Dublin Cemetery Guidebookdublinohiousa.gov/dev/dev/wp-content/uploads/2012/09/cemetery... · Dublin...

Dublin Cemetery Guidebook Parks and Open Space 6555 Shier Rings Road Dublin, OH 43016-8716 Phone: 614.410.4700 Fax: 614.761.6512 www.dublinohiousa.gov Printed on recycled content paper

Transcript of Dublin Cemetery Guidebookdublinohiousa.gov/dev/dev/wp-content/uploads/2012/09/cemetery... · Dublin...


Parks and Open Space6555 Shier Rings Road

Dublin, OH 43016-8716Phone: 614.410.4700

Fax: 614.761.6512www.dublinohiousa.gov

Printed on recycled content paper

1Dublin Cemeteries Guidebook

Dublin Cemetery Books for Sale

The Cemeteries of Dublin, Ohio: History in Stone, isnow available.

The book is a permanent, accurate record of theCity's cemeteries and details the lives and deaths ofsome of Dublin's pioneers, war veterans andresidents.

Recorded in the book are the first, last and middlename, military service, sex, birth date, death date,age, cemetery, and section of each lot for thoseinterred in Dublin's cemeteries. Also included arepictures of unique headstones and engravings;photo captions and documentation explain themeanings and symbols used on the headstones.

This 260-page book is available for $25 andprovides history for local genealogists, historians oranyone with an interest in Dublin cemeteries.

The book is available at the Dublin Service Center,6555 Shier Rings Road, and the Municipal Building,5200 Emerald Parkway.

For more information, contact 614.410.4700.

City of Dublin2

Dublin Cemeteries

3Dublin Cemeteries Guidebook

Table of ContentsBackground ...............................................................4

Dublin (I.O.O.F.)........................................................4

Indian Run ............................................................5-6

Mitchell .................................................................6-7

Sandy Corners ..........................................................7

Mount Zion ............................................................7-8

Cemetery Policies .....................................................8


Guidelines for Use of All Cemeteries ...........................8

Rules and Procedures Specific to

the Dublin Cemetery ........................................8-10

Interments ..............................................................10

Availability of Cemeteries for Interments ...................10

Funeral Arrangements .............................................10

Placement of Interments and Monuments ............10-11

Grave Lots and Grave Spaces ...................................11

Cremains ................................................................12


Charges and Fees ...............................................12-13

Frequently Asked Questions ..............................14-16

City of Dublin4

BackgroundA complete list of burials in theDublin Cemetery and the smallercemeteries is available. Forinformation, contact theCemetery Office in the Divisionof Parks and Open Space at614.410.4700.

The Dublin Cemetery(International Order ofOdd Fellows - I.O.O.F.)Location: 190 Monterey Drive.The cemetery is located on thesouth side of State Route 33/161(Bridge Street) next to theDublin Community Church inHistoric Dublin.

Date Established: July 1, 1858

Number of Interments: 4,410(as of 9/10/2011)

Condition: Excellent

Available for Burials? Yes.(The City no longer has lotsavailable for purchase)

History: The Dublin Cemeterywas founded by the Evening StarLodge of the International Orderof Odd Fellows (I.O.O.F.).Approximately 10 years after theinstitution of the Dublin chapterin 1848, as their members beganto pass away, they discussed theneed for a fraternal burialground. A committee was

formed to procure grounds forprivate burials, and when thiswas found to be impractical, theydecided to form an association inorder to open a cemetery for useby the general public. A plot ofland was purchased just west ofthe Christian Church (now theDublin Community Church onBridge Street in Historic Dublin)and in July of 1858, thecemetery was opened. The firstburial was that of Mary ElizabethGraham on Nov. 4, 1858, andmany of the original members ofthe Odd Fellows Lodge, includingDr. Eli Pinney, Zenas Hutchinson,and J.K. Thomas, also are buriedhere. A number of burials weremoved from other nearbycemeteries, including Indian Runand the Deardorff Cemetery inSharon Township. It was decidedin the 1970s that the Village ofDublin should take over thecemetery operations, and theDublin Cemetery was dedicatedon Feb. 2, 1976.

