drugs and cosme - Roman Catholic Diocese of...

>* '^^"f^TO n- WSft^f **-(?* I P ff I E 8 - i ;. .t. ;, i M S *• f jp sLfJvh y if f r - ' <>>'li<«Vii«i»y'iri,iiiri'iiii(iiinTi lul•iiiiniii.ik.|«.i)<I^II itiiii^«iw!il»»^H%iw»miii)iiii<iii,.iiiiiii,iii) II>)I •«*< ^*^* ! II ,1 JJ(ifHMil H nill^lWl» III [mllli»l|ll LOler OR War l b jlif'"^ «,iij<(^ir t ...ii l jMmwiiini inst Church CMe* — t f t O - s of StttocSe docsaieuu •4urim: the co«mjver«>- over IMsixlKtao' nKgfoa* ImtrseUeo m the Kbooi* has made the ea- Ore <©ttf*ti3r aware of Use fact that radksis have for meaths k«e» prep«JiBj t campaign a*al»« tile Church, «*3 Disrfo Duitndo. A iocs! eaHy, pubiis&ed Mawnje docu- MHmx, which included a circular addressed by the Masonic Grand Lodge of Chile on April 4, 1260, to Masonic teachers. The drcuUr esjd:,, "KAjCJI MASON must consider himself engaged In as apostoiate. "Mason* must educate their sjsaaseasaiehttdFisBiaa Mason k way . . . Consequently, wives most not be allowed to go to the Cathaite Church, nor children at towed to enter Catholic schools. "A props^rsmoa movement mist :be started Inside the order as well aa in the world In favor of laiciam in all Its manifestations, especially in the field of educa tlon. in the armed forces and In all public acta of the Govern- meni/* The circular add* that It snail be an essential requirement of each Masonic candidate "to state In writing that his spouse and members of his family know of hist entrance Into cite order and consent to ft." TO LAUNCH this antlreligtous drive the Grand Lodge estab- lished a branch called "Laiciam and Antl-Oerieat Campaign, 1 * headed by Dr. Arturo li Lots. The Masonic campaign uaa aimed at that time st lulling a bill before the Chilean tegtsta tlve body Introducing religious Instruction In public schools. The bill has since been passed b> the legislature. La NScion. government dally directed by radical Masons has acknowledged that accuracy of Diaro's reports. "We have no doubt of the authenticity of the document' La Nacion Mid. t teawksm OS wem hi* crol»xlej*j6& ft*** $* t^kem. mm&ttm HKfe c e i l m '*#*§: mm® etei«fet«s» hew txpgsjrsisej ^iwm% f$te] item fm k^%mam^i =U^^M AJ^j^Mal' he m$ mm ta-KMsi. So©*- J^^ar®^ W i ^ ^ * ! * ^ ! ^ ^ ^ , 1 !^^*!^^ _ «*. _ .. a.. **„ — ..3*iin . ,..,_„.^ _, * !....,_ ^^ slfelb ^-ttif %*£Aiaai. SIIK. JUviil'M i^ Kk>t^aW <M * » thero i«»ln. He M s s J. Meil&roJ!**, mm ''ih* 2*lfi Divtaioa in Kocw, took ;« pi#«! of aote papf?