Drug and Alcohol Abuse: A Parent/Child Guide to Michigan Law

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  • 8/12/2019 Drug and Alcohol Abuse: A Parent/Child Guide to Michigan Law


    Drug and AlcoholAbuse

    A Paren t /Ch i ld

    Gu ide t o

    M ich igan Law

  • 8/12/2019 Drug and Alcohol Abuse: A Parent/Child Guide to Michigan Law


    Dear Parent s,

    Guiding our chi ldren t o a happ y and healthy adult hood is somet imes a

    chal lengeespecial ly w hen w e are conf ront ed w ith a nationw ide

    epidem ic of sub st ance abuse. What can w e do abo ut it ? As parent s, we

    have the respon sibi l i t y of t aking an active and in volved part in educat ing

    ou r childr en so t hat t hey can make t heir ow n cho ices fo r a healt hy


    This parent /chi ld g uide t o M ichig an law w as created t o answ er som e

    commo nly asked quest ion s abou t dru g and alcohol abu se and, hopef ul ly,

    t o assist parent s and t heir children t o comm un icate m ore eff ect ively. If

    you have a diff erent q uest ion o r a prob lem no t d iscussed here, there are

    several good resou rces list ed at t he end of t his gu ide. These agencies may

    be able to answ er your quest ion s and give you and you r child ren t he

    supp ort you n eed t o abo lish a sub st ance abuse pro blem.

    We w ant our chi ldren t o h ave a happy, heal thy, and dru g-free chi ldhoo d.

    They deserve our suppo rt and t hey need ou r love. Take a mom ent t o

    review t his mater ia l to f in d out w hat you can do about d rug and alcoho l


  • 8/12/2019 Drug and Alcohol Abuse: A Parent/Child Guide to Michigan Law


    The information in this publication is available,upon request, in an alternative, accessible format.

  • 8/12/2019 Drug and Alcohol Abuse: A Parent/Child Guide to Michigan Law


    Pe e r Pre ssureA M e ssa g e to Kid s .. .. .. ... .. ... .. ... .. ... .. ... ... .. .. Pa g e 4Q u e stion s Pa re n ts A sk .............................. Pa g e 5

    Alc oh ol, Dru g s An d Th e La wA lcoh ol... ... ... .. ... .. ... .. ... .. ... .. ... ... .. ... .. ... .. ... .. Pa g e 8Drug s ... ... .. ... .. ... .. ... .. ... .. ... ... .. ... .. ... .. ... .. ... .. Pa g e 9Driv in g Un d e r th e In flu e n ce ... .. ... ... .. ... .. .. Pa g e 10OW I (Operat ing W hile Im p aired ) ... .. ... ... . Pag e 11Pen a lt ies for Rep ea t Offen d ers . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . Pa g e 12Crim in a l & Lice n sin g Pe n a ltie s

    (A lcoh ol Conv iction s) ... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . Pa g e 14M in ors Drin k in g & Driv in g .. .. ... .. ... ... .. ... .. .. Pa g e 16A ccid e n t Ca u sin g De a th .. .. .. ... .. ... ... .. ... .. .. Pa g e 17A ccid e n t Ca u sin g Lon g -Te rm In jury .. .. .. .. Pa g e 17Im p lied Con se n t ... ... .. ... .. ... .. ... .. ... .. ... ... .. .. Pa g e 17In su ran ce .. ... .. ... .. ... .. ... ... .. ... .. ... .. ... .. ... .. ... .. Pa g e 18Cu rfew s .................................................... Pa g e 18

    GuidelinesHostin g a Pa rty .. ... .. ... ... .. ... .. ... .. ... .. ... ... .. .. Pa g e 20Child ren A tten d in g a Pa rty ... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . Pa g e 22

    Sou rce s of In form a tionFor Fu rthe r A ssista n ce ............................ Pa g e 24


    (367 Rev. 12/20/01)

    Prepared by theMichigan Legislature

    This information is providedfree to Michigan citizens and

    is not for reproductionfor resale or profit.

  • 8/12/2019 Drug and Alcohol Abuse: A Parent/Child Guide to Michigan Law


  • 8/12/2019 Drug and Alcohol Abuse: A Parent/Child Guide to Michigan Law



  • 8/12/2019 Drug and Alcohol Abuse: A Parent/Child Guide to Michigan Law



    A Message to Kids:

    What Is Peer Pressure?

