drive Vol. 3 Issue 16 (08/24/12)


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drive is a FREE, bi-monthly automotive magazine that features a range of automotive products including cars, motorcycles, RVs, & more in and around the Lubbock TX area.

Transcript of drive Vol. 3 Issue 16 (08/24/12)

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Warning lights send messages you can’t ignoreSafety on the road is no accident. For example, when a warning light illuminates on a car’s dashboard, it is alerting you to a situation that requires your attention.

Eight hot tips for battery careNAPS

(NAPS) While not all warning

lights are a sign that disaster is

imminent, no warning indicator

should ever be ignored.

That’s the word from the experts

at AAA, who encourage motorists

to read their owner’s manual and

know what each of the warning

lights in their vehicle means.

To help, they offer the following


Oil Pressure Light

The oil pressure light is usually

an oilcan symbol or the word

“OIL.” It comes on when there is a

drop in engine oil pressure. Of all

the warning lights, the oil pres-

sure light indicates the greatest

potential for serious mechanical


If the oil pressure warning light

comes on and stays on, pull off

the road at the earliest safe op-

portunity, shut off the engine and

call for assistance.

Engine Temperature Light

The engine temperature light is

usually a thermometer symbol

or the word “TEMP.” It comes on

when the engine temperature is

unsafe for your vehicle. Unless

the engine temperature is quickly

brought under control, major

damage may occur.

If there are any signs of a cooling

system leak, pull off the road at

the earliest safe opportunity, shut

off the engine and call for assis-


Be careful when opening the

...continued on pg 6

More automobile batteries fail in the heat than in the extreme cold, and hot-weather

conditions can cause more stress on a battery than frigid temperatures. With temperatures

at their annual highs, motorists can protect and care for that part of the vehicle a driver

depends on most every day.

Battery temperatures under the hood of an automobile can reach 175 to 200 degrees in

extreme conditions, affecting the corrosion factor within the battery. The extreme heat can make the acid and the fluid inside the battery expand, which can cause it to start leaking, and that leads to battery failure in the long run. It’s important for motorists to

take the necessary precaution of getting their vehicle battery checked on a regular basis, especially before taking off on family trips.

Here are some with some helpful guidelines to follow when caring for the automobile


*Wear protective eyewear, remove all jewelry and wear long sleeves to protect skin from a

battery acid explosion.

*Inspect the battery case for signs of extreme bulging, cracking or leaking. If signs are pres-

ent, it’s time to replace the case.

*Clean the connections by removing any corrosion, lead oxidation, paint or rust from

the top of the battery with a scouring pad or brass brush. Make sure to brush the corrosion

away from the body.

*If the battery has removable filler caps, open the caps and check the water level in each


*Make sure the plates are at least half cov-ered. This prevents sulfation and reduces the

possibility of an internal battery explosion.

*If the water level is low, add distilled water (avoid tap water) until the plates are covered.

*Avoid overfilling, especially in hot weather, because the heat can cause the solution

inside to expand and overflow.

*Have the battery and electrical system pro-fessionally tested every three to six months,

especially before heading out on a trip.

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Vol 3 Issue 16

Lubbock AvALAnche-JouRnAL710 Ave. J, Po boX 491

Lubbock, TX 79408806-762-8844


Steve BeaSley PubLisheR

(806) 766-8610

Cody HutCHiSon DRive cooRDinAToR/DesigneR

(806) 766-8687

Randi MitCHell ADveRTising sALes consuLTAnT

(806) 766-8657

cover Design bycody hutchison

Photography byMisty setzler

Photo taken atLubbock Water Rampage

vehicle byMears Mazda volvo


In This Issue

Warning Lights Send Messages You Can’t IgnoreEight Hot Tips For Battery Care

The Smart Consumer Knows When Premium Pays


Camper Coaches

Mears Mazda Volvo

Pharr RVs

Damron Motorcycle Co.

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hood in the pres-

ence of steam,

and never re-

move the radia-

tor cap when the

engine is hot.

Charging System


The charging

system light is

usually a battery

symbol or the

word “ALT” or

“GEN.” It comes

on when the vehicle electri-

cal system is no longer be-

ing supplied power by the


If this light comes on, shut

down all unnecessary elec-

trical loads such as the radio,

heater or air-conditioning,

then drive the vehicle to a

repair facility immediately

for further inspection.

Check Engine Light

The check engine light

comes on when there is a

problem affecting the ve-

hicle’s exhaust emissions.

If the light comes on and

stays on, make an appoint-

ment with an auto repair

shop to have the problem

checked in the near future.

However, if the

check engine

light begins

flashing re-

peatedly, the

catalytic con-

verter is over-

heating. Should

this occur, drive

the vehicle to

a repair shop

immediately for

further diagno-


Disregarding a flashing

check engine light could

start a fire, destroy the

catalytic converter and

result in necessary repairs

that could easily exceed


Responding to your car’s warning lights can help to keep you on the road to safety and savings.

Following a good maintenance routine will keep your vehicle on the road longer and out of the shop, avoiding costly repairs.

Price is often an indicator of a quality product. Some companies use high-qual-ity synthetic base oils and invest in premium addi-tives in their motor oils.

These tips about choosing premium products will let you make informed deci-sions that will keep your vehicle on the road longer.

Motor oil: Upgrading to a premium synthetic has several ad vantages. Some high-performance motor oils have been reported to improve gas mileage by 3 percent or more. Over the course of a year, the result can be hundreds of dollars in savings. Additionally, lu-brication technology has improved significantly, allowing for longer oil life, resulting in extended oil drains and reducing the effect on the environ-ment.

Oil filters: Standard oil

filters use paper media for filtration and deterio-rate rapidly after 3,000 miles. High-performance premium oil filters allow for extended oil drain intervals. These filters proprietary long-life, mi-croglass media provides an increased level of pro-tection due to the density of the filtration and can last for 12,000 miles.

Gasoline: At the gas pump, you typically have three choices: Regular, Midgrade and Premium. The octane number associated with the fuel

grade reflects a fuel’s resistance to knocking. Engine knock can dam-age your engine and can be a sign it’s not running as efficiently as it could be. Many vehicles come with a certain octane rat-ing that has been tested for the specific engine. Usually, only high-perfor-mance engines require a higher-octane fuel. Using fuel of an octane rating higher than the manufacturer recom-mends will not increase your car’s performance, lower exhaust emissions or increase your engine

or fuel system life.

Wiper blades: There are few things worse than wiper blades that don’t clear the windshield when you need them to. This can cause a hazard when driving in potentially dan-gerous driving conditions such as rain and snow. Not all wiper blades are the same. Premium wiper blades are sturdier and more durable, whereas low-cost, general-purpose wiper blades perform differently from those designed specifically for rainy or snowy climates.

The smart consumer knows when premium pays(NAPS)

Consumers are ex tending the ownership of their vehicles well beyond 100,000

miles by finding ways to improve the quality of their vehicle.

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