DR. WILHELM REICH PART 6 OF 6 - files.afu.sefiles.afu.se/Downloads/Documents/USA - FBI/FBI official...


Transcript of DR. WILHELM REICH PART 6 OF 6 - files.afu.sefiles.afu.se/Downloads/Documents/USA - FBI/FBI official...







Section 3


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Februa: _,. L-7, 1857



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~-.r. EL:, ~'.;.: ---·, ' . - ~ ... .. _, __ ,., ___ _ ~.:,. ?.c~~er: __ _ '.'::.":"a::-.r:-. __

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,.,l ... ~!' (I l: U-,f L,\ r '·' r · ·t~;:. ;~· BELMONT: c< /: )?C3a_·,, ri'- ~--~.--- ~;·~~ .•.


. · .• ~··. · .· ·•... Concerning the attached m~d~n;-or;·William S. :r-.:.:>ise. ; ·~· · I have discussed this with Mr. Tolson and he agrees we bhould nut go :. ~- ·. . back to Senator Smith's office and ask them to pabs this irJorr.:i2Ticn on

• ~ :;:~ _ to the proper school authorities, particularly since the Senator' :o ...... ,. Office furnished this letter to the Bureau because of the rather :.~,:;·;prs~'.'e

;:-ot· .. ... .... ,..; ,..,.

statement made by Moise, with the request that it be given \vnatt'·;e:r consideration deemed advisable. It was not felt Senator Smith's oifice

• would pass on the information nor would they know to whom it s!:o•.tld be passed unless we gave them the name of someone and it wc\4ld l:.i<e v:ise necessitate returning the letter to them, which they haw. preVIC:r=-lY g"•·e:1 us for the purpose stated above. Mr. Tolson feels that if .:;o~eo:Je arcu21ci the Bureau or one of the resident Agents in Alexandria has a rE:li~de

• contact on the Alexandria School Board that the informatior: concernir.g Moise can be passed on to the School Board member.

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·• L. ·V. Boardman Tics: Boardman


- . ~:·

A. H. Be •.

Belmont Nease Nic :-.:Jls WeeKs


DATB: Harch 27, 1':157

~~!son~.-;--~~ Kacbol.: ___,.,.:"­Booud~y"

:~1;"-== Jb~.r-­f'..rsons -­R..::.sen -­Tamm-­Nt-,.'SI:'-­Iinrf'rro•d --·

_.: - -- : -~~Subject was .from 1953 to 1956 a!!sistant to Tole. Room-'lh Hollo:nan ---~--~··~ Wi e ich and secretary o.f the Wilhelm Reich found~otion. _G.od ·-'--

- .This foundation wa~~:iffiown as the Orgone Institute Reses.rc~ ,_: £2';-- .Labol"atories, Incorporated, Rangeley, Maine; w .. s the sutject vf"-. ···-a security type investigation conducte·ci- by the Eureau in 195:J, _which disclosed no activities harmful to the se~UY"ity of the

~ ~~ ,, United States. Bufiles reflect th&t the founci&tion ;;as !'::nmded ~~> 7 {by Reich in 1942 to commercialize his theory of cc.::~er tr·c:. 'c."c':t •. '~':O.ji, ;..: through control of biological energy which he n<:-ned "Or:_:;..:1t; \*~-; Energy." On 3-19-54, the Food and Drug Administrc.ticn 9"-jli::::.:·

~ •·'- .• concluded that there is no such energy us Ore;one energy .::nd t!'•<-•t 1'}1·~~-- :·orgone ·energy: accumulators used in the trebtmer.t of car.~.o!-· a!lC. ,.- ~.-:\· • ·other serious diseases were worthless. At the sur.c til,;e the _ ,· .:•,:_~1 ·7Food and· Drug Administration issued a perlllLI1ent injunc;;l::-. b&.r;•ing .•: 4' _.;t·;-the interstate shipment of these devices and &r.y liter<~c=e

'· ~ .

4::_.- ~.o relating to them. Reich and the foundl.tion werE. found L1 coc,o;npt ·.·':Gll.ror violation of this injunction in November, 1955. &nd !:e~ch &.t

·· · present is serving a term in a Federul PenitentL:.ry fo::-· l:!".is , violation. -~ ; .

1'.' ~

~;· :· ·Moise~ who has sent numerous telegr&:ns ~nc letters to the . Bureau and other agencies charging conspiracy against t:1e

..=,.. ..... ,t>-· toundati'on .on 'th:l part of the United State~ Go,erru:er:t, o:·: 3-::.l-:0:7 ·sent. a ·letter to Senator Margaret Chc.se Smith in \;t.icn :1e pc ~n: ed out that ,Reich,. who had used atmo~'<pherical Orc;o:w encrsy to C.c zood at times·, restrained his assistants from their deslre L .;.sc, ~'.is discovery in a warlike manner; th&t since ju~tice h<-s ::~.~ ~~c.;-. done with respect to Reich and his theoriec, Hoise !10\-i ;-;r.;.st make the decision whether or not to use Orgone e!1ergy to ~to::-r •. apct· flood portions of the United State~ in an attempt to stop thi£ injustice and force an open in>estigation of tho facts cc:-,cern::.n; H~~e.h· . He indicates that the responsibilit;l~~J).:HM de::islon _

... .!'·.· . ~'.1 ,/..·· .. - ;· "·/ ·-/ )

~~itq~ ·;:~ ~\, .e~/. : ~,~;~·;;;,c · · l'i·61- . :·. <j~ ~ ' --· /

::.:~·-v_,- ~ c ' . ! '· - -" ~ "''.. . .. ·.- -. . ,..,.; ~ .· ·.-..... . ~ ~,. ·r . 1·. ··: -·

. . I ... I - - J. j ;.~ -. J f ~ . .. ·' .. _.·,.<':''}-..--~ -~· ..., .. ~·. ··~· .••• '. }-~/ •• ,· . ~.: ;. -F-0 .5 '1 . ..- .:J "" , ...

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'Memorandum Belmont to Boardman · .·,c.· Re: William s. Moise

,(>).:. 105-11.461 • ...,.. : .f •

. ;,..~.:· . . ~ ··:·~-:··.·. ·./.f:c, rests with such responsible Government officials &s Sen&tcr SnL.th

.A.';..· · and the President. He also points out that he is emplo~'ed };. ' at the Groveton High School, Groveton, Virginia. Bill Le,·:is,

.c· . .< Administrative .Assistant to Senator l1argaret Cht;.se Sml th, .fur:r.ished .. ~'~ ·, .,Moise• s letter to Mr. Nease, Mr. Lewis stated that the Senator ··-+.: ·•. had no intention of answering the letter but desired that it be • ,;;;<:: · \ IIIB.de a part ot our records • . ~~:.J~, ... _-,:.: ~-: . . ·~' .

. . ~~' ·, .. >·

· ... i. RECOMMENDATION: .. .,.., r .. -;_ • .,. ~- ~

:-v.· :;.-.o~ •''

. ' -;. ~ .

. ' ..... :

It does not appear that the contents of Moise=-: l'lt-:er· are such that dissemination to other Goverrunent a~encies is warranted; however, in view of the fact that Noise is teaciling at the Groveton High School, it is recomrr,ended that Mr. LE'<'~is be recontacted and it be suggested to him that he Elbht de~ire to take action to advise the appropriate authorities in Virginia of the contents of Moise•s letter •

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MR. TOLSON DAT£: 3/25;57

:~:so:-:-r~ h:cr.~!s _.,...-~

G. A. NE~E.' . ~~~~;r \\ ... IJ.o:"~f.::__-

~ F.:;:s-.::.~ ~­:1:-sen-~

WILLIAM S. MOISE ,c •. r..-,.... ~ .. 0 7rc.:te:_

-~ {>I; ') ( /,: /. I / : ' I ~:~,:~,-,.-.-. ·<:.·a~ . 0 Bill Lewis, A~;i~t~~i~~ A;sistant to Senator ~:;~;:,:".-. ~~ M~garet Chase Smith, called me this morning stating the Sena:or ., ~~"'' ~~·-"'Jt·.j had aletter from WilliamS. Moise, in which he indicates he rr..ight use .', "/ ;· . · f-·-·, Or gone energy to storm a.,.,_d flood portions of the United States. Le·.vis stai~'"f~ -.·,_:i · he desired to discuss this matter with someone from the Bureau sin~'e c

--~~ Moise was connected with a group of individuals who may be craekpc ts b~: . ~- · .. in some r_espects were brilliant. Our files are replete with Hlfo:cE~:~tL•n

(.j{.. on Moise, his wife, Dr. Eva Reich, and her father, Dr. Wilhelm hticl:. ·,=. Dr. Wilhelm Reich is presently serving a term for violation of the Food and

~~- ·"t' J Drug Act and Contempt of Court. He and his associates have engaged in '· r:· ;. . what is considered to be quack methods of curing cancer and other serious

diseases and supposedly hav,n.,discovered Orgone energy, which L'ley seerr. to e.;- feel is the secret of life and/Which the Government has taken the pos1tion

that it does not exist. • .. -... . · .

