Dress It Any Way You Like

Dress It Any Way You Like A short story by Baylee Washburn


Short Story

Transcript of Dress It Any Way You Like

Dress It Any Way You Like

A short story by Baylee Washburn

She stepped in carefully. One foot at a time. Pulling the black fabric up from the floor, she

tugged as it slid into place over her hips. Her slim fingers gently touched the zipper and pulled the

delicate fabric closed along the right side of her torso. The dress was beautiful. Its bodice was form

fitting and had a unique scalloped, strapless neckline. It was constructed of layer of gold satin

which was cloaked by a piece of beautiful black lace. On top of the lace, a wide belt of black satin

wrapped the empire waistline. The rest of the dress was long and flowing. The gown, made of

more delicate, black satin, flowed over the length her body stopping to dance gracefully just above

the floor. It fit perfectly. Neale felt the butterflies take flight in her stomach. She was nervous,

anxious, and excited all at the same time. It is common knowledge that senior prom is right up

there on every girl’s list of Days That I Anticipate Most. It usually ranks somewhere in the top five

right after My Wedding Day, My High School Graduation and My College Graduation.

Neale took a step back to look in the mirror. She smoothed a few wrinkles from her gown

and smiled with satisfaction. She bent down to slip her feet into her high-heeled shoes; then stood

erect for one final inspection.

Well…Mom will love it, Neale thought to herself. As for Dad, he might have a heart attack

when he sees me, Neale smiled. I hope he doesn’t make too big of a deal out of this.

The sound of the door bell interrupted Neale’s thoughts, and her attention returned to the

reflection in her mirror. With everything in place, she moved slowly out of her bedroom taking

her place at the top of the wooden staircase. As the front door slowly opened, Neale reached for

the banister to begin her descent.


The Perfect Dress…

Neale felt her heel slip off the front of the step, but she braced herself quickly with one

hand on the banister. She continued down the stairs at a slower pace this time, making sure that

each foot found a firm grounding on each step. The front door opened to welcome in a young,

handsome boy looking uncomfortable in his rented tuxedo. With flower in hand, he entered the

foyer and looked up to see his date take three final steps down the stairs to greet him.

“Neale. You look great,” said the boy in a nervous, but sincere, way.

“Thanks. You clean up nicely too,” said Neale with a smile

Mr. and Mrs. Blair joined the couple in the entryway. With the camera in hand, Mrs. Blair

was anxious to capture the candid moment.

“Hi Kyle,” said Mrs. Blair. “It’s great to see you! You look very handsome this evening.”

“Thank you, Mrs. Blair.”

“Neale. You…uh...wow. That’s quite a dress,” stuttered Neale’s dad just as she had


“Thanks Daddy,” Neale said. She knew that he would respond this way. He always gets a

little goofy anytime his baby girl starts looking like she is more than fifteen years old.

“You look beautiful, sweetie. Absolutely gorgeous.”

“Thanks Mom.”

“Time for pictures? Let’s just get a few of you putting the corsage on her wrist, Kyle. Then,

we will take some of you pinning on his boutonnière, Neale.”

Neale and Kyle did as Mrs. Blair had instructed, posing for picture after picture as they

exchanged their flowers. Nervously, Neale pinned Kyle’s boutonnière to his lapel. Her hands

shook ever so slightly. Nervous emotion raced through her veins as she stood in such close

proximity to her long-time crush. Little did Neale know that Kyle was feeling the same way. He

tried to hide his sweaty palms that threatened to expose that his cool, calm, and collected act was a

farce. He avoided touching Neale’s skin with his hands as he placed the dainty corsage on her

wrist. He had liked this girl since the fourth grade, and had no idea where he had gotten the

courage to ask her to their senior prom.

After snapping dozens of pictures, Mrs. Blair was finally satisfied and the couple began to

move toward the front door.

“Have a great evening kids,” said Mrs. Blair. “You look beautiful, Neale.”

