Dream catcher - presentation 2



Presentation 2 - Sell your idea. (Make people invest in our idea)

Transcript of Dream catcher - presentation 2

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INDEX1. Executive Summary

2. Business Information

3. Situation Analysis

-Market -Position -Competitor -Business Cycle -Target -Consumers Analysis4. Marketing Mix

5. Creative Brief

6. Advertising Plan

7. Budget Explanation

8. Profit Explanation

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1. Executive Summary

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Executive Summery

Dream Catcher is a new opening company in blind match making service market. The

D.C has strong point in young trends and understanding consumers in university,

which are core consumers of blind match making service. Now, the D.C is trying to

open the company and leading the market starting in Seoul and trying to become

“only 1” position for university students.

By opening the company, advertising and campaigns, the company will focus on

targeting young adults who like to have boy or girl friends. To grab the attention of

consumers, the D.C will provide multi-services to needed consumers to increasing

loyalty and trustiness to company.

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2. Business InformationBusiness Name

Business Perspective Business item

Business database Business Systems (Ranking, agreement, information)

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Name of Company

Dream Catcher Inc.

Name of Services

1. Blind date matching service based on each consumer’s want2. Consultant service for people who has problems about love3. Supporting service for consumers who needed special events

Core & Sub Target

Core Target : All university students who want become coupleSub Target : People who needed help for solve problems about love

Business Name

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Business PerspectiveGuideline

Focus to providing services to university students to creating new market & become “only 1” position in market.

On-Off 1. Using multi-channels to increase the synergy effect

Target 1. Providing target based service2. Focus on new consumers

Exploration1. Cover Seoul to country side2. Reform of new business plan3. Strategic alliance to special service providing companies

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Business itemService

Core Service

Providing full package from blind dating to consulting service (P-1)

Providing blinding service only for consumers who wants specific wants (B-1)

Providing counseling service for people who has problems in out-going (C-1)

Sub Service

Providing events consulting service with lent service for consumers (E-1)

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Data Base

Data Base

On-Line : use for search and match people

Off-Line : use for keep the consumer information

Data base security

Will make contract to security providing service company to protect from hackers and any kind of accidents.

Contract Company : S-One Safe Talk

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Personal Information

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Ranking System

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3. Situation AnalysisMarketPosition

CompetitorBusiness Cycle (Timeline)

Target Consumers Analysis (Survey, Result & Insight)

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Situation Analysis

Market size and shares

No markets exist till now. Similar service providing market is controlled by oligopoly In Korea, most of students are enter to universities Market can be controlled by first come in company Market has own circulation system to refresh consumers.

Size of target consumers

Solo 593692 40%

Potential 890538 60%

Date : National Statistics Office

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Content based




Situation Analysis

The market situation is basically focused to only matching marriage. The service

for university people is not exist for now.

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Situation Analysis

The competitor are not exist at this point.

but after two years, the expected competitors will be Ga-yun and Duo, which are

large companies in matching service market.


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Business CycleTimeline

Basis Exploration

2014 2014 2015 2015 2001620016 2017 2017

Open Service

Focused on Universities in Seoul

Strategic Alliance explorationReform Business

Starting service in SudoguanStarting Mobile service

- For the first year, focused to open market and create positive images about D.C.

- After the two years, the D.C will do offence marketing and increase the size of company and coverage of the

market to keep the market shares from new competitors and keep the position of “The Only 1” in the market.

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Consumer Analysis

Current Situation

- Since out-going become important part of university life to consumers and potential consumers, the wants of chance to meeting and making boy or girl friends are highly increased. But nowadays, the consumers are not satisfy their wants of having chance to meet girl or boys cause of lot of reasons. The consumers want to some one manage the meeting or chance to meet the boy or girls for them.

Target Analysis

- Since the university become important, the consumers want to maximize their joy in university life. According to the research, more then 80% of students wants boy, girlfriend.


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Consumer AnalysisSurvey

What is your age?