• .fro«n his" • befciet *jsd wspote <£ba- 1I«CBP. : mi**. a and Rose M^rki 6, *^b> ling their toother to rwdj feU| tWTjrds to them. She re»d: J*** ««r# * IwtWa* r«r-N«rth fM«t New York - (NC» -The Rev Jules Convert. SJ„ a far north misatopary reports that in order to be near his scattrred Eskimo parishioners during the summer he took a Job as s laborer In a fishing cannery and became one of the leaders) of their union. ft ^W^apiWa ^^T^ssa sjBBBfvagaBB^ iMJg ! tiMtra t*«tt»y*«ifi< W H VnCPV JprV SB> MMr W» MHR. l t IN the VFMI4, asae tf ttwy vttie • altawee *o4ewlwf tiiefwxajted to ««, Uttle gfera* HV» y w woaMnt ae aBawasI te f» t* etareA OH Ktwdsy ae fee aito to go to the •rSKfol >o« ananted . "So 1 have* to kelp fight these men and keep them tram coming where you and Mummie Uv*, It . might take a tons while, and maybe Daddy will have to go ,0ml help God up In heaven, and if I do, I always want yog bdth to be good to Mommie, because she la the best Mtimmie In the whale wide world " PRIVATE MCCORMICK. who» home parish is St. Jo- seph's Church here, was amy 2a But he had served as a para- trooper In Europe during World War II, and was wounded In 'Germany. He Joined the Army In 1939, lying about hia 17 years to get In. Last year he re-en- listed and the letter told his two little girls why: "You see, kids. I happened to be caught In two wars Inside of ten yc^rs, and the reason I am where I am toda\ Is because I am fighting for what I think Is rtght Thai's one thlnsr I always want both of )nu to remember. tf your conscience tells yea sanirthtftx ts right, always stand up for It You might be ridiculed for doing so, bat In the long run you'll always flad out that people respect yea ' more for dotstg so. "When yoa grow op ts> be* young tsdies. don't forget all [ that Mummle has done far yso. She baa often gone without clothes fat- herself so that bath of you could base nice iMaga. I want yen to do aa she says; ' go la chorch on Sundays aa* yoa en always pray for Daddy.'' Private McCormiek went "to help God up in heaven j%. and Jo** k 1M*« #T™ ^*P^?"Wssj V"ff *|*^5* soflif^aJPsSfc ^P^ SSS NKWI.T C0H9MKMATM a%\ 'IBMA^BVSS^^ '^BSBSSSBSSW 4li3fea^^BBB?SB^BSK. T :V^B; 1 rarr>' aenoyi^Hngi "Afw**** h»- iii(Wla>^IMMjigiiisji Turn RilatiieHffiMartyr Enter Convent M China VsMftt? twK -•K^a^akjIslsBsM-biUH -rf*' lu^sik^^fskBiik voflLudt^^agy '^^^^^^jA^._ &W£i& BBSTasW^''' •W^* M»- ^i^l^fllJ^kWl^^l ^W" Wr^^^PWP fc3sSa^W*^b '•^I^WrTCwl *fljPl? JSpPi^*^ In 18$$, mH WMm RU»«r*ki H* h«4 Ut« •«ta44s*4 « ( Wbm JssMfJt taaawfautlr refusei, tk» cku «MtnaJ*w»»L' ^j^-.*,-.;••&.'*.