    Everyone, no ma tt er how old t hey are, ca res w ha t o therpeople think a nd w a nts to f it in w ith t he people they

    know, especially their friends. When you are just starting

    to feel independent , the inf luence o f peo ple a bout your

    a g e your pee rs is especia lly pow erful an d ca n a ffe ct

    th e w a y you f eel, act, d ress a nd be ha ve. This inf luence is

    ca lled pee r pressure.

    Reasons Why People Use

    Drugs & AlcoholPeople t ry drugs and a lcoho l beca use t hey a re curious or

    be ca use it m a y seem like everyon e e lse is trying th em.

    They ma y feel tha t t a king drug s w ill ma ke it e a sier to

    ta lk to peo ple o r w ill help the m esca pe t heir prob lems.

    When you feel as tho ug h you w ont b e liked fo r yourself

    unless you use d rugs a lcoh ol you just end up f eeling

    w o rse. Ta king d rug s a nd a lco ho l ne ver so lves pro blem s;

    in fa ct , it can e ven crea te prob lems tha t w erent therebef ore. Why ta ke a cha nce?

    So remember, you ha ve the r ig ht to sa y no to d rug s

    a nd a lcoho l. Be sma rt . It s go od to think a bout w ha t you

    mig ht sa y if youre ever fa ced w ith this neg a tive situa tion.

    The f ollow ing a re some sug g estions on how to do this.

    Be Prep a red for Differen t Kind s of Pressure.

    The re a re d iff eren t levels o f p ee r pressure. It ca nsta rt out friend ly or te a sing ; if so, you ca n

    respo nd th e sa me w a y. If t he pressure seem s

    threat ening , then you might just ha ve to w a lk

    away .

  • 8/12/2019 Drug and Alcohol Abuse: A Parent/Child Guide to Michigan Law


    Ma k e it Sim p le .

    You do nt ha ve to expla in w hy you do nt w a nt t o

    use ma rijua na if you do nt w a nt to . You can just

    sa y, No, tha nks. If t ha t d oesnt w ork, you can

    a lw a ys sa y, No, tha nks a g a in or even strong er,

    No w ay.

    Avoid t he Situa tion .

    If you see o r know of pla ces w here people oft en

    use d rugs, sta y a w a y from t hose pla ces. If yo u

    hea r tha t peo ple w ill be using drug s a t a pa rty,

    don t g o .

    Ha ng Out With Frien d s Who Dont Use Drug s .

    Some times, how ever, you ma y alrea dy ha ve

    friend s w ho d ecide t o t ry ma rijua na . If t hey a re

    rea l friend s, th ey w ill like yo u w het her you smo ke

    pot o r not . And ma ybe, by sa ying no, you mig ht

    ma ke them t hink tw ice a bo ut using drug s the m-

    selves. Tha t s how pee r pressure ca n b e po sit ive,

    t o o .

    Questions Parents Ask:

    How do I help my children buildthat resistance to abusing drugsand alcohol?

    Youve prob a bly alrea dy sta rted . You re raising your

    children w ith love, g uida nce a nd support ; so youre w ell

    on t he w a y to helping prevent d rug a buse. Strong fa mily

    suppo rt he lps children de velop th e pe rson a l values a nd

    self-confidence they need to resist peer pressure to use

    drug s. It is importa nt t o rea lize, how ever, tha t d espite

    your ef fo rts, peer pressure can still ha ve a stro ng

    influence on your child. 5

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    How can I tell if my child is abusingdrugs or alcohol?

    If yo u f ind a lcoho l, drugs, or drug pa rapherna lia in your

    childs possession , t heres a stro ng prob a bility th a t your

    child is using drug s. Certa in b eha viors also ca n w a rn you

    tha t yo ur child m a y be involved w ith drug s:

    Ab ru p t c h a n g e in m ood o r a ttitu d e

    Su d d e n d e c lin e in a tte n d a n c e o r p e r form a n c e

    a t work or sch ool

    Sud de n re s ista nce t o d isc ip line a t hom e o r


    Im pa ired re la tionship w ith fa m ily or frien ds

    Ig n orin g c u rfe w s Un u s u a l fla re -u p s o f te m p e r

    Inc r ea sed bo rrow ing o f m oney from p a ren t s o r

    fr ien d s; s tea ling from hom e, sch ool or

    em ploye r

    Assoc ia ting w ith a new g r oup o f friend s,

    esp ec ia lly with those wh o use drug s

    While t hese beha viors ma y ind ica te drug use, th ey ma y

    a lso reflect norma l tee na g e g row ing pa ins. By observingyour child, g ett ing to know his or her friend s a nd ta lking

    to your child a bo ut pro blems, including drug s a nd a lcoh ol,

    you should be a ble to learn w het her he or she is

    involved in h a rmf ul a ct ivities.