• · ,~ •· ' I called on Mr. Lewis and briefly gave him the ·backgro~:1d ci t~.ese - ~·" ., people for his information. He seemed to be quite familiar with then: and ; :;.-

., ~ . stated that unquestionably they would eventually accuse Senator 5r:Jith of , - _lfr ~· -treason as they have practically everyone else who has not agree.:i with ti:em I : -, ~~; .. "" and h1KPn sides with llJ.em in their dispute with the Government. f.:e statE' j ·

.. w~ :: the Senator had no intention of answering the letter from Moise, but since J.e : ""d.:-- -~ does threaten to cause vast damage to the United States, the Senator felt .,:.e ; ·}_, :·:' shoulq_pass this information on to the Bureau and he askei that :rc;:.c:e's letter ; --,.:-·. to the Senator be made a part of our records on these people for p.;.cper ,. '}.;:~ · evaluation along with other data he knew we had on them. This le~ier iE: attache:c.

·~-·~.i··· ·; .. I.lold him we woul.d be glad to do this. . . 1 , "'· ~- ~ · ··;. · · ,. · 1-)J. \ llECORutu • a/. - 1 / i; ,· ,. -· I : '_:._ ·~. ~::'' ~cnoN: t~u~~ 1\ moat.u . a __;;;;;. -- ~.~· ~ : · :--l.t ._ . \ ~-;~C That this matter be refe:.;~d to !l?e noin~stic Intellig._,,,.-,-: ;)ivisicrn ·~~1:_ fo~:wliatever action.;~t believed d~~- _ .. .,) .-

"':':~·_Enclosure ~\~ J ·. ; .. ' ,.-· .•. GAN:DMG rf/ v<et". · . . ;r,:., .. /

~-... t·,:(S>>. '}'!!, '1'.. v~ VI\,-, ,t]::V -· -- . ! ..... ., . .. v ( \{ \

53 MA:_ ~ 14\~ol ;{', ..-· - 1.t fl ~·J/ l .. ' .· ~-~ ~

...... ·~-~, ' .,.

... •

'"The Honorable Senator ~---~~·Margaret Chase Smith


. United States Senate -Washington, D,C,

. :~· ..

Senator Smiths

c ... . "

" . ,:: '. . >.·t'.~ You will remember me from our interview of the suroner of :i.S55 ir. c~:::.e~C:i .

. • 'with the conspiracy to kill the Discovery of the Life (Cre;cne) :S."\~:-;;y. I tr,ct ~"~":,you will receive this short letter with extreme and ~r~ve seriou•cess,

.... ~~:.:';..".:J.j,. • •'• ··;·,:' 'o

"'f,?f!lr#i".<Ji:·'. ,_.., • " ' As a :former assistant of Q;:_. 'I'Hlhelm4eich, frorr. 1952 to 1955, in n,,, ~.capacity of Ora.nur Weather Control operator, rlearned rr.uch conc~r~in5 ~~~ u~e

atmospheric Orgone Energy as related to the ir.l'luer.cin;:, of wer..t:c.a:-. :-" ~·cu

, know, ·while that infamous Drug and Cosmetic ag;e:>cy was b'-ls~ wit: .• ::teir ::'ro.c!:'. : ,.:'Oonniving, Dr. Reich used this new knowledge for the br~a.;:ir.f; o::· """us::: ":!.c

• removal· of DOR (Smog) • · the greening of deserts and for t!-.e com:O!<'t b.ni we~;:e~.i:­': or'Burrioanes,

~~ ; ......... . !~j~-:~_":''~;_'"· ,:·.<What you· do not know is that Dr, Reich has time a:>d ti."!:e a.g;.i=. re•.tr<.i!l&::

:r.. .WI,· at that time his assistants, from our desire to Us€ his di&co·:er~ ire a war-like manner, ·

• ~ '> .. • • • • • • • -. ·, •. Dr. Reich is now in a Federal Penitentiary for bec"ca.~}~- n~ c,-ir . .;; ot

; - , , 'tban :JDA]dng a discovery. Furthermore , I learn that D,-, !lei cr. h•·' o<>e;, ze:ct to , -'.;'': -;Lewisburg. Pe,E"":Y~~a, for a psychiatric exa:ninatio:> End l t is a. ".a tte~ d p~.:. ·

• . '.record that'the American Psychiatric Association worked :,omJ in !."'no, in. ::irtct ·,,;/.collWiion with ·the FDA in perpetrating tli.is criminal fra·.:.O. upo:1 -::l:~ CoJ.:r-t •

. ~-~~~1 -· L . . . ...... , . ~ ~

;. ' In the light of the above and in viErW of the f5.ct tha.-;; all pe,;,:e:'"Jl 't li rational attempts to get the truth out and to get just~ce done S.i·?·<a,. ·co he.''"' hi r failed,. I find lllj'&elf facing the decision of whether Ol not to US6 0:-cc::e

J JJ Energy, which the u.s. Government has declared does not exist • tc ~t-:.:.-=. e.:r..C . . flo()d portions of the U,S,A, in an attempt to stop this ir,:·o;.,;y e.r .: "crc·o _ re':~··

. sible investigation in the open of tl:~ facts. :.. ·-~ .:- -. '.. :. -·

· y· ·:· . I realize that this deciaion i~ a tre:r.endous c,-,c in ..-;,,,-.- of t.h. do. •• ,,,, . . - '' .. ~~ :whioh 'lllAY be done, but to do otherwise in this present D01 e"'e~gency we-.:.'.( .:1.-.•r,.esult in infinitely more harm and more damage, I also realizt tLr..' "ohe -~_responsibility for a decision of such magnituC:e rests with the ff!l•; gen·.:inely ·,•· re1pons ible gocernment persons such' as yours elf and t.'1e Pres i:ient, .... . ... . . .

·: · ~ ' Si.Doerely 1 hope that I -do not han tc take t!".is step, : sed' y 'e'::-. ·however that :you will view this as fantastically crack-pot, I he.: z ,.'""' _;.· Y'''' ~'talc• me aerioWily and wish to see :me, would your offioe call me ';: "'"" 6.t eit:':·c ·

· home, SOUth 6 7081 or at the Groveton High School. Gro"tet.on, ·.-~., v::1cr" I "teach:, : · . ~ · · c /.//

-,!( ·•':~.; -< ,Sincerely, ~-~ ( //;;;_,•., ~·,iM<:"!r.~;-'':: ·~:.;·: .·• , .J. Ul ~

. William S o Rt. 1, POB ·~~·. IJ.&ia:Ddria, va. -- .. ·---·

_ . . JUiC.wv;;."'•·'" :_._j, ~'·. 1'/

--~·--·-- ..


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on 3/25/~'1, __ ;:_. ~­A~~xa.nt.~.~·ia, lfc. 4


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has talted to ::--c! .. ar· -~ ·s'""",·._.::; D. C., conc~rni~; thG.s~ ~he F3:': h_as>ne. juris."~tix.

