Drill Hole Database - DHDB - Highland GeoComp · Drill Hole Database - DHDB - Users Guide January...

Drill Hole Database - DHDB Users Guide January 2019 Version 6.004

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Drill Hole Database - DHDB

Users Guide

January 2019

Version 6.004

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January 2019 Page 2 of 110

Drill Hole Database - DHDB

DHDB is developed, maintained and distributed by Highland GeoComputing,

LLC (HGC) for the exclusive use of HGC clients. Using DHDB implies

acceptance of the Software License Agreement (SLA) which accompanies

DHDB. While HGC believes that all of the functions in the DHDB work properly,

DHDB comes with no warranty, expressed or implied. All forms, reports and

underlying programming code is the exclusive property of HGC and may not

be copied or altered without written permission from HGC.

This document has been prepared by Highland GeoComputing, LLC for the

exclusive use of HGC clients. This document may not be altered in any form

without written permission from HGC.

Copyright 2004-2019 Highland GeoComputing, LLC. All rights reserved.

Visit www.highlandgeocomp.com for additional information and to contact Highland

GeoComputing, LLC.

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Table of Contents

Table of Contents ..................................................................................3

List of Figures .......................................................................................5

List of Tables ........................................................................................8

1.0 Introduction and Location .........................................................9

2.0 Starting DHDB and the Main Menu ........................................... 10

General Database Relationships .......................................................... 11

DHDB Frontend and DHDB Backend .................................................... 12

3.0 Main Screen Options .............................................................. 14

4.0 Database Parameters ............................................................. 16

Database Parameters ........................................................................ 20

5.0 Creating New Drill Hole .......................................................... 30

6.0 Data Entry and Drill Hole Editing ............................................. 31

Header Data .................................................................................... 31

Lithology Data Entry ......................................................................... 35

Sample Data Entry and Quality Data Entry ........................................... 38

Coal Quality Input ............................................................................. 40

Washability Data Input ...................................................................... 43

Quality Overview Tab ........................................................................ 44

Geotechnical Data ............................................................................. 45

Trace Elements................................................................................. 46

Well Completion ............................................................................... 47

Overburden Quality ........................................................................... 50

LAS Header/LAS-Lithology Interpretation ............................................. 51

7.0 Import Data .......................................................................... 54

Importing Excel or Text Files .............................................................. 54

DHDB Import Forms .......................................................................... 55

Import Header ................................................................................. 56

Import Lithology ............................................................................... 57

Import Quality .................................................................................. 59

Import Washability ........................................................................... 60

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Update Coal Quality .......................................................................... 61

Import Geotech Data ........................................................................ 63

Import Washability Data .................................................................... 64

Importing Down-hole Survey Data ...................................................... 65

Importing Carlson format files ............................................................ 66

Importing DRILOG format files ........................................................... 67

8.0 Data Validation...................................................................... 68

Detailed Lithology Depth Validation ..................................................... 69

Create ASG from Regression Data ....................................................... 70

Create Composite Quality Tables ........................................................ 70

Audit Trail Report ............................................................................. 72

9.0 Field Points ........................................................................... 73

10.0 Database Queries .................................................................. 74

11.0 Exporting DHDB Data ............................................................. 75

Export Carlson Format data ............................................................... 77

Export to Minex Format ..................................................................... 78

Export to Coal Log Format ................................................................. 78

Minex Geophysical Log Tools .............................................................. 79

Export Composite Table ..................................................................... 79

Build and Export Infilled Quality Table ................................................. 80

Export Washability Data .................................................................... 81

Export to DRILOG ............................................................................. 82

Exporting Queries ............................................................................. 83

12.0 Charts .................................................................................. 84

13.0 Reports ................................................................................ 86

Appendix A ......................................................................................... 88

Header Summary Report ................................................................... 88

Lithology Summary Report................................................................. 89

Ultimate Analysis Summary Report ..................................................... 93

Ash Fusion Summary Report .............................................................. 94

Mineral Ash Analysis Summary Report ................................................. 95

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Other Quality Summary Report .......................................................... 96

Detailed Header Report ..................................................................... 97

Detailed Lithology Report ................................................................... 98

Detailed Coal Quality Report .............................................................. 99

Detailed Sample Definition Report ..................................................... 100

Audit Trail Report ........................................................................... 102

Appendix B DHDB Installation ............................................................. 103

DHDB Files and Utilities Folder ......................................................... 103

Installation Part 1 – Setup Access Trusted Files .................................. 104

Installation Part 2 – DHDB Installation .............................................. 107

List of Figures

Figure 2.1 User Login Screen ................................................................ 10

Figure 2.2 DHDB Main Screen ............................................................... 11

Figure 2.3 DHDB Table Relationships ..................................................... 12

Figure 3.1 Drill Hole Overview Menu ...................................................... 14

Figure 4.1 Database Parameter Menu ..................................................... 16

Figure 4.2 Database Link Form .............................................................. 17

Figure 4.3 Refresh Links Form ............................................................... 18

Figure 4.4 Create Backup Copy of Back-End DHDB Tables ........................ 18

Figure 4.5 Set Company Name .............................................................. 19

Figure 4.6 Set Mine Name .................................................................... 19

Figure 4.7 DHDB User Definition ............................................................ 19

Figure 4.8 Header Parameters ............................................................... 20

Figure 4.9 Default Header Parameters .................................................... 21

Figure 4.10 Project Limits Definition Form .............................................. 21

Figure 4.11 Project Map Sheets ............................................................. 22

Figure 4.12 Seam Definition Parameters ................................................. 23

Figure 4.13 Seam Statistics Form .......................................................... 24

Figure 4.14 Seam Stats by Hole Summary .............................................. 25

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Figure 4.15 Seam Quality List ............................................................... 25

Figure 4.16 Lithology Parameters .......................................................... 26

Figure 4.17 Geotechnical Parameters ..................................................... 27

Figure 4.18 Sample Definition Parameters .............................................. 27

Figure 4.19 Default Moisture Parameters ................................................ 28

Figure 4.20 Field Points Type Parameters ............................................... 28

Figure 4.21 Well Parameters ................................................................. 29

Figure 5.1 Create New Drill Hole ............................................................ 30

Figure 6.1 Header Input/Edit Form Tab (upper section) ............................ 31

Figure 6.2 Header Input/Edit Form Tab (lower section) ............................ 32

Figure 6.3 Drilling Company Detail Form ................................................ 32

Figure 6.4 Logging Company Detail Form ............................................... 33

Figure 6.5 Lab Company Detail Form ..................................................... 33