    Where can I find help for my childsdrug problem?

    Telepho ne ho t lines are a g oo d source fo r con fiden tia la dvice. They ca n a lso refer yo u t o a dd itiona l resou rces

    in your community, such as adolescent drug treatment

    services or commun ity me nt a l hea lth cent ers a nd ou t-

    pa tient hospita l clinics tha t provide drug a buse coun seling .

    Cont a ct your sta te o r local drug a buse a utho rity fo r

    info rmat ion on local resources. See listing of org a niza tions

    a t t he end of this bo ok for a dd itiona l a ssista nce.

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  • 8/12/2019 Drug and Alcohol Abuse: A Parent/Child Guide to Michigan Law



    AlcoholParents a nd the ir teena g ers should be a w a re of the

    fo llow ing sta te law s a nd loca l ordinances perta ining to

    the use o f a lcoho l a nd drug s by minors.

    A person w ho fu rnishe s a lcoho l (such a s

    a t a home pa rty) ma y be lia ble fo r

    monetary damages in a civil lawsuit. He

    or she can be sued by a nyone suffering

    persona l injury or property d a ma g e

    because of the a ctions of a n into xica ted

    ind ivid ua l w ho se into xica t io n is t he result

    of consuming a lcoho l provide d by t he

    pa rty host . The ho st o f t he pa rty w ould

    be comm itt ing a n i lleg a l a ct i f he or she

    served l iq uor to a minor a nd ma y not be

    covered by his or her ho meo w ners

    lia bility insura nce in t he e vent o f a

    lawsuit .

    An ow ner, tena nt o r other person h a ving cont rol over

    a ny premises w ho know ing ly a llow s a person unde r 21 to

    po ssess or con sume a lcoh ol at a socia l g a th ering ma y be

    criminally liable. A first offense is a misdemeanor thatca rries a pena lty o f u p t o 30 da ys in jail a nd /or a fine up

    to $1,000; a second or subseq uent of fe nse is punisha ble

    by up t o 90 d a ys in ja il an d /o r a fine up t o $1,000. A

    person ta king a ppropria te corrective a ction m a y a void

    crimina l prosecution .

    (See Gu i de l i n es f o r Hos t i ng a Pa r t y )

    It is a misdeme a no r for a nyone t o know ing ly sell or furnisha lcoho l to a person un der 21 yea rs of a g e, or to fa il to

    make diligent inquiry as to whether a person is less than

    21. Co nvict io n w ill result in a fine o f $1,000 an d ma y

    result in a pena lty o f 60 da ys in t he coun ty jail. The sta tu te

    ha s been inte rprete d in court de cisions to a pply to bo th

    licensed sa les a nd to unlicensed ind ividu a ls w ho provide

    int oxica nt s to unrelat ed minors in a socia l set ting .

    (Rev. 12/20/01)

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    A pa rent o r home ow ner w ho a llow s possession a nd/or

    consumption of alcohol or other controlled substances by

    a nyone un der the a g e of 21 ma y be subject t o crimina l

    prosecution and fines under the controlled substances

    a ct o r the Liq uor Cont rol Act. Anyone a w a re of a n event

    involving con sumpt ion of a lcoh ol or use of con tro lled

    substa nces by minors ma y report it t o

    th e loca l po lice. A la w enf orcement

    off icer w ill be sent to investiga te, a nd

    a ppropria te a ction w ill be t a ken in

    a ccorda nce w ith a pplica ble ordinances

    a nd st a te la w s. The Excessive Noise o r

    Distu rbing th e Pea ce o rdinan ces also

    might be involved.

