibbb4S, This Board being a t a ll tim es ready to confer w ith our co n stituen ts in rela­tion, to m atters o f general w elfare, therefore

Resolved, T h a t th e m atte r be referred to the S treet Com m ittee to r ep o rt nex t week. — ^

. Rev. D. H . Schoek, In behalf o f the,resident clergym en o f thepla.ee, addressed the Board; urg ing that- i t en te r In to no ag reem en t wlthi any s tree t c a r com pany in relation, to S unday trayef. H e argued th a t vio la tion o f th«f Sun­day law w ould come soon enough w ithou t any sanction from the B o a rd ; th e Com m issioners shou ld n ot b e a p a rty to tb e v iolation o f law. R ev rJb h rrL fg g ln s m ad o -a g o o d 'p o ln t In a l­lud in g to th e .petition o f .the b a rb e rs to d o business on / Sunday. S having w as n o t a necessity, b u t only a m atte r o f c u s to m ; the div ine law is 'a g a in s t if, > n d even hygiene’ shows tho rem oval of the beard to be a n in ­jury . The Chinese ah av e-th eto p of th e head, and o th er n a tio n s have their ow n peculiar cofltomB; b u t becessity could certa in ly not be urged. I f the Com m issioners en tered in to B n a g r o e m c n t^ l th ^ e -s t rc e t .r a l l ro a d c o q s * - pany concern ing th e rn n n in g o f c ars o n S u n ' day, how cotild th ey consistcn tiy enforce the sam e^aw ag a in st barbers, druggists, o r even storekeepers J Rev. F . C._ Colby jalap spoke very briefly In the to m e view, a n d it w as evi­d en t th a t the Com m ttoioners w ere disposed to give w eight to th e snggesuoD. No* form alaction was' token. • ;■ • ....

Tho election re tu rn s from, the F ire D ep art­m ent—M th the' excep tion o f those from th e L ittle G iant'com pany—were read , and o n m o­tion o f Com, Kroehl th e election of Daniel Brower t o Chief, an d A. D. Bailey , as Assist­a n t Chief,, w as conIJrmed . -

T he F inance C om m ittee presen ted their annual rep o rt and also th a t o f the CoUectbr and T reasu rer. I n these rep o rts a s read i t appeared th a t th e Clerjc s ti l t held- 1^18.00 of Borongh funds in h is possession.4’ The F inance C o m m ltH h re ip m in e d tlia t- tb e ClCTlr had p a id a b lit f o r d e tee tlv eee rv ice-last sum ­m er th a t had-not been p roperly aud ited , and ow ing to th is irregn larity the bill bad n o t been allowed. T his ; w as his offset to ; tpe. $210.00. C lerk Bailoy;atoted th a t ho u n d er­stood th a t i t w as the e x p res^ A w ia ir tff the B oard th a t he-em pldy a detective, b u t the m 5tton had n o t been en tered upo n th em ln -to flhd the goods. ,

O n W a lh ta d ay 'Squire Borden l«m «) an- J!1™ fof fo a r . th a , p a rties w hom they wereo tliC rw a rrsn t -agBtert l.o u d e r to k ^b u rg la ry f w“ u ,h lng w ould bo w arned by such publicity .*. •._•• > « . .. I ’ ITa hofl nrtfnd In imrul In' am hlm rlnn UinH e had ac ted in good fa ith in em ploying the

officer, an d a s the m an req u ired m oney occa* sionally iio pqld him from .B orough funds. M essrs. M cEwap, Beegle and Kroehl had h q recollection of th e em ploym ent of su ch an officer belhg ordered. -T h o y jd id n o t doubt the C lerk’s good faith , b u t th e transaction was en tirely co n tra ry to the proper" way’, o f d o ing business..- A fter a leng thy dlrensslon o f the m a tte r th b Board passed th e bfff a p d . the a c co u n t .was then ad justed .

Com. M cEw nnapoke~of the 'pub lica tion o f the_ an n u a l r e p a fL in th e J o c a l papers. H e sa ld :thto-lf^threo-pajH ira_w ire-designfttQ d;Jt Would Cost the. B orough a b o u t $200; an d th is wto too m uch to p ay o u r for t h a t purpbsp.

..jC om ^B tqdlejr th o u g h t It w ould b e well to offer the”papers feach for p u b llsh in g jt.„ lt w as ihqn m oved and c a rd e d th a t th e news-

L ouder wirn lodged in~P arV i/a ll over Digtrtr W ‘o b ld fS i ' ' U? £ r,,lt ln* t0^ b e awaxdod to th e low est b id d er.'4 T he J our -

>The new B oard qf B orough Com mlaslonera will tohaiat o f M etors. M jrron S. G onld, Jam es A. B radley, W iilla ra .G . M cEwa% A lfre d D . Bailey, J o h n D. Beegle, Geo. F red. K roehl a n d .W illiam 'H. Sm ith. T he la tte r is the o nly new . m em ber. Mr, Sm ith 1b ,a sq » ju -law of ther late . M rs, H a rrie t E , M anning, an d h to been a r e s ld e n ro f A sb q ry 'F a rk fo r a n um berof-yeara . - H e - ls _ p ro p r ie io r -o f -.the^au'cttoh-room s ip • th e M ann ing ' B uild ing o n ..MainBtreot./- ‘ 7 ; , s .*‘^T ho Board ^1 1 organize o n M onday evening

nex t, whep, Tfe r^ rt |ld e n t; and Clerk will be elected a n d th e various cqm m lttees appo in ted .

P a t t e r s o n A g a i n A r r e s t e d .

“ F r a n k P a tte rso aw o a- token .ln CU8to d y ; aT th e opera h on to b n Thursday^ afterqoqn P jf fleargt. J a c o b W am bold, fila te detectiyej aqfd tak en to Newark^pn th e 4 1 5 tra in .... Chief oif p o lice T u ifcy o f N ew ark, accom panied the officer,' ' • ‘ ^ ' ' 7. -7'

larbeny o f a c&eck o f fti79f ~ Bugless w as ch ie f usher on '■bpchlpg n ig h t a t fh a .- iip s r opera house{ a n d b y aom e tran sac tio n in r^n o n ey m atte rs .in transferrlng ohboka, he w as o u t of. p o c k e tth e^b o v o am o u n t, P a tte rso n re ta rn e d on EridAy m oriilng, .' V- - " '•••• i . ^ - ,-J

w ould bo to give the rep o rt th is year to o n o p ap e r a n d n ex t y ea r to theptoerA -iq ro ta tlq p . T h is 'srem ed to s tr ik e th e Board favorably, so the.fo rm er-reso lu tion was rescinded aqd-the F inance- Com m ittee in strn c ted to g ive th e re p o r t to b u t one paper, w ith th e nnderatand’ lo g th a t th o o tb e r should have It n e x t year. [Subsequeptly thb F in an ce Com m ittee, hesi­ta tin g to, m ake th e th e selection, tooJounw A L and Mbpe Pres* repfeeentatlYcs “ m atohed pqpn ies^T br the first choice, a n d tb e ap p ear­an c e of th e rep o rt In ..our co ln m n sth ls week Is only an o th er Ind ication th a t T h e J o u r n a l is alw ays ahead ,] ; • , v

M r. J . J ’. B atten asked perm ission U fplaoe a s ig n tw o f to t sq u are In fron t,o f h is res tau ­ran t, 700 M attlson avenue. lteferred to S tf^etCommittee* ’

JD.hlef .of^ Police Bailey _waa instfi]c tod . to .

bo th b id s w ere thou Inform ot htr asked th a t an o th e r oppo rtu n ity bo given a n d his bid reoolvod. A: . . . — - -*•

The Board th en w e n t In to executive session and after-dollberatlon declined to receive the b id u n til th e ir counsel co u ld be consulted .

B P V o r a l R u n a w a y s ,

M onday m orn ing a littlo a fte r 10 o’clock, M ain s tree t p resen ted a n ex c itin g series of runaw ays, a n d s tran g e to ^say t h a t while tho s tree t was fa ll of team s, an d o n e team ran twoJfiooka o n the sidew alk , on ly . one pejteoh waa h u rt, .and he n o t se rio u s ly / j i l *

Fishdealer J . W , - H avens oyrns a Ceam o f m ustang p o n ies I h a t l lk e to ru n as well to they like to eat. T h e d riv e r h ad left them a few in ln n tes/w h ile de livering som e fish on R ailroad avebne, a n d o f f^ h e y w en t o n th e ir own acco u n t. R eaching Malih b tree t th ey took th e 1 p avem ent o t S telnbhch Brothers, wrecking o ne wheel a t th e ourb, -while th e top and body o f the. vebiolo were .wrqnehed off by com ing in co n ta c t w ith the co’dm ns a t C. E . B orden’s p to re t -T he tea m k e p t on tip the sidew alk,, th e footm en sca tte rin g r igh t pnd left. Mr. M . T aylor, resid ing a t A sbnry and G rand ayehues, was (on th e isldmyalk, a n d hla a tten tio n b e ing d irected to an o th er team whloh bad sta rted in th e gener^i^ftubbhb, dUTfibt Bee th e team ru sh in g tow ard him u n til

“w artied by tw o o r th re e o th ers who to w hla d a n g e r . , F o rtu n a te ly h e m oved ; a s te p one side, b u t n o t sufficient ‘t o e n tire ly o i to r ihe team . H e w as knocked dow p, receiving some in ju ry to h is side , w hile h is h o s e w as qu ite badly bru ised . A fte r receiv ing p ro p e r a tten* tlon a t Ogden’s d ru g sto re he'waa tqken home.

D uring th e excitem en t an d eonfusidn sev­eral o th er team s m ad e a s ta r t, • b u t was cap tn red befo re do ing Jm nch .dam age. . A t the' qb m er o f (^ookm an avenue an d Main s tre e t the runaw ays, co llided; w ith- M essier’s milk wagon, upse ttin g h ly can s , b u t fo rtuna te ly tie was n e a r enough to c a teh h is h o n e . : 1

Iff the afternoon Jo h n L . SchneiderTs^ofBe had a U tt'e cirou^ffiLJte ow n, an d a t E ^ b te y ’a carriage reposito ry up ee t a buggy in which a lady was seated.. The lady w a s n o t hurt, b u t both vehicles w ere som ew hat-dam aged-

A g s a u l t e a W i t h a B o t t l e .

S atu rday evening a sloS n te i A pplegate, who lives o n SpriUgwood aveim e, W eet P ark , was re tu rn in g ' hom e, ..ho saw a sudden, flash of ligh t inside, an d th in k in g i t pm ight b e on fire, hastily an lo ck ed tn e door a n d w en t iq.

A pplegate had scarce ly en tered th g .d o o r -when he was s trn c k $flfh a b e e r botfle, which broke, 'and b e s id e s-s tu n n in g b p a ,1'I t c u t a deep gaah in h is head . H is a s sa ila n t pjrored to be George B aird ; colored;, who h a d broken; Into th e hotiBe w ith a p robable in ten tio n of plundering i t / B a ird w as a rres ted an d itak o n befdre J u s tic e BoM eh, who, in d efan lt o f <100

-baU ,.cem m itted him to ja i l to aw a it theactjop" pf-the G rand J u ry . ' - j. .. v

H e R i f l e d t h e D r a w e r s ; "1T hree w eeks s ince Mr. D . E. S a n ftrd , o f the

H oterA sbnry , took In to h is em ploy, os assist? a n t and g e n e ra l e rra n d boy, a b rig h t lad' nam ed H arry H eroy, o f New ark. W ednes­day m orning th e b o y w as m issing, and abou t the sam e tim e 1t-was fonnd-the m oney d raw er b ad 'been rifled a n d bureaus, in some o f the room s had boen .ransacked. As n e a t a s can be a scerta ined , $12 in m oney h ad been taken and perhaps a. few o th er sm all th ings. Officers a re on the lookout fo r h im . r

B a n d f q r t h e P a v i l i o n .

F rom p resen t in d ica tio n s w e a re to have ex­ceptionally . fin e /m n a lo Jh U u sn m m er o n . th e pavilions; M r. R j H . W ortm an has. the' m at­te r In charge, a n a i f the hotel keepers show a reasonable liberality , w ith w hat tbe o th e r c it­izens will co n trib u te , th ere is reason to believe th a t th e v isito rs t o A sbnry P a rk wlllbe<Je^ lighted. L a s t year the mfisih w to good, b u t i t is hoped to m ak e t i te p to c b concerts even' bette r th is season . ^ fc V ^ H q if tn wlll be able tu'&ecure ten of the b cp t^e rfo rm ers on brass o r s tr in g instrum ents. '

R o l l q f H o n o r .

f lr a m m iw D e p s r fm e n t iAflBURT PARK. _

A Class, M iss A nnie M orton, teachor-^D aisy B arrett, P a n l W oolaton, J e n n ie Lordj H attie W hite.7 .B C lss?,. M iss C ora Tom linson, teaoher-^ Addle A ndereonrH arry V anSant; S arah A ller.

C 'C la to ,'M ils '* E r 'H r BdarilffiAB, " te a ih e r ^ H arry T o w n se n d / A delia PettlnglU , M amie Kroehl. ■ • ..v ''•/:■*

• • OCEAN GROVE.'’ • • "* • - 'B Class, Mr. J . M. R alston , t e a c h e r - J .

Dyre D ungan, E llaA say^ May Pine,C Class, Mlss C . 'M Daylsso.n, teacher—

Em m a Clemente,' I,izzie B ew iep, C lara Hager-

T c m p e r a n c e M e e t t n g , y . v A n, unusually in te res tin g moMing w lll.be h e l^ ln E d n ca tio n an iaU b h S unday afternoonA* 'I' 0*1 .1 .1 n. BnflAlAnA i f *liA O.frtMA III$ t3 ;80 , n n d e r tbe au sp ices o f th e R eform Club h h d th e W, t . T , U . A m ong the speakers

Jtevfl. D. C. Cobb, ,F . C . Colby and Ifenry . Belting, a n d M essrs. VanHI&C. 'a n d P a rk e r .. Prof. V anS an t wilt lead the s lngleg. The Y. M. .C. A. w ill a lso jo in in the m eeting, and I t p rom lecs’to b e thebeBLye£hol'd. Every­body should be there . • ; ;

itev . D .j C barlea Freyer^w W LpK a°h J0®it Sabba th m orning a special-serm on o n " S a b b a th obatirvancfa, a n d th e law s by - which it should be reg u la ted .” The evening service w ill com m ence a t 7.45 p . m ., instead o f 7.80 .p. M,, su b je c t fo r the luldrtoa. will ha“ T he M ilitary L epqr,” A ll a re invited to be p re se n t ‘

' ' ♦ ^ ‘a’SKsb."

T he g ran d conoett, u n d e r th e direction of; Mr. A. C, A tk ins, I q t th e benefit o f the F irs t M. E . Church, w ill b e g iven on Tuesd o k even­ing, M ay 24,14h E d u catio n a l T icketsa re now oh 'sale . . ' « . 7 :

S . S . T e a c h e r s ’ I f i s t i t t i t e .

T he n ex t m eeting o f th e In stitu te will be hold in the P resby terian C hurch n ex t T uesday evening, th e 17th, a t 7.4^ b ’Clocfe.L / ,

Bee’ th a t b icycles 1 an d frlq ffic sw e ro n o t ru p on.

ag a in st leavlng^borses u n tied o u th e streets* M r. Robertson, o f th e A sbnry P a rk ^ jg c tr i^ '

RallfYay C om pany, w as given p e rm is s io n ^ e x p la in w h y . b is com pany m ade only aq Inform al b id fo r the tra d ch ina,. H e sa ld b 6;

JEflBifldfttFHelTfits com pany r ig h t before theb people bf A sbury Park- T hey cam e hero w ith

Hbe in ten tion o f build ing a n d operating a n glectrio s tree t ra ilro ad th a t would be rfiret-

Iclass in ' e v e ry 1 p articu la r. T hey b a d g o n e ovqr tho ground carefu lly a n d believed they knCw w hat could>pe d ^ n e here. T he specifl- cationa as pnbtiaded w ere exceedingly severe a n d blndlng , an d his com pany cou ld n o t in good .faH b bTd u n d e r them . He; underiafobd th a t som e o f thOj principal objections bad been waived, a n d now he dosired to ’m ake a form al b id , accom panied by a oerjtlfied eheok fo r $2,000,(' Uo uhdorstood th a t the b id m ade b y the D a ft Com pany reafiy I n f o r m j^ i^ th e bh'ebkf bad n o t been seq t w lth tho. b l a -As

-^ -n J g h L frb m -F ih d la irO b io ,—T ho-gas-andyo lP

^streets a re a lm ost o th e

J s T h ll .of strUpgqiMmpaatotilO, a p d l L r t K ^ ^ h o n r e to g e t to

post office. ^ l n d p V ^ S R S ' n um ber ..pf hew h q u se an o w JA 'c o u rse o f erection ia over a th o u sa h d ^ ^ T ..B ia h t .i f itp e c te 'to re tu rn in a- few d ays|

Tho e n te rta in m en t a n d s traw berry festival given # L ib rary H all T hu rsd ay ovcnIng, b y the lad ies o f th e P resby terian Churob; w as a decided success. T he m usic, b o th vocal and instrum en tal, was o f a high order, an d the large com pany m ad e so free w ith th e refresh ­m ents tbM llttlS w as le f t .! V '■. : > / .

M r. B. T. B ran t a rriv ed a t bottle M onday

gM ltem ent, ho sqy% l ^ g i n g ye t. T bC olty

All w ho rem em ber the late A llen R ^ 'C qok will be pleased w ith a n p ll pa in ting Jnst* obm- pletcd by M r. E. L. C ady fo r Mr. Jam es A. Bradley, a n d now on exhib ition In 'tho w in­dow of M r. F ra n k A. P hw ley’s office o n M^t- tlaou avenue. I t rep resen ts “ Cookio’/ in h is favorite carriage , behind th e well-known blaok and g ray horses b e heed to ' d rive. ’H is a tti tu d e a n d d ress a re faith fu lly , p o rtray ed ,■ a n d even tb e p edularitles o f the* team a re fol- lowed to th e m inu test line. "O ld .G ray ’/ is s ttil 'in service, a n d h o pho tograph ever m ade a m hre .faitlifnl likenesa of a n anlm al than has Mr. Cady o n b is canvas, / : M

History of Asbury Park."Draw up tho papers, lawyer, and m ake 'em good

an d strong, . ^ 'And don’t yon leave R locpholo'for fblkxthat will

do wrong:And Just a t tbe beginning you make them nnder-.