Figure 6.6 Downhole Survey Form ......................................................... 34

Figure 6.7 Lithology Input Form Tab ...................................................... 35

Figure 6.8 Insert Lithology Record Form ................................................. 36

Figure 6.9 Lithology Description Form .................................................... 37

Figure 6.10 Feet-Inches Input Form ....................................................... 37

Figure 6.11 RQD Calculation Form ......................................................... 38

Figure 6.12 Input Sample Definitions ..................................................... 39

Figure 6.13 Temporary Seam Composite Form ........................................ 40

Figure 6.14 Input Coal Quality Data Form (upper) ................................... 41

Figure 6.15 Input Coal Quality Data Form (lower) – Coking Indices............ 42

Figure 6.16 Washability Input Form ....................................................... 43

Figure 6.17 Quality Overview Form ........................................................ 44

Figure 6.18 Geotechnical Structures Input Form ...................................... 45

Figure 6.19 Trace Element Input Form ................................................... 46

Figure 6.20 Well Header Completion Form (upper) .................................. 47

Figure 6.21 Well Header Completion Form (lower) ................................... 48

Figure 6.22 Piezometer Readings Form................................................... 48

Figure 6.23 Example Hydrograph ........................................................... 49

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Figure 6.24 Overburden Quality Input Form ............................................ 50

Figure 6.25 LAS Header Import Form ..................................................... 51

Figure 6.26 Interpret Lithology from Elog Form ....................................... 52

Figure 7.1 Import Data Menu ................................................................ 55

Figure 7.2 Header Import Form ............................................................. 56

Figure 7.3 Lithology Import Form .......................................................... 58

Figure 7.4 Quality Import Form ............................................................. 59

Figure 7.5 Washability Import Form ....................................................... 61

Figure 7.6 Update Existing Quality Samples ............................................ 62

Figure 7.7 Import Geotech Data ............................................................ 63

Figure 7.8 Import Washability Data ....................................................... 64

Figure 7.9 Import Down-hole Survey Data .............................................. 65

Figure 7.10 Carlson Import Form ........................................................... 66

Figure 7.11 DRILOG Import Form .......................................................... 67

Figure 8.1 Validation Menu ................................................................... 68

Figure 8.2 Validate Lithology Depths ...................................................... 69

Figure 8.3 ASG Calculation Form and Ash vs. ASG Chart .......................... 70

Figure 8.4 Create Composite Quality Table ............................................. 71

Figure 8.5 Audit Trail Report Form ......................................................... 72

Figure 8.6 Example Audit Trail Report .................................................... 72

Figure 9.1 Geological Field Points .......................................................... 73

Figure 10.1 Queries Form ..................................................................... 74

Figure 11.1 Export Data Menu ............................................................... 75

Figure 11.2 Export Header Data Form .................................................... 76

Figure 11.3 Export Lithology Form ......................................................... 76

Figure 11.4 Export Coal Quality Form ..................................................... 77

Figure 11.5 Export Carlson Format Form ................................................ 77

Figure 11.6 Export to Minex Format ....................................................... 78

Figure 11.7 Export to Coal Log Format ................................................... 78

Figure 11.8 Minex Geophysical Log Tools ................................................ 79

Figure 11.9 Export Composite Quality Data ............................................. 79

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Figure 11.10 Infilled Quality Table ......................................................... 80

Figure 11.11 Export Washability Data .................................................... 81

Figure 11.12 Export to DRILOG Format .................................................. 82

Figure 11.13 Export Header Query and Export Form ................................ 83

Figure 12.1 Chart Menu ........................................................................ 84

Figure 12.2 Ash vs. BTU Chart .............................................................. 84

Figure 12.3 Ash vs. ASG Chart .............................................................. 85

Figure 13.1 Report Menu ...................................................................... 86

Figure 13.2 Audit Trail Report Menu ....................................................... 87

List of Tables

Table 5-1 DHDB Trace Elements ............................................................ 46

Table 6-2 DHDB Overburden Quality Parameters ..................................... 50

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1.0 Introduction and Location

This guide is designed to provide a general guide for using to the Drill Hole

Database (DHDB). It is intended to present the options in the database and a

general overview of how the database functions. This guide may not explain

all aspects of the DHDB.

DHDB is a menu driven relational database designed for drill hole data for

primarily for coal exploration and mining. HGC has create custom versions of

DHDB for use with uranium drill hole data and oil sand drill hole data. DHDB

is written in Microsoft Access 2016.

DHDB will work with Access 2016 on 64-bit machines. However, DHDB will

not work across a network where the host machine is 32-bit and the client

machine is 64-bit. The DHDB front-end database will be corrupted if users try

to use the product in this fashion.

DHDB was developed by Highland GeoComputing, LLC (HGC) for the exclusive

use of HGC clients. Using DHDB implies acceptance of the Software License

Agreement (SLA) which accompanies DHDB. While HGC believes that all of

the functions in the DHDB work properly, DHDB comes with no warranty. All

of the forms, reports and underlying programming code is the

exclusive property of HGC and may not be copied or altered without

written permission from HGC.

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2.0 Starting DHDB and the Main Menu

DHDB can be utilized across a computer network. However, Access 2016 must

be installed on each computing using DHDB. DHDB cannot be used

between mixed 64-bit and 32-bit machine platforms.

Paths to the “DHDB Startup” shortcut are set using the “Set_DHDB_Path.bat”

file. It always recommended to “double-click” on the “Set_DHDB_Path.bat”

file located with the DHDB database files.

Open DHDB by “double-clicking” the “DHDB Startup” shortcut. The User Login

form is displayed when logged into DHDB.

Figure 2.1 User Login Screen

Users with “Admin” level privileges can add or delete users specific to each

DHDB project installation. These options are access via the “DB Parameters”


After logging in the main DHDB form is displayed.

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Figure 2.2 DHDB Main Screen

Due to programming requirements, the “wildcard” symbols within the database

change from time to time. On most forms the “wild card” is a “*”. Other times

the “wild card” is “%”. The “wild card” symbol is highlighted in each form.

General Database Relationships

DHDB is composed of tables similar to Excel tabs. The data within these tables

are related by Drill Hole ID.

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Figure 2.3 DHDB Table Relationships

Within any DHDB project, each drill hole name must be unique. Likewise, each

sample number within the database must also be unique. The tables and forms

in DHDB prevent duplicate drill hole names and sample numbers from being

defined. Each Field Data Point must also have a unique name.

