dt 1 2 f t f y dy b f b f y ̸0 - UHgorb/files/2011fall3321/_week03class.pdf3. ODEs. ODE: y ′ = f...

WEEK 3. SEPARABLE ODEs. We write a first order ODE: y = f (t, y ) (1) Def. The first order ODE (1) is SEPARABLE if and only if f (t, y )= f 1 (t)f 2 (y ). Ex. f (t, y )= t y f 1 (t)= t, f 2 (y )= 1 y THM. If f 1 , f 2 are continuous fns on some interval (a, b) and f 2 (y ) ̸=0 on (a, b) then solutions of dy dt = f 1 (t)f 2 (y ) (2) are defined by dy f 2 (y ) = f 1 (t)dt + C. (3) Produced with a Trial Version of PDF Annotator - www.PDFAnnotator.com

Transcript of dt 1 2 f t f y dy b f b f y ̸0 - UHgorb/files/2011fall3321/_week03class.pdf3. ODEs. ODE: y ′ = f...

Page 1: dt 1 2 f t f y dy b f b f y ̸0 - UHgorb/files/2011fall3321/_week03class.pdf3. ODEs. ODE: y ′ = f (y) (1) Def. if f (y = f1 (t)f2 (y): Ex. f (y = t y ⇒ f1 (t = t, f2 (y = 1 y THM.


We write a first order ODE:

y′ = f(t, y) (1)

Def. The first order ODE (1) is SEPARABLE if and only if

f(t, y) = f1(t)f2(y).

Ex. f(t, y) =t

y⇒ f1(t) = t, f2(y) =



THM. If f1, f2 are continuous fns on some interval (a, b) and f2(y) ̸= 0on (a, b) then solutions of


dt= f1(t)f2(y) (2)

are defined by ∫dy


∫f1(t)dt+ C. (3)

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Page 2: dt 1 2 f t f y dy b f b f y ̸0 - UHgorb/files/2011fall3321/_week03class.pdf3. ODEs. ODE: y ′ = f (y) (1) Def. if f (y = f1 (t)f2 (y): Ex. f (y = t y ⇒ f1 (t = t, f2 (y = 1 y THM.


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Page 3: dt 1 2 f t f y dy b f b f y ̸0 - UHgorb/files/2011fall3321/_week03class.pdf3. ODEs. ODE: y ′ = f (y) (1) Def. if f (y = f1 (t)f2 (y): Ex. f (y = t y ⇒ f1 (t = t, f2 (y = 1 y THM.


Q1. Is the equation y′ = tey−t separable?

(a) Yes

(b) No

Q2. Which of the following equations is separable?

(a) y′ =y + x


(b) y′ = sin(yx)

(c) y′ = yex + y

(d) y′ = ey + ex

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Page 4: dt 1 2 f t f y dy b f b f y ̸0 - UHgorb/files/2011fall3321/_week03class.pdf3. ODEs. ODE: y ′ = f (y) (1) Def. if f (y = f1 (t)f2 (y): Ex. f (y = t y ⇒ f1 (t = t, f2 (y = 1 y THM.


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Page 5: dt 1 2 f t f y dy b f b f y ̸0 - UHgorb/files/2011fall3321/_week03class.pdf3. ODEs. ODE: y ′ = f (y) (1) Def. if f (y = f1 (t)f2 (y): Ex. f (y = t y ⇒ f1 (t = t, f2 (y = 1 y THM.


Q3. Which of the following equations is both linear and separable?

(a) y′ = y + 2x

(b) y′ =x

y + 2

(c) y′ =y2 + 1


(d) y′ = y + 2y

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Page 6: dt 1 2 f t f y dy b f b f y ̸0 - UHgorb/files/2011fall3321/_week03class.pdf3. ODEs. ODE: y ′ = f (y) (1) Def. if f (y = f1 (t)f2 (y): Ex. f (y = t y ⇒ f1 (t = t, f2 (y = 1 y THM.


Def. A function f(t, y) is called homogeneous of degree n if it satisfies

f(κt, κy) = κnf(t, y)

for all every κ > 0, t ̸= 0, y ̸= 0.

Ex. f(t, y) =1

t2 + y2

f(t, y) = lnt


f(x, y) = 2x3 − 3x2y + 2xy2 − y3

f(x, y) =√x2 + y2

f(x, y) = sinx, f(t, y) = t2 + y are NOT HOMOGENEOUS

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Page 7: dt 1 2 f t f y dy b f b f y ̸0 - UHgorb/files/2011fall3321/_week03class.pdf3. ODEs. ODE: y ′ = f (y) (1) Def. if f (y = f1 (t)f2 (y): Ex. f (y = t y ⇒ f1 (t = t, f2 (y = 1 y THM.


Q4. Which of the following functions is homogeneous?