“Take care of her, Kyle.” Mr. Blair ordered in an I-am-absolutely-serious-but-trying-to-

sound-nonchalant kind of way.

“Yes, of course. Yes sir,” stammered Kyle as he followed Neale out the front door.

Kyle hurried to the car to open the passenger side door of his father’s car and helped

Neale in. He walked casually around the front of the car and took his place behind the wheel. The

two made simple, almost-awkward conversation as Kyle drove them to the restaurant. Neale did

not know where Kyle had planned to take her. She wasn’t expecting anything too extravagant.

Neale’s jaw dropped when Kyle parked the car in front of Eleganza di Tastful, the finest,

not to mention most expensive, restaurant in town. Neale wanted to say something to Kyle, but she

did not want to give him the impression that she was disappointed. She most definitely was not.

“Ready?” Kyle stood waiting with Neale’s door open and his hand outstretched to help her

out of the car. “Special restaurant for a special girl,” he said with a smile.

Hmmm…cheesy line, Neale thought to herself. And yet, I believe him.

“Thank you,” she said with a smile. “I’ve never been here before. It’s pretty fancy.”

“I thought this would be a fun place to try together.”

Together. Neale thought. I like how that sounds.

As soon as they entered through the tall, wooden-framed doors of the restaurant and set

foot in the majestically decorated lounge, a waitress with a black bowtie was ushering them to a

small booth in the corner. Obviously, Kyle had called ahead to arrange everything. The waitress

took the couple’s drink order and returned promptly to explain that that the meal would be served


“I’m confused,” Neale confessed to Kyle. “We haven’t even ordered yet.”

“Well actually, I have,” Kyle paused for a moment. “I hope you don’t mind. I called ahead

so that we wouldn’t have to wait.”

“Oh! No, that is great. Good idea.”

Just that quickly, the waitress returned to place a large platter in the center of their table.

“This is the Eleganza di Tastful specialty,” Kyle explained. “I hope you like it.”

As Kyle spoke, the romantic atmosphere of the restaurant and the entire situation in which

she had found herself began to overwhelm Neale.

Wow, Neale thought. Kyle has really done a lot of planning for this date. Does he know

that I have had a crush on him for years? Is he just trying to humor my girlish fantasies? Oh, geeez.

That is embarrassing! Or, wait. Maybe….

As the thought that Kyle might have feelings for her as well occurred to Neale, the bite

which she was maneuvering into her mouth slipped from her fork and onto her lap.

“Oh no!”

Kyle chuckled softly and began digging in the inside pocket of his tuxedo. Neale worked

frantically to remove the remnants of food from her dress. Kyle reached across the table to hand

Neale a single, detergent wipe. Neale took the wipe from his hand. Her cheeks turned pink with


“My mom expected me to spill on myself,” Kyle explained. “That is why she made me

bring these wipes. They work pretty smoothly, huh?”

Neale felt her cheeks burning as she scrubbed gently on her dress. The food stain vanished

instantly leaving her dress looking flawless.

“Wow. Yeah. They work great. Thank you,” Neale said with a smile as she gazed across

the table at her date. He had thought of everything, and her embarrassment vanished as quickly as

the stain.

The dinner proceeded with an easy flow. Neale and Kyle made smooth conversation and

finished all of their delicious meal. They continued talking and laughing as Kyle drove to the high

school, took Neale’s arm, and escorted her into the dance.

The high school gym was decorated beautifully in black and silver balloons. Streamers

cascaded across the gym’s ceiling. The music was already playing, and the disco ball glittered in the

center of the dance floor. Neale and Kyle stood in the gym’s doorway as they surveyed the tables

and groups of people scattered amongst them. Kyle quickly spotted Neale’s friends and began to

move in their direction. Still latched on his arm, Neale followed Kyle’s lead. Neale prayed that her

friends would keep their excitement in check. She knew they were just as excited as her that she

was attending her senior prom with Kyle, her long-time crush.