DHDB Frontend and DHDB Backend

The DHDB system consists of two Access databases: a frontend database and

a backend database. The frontend database contains all of the forms, queries

and reports used on a day-to-day basis of the user. The backend database

contains the tables where drill hole data is stored.

Separation of the frontend forms from the backend data allows HGC the ability

to port DHDB to other relations database systems. To date, HGC has

prototyped ports to SQL Server Express and SharePoint.

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DHDB users should only ever need to access DHDB via the frontend. However,

DHDB has utilities available to access the backend DHDB database.

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3.0 Main Screen Options

Figure 3.1 Drill Hole Overview Menu

Users can edit, report, export and manipulate drill hole data directly from the

DHDB main screen. All drill holes stored in the database are displayed from

the pull-down field. Users can simply type in a few leading characters of a drill

hole to find specific holes in the database. Holes shown in the pull-down list

are filtered by modifying the parameters in the “Selection Filters” portion of

the form.

The “Edit” option opens the drill hole editing form.

The “New Hole” option open the drill hole editing form ready to add new data.

The “Exit DHDB” option closes DHDB and exits DHDB.

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The “Query List Edit” option allows a named query to display a list of drill holes

needing edits. The drill hole name must be the first field displayed in the query

selected for use.

It is helpful to build queries that will only display drill holes need editing.

Therefore, when the query is refreshed only the hole still needing editing are

displayed. This is most commonly performed by displaying drill holes where

the “correlation flag”, “model flag” or “quality flag” are unset.

The “About DHDB” option describes the tables and provides a link to this


Each DHDB Feature is described in detail in the following sections.

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4.0 Database Parameters

Various global parameters can be defined within DHDB. These parameters

provide methods for defining specific data values and speed data entry. These

parameters are generally defined when a new database is created and then

rarely modified after.

Figure 4.1 Database Parameter Menu

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DHDB Admin Parameters

The first and most important parameter establishes the links between the

DHDB frontend and the DHDB backend. (DHDB has some tools to alert users

when the DHDB frontend and DHDB backend are not in sync. These tools are

discussed in Error! Reference source not found..)

To link the DHDB backend to the DHDB frontend select the proper DHDB file

using the “Choose Table Database” option.

Figure 4.2 Database Link Form

Note: The DHDB backend table should always be named “dhdb_tables.mdb”

or “dhdb_tables.accdb”

The existing links must be removed using the “drop links” option. The new

links must be established using the “Add links” option.

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If the database has already been linked, the back-end tables can be

“refreshed” using the “Refresh Links to DHDB Tables” option.

Figure 4.3 Refresh Links Form

A backup of the back-end tables can be created at any time. The back-end

tables are written to a folder called “Archive”. If this folder does not exist,

DHDB will prompt the user to create it.

Figure 4.4 Create Backup Copy of Back-End DHDB Tables

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The “Set Company Name” option sets the company name. The company name

is displayed in DHDB reports.

Figure 4.5 Set Company Name

The “Set Mine Name” option sets the current mine/project name. The mine

name is displayed in DHDB forms.

Figure 4.6 Set Mine Name

DHDB Users can be added, deleted or modified by users with “Admin” level

privileges. Most DHDB users should be trusted enough to have Admin group

privilege. Defining user name for each DHDB user is imported for tracking who

made edits and other changes to data within DHDB.

Figure 4.7 DHDB User Definition

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Passwords can be any length. If the “Change PW Flag” is checked. The user

will be prompted to change their password the next time they use DHDB.

Database Parameters

The following screen shows the various header parameters available within


Figure 4.8 Header Parameters

Click on each option to review, add or update parameters.

Clicking on the “Set Header Default Values” button sets default values for key

header fields on the “Input Header” data entry form. The following screen lists

the available default parameters.

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Figure 4.9 Default Header Parameters

DHDB contains validation tools to check if data falls within established project

limits. The following screen shows how the extent of a project is defined.

Figure 4.10 Project Limits Definition Form

The “Initialize Extents” option uses existing data in the database to initialize

the project limits. These can then be refined by the user.

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Users can define “map sheets” that cover specific coordinates in a given project

area. Map sheets can be used when exporting data from DHDB.

Figure 4.11 Project Map Sheets

The following screen shows how the coal seams and geological horizons are

defined in DHDB. The order of these data dictates how seams can be entered

into the Lithology table.

The order in which seams are validated is dictated by the “unit_sort” column.

The numbers in the “unit_sort” column do not need to be integers (but it is

recommended that they be).

The “ValidateOrder” flag indicates those units that will be checked during

lithology validation.

The “Burden Thick” column is updated when the “Calc Burd Thk” option is

clicked. This option finds the average burden thickness between adjacent

seams or the datum seam if defined.

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Figure 4.12 Seam Definition Parameters

The User can define which unit represents the base of oxidation. DHDB has

tools for setting the base of oxidation during lithology data entry.

The “Renumber Units” option re-assigns “unit_sort” numbers to each seam as

integers. This is useful when a new seam needs to be added between existing


The “Export Seam Spec” option is a special tool used for making correlation

cross-section in MineScape. Contact HGC for specific instructions on using

these tools.

The “Seam Stats” option displays the following form. The values can be

updating using the filter options at the bottom of the form.

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Figure 4.13 Seam Statistics Form

The seam stats can be viewed in a separate window by clicking on the “View

Stats in Separate Window” button. Note: Highlighting the columns, or clicking

in the upper-left corner of the Preview window allows all of the data to be

copied. The copied data can then be “pasted” into excel for better formatting.

Double-Click on a seam code to view a summary of

the seam by hole, see Figure 4.14

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Figure 4.14 Seam Stats by Hole Summary

The “Seams with Quality List” displays a summary of proximate quality by

seam. Like the seam summary, a list of the proximate quality by seam and

hole can be viewed by double-clicking on one of the seam codes.

Figure 4.15 Seam Quality List

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Version 6.000 of DHDB greatly expanded the number of lithology parameters

in the database. These were expended to facilitate data collection and

reporting of data using the Australian Coal Log reporting standards. HGC also

updated the data collection forms to correspond to the additional lithology


Each parameter come pre-populated with the Coal Log data types. However,

all of these parameters can be fully customized to match your company

standards. The following screen shows lithology oriented parameters. These

parameters appear as “pull-down” lists on the lithology data entry form.

Figure 4.16 Lithology Parameters

The Geotechnical Parameters were also expended in DHDB Version 6.000. The

following screen shows geotechnical oriented parameters. These parameters

appear as “pull-down” lists on the geotechnical data input form.

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Figure 4.17 Geotechnical Parameters

The following screen shows sample definition parameters.