-~·· ·':'. - .

possession ·a ocp: ~:

O:r·anu:r . . ,Second Repott, 1951-1956

-----' .2..S pt·ir.t~u~

·.· By WILHEL?>! REICH ~~-:J>ublisbed .. by/, CORE PEOT P?E:S:O,

1 .

..,i New Yo:rk, '.New Yor·k, 1957" _· ,._~ :·- :·:. -~-~ :· ';.. ·_-- ':• .. -~~'. -- .. _,· .

· ·that'·~'O:iianur·" is the CQ.5-3 r:"~e ~ -· advised.''tb.at ·the s~s.ff' r.;a::-;bar:o o::' ::-,e



-Dugway, Utah _ .

-·•··•'':'· ,: 'Mr-(wiL~I~~TEIG 1oi•~--,.:..t>r.~\~1,_,. ·:EED ~.!.~'t,, -~ .: ,:

· .. _ . r:ruqrr-.1 d~~~W- . .Je.r.s ~y ' . .. . . !.;!' ! :.. ' ' ••. 4:Y._.- :.::: .

•• · . Mr· ; ·•WILLIAM MOISE : . -' RQute 1, .F~' o. 721 · Ale_iinArta:, __ Yir.ginia. - .. ·. \ ~ -_ ':: . .. . - ,· .' . . '

I . w,.as pointed· out. to. the complair:tar.t tn!:!.t t> e llT""''n•ction ,of' the .FBI. to conduct investio;ations :..s st£ :·:"::Jr·:; I

.... , .. ,.._~,._.u'-'J..ldawll·.being 'pa11:.:ed by ·the Congr-ess~ ' ': '~~- -""i • . ... . The·matters complained of and C.isc:.~ssao ·:JY tiE

}\f.:~~-f!~!~~tant:do'not appear· to be within the invecti~:lt:!.vc, t~on.of.,the FBI,· and the complainu!:lt wa~ s:: inf::···-~5.

:~~t~hecoomp~a~nacnt advised that she now 1nten~s :: ~~~t$.o,na::L11~~ F_.· TOMPKINS, A11sistant ~ttci·ney C'2':"r-c.: .•

. . _f..r.es_id~jlt: _of the United S~S1t_as,- co~:~:: !".i:-1';

r:~~.~~~~~j=~·.:~~~.::.-,_~,:~;-~~:~·..:. ~-:: ·- .. :~ . . /'·-,}

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' . ~- :

rA,asllstlant Attorney General ((LW • .Lillll"". ~. ·Tompkins

· ' · On being advised that the matters presented an.c. dis::.;.:;~:ej ·did not appear to relate to any violation within the investigative Juri~dlctic:·, of

:, this Bureau,· Eva Reich expressed her intention to personally conta:: ycu, ·~;~~,1 .. and, 1f necessary, the President of the United States, concerning her

· .. comPlaint •. _ · · · . : •:,. \, • 4 - - ~ • • •. : -- ..

., , "The above information is being submitted for your g;:icL".llce, • ·.•· and a copy thereof is being designated for the Commis~>ioner, I:nmlt:,l·atior.

· and Naturalization Service, in view of possible admissionE against bt<-r6:::: · · -on the part of Eva Reich. -~ _. •· .·.· ... _ . . : . · :cc :- .Commissian~r, Immigration and Naturalization Service

O#c.::~ ••. ( . . . ·.· ~~--;~~l: ~ : ~

' .

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.· .

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IJctob~r 16, 1~5:-

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1 Lr. noardr.mn 1 - kr. Belmont 1 - Lr. Preusse 1 - Liaiso:1

Parsc:.o; --::\oscr. _

T:t:".IT._ Toc:te: _ .'\eoi;e_

·1..>-~ ~ Te:e. ::c.:-;

' B 1 d d 10 10 -7 Hollvr.,;:1 . . :!1· y etter ate - -~ , ,i Ga,.d,_· ~~:,Woodstock, New York, advised that a cral se ' v·<.,. ·.·· /_ committed by withholding "the whole ~nd notllin.,_: but the ':rut~."

-a;;.'\ before a jury in a ~iaine courtroom. - refers to \{ilh·ln: ~cic::;. :,i·· ~the one man living today who knows tae ":'.nti-Gravity forr.ul:l.'

-~ ,1\eiC•l i~ei~r~bF!d~~!1h p~fs~n "!~t!m r~;ul~~¥n! s~c~rc~ ~~~~~s;,,:c;~~::~ ~~~ inspired ftaudulent action undertaken by fellow traYclcrs i.: ··- · ;·'o;;~

·~~ and Drug Adininistration (FDA). 'f-· -~~

•i.:· ... states in view of the "previous tl;warti::: of a':-:.c~:-Jt<. to impress the President's office, the Atomic Encrf.:' Cor.:r.:ission, a.'l(,·

_.,.other federal offices, with the validity of Dr. ::e:.:~·,'s .-:Lsccyc,·i:'s,:;: J:· feel that only a personal reply to this let-;;cr fror.• you wi; l aSSl'!"C

·'> me that your office is free from Con\ll'.unist syr.•pathize;-s, ~:,·.' that your -J-- interest and cooperation has been enlisted .. '! ~. ' Bufiles contain no record of- Ti'.::: :.il;Idi' ·.~ic;: :,iFoundationt also known as the Orgonc Institute at !';ur:[:dey, ::ainc,

· ·lwas foundea bv Reich in 1942 to commercialize his theory of cartce:r , ·I treatment througl~ contro~ of biol?gical_ cne~gy w~1ic!1 h<. na1: . .:" "vr~·onc

' ., Energy.• Following considerable Investigation by t.:c l-:.1.\. t;·.c ·~ . Government secured a permanent injunction a~ainst "e ich in ~' ec' c;-al .· ~ ~~~!:~~~~~~~r~! _P?,~!~~~~.r~a~~E!r. ~n~-19-54 _pyoili~i ~in¥ ;.c icJ, r'~cr. '-~-·

uH•u~uul.liJb 11.1:> vrgone J:.nergy-- uev1ces, r..1soranaeu •,a tn c,•;-at~vc

. claims. Reich and his associates ltave cnga:;:cd in '~Lat ,·,.a::; ~ r:.si-]~rcc' 't ~~uack methods of curing cancer and other scriot!s c'ise:J.~;:;s f,~·ou,e~: ;- f .Orgone Energy." ~eich and his associates contenced "vr.co;:c :.:nc:-~·:,"

. ~. IS. the se.cret of hfe; however, the Govcrmr.cnt clai;:.ecl it 0or-s not · .. exis;. · 4... .. " .

•"' ' - ...... . In Hay, 1956, Reich and an assistant wcrc fon-.c :z:1ilt" .;-of contempt of court for violation of this injnHctior: ar.\} ··~j c:• ·;::-:

'- .. ~presently serving a prison sentence. Since :;ovcr.;ber, l955, ':ci;:::: ;::..1:' .·' various members of his staff have been bombanliTlJ. the f::;:I .. :~,_; o-~: e:r

. ..,-: Governmen~ ~;~gen~ies with co~plaints ab~ut perjury, fraud <!n' otl:c:;­{(, irregulant1es 1n the handling of the H>.~ an,1 court action:-; i!'-ai.'1:>'t r.'.,f.;, them. As a matter of oolicv _ we do not ad:~ owl Nlf'P l"o.,,-,nni r ,, -,:; n ... , ~~from Reich or his associates: (105-1i4G1T2i·~,{-/1,j:t~T=· .. :--;:---~ / :~.: Enclosure~ /a-J 7-.r; RfCu\\DEO- S ·1t ·

:11. _ WNP:pw:ers ~"f:; ~ 2n OCT 22 1957 _;_.~ '}_ ( SJ 71 CCI 2 ~19S\'.. _,._ - ~t- L / · . . . . ·~


. . .

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. · ~A Jlemo to ~~r ~ Boardman · , "~ RL: WIUillJ..J.~ REI CII .. : .

? ..