. stand iThat no ono m ean and tricky can buy a foot of

' l a n d . 7And while your w ntin ’, lawyer,' i t m ay be Just an

• well.. • .. •That I should fill the tim e up by goin’ onto tell How this town by th e seaside .Jurt took a start to

grow. . ... P ' “And went i t like a mushroom, f till sixteen yeSrs

■ ; ago. •. ■ '.... ’In May In eighteen-seventy, as I have heard them

say, Y . .James A.s A. Bradley, o f New York, while walking

down Broadway, 7 ,Fell in w ith a n acquaintance, one David Brown

*~r. ■ by-name,The treasurer q f Ocean Grove of Methodiaflofiune. And to him put the question, “ How does the

Grofvogeton?*’ : • ;>.*'* O, very fa ir/’ says David, an d started thereupon W ith “ Why don’t you buy a lot, for don’t youv , see,” soys h e ,- 7 ’ . • . - ■■ •;“ I f you put your name down, now a first chance

yonrsw ill be.”

Well, Jam es was always ready to help good things , '■ -along; ■

A m an th a t Isn’t , th a t way, well—Isn’t worth k Bong.' ' ■

For arfthe Scripture urges fib all* of us to do,..... . . . . -When w e're asked to go a m ile, to m ake th at one m ile two. :

"So put me down for txoo lots,” raid Bradley In

' T f i f k in d o f curious, th a t w hen some daysAnd felt iw eq tby , ... / :•

With Bake and Boole and Cheeaman, and othersth a t he knew, . . . . . . .

He hurried down to See the placC as you or I • would do.

T ooltf Port Monmouth by the boat, and ih^nceto Eatontown, ‘ 7"

Where just lu tim e for dinner^ they dined withDavid Brown. ........ •••; -

And afterw ard theyaU set out by carriage through 'th e u n d , - “ j -

For Ocean Grove, to prospect th a t new an d goodly laud., - ‘ • " .

And Just about that'tlm e, sir, the turnpike com- ■ ; pany - - .Had begun to m ake their.road, the worst th a t you—.— could see; -r— ------ ----------------------- ^ •,.

. Frotn, .Great Pond down to Ocean Grove i t surely w asa ta e ss ,'

But now U’sdlprtoPi lawyer, and ca n 't be beat, I | . - : . .

WelJ, B radley raw the Grave and bought the firstlot sold

EJghty-flve dollars premlugr, as I ’ve been Often

F orB rad leyw aarqndow nandorer-w orked .you . see, .

And thought h e 'd tty. the seaside—good sense, thatBeem stom e.

So right alter purchasing h e packed his caravan, Took horses, carriage, traps a n d tent, John Baker,

colored m an, . - Who was his faithful servant, and down he came

• to boThe guest o f grim old ocean’’and to camp beside

the se a :................. —, •

■huicy hurried Cast to raise- th eir ten t, for It wm -growing d a rk ;

No axes to cut poles, sir, Which w m a lively “ lark,” * ■

And so they hung th eir canvsa upon aome heavy - beams— . ■

Association office was built on them, It seems. . Well, the building a t th a t tim e h ad not a sign of • ' ' roof; ' • 'No chance for warmth or comfort, h r mipper, that

•• was proof, •; : - .■ •/ « And eo they supbed on craokers—now how was

jf lp h f i m T a- - •, th at for hm L .To Home gooddiving fellows ;th a t would be rather

dry.But w hen It conies to “ dry,” sly, you h it i t every

time,-- „ 7 ■ *• v* > a-For James A: B: long Since, sir, has gone on that

.’ere line., ^ ......-They slept ou carriage blankets, and .on the car-

• rlago rdgs ‘And didn’t care a picayune fbr any Jersey bugs. Next m orning poor Johri Baker, he u p and rays,

rays h e : • ? '?: . -T“ This Is a real wilderness, now ’a ln t it, Mr. B f Poor fellow* b e was hom esick! 1 know Just how

he’d feel, :Pve felt the same myself, sir, clear dovra from

h e a d to heel,

“ don’tWell, Mr. Bradley cheered him , and said, be cast down.” *

And then they ate their breakfast—not what they’d have In towq. •

And then they found the lots, and pitched their tents, you know, — -

And so began their lonqly Ulfe like Robinson Crusoe.

One evening Mr. Bradley, w ith B iker by hla side, Took a btroll a long the beach to watch the.rising

tide,When Mr. B; proposed a “ dip,” bu t Baker rald,

"N o, no I” . . ‘ ' : •Thajocuaa was abatUHubtn which h e wouldn't go.

“ O but,” raid Mr.*Bradley, “ youknow the 8crip-6 turca ray; • t - .* • v —

That even n ex t to godliness is cleanliness alway,” j tn d so bo i took a hath him self by.Jyfng o n . tho

•• "sand,;. ; •.Half souted by every breaker ra i t came in to

But ju s t a llirie*alternie turned to loCk fbrffohn.' "Who having plucked \ip courage, had ventured

thereupon, • •*To take just Hke h is master, m ticket fbr outside, And ge t the merest sprinkle.from the' incoming

tide V '.In August, a t camp-meeting, the question went

the round, .• 7 -* / r ‘ •As’to who tbe paftYwos who oWped the tract o f

ground •• - . .(A very wlldornesa It seemed). Just north o f Wes­

ley Lake, - • . ;Where- rabbits lived by thousands,hid 'mong the

• bush and brake. . 7n.s. <•O aem dralag Hr. Bradley, w ithW illtemB. Osborn. Went oyer to prospect it, a n d got ttxemtelve* well

torn, *•- 7 . • ,•>.But feeling alt undaunted, th e wood#they strug-

lle d through,

view.lengtlrajovoly lake brol

: yirfSvupon their

Ing was the jjrosp^,jjfip«^rauUhil the

i l n adm IraW o^JwIwairaBce or d ream, _ ips In a ll too ,l$nd b e hard to

A U ttM ^ e e td fA f ittte sh ee to f w atersTperfectqT ft* kind.They tiled to form a-company w purchase this• •x 7 fk lrpsnd .K 1 ?........ -*™.-... •> ’'*••• •A boutflvehpndred acres—but here, you u n d e ^

They m «|rw lto: a ^ le in^na, for Just as th is was

The owner raid the purchaser m ust take toe whole, or hone. 7 /

" Never.inind," said one o f them, v by buying all, you see, * • . , w ^ .

Tliero will be larger profits for us. you will agree;” 80 some were high up for it—their h u m b eru was eight— . „ il :

But as toe nights grew cooler, the season getting late, - ’

Their ardor waned a liU le; In fact. It quite ram ___-7i.d0W.Di____1,Bo they gave up the notion o f this, their. J*. aside

I t seemij th a t Bishop Simpson had once been heard— to ray E- - - r . ^ - -:--------- -

That the Association should buy this land that lay .

Across the lake railed Wesley, o r I t mlg&t KCety be

T hat othor-falka m ight >buy iL,not qufte ddliym-

-W ith^^e~Xfltoj^l0nZipdl 'vnffi- lE^know.

A very good suggestion—and people thought it So Mr. Bradley w aited upon his m end. D. Brown,. An d “ ked if h e would jo in him In getting up this

slim ty iSilfesand doliarB. sif, The value ot th^sty tnnland, . ....

A little pile o f money not every m ail could stand.

But David had objections, as pebptooften d o , r ToTtenhave m yielf sir, ana, no aoubt, WdoyOtfir He told them to his {friend,^just like an h h n fs i

m an, . I J . ■-It’s a lw ay tth e best viajr, air, and ey’rybody can* "N o, no," raid hto friend P a thJ, “ a s i (he office.

■: fill, , • .Of treasurer ,of Ocean Grove* J won’t invest a

V m ill ; . / 7 v /But I wlll-wrlte to each one w^o 1s on tbe board

A n d l f l ^ yon’.ll g ive them; i n which they- can agree,

■The c1 purchase I ’ll negotiate p i f you the sum put . down, ' •■•'.■ -7

And so eeoura the property,” paid| worthy David B r o w n . ' * •' •

Now1 some fo rit were eager, but all did not agree;* — ■* *L 1 " — flv ', *« cnn will nlalnlvAud so theTwid was Bradley’s,asy o u will plainly

He to^d°t\iem a t the same tim e the property would

Be-sold to just such "paries as cotild be braugh ito see - •' *"■ '

And fully to appreciate th e object and .the aim Of the new place so soon , to be o f w ide’religious


The briers aU were cleared away, and afi the tan-gled b rush .,.s : 7

For the work: began In cato fi^ im d w ent It With a— - -nudi : ‘ ------ 7 ----- ------ -— —- ." - •—But a t tbe lively Bupj. sir, h(Several (hpusanda • .down, • 7 7—. i ■ ■And out of suph a wild waste there sprang this

- handsome town. •• ■Tho vcrjture as to pmBts hasjiol been a success. > But as an enterprise, air, i t's num ber one, I guess. And i t can take th e *palm, sir, for draining per­

fectly,,Thronjth ftlxteen mllea of street malna righ t out

into the e b a .. . . . . . . . .The first town on th is continent to lead out iti this7. tunV "V " j" U- . ■■■ ■ _ •'

TAiblg^^iric for a modest m an, that’s all I 'v e got to

And also there a re miles o f walk, th a i You’ll find.hard to beat, • ** - ‘

A P laza nearly one mile long by over tw enty feet, And os for w ater, law xer. Artesian—mind you,

sir, • • : -l • • . - V— -I t oan’t be bea t in a l l th e la h d . ho , neither nfear

nor fo r, * .Prof. Cook, Geqlogistv-has m ade the.m atter Sure, By'tcstjng o f the w ater pronouneihg i t to p u re/ ^And seven churches, law yer, th ink of th a t If you.

A Presbvlorion, Baptlat, M ethodist iuul African,

' r :

Episcopalian, also Reformed and Catholto.A big supply of churches, slr{ if folks w ouldonly

-Btfok,’ ■*. • 7.And n o t get 1n and o u t ’ m, a* they too often do,

For th a t a church can’t save a m an, w e all know to be true.

Hotels and boarding houses, and stores o f every kind, / rr.-’

And cottages both large and small, a lls ty le s for ev’ry mind. ; ,

The news of a ll ihe..w orld we get In first-class weekly sheets, - • * •,

Tho ooplos sell by thousands, so th a t, you see,' . quite beats , ' •/- .

poll CO .

The slow er towns and villages; and then the public balls

Are good for our Sooletios, fo r lectures o r for balls-

The boss, called "E dacationai,".w as bought b f Jam es A. B,,

A b e tte r hall I take I t you’fi scldom.ever s e e : Seats over.flfteen hundred, a C’entennlal affair.If you w ere on th a t ground, sir, you m igh t haVo - seen M; there.

And th en ih e re to toe Opera House, twelve hun- • dred It will seat, • -T

Look* well upon,toe outside,and in too InHldo n eat. ■ 7 . .

And full elgtit hundred cottages, and gardens all :* in bloom t '■ - 7 ;- - •

And In a il M onmouth-county (Be best Masonic room —

The P ark ’s la te Bup’rintendent, Allen R. Cook, " you know, • :

l 0^^0 a monument th a t a ll are : proud to show. v—

Tbe school to well located, and capitally planned, The lo t i t .was donated, ia pretty, piece of lan d ; > T he average a ttendance to sevenhundred htrong, You can Im agine,, law yer, If anything w ent

wrong, vJu s t w h a t a lively Bedlam w e’d have* in th is ’ere ■ t : : P ark ' - / • •' . '' ■ ■'Could n o t be worse when N oah came to tu rn out

. h is ark. • . . •

Assessment o f Park property dn eighteen sixty- " ”. nineWas fifteen thousand dollars—to d raw -lt to a

.line, - • 7-,;B ut fifteen years have ohanged i t and .made • ’ I t ra th er morer-. , ' y.j’ /*

The big sum o f two milllons^iij eighteen elghty- .< fonr. ’ . j,h * .T ho s tree ts t h a t a t rig h t angles a re running to

The sea, ■ *■From, one to quite tw o hundred feet, are fine Sis

s treets can be.The Depot grounds th e finest along the Jersey

Snore: ». -7W ith s tree t and woods adjoining th a t oover-

acres four. •..................... --r- ;- '': -

A* bank has JnBt been built, s ir ,1 conducted on the"'square,'-- • /” ' - r —

if I ’d a million, lawyer, I ’d Dut i t In right there:if I ’d a million, lawyer. I ’d p u t i t In right there. To see th e tow n a t night, sir, blaze w ith’electrio

, lightIfl.ta m y thinking, lawyer, a very. p retty s ig h t . . There’s talk of running horse oars.on beach and

• 'th ro u g h the tow n,’ •A splendid th ing I tak e it fo r people w ho qotpe•"" down. ■ ■ ■ . ■ ■ „ ......................So .draw the papers, lawyer, and make them

Forgood and strong,-

th ere a re people, "lawyer, who alw ays willd o wrong.

-W henam an-haadonahtoboatehedoea.the.best- hecan , . . «.*•

And n o one ought to blam e him fo r any other.m an, •

We’U n o t leave any one m an to .fight the fight alohe, ‘ -

B nt a rm us, lawyer; everyone, and send th e bnl le t home. ■

And i f some fellows cheat ns, and smuggle In th e rum , / _■

We’U hunt th e lurking m onster from novf till kingdom come.- .

W e'll show to all the croakers j tu t how a town oan grow " -

By shotting o ut toe traffic as.B radley does, you know. - r / ■ • , ■.

The deeds to a t are reco rd e i by bnndreds, I amtold,

S ay, “not a drop q f liquor thali in (he Park be sold,' ’to prove th a t this can be; and th a t the plan works well, » •/ •

r towns have followed suit, as I have heardOther^owns haya followed suit, as I have heard

So we’ll arm us to a man and iran t the demon down.

TtU th ere to n o t a tra ito r o r drop of rum in town; For God U on the r igh t Side, the alde th a t yet

. shall w in.- „He holds the might in warring, in w arringagalnst

sin. ' ■■ ’ '• T': "

A N N U A D R E P O R T O F J J H E COD-. A Le c t o r a n d t r b a b d r e r o f t h e b o r ­o u g h o f a h b u r y p a r k , n . j . '

' - ' MAY 1, 1887. ‘ ^ '

S E O E I f T f i .Balance'on h a n d a n d -in bank- - :----------

pcrstatem ent May B, 1886. . . . $ 717 83 • Taxes, including lutereat on

Water B o n d s .................... . 13,404 84Licenses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ,7 5,007 90Notes discounted (of which

$17,735.00 have been paid). . . ':N. Y. & L. B. R. R. Co., sprink­

ling Railroad Square., : .Fines and permits .Police—duty a t Opera House. 1 « . . . --------------- Sisbur “ • ‘Citizens North Asbury Park for

B a ilee .... .. .. . . . . . . . . . . .Uriah White, disc11 on bill.......

320 O0 66 00 2 00

110 009 42 -

Disbursements as itemized be­low ..............

Cash on hand... . $14 66 LIABIUTIKS. ........

Bill audited and unpaid...-. >■.. $2,553 54 Bills not audited (estim ated).. . . i.eoo 00 Due Ocean GrOve Association "• for boat licenses.. . . . .77.. . 290 00Due Jm . A. Bradley, 1884 b ill . 4,606 86 Notes discounted... . . . . . . . . . . . 5,100 00 -

assets.Taxes outstanding. 1881........*; $

Lessln" "f Less interest o n l „ „ I Water Bonds /

Sidewalk sect’s outstanding... ($43 ^ outstanding 1882, and

825 91 889 63,

2;692.81 135 83

$28-72 In 1883—ilncoUectable.) Due from citizens o f North .As­

bury Park for police.. . . . . . . .Horses, wagons, tanks, e tc .. . .Fire engines,-hose, q tc . .* . .. . .

. 220 00 1,000 00 4,000 00

98,463 68

Debt unprovided foi“_ . . . . . . . . . . $6,086 72.B O N D E D IN D B B T B D M E flB .

Znrri-YffifiO 00-------- 1 60.000 0 0 -

*61^00 00

764 in n e 10 Clark Iluriey,. . duly. April....................

705 Geo. U. Hendrickson,■or? ices frs p o l i c e .'

706 ' James 51. Uagcrman, po-Uooduty. April.

O’Brien,George « duty,*:


770 .



’773774 *

775776 .


‘April —Gvorgo CrBriob,

dufy,‘ May


poilce. . “ ay-James M. Ifisgennan, pq-

Tice duty, May. . . Michael Howland, burig

brush dt clcn’g cvfiv’to. 'l.Sagurion, sprinkling,

carting 0*--------carting clay, e tc . . . . ; . i John H.Buokolew, police

to 00 2^50

60 00

60 00

to 00


17 86

64 15-

* 2„ 00

Mr 00d u t y . . . . .

11’ Sidney T. Hampton, po-. lice duty. M a y ,

Edward-liaynes, a n lon 's .;...............i n t . o n e n g i r to n o t e ,* ' 45-00

, . S. M. Aikman'A Co., Ja- •panned lantern hoods: 1150

William B. Rogers, pp- . .v0 ^


lic e 'd u ty .... ',. .; .Clark Hurley, police '

duty, M ay.___Wm. Griflht, m an & team .:

, " P ratt Man’to Co.; o i l . . . .• Porter, LI Llpplncott, .po-C linn Hniu A-----

60 00 35 65

'29 59

lice duty ......................16-JiCmuel Harvey, services t

783 ‘




as lamip lig h te r.. . . . . . ." " “* rid, f -----... risen,

________, bn 'g rub’h '•R .'F . PariBen, engineer^

■40“ 00' 9 00

tin*/, rnaj . . . . . . . . . . » ..Samuel W. EtehollB. en-

giqeer duty. M ay,.

786.. 787,0 J 788

Pansen & Etchells. mds’e and sorvines ren’d .

Win. Bennett, cl’g g " C. B, Smock, clay in;

-80 00.

30 00

. oneBennett, cl’g gutl’r



H .C . Clayton, worlc Wesley i*ake-dsm.

33 74 1 50

24 30

• iicbicj ijHKU-uaiu.,,.;22 William -Henderson, piy

lice d u ty ., ..