Neale and Kyle approached the table where her friends and their dates were sitting. Neale

could see the animation in their eyes but assumed that Kyle would not notice. Kyle released

Neale’s arm from his and took a seat beside the guys at the table. Neale’s friends quickly huddled

around her as soon as her date moved away. They wanted details.

“How was dinner?”

“Did he tell you that you look pretty?”

“Were pictures awkward with your parents?”

“What have you guys talked about?”

“Gosh! He looks amazing in that tux! Did you tell him that?”

“Whoa! Slow down guys,” Neale pleaded with her friends in a hushed voice. “I’ll tell you

later. I promise.”

The music’s pace began to decrease, and a slow song hummed through the speakers. All of

a sudden, Kyle was at Neale’s side once again.”

“Dance with me?”

Neale heard muted squeals from her friends behind her. She grimaced hoping that Kyle

did not hear as well, “Sure. I’d like that.”

The first slow dance was clumsy, and this embarrassed Neale a great deal. Kyle seemed not

to notice, although. He and Neale danced to every slow song that played throughout the evening.

As they dance, they laughed, joked, and talked softly to each other. Neale’s cheeks began to ache

from the constant smile that had seemed to cement itself across her face. As Kyle spun her around

the dance floor, Neale’s friends flashed a thumbs-up in her direction every time they caught her


Ugh…I’m going to get them for this on Monday, Neale thought to herself.

When the final dance of the night came to its conclusion, Kyle wrapped his tuxedo coat

around Neale’s shoulders to shelter her from the night air. Walking hand in hand, the couple filed

out of the gym, waived goodbye to friends, and began walking down the school’s front steps.

Forgetting to be conscious of her footing when walking on stairs, Neale stumbled slightly. Her heel

slipped from her foot and remained on the step behind her.

“My shoe,” she exclaimed with a giggle.

Kyle made a quick maneuver to scoop up the shoe from the concrete step and lower

himself to the ground in order to place it back on Neale’s foot.

“Here you go, Cinderella.”

“Why, thank you my prince.”

The two laughed as they continued down the steps and seated themselves in the car. Kyle

slipped a CD into the player and turned up the volume.

“Is this Owl City?”

Kyle looked surprised, “It is. Do you know this band?”

“Of course! They are my favorite!”

“Awesome! Mine too!”

The music blared while Neale and Kyle sang along. It seemed like only moments had

passed when Kyle stopped the car in front of Neale’s home. Still humming to the music, Kyle

stepped out of the car and made his way around to open Neale’s door.

As they walked up the sidewalk, Neale slipped her hand into Kyle’s. They reached the

front porch. Neale tensed for the awkward, goodbye moment, but it never came.

“Thanks for a fun night, Neale. I had a great time.”

“Thank you. It was fun. Dinner was amazing, and I had a blast with you at the dance.”

“I’m glad,” said Kyle as he leaned forward and placed a gentle kiss on Neale’s blushing

check. “See you at school on Monday,” he said as he moved from the porch toward his car.

“See you,” Neale replied casually, trying to contain her excitement.

As soon as his car was out of sight, Neale let herself in to her house. Everything was quiet.

She slipped out of her heels, intentionally this time, and danced quietly up the big wooden

staircase to her bedroom. Neale unzipped her dress and let it fall to the floor. She replaced the

satin gown with her favorite cotton pajamas.

What a night, Neale thought as she fell in to bed. The perfect night.

Neale laid her head to rest on her pillow, and soon her eyelids fluttered closed. In her

dreams, she was still dancing and looking into the eyes of a boy. Her crush. Her prince.


The Wrong Dress…

In through the front door sauntered Kelby Brennan himself. Enough attitude radiated

from his personhood to overwhelm any room he entered. Neale reached the bottom of the

staircase just as her parents found their way in to the foyer.

“Mom. Dad. This is Kelby Brennan.”