. ~· _.indicates in letter l1c has tried to ir.prcss ot:.~r \(~'iGo"!ernmen~ agen5=u:s wi~h validity of R~i~h's dis~~~Hit_:s. _".cicL '"'t-'~ ana associates nave maae numerous conplaints to ~;·!a zmc! ot .......... '?~. Government agencies regarding action taken a~ainst ':eicL. ~ _...1 States action against P.eich was COLU!lUnist inspired an~ wiL asst .l

, ... ,j,_- FDI has communist sympathizers unless we assure h!~our .'a--< cooperation by acknowledging his letter. Tenor o~ letter

• •. _ .. ,~of letter might be construed by hir.: as to J::can we Cl.Jrcc Jez~~ f· act nst Reich was communist inspired anc lmdcrtakcr, r.y fc:..lm·. , . trav.elers in FDA. It is a matter of policy that ,.,..2 co no· · _, . ., ... ' :-,~,,~

- , .. ;.:_. · communications from Reich or associates, and as teno;- of.__ ·c.·~ letter indicates he is a possible assoc1ate, or at the ver_y .. ca.,·~. a ,. ~f~strong supporter of Reich, it is believed we shoulcl not ack:10w1er.~.e:

,.:;.. his letter. It is believed that a copy of his letter shoui,' b-= fcr.:1is';: ~ ~y to the FDA for its infoncation. .


·.--!fi:' (1) ·That we do not acknowlcdge-..:.~:ttcr !"or ~- ·reasons indicated above. ~--·- ·., • . -. - .. 'l :-· ..

1 - ,:-·


~I -~} (2) I~ee, attached letter to Fi::J.~ will ./·- enclosi~ copy of~ letter for its inforr..a t.ion.

" ···"':_nfli··<IT\~~ . _/ ,/ ~. ;~- .1~·~~~ ..rllll V v·

....... _.. . {.1 I "l' I iN'" I ~ F· . -~ . . . .

""'.t--. . . ·:·· .. ~ .. . .... -



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/· I. -'··

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t&!'f. F 81

Date: March 12, 1 • Tranam1t the following -••aoe Via _;;;A:;:I;;;R_·.:.'l';:EL:::...:"----------­

URG~'l' I

'1'0: ·-{I'Mritr., lle~Jo<M •flloWJf60


...,FROM: ltc, BOS~~:!B ; ) SUBJECT: WIU.IA.~s:P!!IG ~ l : _...,WILLIA.~.OISE . r. -£ \ f. ~·A.SSAUL'UNG OF FEDERAL OFFICEJl -; 1 '• · II.- -. i ,- ~ COIJSJIRACY · . ·V ---·

1 ,-/ \. J /' • \

.\ Re Boston t ~iet7Pe to Buruu 3/10/57 ./t·l~ . . '/. ' , I

• ·usDC Proce~cHnga re WIIJiELK REICH con~cted on 3/11/ . and n ,-~ 4 d,J.eturl:ances were created. MICP.J.~1LVERT and WTL'i M ./ : ·t-•.'_.AEICP. were both aurrenc1Siidto cuatod7 or Attorne7 Ceneral tor ; _..V • serving or aentencea prevloual7 1mpoaed. · . . ' Assoe1etea and above aubjeeta departed froM Portland area without

·-\.' 111ak1ng any "c1 tlzen arreata. • lio .fUrther action b e1ng taken b7 Boston Ott1ce.

'-·'' \ . -C-


' (J:Bureau '1-Boaton

•· ,(: .TVG:bjn (4 J . ;: "\ .

~-.:'-;A· .. ~--.- -. "t· ~- ·.~' :-:-, :

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. ·. -···--'---""

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~-.: ~ ....

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( ... r~r. 'Rosen]

r-~ -· ..

~Ci . . t r,..o ::ffL.

us f.:JJI 15 1957 -. ~.·.

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• .. : .,

.. . ~- .. _ :·.:

.• .

. -,· -:• .. . .! ... .

. ' .. lionozoe.ble C'barlee v. Cl'avtord . · · · · c~:tea:lonor . Food &!lc! Vrue Ad!D1nhtraUcn F•aeral 5eeur1\J PUllcllf18 . . / Jrc! ar;:l InderenC:e"lce Avenu•, I. v. ', · ·. 0.. , ~. .-aeALneton, D. c. . Jf>n ·.. · -r · • ~-..v---~~~-y ·

~ -:J>V .. .J..t-? ... ~-L "'_,.,., -- I ~ ~ cur COIUllu1oner1 P · · · . /1.fv ~ 1 'QrJ.

~bere are attached a letter 4ated luruat 51 and tvo enclosurea roc:et voc1 tr'Ol:l tbe ,_.~ 1 hf'l,. Fou:'loatlon, f.&~f,ley, .,aloe. . -.~ . ---;------- . - You v1ll note tb&t tne letter or Auruet 5,

1 ~2, etr.t•lalr.a or tDC a:th1 Uee o!' lndhlcbttle vho 1cant1tleG the~eel•ea aa repreaentatlvee ot JOur Aror.OJ• In ~i•e ••ont tneao l!'dlvluuala are not e:'!l;olc,ecl b7 rour Ar.oner,· 1t VOJld. bo approolated 1t rou wo 1lcl addu tilll BU!'aau 1n or•ller tb.e t •r·rro; r1a te tn•cet1re.Uon r.ey be -c:.;.nouc:ted U!'Uier the Illlpereonatlcn ~tatute •

0 ·I

CorNipoml•nt bas been ac1Y1 .. d or thll l"eterral to rour At,ancr •

.. .. '· .• ~-~ .i· .• ... 81nceralJ JOIU'e,

... ,.

;-"\ ... ,

i i i . >

. . •.·

.. ~ •.

' .

. ' ~- . · ..

~•• tla~llendortt SN'PCt&Z'f · · ~~ Wilhelm ~lch Foundation 0l"£OOOn . R&nG•leJ, Malrle · 15~ )


.. _·. ·-:·'"" . _· ~-~-~:-t

. '.

'"""'' 19, 19$2

Dear Macluu 1l £/a~~~ v !bl~1ll acknovledee 7our letter

or August S, 19S2. . .


t have reterrcd tno •atteP r~ntloned 1n JOU~ letter to the Honorable ChArlea w. crawrora, co~.:.h:s1oner, J:'oo4 and Urus Admlnlatra• tlon, hlleral &;ccur1 t7 Bu1ld1nc, .)rd and Inclepencionce Avenue, s. w., Waaa.tntton, · D. c._

. .. .:


.· .


John Edgar Hoover Director ·


; 1/ r •

· ..


. ;~- -' t. >f n I· " .... ~.

~t :.!' ~~-


.... -0

t' . -· .-.- 0

P THE ri L!:'!'LI! liE ICH F.''I'TJ;DATIO.V · l Orgolle Illatitute Research La!>oratortea, .IIlc.

,..v..I'Jr. .."". . "' . .. ,-

Ce11tral Office: -" . · Orgo'l on _.~ . P.o. Ra,.gelev ..;,....Vahe1 u.s. A.

;-. -·-! --

·: .·

it .-:_. :~:- August 5th 1 1952

u ., 5, '· .

-~ !i ~:: ;.i ~: -·'

ii, • ;

"' ,, ! . ,.


.. •• ' :- . ~-. ~- .... -.. -

. ' ..

1/r. J. Edgar Boo ver Federal Bureau oj Inveatigatioll rashillgton, D. c. Dear llr. Hoover:

' , o,. Julv 29th, 19521 at 12 nooll 1 three ge,.tler.ell 111ho la·ter

aho~~~ed badges oj the Food a'ld Drug Adr.i'listratioll ill Boatoll O'ld raahingtoll1 IIIith the jollowillg nar.ea 1

Ao Harris Kelli/Oil 1 Iupector1 Boatoll District f Robert B. Beller, Phvstctst, 7aahillgton 1 D. c.

. ·.Karl r. 19rir.r.er, II.D., l'aahillgton, D. c., · trlspassed Ulllalllfullll Oil our propertv Orgolloll, Rallgelev, Maille, bl/ drtuillg throu~h a road closed by o chaill Gild aeueral No Trea­passtllo siglla up to the Orqolle Ellergy Observatory. These safety aeasures are baaed Oil the jact that our research laboratories are dohg natiollally crucial IIDCH"l' (aee Orallue Report), a11d that our property .,,uld_be guarded by a large ailitary detail if it '.ll!re IJouerlurtellt operated. · · o · . • . .