Figure 4.18 Sample Definition Parameters

Incremental, Roof, Floor, and Parting are the most common sample types.

Proper use of these sample types greatly enhances utilization of quality


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A new feature for DHDB allows the default moisture basis to be set and a

default product moisture to be defined.

Figure 4.19 Default Moisture Parameters

More discuss on moisture basis in DHDB is present in the quality data entry

section below.

DHDB will store geological field measurements such as strikes and dips of

bedding, joints or faults. The following screen lists available geological point


Figure 4.20 Field Points Type Parameters

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A number of parameters can be defined for the Well Completion section in

DHDB. These parameters appear as “pull-down” lists on the Well Completion


Figure 4.21 Well Parameters

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5.0 Creating New Drill Hole

Clicking on the “New Hole” option from the Main Menu brings up the following


Figure 5.1 Create New Drill Hole

The parameters defined in the ”Default Header Parameters” form, Figure 4.9,

will be applied to the new drill hole. Upon clicking “Execute” the new hole is

added to DHDB and the Edit/Data Forms are displayed.

Remember, Drill hole names must be unique in DHDB.

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6.0 Data Entry and Drill Hole Editing

Header Data

Entering data or editing drill holes is accomplished by selecting a drill hole on

the main screen and choosing the “Edit” option.

Drill Hole header data can also be “batch” imported using the “Import Data”

described in Section 7.0 below.

Figure 6.1 Header Input/Edit Form Tab (upper section)

Each component of a drill hole is accessible via tabs on the Edit form. Each

tab contains report and parameter options specific to each drill hole

component. Careful and comprehensive attention to inputting header data

Double-Click to view external files. The order the files are listed

is defined by the user.

Assigning Mine

Areas is important

because this field

can be used for

exporting data.

Double-click to

insert current

coordinate into the

comments. Good

when updating


Clearing Total_Depth and double-

click will insert maximum depth

from the lithology data.

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greatly increases the value of the data for future applications (e.g. year-end

exploration summaries).

Figure 6.2 Header Input/Edit Form Tab (lower section)

Note: “Double-clicking” on the Drilling Company, Logging Company and

Laboratory fields bring up the detailed input forms for each field.

Figure 6.3 Drilling Company Detail Form

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Figure 6.4 Logging Company Detail Form

Figure 6.5 Lab Company Detail Form

Note: “Double-clicking” the Drill Hole Image File field opens a file chooser

window. PDF format drill hole files work best in DHDB. However, any standard

image format can be displayed in DHDB. Multiple external files can be defined

in DHDB. The order the files are listed is defined by the user.

The core recovery and coal recovery fields are automatically calculated when

the “Cure Run” information is entered.

Note additional fields exist on the form below the screen image. The “slider

bars” on the right of the screen displays the lower portion of the form.

Note: Many of the fields on the header and lithology forms use pull downs with

predefined “parameter” values. The values can be displayed by clicking on the

down-arrow, using the “F4” function key, and/or typing a few characters of a

known/valid value.

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The “Downhlole Survey” option opens the following form which allows entry of

downhole deviation survey data. The user inputs the depth, azimuth and dip

angle (in degrees) for each survey reading.

Figure 6.6 Downhole Survey Form

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Lithology Data Entry

The following screen shows the lithology input form tab.

Lithology data can also be “batch” imported using the “Import Data” option

described in Section 7.0.

Figure 6.7 Lithology Input Form Tab

When entering lithology data generally only the “to” depth needs to be entered.

The “from” and “thickness” fields are automatically generated.

When checked, the “Validate Seam on Input” flag validates seam order on

entry. Validating seam order on entry increases data accuracy but can slow

the data entry process. The “Validate Seams and Depths” option validates the

entire hole after data entry is complete (recommended).

Double-Click Drill Name to insert record.

Double-Click Lith Qual Field to open

detailed lithology description form.

Double-Click Seam Name to insert a

“oxidation surface” record at the top depth

of this line.

Use the scroll slider to see more columns

“Right-Click” on a Column Header to turn

viewing of various columns on or off

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Adjusted depths can be calculated by entering the adjusted depths for known

intervals, typically coal seams. Clicking the “Adjust Hole Depths” option will

only determine values for blank adjusted depth fields. Note: Values at the

top of a hole will use a depth of zero “0” for adjustment. Likewise, values at

the base of the hole will use the last “to” depth for adjustment.

Note: DHDB’s data export option export the adjusted depth fields by default.

Note: Lithology records can be inserted by “Double-clicking” on the “Hole ID”

field. Inserting data cannot overlap existing records. In such cases the “from”

and “to” depths must be manually updated. The form below is displayed.

Figure 6.8 Insert Lithology Record Form

Note: Additional columns of data exist to the right of the screen image. The

slider bars on the form can be used to display the data. The columns can be

rearranged and resized by highlighting the column header.

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Note: Detailed, comma delimited lithology descriptions can be added by

“Double-clicking” on the “Lith Qual” Column. This allows users to build a

detailed list of descriptions. This is required to provide multiple lithology

adjectives for Coal Log.

Figure 6.9 Lithology Description Form

When check the “Input Depth has Inches” field allows depths to be input as

feet and inches. Upon entering a new “to” depth and following form is

displayed. The user inputs depth in feet and inches then DHDB coverts the feet

and inches depths to decimal feet. The result is entered into the “TO” field.

Figure 6.10 Feet-Inches Input Form

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The RQD value for a given lithology can be calculated automatically within

DHDB. “Double-clicking” the RQD field opens the RQD form. The user enters

with length of the competent core and the RQD is calculated for the lithologic


Figure 6.11 RQD Calculation Form

Sample Data Entry and Quality Data Entry

The following screen shows the Sample Info input form tab. The lithology data

is displayed to assist in determining adjusted sample depths.

Sample Data and Coal Quality Data can be batch imported using the “Import

Data” option described in Section 7.0.

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Figure 6.12 Input Sample Definitions

A unique sample number (may be text) must be defined for each sample in

the database. The coal quality samples are related to the sample definition

via the sample number.

The “Assign Seams from Lith” option updates the Sample seam names based

on the sample from depth and to depth with respect to the lithology from depth

and to depth.

Note: Double-clicking on the hole name in “DHID” field, will update the final

from_depth and to_depth by cross-referencing the sample info seam against

the lithology seam.

Double-Click Drill Name to the

From_depth and To_depth columns equal

to the lithology from_depth and to_depth

of the seam listed on the row.

Double-Click a seam and a summary form

with composite quality values will pop-up.