Layout of Cemetery - Thecemetery is divided into fivesections.

Old Cemetery - This is theoriginal part of the cemetery andis located on the north side ofthe property near Bridge Street.Most of the stones in this sectionare very old and some arebeginning to show signs oferosion. Many offer fine

5Dublin Cemeteries Guidebook

examples of the quaint epitaphsand carvings favored by theearly settlers. Number of burialsin this section: 2,396 (as of9/10/2011).

Section 1A - The First NewAddition, south of the OldCemetery, was created by theI.O.O.F. Association when theneed for burials began tooverflow the Old Cementeryboundaries. The earliest burialthere was in 1871, but it wasused infrequently until the early1900s. These lots are laid outwith four, five, or six spaces perside, divided into east and westsides. Number of burials in thissection: 1,372 (as of 9/10/2011).

Section 2A - The SecondAddition encompasses a row ofold graves along the easternedge of the Old Cemetery (whichmay have been incorrectly listedas part of the Old Cemeterysection when it was surveyed in1968) as well as two and a halfrows of newer graves arrangedin a rectangular area betweenthe Old Cemetery and the fencealong the eastern edge of theproperty. These lots are laid outwith four spaces per side,divided into east and west sides.Number of burials in thissection: 201 (as of 9/10/2011).

Section 3A - The Third Additionis a small rectangular area cut

out of the southwest corner ofSection 1A. The lots in thissection are laid out with fourspaces per side, with the easthalf of the lot divided intoA & B, and the west half of thelot divided into C & D. Numberof burials in this section: 112(as of 1/2/10).

Section 4A - The FourthAddition is the only section ofthe cemetery that contains lotsavailable for purchase. It islocated in the southwest cornerof the property, from thewestern edge of Sections 1A and3A to Monterey Drive. The lots inthis section are laid out with fourspaces per side, with the easthalf of the lot divided into A & B,and the west half of the lotdivided into C & D. Number ofburials in this section: 321 (as of9/10/2011).

Indian RunLocation: West side of StateRoute 745 (Dublin Road), justsouth of Indian Run Creek andnorth of the Dublin Library.

Date Established: 1814

Number of Interments:Unauthenticated records indicatethat there were at least 114interments; however, less than40 stones remain in evidence.

Condition: This cemetery wasrestored in the late 1970s, when

City of Dublin6

the stones were cleaned andsome were reset. Unfortunately,many stones are missing andsome of the stones still inevidence are in need of furtherrepairs.

Available for Burials? No

History: The Indian RunCemetery was the first buryingground to be established inDublin, and the first burials werethat of Polly King, the oldestdaughter of Ludwick Sells, onJanuary 16, 1814, and Mrs.George Ebey in March of 1814. Itwas the principle burying groundin Dublin for 40 years, until theI.O.O.F. Cemetery wasestablished in 1858. Manyinterments were moved to theI.O.O.F. Cemetery in the mid-1800s, and the last burial wasmade in Indian Run in 1877.After that time, the attention ofthe town shifted to the newI.O.O.F. Cemetery, and IndianRun fell into disuse and disrepair.Many of the gravestones werebroken by cows and vandals,and the original stone wallsdeteriorated. By the 1960s, itwas little more than an unknownlot, completely overgrown withweeds. In 1975, the DublinHistorical Society took an interestin the cemetery, and started arestoration project that lastedmore than five years. The area

was cleared and a new stonewall was built. A layer of topsoilwas removed to reveal thestones that had fallen, and aftertheir locations were mapped,they were cleaned and removedfor safe keeping while therestoration took place. Theground was re-graded, and thestones that could be repairedwere reset; a number of stoneswhose original locations couldnot be determined were set intothe stone wall. The cemetery isnow listed on the NationalRegister of Historic Places.

Layout of Cemetery: Thecemetery lot is basically asquare, with its northern edgealong the ridge above IndianRun Creek. Originally, a stonewall was built completelyenclosing the cemetery to keepout grazing animals, and theonly means of entrance wasthrough a turnstile erected in thesouthwest corner. When burialswere conducted the coffins weretaken up and down a set ofstone steps on either side of thewall. The graves were most likelylaid out in rows, with familiesowning their own sections. Nomap exists, however, of theoriginal layout of the cemetery.