Fe CClllllOt quite beiieue that a aerioua '1ouernlle'lt agency , IDOuld co'ldOile officers ldlo break tn that /IDQY• 111tthout previous

allnOUilcer.ellt or appotntr.ellt • •

rould vou be .tilld ellough to theae aen ore really ofjicera of and Oil ~diose behalj or direction this Institute's property.

. : .~ ·.' .·.· ... : -·- ,_. :_- ----~~- :. _________ ;:-:-

~- ---·····--

looTr illto this aatter, lllhether the Food Clld Drug Ad111.i11istratioll, thell trespassed Ulllawfullll on

.·- .

' . !

. ~

·.' '. ~ .... ~.,

1,::] ••• ·~c ::.

-~~1 ~ ~.


j ~ t. ,. . ' 'I

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. . _ _..



• • ____ , .... , U.S. PENITENTIARY LEI'ISBLRG, PaM.

. ~ ~ ., •


... :s

'-, .. ~'


• .tt •

Director or F.B.I. PeJUI.$;yl venia AYe. Wuhi~t.on 25, D.C.

Dear Sir:

DecUiber P, US7 ..J t .·

\ r... \

llE; 1 i!EICB, WilhelJII Re&• No. 2~937-NE

'I ·Will JOu kincUy examine the enclosecl at.a:r.acb conunts

I .•

l i - •

-'\ . ..;

~ I.

Oil Doctor WUhe.Lm l!eic:h, .Re&• Jio. 23~37-m::, vbo 'cied aUddenl;y on HovCJQber 3, 19.57. Post IlOTta examination aboweci aevere aortic atenoab and JQ~Dcardial •CU'Z'in!:· ,· ,. . . , 1 . ·, . ! .. • ·-.J

.- , "I •·lr· ~ •. . .. ~ .. ~ ~. .. . . r • I

lour eDIIIination or t.his apecwn tor allnorr.l.lil cbellli.ckls . , ·, ·' vil.J. be creatl,y appreciatecl aiDce his tal1)3 tears that be ~~~ay ,. ' beve been poisoned. llr. JM~J~Cy, Hlld.ici!J. Direct.or, Bureau of PrisoDJ baa instructecl us t.o sene! t.ilis to JOU.

Autopsy report iDclosed •

Since:rtl,y JQUra,


j., A . . 1./,44 .. _ • "'/)II



~--~· ... ,., .. , .... I .,.

.. l .. . , fll'f ---------------- ..

Sr. St.rgeon (RJ lJSPP.S Cbier Jledical O!ticer

P.ECC:-JlED • 17

........ ._.'I! .. I,'}L..• .-

'15·7;1.139~1· t--... ---: ~· S' ••• ~

. . . ' •

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-· _.... , ._ •.. .... ....,......,., .. .-..

·-' ~~ ;/,-....... • ... , of . . .

.... .... ' ·---~

• . .' : ..

• -


-Boa boliN-

·~ 26, 19S'7 ..


Rlr.J"t., Sl!!rt.!oru: ~ ~tropey or ~ ~l!le nbm1! rtd -.tC!:!!!1To po~ Jnt.!1l"'lt141 1'1tronu.

LWJf"lll One block ellCMI Cl.'t't~lvo con:JOlldntlo:l vlth a sunalent ccu&lte 1D t.ho bronchi end a t1br1nocoll\illlr lllvooler ~t.o, DSU.trophUa predomlnatiJ!a. iho othar Dloolc ~ Dc."lti.cro4 p~tchoa or a~.veoll oontiiir.in£ J4'0teinoi4 Mtaz-1cl and lAr::e 110nonuclcar colla, a=o ~~"! vltb ~1de:r.ln.

l.tm 1 Secttons revonl oontrolobJlJI:o ooncostion and tlnn .tat drol'\lN 1D D~'lrl.Y all 11YOr colla. So!'IO ~·!portal eroca ohow a DOdorato ~o in nl:roU:s t!BIIU8 lind ll c!"«'CnJ.c ~tor,y WUtrAto.

Snloon: !".alp1ch!lln oor,.cclo:J ~ Gl:IQ]l. -Deoocld=-lll dopo:~ltlon !D aodcrate •

.. J)ns;r!p.., 1 Sootiona I'G'toal. DO!DB · !Dtclrlo'Wlm- and tOOE1l intn'.lobulzlr tlbroGifl.

BraiD, pltult.lz7, poostllte, and adrena11 Do etr!Jd.na ehtll\.ooo:: lll"' aeon •

• .. ..

. . . .. .. ... ~ ..

J. •. t.. A:111lwn, M. 11., Ch1or Section on l'llt.holo:lc Anl\t.oqy .

_w_..._0 ___ _.4..,~..-....-:-.-.---..-_.....-. • ..,.~ .. ~..-c .• •~-·-u .. .s.--._. r . .~. • ...... --·- · -• •• • • ..... - -

• ~'*-~ ~ ~aaea&Yeaw ~


•- to: -Dr-. l.eOft A. rttP:tn ChJ~! H~dtcal 0//icer U. ~:. Pen' t;e rl'£1:: ry JA•tabur£11 PennD!-·luan £:2

January 2, 1958


0'<cc~ . ·U lo•a14rar HOCJW•r. Dlrec\or

IOCR FIL! NO. P.t!fJ 0 liO. :Je:-,37-IJE Fll FILl MO. ;"';.':.7:J72~• t.IB. •o. P!:-:5l:J;; .. • II

lefereace: Letter 12/S/:57 . L.UiiaatiOD r•q•ested: Clzer: tool ll~oll/~C-& - E.~cctro!Jraph t-;


· .. "-

-------- ·----- ----

Ql !'tomcch content::

Reaulta of e:rc~;nattor.:

Boectnen Ql ro.a~ e:ar..tncd chemtcally ,for the preaence of potsons. Fo~al~ehydc ECS cetecte~ fn thts apectnen. No other matcrtals co~~or.ly cor.::tclerea pohonous 10ere de-tecte~ tn ap~ct~en Ql. Tho<-c •·~bst:::n:::cs tested .foro ir.clz:.::.;cJ cuantr!el atrt-•clmtr.~ .. ~c.r!.:~to:r:::tcc. chloral hydrate, araentc, and ot.hcra. :the pr<~sc;:c-a c.;" J'ornalc!ehyde in spect:en Ql tnter.rered :,t-t;.'~ en:~ p7'ellent::d th~ teDttna o/ this apectnen for o1coholD.

WAIL 1100" CJ

-----~--- ---- ----------~-. ----- -- ..... ;


I • ~


t ~ ! ;


r '·.

• L./l::;j;.;' FEDERAL BUREAU r.r IINE:STIGA.T''JN 'ITE:D STATES DE:P;,,..-;-·.~;:t:T ?F J ICE:

Re: o.l L- !~L!~ v:·-~; .. ,iv;. 1~

Loboratory \','o~!. ;;:,c~t ------- ----:.c~: .. 1:.

~~--~- T .

... • ~ c..:o:' _; t . ·t ~:t.J.ci ; -::·1.!] c:--.1 l;_~_i i.c.:c ,. T: -~· :..-··cnJt~nti~j.y

Examination requested by: ; C\:~:;bu1·:~.· l'enr .. :yl.v,ni:-. (J,0t. L../ .l/!>7)

Examination requested:

Result of Examination:

Chcr,:ic~:l !.J~~Lly:.;c:.; ;..i!H.;c t~·ob : . ..,_l,~ti.c

( . 'c•·· ) ~ ....


