Dublin Airport Authority

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  • 7/24/2019 Dublin Airport Authority



    A Case Study Presented to

    Mrs. Chanda C. Tiu

    St. Paul University Surigao

    Surigao City

    In Partial Fulfilment of the Requirements for the Course

    MKT ! Prin"i#les of Mar$eting


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    )ovem/er 0!1

  • 7/24/2019 Dublin Airport Authority


    I. %ACK-R+U),

    The ,u/lin Air#ort Authority 2,AA3 is res#onsi/le for o#erating the main Irish

    air#orts at ,u/lin4 Cor$ and Shannon. The "om#any is highly unioni5ed6 union density

    standing at 718. In 0!!9 the ,AA em#loyed :ust over ;4!!! 2FT&s3. ,u/lin Air#ort

    Authority has fa"ed many "hallenges as it attem#ted to gro< its /usiness4 /oth from

    "hanging nature of the airline industry and from in"reasing regulation.

    II. PR+%'&M STAT&M&)T

    The #ro/lem of this "ase is the im#a"t of re"ession on the la/our mar$et and the

    management of human resour"es.

    III. U),&R'(I)- ASSUMPTI+)S

    The su/sequent #oints of analysis and de"ision ma$ing . Provision for redundan"y of #ayments million euro re"orded in 0!!9.

    IB. FACTS +F T& CAS&

    Strengths. The "om#any is highly unioni5ed6 union density standing at 718.


    . Redundan"y of #ayments+##ortunities

    . -ro

  • 7/24/2019 Dublin Airport Authority


    The ne< em#loyees

  • 7/24/2019 Dublin Airport Authority


    ta$e on a"tion the ne< a"tive em#loyment #oli"ies and "ondu"t different a"tivities that