MitchellLocation: Southwest corner of

7Dublin Cemeteries Guidebook

State Route 745 (Dublin Road)and Emerald Parkway, at the topof the hill overlooking theEmerald Parkway Bridge over theScioto River.

Date Established: First burialwas March 9, 1823.

Number of Interments: 23

Condition: Excellent (restored)

Available for Burials? No

History: The first burial was ofCharles Mitchell, on March 9,1823, and the last interment wasof his daughter-in-law, ElizaReed Mitchell, in 1899. This wasthe Mitchell family’s privatecemetery until 1996, when theCity of Dublin assumedresponsibility for its upkeep. Arestoration was done during thatsummer by Eagle Scout EliKeyser of Dublin and otherscouts and volunteers. They dida major clean up of thecemetery and surrounding area,took gravestone rubbings andrecorded the information onmonuments, and made adetailed map of the cemetery. Awrought iron fence was erectedsurrounding the cemetery in thewinter of 1999.

Layout of Cemetery: Thegraves are mostly arranged inrows in the square lot of thecemetery.

Sandy CornersLocation: Southeast corner ofAvery and Rings roads, next toSt. John’s Lutheran Church.

Date Established: Earlieststone is dated 1845.

Number of Interments: 65

Condition: Good

Available for Burials? No

History: Susan Andren, whodied November 28, 1845, wasthe first interment made inSandy Corners. The last burial tobe made there was of JamesPendleton, who died June 26,1879. There is very littleinformation about this cemetery.

Layout of Cemetery: Most ofthe stones are laid out in rows.The decorative iron work on thefence surrounding the cemeterywas taken from the old HaydenRun Bridge.

Mount ZionLocation: On Kinross Court,northeast of Memorial Drive, inMuirfield Village.

Date Established: Earlieststone is dated 1850.

Number of Interments: 30

Condition: Good, but manystones are missing

Available for Burials? No

History: The Mount Zion

City of Dublin8

Cemetery, also known as OldMyzine and the United BrethrenChurch Cemetery, is located onwhat used to be Ashbaugh Road,next to the original location ofthe United Brethren Church. Thechurch was razed in 1915, andthe foundation can still be seenin the grass of the lot next to thecemetery. Carolene Tuller tells ofan accident on February 17,1863, when "several men wereblown up into the trees by theexplosion of a saw mill." Four ofthese men are buried in thiscemetery.

Layout of Cemetery: Very littleis known about the layout of thiscemetery. It has been said that,in addition to the graves withinthe cemetery proper, there weresome burials in what is now awooded area nearby, markedonly with round stones.Unfortunately, there are no mapsin existence, and very fewrecords of the burials that weremade here.

CemeteryPoliciesResponsibilityThe City of Dublin Parks andOpen Space is responsible for

the day-to-day administration ofthe five cemeteries in Dublin,including maintenance,interments and restorations. Allinquiries should be directed totheir office at 6555 Shier RingsRoad, Dublin, Ohio 43016,614.410.4700.

Guidelines for Use of AllCemeteries• All cemeteries are open fromdawn until dusk.

• Entry to the cemeteries ispermitted for purposes ofburials and grave visitationonly.

• City Ordinance #951-05requires that all owners cleanup after their pets. Pets mustbe under owner’s control at alltimes.

• Gravestone rubbing is limitedto sound, stable stones. Donot damage or move anystone for any purpose.

• Please show respect andconsideration when visitingthese cemeteries. Remember,the stones are not only veryold and fragile, but of greatsentimental value to thefamilies of the deceased.

9Dublin Cemeteries Guidebook

Rules and ProceduresSpecific to the DublinCemetery

Memorials & Monuments• All graves are permitted tohave monuments. Theregulations outlined in thissection apply to all newmonuments.

• Monuments may be of stoneor durable metal. Individualmonuments must be at leasteight inches high and no morethan three feet, six inches inlength. For doublemonuments, the maximumlength is six feet. For eachadditional contiguous gravebeing marked, an additionaltwo feet in length may beadded. Monuments must be atleast eight inches above theground, and may not have aheight of more than 12 feet.