S~·ecimer .. _- sut-;..itted !.;r exa:r:in:lt:nn

. .~. I


til~ * La~. f

·•. , -I

Date received: J ,,'J.O , ·. ·

Exomin:::tionb~·: P'l"·l ~~ • · ~-.;.JI ----. -- -··-· _,



-~ -·


. · .. . ·-

RECOW--~ I .. ~

?~r. · -e~n ~. ~ucln1!:>:...c Secrct~ry-Tre~suror 'l'bo ~jl:len'a J:cw<::::-~nt l'or :t Chr~et1an ~orld, b•corp~ratod

R,or: 1402 )47 l!adieon Avenue Hn York 1?, J:ew York

Ya.1r letter ::~f ~r.ril =-~. 1949, l".as bcr11 re::ei'\"ed. 1 re::z·~~ t.:.;;\. I c:;;.ocr.ot !>:; of oel"\•i::e in coJ:rc=tio:: wi.L:: y:n:r r-:q'.!cst 1':.;" i:'lf:lr...al.ion 'IIIlich :r."l'J' b" in t.!:e i'lles .,; t.his ll'Jr-'a~, lo3, 1n aeco::d~r..:Cl -::i.th Dc··art.­IDGntal rc:1:lationo, ncr tiles z.ro co::..f'Juon~ial ar:~ availo:l:lu tor ::..·r;:-1£<1 uoe only. l <~~. s::re you will undorat'l"'Ci the reas-7.1 for t.!ris rul(' :md. tt;at no inference will be dra'I!Il tl'•!l', -r.c do, or do not, hav>~ i!:fonil.tJ.cn in o:;r tiles OOeausc ·~! J!t' !'aablli ~:r to lYJ ,!' ns;:istJ:Lnoo.

r.:::rlc . ~- ·.-\ .... ' .

Jo~·n :<:t!anr iic -'ver I:ireetor

NOTE: No idcntifia~le reeo~ of the Cc~1ttee for 5£lf-~egulat1on co~d be found in &enftral files

/' -~~- I .•'


!:G--*· a=!•

!~. ',,~~- ;. . ' \· .

. I

"'· -·~.-" ll '·· . '7/'' ,.. ::~ •• • 3 •. t'n&:,_ -·­..... _ .. ..,.::._ ··-·~r;;..

~.· ,,,. .. . -

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. ' ~ • < i ~· :: ' I I I

., -for 11 eltristi --:'t Worltllnc.

t 0 H I L P I U I L D C H l I IT I A N P l I N C I P L II ! NT 0 THE 1¥ II Y • DAY LIFE 0 F T-HE W 0 l L D


a-1c -..,Hill NAil


I.AT.,UN'S SUNDAY October 16, tt4t

... M. ....... N.t._.~ Direc.:or

The Federal Bureau of Investigation ~fashington D. c.

Dear Sirs:

WALLACE C. "EElS, CMirnM~n .AVID H. SCOn, Pr .. ldent -'OHN P. HOLMES, Vic .. Pr .. ideat ~. C. PINNEY, Yke-Pre1ldeftt fii.OTD S. SANFOID, Jt., Yke-Pr..acl"'

WIYt.CAN C. HUCKAIEE, SKret•ry·T,......., CI.EWEUS WOITENSON, AuKi•t• Secrot•ry JIIIANCES E. ISHlLWAN, S.cy. 1M Pr.,..- C.l1

April 28, 1?49

Is it possible for an organization like ~urs te re~eive throagh you any inforoation concerning the activiti~s of a ~olr.lld.ttee which h«= been brought to ~~r attention as being scbvereive? It is the~umittee for Self-~e&~ation, the a:ldress or which is 219 East 19th Street, He-.· York 3.

I ho.ve received a letter fron• thic ArganizaUon quoting a '!)&lr.pi-~et on juvenile delinqv.'!ncy writter. by Albert H~ro:r.l.ie oublishe-:l b~outh ProbleniS, Inc. ot Colwnbus, Ohio, which p3lllpt:·. 't, I had read &."ld o:-aered a .: supply for the Hie;h School in our comnlWli ty. ..--"- •

...... The refermce which has come to me concerning the Coll1lli tt<'e for

Self-Regulation reads as follows: "Helen~askell, of the Cou~ittee for Selt­Reg-Jlation: the New York City gang of r.eal"C>l.s who act as stool pigeons for T!la...Orgor.e Institute and its e>:-Cer:·-an CoJIIIIl.lldstc, Wi:hel~cic:!· anJ his fellcr.r cOhorts." """-.



·, , ;

I I,.

Sinrerely yours,

~~" ,./~ Weyman • H~e~ . \ () /



... ---- ··- .

.. '.

' ' }

J-· • ,.


•Jhw o.. ... , GN-" ..,._ o. ........ ti" Growl' •H .. OUI' P-.ul.rilr Grow•"


March 30, 1949


!'o the Board Membe:r3 am! F:riemi~ of Youth Problems, lnc.

_.,.. Oree tino;s :

/ On February 26, Uu9 a letter was sent to some of i.ne memuers of our Advisory Board i and or our Editorial Boaru. It was acc0111panied by t.wo pabes or mimeoo;raphed mater:!.-:: al criticizing our booklets. The letter was sent on a letter-head bearin& the title:

/ \!'C.;mnit.tee For Sel!-Re3ulation" and was signed by HeleJ1"'11askell, Chain:.:m ::.l.!b-Cor.::dtt.eE on Sex-Education.


.'{! We are al-,-s interested in a sy:npathic evaluation of our material and pro;rB.r.l. But, ' .. ' the above letter and material bears so many marks of Communism and ciOl¥1U'ight dis-f ':! ~.oncsty, ir. our esti:nation, that we feel that we should call your special attention to

I ~·.;; l.t.

" ... ; s~~.QP!-~pern o! Lorain, Ohio I ~~-;!_n. ~ankle I his brother-in-law, of Des i.loir.~;:,

"'t/ 10\Q., and a Doctor (?) Wilhe~eich o'f Forest Hills, New York mailed a !our page •++•~"-""' l!tot_ tf:o~v ""'" wr: ..... ';.~"ll-·•rc:"' .-.~~;;.!:1, a~n,.a+.;,..,., Jl't"'orl ",,..-:~+a,..;:., "rhn ,'!t.,.+ .,~,...!11-. ... .!!. ..... h ,..{' _., .... __ .,., .. '-~ .......... ,, ...................... , ... .., ...... "'""' ..... _.,._ ...... -. ............. ~ ...... ·~-· .loll<;. ........................ b"-J" ......... ...

~ t.he material, written by Wilheim Reich reads as !ollar.s: 111 have trar.smittcd the i' pamphlets to a group or Fpecialized physicians and psychiatrists who will ela~•.:lr:ite on

t- ) th'! ham!ulness of such r-amphlets in detail. The results might. be pu'bllihed at. a ~ lcter date." We wondered who would follow up that promise. On :August 21, 1943 we :..·· sent a letter to this 'Wilhel.r.l Reich asking him this qpestion: 11t;'hen r.nd where did you -~· 'be-:o:ne a. citizen of t.he United States"? On August . .f~ 1946 a letter was written in ~ reply refusing to give us t.he ansner. "l'be letter l~s signed A, Alle~.e6't.t, ~I.D. It

• ~ · l7as written on a letter-head bearing the 1nscripti~- Orgone ln:>titut.e R,;sea.ftch Labor;;.-~ t.ories 1 Inc., and bears on the left hand side tbesq words: Re:;ea:-ch Ir..rcctor:

l Wilhelm Reich, l!.D. Now note this. The letter 'IJCri on Febr.ua. 26·' 1949 b-J the Com-

l ..._ ait:tee For Self-Regulation bears on the letter-head a _1 f dJiJDl"S, and ~ose name ; '. do J'OU suppose appears? This same A •.. A· l,ien Coth J,i.]).. ( sJfo~JII!-~ r~¥ 'iilif~--

,,~ who re!us~:d to answer t.he Sim,'?le qu~l!tion aboutN· Reichl c~~n~ip·.- • :. · , . J ':.c · · II 0£)(£0 • ]; i _L;.;.;...:._ -~ -~ • -· --• ~ 'l'his let.t.er aent out by Helen Haskell, with accompanying IIIClterl:fsc:1s 1j1lO~~~n::cnr es-! .,..,... tilllation, an hor.est attempt to evaluate t.he material but is a s ar9-:J.Ysl•tteJ)!pt to ~ . ......._ destroy Youth Problems, Inc, These letters were sent t.o Members .;,£'·our i.d'.'tiory Boa:-.:I 1 a.-~ of our Editorial Board. Ttaey were perl'"wps naive enough to bel1evt- ~nat i.f' .t.l!ey ~ could per.suad.e those board members t.o withdraw fran the organization~ we would i.•e kille< ! Aa President of ~outh Problems, ·Inc., I would like to make it Yery"'clcar to tl•:l<''l 1 people, and to aey one else who uy be interested, that if all or our Advisocy lloard i and our Editorial Board members were to resign and even I resipd, Jcut.h .r'robl'l:l'.r,Inc. l would still co right. ahead with 1ts program. The organization is controlled by a Board

. • or trustees and ;you uy be very sure that out of the five aembers or t.be Boah, we are · i certain to have 3 who will always vote alike. . .

