Dubai physiotherapy-clinic

6 concrete reasons to consult a physiotherapist Axon Medica

Transcript of Dubai physiotherapy-clinic

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6 concrete reasons to consult a physiotherapist

Axon Medica

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There are a lot of Dubai physiotherapy clinic everywhere, which are dedicated towards making revival process smoother for the clients and patients. Axon medica is the new destination for those looking to enhance mobility with positive results and affordable rates and to get a fit body

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Injuries are a part and parcel of our lives, but there should be no reason to make it an obstacle. One should always be ready to face the challenges and bounce back. Medications are always the first solution recommended by doctors for pain, but if you are looking for long-term relief, proper care should be taken. The best option for this is to contact a best physiotherapist in Dubai. It works through the muscles and bones to bring it back to its original form.

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Here we discuss 6 concrete reasons as to why a physiotherapist should be consulted: Sports injuries: Sportsmen have a fighting spirit but some injuries can affect their career in a major way. Consulting a Dubai physiotherapy clinic can help them to relax their muscles and bones, which can help in faster recovery.

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Weight management: So many of us are fighting with weight issues and have insecurities with our body. Physiotherapy can work and relax the muscles faster then regular exercises. It also helps to assimilate the food better and improve digestion rather than letting it get stored in the body as fat.

Chronic pain: There are lots of pains that are often ignored. We blame it on arthritis, old age or other unexplained factors. Instead of choosing medicines, physiotherapy should be opted for as it provides long-standing relief in most cases.

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Before the surgery: There is certain musculoskeletal issue that needs to be taken care before the surgery or after the efficient and quick recovery. Physiotherapy is the best solution without having to take medicines. Medicines might have side effects, which might not allow the patient to take in due to their condition.

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During pregnancy: Since women have to face additional weight that creates problems in their lower back and their posturechange drastically over the period of few months, it is best to opt for physiotherapy to get rid of the pain. This will help you avoid the harmful effects of medicines on the baby.

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Curing sleep apnea: Most of us have breathing problems like excessive snoring and sleeping apnea. Physiotherapy can help to get better sleep by relaxing the body and widening the channels for the body as a whole. For same reasons, it is helpful to cure asthma. Therefore Axon medica, Dubai physiotherapy clinic should be visited immediately if you are having the following problems.

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Contact UsAddress:

axon MEDICA Polyclinic,

Rashidiya Central Market,

Union Co-operative bldg,

Next to Rashidiya Police Station

Contact Number: +971 4 285 9880