• Foundations will be poured toa width and depth to ensurestability of the monument. Allfoundations will be poured byCity of Dublin staff.

• Charges for foundationinstallation will be billed at thetime of the installation.Charges for foundations mustbe paid within 30 days. Noorders will be accepted forfoundations when there is abalance past due on theaccount. See Section II, B

(Charges and Fees) forfoundation cost information.

• All memorials must be set bythe firm ordering thefoundation or their agent.

• All foundation orders receivedbefore May 1 will be pouredbefore Memorial Day. Ordersreceived after May 1 will bepoured subject to thefollowing:

i. Availability of personnel

ii. Weather conditions

iii. Settlement of the grave(s)involved

• Veteran Markers: There is nocharge to pour foundations forVeteran markers, but thesurvivor or funeral home isresponsible for acquiring themarker. Upon receipt of themarker, the City will install it atno cost. Installation of Veteranmarkers will be made at thefoot of the grave unlessotherwise specified by thesurvivor prior to receipt of themarker. Foundations forveteran markers are pouredwhen the monument isreceived.

City of Dublin10

Aisle waysBefore 1982, some aisle ways inthe original section of thecemetery were sold as gravesafter the surrounding lots werecompletely sold and the gravespaces were filled. The City nolonger sells these spaces asgraves. These areas will bemaintained as aisle ways.

Corner markersAll new corner markers will bemetal pins. These markers willbe placed by the City. Alterationof corner markers is notpermitted.

Plantings and decorationsMany relatives and friends of thedeceased wish to express theirfeelings by decorating the gravesof their loved ones. The Cityrecognizes and encourages this.In order to maintain the beautyof the cemetery and to preventthe abuse of this privilege, theCity must enforce a fewregulations as to what may beplanted or left on the gravespaces.

• All funeral flowers placed on agrave immediately after aninterment will be removed byCity personnel no less thanfive days and no more than 30days after the service. This isdone in order to prevent theflowers and plastic containersfrom becoming damaged by

weather elements.

• Lots and graves may have aplanted bed of annual flowers,cut flowers in sunken vases,or dwarf shrubs in front ofand/or at each end of amonument. No planting orflower arrangement mayextend beyond the boundariesof the grave space for whichthey are intended. Shrubsmust be approved by the Citybefore planting. For themutual protection of thelot/grave owners and thecemetery, an agreement mustbe signed by both partiesbefore any shrubs can beplanted. For examples ofsuitable shrubs and plants,see the "Frequently AskedQuestions" section.

• The care and maintenanceof all plantings are thesole responsibility of thelot/grave owner or theperson doing the planting.Flower beds that becomeweedy will be removed bythe City. Shrubs thatappear neglected will betrimmed or removed.

• Seasonal and artificialdecorations will be removedby City staff if still in placeMarch 1 and June 30 of eachyear.

• Trees may be planted and

11Dublin Cemeteries Guidebook

pruned in the Dublin Cemeteryonly by the City of Dublin.

• The City will add topsoil aftergraves have settled and willseed only after settlement iscomplete. Establishing turf ona grave may take up to oneyear.

IntermentsAvailability of Cemeteriesfor IntermentsThe Dublin Cemetery is the onlycemetery available forinterments. If a space hasalready been reserved for adeceased individual in the OldCemetery or one of the NewAdditions (1A, 2A, or 3A), thatspace may be used upon proofof ownership.

Funeral ArrangementsAll funeral arrangementsmust be made duringcemetery office hours (8a.m. to 4 p.m.) Mondaythrough Friday (excludingCity observed holidays).

Funerals may be conducted8 a.m. to 3 p.m. Mondaythrough Friday at the regularinterment rate. Any funeralsconducted on a weekendbetween the hours of 8 a.m.

and 3 p.m. or a weekdayfrom 3 p.m. to 5 p.m. aresubject to the afterhours/weekend rate. Pleaserefer to “IntermentLimitations” on page 14 forholidays and City observedholidays.