. ; :. .. i ~ '

t I ==- I ~ - "=:·="L--, .. wr lJrooloou,-.1 ~ ... achooll. do ....... ""·..,·- ...... rlirlc...duaprol>ln.~lctr.&o•rlccopi«lfc-h. •). ·. . I ' .

! S· . • <

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. ' .i


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• · The"·lfishoncst¥ or thif .tack is further si><JWn by the l ' that J!elen liaskel1 did not }lend Youth Proble=>, ll.vo 1 a copy of her ll-tter or of the material. She, like SoloJta:'l Alpern, Allen f!, Frankle an~ ~;n;,,..,_, i''O ;,. : ""1::5 to be perfectly willing to stab us in the back. What a CIT.Rrdl:c :: •. - < ~ ,c,;:~i? . · ;1 are! Right nor. aee:ns to be a good time to remind you people that thi~; ~~:~n h'ilhelr.. ncich who pl'CIIIliaed to bave our 11aterial sub­llitted to another group, was bon1 in Austria, where he was ! pupil or Freud. he then went to Oe=any where he l7as a Communist vouth organizer tor aeveraryears. Later he went to Oslo where be Wa.s Chased out or ~untry for •cornlpting the morals of 70uth11 • He then went to Denmark Where he was also chased out. or the country !or •corrupting the morals of youth11 • He later?lecrt'o the United States. Space prohibit!: &iving all the facts about hil!l and his horrible sex activities. He bas been exposed h articles in Collier's magazine and in the New Republic ugazine.

In the letter aent out b1 Helen Hnskell to our~visory Board and our Editorial Board a new name appears. It is that of· Dr • .Hoy .A<'liurkhart, Hinister of the First Comunity 'fhurchOfColumbus. lle is quoted i511iVinrwritten a letter saying: 11llr. Cra:itie never sot permission !'ram me to usc either my name or my approval of his par.!phlets; ! feel that his pamphlets are psychiatrically and psycholo;£ically unsound ar.d that t.hey aend ;roung,ople into conrlict rather than i'reeino; them spiritually". This is~ !.!!!!!!. Royo-'irurkhart 1'/ho in 1936 organized and ~.!! ! parade of young pco:;:le thro:.:gh the streets of Columbus. In that parade, young people carried ban;;.;:rs be.1ri:1t;: such in­scriptions as: 11Join the Youn;; Soviet Union and Secure Peace" and nThe Comunists want peace". I was a member of his church for a number or years and was on his BOard of Deacons for several, Duri."lg that time I heard so maey speakers ridiculing the Mlerican way of life, upholding Russia and pointing ,2!!1 the good of Ccmnunism that I was shocked. On the Board of .t:leacons I eventuallY learned that Roy A. Burkhart does not believe in the Virgin birth, the deity, atonin~ sacrifice or even in the literal resurrection of Jesus Christ. When l found those things out, I resigned trot:, the . BOard of !leacons and withdrevt from the church, When I learned or his statement in the letter from the Committee For Self-Regulation, I iJmr,ediately called him on the telephor. I demanded an interview and only after much urging did he agree to meet me, face to ,£ac~. At that conference he adr.dtted: That for maey years he did endorse me iildour lxY..klets. He adlni tted that he \'IX'Ote not only one but several approval letters. He a.hitted that he arranged !'or the <U.stribution of our booklets i."l hi~ church at the trme the rlati'onal Convention of Colll!l\l!U ty Churches of America vas held there. ~ ad'!li tted that he asked me !'or a dozen or more extra popies of a booklet containinr, Ell endorsement to be used by him for securing funds for Youth Problems, Inc, He ad::i tted that he sent me to a wealthy member or his congregation to secure a contribution. He aclmi tted that 'be offered to secure speak in~ engagements for t:e. He pro::dGI!d to write a letter E£ explanation to the COIIVllittee For Selr-Reeulation. I have a copy of that letter. He says in it, just what he hypocritically said in the conference. As long as I wa:; a member of his church he was friendly, cooperative and supported Youth Problems, Inc. But as soon as I left his church he stopped being my i'r:i.end. It is to be noted that Roy-&zokhartd'OeSiiOt object to Helen Haskell usinlZ his fir::t letter. He even writes a .!!rCpnd one att:aekiiig" Jill) personally. !his. in spite or the !act that I •bowed him documentary proof or the tie-up between the Com1ttee for self-Regl·lation and the Orc.;one IllStitute, headed by the ex German Communi!lt, Wilh'!lm Reich. He eitt.cr does Dot use good judgement or is more of a L:ommunist tha:li is cOIDIIonlY suspccud. I hate to write these thing; about my former Pastor and friend, bu.t I have !!l ~1at.ior: to God !!:!!! Country that goes beyond hunlan desires and relationship:r. I wow.d Lke to 1iilP"'ROy recapture the simple faith and peace or conscience I believe he once h,.d but l cannot do it if he persists in such associations and conduct.

'l'here is a lot of humor tied up in this attack upon Youth Problems, Inc. Here :i.:o laugh IJ.. Soloman Alpern or Lorain, Ohio wrote ua a letter and asked !or sample copies of our booklets. He signed the letter •cordial?A yours". ile hsve reason :t.c' believe that those booklets are the very ones sent to ilhelm Reich the ex-Gencan Coallllunist. Not so cordial. Cln December 7, 1948 Helen Haskell wrote a letter e.'ld asked for allllples of our bOoklets sayinga •aa a school te:~.cher I should be intereoted in •eeing them." Jiote that she aaid that she is a school teacher. She norr shorrs up as the Chairman of the Sub-COiiiiiittee on Selt Ec!uc'ltion for the Camnittce Tor sC1r- -

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. . Reculation! On Augo.lst 24, 194& a 'IJCI'IIlm na..,.,: :l Perr:(1ildham wanted us t.o sena ""'

.12 tree copies or our booklets. She said s; r• was "a hospital social r.orker." Nm7 who is Perry Oldhlnl? She is (you cuessed h), Secretarx of the Comittee !or Self­Regulation. ~ocrites altrays provide l&U&h:; tor people.