Under 20 21 ~ 24 25 or more

What is your gender?

Male Female

Which university you are in?

Do you have boy or girl friend?

Yes No

Do you have experience to go blind dating?

Yes No

Will you use if blind date match service exist?

Yes No

What do you usually want when go out for blind date?

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Consumer AnalysisSurvey Result

Through the survey, the most of students shown they has interest about blind dating and they have high willingness to pay around 10000KW for one meeting.

The female students shown, they want to enjoy and try the blind dating to find good

boy friend to just for fun.

Through the survey, the most of university students has interest on blind dating and positive opinion about the matching company as long as its not goes serious as

marriage match making companies

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Consumer Analysis


People who want to have lovers to enjoy the university life and want to go out with boy or girl friends during break time or holidays to cinema or zoo.

Ex: Lucy is 21 years old young student. She like to go out with boyfriend during break times to go to café and also like to visit cinema with boy friend to watch new movies.


Students, who are staying in urban area and highly educated

Ex: John is young (23) male student. he is senior of the university and living in the campus in Seoul. He spend most of time to do study in library. So he want to making girlfriend but he had no chance to make it.

Psychography People who has highly interested to making boy or girl friends People who has just come in to the university with own images People who have own life style and hobbies.

Ex: Eliza is 20 years old university student, which are just come in with own imaginations about university life. She study so hard to come in to the university, so she really want to have cool boy friend during the university life. She want to find some one who can go to skiing with her.


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4. Marketing Mix

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Marketing MixSIVA



keep the quality of service and care about the loyalty and satisfying level of the service to consumers to keep the consumers and barriers to enter.


Use the events and billboard promotions to teach about the service to potential consumers and use the internet and out door advertisings to increase consumers


The price of the service are set not high too much so consumers feels this service is too expensive and care about the outcome when compare to the income.

Keep the price low and create the profit by large number of consumers and providing extra services


The access will open in the on-line to become member of service and the consumers will have meeting with D.C counselling manager when ever they want and where ever they want to meet.

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Opportunity Analysis

Marketing Mix


Place Don’t need large place to run. On-line system is well produced in Korea. The new market situation is very positive

Price Don’t need high cost to run and open the business The D.C provide service in reasonable price to consumers

Promotion Targets are have high interest about business Targets will meet the promotions very easily Events services will become good promotions it self

Product The D.C can provide what targets wants The collaboration service will effective


The market is brand new, but the situation of market is green and at this point, the company can become market monopolistic position in this new market.

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5. Creative Brief

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Creative BriefThe new business of D.C. company suggestion.

Background Since the university student become huge market in people matching service, needs to open market is getting increases.

Marketing Objective Open new market and become “only 1” in market

Communications ObjectiveTo creating new service to university students, increase the number of consumers from interesting or fun to trustable company

Target Audience Student, who want lover & has problems to lover


Primary: Dina is a 24 year-old and she is a senior of Hanguk University. She is spend most of time to study and do school works. She think, she need a boyfriend, who will go out with her and spend time with her during the university life. She really want good boy but she don’t know how to meet good boy and become couple.

Secondary: Eliza is a 21 year old and has boy friend already. For the first few weeks she was happy with boyfriend but time goes by, she feels she need something to reposition between her and boyfriend. But she don’t know how to do and she need help to find the right way to fix it.

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The new business of D.C. company suggestion.

Current position Not yet enter to the market

Reposition Become “Only 1” position to consumers mind


The D.C will provide right match for peopleThe students want to have boy, girl friend.The D.C will keep the secrets of consumersThe D.C will provide counselling for even after the matching

service is finished

Message D.C introduce right people for matching

Tag Line “Why are you alone?”

Consumer Insight Students in the university and wants to have boy or girl friend and want to solve problems occurs from couples.

Personality Friendly, trust and trendy.