791- 792 -

R ichard- (i»k,*ft&ne oii Ttibblah wagon. . . . .

: 45

7937 w : 795-796797

, 23 J , H. Lee, matches. : ... G. D. Coward, rop’g har­

ness and bd’g h o r se a ;•*• - 24 jrf; Howland, wk on taads .

' 1'4 03 1 .2 75

I Wm. Beiihett,

' A, P. A O. G. Library As- . Bo’ll, use w ater wagons

32 60 7 50 7 50 7 50 7.60

M. Sagurton, flprin’g, -sjgf. M. Sagurton, sprinkling,

and carting clay -

21-65 17 70

—25:: John Flattagan,services,on lam ps.................

M. L. Johneon/borse.'forlamp lig h ter'.........

iVilllattr Griffin, sp rin g

10 20

9 23

67 60' 'VVilllai________, .*— -an d cartin g e iay ;-,..v ^ J 6

William Griffin, sprih’g and carting olay . . . . . . 12 00


26 Joseph R. Weir, meals • • furnished prison ora.. 3 40

John Sparling.. . . . . . . . . .* 1 2 2830 C. JL8njock,ct’g clay,etc 16 W

. Thfeo. Hullck, work on ’W ealoy.Lakedam . . . 45. . v nestuy .tane uom . . . ia

H6W J uly-0 JohnJlansgan^sofvicoa------- -----1 . • o n fa tU b s.... ............. . 150810 - First National BUnk.note * _J . ■

d u e . . . . . . . . . . . . . ........J*t,OOSDO811

812 .







8 First National Bank, iht' ’ / o n fire engine loan

12 Richard Cook, work on .

8218 n

. rubbish wagons...........Richard Cook, work- on.

rubbish w ag o n ..: .— i Bart!no Brown, work on

. ; rubbish w agon:.Bqrtine Brown, claying. . mid sprinkling . ........ .Bartine Brown; work on .

’ - rubbish wagon ;Bartine Btotoa, work .oil

rubbish wagon ..........-Bartine Brown, work on* *

rubbish,'wagon. . . . . . . .Bartine Brown, work on

rubbish wagon . . . I . . . . Bartine Brown, work on ,

rubbish w a g o n .,... .. ,. 'Ba.rtlne~Biown, work on ' • rubbish wagon. . . . . . v•Samuel KittcTl, services

June 22 to 26 ............•Samuel Klttell,» services

June 28 to July'S .•


62 i

Samuel Klttell, services...-.Ju ly 6 to 10 . : ........... .- .Jo h n Flanagan, services -

‘ 830 *

John Flanagan, servlces-tm’Jdnfps.-. ............

John Flanagan, services on lamps . . ~ . .

C. T. Hullck, sprinklingc and scraping ....... .ft. T. Hullck,'sprinkling

and scraping.

831832 .833 4

-C. T. Huliok. sprinkling,c fa y . . . . . . .

CO 00


8 25

28 65

4 20

10 50

15 15

10 05.

9 00

18 50 25 85

10 00

12 00 12 CO’

'3 46

11 4023 70

1718 00

and carting e&jr Wm. Richmond, sprinl’g

. Win. Bctmett, scr. ore 8ts

836836 .837

. M HowlmuI,-

17 O. B. Smock, enrting clay . .andjfravel,..

. 0. B. Smock, sprinkling.

13 5014 408258 70"9 00

.. 7“9 00 8 23

841.P4M2— — '



■15 30 180017 4018 00

V— 18-80-•*.• - ... .... •• 15 90R. F. Parlsen, serv eng’r . 80 00

Wm, Griflln,


.................jllfl* "J. H . Buckelow. 'pOlico

rien, p o ilced u ty /. d u t y _ . . ..- G. O’Brien, police duty x

J. M. Hagerman, po lice '

GO 00 .60 00


d u ty . . . . . . . . . . . . . .M. Sagurton, sprinkling. -

853 ■861 -

Walter VanderbeckV tori k ;■ on street*..-.;. . . . . . . . —

John Brower, tork on sts,

GO 00 10-50 15 00 11 40

6 25 1 507 50

20 Milton Holmesiaoct sal'yi 25 00 I*einuel Harvey, services 1

• . on lamps . . . . . — —21 Geo. G.

‘ ing horses..W. H. '

ward, board--40 00

FireB"bglnel>ondH..; W ater bonds..'/..,

Total .indebtedness.: . ; . . 71: . . . , / '$66,586 72■ WATER BOMB IHTKUST ACCOUNT,

in te rest :bn; water bonds taxcollected.. .. ..-.-.-..v.v..:.-,. $4,705 7b---------

Interest on water bonds p a id ., 3.000 00v-........... -BAhUioein b a n k . . . . -$1765 71

Interest tax, 1885, uncollected. - - 11586, - •» -

D t tP D B S lU iE N T B ,Vo.So.'7id May 7 Uriah White, packing tor

XRtle G i a n t . . - - $L en i” ----------- ------------717






Harvey, sefvlceson __-ip»,Y— b Ho; clay

lampa, March Jam es Hopkins, spread-


j a t _

1 Ingclsiy ’_______10 Bartine Brown, services

of teams, e t c .' Bartine Brown, services

.i- on rubbish wagOh, . . ....Bartine Brown, services

on rubbish w agon.. *.. 8*rtlqe Bfpwn, services

15 Milan Rera. zundry exp’s,stationery, Btap3Pa. etc, r./37;.85;

„ j^ r r ie .A .B te y e n s , in t on engino note to Ap B. 80

-rT7‘ Edward _.Rorkp ^4 Co.,c tflm noys.,;.,...............25 C. H . Owens,team to At-

- alanta f i r e . . . .....................29 First National Bank, note

Otscourited du«

7 'flo"«r

27 20

5 00

In t. on Water Bonds. . . . fiam uel'Etchelte. engiu’rHamueirKtcueits.engm"] 1/ month orAprfll:-.? r. <., R . F. Parlsen, engineer

-gr>rf-TTH0n th of April.. : —t r ' Alfred, Hart, 2 days serv,

. Inspector o f Election.. . J , R. Borden, 2 days serv.

2,500 00 1.600 00

no 00--39 00 -^9 5 -

Inspector ofBlectlon.Michael Howland, servl- . ces on,roads.Michael Howland, servi­

ces on roads *...-Michael HoWland, servl-''rO eson roads.., ..•.......Michael Howland, seryl- . ces on ro ad s .,... l .v . ..Richard .Cook,- services'

oil rubbish wagon.. V -x’t 14. Bagiirton, team to

i • scraper . . .. y / . , M.Sagurton, services on . :■feii-.-/“ s p r i n k l i n g . 24 GO> ^ , j'- ?M_8aRUrton, sqrvjees on ,tv/%V'WeBley I*ako dam .

Wm; Griffin, cart’g o lay .-.^/Randolph Roes, se rv /a s ' ' r • • Clerk of Eloction . *7)--

;V; €harieH.,Tllton, services ‘i; on Wesley L a k d ^

Milan Boss, serv^aa Col.1

..74f» : * . "'^.8, M. A ltm an » GO >lkh-

5ivr '■ • t e r n s j . . . . . . . - .i,. . . . . .-740 j -'-..-11. , N. J . QllC/O., olJA.wictP.747.-748 4

i i r . ‘■750

< iAlvih Burnett, work on Wesley L a k e . . . . . . . . . .

Caleb- Haley, work dtf Wesley Lake

6 9476 00




•7 5 ;,^758-


760 761 .


' 73a"

L G, D. Coward, boarding“ ‘ - -pojlce h o n e s .. . . ;1 (

Leihuel Harvey, services on lamna, April: . . . .

Theo. Ashmore, co a l.... Urikh.White, w ater\ . . .

: .Richard Cook, servl "_• cm rebbtehw agttnrr • Richard .COOk; servic

on rubbish wagon.......Richard Cook, services

m rubbtoh wagon. . . . John Sparling, services

on l a m r a . . , . — -> Thomas B. Cook, scrvi-

' , ces on Wesley Lake ’3 A. P.sfe O. G. IJbranr As-

soo’n, use o f scraperii i John 8. Ripley, services

as Jqdge o f Election ..4 Jam es voorhces,' worip

< :b n Wesley Lake d a m ..' Jamea *■ Yoorhees, work

-o n Wesley Lake oap t7


- -4 5

82 1)0

40 00 20 91 23 60

. 5 Sidney T. Hampton, po­lice duty. A p r i l . . . :

Theo. If ulfck, 1 day on snow p lo w ....

6 <7

12 68

8 33

,tp io -


'l.BO ' 6 00 ’ 76

. 80 50 00

i 60



. HopklnsT.idad'g clay, RichardvUook,‘-4ipio ou

rubbish wagon . .s .* ,. Richard 1 COok, time oh- M ubbtoh w*gon,,

32 00 4 50

* ■. Richard Cook,1'tim e on ‘ rubbish wagon. / . . : . . .

John Sparling, labor on «ngine_hoiiBe^

9 89

8 11


XUSJUIUlUUBBx, Z-Tl-22 -KH.-BmalJey.-flfjrinl’ng____30 60'

8. T7 Hampton, police duty A coll'g licenses.

W; Hopkins, wk on roads 1. Hankins,'serv engin’r

15 90 18 00

duty A coll'g licenses. ' " — rko

GO 00 8 70

Educational H a il.-__J . Hankins, serv engln'r •

—— -----—Bducatiohkl HallWm. Richmond, sprinl'g C. B. Smock, Bpnnkllng. L New Jersoy Oil Co., oil...-

, Eureka F ire Hose Co... nozziu

Abel'Coleman, remov’g -garbage.. ......... •

• ; - Bureko F ire Hose Co ...-: Valentino" Velsor, p u tt’g ,

. iugooeeneck-..-.........W. Bennett, wk on roads ■*

Aug! 2 rMifield Bros., adverts’g

6 00

4 80 14 40 14 403ff28

.16 00262 60 18 00

50 7 28

col’ra & treas’r report"and delinq’t t a x ____

Clark Hurley, police dutyJu n e ................

Sam Klttell, wk on roads Egbert Towner, lumber. MT Howland, wk on roadB Walter Vandbrfieck,John T . Browers, “ • K icnard Conover, sprifik

A. P. P r ic in g House, II cense an d order books

GO 00 12 0 0 , 14 05

6 537 28

:B87". { . ' ” ' " Trt .' col’ra & treas'r report ,

and dellnq’t t a t list,p r in t in g . . . . . . .

Richard Cook, sprinkTg . Lemuel AdamB,

-1*0. Hullck, . ...Colver A Hope, bsrdw ’r ,

10 80

■W. Hopkins, w kon roadA- . .12 ,‘Jpe.,Hankins,

40, •9 00" 37 00



imra-M-Hagermau,-por:__ .lice duty; Ju ly . . . . . . , GO 00

O’Brieu, police ..George. duty, Ju ly ..* ............ .

John Buckelew, police : duty, J u ly . . . . :

900 "


W m . Griffin, sprinl’g, etc claying its., t i e :

■Sidney T. "Hampton,-po- ’ ‘ llllv

GO 00 U 40 40 60

902 -903 ■ 904- -906 906.907 -

^ lieejduty, July" Andrew Slocum, services. on streets, ....... .- Wm. Richmond, 'sprin’g

‘ 4 3 Richard Conover, . ” Clark Hurley, dollce duty

• ‘ J u ly . ; . . .......W, Bennett, sgrV on Bt«..

\ A nthony Bennett, . ..Michael Row land, “

/Jam es Voorhe"eB,

3 30 '4(1,20

■ 43‘;»0





9J8 •

lames Yoorhees. secv_at : / t . , Educational. Hall; on

— puinp and-englne.,--.; A- ■ 1 14 ..George C. Orincrod, po­

lice duty....'-.-........ ....' / i R. T. Gravatt, oil can . ..10 Geo. D. Coward, board

for police horses...........Lemuel-Adams, sorvlces L. CITIuliCk, Berv on sts John P. Brewer, services

on streets. . . . . . T. J7^BartaeU-A-Ktch el Is, ser­

vices on steam er..

00 00 21 16 18 00 M 00


40 76 1 25

32'45 30 43 35








x R ichard , Pariaen, engl- neer B ervlcea-'.^ .^-... . .

. - , Samuel Etchells, engl-,r neer services. ...........

18 G Gorge W. Rogers, servl-• ' . ces on streeta:;. *.

18 Geo. W, Rogers, sorV. on.

1 9 ; 0 CP- W. Rqgers, serv, on - ,

20 Jonathan irolines. spriing ' ‘2l John Flanagan,;sen//on-.,

l o m p d . . f . . v; * Johq Flanagan, serv,vqn. .

T " ~* . lam ps:;.. . ; . n .

d.-v Jonathan Holmes, Bprlnk-. • l in k ... .; - . .. ./ .. .----- . . . .

,■ W m.Poland, services. *••; *•', "4' M. Sagurton, sprinkling.

M. Sagurton, services o n . • > “ ' . roads.. r /tlv? . r.., . . . . . / ' / W p . Hopkins,sprinkllhg,

Wm. Hopkins, services7 r o a d s . , . . . ; ; . . . ; ...........:: 2B.,.CharlraH.'Piteher,mdse .

‘ Chas. H. PitQher. fly not Wm,Bennett, serviceqpii r.ro itdarr^v"


■ 8 5ft

oo'oo no 00 10 80"

0 00 19 95-



% 4 fi

15 9Q 300 12 00

• 'r’-T4

24 15


9 00

936 Aug. 23 James Voorbees, services 12 80930 24, John W. Martin, police

d uty .. .............. ......U. B. Hmock, services on

11 34

46 35

18 80

9 00

011 - 942 *

9 00. 40 00

9 00

946: 69 23-50 00



'ro a d s .......................... ,.C. B. Hmock; services oti

roads.............................w M, Howland, services on

roads ........................, John P. Brower, services

• . - -roods,2 0 Lemuel Harvey. J u ly .. .

^ A n th o n y Bennett, serv.on roads. .........

*■20 Uriah White, 1,683 load» i of watef fbr sprinkling'.Uriah, white-, mdse ana

v . servloes..i. . . . . . . . . ..."! . 8amuel Klttell, Rtreet,

■’!r- -X upt., one roonjhVtVv;-•• 27, • Jonathan Holmes,spAnk- ,

. , lag.»...i.;...i'T ;.;r;.*v **'•18 00 James Yoorhees* engin-'

.x' eer Educational l u l l ..28 Wm. Richmond, Apriuk-

l i n g . . . . . , . . . ; . . . . .......Wm. Richmond, sprink-

, ? ling ..'.; ____r - " G, J.Bcbanck A Son, coal

G .J, Schanfsk A Son,coai G. J. Schanck«A8on, coal

. •* Wm. Bennett,services011 J roads;. . . r f : ' ..

• . M. Bigurteu, carting clayM, Sagurton, carting clay James H. Patterson; re­

cording dellnq’t faxes 80 Richard Cook, services

13. C0;


I8 60 ’ 8 40 . 706 ^ f t 50

9 159 GO12 204 60

-rubbish wagon...,_ Richard Cook, services:

23 72


" on rubbish wagon. . . . . .RiChard Cook, services ... on'rubbish w agon,. . . .Anthony Bennett, serv. -

bn ro ad s :.... .'.....................R ichard Conover, sprink:".

l i n g . * - . - Sf . Rfchard Conover, sprink-

l i n g . / . ; , ^ Jas. Woolley, turpentine

/ - for cleaning Nep. eng. Michael Howland,, serv / "

:18 30

2 (XL ~■ ' ;; •.-: on roads,.* .. .. u f ' 8'25 '965 S ep t/i F irstN at, Bank, note due 4,600 00 '

; LemubTAdams, man and team ....,

C. T. Hullck, man and 7* team/J*emue> Adahw. raan and s

1$ SO

971972973 - 974;

C. T. jEriiliok,' m an and :« * team . . . . . ; ; • • . '

John P.-Brower, services toadtf^;. ___

Chas.'HTPitcher, w hip..; MeKirgan OllCm) o il... .*> New Jersey Oil m T o il- .—

! Bartine Brown,man and team ofiroada.;.. ..<r. .

VRartiub Brown, man and team on roads.... . . . .

. Bartine Brown, m an arid - team oh 'roaaa.... . . . .

. Bartine Brown, man and • team oh roads. . .

Bartinn-Brown, man and■tefiraon roads-

18-80 -

9 00 • *1 0031 25 - 79 OS-

19I 36

20 4a: •

47 40



Bartine Brown, man and team on ro ad s ..... „f.,

. ; Bart(pe Brown.man and v-. :> team on rokds:...........3 C. B. Smock, sprinkling;

JDaUySpray, printing adv Wm. Griffin, spnnking..

/W m - Griffin, Sprinkling.4 Wm, -Hopkins, driving

te a m .* . .Wm. Hopkins, drlyibg— faaln. . *

18 75

18 60 18 80 2 00

18 30 18-00-

"7 20


First Nat. Bank, int. acct JohnS, Dougherty, poilce Geo. C. Ormerod. police' dtlty, August .Fred. J .. Long, services

season 1 8 8 6 ... .. .. .. .. ;Geo/O’Brien, polifc© Aug Jas. M, Hagermap, police

9 15 198.19*


60 00 .

■ 25 a t

duty, August. .........M, Howlana, services on




ro ad s ..,.......................John Buckelew, police..

.:^„WnttJBenneit, services on .• roads. . . . . . . .

•<- Jas. Voorbees, engineer. - a t Educational H a ll... •

j 18 Clark Hurley, poilce Aug-- . John 8 . Dougherty, police

, • duty, August../. Horatio'Ehutts> team to

. Are engino ."Richard Cook," tervlces

on rubbish wagon '• , First Nat.Bank, int. acct 14 R. F. Parlsen, serv. eng,

A ugust.... .Ty.TTr....: Samuel Etchells, serv.

eng. August .. 17 8 , T. Hampton, police..21 Jonathan uolmes.iprlnk.

Penfleld Bros., printing A■advertising.........

. Richard Conover, man. te a m .. . . . . . . ............

Edward Rorke- A Co;, .chim neys.; ....... .............

Sanborn Itoad Machine..^, ... -Co. road m ach ine ....

' v" W* Westerflcld A Son, 2«... ou tlets ..........