The looks on the faces’ of Mr. and Mrs. Blair poorly hid their lack of excitement. They

had heard about this Kelby Brennan, and what they had heard made them less than enthusiastic

about the fact that he would be taking their daughter to prom.

“Mr. Brennan, it is good to finally meet you. I’ve heard a lot about you,” said Neale’s father

in a flat tone.

“All good things I’m sure,” Kelby replied with a wink.

Under his aviator shades, Kelby glanced at Neale. He knew what her parents had heard,

and everything they had heard was probably true.

“It’s nice to meet you, Kelby,” said Mrs. Blair in a pleasant tone. She disliked the tension

in the room. She trusted her daughter, and had convinced herself that she had nothing to worry

about. “Neale, you look great! That dress is more beautiful on you than I had remembered.

You’re hair and make-up look gorgeous, sweetie. Should we take some pictures quickly so you too

can get going?”

“Sure. That sound’s great, Mom.”

Neale moved nervously toward Kelby. In one swift motion, Kelby placed his hand on

Neale’s hip and pulled her to his side. Mrs. Blair found her digital camera, and gave Kelby and

Neale instructions for several poses. Confidence oozed from Kelby, and Neale surrendered to his

strong embrace. Kelby smirked while Neale smiled. After snapping enough pictures to fulfill her

heart’s desire, Mrs. Blair handed the camera to Kelby.

“Would you mind taking a few of Neale, her father, and me?”

Kelby carelessly seized the camera and counted to three. He snapped a few pictures

quickly, and handed it back to Mrs. Blair.

“Ready, Neale? I’m starving. We gotta get to this dinner.”

“Sure,” Neale replied. She turned to her mom and dad to give them each a quick kiss and


“Be safe,” said Mrs. Blair. “Call if you need anything, and have a great time, sweetie.”

“Thanks Mom,” said Neale as Kelby ushered her out the door.

Kelby’s black Corvette was an essential part of his bad boy image. Neale opened the

passenger side door and slipped inside. Kelby was already behind the wheel, revving the engine,

and adjusting the stereo.

“Ya look hot, Neal.”

“Uh…thanks, Kelby. You look good too,” Neale awkwardly responded to Kelby’s


According to all of her friends, Neale was a lucky girl to have been asked to prom by Kelby

Brennan. As the star athlete of the football, basketball, and baseball teams not to mention the most

gorgeous boy in the senior class, Kelby was a man in high demand. How could she have turned

him down? Well, she couldn’t have. Neale knew that her parents were worried when she told

them that she was going to prom with Kelby. They had heard rumors about him, and they were

not impressed. Neale also knew that he had quite a reputation with the ladies, and it had been a

challenge to assure her parents that she would not let any guy push her around – not even Kelby

Brennan. She must have convinced them because they did not press her to find a different date for


The Corvette raced down the highway toward the Hilton Hotel where this year’s senior

prom would be taking place. Kelby seemed mesmerized by the blurring scenery outside of the car

and the booming music coming through his speakers. He said nothing to Neale as they rode. She

sat silently consumed in her own thoughts.

I hope he isn’t expecting anything tonight. I mean…we don’t even really know each other.

Its not like we’re dating, and I want to wait. I know that is what my parents want for me. I want that

too. Geez, I hope he isn’t expecting something. No. He wouldn’t.

Neale had heard a lot of rumors throughout the past week. Kelby’s friends had been

taunting Neale without ceasing. They made jokes and insinuating comments as they passed her in

the hallways, but Neale had tried to just laugh it off. Actually, she kind of enjoyed the attention, but

it also made her nervous. To ease her mind, Neale convinced herself that is just how guys are.

Kelby halted the car the parking lot in front of the Hilton. He stepped out of the car,

adjusted his tie, and made his way toward the entrance. Neale assumed that she should follow. She

quickly crawled out of the car and smoothed the wrinkles from her dress as she hurried to catch up

with her date. When she reached his side, she slid her hand into the bent of his elbow. Kelby did

not seem to notice as they approached the automatic, sliding doors.