••'^ eeijed hiss ami ffetti Mm i« « Uaaboe cnte. Aft*r a IMI ur«t»c«rss*fttl atteape «• KAve Js«tfk gtat «» a^ reJifJwi* t*i»y threw the m l * In » Mauky r»v«r. Jaswfk JtH a wife «*| fire caikir**, «*U ftllMr Htir«r»M. Tfce ynwceiit eirl eady aa iafwtt wKea her father WAR aaitrtrr**, «ittkd in .l^Agweli, Site aiiHtletJ dactria* m 4 at h#r Itytiaasju tMak tk» M W «f Mary. New aae kaa six iaaflttara, t%# in tlnicopifeHJ, tdd priest retails. Que ha* b«tn pn^<«M4 $M 81»ttr (Jta*- vieve; tka other is a pMtu&mnt, * * "Thay will soan he tetachlnf doctriite to the Hoattn of this area, nreadias; (he Faith far wttfeh their gran*]- father gave his life aaere than half a e««tWy afo," the priest statta. * New ChHd Caring Home New Vortt- (NCI —The new.returned to the United State*, ! Posthumously he wa* decorat» ed wtth the hJehttl Naval honor. , the Navy Cross, and a new U. S. destroyer was aamed after him. CARDINAL 81'EIJLMAN, ac- child caring home on 3llil«-ell Avenue, Bronx, will be known as the Lleutenaat Joseph P. Kenne- dy Home, His Eminence Francis Cardinal Speilman, Archbishop j ^n^J^miTtn^^^.rfii^P"^ >»y Arthblatop Oeraia 2 5 TheToSter A ^ L £ J <£££"%. fifSt ^nS?K^i^ISfp IriSSr C" 11 *- w^Jcoroed 40 dependent i^SL y £lt ^ PK * nnw, y- chlklmi into their ae*lton». Jr - rouna * tion - mia weelc a«ft more boys and YOUNG unrrSNAKT Ken- girls will have moved there frost nedy disappeared with the rest'St Joseph's Home in Peeksklll, At. - .„- Aj- ui A IhOnJasJaftL ^auassSsas: fw#%^rl!"ffr^J ^ ^ C ^ | llsatls* kAglJL^te erwi JWfK'. caaigaga^.. ^^ „„ **!** The tww be«*s straaa ta* hkttws. /W^lig/li^i^vaiaf. iiruggk and m &mwm* "reaetJoh,'* '". ; I:-?>•/;-; X-" '' The Mhool i^FliMkMiiMl.- •ppeaMi^e of .item fJ^/##- te^sets and J",Ci» -adueatfcwal •aivWt* wh^ »^ tra^ae* i»y tha Ikaa) r«fimi k«t yw/Tneei » « » deieriaii»s^tt«ipr*««t:iht new fnitriKUona iasyad by rem- muntst Minister, bf KdicSitton Witola Jsrotlnskii "EJamentiry a t t j "education, proceeding, to out the six year plan/* he fold Ur»*fiB*ebeT»v"bBM revleetl *r«l perfeeted the proarama ol edte. cation. bMifljf them exdualvely on the principles of djakctie and hutorto rneltrtaliam." Thta pUn, he added, calls torrootingoVt the remaata of "reacflonstt, capitaHttk; and ChrktUn inna- ,Tbe openlnf of Ihe iKbooi yfeir •lito focuses aUeniion en the of the crew of a U. 8. Na^ry lib- erator plane while on a secret , experimental mission from an sir ; base In England: He was piloting: the plane on the flight which | was charted to take ham over I the English Channel and the Bay J of Biscay. The former Ambajsa,- | dor*a son had volunteered for before the mission alter his own crew N. r. The Kennedy roundsman flit ciUrlea have beta enlarged, te •#• is said to be the secotx! Urgeet In the hUtory of trta ArchdJo- cete. having been exceeded only by one which comprised the tire atale of the if te Major Ed- ward Bowes, His Eminence an- ndunced he will formally dedl- cate the home on Sunday, Octo- ber 29. commodate 410,000 etudenrs, It it reported, 80,009 mort than laat year. SpecHI efforii have alee been made to attract women te theee school* for tratAtng In chtmlelry, texfIlea and metal ht. duetry. •rtte*** H a \ W.