- O. G. O. M; A., -license " .1 account....- EdW./M." Fielder, asseas-

t|3g-borOUgh-rrTTTr-rr-rr:---22/;H. S. Brigham, 2 days?

9 00 60 00

14 20GO 00

9/84 ' 67 30

30 00 60 00 18 00


services.... ...........N. E. Bucbanon A Co.,



K Towner."lumber. A c,. '20 W. L .: Atkinson, linseed* oR .v .. ...........24 Wm. Jones, ooal.V., .

104 57 - 14 27.


10271028 1029 1030^ 1031 (

, Wm. 1L Joqes, wood and - c o a l . . . . . . . . . y . . . . . . . . .- Lemuel Harvey, aCrvices

„ -j on lumps,’August. . . . .Wolnright A Errickson,.

* 2 lamps for Little Giant2ft M. Sagurton* carting clay .. . C. B. Smock, sprinkling.

AatiJftny Bennett, serv. on ro ad s .... . . . . . . . . . . .

27 S. Hemmentoay', making ■ , h o s e , . . . , . . . . . . . . . . r ;; ;

* .S. Hemmenway, m ak ing .h o se .... . . : ................... :

Wm. Beames.’lauip chim . - Wm, Beamea, matches...

Wm. Beamea, chimneys Wm. Beames, ohimneya Wm. Beamea, m atches..

_29 Wm. Richmond, Bervjcesv puroad s .... v . __ _

, A— T/cmuelAd« ms* er>rt nk I'g 2 Wru. Murdock, 1> days

‘ rawing w ood..............4 Bennett Bros., burying


1 90 12 00 19 50

9.00 .


1-251 082 40 7 40 2 252 40 '

19-5019 00.

2 29


^lrst?4at-."'Bank, notoduc



104610471048 1019

First Nat. Bank, int. acct Wm. Hopkins, driving

* team ,/.. ........ “'• John ,P. BroweT. services

on roads ...........I Uriah White, 1953 loads,— -of w a te r . . . . .................

Uriah White, rent o f app, --wells, boilers, A o .__

Uriah White, rent of appt ■wells, boilers, A o . .. ’

R. F. Partoen, serv. eng.,‘ >51. Howland, services on .

roads „M. Howland, Icrvlces on

- roads . . . . . . . . . . v w ....Poinsett Cross, 2 ateplad- -

d e r a . . . . . . . . .......- Wm. Richmond, sprink'g

Wm. Richmond, iprlnk’g Kffeh'd Conover, sprink'g Richard Conover; spri nk- .

1 60 HOOQ 00

272 58

196'SO _

397 00 80.00

9 001 75

~15 906 907 60

Hug and carting clay . . T 1ft 90 Richard- Cook, •' • service - -----

I 93on rubbish wagon. . . . v Richard Cook, service on

--------- , service on.'rubbish'wagon . , . . 8 IB

B.--Gr*VanNostptoam. 4 ’"iNeptune eng lne .r,: . . . JJJ_50, ;

1055262 60

1066w ■>J058

Abel Coleman, removing* garbage. J u ly ...............r,uM|.lan,, Ross, postagq,

MfeWB, A c;. : . . . 70Nflto>Jewey Oil CO., oil*. 72-69‘ ■"* 'Jplemsn, yemoYing ■: : .

•age/AUg uat;-.. . ; . . 2G2 60‘ ' 'giui. 6 inoa

1059 -_ inslron note *2,000

re ta

1066 • 1007-


i(m h _

107b .10771078.

Eureka Fire Hose Co., 1 - doz, sj^-inYings for fire

* departm ent.... 1 ■:■ ’ Moefor, Bab m an & Co.',

\ ■ safe, lees freight.13 , S. L. Bartholomew, c u rb - '

ing cor.BotfiTana Mat-’ tison avenue __

Geo. D. Coward, boardingpolice horse*,.; : .........

M. Sagurton, carting clay ‘. and scraper.-.; . . . . ; . . .

M. Sagurton, cartihg clay '* an d sc ra p e r,,.;___-’—-Mj? Sagurton, m ao/and., • tea m ..;. ’

Clark Hurley, police- Sep - Hawkins A Durand, ser-

^vices and oounsol fees. Geo. O'Brien, police Sept Jas. M Bagepnan, police.

• duty S e ^ T . 7.. -1 John H. Buckelew, police .■ duty S e p / ,: .; . , ,; .

. John Flanagan, ,service . v ! . on lampa.■ Jas.-Ypprhees, engineer \ \ a t Educational H all,..

■ . Wm. Bennett, services on ."■« r o a d s . . . . ; ; . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

; W m.-Bennett, services « ctfjoadtu-,;16 Lemuel Hravey, Borvices -

on iM n M .., .. , . : . /* . ..R. T-. Gravatt, bill ren’d.

- , 0. T. Hullck, sprinkling ^ Lemuel Adams, sprlnk-

t l ln g a n d carting clay^.’■/ ■ JohnD Brower, services .** . .o n ro ad s ';.., ........1 . , . .

John P. Brower, services , * on roads . . . . . . . . ,

16 S. W. iJtchellB, services - engineer Sent.

18 OO; CO 00

231 50 . GO 00

GO 00

40 00 <17 0018 00

4 q o f


1086 10&7 '

engineer Bept. ...........Bartlnb Brown, team to

rubbish wagon.. . . __Bartine Brown, team to ■

rubblah-wagbn . .. Bartine Brown, team to

rubbish Wagon. . . . . . . v. *Bartlne-Bjown, team to

rubhlsh wagon.” T. Ham pton,'^oRce 7

10 85

.1001 .1092 . 1098

A. P. P r in t in g ,


/ ’Wra. -Hopkins, services/ o q roads; *;.........Jonathan Holmes, sprink-

ling . . . . . .3 00

18 C. B . Smock, sprinkling . -------“ Gso. R. Lord, 1000Ida clay 800 00

19 90 • 48 90

R R. 8uiphen', 'repairing ^WAlbr wagons, Ao. . . . .

Page 3: DUMB » Stoves, Reaters, Ranges, Lots Nos. Springlike, aud ... · FrM-bnrnlng Coals, all RlzeA and of the Lots Nos. 20 aud 21 at North Springlike, Fronting-on BRIGHTON AVKNUK.'and


icw Oct. 211095


” 1098—1009

Anthony Bennett, w h r . , on roads

Anthony Bennett, serv.' on roads...,

(J. B. Smock, sprinkling ’j I5 9Q " - ~ (« n- Smock, sprinkling . -18,00 * ~*M c./T .H ullck ; sprinkling- 29 io

1100 .

0 , T. H ullck,' sprinkling and scraper; .

Kdtvarfl Howbiftd, 8 hrs ______ pn-Wesloy L«ke

ilOl-i Nov. it:, 0 has, 11. rilchoi"; repair-


i In s h a rn e ss .................'* F lraf Nat. Bank, Int. sect11 Geo. O’Brien, police Oct

las . M. H ^ e n n a n , police

•1 as286 04 56 00


duty *’ ................8am ’1 Klttcil, street Siipt ' Aug. 16 to Sept.4 . . . . .

12 Clark Hurley, police Oct . Richard Cook, services

86 00 65 00

..-non rubbish wagon. •Lemuol-Hai---------

on lam p s ......... ........John Bucketow, police.:

Harvey, services.O c t.. . . . . . . . .





15. John Flanagan,-serVicq '■ on lathps. ..L . . . . . . . . v.

18 Geo. <3. Ormerod, ppllco '> duty. 6 days.; / / . . • ' - »

1? G. D. Coward, boarding / '' hones Oct.

M. Bagurton; Bprlnkllnk and carting clay .

M, Sagurton, Carting clay 20 D. H. WyckofT, pa in t.'.. . '

p . H/WyckofF, paint and. b ru s h e s . . . . . . . './:/■

D. H. WyckofT, p a in t.. '. . Wm, Bennett, services on

r o a d s . . , . ; . . , .Wm. Bennett, ser? Ices oa;./. - r o a d s . . . . . , . . , , ; , , . , , . ,

"T 8 . W; Ktchelts, services'. ‘

86 00 6 00 2 50

2 78 2 60

16 60

1121 engineer. ,Oct................22 Bartine Brown, team to



rubbish wagon______Bartine Brown, man a n d '

team to rnbblsh wagon 23 Jas; VoorhcCa, cleaning

f ire -w e lls . ., .. ., .. .-. . . .2G, ;Wm, H. Jones, coal.. . . .. Richard Cook, time on

- - ■ • rubbish wagon . . . . . . .1120 Nov. 27 Chas. H/TH ton, 8 hour*

, -Wosloy Lak'«'dam'.'^.'.,,, Edw ard Howland, ser.

Wqsley Lake dam..V, W m. Ford, services Wes­

ley Lake d a m .,. .. . . . .29 F irs t National Bank,

Interest account'.. . /


.80 00 900

25 80

76 5 50




1130m i4ifK

.820 0080 U f i . Smock,Bprinkimff’^ j , J

118340 04)


, . 84 60’ ' F iret National /B a n k ;- '-*

. Interest accoun t...7 ., -386 89 Dec. 3, John G; Stiles, ralBlng*

engine house!...........*...•.llMT/s .. i—.*4 ..F irs t National Bank,

• - notes d u e . . . . . / . . . . . ! . . 4,200 008 W. D. Pennypaqker,lum- *. -h e r........._10 Jas. Voorhoos, services.as engineer, Wesley. v

I t-G e o . w . O'Brien, policedu ty ; N ov. . . . . . . .

Jam es voorhees, service a t engine, * 0 . . . : . . . . .

Ja s. .Voorhees, services oil wcHiey unfcifierr.'rr



848 78

15 00




John Gorman, spreadinggravel. ............ .

M. Howland, services onro ad s;.................. . , . . / ;

VM, Howland, services onto ad s ..............

M: Howland, services onroads.. .......

M. Sagurton, services on

M 0O a 60

” T o r


4 96

9 COT-


It. Sagfirton, services onroads . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

M. Sagurton, services ono a d s . . . . ; ; . ; . .

M. Sagurton, servioes Oh1o o d s ..,. . .

William Bennett, ser-


1151 •

vlceBOn roads.......William. B en n e tt/ 'se r .

vlcos on ro ad s ....%—William Bennett, ser­

vices on ro ad s .. . . . . . . .4 Biwood HugglOB," ser­

vices a t engine h oure ' Sidney T. Hampton, po­

lice. d u ty . . . - . . / . . . . . . . .13 Asbury Park and Occair /

••• Grove Library AbbocI-’ atlon, use o f w ater wagon, team , gravel.4 t O . ...

Rlchhrd D. Hunter,- ser­vices rend F lreD ep’t

— I I Clark Hurley,polloo dutyNov .........

John Flanagan, services - on street lam ps..

Milan Ross, am ount paidfo r freight a n d cart

■ o n s a f e . . . . . . . ....... ........16 Jo h n 8 . Dougherty, p o ­

lice dutylice d u ty .- .............18 Jos, Voorheos, services



a t Weslev eng. house G. D. Coward, boarding

police horses., E d w ii-----win T. Haynes, 6 mos.

In terest on ■ Neptune engine noto.’. . . . . . : . . .

Ja s. M. Hagennan, po-' • Uoe duty, Nov. .......Wm. Bennett, services

a t engine house, andon roads............

-Caleb Hal oy; servioes ,on~Wesley e n g in e ! ,. .. , , .

Caleb Haley, services on Wesley engine house;.

• 18 Edw ard Howland, shov­eling snow

Klwood Huggins, wbrk Wesley engine house - ;






P. CroBs, w ork on W es­ley engine house . . .21 Woolley A Reed, mdse.

John Buokelew, police ..d u ty .. . . . . . .

Jo h n Buokelow, mason w ork on ertft. h o u se /./

23 Bart I no Brown, s er: and team on rubbish wagon

Bartlffe Brown, ser. and team on rubbish wagon

Bartine Brown, ser. apd ■ teanl on rubbish wagon Bartine Brown, ser. and

: 4 66 78

9 62 4 05-

1170tqam on nibbish wagon






27 Rlahard Cook, serylc on rubbish wagon. . . .

. Richard Cook, servioes . on ■rubbish w ag o m ... RIclmrd Cook, services

..on rubbish w agon.. . . n. 4 Wm. Bennngt, services

_ o n roada..'5- I.omuol Harvey, sorvloes

2 70

- 2-66 .

on lamps . .. ..............Clark Ilurley. police

duty , Deo . ; .........Geo. W. O’Brien, police

duty. Dec Ja s. M. Hagerman, po­

lice duty, Deo .Jas. Voorhoos, cleaning

Ore w ells, / / . . . . ,. Jas. Voorhees, services—

on engine, &q Clark ilurloy, expenses

tak ing M. Hanley to Freehold . v .r. . .

M.Uton Holmes. servlcesllUIUIDOi.la s police Jurftlc ..........

FirfltNational Bank,RedBank, fire engine bond N-*. 7< lshm p- Interest,— J ’ ' “ i .f n t-— “ —

660 00

40 00

66 0082 00


and 12 mos. fntorest on . No. 8 .............. ...............

7 ■ I»m uel Harvey,'services.op la m p s .. .. . . . . . . . . . .

Sidney T. Hampton, po­lice duty, Deo.*:...........~

Geo. D. Coward, board­ing pollqe horses.

8 G ravatt £ Tayior^coal..\ w and w o o d . . . . . . ' .

Poinhott^pross, work finengine h o u s e .. .. : .......

—... . M— Sagurton. cartingg ra v e l . . . . . .:7TTr. vTtT.— 7n:B-40

1 2 -S. O. T a n Nest, u se 'o f

Feb: 1 -B ftrri^e/lrow n, darting

2 • Jqhn Bnckolew, police duf“ *— 1'duty, J a n : '

fl. O.Vai van Nesto team, toSteam er N o iX Oct. B, Nov. 2d and 26tU.. : . . .

C lark Harley, - polloo duty, J a h , . . . . . . , . . . . /

Theo. Hullck, sidewalk • ■_ “ BOc’t . . . . . . . . . .

16 00

John H. ’Jackson, ex- . . ^ pensesto F reeho ld ..., . .3 ,Geo. O 'Brien,’ police

■duty, J a n . ; . . . . , ....... .< WflUsfo.d Doy, Insur­

ance premium on. steam en g in e ;.. ■;

; LaFrance klro'Eng-. Co.,. ,

. 55 OQ

21 00repairs sieam engine.

Sam’l W. Etc! ** . . . Jtoholls, engi­neer sorvlces. Ddo7'..'.V;

Richard F. Parlsen.engl-" ' “ it.. ‘sr.. mo. Oct.

F. Pariaen,engi­neer ser..

R lchirfi K ________neer services, Deo

Adams * Express Co.


15 00

fre ight ott c ra te . .......Win. U Atkinson, pfilnt*


lng engine house 1 G ravatt & Taylor,, coal.

13 0Q- 29 50

Weeks. . 'M onths.■PACE.

i | a a ,1 a 113W In.: 1 “

501 75 $100 1 60

U26 •is $2 50|$4 00’8 6 0075 125 176 4 00 6 00 10 00

m •• 100 160 2 (HI 276 426 B'60 8 00 14 002 ‘ 1 25 2 00 2 60 8 6(1 6 (Ml 7 00 10 00 18 008 ” .1 76 2 76 86(1 4 60 7 (Ml 9 00 16 00 as 00

225 8 60 .4 60 -6 Ml H (Ml 13,00 20 00 85 00jd ool. 8 00 4 5t 6 6(1 7 6(1 18 (Ml 18 00 80 00

85 00 65 0050 00

H “ 6 60 8 K 11 M 16 iK 26 (Ml 86 00X “ 1000117 0012800 80 00 45 00 05 OOjOO OOf 160 00

Jas. Voorhees, w ork on• ^ rouav,',;





fire w elli-....................4 : , Wm. Hurley, scrvlceqpn.s.- Ja m p s .... .: .- .......... •*(.,

7. Cb J. Sohanok & Hon,c o a l , . ; . . . ; ..............

. '9 . C. B. Smock; team to s te a m e r ,,'.. ',. .: .

11 B artine Brown, rnbbisnw agon ..:...........

, ,/• J , R. Weir, "Jr., meals

LooAt, N otices.—A lim ited number, of looal notides wjll be adm itted a t the ra te of flfteon cents p e r Hue. . They will be placed a t the b o t­

to m of tho; local oolumhs only, and m ust have ** adv ' ' a t the end. W hen continued four weeks o r longer, a discount of 25 per cent. Is allowed.

6 00

furnished, prisoners... Benj. Romafn, w ork on;

\ ^ l e y L a k e ... .14 GeO.IX.Coward, board-

Ing pollco horses;15 1 . C *N«

12581259 1200




. ... Nesblt & Co.. . . .g rav p l . j . - , . . .......

• F irs t National Bank,, in te res t aoo’t . . . . . . . .

Chad. H. Pitcher, mdse.J and repairs t o Harness.

36 Gd&, JL»L6rd , olay. .Gbo; Rogers', o la y ... ......

’*••' M. Sagurton, t im e ;with .; . ‘ v snow plow ,& o.

17 Bartine' Brown, rubbish wagon

J.-W . S u tp h ln .lab o r...• -.7. ,r bill rendered

Wm. Bennett, work op — • r o a d s ; . . . .* . . . . . . ; . . . . . , ,v>J8 ' J a 0v,* M. Hagerman, po-). . .. lice d u ty ., .. ,____ (

/ W m . ‘Bearaes, m atches.. • 19 Lemuel Harvey,serviced

- — - - lamps. . . rrr.-;-. -.rr~.'r.“ 21 Wm. H. Jones, coal.77T..

Charles Sherman, ser* .