The atmosphere of the Hilton lobby was that of a typical hotel. Leaving Neale behind,

Kelby approached the woman working behind the front desk. After a brief conversation, they

made a small exchanged. Neale was confused but assumed that Kelby was simply getting directions

to the room in which dinner was being served. Kelby returned to Neale’s side, winked, and

allowed her to take his elbow once again. They walked hastily toward a big room at the end of a

hallway. The room was elegantly decorated and full of Neale’s classmates dressed in their formal

attire. White, fabric tablecloths covered each table. A wooden dance floor at the center of the

room was unoccupied although the music played. A catered meal would precede the dance, and

elaborate place settings complete with name cards directed prom-goers to their designated seats.

Kelby was greeted by his male posse as he and Neale entered the room. Neale felt lost and

unimportant in the mass of people. That is until she heard Kelby utter her name.


She met his gaze.

“Dance with me.”

“What? No one is dancing right now. We’re supposed to eat first,” Neale replied in


“Come on, beautiful.”

Before she could protest, Neale was being swept on to the dance floor by her stunningly

handsome date. Kelby confidently moved around the floor with Neale in tow. She soon realized

that she was smiling, and everyone else was starring.

“Aww! How cute!” Neale could hear the other girls exclaiming in the background. “She is

so lucky. He is so gorgeous.”

“Shall we eat, my lady?” Kelby said with a new found interest in his date.

“That sounds great,” Neale answered.

In one smooth move, their dance turned into a graceful walk toward their assigned table.

As soon as they found their seats, waiters began to deliver the meals to the table. Kelby immersed

himself in conversation with his friends while Neale made pleasant conversation with the other girls

at the table.

As soon as they had finished eating, the dance floor came to life. No one stayed seated.

Every couple joined the party on the dance floor. It wasn’t long before Neale found herself and

her date at the center of that party. During the fast songs, the dance floor seemed crowed and out

of control. Then, the slow songs would interject themselves and return a sense of calm to the

dance floor. Kelby held Neale in a tight embrace as they danced. His hands seemed to struggle to

remain above her hips. They continued to fall further below her waist. Neale began to feel

uncomfortable, but she decided the music was too loud to say anything. Besides, Kelby looked like

he was having a good time.

After another slow dance, the music picked up pace again.

“Hey,” Neale hollered over the music and in to Kelby’s ear. “Do you mind if I sit this one

out? My feet need to rest. These heels are killing me.”

“Sure. I’ll join you.”

Kelby led Neale off the crowded dance floor. Neale moved toward their dinner table to

take a seat, but Kelby caught her arm.

“Hey. Come with me. I want to show you something. I know where you can rest your feet

for a bit.”

Neale followed without question. She just wanted to take her heels off; it didn’t matter

where. Kelby led her into the elevator and pressed the button for the fifth floor. When the doors

opened, Kelby made his way down another hall. Neale began to wonder what he was doing. Then

it made sense. Everything made sense. She understood as soon as he pulled a key card from his

pocket and inserted it in to a door. It clicked open.

“What are you doing?” Neale asked, unable to hide the tension in her voice or take

another step toward Kelby.

“I got us a room, babe. No big. My treat,” Kelby said.

Babe? Neale wondered. Since when does he call me babe?

“Come on in, gorgeous.” Kelby leaned on the door of the room, “I got a queen.”

“Kelby. I don’t know. I…I…”

“What? You know why I asked you to prom. You’re hot, and I’m me. Thought you

understood. Now, come on, baby.”

“Well, I just don’t know if that’s what I want. We don’t really know each other that well,

and we’re not even dating. Its just one of those things… You see. I have always planned on


“Well, I’m waiting for you,” he said with a smirk. He enjoyed his clever response. “And

we’re practically dating. I mean, you’re my girl. We are on a date tonight, aren’t we?”

“Kelby. Let’s just go back to the dance.”