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Note: Double-clicking on a seam will bring a form summarizing the composite

quality values for each seam in the drill. Note: These composite values are

not saved.

Figure 6.13 Temporary Seam Composite Form

The “Check Seam Overlap” option calculates the decimal fraction of how much

a sample overlaps a lithology seam. When the value is 0.0 then the sample is

completely inside a seam. When the value is 1.0 then the sample is wholly

outside a seam. When the value is between 0.1 and 0.9 then the sample

overlaps a seam. In general, a clean sample database will not have any

samples that overlap seams, with the exception of composite samples.

Coal Quality Input

The “Full Quality Data” option on the “Sample Info” tab opens the following

form for inputting coal quality data. Note: DHDB stores coal quality data on

DRY basis. However, data can be input on “As-Received”, “Dry” or “Air Dry”

basis moistures. The fields in black are input be the user. DHDB calculates

the fields in blue. The As-Received and Air Dry basis moisture values are

updated when values are defined in the moisture fields.

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Figure 6.14 Input Coal Quality Data Form (upper)

Having the As-Received and Air Dry moisture values updated automatically

allow the user to validate data input during data entry. DHDB also totals

Proximate, Ultimate and Sulfur Forms values. Therefore, the user can also

visually validate these data during input.

DHDB will also store common coking indices as shown.

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Figure 6.15 Input Coal Quality Data Form (lower) – Coking Indices

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Washability Data Input

The “Washability Data” option on the “Sample Info” tab open the following

form for inputting coal washability data.

Figure 6.16 Washability Input Form

Coal washability float and sink data can be input into DHDB. Note: The

cumulative float values can be calculated for each float fraction by “double-

clicking” on the sample number.

Clicking the “Update” option at the bottom of the form calculates the

cumulative float values for comparison against the values in the washability


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Quality Overview Tab

The “Quality” tab on the main Edit form summarizes the all of the quality data

for the current drill hole. Quality reports for the current drill hole can also be

viewed via this form.

Figure 6.17 Quality Overview Form

The radio buttons on the form allow the quality data to be viewed in “Dry

Basis”, “As-Received Basis” or “Air Dry Basis”. Because DHDB stores quality

data in a dry basis, the “As-Received Basis” and “Air Dry Basis” views are read-

only. Moving the “slider” to the right displays the entire coal quality table.

Click on Radio buttons to change moisture

basis view.

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Geotechnical Data

DHDB stores comprehensive geotechnical logging data. DHDB stores

geotechnical structures, fracture angles, fracture infilling types, fracture

planarity and fracture roughness.

Figure 6.18 Geotechnical Structures Input Form

The depths of geotechnical structures can (and should) be cross-referenced to

depth of lithological data. The “Apply Adjusted Depth” and the “Apply Lith and

Seams” options cross-reference the geotechnical data against lithological data.

It is recommended that lithological data be entered prior to the geotechnical


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Trace Elements

Trace elements for quality samples can be input using the “Trace Elements”

tab on the main Edit Form. The Trace Element table contains most of the most

common trace elements used in coal. The table below lists the trace elements

DHDB stores.

Figure 6.19 Trace Element Input Form

Table 6-1 DHDB Trace Elements

Parameter Parameter Parameter

Antimony Copper Strontium

Arsenic Fluorine Tellurium

Barium Lead Tin

Beryllium Lithium Uranium

Boron Manganese Vanadium

Bromine Molybdenum Zinc

Cadmium Nickel Zircon

Chromium Selenium

Cobalt Silver

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Well Completion

DHDB stores detailed well completion information. DHDB also stores depth

readings for multiple piezometers in a single well. Hydrographs for each

piezometer and also be displayed in DHDB.

Figure 6.20 Well Header Completion Form (upper)

Piezometers and piezometer readings are input at the bottom of the form. The

user needs to highlight the current piezometer and then use the “Piezometer

Readings” option to input soundings.

A simple hydrograph of wells in DHDB can be viewed using the “Crosstab

Chart” option.

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Figure 6.21 Well Header Completion Form (lower)

Figure 6.22 Piezometer Readings Form

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Figure 6.23 Example Hydrograph

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Overburden Quality

DHDB stores common geochemical and physical properties pertaining to

overburden. Overburden samples and quality values are defined in a similar

fashion to coal quality samples. The overburden quality data is not tied or

cross-referenced to lithology or coal quality.

Figure 6.24 Overburden Quality Input Form

The following table lists the overburden quality parameters stored in DHDB.

Table 6-2 DHDB Overburden Quality Parameters

Parameter Parameter Parameter

pH NO3-N Sand %

Electrical Conductivity Molybdenum Silt %

Saturation Percentage TOC Clay %

Calcium Total Sulfur AB-DTPA Selenium

Magnesium Pyritic and Organic Sulfur Sodium Pyritic and Organic Sulfur AP SAR Acid: Base Ratio Arsenic Neutralization Potential Selenium Acid: Base Potential Boron ABP-SO4

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LAS Header/LAS-Lithology Interpretation

LAS header information header can be imported from ASCII LAS files

containing geophysical logs data. DHDB does not store the entire LAS file.

DHDB stores the LAS header data and links to the actual LAS file.

To define the LAS file the user must “double-click” on the “LAS Filename” field.

Figure 6.25 LAS Header Import Form

The “Update LAS Header Data from LAS File” option will read the defined LAS

file and populate matching fields on the form.

The “Interpret Lith from Elog” option opens the follow form. Prior to

interpreting lithology from geophysical logs, the logs to be used for

interpretation need to be cross-referenced with the logs in the LAS file.

Double-click on LAS Filename

field to define a path to the

LAS file.

The curves to be used in

interpretation need to be

defined prior to opening the

interpretation form.

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Figure 6.26 Interpret Lithology from Elog Form

To interpret lithology from the LAS file, ranges of acceptable values for the

lithologic type need to be defined by the user. A range of values needs to be

defined for each lithologic type being interpreted. The search order also needs

to be defined because some ranges overlap and can provide multiple results.

The user selects which logs use in interpretation. Note: Gamma and Density

logs generally provide the best results.

Clicking the “Interp Lith” option processes the LAS file and writes the results

to a table. The “View Lith” option displays the lithology interpreted for each

LAS in the LAS file. The “View Lith Grp” option displays the interpreted

lithology grouped by lithology type.

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The “Interbedded Lith Calc” option combines lithology units less than the

“Interbedded Cutoff Value” into lithology types called “INTB”. The original

interpreted lithology types are stored in the table. The list of lithology types

will be excluded from the interbedding process to keep details near coal seams


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7.0 Import Data

Importing Excel or Text Files

Importing data Excel or CSV files usually consists of a two-part process. First,

the raw data is imported to a temporary user-defined table. Second, the

columns in the temporary table are cross-reference to column is the DHDB

table and then added to the database.