Placement of Intermentsand MonumentsAll interments will be madefacing east, i.e., with the head atthe west end of the grave.Protocol for interment of aspouse states that the husbandshould be buried to the right ofthe wife (i.e., the husband wouldbe in the south grave and thewife in the north).

All foundations for monumentswill be poured at the west end ofthe grave, unless otherwisespecified prior to the burial. Allmonuments installed at the eastend of the grave must beinstalled so the top of themonument is at grade (no tallerthan ground-level). No above-ground monuments may facenorth or south.

Grave Lots & GraveSpaces

Ownership• Ownership of grave lots andgraves will be established attime of purchase by the

City of Dublin12

execution of a deed.

• The City may requirepresentation of the deed asproof of ownership at the timeservices are desired.

• Deeds for unused graves maybe transferred or sold asneeded as part of any estate.

• When a deed is transferred orsold, a notarized letter mustbe sent to the City of Dublinso that a new deed can beissued. To facilitate this, aDeed Transfer Form isavailable from the cemeteryoffice. For further information,see Section IV, 7.

A grave space may have onlyone of the following:• One full-sized vault (adult orchild more than one year old)

• One or two cremains vaults

• One or two infant (child lessthan one year old) vaults

• One infant vault and onecremains vault

Special instructions• The owner of the deed mustadvise the City in writing ofany special instructions as tomonument or intermentplacements and graveassignments prior to use.

• In the case of differingopinions among survivors as

to such special instructions,the City will execute theintentions of the following, inorder:

(i.) Deed owner; (ii.) Executorof will; (iii.) Holder of thePower of Attorney for thedeed owner and/or deceased;(iv.) In cases where the aboveare not available, the City willfollow the ruling or guidanceof a court, the sole survivor, orunanimous decision ofsurvivors. (v.) Where thedesires of the survivor(s) arenot clear, the City reserves theright to postpone servicesuntil such desires are madeclear and legal.

CremainsCremation vaults are required forall interments of cremains. Up totwo cremains burials arepermitted per grave space.Scattering of cremains is notpermitted.

DisintermentsAll disinterments will be theresponsibility of the partyrequesting the disinterment, andmust be contracted through aprivate contractor (who mustfollow all applicable laws) at therequestor’s expense. The Citymust be notified before anydisinterment, and suchdisinterment(s) must be

13Dublin Cemeteries Guidebook

scheduled at the City’sconvenience and will besupervised by the City.

Charges and FeesThe City’s fee policy isestablished via a fee ordinanceto recover full costs of providingspecial services of a voluntaryand limited nature, such thatgeneral fund taxes are notdiverted from general services ofa broad nature and therebyutilized to subsidize unfairly andinequitably such special services.Through this cost recovery, theCity has established a PerpetualMaintenance Endowment Fund,which helps substantially reducethe burden of perpetualmaintenance costs for the DublinCemetery and, to a lesserdegree, the overall perpetualmaintenance of all cemeteries inDublin. This fund also attemptsto defray costs for the perpetualperiod after all lots are sold. Feesare reviewed and establishedannually by City Council via a fee

ordinance, and are not subject to"grandfathering." Fees aregenerally competitive with bothpublic and private cemeteries inthe area.


Resident - A citizen living withinthe corporation limits of the Cityof Dublin when the lots/spacesare purchased. (i.) All residentialrates apply to those citizens whoresided within the Dublincorporation limits until they wereadmitted to a nursing home orhospital where they residedimmediately prior to death; (ii.)A Dublin resident who isrelocating for retirement mustpurchase grave lots and/orspaces before departure in orderto qualify for the Dublinresidential rate.

Non-resident - A person notliving within the City of Dublincorporation limits when thelots/spaces are purchased.

Infant - A child no more thanone year old.

Service Service Dept/Div Fee EffectiveNumber Responsible Date

S-117 Interment Parks $380 M-F 8 a.m.-3 p.m. 1-1-10Open Space Afterhours/Weekend: $570

S-118 Monument Parks $1.80 per square inch 1-1-10Foundation Open Space

S-119 Veteran’s Parks no charge 3-16-95Marker Open Space

City of Dublin14

Grave lot - A grouping of eightor more graves.