^>? l |f.3g^^flm"' 'JBBBBSBBLE 9^BMBSBB> •^•jLtt* ' ' ss- ^•aafa^^aaa|t^tSBSsava^, ureas the folHii Beds are jnytaf; urjae ptseeej were BaeeaasMi*- :JMSW on proieatlonal schools, fhairftk1&m1^%W3!*&*i *IP SSSSSL3. <l V, ssadaawu.' * V r JW^lP^^hs>* iffi?' T IttwRpI al ; -.|ha snooial uapareiMaa ta the ae>- aiMi JMi#a%'iMsf*. jihJ|ljlW|i«r« -•. BUthoua eif hoatotti taUV e^»nt # i r ^ ^ # t * ^ t | i i m time UHiY twe;iaaBaa|aj' aecrated io Wl , 'lpil|( i , - .. ... mm t\m, mtm&&t that IM Jfalon >ri)wlfa eaa UUnMaa Uf'aM'-wi^ AH iift '-IS^iM. ltg5?gy^r^^.lT>£Ai7a"ffsa7-^^^ : ^^ WsfiSratfjBats^^sa^^^ the asVveauveMssiaOiar safc •tSAa25*^-^Sg^ig ^ ;< ^aaaaassaa^ajaja^jasjf. ^aj^ii^Basjr^Bajaaa^. j,. aaaaaa. TSrSl^rasaa^^BT^a;, eaayaaBBBBBBRBas^M^^ SBbik ; T1ss*aa£'J. XaW [at' l*T -aialgHgatif^^^'at^Bal M VfM#MsdL|^^^hj|V tii*i'i liatha fhQi»'st« and ftai aaAtsAab 'Walaasah same flare »twii:-... ( .-., : ,r t - IB* 1 Jfysjeii a% jaaassaii ^^p^^^paa* awl ^aaeadn V ajaltyai 'IhssMBse John |64 ijt-fl. . - * , -^l S f c t i ^ l ^ ^ ^ ^ j ^ ^ . 'ttastat -te^hA* 1 s^jl^jL|iL^^_|ji^*"a ^^^^^k^H^-^ ^^e^ja^^ jh^K, ^aassSaSS} •^aBBBBBBBBJ^av^ BBnBBBBPBSajia^BB^-,-'~-^BaBBBBBaaff; ^ ^aBBBg; ^ « j k . ^^iw'' ^^f-4^1 _^^is^^a a Va.^|kBAB^Hasa: ? •'^^"re , ^*™™** ^^t^^t "^^PraaaaBB^ BBPBBSXSBB; ^ ^^Jt i|jjy^^^' J | i | B ^ ^ ^ ^ jj|h._ " _iji jjL^^r' &^^l^^h^.^gy;tt|eJ^^'%j^i^'f -^aSa* a^BBBBBBBBIBr %••« •rB^BBBBBBBj SS^a aaaaBBBBBBBBBF, eaBBB^BT^ W iaiiasssaSaaaaia^^ mmqm?^ FALL SALE OF drugs and cosme REG S3c AlCtOSS MIU Of MAGNESIA QT. SIZE Dtugi, Sirtrt Flmm UQ. 4«c AtCIOSS A A C HtADACHI TAIUTS. 100*1 KC. gcJUCdOSS MiltC Of MACNU1A TAiUTS, 2S0*s tE& 29c AACK0SS »A*Y COUGH s r t u r 4 OZ SIZE WG.43cAtCIO$S AMIH AKTIJEFTIC S0CUTIOH,rT. 41c 33c 23c 35c KXC. 7** AtCtOW CMtODCNT AHTIStrTIC SOtUTION, QT 4fc U& 15c AIC»0« lOtlCACIO fOWOM 4 OZ. SIZI 12c **•- ' ^ ;-:- 1 ^ r- f 4 SAVI OH f IHfY'S OWN * 5 f f n <, "^i 1 * tJ OWN ^ ^ ' " ' v V . , * * >**'ltr4>& cy^ Buy w r W a ^ iav» te fJaat big fait a a b l l » w f v 3 p M ^ i * ' ; ;^] ^iH>- > •> • % . #*v ^ I£GL 1.75 W»*ME tK. iSo tAtSAtA tax S»6CIAI , GO«U> wcfrr CLEAMSING-CKEAM CXEAU $r si* TmeSttrits, Strtet fUUr *srka« svSai tn KG. 150 DAGGETT AND IAM5D€tt £LOtOA'C«AM « C t.J5 Tt^tit r^»fWTlfAT. MENTCttAM Kfi. 1*5 ItEVlOHS fcIF KIT—4 t!f. Sfh^S^-ICrT'. sr $r 'gi* f£C «F»AHCO ' CENtifr CHLJ of THf W/IOC9NISS <te9as1 ; - ; - • - m wcszooacrTHr aurscitAHJiMC ' Tea^JfcSB^SBB>JS if. EpiSJf^flt^T" •'^'^^^^-^T.'V^V'^y'^r^^T'^^t^v^-^-'r- •^•?)'i«i-«-'r-^*;-»^.V^A?> - •--,-a,^_: v -. ,j<1^ 1/ f »i as. ti, Kl 1& * * *^* *£i >%«

