
DRAFTS ANNOTATED I wanted the typography to have point, scratch like edges to complement the theme as well as connotations of ‘fierce’. Instead of bullet point that are simple instead I wanted an x slash this is similar to the front page, this also makes it more interesting and exiting. At the top of the page I wanted the magazine name, this represents its importance as well as makes the reader more familiar with it. I wanted the model to have direct eye contact as this complement the rest of her body posture, it also is as if the model is directly communicating to the reader as though alarming them to go to her page. I wanted secondary images so that the points included in the magazine can become more realistic and imaginable to the reader this is aimed to encourage them to purchase and read that section. I wanted the models clothing to be feminine also represent connotations of the theme rock and a hint of the artists personality but it also had to be seductive for people to be interested. I wanted the models body language to to say more than the point on the front cover does, I attempted to do this by the strong, tightened fist which represents success as well as determination. I initially wanted smoke to go up the page on both sides with a gradient of black changing to red, this would make the page more music like, but also smoke has connotations of danger and carelessness which I wanted to link with the model also. I initially wanted a editors section because it allows the reader to understand the editor on a more depth level, they have opportunity to find out their opinion on topics so that they can assume how to text on specific topics will be. ONTENTS PAGE INITIALE IDEAS:

Transcript of Drafts

Page 1: Drafts

DRAFTS ANNOTATEDI wanted the typography to have point, scratch like edges to complement the theme as well as connotations of ‘fierce’. Instead of bullet point that are simple instead I wanted an x slash this is similar to the front page, this also makes it more interesting and exiting.

At the top of the page I wanted the magazine name, this represents its importance as well as makes the reader more familiar with it.

I wanted the model to have direct eye contact as this complement the rest of her body posture, it also is as if the model is directly communicating to the reader as though alarming them to go to her page.

I wanted secondary images so that the points included in the magazine can become more realistic and imaginable to the reader this is aimed to encourage them to purchase and read that section.

I wanted the models clothing to be feminine also represent connotations of the theme rock and a hint of the artists personality but it also had to be seductive for people to be interested.

I wanted the models body language to to say more than the point on the front cover does, I attempted to do this by the strong, tightened fist which represents success as well as determination.

I initially wanted smoke to go up the page on both sides with a gradient of black changing to red, this would make the page more music like, but also smoke has connotations of danger and carelessness which I wanted to link with the model also.

I initially wanted a editors section because it allows the reader to understand the editor on a more depth level, they have opportunity to find out their opinion on topics so that they can assume how to text on specific topics will be.


Page 2: Drafts


I wanted to add social networking sites as the age I target my magazine to are aware and are frequent users of the networks, they would also allow the magazine to post and update its loyal target audience about new issues and hot topics coming up.I wanted the masthead typography to

have Sharpe edges so that it complements the theme of rock, at the end of the edges it wanted it to continue into a claw scratch this represent the connotations of fierce. I wanted the font of the masthead to be big so that it stands out and is eye catchy as well as for the audience to identify.

I wanted to use sub stories so that the magazine appeals to wider audience not only people who relate to the main cover story, the sub stories also maker the magazine more interesting therefore it can gain new audience. I aimed to make the stories appeal to my target audience for example “the hot list”.

I wanted the artist to be strong and fierce looking for the front cover one way I tried to represent this is by the direct eye contact.

I wanted the main story to be above the artist and in the middle, this makes it easy for the reader to link the story with the main image as well as its font will be larger to be more eye catchy this represents it to be more important as it is the cover story.

The barcode and date are general convention of magazine, the date shows it is current issue this is important if attempting to appeal to new audience as they would be unaware of past or present issues.

Page 3: Drafts

DOUBLE PAGE SPREAD IDEAS:I wanted the artist name to be at the top of the page this suggests that the article will be all about the artist, I also wanted the typography to be feminine this is a contrast to the front cover. This change represents the different aspects of the artist.

I wanted to have two columns of text, each paragraph to be shaped getting smaller this adds to the feminine effect. I initially wanted the text colour to be red this was to complement the ideas of the colour red for example being passionate which is what the text explains about the artist.I wanted the first letter of the first paragraph to start a font size bigger compared to the rest of the text, this represents the interviews significance.

I wanted a quote from the interview to be highlighted, this is to generate interest by finding out what is included inside. This quote is supposed to sum up the interview.

I wanted a second to show different camera shots and ideas for example the initial image idea was for the artist to be powerful in her posture as well as seductive, to also acknowledge the reader by direct eye contact and to be feminine by the loose hair. This image represents the meaning behind the interview for example the artist character being strong, power and determined to have gone through her past and now those qualities are needed for her future.

I wanted the eye contact to be towards the text this represents the text importance, also it brings the two pages together.

I wanted the model to be seductive and passionate for example the colour red lipstick suggests these connotations.

I initially wanted smoke appearing from the model going on to the next page this would bring the pages together but also it is similar to the content page smoke also.