Grave space - An individualgrave site. Grave spaces areintended to accommodate oneadult burial, but may be used forup to two infant or cremationburials.

Fee PaymentThe City accepts cash, check,money order and credit cards(Visa & MasterCard). Intermentfees are paid to the City by theFuneral Director or otherresponsible party at the time ofburial. Foundation fees areinvoiced to the monumentcompany or other responsibleparties, with payment due within30 days unless otherwisespecified by the City.

Interment limitationsThe following holidays areobserved by the cemetery. Nointerments will be conducted onthese days: New Year’s Day,Martin Luther King Jr. Day,President’s Day, Memorial Day,Independence Day, Labor Day,Veterans Day, Thanksgiving Day,Christmas Day. The City reservesthe right to postpone servicesdue to inclement weather.

Should the Federal or Stategovernment designate a specificdate or day of the week forobservation of one of the abovelisted holidays, the City will

generally follow that designation.When a holiday falls on aSaturday, the Friday immediatelybefore the holiday shall be theobserved day; should the holidayfall on a Sunday, the Mondayimmediately following theholiday shall be the observedday.

FrequentlyAskedQuestionsMy father lived in Dublinuntil two years ago when heretired and moved to Florida.Is he a resident? He is notconsidered a resident unless hemoved directly into a nursingfacility or hospital in Florida. (SeeSection III, F2a.)Can I sell unused spaces inmy lot back to the City? No,the City does not purchasegraves or lots back fromindividuals.How can I sell my unusedspaces? Individuals wishing tosell their lots or spaces withintheir lots may do so usingwhatever means necessary (e.g.word of mouth, classified ads,etc.). Once an arrangement hasbeen made between the sellerand the purchaser, the sellermust notify the cemetery officeof the sale and provide the officewith the name, address (street,city, county, state & zip code),

15Dublin Cemeteries Guidebook

and telephone number of thepurchaser and the effective dateof the sale. A notarized letter orthe Deed Transfer Form must beprovided before a new deed willbe prepared for the new owner.This service is provided free ofcharge.I understand that I must getwritten permission before Iplant any shrubs on mygrave spaces and/or lots.How do I get permission? Torequest permission to plantshrubs, send a letter to thecemetery office stating whattype(s) of shrubs you wish toplant and where you wish toplant them. The office willrespond in writing within 30days. All shrubs must be plantedclose to the headstone.Cemetery Staff is not responsiblefor watering or maintainingplants or shrubs not planted bythe city. If plants or shrubsbecome a nuisance or hazard,they will be removed or trimmedby Cemetery Staff. (See SectionII, C8.) Address all inquiries tothe City Forester.What types of shrubs can Iplant? All shrubs planted mustbe of a dwarf variety and mustbe approved on a case-by-casebasis by the cemetery and theCity Forester. Some examples ofshrubs likely to be approved are:Evergreen Shrubs: ‘GoldenGlobe’ Arborvitae, ‘Green Glen’Boxwood, ‘Winter Gem’Boxwood, Inkberry Holly, ‘BlueStar’ Juniper, ‘Birds’ Nest’ Spruce,

‘Globosa’ Blue Spruce, ‘NidiformisDwarf Alberta Spruce, ‘Pumila’Dwarf Norway Spruce, ‘Nana’Dwarf Serbian Spruce,‘Repandens’ Taxus, ‘Everlow’TaxusDeciduous Shrubs: ‘CrimsonPygmy’ Barberry, ‘Miss Kim’ Lilac,‘Gold Mound’ Spirea, ‘LittlePrincess’ Spirea, FragrantSumac, Potentilla, ‘Nanum’Dwarf European Cranberry Bush,‘Minuet’ WeigelaWhy can’t I plant trees onmy grave lots or spaces?There are a number of reasonswhy this is not permitted, mostof which have to do with the treeroots. First, the roots spread outto great distances and infringeon surrounding lots. Second, theroots also cause significantdamage to the graves. Roots canactually grow into, around, andunder vaults, causing the vaultsto shift or rise. Third, when aninterment is made, roots may besevered which may kill the tree.Finally, when trees reach acertain size they can totallyobstruct not only the grave onwhich they were originallyplanted, but also the onesaround it.My mother was the owner ofa lot, and she is deceased.Can I use the remaininggrave spaces on the lot? Onlythe owner of the lot and spacescan determine who can usethem. If the owner of the lot isdeceased, ownership must bedetermined before the lot can be

