Drush. Why should it be used?

Drush. Why should it be used?

Transcript of Drush. Why should it be used?

Page 1: Drush. Why should it be used?

Drush. Why should it be


Page 2: Drush. Why should it be used?

What will be described?

1. Drush. What is this? Common information.

2. What features does Drush have “from the box”?

3. Features which Drush may have with extensions.

4. Examples of how Drush helps during development process.

Page 3: Drush. Why should it be used?

What won't be described?

1. Aliases of sites.

2. Synchronization of code and databases.

3. Development of extensions.

4. Upgrade of Drupal code, modules and themes.

5. Many other helpful Drush commands and features which I don't know about.

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Part 1

Common information.

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Common information

1. Drush == drupal shell == command line.

2. Installation of Drush – README helps us!

3. What's next? Ask Drush to show you what it can to do!

4. So many commands, how could I use them? Ask Help for help!

5. How to use commands? It's simple:

«drush [options] [command]»

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First Drush response

Execute a drush command. Run `drush help [command]` to view command

specific help. Run `drush topic` to read even more documentation.

Global options (see `drush topic core-global-options` for the full list): …options…

Core drush commands: (core) …commands…

Field commands: (field) …commands…

SQL commands: (sql) …commands…

User commands: (user) …commands…

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Help message

ss81@laptop:~$ drush help cc

Clear a specific cache, or all drupal caches.


type The particular cache to clear. Omit

this argument to choose from

available caches.

Aliases: cc

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Clear cache and enable module

ss81@laptop:~$ drush cc all

'all' cache was cleared [success]

ss81@laptop:~$ drush en -y forum

The following extensions will be enabled: taxonomy, forum

Do you really want to continue? (y/n): y

forum was enabled successfully. [ok]

taxonomy was enabled successfully. [ok]

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Part 2

Extend Drush features with other modules.

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Groups of commands

1. Core rush commands (28 commands).

2. Field commands (5 commands).

3. Project manager commands (11 commands).

4. SQL commands (6 commands).

5. User commands (9 commands).

TOTAL: 59.

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Modules, which I like

1. Devel.

2. Drush Make.

3. Module Builder.

4. Drush Cleanup.

5. Backup and Migrate.

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DevelAll commands in devel: (devel)

devel-reinstall (dre) Disable, Uninstall, and Install a list of projects.


fn-view (fnv) Show the source of specified function or method.

All commands in devel_generate: (devel_generate)

generate-content (genc) Create content.


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Drush Make

1. Projects: drupal, pressflow, modules, themes. Could be downloaded from repository, by direct link, by name.

2. Libraries: any files you need to use.

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Example of Drush Make file

projects[] = drupal

projects[] = apachesolr

libraries[SolrPhpClient][download][type] = "get"

libraries[SolrPhpClient][download][url] = "http://solr-php-client.googlecode.com/files/SolrPhpClient.r22.2009-11-09.tgz"

libraries[SolrPhpClient][destination] = "modules/apachesolr"

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Module Builder


drush mb my_module menu cron nodeapi

drush mb my_module menu cron --write --name="My module" --dep="forum views"

drush mb my_module menu cron --add

Page 16: Drush. Why should it be used?

Backup and Migrate

All commands in backup_migrate: (backup_migrate)

bam-backup (bb) Backup the site's database with Backup and Migrate.

bam-backups Get a list of previously created backup files.

bam-destinations Get a list of available destinations.

bam-profiles Get a list of available settings profiles.

bam-restore Restore the site's database with Backup and Migrate.

bam-sources Get a list of available sources.

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Part 3

How Drush helps during development process.

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Base facts

1. Site URL is http://example.dev.

2. Version of Drupal – 7.

3. Additional modules: admin_menu, pathauto, views.

4. Custom modules: one module with some features will be created. It will use database.

PS: no Drush Make because it's not interesting.

Page 19: Drush. Why should it be used?

Step 1

ss81@laptop:~/session$ drush dl drupal

Project drupal (7.2) downloaded to /home/ss81/session/drupal-7.2. [success]

Project drupal contains: [success]

- 3 profiles: minimal, testing, standard

- 4 themes: bartik, seven, garland, stark

- 47 modules: drupal_system_listing_compatible_test, ...

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Step 2

ss81@laptop:~/session$ mv drupal-7.2/* ./

ss81@laptop:~/session$ mv drupal-7.2/.htaccess ./

ss81@laptop:~/session$ ls

authorize.php cron.php index.php install.php LICENSE.txt modules robots.txt themes web.config

CHANGELOG.txt drupal-7.2 INSTALL.mysql.txt

ss81@laptop:~/session$ rm -r drupal-7.2/

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Step 3

ss81@laptop:~/session$ drush si


--account-name=ss81 --account-pass=qwerty

You are about to create a sites/default/files directory and create

a sites/default/settings.php file and DROP your 'session' database

and then CREATE a new one. Do you want to continue? (y/n): y

Starting Drupal installation. This takes a few seconds ... [ok]

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Step 4

ss81@laptop:~/session$ drush dl admin_menu views pathauto token

ss81@laptop:~/session$ drush en -y admin_menu views pathauto token

The following projects have unmet dependencies:

views requires ctools

Would you like to download them? (y/n): y

Project ctools (7.x-1.0-alpha4) downloaded to /home/ss81/session/sites/all/modules/ctools. [success]


That's all. We installed a site! Let's create a custom module.

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Step 5

ss81@laptop:~/session$ drush mbdl

Hook files have been downloaded to public://hooks and processed.

We need to download hooks definitions before we can generate a module. There are 33 files with

different hooks, so this could be used as a good manual.

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Step 6

ss81@laptop:~/session$ drush mb my_module menu permission

user_load --write --name="My module" --desc="My test module“

--pachage="test" --noi

Proposed my_module.module:

…code of the module...

Proposed my_module.info:

…code of the info file...

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Helpful commands

drush dre -y my_module

drush sql-dump > dump.sql

drush -y sql-drop

drush -y sql-cli < dump.sql

drush cc all

drush scr test.php

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Helpful links






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Email: [email protected]

Skype: sergei.stryukov

Drupal: http://drupal.org/user/228065