Making a backup of DHDB prior to importing new data into DHDB is

strongly recommended. Highland GeoComputing, LLC is not

responsible for data lost or improperly loaded into DHDB. Backup copies

of the Backend DHDB tables can be created using the “Create backup of

Backend Tables” option on the “DB Parameters” feature.

Prior to importing batch data into a DHDB table, the data should be brought

into a temporary table in DHDB. Links can also be defined to external data,

but that concept is too advanced for this user Guide.

To import data from an Excel spreadsheet or text file use the “External Data”

and “New Data Source” wizard in Access.

When importing data, the user must check to ensure that column types

assigned by Access correspond to the data in the columns (e.g. text for text

and numbers for numbers). Access will sometimes make incorrect

assumptions based on the first few lines of data. Many times, columns for

lesser-used quality parameters are defined as text instead of numbers. The

user can set the column type during the importing process.

Note: Always attach an “aa_” prefix to each temporary table being imported.

Attaching an “aa_” prefix to the front of each temporary import table keeps

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the user defined tables from DHDB tables and generally displays these tables

first when selecting them for other DHDB tasks.

DHDB Import Forms

DHDB forms allow batch input of header, lithology, coal quality and washability


Figure 7.1 Import Data Menu

In each case, the User defines an import table and then cross-references

associated columns. Each form has an “Append …” checkbox that must be

“checked” prior to importing the data. After “checking” the “Append …” the

data being imported can be previewed and then imported (executed).

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Import Header

Importing header data consists of defining the temporary import table and

then cross-referencing the columns in the temporary table to the columns in

the DHDB header table. DHDB performs a cursory check of the column names

in the temporary table to match columns in the header table.

Note: A column to cross-reference the drill hole name must be defined first.

DHDB checks existing for existing holes and builds a query showing duplicate

holes already in DHDB. Since, drill hole names cannot be duplicated in DHDB

duplicate holes will not be imported.

Figure 7.2 Header Import Form

A Mine Area can be assigned

to the holes being imported.

This is useful to assigned hole

to a specific area or drilling


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DHDB uses “Mine Area” as a useful filtering tool. If the data being imported

does not have a Mine Area column, the user can manually define a Mine Area

by clicking on the checkbox at the bottom of the form and entering a Mine Area


DHDB users can set the “Model Flag” is imported data to True by checking the

box at the bottom of the form. Note: This option should be used with caution

because incomplete data can potentially be exported based on “Model Flag”


As a safety parameter, the “Append Header” check box needs to be checked

after cross-referencing the columns. DHDB will not import the data unless the

“Append Header” box is checked.

Import Lithology

The temporary lithology table needs to be defined and then columns cross-

referencing lithology columns need defining. DHDB performs a cursory check

of the column names in the temporary table to match columns in the lithology


Note: The Drill Hole, From Depth and To Depth columns must be defined.

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Upon defining the drill hole name column DHDB checks to see if each lithology

hole exists in the header table. DHDB also checks if lithology already exists in

the lithology table. DHDB builds queries to display holes not in the header

table and hole already in the lithology table. These holes will not be imported

into the lithology table.

Figure 7.3 Lithology Import Form

Data in the “Lith Adjective …” fields will be combined into a single comma

delimited string and imported to the “Lith_qual” field of the lithology table.

DHDB will not import data unless the “Append Lithology” box is checked.

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Import Quality

Importing quality data into DHDB works like importing header and lithology

data. However, the import quality form performs additional data checks and

accounts for moisture. DHDB performs a cursory check of the column names

in the temporary table to match columns in the quality table.

HDB stores coal quality data on a “dry” basis. HGC developed DHDB this way

in order to calculate various coal quality parameters from known base data.

This also allows DHDB to report and export quality data using multiple moisture


Therefore, DHDB will convert “wet basis” coal quality data into dry basis as

part of the import process. The user must define a moisture basis prior to

importing quality data. Likewise, data will not be imported if the proper

moisture column has not been cross-referenced.

Figure 7.4 Quality Import Form

The drill hole name and sample number columns must be defined first. DHDB

checks for holes not in the header table and builds a query showing those

holes. DHDB also checks for duplicate sample numbers and holes already in

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the quality table. DHDB builds queries showing duplicate sample numbers and

holes already in the quality data.

Sample numbers cannot be duplicated in DHDB. Therefore, any duplicate

sample number will not be imported.

Obviously, multiple quality records exist for drill holes. However, DHDB checks

to see if a hole already resides in the quality table to ensure that duplicate

data with different sample numbers does not corrupt the database. Prior to

importing data, users should check the DHDB query to ensure that duplicate

data is not being added to the database.

Import Washability

Washability data can be imported once the drill hole is defined in the header

table and the sample has been defined in the quality data. (Refer to

Washability Data Entry for more information about washability in DHDB).

Because washability is a subset of the quality data, the washability form only

requires the sample number column to be defined. DHDB checks for

washability samples not in the quality table and builds a query to display them.

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Figure 7.5 Washability Import Form

DHDB does not calculate cumulative float values from this form. However,

cumulative float values can be imported.

The “Append Washability” checkbox must be check prior to previewing and

importing the data.

Update Coal Quality

Frequently coal quality is received from the laboratory in various stages.

Existing samples in DHDB can be updated with new quality data using the

following form. A one-for-one cross-reference by sample number is required

to update the quality data. Existing values in the columns selected for update,

will be updated.

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Figure 7.6 Update Existing Quality Samples

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Import Geotech Data

Geotechnical data can be batch imported like lithology data using the following

form. All drill holes must already exist in DHDB.

Figure 7.7 Import Geotech Data

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Import Washability Data

Washability data can be batch imported like quality data using the following

form. Because they define position, all quality samples must already exist in


Figure 7.8 Import Washability Data

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Importing Down-hole Survey Data

Geophysical logging companies have various formats for reporting down-hole

survey data. The following form will import down-hole survey data. The drill

hole must already exist in DHDB.

Figure 7.9 Import Down-hole Survey Data

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Importing Carlson format files

DHDB imports and converts Carlson Software format data files.

Figure 7.10 Carlson Import Form

The user picks the input file and defines the list of Carlson software attributes

(e.g. quality). The Quality attribute name in DHDB must match the name of

the attribute in the data file.