Kelby let the door close as he walked toward Neale. He cupped his face in her hands, and


“You’re beautiful, Neale Blair. Did you know that? You are absolutely gorgeous. And this

dress…wow…stunning. I practically had to fight off my boys for you. They all agreed that my date

wins the prize tonight. You’re beautiful.”

His words were like smooth chocolate as he whispered into her ear. Neale couldn’t resist

as he leaned in to slowly and gently kiss her lips. Kelby removed his hands from Neale’s face and

moved back to open the room door for the second time.

Neale’s mind was a blur, I’m strong. I won’t let a guy push me around.

“Come on, baby.”

Baby? I think I like the way that sounds.

Neale moved toward the door in which Kelby stood. She could hear the music from the

dance below her. Kelby reached out to take Neale’s hand in his. He raised it to his lips and gently

kissed her soft wrist. In a final moment of strength, Neale tried to take a step backwards, but her

movement was countered by Kelby’s grasp on her hand. He smiled and gazed into her eyes. She

could no longer resist. She crossed the threshold. The door latched behind her.

With shoes in hand, Neale walked slowly toward the elevator. Once she was inside, she

selected the first level button. In the dead of the night, she rode the elevator in silence, hearing

only the pulleys at work. Kelby was still asleep upstairs.

“Mom?” She hated to call her mom like this, but all she wanted to do was go home. She

forced herself to speak clearly. The tears could not be exposed in her voice, “Hi, Mom. Would

you mind picking me up from the Hilton? The dance is over, and Kelby decided to go out with his

friends. I told him I just wanted to go home, so he said I would have to find a ride home. Do you


“Not at all, sweetie. I’ll be right there. I should have known that boy would leave you

stranded. He just doesn’t have the manners that….”

“Mom! Please don’t pick on him right now,” Neale interrupted what was sure to be a

lesson on being a gentleman, courtesy of her mother. “Will you just come get me? I’m tried.”

“Sure, sweetie. Be right there.”

Neale waited in the lobby. Her black dress was now wrinkled, and her beautiful hair had

gone awry. After what seemed like hours, she saw her mother’s car pull up in front of the hotel.

She hurried out of the lobby and in to the front seat beside her mom.

“Besides having your mother pick you up, how was the rest of your prom?”

“It was great, Mom,” Neale answered without enthusiasm. She could not meet her

mother’s eyes. “The dinner was good, and lots of people danced. I’m really tired now.”

“I bet you are, sweetie, and your hair is a mess. You must have done a lot of dancing,” Mrs.

Blair said with a smile. “We will get you home and in to bed. Did I tell you that you looked really

beautiful tonight?”

“Thanks, Mom,” Neale closed her eyes so that her mom would think she was asleep. She

didn’t want to talk tonight. Not now. She just wanted to be home in her own bed. Alone.

Mrs. Blair pulled in to the driveway, and tapped Neale on the shoulder, “We’re home.”

“OK,” said Neale.

She hurried from the car, into the house, up the wooden staircase, and into her bedroom.

She found herself in front of her mirror, starring at her disheveled appearance. Shame. That was

all see could see in her reflection. Shame because of her mistake. Shame because of her weakness.

What kind of girl am I? Neale thought to herself as she stripped the satin dress from her

body angrily and cast it on the floor. She pulled on an old t-shirt and crawled in to her bed. As she

laid her tussled hair onto her pillow, a wave of emotion overtook her mind, body, and heart. The

tears came. They spilled over the sides of her cheeks.

“I am strong,” she whispered to herself as the sobs welled up in her chest. “I am strong. I

must become stronger.”


The Dress That Simply Must Fit…

The confidence she lacked in her appearance manifested itself in nervous emotion. Her

legs shook uncontrollably as she willed her high-heeled shoes to find a solid footing on each step of

the wooden staircase. The front door opened, and a new wave of self-consciousness overwhelmed

Neale. She paused for a moment on the final step. She looked down at her beautiful, black satin

gown. She knew the dress was beautiful. She could feel the mascara on her eyelashes and the gloss

on her lips. Her make-up was a work of art. She knew that it, too, looked beautiful. She felt the

jewelry at her neck. It was exquisite and perfectly complimented her dress. She knew the jewelry

was beautiful as well. As for her hair, it was not at all the style she had planned to wear on the night

of her senior prom. It was far from the traditional formal up-do. In fact, it was more of a no-do.