78 20

"Mr, David Cartw right, h as tak en a n Anbury jP a rk co ttage fo r tho stim m er. ' - ’ - • ‘

■62 25

4 to 25

^00 88

40 00



vices on-Neptuno eng. Chas.Sheirman, servioes

on .Wesley engine, J a n , Richard Cook, services

on rubbish wagQtv-. R ichard CooF* services

onrubb ishw agon .......12m Maroh 2 - Wm. Griffin, spridkling;1S74~-/—>— -r-W mrGrlfflirrijprinkllng. . . . ------


• - 2 95 B 00

^ 8 0 0J

8 70



- 2 63. 19 60

-1 5 -9 0



2 108 25


. 7 F irst N ational Bank,-As-bnry Park, note d u e .. 4,200 00

12 Joseph Df ok in son, ser-' ' ‘. v lceson fire wells'.. . . . 56P . Cross, m aking engine

s k id s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .E . Huggins, w o rk ’ bn

roads . . . ; ......... ........Wm. Bennett, work on

’ r o a d s . . . ,,Caleb Haley, work on

ro a d s .. ..............14 Ja s. Voorhees, work on

B t r e e t a . ..: . . . .15 Bartine Brown, rnbblih

- w a g o n . . . . . / . . . ; . . . . . . , ,B artine Brown, rnbblsh

w ag o n ....- .. .. ..;, .. . . .R ichard Cookr (rubbish

wagon .R ichard Cook, rnbblsh

wagon.Clias. K. Borden, mdse.r,

repairing; A o . . . . . ; , ..22 Asbnry Park and Ocean Grove Library Asaooia-


8 83


57 1

Irion, c la y . . . 7Som’l Klttoll, aCc’t g a n g .

97 75

on Wesley L ake .. . . .* ieQ, aoo’t gang

work on

Sam’l KitteD. on Wesley Lakorr

25 E . Huggins,- H am ................

,128, Asbury Park Building Imp. Co., gravel .

3am 1 Klttell, aoo’t gApril 0 Sam ’l Klttoll, aoo’t gang SamTKltteH, aco’t gang

V ' 14 N r E. Bucbanon & Co.,lu m b e r ..............

18 F irst National Bank, As-

21 80 45 05 72 25

bury P ark /n o te due., 30- Mrs. C. A, Stephens, In-

’ 185 08




tore at oh -$2,000 note,Wm. M. Pawley & Co.,

ipou ts fo f w ater w ag­ons, Ao-;.................. ; . . .

F irs t National Bank.Jn*..*■ te ie s t 'aoc’t,balance to _

d a te ............ ............License num bers redbemod

7 ' ! MILAN ROSS,Collector and Treasurer.

582 91 169 50

and accounts of Milan Ross, Collector and Treas­u rer , and find them to be correct.


Finance Committee.

W a te r . C o m tu fa M io n e r’n R e p o r t .’. ‘ ■’ . RECEIPTS. •;>

Dalan’e on hand March ?: ■ .81,1886.... ,« 987 25

Proceeds o f last bonds. ^ ' 20,000 Oo Rec’d from attachm ’ts $600 00“ .“ ept o f m eters........... >: 1 73 75

ra te r ra te s . 1,410 ootj le te r r a te s . . . . ........... AGO 68 .....

Total from consumers -2,645 01M aterial so ld /.. . . . . . ,J- 7 . 85 ,Sub. ter tu tfip lkohy- r; - ••1

-drante . . . . . . . s • 60

* T o ta l. .. . . . . . . ■ , v *. > . _ EXPENDITURES.Labor and! m aterial as • .

per Itemized report'. . $22532 34n-~'- ntLhandano.de-.Cash a d hand ant

posit,. ... 997-80.. -..:.

T o ta l . f - i $23,52964 JOHN A. GITHBN8 , ' ! GEORGE W. TREAT, 'j o h n l . c o f f in ;

Water Commissioner^-’ATo the President^/the Board q f CommtiHonert i

. The Finance Committee herew ith submit their Annual Report fo r th e year ending May 1, l,a87. v ‘ D e p a r t m e n t E x p c n a e i*

S id ew alk s .'..;/.,.,.,:.1. , . . / . . .$ 117 17 7 ’Street Sprinkling • Vv v .»— 2,921 99 P o l i c e - D e p a r t m e n t . . 8,854 66

JFlre D epartm en t. .........Street L ig h tin g ./..........S treet Repairs. . . . » . . . . s tre e t Cleaning . Removing G arbage ....,M iscellaneous .Discounts.'.. ' . . . . . . . i i-s.,

1,585 to1,533 9.3 ' 2,947 82 1,120 88 1,900 00 2,032 77

, 165 00-$18,178 67

1 28

.8 70


1109 .


1206 •



team to Neptune eng ..14 M. Howland, work on

■ ro a d s .. : . , ............. ; . . / .15 F irst--N ationa l Bank,

_ note d u e ...V .....ib* - CToss. -'irorge and

7 ;ju*wagon 7% hours .1 P.. Cross, borse and- wagon 9i% hours *.;..

, p . Cross, laying, side­w a lk and curb/.V;"v.T'

-•: P, Cross, laying side­w alk and c u rb . . . , . . . /

P. Cross; laying side- walk and c u rb . ; . / . . : .

••■•< . P. Cross.oarpenter work Wesloy Huggins, s id e­

walk aoo’t, Wesley-'-lIugKins, side--

w alk aco’t . . .El wood Huggins,, slde-

■ w alk aco’t.El wood Huggins, £ide:

walk acc’t. . ■ .. j r

6 0014 21


27 45 •14 40

. * /12 10 >





12201221' 1 1222

w alk acc’tr . El wood liu g g ln s,, side­

w alk acOlt/....T. B. Cook, sidewalk

acc’t-,.v..v r-.w..)7 F irst National Bank, As-

bury Park, in t.ac o ’t . . .. Theo. Hnliok, sidewalk

isee’t , , / --- , . Asbury Park /P rin tin g /

House; advertising or­dinances

LaFranco F ire Eng. Co., *■4 ' /m d 8o, and,-rapalrs to. engine' v.W iiirB ennett, sidewalk !

acc’t . 7 27. Sam’l Etobells. Servioes

a s engineer, Nov. . . . . / ■. R. F"'Parlsen, servioes

a s engineer, N ov.. . . . .29- Wm. R. Miller, aio loads * o f clay a t 15o. a lo ad ..

■r David Provost, p lans . . .7 <• a n a specifications for ; engine h o u s e .. .. : / / : .. 'Wm. B. Rogers,'watoh^ ~

tn a h .........'Jha. Voorhees, services

on fire'well. .n . . . . . 7 Jas. Voorhees, services .

a? p r

1 25


In presenting and recommending the follow­ing appropriations, yout Committee are guided entirely by the source of Income to the Borough as fo llow s: ; •••T ax on Two MiRibhB at" $8,007$ fl OOO 00"'' "ySprinklingTax_^..^ __________8,000 00l i c e n s e s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . / . 5,000 00..................... / . — fH.oqoooFor Sprinkling .. . . . . . . .$ 8,000 00 •

« - Police Dep’t ------2,600 00/.Z ’^ tree trR o p a irS T ^ -r^ ^ .-JJA O O .O Q i

" S treetX lgh tlng .. . . ; / / . . . . 1,500 00S tree t Cleaning./ . . / . . . - Removing G a r b a g e . .F ire Dep’t ..........*.M iscellaneous....,.'..* ...;

800 00 1,200 001,500 00 1,000 00

F l N s n e e C o m m l t t M ^ i S p o r t « 7 t l e e a a e a , .

7i * r- RECEIPTS. ► •.Total am ount received from all Sourcer, *$6,007 90 From Twodibrse Hacks and

* O m n ib u se s ... . . . . . . . . $ 1,680.007 ,M- One-horse Hacks and

Omnibuses .“ l-horse Butchel1; Fish

■*•■*:, ^and Grocers’ Wagona “ * l-hofse Delivery/W ag-

645 00

780 00 *


600 00>> r •

S oo


pn,flre,well>. . . . . . . . . .. W alnright A Errloksonj



1228',, 1229. F

, 15^0,1231

lam p ohlmneys •♦ bu rners... . . . . . . . . ..s»y ■Penfield Bros., printing

undndvertlsing .. -- r . . R lohajd C ook,.rnbblsh_ . wagfcn.v.T^n"-/ /; / : / . / •• / ..

D iehard Cook, rubbish W S g O l i . r . , . .

R ichard Cook, rubbish.

ColverS: iiope, i-Bhovei Asbury Park Printing

House, printing..r .,UCU. WIWHHg.. . . . • ■■-Bartine Brown, carting ' vubbf "’ ”,„ jb ls h . r .

Bartihfi Brown, :cfirting rnbblsh................

83 25

■’I * 1 60

1-horse Baggage, Ped- ; d ler a n a H uckster : W agons. — / . . . . . . . .2-horse Baggage, Ped- ' d ler a n d H uckster

WagohB TFerries.W ealey-Lake.. B oats .w eslo y L ak e ,.. VT h e a tre s ....... .BUltard an d Pool Tables Miscellaneous, S .- . T . -v.

H am pton .; . " ~. Special, acct. License — No; .aooTiV;. / : :.: .7 ;r *•; Special, acot. License

n o . 4 5 6 . ' License n u m b ers - for-

Wagon- servicek\ . / . 157 00

■120 00 600 00

* 176 00 rl4fl 00 120,«1

67 00.

7 00 '

4 00

Less am t. paldjon wagon num bers . Z . ' r e t u r n e d . ......



. . >;Z V / $5.007 90Licenses issued from No. SCflto No. te l.

B t s t e m e i t a f j s k e t D a e t h e B o r o n g h .1884r-PersOnii TaxXmdstly).7. .$ 825 s T - ' -T Zri 1885-Real E s t a t e . . . I MO M . J—1885—Persona l . . . 291 42*' j , }1886-R e a l E s ta te .................... .. l,t» l« 3 ‘1886—Personal/;. V .. . . . / . . . . 603 48 . . -

- t r ---- $4,08172RespeCtfulW submitted, 7


« ■ . ALFRED D. BAILEY*■/ | •;-—f Flnance^Commltteo.

, F o r S a l e o r 1 5 x c h a h g e . z

and Mo n m o u t h r e p u b l i c a n .

S A T O B D A Y . M AY. 14. I8&7.

R s f e i e f A d y e r t i a ln g .

period t rati'C apt. W illiam W arner, o f 'C o / G, /keypO rt,

w as In tow n .on Tuesday, '*

C om pany A . w ent th rongb a regular d rill u n d e r. LI ept. M uddell, a i C entral f ta l l, :*Monr S ay ev en in g .. * ,'; -• • ( ,..

T he Hftjnflton will th is y e a rD e J .9 charge Qf M r. an d ;JiIra. C. X . SriilUi;r*'formerly o f the G rand. View. ^ :--Z'

_ The electric ligh ts are_now ru n ibvery, n igh t u n til I I 80. A fter JUqo , 1st they w ill bu rn u n til m idnight; • Z ./- ' • ; : 7 /

P ro fv V anSant’s choral u n ion will- g iv e :a g ran d conce rt In E d u ca tio n a l, HaJL..Wednoa?d ay evening, JndO 15th.7

R nrrogate C ra te r m ade a h asty v isit to A s; b u ry P a rk on Tpesday, T he geiilal S arroga te haa.m any w arm friends In these p arts , ’

/T h e W estern U nlon T elegraph C om pany has e^tiapdqd i ts 15-cent ratea /ro m th is placeTo Hrooklyh,- Je rse y Clly, “ffew ark '^ 'na 'Fren-ton,

The g rad u a tin g class a t P rinceton Thedlog- loal Sem inary th is year nuipbera Qfty-seven. I t ts n e x t to th e h lghesf ev e r g rad u a ted a t one tim e. , .. ■••’•*■ Z. ,jt»

T he stew ard s of . the New Btunpwlck D is­tr ic t of the M. E . C hurch m ot a t M ata wan on Tuesday., T he .flnancial rep o rt m akes a flue record .- ;* *' 1 / .

T o contltiuo the c h ap te r on runaw ays, one o f G, D..JelUff & Son’s horses ran ;aw ay from the sta tio n • T uesday m orning . - N o dam age w as done. ; . / : * . ,

Tho Ludlow brothers, who a re fishing In R aritan Bay, la s t week so ld th e ir tak e o f shad In one ddy fq r $600. Som e n e ts . w ent even above those figures.: .......

W illiam A gnew , th e ',P a lm y ra t|lfe -m ur- dorer, h as been sentenced to b a rd lab o r in the S ta te p r is o n .. fo r tw enty years, by1 Ju d g e P a rk er. .. " " • •* _ / / /-/ : •

Work< has b een b eg u R .o n .th e-Jan es JTaber-. naole, a t Ocean G rove, f t will n o t be enlarged thIs.'yoar,'but tiie cen tre w ill'he raised, giving b e tte r ventilation . . '

Mr. M . J . Q u lll/spec la l fcp o rte r for Brad-' ntietV.iCf. was looking a fte r A sbnry P a rk on T uesday ,’ M i7 Qblll’s n afae ah d vocation are ce rta in ly harm onious. - . .. «,'•! . Z

Rev. H , D. O pdyke has tak en the. iwlra of the/A eto, JtrMxt Tj^bune, to ' p ilo t It o v e r p ro h i­b ition s e a s / M ay ho have a a ieasaU t voyage an d anchor in the r ig h t h arb o r. ..

T be A m orlcan E xh ib ition in /f.oddon w as opened" on fM qnday. rTho 'explosion o f a boiler ret'arded the w orking 'of th e m achinery, b u t th ere w as enough else to give full value fo r g a te m oney. Z '

C. H. PRpher Is finishing u p a line se t of'' JY e the underelgned, theTlnanca.Cnm m lttim ,- .-hand-omcbod* .sHver=mouated"* H fiT fiiS g rW -hereT^M rfir? th a t we have ei.m lnerf tbo book, ..B urtis & Klrkbridp. F o r flnlab and quality of

w ork there a re few-gets in any tow n th a t will com pare w ith it. ' yV

In tho c o n te s t on Tuesday b y the R a r ita n Rifle Clnb, fo r th e cham pion, m arksm an’s badge, .Lieut. G as M auror scored 19 • D rum M a jo r I I.. J ., M cCabe 17, an d W . W / Hpltnea

GUb already h as the Governor’s badge in b is keeping a s the m arksm dn of- tho Third reg im ent, / . ^ '

D r.' C handler, o f Freehold, p reached, tw o Tory In teresting serm ons; in th q T re a b y te r lan C hurch ou S unday last. T h a t1 o f the evening

W iHhlng Souls to! C hrist;’t a n d ospoe lal- ]y ca lcu lated to aw aken a zeal i n the h e a rt o f every phrlB tiah, irrespective.of p lace o f ta len t, to do som eth ing in th e M pster’a vineyard . 4

Gen. F lak m ade a n earn est p ro te s t before th ec o u r to n T u ef ld a /n g a ln s tg ra n tin g llw D B e ’ to tb e 8 egbrigh t In p . No rem o n stran ce seem s to av a il to p rev en t the th e co u rt from gran t- in g Hcen8c 'to a ll w ho ask. T h e ; C lub .House a t M onm outh P a rk is an o th er instance where license has been g iven con trary-to th e ev iden t sp ir it o f the law . / ; ;

Tbe gully washed- in th e s tre e t in f ro n t of M uddell’s m ea t m ark e t shou ld haye. p rom pt a tte n tio n before som e acc id en t oedurs. I t m ay b e o u t o f the line o f the s tree t proper, b n t as i t is used for s tree t purposes som e one ,ahQial'd, 8fie, th ‘a t iL is .filled up* M r. Sexton has co n stru c to ^ A -tru n k ^ fo r. the w ater, why n o t con tinue I t to"the cu lv e rt? „

F ine Scotch potatoes, new B erm uda po ta­to e s a n d pulone, F lo rid a tom atoes, peaa, etc.', a t the M ikado M arket, n e x t to K inm ontb’s .—

b r c a d f u l S l a u g h t e r

in the fo llo w in g ; ' / . . Z f Z . . ■■ • / . »7.20 doz. cblldreil’s h a ts a t ;19c. . -'ZZ__

—75^don.-ci)Hdren(s4)atsr trim m edr 38c.--^—— * ' '1 ,000 yds P ersian en ria iti m aterial, 1 0 c ,.

50 . pieces fancy . B atiste, 10K an d , w orth25e. - 7 . - 7 '. / ' ILr- 50 tab le covers a n d splftsheraf45. an d SOo*. -

50 d 6 z. co a t h ack Jerseys, RJc. ;A nd o th er bargains,, th ik S aturday , a t th e

Bridk S to re o f H enry Steinbkbh.—A d itl’ *

. TchBifoeck is irtill alive and .w lll open B a t^ ^ jday, M ay 14; w ith th e b est m ark e t o u tiie Nqw J e rse y ooast . — v 7v "’Hi:*- z 7 :- ‘ • ' /

F re sh s traw berries d a ily, an d " all th e o ther fru its o f .the s_eason, a t thelfflkadcf M arket,—■ A dv. Y 'Q ' - ■■ r -7-*-■•

r r / ; / / v . ••:;■’:

F ire , Life, A ccident, : P la te :Glass, S team B oiler o r L ive Stocklliisufaiice , call a t M. S7 G ould’s , 708 C ookm an t t f . T he greenest v a ri­e ty o f tnBuranco' ln t p w n ^ Advl ?■. ;

-Jaco b D oll, P la in -and 7O rnathental P aper Ilapjgor and dealer; fti g i lt p ic to fe taonldlngs. E s tim a te s fu rr iish ^ Z . W o rk . done on short"}“'’*'• notice." A ddress Boxj-f®9. . TResidence 5^8 C ookm ad avenue, JVsburjr P ark , N. J .—A d y ^

- A rtesian w a tc r/s tc a m heatzeVcctlont table; cpm forlab lq_beds^every convenience an d the* b es t of aorylCTi'flt tho A tlan tic H ouse, Ocean Grove, ‘b n til Ju ly .-*-Ado, [

A W Y o u . I n s u r e d ?I f not" call a t ' G ohld’a Ihaurghco^Agenoy,

798C ppkm an a v e n u e /_ F ire ,R fe a r id acclderft insnranqe. . A lso p la to g la s ^ b h d h o lle rs in- aitred a g a in s t aocldenli;—Adv."

'o p H a te .

TUe^Plno G rovp Cottfigp, No. 608 8 eventB avenue, near E m o ry ,s tree tr T he Islan d View

T he p ro p e r ty No. 2609 C hristian street, Philo., w ill b e sold ■on .ehsy terras^ o r ex*!j changed fo r A sbary p toperty , o r a farm .A pply to C.*T. B a iIe y ,T a ^ ;tla ll 'z iA d » .