(a) f(t, y) =y + t


(b) f(x, y) = arctan(yx)

(c) f(t, y) = yet + y

(d) f(x, y) =2xy

x2 + y

Q5. Determine the degree of the following homogeneous function:

f(x, y) =2y − x


(a) n = 2

(b) n = 1

(c) n = 0

(d) n = −1

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Page 8: dt 1 2 f t f y dy b f b f y ̸0 - UHgorb/files/2011fall3321/_week03class.pdf3. ODEs. ODE: y ′ = f (y) (1) Def. if f (y = f1 (t)f2 (y): Ex. f (y = t y ⇒ f1 (t = t, f2 (y = 1 y THM.

Def. The first order equation

y′ = f(t, y)

is called homogeneous if the function f is a homogeneous function ofdegree 0.


Q6. Which of the following equations is homogeneous?

(a) y′ =x2 − xy

xy − 1

(b) y′ =x− y

x+ y

(c) y′ = exy

(d) y′ =x2

3x+ y

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Page 9: dt 1 2 f t f y dy b f b f y ̸0 - UHgorb/files/2011fall3321/_week03class.pdf3. ODEs. ODE: y ′ = f (y) (1) Def. if f (y = f1 (t)f2 (y): Ex. f (y = t y ⇒ f1 (t = t, f2 (y = 1 y THM.

Solving Homogeneous Equations

Given y′ = f(t, y) with f homogeneous of degree 0.By the change of dependent variable z =


twe convert it to a separable:

y = zt → y′ = z + z′t & f(t, y) = f(t, zt) = f(1, z) →

z + z′t = f(1, z) → z′ =f(1, z)− z

t separable


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Page 10: dt 1 2 f t f y dy b f b f y ̸0 - UHgorb/files/2011fall3321/_week03class.pdf3. ODEs. ODE: y ′ = f (y) (1) Def. if f (y = f1 (t)f2 (y): Ex. f (y = t y ⇒ f1 (t = t, f2 (y = 1 y THM.


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Page 11: dt 1 2 f t f y dy b f b f y ̸0 - UHgorb/files/2011fall3321/_week03class.pdf3. ODEs. ODE: y ′ = f (y) (1) Def. if f (y = f1 (t)f2 (y): Ex. f (y = t y ⇒ f1 (t = t, f2 (y = 1 y THM.

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Page 12: dt 1 2 f t f y dy b f b f y ̸0 - UHgorb/files/2011fall3321/_week03class.pdf3. ODEs. ODE: y ′ = f (y) (1) Def. if f (y = f1 (t)f2 (y): Ex. f (y = t y ⇒ f1 (t = t, f2 (y = 1 y THM.

Def. The first order equation y′ = f(t, y) is called a Bernoulli equationif it can be written in the form

y′ + p(t)y = q(t)yκ,

where p and q are continuous functions on some interval (a, b) andκ ̸= 0, 1 is a real number.


Q7. Which of the following equations is Bernoulli’s?

(a) y′ + y2 = 0

(b) yy′ = exy

(c) y′ = xy

(d) xy′′ + y = exy2

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Page 13: dt 1 2 f t f y dy b f b f y ̸0 - UHgorb/files/2011fall3321/_week03class.pdf3. ODEs. ODE: y ′ = f (y) (1) Def. if f (y = f1 (t)f2 (y): Ex. f (y = t y ⇒ f1 (t = t, f2 (y = 1 y THM.

Solving Bernoulli Equations

Multiplying the Eq. by y−κ and making change of variable z = y1−κ weobtain a linear Eq.:

z′ = (1− κ)y−κy′ & y−κy′ + p(t)y1−κ = q(t) →


1− κz′+p(t)z = q(t) or z′+(1−κ)p(t)z = (1−κ)q(t) linear


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Page 14: dt 1 2 f t f y dy b f b f y ̸0 - UHgorb/files/2011fall3321/_week03class.pdf3. ODEs. ODE: y ′ = f (y) (1) Def. if f (y = f1 (t)f2 (y): Ex. f (y = t y ⇒ f1 (t = t, f2 (y = 1 y THM.


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Page 15: dt 1 2 f t f y dy b f b f y ̸0 - UHgorb/files/2011fall3321/_week03class.pdf3. ODEs. ODE: y ′ = f (y) (1) Def. if f (y = f1 (t)f2 (y): Ex. f (y = t y ⇒ f1 (t = t, f2 (y = 1 y THM.


I. Constructing the ModelII. Analysis of the ModelIII. Comparison with Experiments or Observation

Major steps in constructing a model:

1. Identify independent and dependent var’s and assign letters torepresent them

2. Choose units of measurement

3. Articulate basic principle underlying or governing the investigatedproblem

4. Express this principle or law in terms of the chosen var’s

5. Make sure each term in the Eq. has the same units!

6. Construct initial condition

Page 16: dt 1 2 f t f y dy b f b f y ̸0 - UHgorb/files/2011fall3321/_week03class.pdf3. ODEs. ODE: y ′ = f (y) (1) Def. if f (y = f1 (t)f2 (y): Ex. f (y = t y ⇒ f1 (t = t, f2 (y = 1 y THM.

Ex. Suppose an object is falling in the atmosphere near sea level. As-sume only gravity and air resistance, which is proportional to the ob-ject’s velocity, act on the body.Formulate a DE that describes this motion

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