The absence of hair on her head was too prominent of a feature to ignore. No lace, satin,

eye shadow, or diamond necklace could steal the attention from her bare scalp. This nakedness

was the cause of her self-consciousness. This bareness was at the root of her nervous emotion.

Neale had made the bold decision to go to prom without a hat or scarf, and there was no chance

that she would wear her wig. Oh, that terrible wig was too hot and too unconvincing for her to

bear. For Neale, it was almost as embarrassing to wear that terrible wig when everyone in town

already knew that she was balled. Moreover, everyone agreed that the wig was ugly anyway. It was

not even an option, and because no hat or scarf seemed to fit Neale’s prom ensemble, she decided

to go naked.

Neale took her final step down the wooden staircase and found herself gazing in to the eyes

of her best friend and true love, Hunter James. The two had started dating during their junior year.

They had been best friends all through elementary and middle school. Their friendship began to

evolve around the time that Hunter hit puberty. Lucky for him, he quickly passed through the

awkward, voice-changing stage. It wasn’t long before he had transformed into a clean cut, muscled

wrestler who decided he wanted to date his best friend. Taking into account his recent growth

spurt, Neale couldn’t argue with her handsome friend.

After a short six months of dating, Hunter and Neale knew that they were meant to be

together. What they did not know, although, was that while Hunter had been growing bigger,

Neale had been growing cancer cells. There it is. That awful word. Cancer. For Neale, it was

Leukemia. Immediately following her diagnosis, Neale began receiving treatment. The good news

came when the doctors discovered that the treatment was effectively riding Neale’s body of most of

the cancer cells. The bad news came when Neale realized that the treatment was also effectively

ridding her of her beautiful, brunette hair.

The perfect dress, make-up, and jewelry did nothing to disguise the fact that Neale was

naked. She had no hair to curl in to flawless, tiny ringlets on the night of her senior prom. This was

the hand she had been dealt. She just had to make it work. Obviously, Hunter did not care for his

eyes lit up the moment that he met the gaze of his true love. He moved forward pulling Neale off

of the last stair and into a gentle embrace.

“Wow,” he said in a slow and quiet voice. “You look so amazing.”

“Please,” Neale replied with a smile in her voice and an I-don’t-believe-you look on her

face. “You look quite handsome in that tuxedo, my friend.”

At that moment, Mr. and Mrs. Blair entered the foyer where the couple stood in a kind


“Hold it right there,” Mrs. Blair ordered as she snapped a picture of Neale and Hunter.

The couple exchanged their flowers and posed for several more pictures. The smiles they

wore on their faces were honest and sincere. Everyone was happy to be together. Mr. and Mrs.

Blair took turning posing with their daughter, and when enough pictures had been taken to fill an

entire scrapbook, Hunter escorted his date out to the car. Hunter had borrowed his grandpa’s

convertible for the special occasion. He opened the shiny, red door and helped Neale into her

seat. As soon as he took his place behind the wheel, the couple waived goodbye to Neale’s parents

as they stood in the front lawn. Hunter slowly began to accelerate, and the vehicle pulled away.

They rode with the top down allowing the evening breeze to sweep over them.

“You know,” Neale said to Hunter. “It’s a good thing I don’t have any hair to get messed

up by this wind.

Hunter chuckled in response, “I have always liked that you aren’t a high maintenance girl.”