    It is illeg a l fo r a pe rson und er the a g eof 21 to ha ve a lcoh ol in his or he r

    possession, unless it is in the course of

    his or he r employment .

    It is unlaw ful fo r a m ino r to misrepresent his or he r ag e

    or to use al tered or bo rrow ed ident if ica tion in a n

    attempt to purchase alcohol .

    Leg isla tion ef fe ctive Ja nua ry 1, 1992, esta blishe s

    misdemea nor penal t ies for a nyone w ho rents a mot el

    room o r bed a nd breakfa st room know ing t ha t ano ther

    ind ivid ua l or g rou p w ill co nsume o r po ssess a lcoh ol in

    violat ion o f the un dera g e drinking la w .

    DrugsIt is unlaw ful fo r an y person to kno w ing ly possess or use

    ma rijua na . The use of ma rijua na is a misde mea no r w hichma y result in a fine o f up t o $100 an d/or a ja il sen te nce o f

    up to 90 days. A person convicted of possession may also

    be o rdered t o pa rticipa te in a substa nce a buse prevention

    prog ram. Possession of ma rijua na is a misdem ea nor t ha t

    ca rries a pe na lty o f u p t o 1 yea r in ja il a nd /or a fine o f

    up to $2,000. It is a felony to deliver, manufacture, or

    possess w ith inte nt to de liver marijua na . 9(Rev. 12/20/01)

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    Depending on t he a mount of ma rijua na involved, aperson ma y be imprison ed from 4 to 15 yea rs a nd /ora ssessed a fine o f no t m ore t ha n $20,000 up t o$10,000,000.

    Unla w ful po ssession or d elivery of mo st con tro lled

    sub st a nces (cocaine, n a rco t ics, ha llucino g en s,a mphet a mines, a nd ba rbitura tes) is a felony off ense.

    Driving Under the Influenceof Alcohol or Drugs (OUIL,OUID, UBAC)

    OUIL (operating under the influence of liquor)OUID (operating under the influence of drugs)

    UBAC (unlawful bodily alcohol content)

    1st Offe n se : Misd e m e a n or

    Punisha ble by a fine o f n ot less th a n $100 ormo re t ha n $500 an d /o r com mun ity service f o rno t m o re t ha n 45 da ys, and /or imprisonm ent f ornot mo re tha n 93 da ys. In a dd ition, th e d riverslicense w ill be suspen de d fo r no t less th a n 6months and not more tha n 2 yea rs, w ith 6points a dd ed to the driving record a nd vehiclesubject t o immo biliza tion. A restricte d licenseca nno t b e g rant ed f or the f irst 30 da ys.

    2nd Offen se (or a ny p rior d runk d riving con viction

    w ith in 7 y e a r s): Misd e me a n o r

    Punisha ble by a fine o f n ot less th a n $200 or

    mo re th a n $1,000 an d, e ith er minimumco mm unity service of 30 d a ys (up t o 90 d a ys) o rja il fo r not less th a n 5 da ys w ith a t lea st 48consecutive hours (up to 1 year). In addition,th e d rivers licen se w ill be revoked fo r aminimum of 1 yea r w ith 6 points a dd ed t o t hedriving record a nd vehicle subject t oimmobilization or forfeiture.

    (Rev. 12/20/01)

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    3rd Offense : Fe lony

    Punisha ble by a fine o f n ot less th a n $500 or

    mo re th a n $5,000 a nd either imprison men t o f

    no t less th a n 1 yea r or more th a n 5 yea rs, or

    proba tion w ith imprisonme nt in t he county ja il

    fo r not less tha n 30 da ys or more t ha n 1 yea ra nd com munity service f or no t less th a n 60 da ys

    or mo re tha n 180 da ys. Drivers licen se w ill be

    revoked f or 5 yea rs w ith 6 points ad de d t o

    driving record a nd vehicle immo biliza tion or


    OWI (Operating While

    Impaired)1st Offe n se : Misd e m e a n or

    Up to $300 f ine and /or

    Up to 93 da ys in ja il a nd/or

    Up to 45 da ys of community service

    Drivers license restriction 90 da ys

    Possible vehicle immobiliza tion up t o 180 da ys 4 points on d river s record

    2nd Offen se (or a ny p rior d runk d riving con viction

    w ith in 7 y e a rs ): Misd e m e a n o r

    $200 to $1,000 f ine a nd

    5 da ys to 1 year ja i l and /or

    30 to 90 da ys of community service

    Drivers license revocat ion

    License pla te conf isca t ion

    Vehicle immo biliza tion 90 to 180 da ys unless


    Possible vehicle fo rfeiture /immo biliza tion

    4 po int s

    (Rev. 12/20/01)