C a li. o n d r- i u a r yoUr Uddrere to IU '0 « E a i p ^ N o . l Mato, s | t |e t , if y o u peed p iaft tresSre renQVatod.^ Y p a w.in have p rom pt a t ­ten tion . Prloea reaso n ab ly —Adv. • \

Cottage^ No. 608 F if t lL * v e n n e ,^ e a r E m o ry rifreht, -T h o s to re / property^ corhef'; MfilnBffoot.s tre e t apd- S econd . avenue'. ; ;Two/h}riIa• p u r­ch ase m oney cah rem airi od n io rta g e / ’

.. .i. .; "C>' Tv BXiLR gy^g’t to r^ w n e r .—A d u r

F o r S a t u b r E y c ) i a D $ o .

•‘A u n t P olly B assett^ ' is onoo m ore w ith ns,

Joseph l J Oliver hab trea ted him self to a now s tone s idew alk . -

M rs. M ary 8 . G o q id b a s re tu rn ed to A sbnry P a rk fo r th e season. 7 /7 .7 / 7;. ’ “ 7.

Rev. Dr. C handler, o f F reehold, will p reach in tho P resby terian C hurch oti Sundays

. Mr. H. D eH art h as re tu rn ed from P leasant- yilie, N . Y., to th e P a rk for th e sum m er

The first lady b a th e r o f the sfeason w as Mrs, Fields, of A sb ary avenue, w ho to o k a su rf b a th o n Thursday.

All th e carriages in tow n w ere engaged by cand idates o n T uesday, an d the, rea l e s ta te m en h ad to foot {t w ith thelr c i i s t o m e r s .■ •• .

Tho usua l election re tu rn cefrds were issued from T u b J o u r n a l 0 ill00 W ednesday m orn­ing, an d were all the rago d a rin g th e day.

_• MoDermOtt & T hrookraorton will hereafter- work In single harness, the Ihw firm hav jug been dlSsolyodi^* 4*. * . ..%• 7 * 7 . ' 7

M essrt?Joseph F . and Tpavld Bal ab ridge, of Philadelphia , S p en t tw o days a t th e ir co ttages here th is week.

; T he reg u lar m eeting- o f th e Y ;w ill b e held in th e ir room s; T uesday evening ,-M ay 17, a t B o’clock. 7 '

P e te r V. H eyer h as been 0 hogen Ssseesor for M ataw qu tow nshlp.' to fill .th e p lace ; o f the, la te B enjam in Griggs. ^ . -7 -. ^

1*'Mr. N a th a n ie f B rittod , o f W est Grove^ lost

a p u rse con ta in in g $80 on M onday. . I t was a ir th e m oney he owned. .......................... ...... -

. The second tria l o f R ev..G eorge R . B risto r/

.for a ssa u lt upom * Id a -D ow ns/ repaired on W edhesday in a c q u itta l.

TMrs. Clarko, o f Newark, .who w ith her fam ­

i ly boarded a t W ord V illa ' la s t seasqnj will tak e a co ttage th is Bummer, . Z:

Miss £m tly A: Rice, w ith a p a rty o f tw enty , bhaperbned b y D r. Itoom ls,' Will1 m ake a to u r o f Europe, s ta r tin g J u n e 23.

“HeguTar cpmm unicaTton of^A sbury Lodge, No. 142, F . a n d A . M.f p ex t Tuesday evening, a t Its.ryoraB in C pok’fl'BuIuilng, •

M r/Gfeorge W. Scott, o f'P h ilad elp h ia , has' been in tow n a few d ay s th is week putting, h is house, in o rd er fo r fhe Sam m or.— ------• 7’--

Mr. W illiam G . O res, of the M etropolitan, h a s im proved som e since h la recen t re tu rn from F lo rida, a lthough h is h ealth Is fa r fromso®*1* '" ; • V’ "■ ,

O te r h in o tho n san d em igrants wcrQjftqded a t Castle G arden from tw enty-four steam ships on W ednesday—th e largest num ber ever known in a single day . ■

Rev.: R. H a rc o n rt has ren ted hla new cot* tag e o n H ock s tree t, betw een F o u rth and F ifth avenne, to A . E. K nopf, o f the firm of F elix F o u rn ier <fc K nopf, New York clty.' T;7

Roy.* R $ Pom erano, o f Pfinoeton , N. J . , will p reach in the old o ^ e ra house o n Bewail avenue, n e x t S unday m orn ing a n d evening. S unday-so^pbl a t 2.80 p. m. All a re obrdially inv ited . • ' -

p m tlDgalw ays p o p u lar C olohhade in tip -to p o rd er fo r t y thq eeason,. F resh p a in t and handsom e p ap er Wiil h e lp ontsldc a d d inside adornm ent.^ The house will open o n J a n e 15.

J . T . Sim psbu, eng ineer In tbaA dam sU E x^ press building, ;New York, was. k illed in­s ta n tly on T h u rsd ay 'la s t, by lay ing hla' h and o n an uocove're'd wire connected w ith the e lectrio dynam o, as h e was exp lain ing the w orking W a friend.

At tbe sem i-annual m eeting o f the Ocean Grove AeaocYatlon held o n T aesday , the ques­tion o f bridglug Wesley. Lake whs laid over u n til the an n u a l *meeting. * AU applicationwas received fo r a ff ra n ch ise for. a n e lectric s tree t railw ay, bu^ no deflnl to action Was

T h i s S a t u r d a y .

is B&tmsatin -paraso ls a t h a lf price—form erly $2^25, th is S a tu rd ay $1.12. 10, pieces O riental flopo- c ing a t 49p. p e r y d . S telnbach Bros.—Adv.

O r e a t S u c c e s s

a tta in e d in the ca rp e t, m atting,' s ilverw are and. h o asefarn ish in g d e p a r tm e n t ow ing to the low prices, a t the Brick S tore of H enry Stelnbach.rrrAdt/. / •

- : — s t c f u b u c l i u r o s r - ' - ; - " " ” "!ex teu h their th an k s to the res id en ts .o f P a rk , G rove and v icin ity fo r their prcscnce a t the sp rin g opening la s t Sa tu rd ay , a n d tru s tJ th a t they m ay con tinue tbeirv ih ita a s o f ten as occfiZ aion m ay require. Old S tand, M ain a t. and L afceav .—A dv;

I t y e S t ^ a w F o e S a l e /

20 tons, ‘ H .PIgucYoh, S p r in g l ik e , N IJ .-A jy ,

^ H a n d s o m e P r e s e n t s ‘"s' :Z ■•:With good, so lid a n d cheap shoes, th is Satn r-day, a t tho Brick Store o f H enry 8 relqbach.— Adv. '

Only the b es t g rades o f m eat handled a t. th e M ikado M ark e ti^ ’Adv.. '■ -

B e a u t i f u l P a t t e r n s . • «>jCasglm eres fo r th e M erchant T ailoring De-:

p a rt m en t" w ere received this week in the Brick S tore o f H enry StelnbSSfi^rAdii, . ^ / z ; , /

, 7 ' S u m n i o r S f e r a g e •fo r atqves, in a clean, d ry room , a t reasonable rates, a t W. M. P a w lo y " * 'C o .’tf, 160 a n d 168 M ajh s tree t.—Ado.7 ’ ; “" '• / '^ T- 7 Z

; . /7 M i l l i n e r y . -

Ten cases new h a ts and boYinets w ere r e ­ceived th is week a t tb e B rick S tore q f H enry S telnbach,—-Adv. 7 .

A p a ir of carriag e horses for^halej to C;T..8alIby,^A&i).:::z„ 1.; j;

A pply

^ D e s i r a b l e P r o j i e r t l e s


Z jio te l Renm oro, n e w -b o a rd in g house, 81, bedroom s (can be Increased to 48 bodrOoms), furn lshM . W »r b e ren ted to r ig h t p a rty for $700, o r sold for $6,800, bn easy term s. This- pro p erly w as b o ugh t u nder very favorably

-circum stances, th e o riginal co s t bqjng t 8 ,000. H enco thn'extrom oly low figure p laced o n It a s above. .-I t Is a h excellent o p p o rtu n ity fo r som e flpecn la to t.ln rea l'esta te . <

A p p ^ o ' Egbert-Tow ner, L um ber Dealer^ A sbury P ark .—AdvJ

Aw nings, felting fo r boilers, new code

615 C ookm an avenue.—Adv.

■ Nl’no-room dbttage In A sbnry P ark . A d jresa Box 147.— Adv. _ . .. / : : Z < : 7 ; :!

M r. 8 /T ,/G o rd o n , a 'an m m er resKlent here, and one o f the firm o f S . T . Gordon & flop,, p iano m anufacturcro, h a s do n a ted ^25 Bibles to .th e Sunday-school now hold in th o old opera honso on 8 ewall avonuo,-of which Mr. C. V a n llo rn is snporln tendojit. 7 ;

B eginning oti M onday, -the Pennsylvania Jte ilroad ^ IU ru n a tra in from 80a G irt a t 6.15 A.M.; Via Freehold, Jqihooburfi: nnd South A m boy ,.a rriv ing a t ' New Y ork a t 8.80. Re- ta m in g i t -will leave New Y ork a t 8.20 p. m. This tra in wlU b e a g ro a t^ cco m tn o d a tlo n to peb p to liv in g a long th e ronto. . ■ • 7

SBveral m en a ttem p ted to vote oil Tuesday, b u t w ere challenged o n th e ' g round .o f ndh- resldence. They^declined to tak e toe risk of sw earing th e ir votes in , no tw ithstand ing one officious ‘‘ w orker” t r ie d /to raako the ju d g es , beiievo th a t a year’s realdence* in the Stato w as n o t p n e o f the fequirem ehta in a boroughe led tlo n /z •'•'*. '. ••••:.*/' ■:

The th ird skeleton” ba tta lion drill bif tbe .Third I tegim ent will be h e ld 'a t A sbury Piirk on W ednesday evening next! . Only the com­m is s io n ^ officers, the first an d second ser­g e a n ts a n d th e b and .w ill.participate. A spe- c la l tra ln-w ill convey tho m en to an d from E lizab e th / Hahway, M ataw an an d Ldng, B ranch. ' . . 7 ‘ " ; Z > ,

There WlU be a ch ild ren’s rausloal en terta in - in en t u n d e r the charge of Mrs; R , V. Ripley, fo r tho benefit o f the L ib ra ry . p ian o fund, a t EducaU onalH all, Qn M onday evening , Juno .6 ; F p r th e r p artlcn lare h ereafter. T he “ fairies” m ee t a t L ib rary H all th is S a tu rday ,1 a t 2.80, and o lder children In chorus a t 4 o’clock, for. rehearsal. r ‘ - 1 ' •• •*••'••.;.........; »-•; ‘ 7.

T hursday was celebrated a s the birthday o f George 3V. Childs, of tho f ’hlladplplila J.edger. To com tapm orato the event every unlon com- pqfitorreaat of tho M issouri r iver c o n tribu ted ' the p rice of: a. th ousand em s of, type to go tow ards fonnd lng a perm anen t hom e fo r the o rgan ization In Philadelphia. M r .4 Childs ag reed to doable tbe am olfbt contributed ./ T he sum*of $11,000. has already been.raised, $10,000 o t this" being received from Messrs. Childs an d Droxel. ‘

W e will 80II a Pair of our Z

aM U ,


Actual'yaluo $5 .00 . Any width'and Size.

offer stands goodfor -only 1 week

from to-day.

« v & W. NAETAL,Star, ShoeSitore,

The only exclusive Shoe Store in town.


Oh, poor dyapeptio, would youjlnd a •' tog llsh Tonic Pius,’? th ° n*a t once ]


They relieve a ll distress and cure every pain, A blessing indeed, aro theso pills of fatne. '

Of dregs Injurious there Is not a traoe ; • PobKHMHina-rainerals-havednthem no place.; Entirely vegetablels thojr m ake,. ■ ; —80 the young and old m ay safely tajco.

When tbe heart palpitates, and the breath is oppressed, .A

EngllaTuTonlo Pills;’ give comfort and r e s t ; Persist la their use/and b'6 snro to ' find

'Healtbrfor the body and strength for tho mind.

For S a le by allv .


wOnTdroSpectfulIy annonnoe to bis patrons a^U tbe public generally th a t he has no connection whatsoever with tho new firm of Taylor & Ack­erman, bakers. " ".1.‘ ■

His'bttslness will be conducted as heretofore a t the old stand where he has been located to r the past ia yeara, where may be found 7 - 7V“7 ZH o p ie-m ad e V ie hna, G ra h a m , a m h E i/tlre -

W h e a t B read ; f reah ev e ry m o rn in g ,/.

H o t 'H o l la and C o rn M ufflna fo r b reak -■ • • ••'"" f a s t . : •• ; ■ .■

Ic e C ream , O ra n g e , W in e , b 'r u l t b m l , v jqymfcCeJtes, c o n s ta n tly o n h a n d . A. „

A lso P i e s o f v ario q a k in d s.

.v-WagbnBi7-wilL.Derae,;ihs'(IrarDu, im d B ark .Grateful fo r past favors and respectfullj/sollo-

iting a continuance qf th e same, 1 remain ~ Xours Respeotfulty, .

JOHNSON TAYLOR,O c e a n G r o v e , N . .T.

ANFriends visiting Asbury Park-for a day or ntoro.. . . . .. - -* ig) ____ . _________ Jay or

(befpre locating) are cordially fn- , vRed to cail a t

PARK COTTAGE,1 - . • 4 t l0 S h m m e r f l e td A io . ,

where they will surely find a comfortable home.if ;*— *----------------------------*“ ” —As a proof we by permission refer to President

Stokes and -PostmaateT Evans, of Ocean Groye, and,Dr. Wallace, of tho Ooqln.Groyo Record, v

Changes for Summer a rc very reasonable. For theprefS n t $1 per.day. A gentleman und wife, tw o ladles; o r two j;ent'em cnr$10 per week,

-We have lawn, flowers, fruit and Bhado trees. Location first-class. Please call and seo us. 4

M R S . R . F . S IL L IM A N .

A . XT O T H O 1M ., A general cleaning o u t Balo a t

T R O J A N C O T T A G E ,Oor. Cookman ave! and Emory hL, Asbury Park, o n fT n e sd a jr , H a y L 7 tn , a t 1 o’clock p.. m , consisting, of Household F u rn itu re/o n o large BoardIng-nouso Kongo with h o t olpsot, one Oflloo Desk, &o. Shodld TuoBday tirovbs.ctornjy/ tJm sale will be postported to Avcdnesday. or. tho first plefi^qnt day thereafter.

Bargains in Carriages,(Oses, al sem'Suitable fo r hacking or otiier fmrot ,

ond-hand, In go'dd ooddltlon, and will bo solw eather signals t f lL h a .a d o p to d ^ i i r o h '- l /T ^ £ te g ^ ^ ^ y » -% D A 'D W -A L iA jg B R ; .- . p riM from ( a to *10 p e r act. U om m onw oj'ST - ~1? alKlll‘ Wc8t l la u 0 ,?r 8t:- ‘ r” ,lton' N' J '

F o u S a l k —T h a t v o ry v a lu a b lo e to rc p re p - .jerty a n d residenoe, s itu a te o n co rner.o f M ain s tree t Ufid A sbury avenue, o q a o f the best ■business propbTtles i au d residences j In th e ; Tpirk. H as a fron tage of^ llT- fee t-b ft M ain street, and 100 fee t o n A sbury ftyOnbo* F o r

■jpriod, terrn ^ &c. j apply to M ^roo. 8. Gofltd, 708C ookm anavonao .—Adv. '» • * ^ . • :

Lost;A pooketbook containing about sixty dollars, on Monday o t Monday evening. The flndor will be liberally rewarded upon return ing_it (o JacobStile#,, or the owner, Ndthanlol•Grove.-; .•/./ •• ...•.

X - V

FOR S i LB:A Bteam TftWq sultablo to r hotel or boarding

house/Wilb be sold low,. Apply o t the - -’Z v -Y ' C ■ METRO POL1TAN HOTEL.

i. Sec.'

. Severn Cottage,F R O N T IN G Q N W E S L E Y L A K E .

.. Control locdtloh, yrith good view o r the . . Ocean. 7 - ' : . ... j ?■

Now open/ 'FeV fu rther inform ation, addhma »■'. - M#‘D. SEVERN. Asbnry Park, N. J ,

TH E IR V IN C ,: v *■* ^h ird avenue, near, ocean,

A S B U R Y P A R K , K E W J E R S E Y .Oppfi MaTObj j;o Dccomber. . [

For further partjcularei address ' TM. LAUDEN9LAGER.

— r-JETNA, 7 s

HARTFORD, 'O ' HANOVFR, o f New York,

ORIENT, o f Hartford, ■I AMERICAN FIR E , orpllllndT, I I h a m iiUR(J-BRi!m EN, Germ'y,, ^PENNSYLVANIA, ofPItllad’a.I

■' NORTHERN, of London, .AM ERICAN, Newark,^ FARMERS, o l '


Frank Pawley, ;'Successor to Osborno'A Pawley, . - Z /

m ; m .w m estatlMATTISON AVE. opp. P. O.

Hotels, Boarding Ronses and Cottages for Sale or to Let.

M ortK A K e L o» d « A i i i i t l . u d . O o m m l o l a n . r o f t_ ■ D e e d s a n d N o t a r y P a b l l e . .

ATLANTIC HOUSE,Oceaii Groyfe, New Jersey ,

OPEN ALL THE YEAR./H ouse Thoroughly H eated by Steam :

: • - ' • d . j .m i N T . . - ! - '


be O P K 1 . ........... of th e u n d e rs iz ed , willduring the coming boobou from

June 1st to October 1st,And.Tio effort -wiil be spared to m aintain the good reputation of. this, well-known HOTEL to rthe excellence o f Ub cuirirte. a n d .to promote the comfort and convenience of It# g u es ts / '


„• ABbury Park , N .J .

S I 3geflaX,rO N R U L E T O l iT M I T C R E D I T O R S .

x in IB t ha Ton’s N otice. a, ••Jam es M._Hagerman, adm inistrator o f George

A. P a rt rick/ deoea6ed,.by order of the Surrogate of th e county of Monmouth, hereby give# notice to the eredltors o f 'the said deoeased to bring In tbelr debts, demand# and claims against the esta te of said decedent, under oath or affirma­tion, within six m onths from the 17th day. of Maroh, 1887. or they will be forever barred or any action therefor against the adm inistrator.


f N C H A N C E R Y O U N E W J E R S E Y .