Transcript of drugs and cosme - Roman Catholic Diocese of...

Page 1: drugs and cosme - Roman Catholic Diocese of Rochesterlib.catholiccourier.com/1950-july-1951-august-catholic... · 2014-04-30 · '^^"f^TO n- WSft^f **-(?* I P ff I E 8 -i ;. .t.;,i

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' ^ ^ " f ^ T O n- WSft^f **-(?*

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j p sLfJvh

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r - ' <>>'li<«Vii«i»y'iri,iiiri'iiii(iiinTi lul•iiiiniii.ik.|«.i)<I^II itiiii^«iw!il»»^H%iw»miii)iiii<iii,.iiiiiii,iii) II>)I

• « * < ^ * ^ * !

II ,1 JJ(ifHMil H nill^lWl» I I I [mllli»l|ll

LOler OR War lb j l i f ' " ^

«,iij<( irt...iiljMmwiiini

inst Church CMe* — t f t O -

s of StttocSe docsaieuu •4urim: the co«mjver«>- over

IMsixlKtao' nKgfoa* ImtrseUeo m the Kbooi* has made the ea-Ore <©ttf*ti3r aware of Use fact that radksis have for meaths k « e » prep«JiBj t campaign a*al»« tile Church, «*3 Disrfo Duitndo. A iocs!

eaHy, pubiis&ed Mawnje docu-MHmx, which included a circular addressed by the Masonic Grand Lodge of Chile on April 4, 1260, to Masonic teachers. The drcuUr esjd:,,

"KAjCJI MASON must consider himself engaged In as apostoiate.

"Mason* must educate their sjsaaseasaiehttdFisBiaa Mason k way . . . Consequently, wives most not be allowed to go to the Cathaite Church, nor children at towed to enter Catholic schools.

"A props^rsmoa movement mist :be started Inside the order as well aa in the world In favor of laiciam in all Its manifestations, especially in the field of educa tlon. in the armed forces and In all public acta of the Govern-meni/*

The circular add* that It snail be an essential requirement of each Masonic candidate "to state In writing that his spouse and members of his family know of hist entrance Into cite order and consent to ft."

TO LAUNCH this antlreligtous drive the Grand Lodge estab­lished a branch called "Laiciam and Antl-Oerieat Campaign,1* headed by Dr. Arturo l i Lots.

The Masonic campaign uaa aimed at that time st lulling a bill before the Chilean tegtsta tlve body Introducing religious Instruction In public schools. The bill has since been passed b> the legislature.

La NScion. government dally directed by radical Masons has acknowledged that accuracy of Diaro's reports. "We have no doubt of the authenticity of the document' La Nacion Mid.

• t

teawksm OS wem hi* crol»xlej*j6& ft*** $* t^kem. mm&ttm HKfe ce i l m '*#*§: mm® etei«fet«s» hew txpgsjrsisej ^iwm% f$te] item fm k^%mam^i =U^^M AJ^j^Mal' he m$ mm ta-KMsi. So©*- J ^ ^ a r ® ^ W i ^ ^ * ! * ^ ! ^ ^ ^ , 1 ! ^ ^ * ! ^ ^ _ «*. _ .. a.. * * „ — ..3*iin . i » , . . , _ „ . ^ _, * !....,_ ^^ slfelb ^-tt if %*£Aiaai. SIIK. JUviil'M i^ Kk>t aW <M * » thero i«»ln.