Very little time or space shall be taken to answer the criticisms of the 11me too people' Belen Hukell quoted. Ooodlrin\~atson starts out by saying "I 1111 &lad to add my criti­cisa to the coments you are collecting". Wilhelm Reich said his friends would elabor­•te Oil Ule harmfUlness or the pamphlets. Perhaps the good pro!ea.sor just read those iii)~~~~~ents and added his OK, Robert p;--xnight, K.D. ~;ives us this gem: 11 To be sure, acral education should be a part or this training, bl.t education and self kntr.Yle~e, encouragement of emotional expression *iHI are also essential." Sounds as though e tlel:ieves in learning things by experience and \1ants teen-agers to express their -.otions Without restrairt. A rotten philosophy. An ignorant one. ll:'s. Henrietta L',""'iordon says that she objects to our work being done on a Natjonalistic basis. Don•t know wey she does net want America to become a moral nation \;; ':. that seems to be her idea. Inua Simonto~lack says nothing or importance but wants her name used. !te oblige! Reverend Frederick ().,-··1Cuether makes this revealing statel!llnt: 111 L'll glad to reply to this letter and to endorse heartily the criticisms made by your colllr.littee and the actions taken," Just a loud hamen" !rom a preacher of sorts. Rabbi liilt.o~!il­lie'rg aays that o\lr booklets are no good - "not even from the religjouz point or vie-.1,n In-as-much as our booklets are Chripian motivated I would not expect the Rabbi to see aeything good 1n then:. Dr. Ernes:t>'Hanrls, paid us a great complilllcnt, Tlhen he said: "I can not lmderstand haw official and parent organizations 1n this colmtry can so

·"Vigorously have taken :G the defense of such ~ literature *"*"• Perhap5 J.t is be­cause the majority of ~ericans are clean minded and oppose rotten sex philosophy. A group of teachers doing post graduate work at the State Teachers College of Col11111bia Vniversit,y do not like our booklets. Perhaps those school boys and school girls shouJ memorize these words or General Dwight D. Eisenhower, President or their Collllllbia University: "iiithout a moral regeneration throughout tile wrld there is no h~ for u~ as we are going to disappear one day in the dust of an atomic explosion". HanS 1.1a.cder reached the climax when he said: "It seem::; to be advisable to stop distribution of th: "*material". Remember that llilhelm Reich, the ex-Gennan Communist, in his ma.nuscr1; said "in short, such literature should be strictly !aught against, and its distributi should be prohibited." lt is going to take more than ·,!ilhclr.l Reich and other active and ex-COillllunist.s to do that jobl

We know, as a great many others do, that there is a well organized group of so called paychoanalysists in America who are doing everything they can to break do:>l'ln th<l more of youth. They are well i'.!.nanced. They use: So; words and thrD'.I titles arc.~ with great abandon. If you have been readine the Road>Jr 1s Digest for the; last tno years and other similar magazines you Jcno-,y a great deal about their program. I! you read the Saturday Evening Post of two 1'1Ceks ago you lurnod aaneti1ing about the Co11:111unist achool in New York Ciiaf. It is significant to us t.hat this destructive attac•~ on Iouth Problems, Inc., comes from New York Cit,y, colllllonly called "The Communist Capit•

rica." You must remember that, "To break up the moral fiber of our nation is · tion it and soften it for revolution.•• That 1s the wrk of the Communists,

- ftcllllember this: our booklets do not contain the words sex, male, femAle, passjc,n, desire, birth control, intercourse, period, intilllaey, abortion, w.nstruation, 1rastur tion, cohabit., or tho n1111es pf the personal organs of the bllllllln body. our boo!rlcts are conduct problem booklets. Not sex education material. Ie' these people a1 tack the booklets and program. 11ey? &cause we do not believe that aex education ah.,lllc:! can be taught in high schools. We believe that most teen ap ;:rauth are not cor:::ernc with the mechanics of reproduction, CCIDIIIOnly called sex. We llaintain that if youth

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• • taught a' sour.:i moral code, 1 t will natura:i Ly aciopt a clean, reverent, normal course ,»f iex conduct. If tJlese people, and their fellow travellers can lreak down belief in aorals, they can bring about an immoral condit~on in America in which revolutions tbrive. 'lhcy know they cannot overthrow America if she maintains her lollb-time­tested moral code of liVing, Our booklets are designed to preserve th:~t code forever ~ training ;youth. Hence Youth Problems, Inc., 1s made the poiilt of this Vicious attack. 'lle are pleased to report that our b:loklets arc new use:d in avery State, all ~oss Canada and in Hawaii and Alaska.

We aro not worried yet too much abrut these attacks. It has been well said: "The .ost sticks are round under the best apple trees." ite respectfully ask our critics to produce three booklets containing not more than 6,000 words each, thJ.t give as much infarmation as ours do, that wUl be so universally accepted by the public. r:e are reminded of the rookie who once said to Babe Oituth: ••I don't like tile way you stand at the plate when you hit home runs 11 • Babe shifted his tobacco .from one cheek to the other, looked him straight in the eye and said, "How do l!!!!. stand at the plate and h011 many home runs did you hit this year?" In a serwc, we have received a great ca~­pliment fran this whole gang or fran b:lth gangs 1li th their motley crew of carping copy cats. They are afraid of us. They think we are bic enough to need fi gnting.- They -­should change their na'lle .from "Collr.li ttec for Self-Regulation" to 11Com::1i tte.? for Fir.h­ing Youth Problems, Inc,"

'!'be above I:IBterial is the best we could write in the limited time we had to fool with cuch a group of fanatics. It is beir.g sent to our Board mc:nbers, to all whose names arc mentioned, to the F.B.I. to put along Ylith other information r.e h<.V(? ziven n, and to other persons of authorit-.r. iie are encloliing a copy of one .of our booklets. !Wad it and then you can sec !~ourself how clean it is and judge !.ow~ their minds must be. Personally we hate men and women Communists wmthcr they are preachers professors, or professionals. \(e arekroud to be Americans and to write material that is helping boys anc! girls to be good ericar.s,


Sincerely yours,

Albert H. Crombie President

1 Copyright 19L9. Youth Problems, Inc. f

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D.-c1..,r Ulhel.m Rei~n, who is "' su=er rGs! :!er.t1 or Ro.i.o~;r.l"'Y• ·aine, has inform~d the wri t3r that he has re<~~on to susp.!ct t::c

activities o! o~e of New York ~ity, as being ini..1li:a.l t,o the 1:~terest:. .,.! t'";c· llni t-:.j Stat,es. His co:wnul'liCPtion to ~:~e is quoted:


"I .. ish to e.:tph3Z.i7.e tLa: I ~.l11 :,s_a~ · : tch hu:-: :..i!lg en.: nuisu.nce ~r:>s-·cuticm of peoph r.i th ::tronr,ly crHicr.l c--j !'lbJJ cf the r.s. Govern:!ent. ~cwevcr, for It or; t L~·~ 20 yea:-. :.. hav!: l~·'ii'Cl~C ... -: eval•~ate pr~-periy the danger of red fa:;cist pr~ded:;res .H:d tr.~ Li ~~. Therefore, T feel tlJ:;.t the u.s. Govcn•r.~:;t shm;~ d have ev:•;·y bi:. ci in~ot~iatiol .. tel~tir~r, to red faEci~t pt"Jicie$. l Jo not s.:, or cla.:.:u th"'t· E<:lid is a red fas;;ist spy. Hc•wo:;v~r, t-b. :·ol:!..:.':i:~,~ facts are p .• rtinenL 11.:1d suffi::ient. ;,o £~~J.!;!_,;;r..!:.~~:;_~::!!·

belongc,.J and p.:>;;si::>l;{ stH- l>elvutc'· to t:;-~ t.<!llace , a cla:~.r cOI!l.:lwlist- i r.:.::t cu ~J--. t.1. :.:.lla:e hiJ:self cbj:c ted la t"ly to th.:. ir Aorean policy;. In 194 7, t.: ,. . ., ; :..nvo.i.·lcli together with a co.:mllllist by 1.he narn•.• o~· J.o'i;IY.els Lein, in ::;,r;.,s!Ji:w ;;.p the fa:..=...:s eeiiregul;.tory HamiJ.t.on Schooi in ~et. York Cit.;·. •iiil ~is :. very cunning cha::-ac~r, gr;,edy and sly. Cb:.r.::~t:?rol:>fiC:l! •v

he repres.,n•.s in my opinion t~e typical clever S<'!'Gear.t ,~.,!.d:1.:; .'!'-'::1 the ranks of 101' mi:ldle class -r.orker far.dly who is p•:r.rsr-erc':'d;r nne! e:;~ill develops into the t~"!)e of St;,lir. who l!J.suses the hel;>-l-i!ssr,ess o!' people for their o•·.-n interests • i do not lmo~; w: ether or :Jot b= bclonrs t:> th·~ C.P. :lOiro B.1t rr.y fe~lint: al;.ot't 1"5:.1 in t::is respe('t is uneasy :.r.:! I prefer t.o let the F.Bi find out \t!lr1.!:~1· LY ~uspciGi.>r.. is •·orrect. .;.r not."

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.. . . Since1·e.:.y yours 1

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