Drivers of growth in Africa

Drivers of growth in Africa


This presentation talks about how to meet the complexities and challenges of the market you need a flexible, powerful suite of offerings to address the wide range of opportunities.

Transcript of Drivers of growth in Africa

Page 1: Drivers of growth in Africa

Drivers of growth

in Africa

Page 2: Drivers of growth in Africa

Growth Drivers

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Conducive market conditions • Large section of adult population not having bank a/c but having mobiles.• M-payment. (Limited banking infrastructure)

Low Cost • Less expensive compared to post office’s Posta Pay etc. • Time cost, travel cost .

Accessibility • Any merchant / retail point is an agent.

Security • Theft.• PIN protection & value recovery in spite of loss of phone.

Inflation• Amount of cash to be carried is high.

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Growth Drivers

Subsidization of Handsets: Enable the low-income group to start using mobile services.• Operators are expected to engage with manufacturers to lower handset prices.• Handset bundling with offers built in to increase usage and retention .

Pre-paid billing will continue to be a major driving force. • Pay as per usage .• Lower Fraud risk .

Liberalization & Privatization of government owned telecom operators .• Kenya, Morocco.• More competition to the market and boost growth. • Attract investment in the sector.

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Payer/Payee Perspective

Payers Perspective Payee Perspective

Convenient, understandable andeasy-to-use

Attracts payers

Liquid, underwritten by a credible 3rd party

High level of adoption by merchants and coverage by region, segment etc.

Safe and secure: payment isguaranteed, Payment value integrity

Low associated costs of acceptance:equipments, subsidies, transactionFees and compatibility

Safe and secure: Loss of value, leaves an audit trail, error-free Transactions

Practical to use: Fast, accurate,Efficient and reliable

Low cost product Accepted by merchant banks

Protects privacy: Personal andtransaction information

Leaves audit trail Limited paper work

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The challenge is to create a mobile wallet to address all market segments

Full Access to fin. products Medium - very high value txns. Fully diversified spend patterns

Limited Access to fin. products Medium - high value txns. Moderately diversified spend


No Access to fin. products Low value txns. Restricted spend patternsEM














To meet the complexities and challenges of the market you need a flexible, powerful suite of offerings to address the wide range of opportunities.

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Mobile Era: Path to customer value

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Page 7: Drivers of growth in Africa

How Obopay delivers value to consumers

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Focused on what consumers want

Get paidMobile P2PFamily MoneyTransfer MoneyBuy online

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Bringing it all together

Obopay’s platform and service handles the complexity of ensuring all the above features and requirements are seamlessly integrated and delivered.

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Integrating services

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For customers:

Easy to access Simple to useInstant Payment 24x7Secure

For partners:

Payment interoperabilityMultiple wallet types

Scalable, resilient and secure Platform packaging, branding

Regulatory complianceRisk control

Fast to marketIntegration flexibility

Easy to deploy

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