H e M s s J. Meil&roJ!**, mm ''ih* 2*lfi Divtaioa in Kocw, took ;« pi#«! of aote papf?• .fro«n his" • befciet *jsd wspote <£ba- 1 I « C B P . :mi**. a and Rose M^rki 6, *^b> ling their toother to rwdj feU| tWTjrds to them. She re»d:

^» J * * * ««r# * I w t W a *

r«r-N«rth fM«t New York - (NC» -The Rev

Jules Convert. SJ„ a far north misatopary reports that in order to be near his scattrred Eskimo parishioners during the summer he took a Job as s laborer In a fishing cannery and became one of the leaders) of their union.

ft ^W apiWa ^ T ssa sjBBBfvagaBB iMJg

! tiMtra t * « t t » y * « i f i < W H VnCPV JprV SB> MMr W» MHR. l

t IN the VFMI4, asae tf ttwy vttie • altawee *o4ewlwf tiiefwxajted

to ««, Uttle gfera* HV» y w woaMnt ae aBawasI te f » t* etareA OH Ktwdsy ae fee aito to go to the •rSKfol >o« ananted

. "So 1 have* to kelp fight these men and keep them tram coming where you and Mummie Uv*, It

. might take a tons while, and maybe Daddy will have to go

,0ml help God up In heaven, and if I do, I always want yog bdth to be good to Mommie, because she la the best Mtimmie In the whale wide world "

PRIVATE M C C O R M I C K . who» home parish is St. Jo­seph's Church here, was amy 2a But he had served as a para­trooper In Europe during World War II, and was wounded In

'Germany. He Joined the Army In 1939, lying about hia 17 years to get In. Last year he re-en­listed and the letter told his two little girls why:

"You see, kids. I happened to be caught In two wars Inside of ten yc^rs, and the reason I am where I am toda\ Is because I am fighting for what I think Is rtght

Thai's one thlnsr I always want both of )nu to remember. tf your conscience tells yea sanirthtftx ts right, always stand up for It You might be ridiculed for doing so, bat In the long run you'll always flad out that people respect yea

' more for dotstg so. "When yoa grow op ts> be*

young tsdies. don't forget all [ that Mummle has done far yso.

She baa often gone without clothes fat- herself so that bath of you could base nice iMaga. I want yen to do aa she says;

' go la chorch on Sundays aa* yoa e n always pray for Daddy.''

Private McCormiek went "to help God up in heaven

j % . and Jo** k 1M*« #T™ ^*P^?"Wssj V " f f * | * ^ 5 * s o f l i f ^ a J P s S f c ^ P ^




rarr>' aenoyi Hngi "Afw**** h»-

iii(Wla> IMMjigiiisji

Turn RilatiieH ffi Martyr Enter Convent M China

VsMftt? twK -•K^a^akjIslsBsM-biUH -rf*' lu^sik^^fskBiik voflLudt^^agy '^^^^^^jA^._ &W£i& BBSTasW ''' • W ^ * M»- ^i^l^f l lJ^kWl^^l ^W" W r ^ ^ ^ P W P fc3sSa^W*^b '•^I^WrTCwl *fljPl? JSpPi^*^

In 18$$, mH WMm RU»«r*ki H* h«4 Ut« •«ta44s*4 « (

Wbm JssMfJt taaawfautlr refusei, tk» cku «MtnaJ*w»»L' j -.*,-.;••&.'*.••' eeijed hiss ami ffetti Mm i« « Uaaboe cnte. Aft*r a IMI ur«t»c«rss*fttl atteape «• KAve Js«tfk gtat «» a^ reJifJwi* t*i»y threw the m l * In » Mauky r»v«r.