DHDB creates three temporary tables for header, lithology and quality data,

“aa_csw_surv”, “aa_csw_lith”, and “aa_csw_qual”, respectively. These tables

are imported into DHDB using the Header, Lithology and Quality import forms.

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Importing DRILOG format files

DHDB imports and converts DRILOG format data files. DRILOG is a legacy drill

hole format used by CONSOL Energy. The system uses modified lithological

codes developed of Dr. John C. Ferm in the 1970’s.

Figure 7.11 DRILOG Import Form

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8.0 Data Validation

The following shows data validation options available in DHDB.

Figure 8.1 Validation Menu

Most of the validation options display queries performed on the database.

Note: validation options that return no records indicate no problems for that

option. Records displayed in a validation option need to be corrected or


Note: Validation queries displaying erroneous records can be refreshed by

hitting the F5-key. This is useful when correcting large numbers of errors

because the corrected errors are no longer displayed.

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The “Update Sample Flags” option reviews the data in the quality tables and

resets the flags on the sample definition table. These flags are displayed on

the Sample Definition Overview form and in the Sample Definition Report.

Detailed Lithology Depth Validation

The “Detailed Depth Validation” option reviews the Raw and Adjusted depth

values on the lithology table. Gaps or overlaps in lithology data are highlighted

for holes defined in the search string.

Figure 8.2 Validate Lithology Depths

The “Seam Order Validation” option works the same as the Lithology


Double-Click Drill Name to edit the drill


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Create ASG from Regression Data

DHDB will calculate estimated ASG (density) values by applying regression

curve formulae to dry basis ash values. ASG values can be created using

linear, exponential or polynomial equations. ASG values can be created

globally for all seams or on a seam by seam basis. Estimated ASG values are

written to the “asg_est” field of the Quality table. Thus, estimated ASG values

should not overwrite analytical ASG values stored in the “ASG” field.

Figure 8.3 ASG Calculation Form and Ash vs. ASG Chart

Create Composite Quality Tables

DHDB will create a composite quality table from data in the Quality table. Only

drill holes flagged for modeling and samples flagged for modeling are included

in the composite tables. DHDB builds the composite table in two steps. In the

first step, DHDB evaluates samples that encompass an entire seam interval

and inserts the quality from those samples directly into the composite table.

In the second step, DHDB calcuates a weight average composite for each

quality parameter based on thickness and ASG (density) by drill hole and

seam. Mineral ash and Ash fusion values are also weighted by ASH.

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Note: Users are solely responsible for ensuring that samples in each drill hole

have proper sample types, are properly aligned with lithology, and are properly

flagged for modeling. Failure to perform these tasks might result in erroneous

composite calculations.

Figure 8.4 Create Composite Quality Table

Double-Click Table Name to view the

composite table.

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Audit Trail Report

DHDB captures modifications made to data. These changes are displayed on

the “Audit Trail Report”.

Figure 8.5 Audit Trail Report Form

The user defines a drill hole search string and a date range to build an Audit

Trail Report. The user also selects which DHDB tables should be included in

the report. The Audit Trail Report is displayed upon clicking the “View Report”


Figure 8.6 Example Audit Trail Report

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9.0 Field Points

DHDB stores geological mapping field points. Geological field points can be

locations of strike and dip measurements, outcrops, photographs, seeps,

springs, etc.

Figure 9.1 Geological Field Points

The field data locations can be linked (hyperlink) to an image file or document

file (e.g. Word DOC or PDF). Note: Typing Ctrl-K in the “Link to Data” field

allows the user to define a link to an external file.

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10.0 Database Queries

DHDB allows users to define and then rerun queries from the database. The

following screen shows the menu for accessing database queries. Building and

using many database queries requires a solid understanding of Access or SQL.

Detail of building and using database queries is beyond the scope of this


Highland GeoComputing provides training in building and using queries in


Many queries can modify and update data. Therefore, using queries needs to

be used with caution. Queries that modify data cannot be access when logged

in as “geologist”.

“Select” queries can be run without updating any existing data. These queries

can be useful for exporting specific data from Access into Excel or text (CSV)


Figure 10.1 Queries Form

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11.0 Exporting DHDB Data

DHDB directly exports header, lithology and coal quality data to Excel files or

text (CSV) files.

Figure 11.1 Export Data Menu

The export data forms provide options for building queries that can be exported

into a wide variety of formats, including Excel and text (csv or prn) files. The

following screens illustrate the export data options for header, lithology and

coal quality.

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DHDB allows users to export any combination of drill hole name search, a map

sheet area or mine areas. These select criteria provide the means for exporting

very specific data from DHDB.

Figure 11.2 Export Header Data Form

Figure 11.3 Export Lithology Form

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Figure 11.4 Export Coal Quality Form

It is recommended that filter selections are previewed before exporting.

Export Carlson Format data

This function builds a Carlson format drill hole file to import into SurvCADD.

Figure 11.5 Export Carlson Format Form

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Export to Minex Format

This function exports DHDB data into multiple data files in Minex format.

Figure 11.6 Export to Minex Format

Export to Coal Log Format

This function exports DHDB data into multiple data files in Coal Log format.

Figure 11.7 Export to Coal Log Format

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Minex Geophysical Log Tools

HGC Prepared a number of DHDB function to assist in manipulating geophysical

logs in Minex Format. These tools are not commonly used by DHD users.

Please contact HGC for more information on using them.

Figure 11.8 Minex Geophysical Log Tools

Export Composite Table

This screen exports data in a composite quality table created using the

Composite Table Function on the Validation form.

Figure 11.9 Export Composite Quality Data

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Build and Export Infilled Quality Table

This function builds a table using “incremental” quality data. DHDB then cross-

references the “incremental” quality data with “composite” quality data.

If a value for a specific “incremental” quality parameter (e.g. equilibrium

moisture) does not exist, then DHDB will determine if a “composite” sample

exists over the sample interval. If value exists in the “composite” data over

the same interval, DHDB will insert the composite value into the infilled quality


Note: Only missing or null values are updated with composite values. Since a

new table is created, none of the original data is modified. Currently, DHDB

only uses sample types of “incremental” and “composite” to build the infilled


Figure 11.10 Infilled Quality Table

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Export Washability Data

Washed coal quality data can be exported for a specific cumulative float

fraction. If multiple float fractions are required, then they need to be exported

into multiple files.

Figure 11.11 Export Washability Data

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Export to DRILOG

DHDB also exports header and lithology data to DRILOG format.

Some users of MineScape have custom tools that use the DRILOG format to

build highly detailed stratigraphic cross-sections well suited for correlation.

