Drugs Acting on the CNS 1

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Transcript of Drugs Acting on the CNS 1

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Gangguan Psikis  diklasifikasikan menjadi 3 majorgroups:

Anxiety disorders (phobia and sleepingdisorders).

Effective/mood disorders (depression)

Personality disorders (Schizophrenia)

/gangguan persepsi diri

Obat-obat sistem Syaraf Pusat 

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Anxiolytic Drugs: Benzodiazepines(BDZ)



Antidepressant Drugs: Tricyclic/Plycyclic

Monoamine oxidase inhibitors

Selective serotonin-reuptake inhibitors (SSRI)

Neurolytic Drugs: Phenothiazin


Obat-obat sistem Syaraf Pusat 

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Anxiety and Anxiolytic Drugs: Anxiety:


Keadaan yang tidak nyaman atau rasa takut yang meningkat akibat sesuatu yang tidak jelas (kecemasan)


Tachycardia(denyut jantung berlebih)

Sweating (berkeringat)

Palpitations (jantung berdebar)

Sympathetic activation (aktivasi sistem sympatik)

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Diazepam,Lurazepam, Midazolam

Mode of action:


ABA pada reseptor yang memicu pembukaankonduktansi klorida. Masuknya ion klorida menyebabkanhyperpolarization yang bergerak pasca sinaptik potensi jauhdari ambang menembak dan dengan demikian menghambat pembentukan aksi pembakaran potensial dan saraf 

Actions: Reduction of anxiety( pada dosis rendah ) Sedative and hypotonic actions (at higher doses)


Muscle relaxant 

Anxiolytic Drugs


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Benzodiazapine Therapeutic uses:

Anxiety disorders

(Muscular disorders Seizures

Sleep disorders

Pharmacokinetics: Absorption and distribution:


Rapidly absorbed

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Benzodiazapine Pharmacokinetics:

Duration of action:

Short, intermediate and long acting. Fate:

Dimetabolisme oleh sistem metabolisme hepatik mikrosoma.


At high doses

Results in withdrawal symptoms: Kebingungan, kecemasan, kegelisahan dan ketegangan

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Benzodiazapine Efek samping :

Mengantuk dan kebingungan.

Precautions: Hati-hati dalam mengobati pasien dengan penyakit hati

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Phenobarbiturate, amobarbiturate

Mekanisme kerja:

Mengganggu transportasi natrium dan kalium di selmembran

Actions: Depresi SSP (pada dosis rendah

Hipnosis dan anestesi (dalam dosis tinggi)

Pernapasan depresi.

Induksi enzim (P-450 enzim mikrosoma dalam hati)


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Barbiturate Therapeutic uses: Anestesi

Antikonvulsi Kegelisahan

Pharmacokinetics: Metabolized by the liver

Distributed to:

Splanchnic area

Skeletal muscles

Adipose tissue

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Barbiturate Adverse effects:


Mengantuk, gangguan konsentrasi dan mental kelesuanDrug hangover

Lelah, mual dan pusing


Tremor, anxiety,  tiredness, restlessness, nausea and vomiting

Poisoning: death

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Buspirone Berguna dalam pengobatan gangguan kecemasan


Action: Tindakan dimediasi oleh reseptor serotonin

Adverse effects: Pusing



Tindakan dimediasi oleh reseptor serotonin

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Depression and Antidepressant 

drugs: depression:


Pervasif mengubah mood penyakit yang mempengaruhi energi,tidur, nafsu makan dan kemampuan untuk fungsi.





Ketidakmampuan untuk mengalami kenikmatan di aktivitasyang biasa

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Amitriptyline, Imipramine

Mode of action:

Menghambat Reuptake saraf norepinefrin dan serotonin ke terminalsaraf, yang mengarah ke presynaptic peningkatan konsentrasimonoamina dalam kunci sinapsis.

Blokir serotonergik, a-adrenergik, dan reseptor histamin muscurinic. Actions:

Meningkatkan suasana hati

Meningkatkan kewaspadaan mental

Meningkatkan aktifitas fisik

Antidepressant Drugs


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Tricyclic/Polycyclic Therapeutic uses: Depresi

Panic disorder Bed-wetting pada anak-anak

Pharmacokinetics: Absorption and distribution:


Low bioavailability

Metabolized by hepatic microsomal system

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Tricyclic/Polycyclic antidepressant  Adverse effects:

Anti muscarinic effects:

Blurred vision, dry mouth, urinary retention and constipation Increase cardiovascular stimulation


Orthostatic hypotension:

By blocking a-adrenergic receptors.

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Hydralazine, phenelzine

Mode of action:

Reverrsibly or irreversibly inactivate the enzyme, this result in increased norepinephrine, serotonin and dopamine with inthe neuron.

(monoamine oxidase inhibitors)

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monoamine oxidase inhibitors Therapeutic uses:


Phobic states Pharmacokinetics:

Effect require 2 to 4 weeks

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monoamine oxidase inhibitors Adverse effects:

Inability to degraded tyramine obtained from the gut 


Chicken liver

Tyramine causes the release of large amounts of storedcatecholamines from verve terminals resulting in:





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Inhibit serotonin reuptake ( selective for serotonin) Therapeutic uses:


Panic disorders

Pre menstrual syndrome

(Selective Serotonin-Reuptake


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Selective Serotonin-Reuptake



Slowly cleared from the body

Potent inhibitor of a hepatic cytochrome P-450.

Adverse effects:




Sexual dysfunction

Weight loss


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Personality disorders and antipsycotic

(neuroleptic) Drugs:



Mental disorder caused by some inherited dysfunction of thebrain.




Thinking or speech disturbance

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Five important classes.  Most important classes are:







Mode of action: Block dopamine and serotonin receptor in the brain

Many of these drugs also block cholinergic, adrenergic andhistamine receptors

(neuroleptic drugs)

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neuroleptic drugs Actions:

Antipsychotic actions: Reduce hallucinations by blocking dopamine receptors.

Extrapyramidal effects: Parkinson syndrome by blocking the dopamine receptors in the

nigrostriatal pathway.

Antiemetic effects: By blocking dopaminergic receptors.

Antimuscarinic effects: Blurred vision, dry mouth, sedation and confusion.

Other effects: Hypotension and lightheadedness by blocking a-adrenergic


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neuroleptic drugs Therapeutic uses:


Prevention of severe nausea

Treatment of severe pain

Adverse effects: Tremors

Postural hypotension


Urinary retention


Sexual dysfunction

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