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    3rd Offen se (or a ny 2 p rior drun k d riving con victions

    wi th in 10 yea rs): Fe lony

    $500 to $5,000 f ine a nd ei ther of t he

    fol lowing:

    1 to 5 years in prison or proba t ion w ith 30da ys to 1 yea r in ja il a nd 60 to 180 da ys of

    community service

    Drivers license revocat ion 5 yea rs

    License pla te conf isca t ion

    Re g ist ra t io n d en ia l

    Vehicle immobilizat ion 1 to 3 years

    Possible vehicle fo rfeiture

    4 po int s

    Penalties for RepeatOffendersIn 1998 a tw ent y-bill pa cka g e o f leg isla tion w a s ena cte d

    to a dd ress the problems of repea t d runk driving , an d

    driving w itho ut a license. The Repea t Off end er pa cka g e

    esta blished pena lties th a t includ e vehicle fo rfeiture o r

    immo biliza tion, met a l license plat e conf isca tion,

    registra tion de nia l a nd t he insta lla t ion of a n ig nit ion

    int erlock device. The crimes und er t he repea t of fe nd er

    sta tut es includ e:

    OUIL, OWI, o r OUIL/OWI ca using d ea t h o r seriousimpa irment o f a bo dily function; o r repea t violat ions

    in a ny comb ina tion a rising out of sepa rat e inciden ts.

    Driving w hile license suspend ed (DWLS).

    Driving w hile l icense suspend ed ca using de a th (DWLS

    ca using dea th).

    (Rev. 12/20/01)

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    Know ingly a llow ing a nother person to dr ive w hile


    Know ingly a llow ing a nother person to dr ive w hile

    suspend ed causing de a th.

    Commit t ing a drunk dr iving o f fense w hile a notherperson w ho is less th a n 16 yea rs of a g e is occupying

    the vehicle.

    The f ollow ing ta bles summa rize t he p rovision s of th e

    new law s.

    13(Rev. 12/20/01)

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    f i d

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    Minors Drinking andDrivingAny bod ily a lcoho l cont ent (BAC) is de fined a s no t less tha n .02g ram s or m o re th a n .07 g ram s per 100 millilite rs of blood , per210 lite rs o f brea th , o r per 67 millit ers o f urine.

    This la w a llow s fo r the consumpt ion of into xicat ing liq uor as partof a generally recognized religious service or ceremony.

    A person less tha n 21 yea rs of a g e, w het her licensed or no t,sha ll not o pera te a vehicle upon a high w a y or ot her pla ceope n t o t he g enera l public or gene rally accessible to mot orvehicles, including a n a rea d esig na ted fo r the pa rking ofvehicles, if the person has any bodily alcohol content.

    1st o ffense : Misdem ea nor

    Punishable by 2 points on the drivers license; a drivers licenserestriction f or 30 da ys; and by 1 or bot h o f t he fo llow ing :

    Community service for not more than 45 days.

    Fine o f no t more than $250.

    2n d offe n se : Misd e m e a n o r

    If a viola tion occurs w ith in 7 yea rs of 1 or mo re prior convictions,the person ma y be senten ced t o 1 or more of t he fo llow ing :

    Community service for not more than 60 days.

    Fine o f no t more than $500.

    Imprisonment for not more than 93 da ys.C h ild En d a n g e rm e n t: Misd e m e a n o r

    A person less tha n 21 years of a g e w ho opera tes a mo to r vehiclew ith any bo dily alcohol content w hile a nother person w hois less t ha n 16 yea rs o f a g e is o ccupying th e vehicle is g uilty o fchild end a ng erment a nd is punisha ble as fo llow s:

    Imprisonme nt f or up to 1 year a nd/or a f ine of up t o $1,000.

    Community service for not more than 60 days.