Jaswfk JtH a wife « * | fire caikir**, «*U ftllMr Htir«r»M. Tfce ynwceiit eirl eady aa iafwtt wKea her father WAR aaitrtrr**, «ittkd in .l^Agweli, Site aiiHtletJ dactria* m 4 at h#r Itytiaasju tMak tk» M W «f Mary.

New aae kaa six iaaflttara, t%# in tlnicopifeHJ, tdd priest retails. Que ha* b«tn pn^<«M4 $M 81»ttr (Jta*-vieve; tka other is a pMtu&mnt, * *

"Thay will soan he tetachlnf doctriite to the Hoattn of this area, nreadias; (he Faith far wttfeh their gran*]-father gave his life aaere than half a e««tWy afo," the priest statta. *

New ChHd Caring Home

New Vortt- (NCI —The new.returned to the United State*, ! Posthumously he wa* decorat» ed wtth the hJehttl Naval honor.

, the Navy Cross, and a new U. S. destroyer was aamed after him.


child caring home on 3llil«-ell Avenue, Bronx, will be known as the Lleutenaat Joseph P. Kenne­dy Home, His Eminence Francis Cardinal Speilman, Archbishop j

^ n ^ J ^ m i T t n ^ ^ ^ . r f i i ^ P " ^ >»y Arthblatop Oeraia 2 5 TheToSter A ^ L £ • J <£££"%. fifSt

^ n S ? K ^ i ^ I S f p I r i S S r C"11*- w^Jcoroed 40 dependent i ^ S L y £ l t ^ P K * n n w , y - chlklmi into their a e * l t o n » . J r - rouna*tion- mia weelc a«ft more boys and

YOUNG unrrSNAKT Ken- • girls will have moved there frost nedy disappeared with the rest'St Joseph's Home in Peeksklll,

At. - .„-

Aj- ui A IhOnJasJaf tL auassSsas: fw#%^rl!"ffr^J ^ ^ C ^ | llsatls* kAglJL^te

erwi JWfK'. caaigaga .. ^^ „„ **!** The tww be«*s straaa ta* hkttws. /W^lig/li^i^vaiaf.

iiruggk and m &mwm* "reaetJoh,'* '". ; I:-?>•/;-; X-" ''

The Mhool i^FliMkMiiMl.-•ppeaMi e of .item f J ^ / # # -te^sets and J",Ci» -adueatfcwal •aivWt* wh » ^ tra ae* i»y tha Ikaa) r«fimi k«t yw/Tneei »«» deieriaii»s^tt«ipr*««t:iht new fnitriKUona iasyad by rem-muntst Minister, bf KdicSitton Witola Jsrotlnskii

"EJamentiry attj "education, proceeding, to out the six year plan/* he fold Ur»* fiB*ebeT»v "bBM revleetl *r«l perfeeted the proarama ol edte. cation. bMifljf them exdualvely on the principles of djakctie and hutorto rneltrtaliam." Thta pUn, he added, calls tor rooting oVt the remaata of "reacflonstt, capitaHttk; and ChrktUn inna-

,Tbe openlnf of Ihe iKbooi yfeir •lito focuses aUeniion en the

of the crew of a U. 8. Na ry lib­erator plane while on a secret

, experimental mission from an sir ; base In England: He was piloting: the plane on the flight which

| was charted to take ham over I the English Channel and the Bay J of Biscay. The former Ambajsa,-| dor*a son had volunteered for

before the mission alter his own crew

N. r. The Kennedy roundsman flit ciUrlea have beta enlarged, te •#•

is said to be the secotx! Urgeet In the hUtory of trta ArchdJo-cete. having been exceeded only by one which comprised the tire atale of the if te Major Ed­ward Bowes, His Eminence an-ndunced he will formally dedl-cate the home on Sunday, Octo­ber 29.

commodate 410,000 etudenrs, It it reported, 80,009 mort than laat year. SpecHI efforii have alee been made to attract women te theee school* for tratAtng In chtmlelry, texfIlea and metal ht. duetry.

• r t t e * * *

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