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6. Advertising PlanConceptPoster

Social MediaEvent

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Advertising PlanConcepts

Concept Information

Out-door Poster

On-Line Social media marketing

Off-Line Event marketing

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Advertising Plan


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Advertising PlanSocial Media

Open Page Program

Date Open all the time

Message Its our stories.

Expectation Create friendly images and make feel D.C as friend

Creating own official social media page for D.C and write down works and events and happenings as diary, which are open to every body. This will increase the interest about D.C and what D.C provide when people see the social page of D.C and while they reading the pages. This will also make them to feel D.C as close friend, when people write down happenings and share memories.

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Advertising PlanEvent

For You Program

Date Two times in one year

Message Special for you

Expectation Keep the loyalty on D.C

Choose two couples, which are become couple cause of D.C and give then chance to free travel to Jeju island for 2night 3days. through this events programs, the consumers will notice that D.C is keep concerning consumers even after the service, and this will make consumers will return to D.C with new consumers.

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7. Budget Explanation

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Account for 2014 KW

Time Items Number Per income Total Income Charge Per spend Total Spend Charge

03, 14 Open Business 1 200000000 200000000 200000000  

03, 15 Rent Office 1     1500000 1500000 1500000

03, 15 Buy Utilities 10     800000 8000000 9500000

03, 15 Utilities - Month 1 10     40000 400000 9900000

03, 16 Securities -Month 1 1     1000000 1000000 10900000

03, 16 Rent Server - Month 1 1     1000000 1000000 11900000

03, 20 Advertising Fee 5     1000000 5000000 16900000

04, 01 Utilities - Month 2 10     40000 400000 17300000

04, 01 Expected Income for March 500 35000 17500000    

04, 15 Securities -Month 2 1     1000000 1000000 18300000

04, 15 Rent Server - Month 2 1     1000000 1000000 19300000

04, 15 Salary 10     2000000 20000000 39300000

04, 29 Expected Income for April 600 35000 21000000 38500000      

05, 29 Spend 1       23900000 23900000 63200000

05, 29 Expected Income for May 1200 35000 42000000 80500000      

06, 29 Spend 1       23900000 23900000 87100000

06, 29 Campaign 2     1000000 2000000 89100000

06, 29 Expected Income for June 1100 35000 38500000 319000000      

07, 29 Spend 1       23900000 23900000 113000000

07, 29 Expected Income for July 600 35000 21000000 340000000      

08, 01 Spend 1       23900000 23900000 136900000

08, 29 Expected Income for August 500 35000 17500000 357500000      

09, 29 Spend 1       23900000 23900000 160800000

09, 29 Expected Income for September 1200 35000 42000000 399500000      

10, 29 Spend 1       23900000 23900000 184700000

10, 29 Expected Income for October 1220 35000 42700000 442200000      

11, 29 Spend 1       23900000 23900000 208600000

11, 29 Campaign 1     10000000 10000000 218600000

11, 29 Expected Income for November 1500 35000 52500000 494700000      

12, 29 Spend 1       23900000 23900000 242500000

12, 29 Campaign 4       2000000 8000000 250500000

12, 29 Expected Income for December 1500 35000 52500000 547200000      

01, 29 Spend 1       23900000 23900000 274400000

01, 29 Expected Income for January 510 35000 17850000 564750000      

02, 29 Spend 1       23900000 23900000 298300000

02, 29 Expected Income for February 400 35000 14000000 578700000      

02, 29 Campaign 3       2000000 6000000 304300000

03, 01 Dividends 1       37200000 37200000 341500000

03, 01 Carry-Over 1       237200000 237200000 237870000

Sub Total     578700000   578700000

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8. Profit Explanation

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Expected Profit Year Target Expect Profit Percent

2014 10830 (3% Seoul) 37,200,000 37%

2015 21660 (6% Seoul) 45,900,000 46%

2016 29684 (2% Korea) 11,500,000 11%

2017 74211 (5% Korea) 130,000,000 130%

2018 80000 (5.2% Korea) 140,000,000 140%

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