To Anna A. M. Clark, and Harrison G. C lark’ her husband. *

By virtue of an order o f the Court o f Chancery of New JerSeVv made on the day of the date hereof, In a cause wherein Bessie Remaen Hum­phrey Is complainant, find you are defendants, you are required to appear, and plead j dem ur or answer to the com plainant's bill on, oq before’tho Eleventh day o f JuJy next, or the aald. bill will be taken as cortfesaed ag a lr *-----------------------------------against you.

The said bill is filed to foreclose tw'o fcertalnmortgages, given by (you) Anna A /M /C lark and llarrtsbn G. Clark, her husband, to John Itomsen/the one dated the Fifteenth day o t February,A. D. Eighteen hundred-and eighty-three, the. . . . . . .other- dated the Twenty-second day of Novoi , her, A. D. E ighteen hundred and elghty-three.on lands In th o . Borough o f Asbury Park in the county of M onmouth^ujd S tate o f New Jera6y, which said m ortgages were duly assigned to the com plainant by .John 8. Applegate, Administra­tor, Ac. of saiu John Remsen, deceased, by an Assignment In writing, bearing date tho first day. of May, A. D. Hlghtebn hundred and eighty-five. And you, A nna A; M. Clark, are m ade a defen­dant because you own thp said lan d s: And you,. Harrison G. Clark, aro m ade a defendant be­cause you a re the husband , of tho said . Anna A. M. Clark* and have o r claifn to have Bome mari­tal right o r Interest In the said lands.

• I8AACO. KENNEDY,.Solicitor of Cordnlhlnant. .

P. O/AddresB. Asbury Park,

Dated May 9,1887.- Montnouth County, Nfiw Jersey. (Pr’STfee, $8 40].

S H E R I F F ’S S A L E . ^ B y v i r t u e o f a • w rit o f fl. fa. to rao directed, Issued out of

tho C ourt o f Chancery of the State of New Jeri #oy, will be exposed to sale a t publfo vendue, on

T u e s d a y , t h e 1 4 th d a y o f J u n e , 1887, between the hours; of 12 and 5 o ’clock,' (at 2 o’clock.) ln^J.he. afternooh of- said-day, a t the' Court lloiise, a t Freehold, in 'th e township of Freehold, coun ty1 of-.Monmouth, New Jersey,: . A l l t h a t lo t, t r a c t o r p a rc e l o f l a n d a n d

premises hereinafter particularly described, sit­uate, lying and being In 'the borough of ABbury Park, In the county of Monmouth and State of New Jersey, known and designated as Lot Num.ber tw o hundred and )rightqen:<2t8j, and parts of* Lots Numbers tw o hundred and - - - -____________ ____ _____ — and seventeen (217)and tw o hundred and nineteen (21Q>, on a m ap of Anbury Park m ade by F. II. Kennedy a n ? Sen, A. p . 1874, beginning a t a point In the northerly line of Bang? avenue, d lstan fo n o hundred and th irty feot'and fonr Incht% (180,ft; 4 in.) easterly from a marble :?tone a t the nortlieast corner of Bangs avenue and )lond street / th en ce easterly along Bangs -aveiiue fifty feet (50 f t . ) : thence northerly a t right’angles w ith Bangs avenue one. hundred feet (100 IQ ; thence westerly parallel w ith Bangs avenue fifty feet (50 f t . ) ; thence southerly again a t right {angles w ith Bangs ave­nue one hundred foet to the place of beginning. Be'ng the same.premises conveyed by Jam es A.Bradley and Iloien M / hi# wife, to thq said Mary;

bearing date'the'.loth 'Louisa Applegate, by d e i-------------------------------day of October, A.' D. 1875, and recorded In the. olerk’s office of . the county of M onmouth, a tFlreehold, In Book 336 o t Deeds, page 153/&0.

Selzed-asthe property, of M aryLoi " gate and John l l . Applegate, licr* hus . .

Taken in execution a l the suit o f John II. Truaz,

oulsa Apple-

tttid to be sold by.THEODORE AUMACK, Sheriff.

I saac C. Kxnnxdy, Sol’r,,Hatod April 0. 1887. ' - - , [$7.20]

M AA S T E R ’S J J A L E .

^ u fc h a n p e ry oLN ew Jfikey. between.RobertJL- Kelly,' Qdmplainant. an a Vvolcomo E Sheldon and Hannah-M. Sheldon, his wife, Lydla-M.Tink-. er, Edw ard ’McClain, Sarah A. OsbuTa. Mary J . Tourtellott. Franois J . Tinker, Albert Nash, Ben- janlln F. Smith, Frederic R. Coudert, and Charles Coudert, individually an d as trustees; Matildo It. De Gonzales, Jam es W.Z Littlefield, Alfred M. Hennian, George A. Marsh, William II. Hall, John 8. Ferguson, Uriah Wifi to, Johnson Taylor, Thomas (4111, Louts F . DUparquet, Perrle Huot, John Rudd, WUHam Arm strong, John SlmmonB, Jam es D. Kelly; Charles Demkau, Jay L. Adams, J r . , Nelson K. Hubhanon, receiver o f J. C. Farr & Co.. Theodore II. Webb, Jam es-N . Pldbock. -Francis B. Thurber, Albert K. AVhyland, Alexis Godlllot, J r . , Jacob 8. Gates, WUliam A. Par-* shall, H enry D. K lrkland.Tho Second National Ii«nk of Red Bank, Francis S. SeloVpr, surviving partner of I-\ 8. 8eloveri& Co., Henry S. Ter- nune, auditor, & o.,and George W. Kelth.dofond- auU,.jL-/<L-for3ale-of_mortgaged-premlBesjiqde appurtenances. 41

Bvr virtue of the,above stated w rit a t -fieri facias, to mo drreoted, I, W alter J . Knlgnt, a

^ - • of theSpecial Master o f tho C ourto f C hancery--------RtotO.of New Jorsoy, shpll expose to r sale atpub- ’llb vendii.o Upqfi tne premises hereinafter do- hCrlbed/and known as (lie “ Sheldon House/ 1 in Ocean Grove, lit the county o f ,Jl<mmoutb, Now Jersey, on- % •. . ’ ; ‘ -

M o n d a y ; t l io ffiMZtfty o f TMay n e x t1,a t 2 p. m. o f th a f day, all th a t certain m ortgag d premises and appurtenances hereinafter pattfou- Iarly described to w it: Ail the leasehold Interest of Welcome E. Sheldon find Hannah M., his wife, In the lots knowmand-designated on m ap of lotB on cam p ground; o f- ‘.‘The Ocean Grove Camp Meeting Association o f the M ethodist Episcopal Church a s lots 'three -’hundred and afxty-two - (803); throe hundred and sixty-three -(363), three hundred am i uixty-four (831),‘ three hunfired and alxty-fivo (806), th ree hundred and slxty-slx (800), thred hrthdred an d elxty-eoven (.'ifl7),^three hun­dred and Blxty.-elght (868), threo hundred and Bixty-nino (809). th ree-hundred and soventy-ono (87lT and throe Kutidred qnd soventy'threo (378), ana more particularly fio*ixribcd as follows, to w it: ■* / Jr, *<*SX>5 . Beglnhlng a t a white m arble monument eot a t the north-easterly corner of Central and Surf avenues, and from thence (1st) northerly along tho easterly lino o f Central avqnuo, ope htiudreu and forty reet and seven inches (lioft. 7In.) .to a w hite/ marble m onum ent set. a t the .8outhoas.t- e rly ,co rner of Central and Atlantlo avenues; thence (3d) easterly along .the- southerly line of Atlantlo ayoihto oho hundred aud.elghty-one feet and six Inches (i81ft. Oin.) to the division lino-between lo ts num ber 878 and 375; tfionce (8d/southerly and parallel w ith Central uvenuo

•nlno feet, eleven and three-quarter Iribhes _(B9rt/ll?4ih7)'to the division iiho bctwoon lo ts378 apd 87*3; thenco (4th) westerly at* right angles with Central avenuo, and nlonu-theramalon lineWRII LUUUUI UVDliUU.UHU ttiuim-.mi .... lumubctwoon lota. 878 and 872/a n d lots 871 and ftZOt — ^-Oif‘inohca (00ft.2Hln7fsixty fefit. lw d 'an d ono-hal .......... ..

to.Lhe. division-llqe- hetwcon lots 870 an d 868;thence (5th) Southerly parallel w ith Central ave­nue an d along the. dlvfslon-llne between lots 870-*and 868, sixty-three feet, five inches (63ft. fiin.) to the northerly lino of Surf avenue i/therico (6th), wcatorly along tho northerly lino o f ntirf avenue one hundred and'tw enty-ono feet t o tho north-

.eriy corner , of -Central and Surf avenues, the'point o rplaoo o f beginning. Together w ith all arid singular -the rights,-hbertlea. privileges,- horeuitamonte, ahdapw jrtenances thereunto bo^ longing o f In any. wJb? ppper/SIning, and tho roversiouH and rem ainders;'ren ts; issues, andRrofits thqreoLi and also a lL Uie -estaUv .rlghtSF

tie. Interest, ubb, property, elalpr and demand of th e said defendants , of, in, to and o u t of tho •Barne. i , , WALTER J . KNIGHT] "*

‘ Spooled Master In Chancery. ‘BABBITT.ds LA WHENCE, Solicitors. „

P a ted April SO, A. P . 1887. fP r’a too. $10.20. J

T H E A a to u ry P a r k P r ln t l i i ( f . H o u a o lpi v lto a ' t h e p A tro n aa re o f a l l B uB lneea

M pu w h o d e a lr o f lr e t-q la e a w o r k a t lp w ra$M * W ll to f o r e e tlm a te a*

T O ’^ A R~ W H ER E TO. G ET IT !


- r f .

MARSHALL & ___iWehavo on INCREASED STOCK! of P I N E CLOTHING f0r Iho comlngteiuoiV. 'ta wo f io n i the

rusk for Fine Suita last sciufon far beyond our.expectations. n ;• • / \ • _ _ _ . .:- W proposo that MARSHALL & BALL shall bo TIJE GIRTHING 8TORKNfbr the MASSES Wo aim to clottio the poor man for Klspennies, as well as the rich m an ter h is dollars.. Z ■

•All Wool.Business Suits, •/ $8 #10 $ia $15 #18 $20 rFine Dress Suits, . ' ■■/ $io. $12 $15 $18 $20 $25Men’o Working Paitts, r . '■ — / , $1 $1.25 $1.50 $2:Extra Pants for Drbss Wear/ • ; #8-$4 $5 $67 Z 7~. : BOYS’ DEPARTMENT.

^ -“““1 The' incroasoof (trade In this braiich o f tho busiiieka in8ures u# of its popularity.

Children’s Knee Pant Suits/. ” $2 $»'$4 $5 $6'Children’s Separate Knee Pants, 40c 50c 75c $1 $1.50 Boys’ apd Yontlis’ Suits, -;-r $3.50 #4 $5 $7 $8 $10'

Between our Three ffiores we use m ore gomls than all.tho rest of the Clothing trade’ln ' the 'c ltv combined. We buy these goods direct from toe Mills, thus saviug a large profit, which enables us to sen below others. - . . . • •

Remember.that ou r .Goods are.Cut in /a Style Equal to CuBtqm^Garinents, a n d w hen- worn thev - give perfect baliulkcliOii. - / . — :— " ~ - y ....... . - ■■ . . '... .

MARSH ALL & BALlZ -i ' . ‘ On© P rico C lothierc. „

807, 809 and 811 B road S tree t, 221 and 123 M ain Street,.. •5 8 and 6 0 N ew ark-A venue,-




I t e a l E s ta te . ,

M oney to LoanON BOND AND MORTGAGE. ’ ' .

ISAAC C. KENNEDY, Aabury i>ark.

Butcher’s Store to Let,W ith large Ice Room. Inquire of T, P. .BERGEN, Cor. Main Street and M onroe avonae,' ABbnry P ark .N .-J. • . ./

$ 1 0 , 0 0 0TolA>an on Good’M ortgages.' 'Z / __

- H.C.COWART^ Free hold,-N/J.Z

To Rent.A Nicely I.ocated and F nr-

nislied 11-rodin C o ttager-.or a portion of It might be rented and balance kqpt by p resent tenant. Apply to .

A! C. VAN EPPS, Clark House.

For Rent.The m oat desirab le an d cheapest B oard­

in g House in A sbnry P a rk .Chqioq location / Everything ip. perfect order.

" ’Address* M-. 8. GOULD,’ - _Z . . . 708 Cookinanavenuo,


Situated on 5th avenue, near the Ocean. "Fitted up for Ice Cream/Confectionery, &o„ with liv­ing rooms. Also Bapu With Stables to let.

Apply - 99 EMBURY A V E.,pcean .(Jrovo, Or IIUDNUT, Ocean Beach.


Cor. First ave. and Emory St.*18 rooms, furnished, Btwer oomsoctioo, excellent water. Inquire n f th e owner, on the premises.


TO LET.t h e p l d e b t e s t a b l i s h e d m e a t

MARKET, IN ABBUKY PARK Ib offurwl for llont’for tho season, or bno year.

F or pkftloulara. address !", ‘ ".'T*. p . o . BOX 005, Asbury P ark , N. J .


COTTAGE IN OCEAN GROVE..Two lota, corner, Artesian wdter, sewer connec­tions, Ao. Easy terms. A bargain If sold a t once.

... BOX auk, OCEAN GnOVE.


Improved and * Unimproved—in Asbury^ Park,. . . / . ^ O R S A L E . ,

Inquire o f’ A. C.’ VAN EPPS,- ' l u r ” ................. ...— ■" ”86 THIRD AVE., or 20 GRAND AVE.

COTTAGES TO LET.‘LeRoy’* cottage, 8 rooms, well TdPnlshed,

good _wator, Bhauyzyardr sewer - cqmiectlous;. ice 8200for threem ontlfs.Also a 7-Toonr cottage,, nearly new, furnished.

$160 fo’r'thVee Rionjhs. Address, - -

-LEKO Y, Journal ofllce, Asbury Park, N. J . ?

To Let at Ocea n BeachA Store on Stli A ve./ ■ ..vA- • .

h e a r Ocean. G o j^^h p n o e fo r Novelties, Fancy,Apply qt .

09 EMBURY AVE./Ocean Grove, Or IIUDNUT, Occani Boaoh. ~ ~ * Z -* 3 '

FOR RENT/1 4 -R o o m H o u s e o n M L T a h o r W a y , "in

O aea ii Q rq v e . N , J . , ' ^

to r a year,mnfiiralflhed/ Price oil ly $JK5.

Or/Will E xchangefor property of equal value o l s e w h e r e / - . - -

■•714*. B. BEEGLE & BbN^ 48 Main av( • . . Ocean Grciye.';

Restaurant or4 Owner will ren t large rqom InoxoeUeut

. neighborhood, Convenient to s tation , for above rmriioso forSum m or, and take reiit ‘

' In mpals. Only small capital required for :■ "hecessiirjr furnishings. Only personb who •‘ havo.oxperlonoe-in conducting first-olaes /

eatabllsnment need apply. There Is room for such - a n - fctoterprlBo in. ABbury-Pork. - I t will pay. ; - / Z vl • *-

- ■■ DAIRY. Z’ J . v 4 ASBURY PARK* r r . J , f t

$ 1 0 0 .W aidod a loan of one hilndred dollars for four

monthH. - FirsT'olaB#seourlty. Address . ...■ P r o f e s s io n a l ,v oore J oubnae offlpo.

. W anted.B oard for th e Siunnier . \

io t/e ith e r five*,or Bovop odiflts, in private family having a pleksant house Qrt or near th e beaoh, Wheto, there are nd othhrs. Location below o o ^ n o r p v . . A d d ^ # |^ |B g A h D B M S w ;

H* B. Beegle..& Son,REAL ESTATE and


IB Main Aveane, Steaa'Brotf, 17. J.;L o an s N e g o tia te d and L e g a l P a p e rs -D raw n

■ ,-*^7*W /H. BEEGLE, Notary Public.' .

and CommlBfl/oner Pennsylvania and


H. B,.BEE( _of Deeds t o r No WJerstHr,' th e District ofUoiumbia.

ZAH*91atlng done with Chapman and Bangor — " quarirles roofing ■slat©. '

A g e n t f o r B te w n r t’s P a t e n t Sool L a p p e d . R e d ^ R e a d y R o o fin g ,

W arranted fire aml~water prooL- r-'-r----

• "* */ ; R E S ID E N C E 614 T H I R D A V E .P .O . Box 648.* _ - ' :

'NOTICE!Htjvqral persons in

[ M onm outh county who |a r o directly or.indlrcct- ■ Iy connected with toe I rum business, aro aspl- I rin g for the nom lnatlou I fo r Sheriff.

CSf^Thls^n^ult to the I intelligence o f thecoun- I ty will l>o, rosented by I tho voters thereof.

Public Boutlmont Is I too s tro n g .ag a in st tho I liquor trafllc to allow It.

- J

YOST’S EXPRESSRemoves and delivers •*' ”

Baggage, Freight,..:. Furni- ture, Pianos,

and all kinds of movable Goods to any p a rt ofAsbury P ark , Ocean Grove

o r V icinity __a t m odorate rates. 15 years4 oxperlenoe In hand­ling of o |l kinds of movable g o ods/ AH order# by mall o r otherwlso tolll receive prompt a tten ­tion. jv.G/AdrcBss — ,. t S I I I S I l , A N B IIK V P A R K , !>. J .

OFFICES—616 Sewall ave,; Adams Express Office; R. It. DojKjt, .Asbury Park.

EM PLOYM ENT a g e n c y ,50 Springwood Ave., Woat Asbury Park.

Firet-oloBs help o f every desorlptlon can be selected a t a n y . t i m e / W a l t e r s , chamber- .mulus, Jaundressos, general servants,; purses, " (aohmeu, janltresses, etc. Also house olean-

g. kalaomfnlng, etc./prom ptly attended to.71-------- MIL M H^ WRf pIJTrHKR.irtg.