    If t he viola tion occurs w ith in 7 yea rs o f a prio r co nviction o r

    w ith in 10 yea rs of 2 or mo re prio r co nviction s, th e pe rso nsha ll be f ined b etw een $200 and $1,000 and to 1 or more o fthe fol lowing:

    Imprisonment fo r not less tha n 5 da ys or more tha n 1 year.Not less th a n 48 hou rs of th is impriso nme nt sha ll be servedcon secut ively. This t erm sha ll no t be suspend ed .

    Community service fo r not less tha n 30 da ys or more tha n90 da ys.

    Vehicle immob iliza tion un less vehicle is ordered fo rfeited .

    (Rev. 12/20/01)

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    Accident Causing Death:Felony $2,500 to $10,000 fine a nd /o r

    Up to 15 years in prison Drivers license revocation

    License pla t e conf isca t ion Vehicle immob iliza t ion up to 180 da ys Possible vehicle forfeiture

    Accident Causing Long-TermIncapacitating Injury: Felony $1,000 to $5,000 fine a nd/or Up to 5 year s prison Drivers license revocation

    License pla t e conf isca t ion Vehicle immob iliza t ion up to 180 da ys Possible vehicle forfeiture

    Implied ConsentIn Michig a n, a ny person w ho drives a mo to r vehicle o n a nypublic roa d o r other pla ce open to the ge neral public or gen -era lly a ccessible t o mo to r vehicles (includ ing pa rking a rea s)a nd is sto pped b y a law enf orcement of f icer, he or she ma ybe asked to take some sobriety tests, including a Preliminary

    Breat h Test (PBT) to de te rmine w het her t he perso n is und erthe influence o f a lcoh ol.

    If th e pe rson refuses to ta ke th e PBT, he or she w ill becha rged w ith a civil infra ction a nd fined up to $100 pluscourt costs. Person s und er 21 yea rs of a g e w ill a lso h a ve tw opoints ad ded to th eir driving record.

    If t he pe rson is a rrested , he o r she w ill be req uired t o ta ke achemical test to determine their bodily alcohol content (BAC)or the presence of a no the r drug in their blood . UnderMichiga ns Implied Con sent La w , the person is con side red t o

    have given his or her consent to this test.If t he pe rson refuses to ta ke this te st, six po int s w ill be a dd edto th eir driving reco rd a nd t heir license w ill be suspen de d f o rsix mo nt hs. If h e o r she h a s previou sly refused t o ta ke thetest , six points w ill be a dd ed to the ir driving record a nd the irlicense w ill be suspen de d fo r one yea r.

    If t he pe rson refuses to t a ke t his test , or if t he t est sho w s a.10 BAC or m o re, his or he r drivers licen se w ill be con fisca te da nd cut up by the la w enforcement of f icer. 17(Rev. 12/20/01)

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    InsuranceThe Michiga n insuran ce sta tut es do no t p ermit d enial ofcoverag e f or individua ls involved in a ccide nt s w hen th eca use is rela te d t o t he pe rson s use o f a lcoh ol or drug s.How ever, insura nce com pa nies can ref use t o ren ew a po licy,ca n increase premium rat es, or ca n exclude from furth ercoverag e a person convicted of driving unde r the influence.

    CurfewsBy sta te law , it is unla w ful for a m inor unde r the a g e of 12years to loiter, idle or cong rega te in o r on a ny public street ,hig hw a y, alley or park betw een t he ho urs of 10:00 p.m. and6:00 a.m., unless th e m ino r is a ccom pa nied b y a pa rent o rg uardian o r an a dult delega ted b y the parent or guardianto a cco mp a ny th e mino r. The sam e rest rictio ns a pply t o a

    minor under the a g e of 16 years bet w een th e hours of12:00 midn ig ht a nd 6:00 a.m., except w here t he minor ison a n errand or ot her leg itima te b usiness directed by his orher parent or gua rdian .

    It is a misde mea no r for a nyone a g e 16 or o ver to a ssist ,a id, a llow , or encoura g e a ny minor to violate t he a bo veprovisions.

    Cities, villa g es, a nd to w nships ma y ha ve ordina nces w ithstr icter curfew regulat ions that local la w enfo rcement of f i-cia ls w ill enfo rce. You ma y w ish t o de te rmine th e curfe w

    regulations in effect in your community and neighboringareas.