City of Dublin16

used. This is done in thefollowing manner: (1) Theeasiest answer to this questionwould be found if the owner hadtransferred ownership of anyunused graves prior to his or herdeath. Then the person to whomthe deed had been transferredmust approve any use of theremaining spaces; (2) If this isnot the case, the owner’s willshould state that ownership ofthe lot is to be transferred to aspecific individual, who mustthen approve any use of theremaining spaces; (3) If thedeed has not been transferredand a will is not available or doesnot state specifically to whomthe deed should be transferred,presentation of the original deedmay be used to show that theowner had passed the deed onto the individual whom theywished to have ownership of thelots; (4) If none of the previousoptions are available, the finaloption is to have a letterprepared which states who is tohave ownership of the lot orspaces. This letter must besigned by all surviving heirs ofthe owner, and the signaturesmust be notarized. The personstated as owner in this lettermust then approve any use ofthe spaces; (5) Remember that acemetery lot is the same as anyother piece of property and doesneed to be transferred as part ofan estate.How is the fee structuredetermined? Dublin City

Council requests fee structurerecommendations from theCommunity Service AdvisoryCommission, which requestsspecific information from theCemetery Staff. After staff hascompiled this information, theCSAC reviews it and formulates afee structure it feels will bestmeet the needs of the cemetery.This suggested fee structure isthen submitted to City Council.At this point, the Council usuallyrefers the fee structure to theFinance Committee for review.After the Finance Committeereviews the structure, it submitsits recommendations to theCouncil. The Council thendecides whether to adopt the feestructure as submitted, changethe fee structure and then adoptit, or to deny the fee structure.The fee structure is adopted byordinance and goes throughthree readings before Councilaction is taken. Once theordinance is adopted by theCouncil, there is a 30-daywaiting period before theordinance becomes effective.Whom do I contact if I haveany questions or suggestionsfor improving the cemetery?The first place to start is with thecemetery office, located at 6555Shier-Rings Road in the ServiceCenter. The phone number is614.410.4700. The office staff iswell-trained and can usuallyanswer any questions orrequests for service. If the staffis unable to assist with requests,

17Dublin Cemeteries Guidebook

they may be taken to CityCouncil. City Council meetingsare open to the public andcitizens are encouraged toattend. City Council membersmay also be contacted by phoneor letter. To obtain their phonenumbers and/or addresses,contact the cemetery office.I am doing genealogyresearch about my familyfrom the Dublin area. Whomcan I contact forinformation? The cemeteryoffice has a great deal ofinformation that may be ofinterest to you. All known burialsin cemeteries owned by the Cityare recorded in a computer filethat is available in the cemeteryoffice. This file contains, whenknown, the name, age, birthdate, death date, names ofmother, father, and spouse,places of birth and death, andfuneral home for each individualburial. Not all information isavailable for all burials, but everyeffort has been made to ensurethat this file is as complete andaccurate as possible. There isalso an alphabetical list of burialsfor all cemeteries owned by theCity, which is available in part orin its entirety for a nominal feeat the cemetery office. Moreinformation can also be obtainedfrom the following sources:• The Ohio Historical Societyarchives contain many birthand death records prior to the1940s on microfilm.

614.297.2510.• The Franklin County Bureau ofVital Statistics contains birthand death records after the1940s. They can search therecords for a fee, or you canschedule an appointment tosearch them yourself.

• The Franklin CountyGenealogical Society hasinformation aboutcemeteries in Franklin County,most of which is arranged bytownship. 614.469.1300.

• There is also a great deal ofgenealogy research beingdone on the Internet now.Most search engines haveentries for services such asresearch or records listings.Further information andinstruction on using theInternet can be obtained atmost libraries or from yourInternet service provider.