For Sale Chertp.An ex tra good. ^li-seated oxtonfllonJop -'park - phffiton suitable for haoking. Also one-hqrse stqndlng-top phmtqn. Inquire a t - •

*. • HOWARD’S LIVERY STABLE,Or of Wm. Lesler, Third Ave. and Bergh St. ,

For Sale.t h e t Bo b o u g iib h e d b l a c k St a l l io n ,

/ 7foaled May 19, 1682, got by “ Gen. Knox.” Can be- seen a t KENTOME,” Ocean Park, N. J . 7 * .Z Qrqddress A.'KENT;p.,QJBox 2087*

• • Ocean GrOveV N .J . ^

, Chas! T.. S ick les/ "

DEAL FARM MILEDelivered Dally, Pure and 'F resh , tn-Asbartr

— W m ' ' -: - Park and Vlolrtlty. f Address orders to Dqaj, Beach Post Office,.

NO TICE./I wish ^o lnfofcar the people o f1 Asbury V a ii" .............. itgolng to move my bus-and vlolnlty th a t ! a!nl noi

inesa to.Maiu strqot, .as It found a s usual a t the '

a-reported. ’ I. will be

Model Bakery, 717 Cookman ,,"where I expect to remain.

■ H A B B Y W . L A K E .

/ W /T . DUDLEY, Real Estate & Fire Insurance.

' TIouhos and C ottagoaof a ll sizes for Haloor Kont.

P. O, Box i .... 616 Cookman Avenue,

FOR SALE.V i l l a g e C a r t A n d H a r n e s s ,

suitable* fo r pony.' Also Two-Seat Phaeton.

iBotltln goqd.oraer antLto’Kqlqld cheap>! . . Apply to C. A.' DKECROPT,’Deal, N. J .


■ t . 'J -

Page 4: DUMB » Stoves, Reaters, Ranges, Lots Nos. Springlike, aud ... · FrM-bnrnlng Coals, all RlzeA and of the Lots Nos. 20 aud 21 at North Springlike, Fronting-on BRIGHTON AVKNUK.'and



P IL L S ,T H E G E E A T E N G L IS H !

-For Xlver, Ulll»,TrndJgfi*Uon, oto Free front Me*.sssfc itfc&^NTo!?,Xwir r i!°M-


Meats and Provisions

SEASON 1887.

. O f all kinds, go to tho

- ASBURY M ARKET,• 'Main Street, head, of Wesley lake,

forriie ljr Tre&t’fl Grocery'; _ algo flno gradea ofI'PTER, C11KK8E, LARD. Abe. SAU­SAGE (Homerinade) a speblalty '

MUDDELIi, th e B utcher.

L O N G M A N aiT p ^ L A R T lN E Z .Aj-^UZiL'fPlJ P E

P R E P A R E D P A I N TJ Highest-degree or quality insures lowest coat atid best work. . •

Tho price per gallon higher, hut quantity need-' cd Is leas thait iriuiy other paints wore used:

/Any building th at la n o t " "? . Any building th at la not1 satisfactorily painted' •Withlt, or upon which Its use has not cos] 1 ess than if other paints had bcen itseA .w llI bi*r«* |m lnt*

• «‘U a t o i i r «'X|»eiiHev


\ Y . Tu. A T K I N 'B O N " .Dealer In • - -

Paints, OilsLVarnishes, Glas^ ac.,Artists' Tubif Colors, Brushes, Wall Paper.

NO. 200 BOND. STREET, '(Established 1604) - As Miry Park. N. J.



N E W J E R S E Y ,•CAKIU' T H E *

l a r g e s t a n d _V F in e s t S to c kO F M E R C H A N D IS E

.In Asbury Park,

STEINBACH BROS.,Wooden Building, Near the Lake.



s t a l s t a e iStoftes, Ranges,Heaters, Furnaces, (.

And Housefumishing Goods,

C H A S E . B O R D E N ,150 Main St., Asbury Park.


LEM H A B E T H E — —

STOVE— r— 0 1 ' T H E - -----

' I L T O B 'W ’ T E B S B T• . : PUrohaaore can mfiko no mistake. In selectingour

Cook Stoves and RangesFor Hotels, Boarding Hquses or Private Families.

, " /* ^ Wo aro also receiving;foriho Summer, trade large Invoices of y

Imported arid Domestic. . Crockery, plain, white and decorated, for: all classes and

• : tastes. Hanging Lainpsin endlees \7 variety, and. House Furnish- / /' ing Goods in general, at ..

Prices Lower than Ever.jV ./■ ; It will pay you to examine oUr Stock before purchasing.

New Store, 166 and 168 MainA SD U RY PA R K ,:N . J .

Escslsior Tin, Sheet M a i and ruraaceT in Roofing, R epairing dud a ll kinds o f Shoot M etal W ork prom ptly and aatiafac-

, to r ily ottendod to". '

T H E L A R G E S T IN T H E S T A T E .


WILLISFORD DEY&CO.'A r e offering th e follow ing Houses a t barga ins s~

T H E L E S L IE , F if ih % ven u e ,n e a r Heck,20 rooms, fufnlshed throughout w ith oak suits; h&lr mattresSes, new mnttlng. Hnsall.

modern conveniences. Price <800. *vv ;; ^ , ^

Elberon H ouse, N .W . C o r .F ir s t& Grand,28 rooms and adjoining cottage, 8 rooms, w ith 8 lots size..60x100 feet each, facing Grand aventle, W ill he sold at an exceedingly low figure. We offer i t as th o best bar­gain In.rdal estate In .Aflhury Parity. • --L •" ■...

F in e P r iva te Cottage ,N. S- Th ird avenue, near H#ck. yFu lly) furnished, splendid location. <800.

Also large assortment .of large and small, cottages.,

BRUSH MANUFACTURERS, ~ '251 Pearl Street, near Fulton Street, New York,

j, ‘ HaveOcctipledthOBamo building mote than, a quarter o fa Century. mielrgooda a r^flh lppp^to^ lhpm ^frtieThn^ t

Are you Looking for a Reliable Grocer,'•'I'- i ' / . - •' r n s s r s F r -.i— '

M . L . B A M M A N .

Are you. looking for Excellence in. Quality 6f Goods in" ' t.h n f. l i t lR . ; o - - ; ’that line,

T r $ r ^ C . ayitaaa.

o o' Are you looking for Bargains,-' t o JVC. '3CiiJ BA3VCIvrA .3Nr.


there every time for the reason that fairer’do Sling you oonld not possibly get, no matter' you may go; and the choice from the largo variety or his Stock wlh amply repay you for a

^xtradtetance yon may have to travel.. j r ,;, ‘ . .


V M . S . G O U L D ,

I n s u r a n e e a n d R e a l E state*At the Old Stand, III Cookman Ave., Asbury Park, N. J.,

Will open this. Spring the largest lino of. Goods ever • offered in this part ot the County..


OFForeign and Domestic.

H A N D S O M E L I N E O F S I L K S .i Specialties in Black and Colored .Rhadames.N O TIO N S—Kid Gloves, Zephyrs, Hosiery;

G E N T L E M E N ' S F U R N I S H I N G S .Hats, Underwear. Best aiid Cheapest Line of Goods in

the County. . _ ./?>*-, v; H O U S E F U R N I S H I N G S . ’

Crockery,- Glassware, Woodenware, Window Shades. Mattings, Carpets, Rugs.

H A N D S O M E L I N E O F S I L K S .

LIFE SIZE PORTRAIT!ORIGINAL CRAYONB ro n ze F fa m e .S 12Boo* phoui. or lni|N‘Ffedi llkunena. Hmlnlact Inu irlvau on nil orderw or no uny rrnulrtftL Call,writo or wlro, N.' Yv AIlT- 1ST*' UNION. Room 2, Hj K>.Uth .Ht, t>ctwcco3 Ui Avo.auu Broadway.


A r tis t ic Trin.ting.

~ Workmanships—i” Vrv .; .. ■

i ' D eU xery^ *irom pt.._ 1 “~a-- ,

Charges—nToausfe, .r—


■ ' P R IN T IN G H O U S E 1. •

Qur Great' Specialty is Merchant Tailoring. Suits to -order unexcelled in cut, finish, and fitting qualities.

H E N R Y S T E I N B A C H ,Ocean Palace,— Main street and Gookman avenue.

M i x e d P a i n t sT h e O ld and R e lia b le Brand.

M e , Calvert & Go.Ad Immense Stock i

^ N .E . Buchanon& C joB ole A g e n te fo r S ta te o f Nerw J e re o y .

PrtoM low to Palntere and Gonkumeranenta m ade with dealers. ■


O H O M E B L E S SE D W IT H A fiABY ia co m p l« e w ithout Ih e m onthly visits o f B a b y h o o d , th a t delight, comfort

rind a id o f th e iriother, . Onlj^publiCation in the world devoted to the/care',<f young children. W e a re g lad tp recom m end it. ( 5 Beekman S t ,! N. Y .; 91.56 a year; 15 cento a cbpy.the Journal and Babyhood, both one

rear, »2.«), in -'*—

JOHN HUBBARD,Houser Sign and VYalf Painter,

j ...ltolBqmtofag,«ltdntag,iPapet-1Iorig!ng’t etoV

v. :;.v :.j

Ro«!dflnce;Cob. IVpth A y e o tb aud Bond BctiIiit, : t Kii Box 575. abbjibYPA SS, N. J,;

can be.

curedOf RHEUMATISM by U«lfl8

RUSSIAN RHEUM ATISM CURE.I t Is n o f» earo-all. I t cores oothhur b u t Rheum*-

‘ • J ; - ; — “ -----Bcareforli i irho hario been, cure


ttan. bafritto a safe and auro— ... - . . - Koasand* who havo been-cured will testify to its m-

Mb.G. B;tJtineB,of Jfl31 N*l£th Bt,,Fhi!id».. wrote■four months idsr ho pod- ——---KhetimatismOaro (waiting to see whether It would not' . return), Baying ho waa bedrid don wiGi tho dtoomw, and

trying this wont-------- ;--- ..Wa. OntB. A Cox, American sad llorria Bt, Fhila.,

said ? “My wife was bedridden: and her condition made mo aeopaLr. Doctorfl and erorything elie failed, too

• Rhsuroatipm Oura Dared her in otto week.1'


PER 101.information;: Descriptive Pam-p o r ■ ooiifipietev infonnatlon^ D escvlp i

. plilckt wi)h tf«Umoulari. Iri _______ drwsrglais. Hone or tbe other fit

not ia position to furnlnU it to yon, do not;bo per- pusded to take anything else, but apuly direct to tho . General Awnta.' FFAWi!fil!lt HlMW. <bHO. 8,10 & RBl Market Street* FOiludelpbla.'

J u s t ic e ’s SU m njoris


in paria of 60, Jreadjr for 6 *e» a^Tnn Jou8 Sfal office, 8a MattUon tiy&r~Adv, . ■ :

. T ' 7I 0.Y T : A ’ - •*-- -rrk\ ■ '■

'Rfiprosehte the fondm ng lriHiirarioe Compniiioa; Merchants, o f Nowark j Bntffars, ,r- o f New Y o rk ; Joi^ey C ity Tub. Co. ; M ount H o lly Ins. C o.; Tho New York

v :*- -r— q q j^ ow y o rk , also Tho F id e lity and Casualty Ins. k inds o f F ire , L ife , and Accident Polioies issuea. ; >

life'Ins.A l l — --------------- ---- .,

Also Plato Glass and Steam Boiler Insurance*«STFull lis t o f H otels, Boarding Houses aud Cottages for sale and to let. '

REFERENCE—The Citizens o f A sbury P a rk .

Cheapest line of f f f i P f S l W / J IT S

W H IT E W OOD, 5 p iece s, $ 1 0 and upw’d. A SH S U IT S , 6 16 “ “ANTIQ UE OAK, 6 “ 21 “

S p x in .g 's , T ic d la tt ie s s e e , i-.o'u.ao.gres,In endless variety.

, . A large assdrtni^ht of Looking Glasses for hotel anc cottage use, in,fact everything: to bo found in a firstrchiss ffirpiture establishment. . '

D. D. DAVIS & SON,No. 5 Main Street, Asbury Park, N. J.

. “ Please call and get ostlmatcs betoiro placing'your order elsewhere.

H . G / E A M E S ,Until lately conncQted with Eames & Sons,

Boat Builders, has opened a Manu- V factory' and Salesroom for ^

Mattresses and.Bedding --- — DOW N STAIRS A Tfe

John A. Githens & Co;Manufacture™ of. and wholesate and

• retail dealers In

No. 1 Main Street, Asbury Park, N. J.H e c o rd ia lly in Y itee t ln v P u b l io t o in s p e c t h i s B lo ck .

r ’ M a t t r ^ s e s a b p e r i ia l ty .B o n o y a tin g

THOSl T. GRAVATT. . - ; . . r ! —L- M. TAYLOR.

GRAVATT & TAYLOR,WhbleriaTe and rotoU dc filers in • • • . . . _


G O A L ,w o d i j ,CHARCOAL. Masons1 Materials.

Having purohaaoJ from THKO. A8HMOKE. thft OLl>^RELIABLE YARD of RARBER* TOVWTER A FIELDER, we Intend.keeping on hand a full supply of tho beat quality of the above artlclea, at. • __. *1 IB .__ Mn.«n u rIaaba a.i. Cn.lA.AaM film na n nail TfllftnhDrlnthe lowwt cafl^pricaiLT Our motto*Is to rfcn«o rmr Cufiiothers. 6 iVo us a cali. Telephone.

BUILD YOUR HOUSES WITH GOOD LUMBERAnd they will last a long time. ■.

One .of the beat, placea tofind an assortment ofFlll8T-CLA8S BUILDrNG. MATERIAL, v old established busluesa placo of

Is atl tl

N. E. BUCHANON & CO.,Southwest corner of Main etroot and Aebury' avenue,

A s b j l r y P a r k , N o w jW s e y . _Thodsands of costomors who have patronized this house, can (eAtlfy'fchat tliere Is no better

place to purchase everything which enters into the construction of.a cottageu)r a palace. f ' along wltii your orders for- -



■ Come

'I •

-And everjdblnK to comidete your bouao. Butlsfactloq guaranteed to all customers.

Q.V.Stflock. flsa.A.Scwk.


A N D B U I L D I N G M A T E R I A L S ;


• • ■■ -V i

Manufacturers and?d)ealers InriUbranclioff'of/„

V ASBURY PARK AND LONG BRANCH, N. J. hzWindow-Frame*. Nmb. BllnHs, Boors, Houidings, Brackets and Cayvcd.W ork, < ^ l i a r a and S o li w ood Mniitels. TnrnlnR and Setoll Bfiwing a> 8pe* > ■ *—

• ■ eialiy^ Designs and Prices Furnlsbed 0 4 Applicaiton.

Asbury Park Mill,MAIN AVKNIlE^FROM^mmKOETtlfiEWALr.'

Long Branch Mill,Lumberr


'V » " • ' .?■'

juuiuyuwiw,. .uuuiuug,FEATHERS. Etc.

FACTORY NO. 3 MAIN ST.Up Stairs, .

- B en oyatin g M attrM see a S p ecialty .


Coal, Wood a Charcoal,87 M A I N S T R E E T , .

flpptirocisrcfovrBmifiniat^A trialri dpr Bolloitcd vsatlafactlou guaranteed;

• s TELBPUONB CONNECTION. .Orders bybestol pard promptl^Qllcd.'

OF PORE GOO UVEB OILMBpptpsplesJlimeSoiaAlmost as Palatablo.as M ilk,> The only propmUon of COD I.IVCR OIL Uurt «m betoken readily and tolerated for a long than by delicate stomachs.

AND 4S A KKHEPY FOP COYSIJMPTIOIT*BfatoflJlfitfe___________________ AnakmiA* Ghi(-K k ib b to iu T Y , co iiim s 'A h DV'ECTlfiri^ oad ali WASTING DiSOBDRISrgPCinbDRkff It in BjarrcIIcma la fta regalia*"Preacribcd and ondQwed by tria'Wt PUyriCUmtl la 41)0 coun tries of tho world.

For Main b , all Dmtffli__

Pnlleys k Shafting.1 im& Shaft,ri,i in. diain.

•' “Uu . 4 • • J. A. 'Ur.*.11 att • ^32-inchDrimnk i?ulley ‘ Tangers and 'Cone

Akimrgain~to anybody In wont of 0 Terms may be had on application to

irs and ConeIn wont of extra power.

■■■. Asbury Park,Printing House,IH.i'lt. w .1.'


l l t h A V E .,References,

ally attended Paint -----*Paint

>£AH BFAOH.given If required. Jobbli i to . Agent of New York — — -*'*1 if used as directed:


;x.;. / r , X : '

T B B ABBURYPABK PRINTING HOUSEU.TUR I Uir*tand best equipped ih U10 Ootrnty, . ' ■


A & S XJ R . Y , R A R B L . jxr . ar.

XJp^olfiteriiig in ^ 1 its branohea carried on, al^o a full line of .Picture Frames and /Mouldings kep t oonstantiy o n . hand. W ihdow Oornige^ of all deecriptionH,

Having! feel compete ..teleph on:

Office open day and night. . 'TAMES ST. BEXTON-

A''Cliance for a G ood ‘Investment..

(,Notloelfi hereby given tfiat $10,000 oftlie Treas-,

’ ; ury Stock of,the Asbury. Park Eleotrld ,lght jind• u>/ HunjAu. wu ..-bury.Park I— — —_—« -■ , •T Power CcrrirwW .otfcrcd a t p&Tt I f f thepurpofte .rower AJwnpjiowAmereu av pay. iw iub h«*fvw ',

.. of lucroasingthe biisineafi; by aadlner Mtito and;BOO lucandesoent lljfljte. Parties desiring to suh; *

„_acribe-for lhe..same wf"ing t

lit please give/ notice bym»ilv.or lu peraou at the office Of thd Company., v Preferred Stock will bfflssucd If desired. -7 per 1 . cent, guaranteed.'; • , '..3 7 ; . _'V-— T

Investigatipn Solicited. . ,: '!":>2i GHN'RGcSAPKLLER,’frt .

G. J. SCHANCK& SON, Successors to- ; • jFTFLTEID'X*. < » 3M(a^SaEt|Sf .'

A s l i u r y A v e . n n d J l n l n f i t . , A s b u r y l ‘ » r k , ] V . J .BRANCH OFPICE^-Milan RfiesM, 120 Cookman avenuo, Afihury j»ork, and; G,. W MartWo, Pilgrim \.. . Fftthway. OCOftn Grove, whcro all ordera recpived will be promptly flfied. • •

■r r‘■A-