    The f ollow ing curfew s a re recomm end ed fo r Frida y andSa turd a y night s for plann ed a ctivities, pa rties, and /or d a te s:

    6th Gra d e - 9:00 p .m .7th & 8th Gra d e - 10:00 p .m .9th Gra d e - 11:00 p .m .10th Gra d e - 11:30 p .m .11th & 12th Gra de - Mid n ig h t

    Teena g ers sho uld b e discou rag ed f rom g oing o ut o n scho olnig hts , unless they a re a t t ending pla nned schoo l or com -munity f unction s. Teen a g ers at te nd ing sched uled a ctivitiesshould be expected hom e w ithin a reasona ble t ime a f te rth e e vent is over.

    It is even mo re impo rta nt f or pa rents to set rea sona ble timelimits for their middle and grade school children, to knoww here they a re a t a ll t imes and ma ke sure a ppropria tetra nspo rta tion is provide d w hen n ecessa ry.

    (Rev. 12/20/01)

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  • 8/12/2019 Drug and Alcohol Abuse: A Parent/Child Guide to Michigan Law



    Guidelines for Hosting a Party1. A PARENT SHOULD BE AT HOME AND VISIBLE

    DURING THE PARTY. Ma ny pa rt ies ta ke p lace w he n

    pa rent s a re a w a y fro m ho me . DO NOT PUT YOUR




    A pa rent ca n bring in sna cks a nd non-a lcoho lic

    be vera g es. Not on ly w ill you r presence he lp keep

    th e pa rty running smo ot hly, but it w ill a lso g ive you

    a n o pportunity to meet your teens friend s.

    Invite o ther parents to help if your pa rty is la rge.

    2. Do not off er alcohol to guests under the age of

    21 or allow guests to use it or other drugs inyour hom e. You ma y be brought to court oncriminal cha rge s a nd /or ha ve to p a y mon et a ry

    da ma g es in a civil la w suit if yo u fu rnish a lcoh ol or

    drug s to minors.

    Be alert to the signs of a lcohol or drug use by teens.

    Guests w ho t ry to br ing in a lcohol or drugs or w ho

    otherwise refuse to cooperate with your

    expecta tions should b e a sked to lea ve.

    No t if y the parent s o f a ny t een w ho a r rives a t the

    pa rty drunk or under the influence of a ny drug t o

    ensure tha t t eens sa fe t ransporta tion hom e. DO



    3. If someo ne under 21 is unlaw fully possessing orconsum ing alcohol o r illegal drugs at a socialgathering, take appropriate corrective action:

    Make a prompt demand tha t the minor leave o rrefra in f rom p ossessing or consuming a lcoh ol or t he

    illeg a l substa nce. Ta ke a dd itiona l action if th e

    minor d oes not comply w ith your req uest .

    Make a prompt report o f the unlaw ful possession

    or consumpt ion to th e loca l po lice.

    Make a report t o someone with g rea te r au thorit y

    over the premises.

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    If , despite your precaut ions, th ings get out o f ha nd,

    do not hesita te to ca ll your local police d epa rtment

    for help.

    Guidelines for Parents When

    Their Children Attend a Party1. Know w here your teen w ill be.

    Ob ta in the add ress and phone number o f the


    Let your teen know tha t you expect a phone ca l l if

    the loca t ion of the party is cha ng ed.

    2. Contact the parents of the party-giver to:

    Verify the occasion . Be sure tha t a paren t w ill be presen t .

    Be certa in tha t a lcohol and o ther drugs w ill no t be


    3. Be sure your teen know s w hen he or she issupposed to be home.

    4. Know how your teen will get to and from theparty.

    Assure your teen tha t you o r a specif ic f r iend o r

    neig hbo r ca n b e cal led fo r a ride hom e. (Make sure

    your teen ha s the ph one n umber.)

    Discuss w ith yo ur teen t he po ssible situa tions in

    w hich the t een might need to ma ke such a ca ll.

    5. Be awake or have your teen aw aken you w henhe o r she arrives hom e. This is of te n a g oo dsharing time.

    6. If your teen stays overnight w ith a friend aftera party, check w ith the parents of the f riendbeforehand to verify that:

    They w an t your t een to st ay over.

    They w ill be home.

    You bo th a gree on curfew hours and o ther basic

    ho use rules.

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  • 8/12/2019 Drug and Alcohol Abuse: A Parent/Child Guide to Michigan Law