It wasn’t long before they had arrived at their destination. Hunter pulled up in front of the

Plaza hotel. He dropped Neale off at the front door before finding a place to park. He rejoined

her in the lobby. Together, they made their way to the top floor of the building. As the elevator

doors opened, Hunter and Neale stepped out into the glass encased room. Windows lined the

walls and provided a stunning view of the town below. The room was tastefully decorated with

balloons and streamers. Tables were arranged neatly around the dance floor. Hunter and Neale

made a subtle entrance but could not avoid the stares as they passed some of their classmates.

Neale tried to take in the beauty of the decorated room, but she couldn’t help but feel the eyes

staring at her nakedness. She lowered her head in an attempt to hide within herself. Hunter

noticed the stares as well as Neale’s reaction. He said nothing but held Neale’s hand in his

comforting, loving grasp.

Neale forgot about the balloons and streamers that filled the room around her. She forgot

about her beautiful dress, make-up, and jewelry. All she could see were the looks of pity on the

faces of her classmates. These were the looks made everything harder to bear. These looks were

the constant reminder of the overwhelming sadness that accompanied her diagnosis, the frustration

that followed with the months of treatment, the discomfort that resulted from a weakened immune

system, and the fear on the faces of the ones she loved most. The looks of pity hurt the most. They

were powerful reminders of the pain and her nakedness.

Hunter led Neale to a table of their friends. The atmosphere quickly changed as the

warmth of friendship surrounded Neale. Her thoughts no longer focused on the faces of her

classmates. Rather, she was energized by the excitement of her friends. She joined in their

conversations without giving another thought to her nakedness. This was a part of her life, now.

Neale spent the rest of the evening enjoying the catered dinner, reminiscing about high school

memories with her friends, and dancing with her love, Hunter James.

When all the festivities came to an end, Hunter and Neale returned to the red convertible.

Hunter drove slowly away from the Plaza hotel toward Neale’s home. The top was still down. The

couple rode in silence as they replayed the night’s events in their memories. Hunter reached across

the consol to take Neale’s hand in his.

Hunter broke the silence, “You know what the best part about tonight was?”



“Oh, Hunter,” Neale giggled. “Come on.”

“No, really. Just listen to me,” He took a deep breath and paused for a moment. “I’m

proud of you, Neale. I’m proud to be with you.” He paused again momentarily, “I’m glad God let

me keep you. You really are my best friend.”

Neale smiled at his words, “Thanks, Hunter. You’re my best friend. I’m glad God let you

keep me too.” The smile widened across her face, “God is bigger than my cancer, right? Thanks

for sticking this out with me.”

“Did I tell you that you look really amazing tonight?”

“Yeah. Once or twice. It’s always nice to hear, though, especially when you have a naked

head like me.”

“You do? Huh, didn’t notice.”

Neale playfully slapped Hunter on the shoulder as he pulled the convertible into her

driveway. Hunter opened his door, stepped out of the car, and came to the other side to open the

passenger door as well. He held Neale’s hand as he walked her to the front door. Hunter faced

Neale and held both of her hands. He leaned forward and gently kissed her lips.

“I love you.”

“I love you too my best friend.”

As Hunter walked back to the convertible, Neale entered the front door of her house. In

the entryway where the night had all begun, she removed the high-heels from her feet to avoid

their clicking on the steps of the wooden staircase as she made her way back to her room. Neale

took another glace in the mirror, barely noticing her nakedness now. She slowly slipped out of her

beautiful, satin dress, and gently removed her make-up and exquisite jewelry. She pulled on her

favorite pair of old pajamas and jumped into bed. As she laid her naked head on the pillow, her

mind replayed the events of the evening once again. She paused on the conversation she had with

Hunter in the car.

God is bigger than my cancer, she thought. He has given me a naked head, but he has also

given me so much more. He gave me another day – the opportunity to experience another

landmark life event, even if it was just my senior prom. He has given me a family, and a best friend

who has become my true love. All this things I could have missed. But God is bigger. All I’m

missing…is my hair. Eh, big deal. I’m getting used to the nakedness.

Her eyelids fluttered closed as she slipped into a peaceful sleep.