Figure 11.12 Export to DRILOG Format

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Exporting Queries

When the query menu is displayed the data can be exported using the

File/Export menu options as shown on the following screen.

Figure 11.13 Export Header Query and Export Form

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12.0 Charts

DHDB can create two simple charts to assist with reviewing coal quality data.

Figure 12.1 Chart Menu

The Ash vs. BTU chart illustrates a cross-plot of Ash and BTU based on a

standard query.

Figure 12.2 Ash vs. BTU Chart

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The Ash vs. ASG chart illustrates a cross-plot of Ash and ASG (apparent specific

gravity) based on a standard query.

Figure 12.3 Ash vs. ASG Chart

The queries used to define the charts can be edited to change the range of

data being displayed and/or to filter the data by seam, depth, etc.

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13.0 Reports

DHDB contains numerous reports for presenting drill hole data. Most data can

be reported in summary form or detailed form.

Figure 13.1 Report Menu

Note: The “Company Name” defined as part of the project parameters is

displayed in the footer of each report.

Note: Multiple Mine Areas can be selected by holding down the “ctrl” key and

clicking on different mine areas.

When a quality report is selected check boxes appear to include incremental

samples, composite samples or both in the report being exported.

Note: The Update “Sample Flag” option needs to be performed prior to building

quality reports.

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The “View Audit Trail Report Form” opens the following form to view the audit

history in DHDB. This form allows users to define a date range to view the

audit history of the DHDB project.

Figure 13.2 Audit Trail Report Menu

Appendix A – Contains samples of DHDB reports currently in the system.

The “Print Preview” menu in Access allows DHDB reports to be printed or

exported to Excel or PDF formats.

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Appendix A

Header Summary Report

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Lithology Summary Report

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Lithology Ratio Report

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Dry Basis Proximate Summary Report

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Short Proximate Summary Report

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Ultimate Analysis Summary Report

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Ash Fusion Summary Report

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Mineral Ash Analysis Summary Report

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Other Quality Summary Report

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Detailed Header Report

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Detailed Lithology Report

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Detailed Coal Quality Report

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Detailed Sample Definition Report

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Detailed Geotechnical Structures Report

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Audit Trail Report

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Appendix B DHDB Installation

Drill Hole Database – DHDB Files and Installation Overview

HGC will usually deliver DHDB via FTP or Email in a zipped DHDB folder.

The contents of the DHDB Folder should be extracted and copied to a folder

called DHDB.

DHDB Files and Utilities Folder

A default DHDB release contains the front-end DHDB file (DHDB_tabs.accdb),

the Back-end file (DHDB_tables.accdb), the Utilities folder, a

“Set_DHDB_Path.bat” file, and a default “DHDB_Startup” shortcut file. Please

refer to “Installation Part 2” on starting DHDB for the first time.

DHDB Release Files

The Utilities folder contains a few useful files for the user.

Files in the Utilities Folder

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Occasionally users need to look at the back-end DHDB tables. The “DHDB

Backend Tables Startup” shortcut file will open the backend tables.

After importing lots of data or after making numerous changes within DHDB

users might see slowing in the system. When this occurs, users should

periodically “Compact and Repair” the Front-end and Back-end DHDB tables.

Double-clicking on the “DHDB Compact-Repair Backend Tables” or the “DHDB

Compact-Repair Frontend Tables” shortcuts will perform the “Compact and

Repair” process.

Running the “Compact and Repair” process will almost always improve DHDB


Installation Part 1 – Setup Access Trusted Files

This is important. Do not skip.

Microsoft Office uses trusted folders and files for all Office tools (Word, Excel,

PowerPoint, etc.). However, DHDB is often placed/installed on network servers

where Trusted Folders have not been defined. The following steps walk a user

through the process of defining Trusted Folders.

Basically, the path to DHDB folder needs to be defined as a trusted location

on the system.

Start (open) Access from the Windows Start/All Programs/Microsoft Office

menu. (Don’t open DHDB at this time).

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1. Click the Microsoft Office Button , and then click Access


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2. Click Trust Center, click Trust Center Settings, and then

click Trusted Locations.

3. If you want to create a trusted location that is not local to your computer, select the Allow trusted locations on my network (not

recommended) check box. (Do This Anyway).

4. Click Add new location.

IMPORTANT Microsoft recommends that you don't make your entire

Documents or My Documents folder a trusted location. Doing so

creates a larger target for a hacker to potentially exploit and increases your security risk. Create a subfolder within Documents or My

Documents, and make only that folder a trusted location.

5. In the Path box, type the name of the folder that you want to use as a

trusted location, or click Browse to locate the folder.

6. If you want to include subfolders as trusted locations, select the Subfolders of this location are also trusted check box. (Do

This Anyway!)

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7. In the Description box, type what you want to describe the purpose

of the trusted location.

8. Click OK on all forms and close Access.

The Trusted locations for DHDB will remain defined on the system. If the

location of DHDB is changed, then the Trusted Locations will also need

to be updated to include the file path to the DHDB project folder.

Installation Part 2 – DHDB Installation

Create a directory called DHDB in your project area.

Extract/copy all of the DHDB files into the DHDB directory.

Navigate to the DHDB Folder.

1. Update Properties of “DHDB Startup” links

“Double-click” on the file: Set_DHDB_path.bat

This “BAT” file updates file paths in the “DHDB Startup” shortcut link to open

DHDB. The BAT file also updates file paths in shortcut link files in the “utilities”


The “Set_DHDB_Path.bat” file needs to be rerun any time the path to

the DHDB database changes.

2. Start DHDB

DHDB must be started/opened using the Shortcut file

“DHDB Startup”.

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After the BAT file is run, the “DHDB Startup” short cut file can (should) be

copied to the system desktop. It is recommended that users edit the title of

shortcuts placed on the desktop to describe the DHDB project.

3. Updating DHDB backend table Links

The DHDB system consists of two Access database files: a frontend and a

backend. The links to the backend table must be (re)defined when creating a

new DHDB project or when the database has been moved. DHDB attempts to

redefined these links automatically when DHDB is started.

If the current path does not match the path stored for the backend tables then

the following message appears:

Answering “Yes” will update the links to all of the tables to the DHDB backend.

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Otherwise, the main DHDB form should appear on startup.

Choose the “DB Params” option to display the Database Parameters form.

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To link or re-link the DHDB backend to the DHDB frontend select the proper

DHDB file using the “Choose Table Database” option.

Note: The DHDB backend table will always be named “dhdb_tables.accdb”

The existing links must be removed using the “drop links” option. The new

links must be established using the “Add links” option.