Dr Pola 4-1-06 65-79

(KAJ) Kurdistan Academicians Journal, March 2006, 4(1) part A ارى ظ ؤ ط ى ن ا ي م ي كاد ة ئ ان ي س ورد ك ى ورور ة ئ2706 ارى ار ئ2006 رط ة& ئ4 د( 1 ى+ ش ة& ئ) A Petrographic and Petrological Investigations of the Neogene Lignite of Chomatero-Koroni, SW Peloponnes, Greece. Polla Khanaqa Kurdistan Technology and Research Centres / Kurdistan Region/ Iraq Abstract This paper presents the results of a petrographic analysis of drilled cores of the Neogene (Pliocene) lignite deposit of Chomatero- Koroni basin in SW-Peloponnes, Greece. The study involve by studying polished slabs of lignites under both fluorescent and polarized microscopes in order to derive a standard quantitative analysis of the lithotypes components (macerel analysis) in addition to macropetrographic description of lithotypes. The study has proved that lignites, the primary of plants organs and tissues are not yet obscured by digenetic processes. Therefore, lithotype description provides significant information regarding origin, composition and coal seam development in the Neogene lignite deposits of Greece. For this study eight lignite bearing lithologies are selected which showed that the lignites are characterized by a high proportion of xylites and tissue-dominated lithotypes. This corresponds well with the dominance of humotelinites in the macerel spectrum. The abundance of xylites in combination with the general lack of carbonate partings and some paleobotanical and palynological evidence can be used as a strong argument for the origin of the Chomatero-Koroni lignite from a taxodiaceous swamp forest. This is unusual for Pliocene lignites in Greece. Reflectivity measurements show values corresponding to those of normal immature lignites. The classification of ICCP is used for the first time in this paper on the coal of south Europe. Keywords: Greece coal, coal petrography, organic petrology, lignite lithotypes, origin of coal, Fluorescence intensity measurements, Vitrinit-Refection. Introduction This paper presents the results of a petrographic analysis of the Neogene lignite deposit in Chomatero- Koroni Basin (SW-Peloponnes). It is part of a broad range of investigations regarding the 65 رة ة+ لائ( 65 - 79 ) (65-79)


Petrographic and Petrological Investigations of the Neogene Lignite of Chomatero-Koroni, SW Peloponnes, Greece.Polla Khanaqa Kurdistan Technology and Research Centres / Kurdistan Region/ Iraq 2005

Transcript of Dr Pola 4-1-06 65-79

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(KAJ) Kurdistan Academicians Journal, March 2006, 4(1) part AA ( بةشى1) ذ4 بةرط2006 ئازارى2706 نةوروزى كوردستان ئةكاديميانى طؤظارى

Petrographic and Petrological Investigations of the Neogene Lignite of Chomatero-Koroni, SW Peloponnes, Greece.

Polla Khanaqa Kurdistan Technology and Research Centres / Kurdistan Region/ Iraq

Abstract This paper presents the results of a petrographic analysis of drilled cores of the Neogene (Pliocene) lignite deposit of Chomatero-Koroni basin in SW-Peloponnes, Greece. The study involve by studying polished slabs of lignites under both fluorescent and polarized microscopes in order to derive a standard quantitative analysis of the lithotypes components (macerel analysis) in addition to macropetrographic description of lithotypes. The study has proved that lignites, the primary of plants organs and tissues are not yet obscured by digenetic processes. Therefore, lithotype description provides significant information regarding origin, composition and coal seam development in the Neogene lignite deposits of Greece. For this study eight lignite bearing lithologies are selected which showed that the lignites are characterized by a high proportion of xylites and tissue-dominated lithotypes. This corresponds well with the dominance of humotelinites in the macerel spectrum. The abundance of xylites in combination with the general lack of carbonate partings and some paleobotanical and palynological evidence can be used as a strong argument for the origin of the Chomatero-Koroni lignite from a taxodiaceous swamp forest. This is unusual for Pliocene lignites in Greece. Reflectivity measurements show values corresponding to those of normal immature lignites. The classification of ICCP is used for the first time in this paper on the coal of south Europe.

Keywords: Greece coal, coal petrography, organic petrology, lignite lithotypes, origin of coal, Fluorescence intensity measurements, Vitrinit-Refection.


This paper presents the results of a petrographic analysis of the Neogene lignite deposit in Chomatero-Koroni Basin (SW-Peloponnes). It is part of a broad range of investigations regarding the constitution and genesis of lignites in Greece [1-5] and Antoniadis, Khanaqa et al., 2005 in press] carried out during the last two decades by the Department of Geology at the University of Göttingen in cooperation with the University and the National Technical University of Athens. Lignites from the deposit at Chomatero-Koroni have previously

been studied mainly with the aim to assess their economic potential [6- 9]. Small open mines operated near Koroni and Falanthi intermittently during the period of 1939 to 1945 and later. Previous deter-minations of the heat value (3400 kcal/kg), water content (28.9%) and ash content (8.6%), probably run from whole seam samples, and demonstrated the relatively high quality of the lignite [9]. In the future, such high quality lignites may be considered as a possible additive to low quality lignites such as the Pleistocene lignites of Megalopolis in electric power generation. Based on micropaleontological evidence from marine interbeds in the accompanying sediments as well as palynological studies of the lignite horizons from bore holes and


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(79-65) الثةرة(65-79)

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(KAJ) Kurdistan Academicians Journal, March 2006, 4(1) part AA ( بةشى1) ذ4 بةرط2006 ئازارى2706 نةوروزى كوردستان ئةكاديميانى طؤظارى

Figure 1: Generalized map showing the location of the Basin of Chomatero-Koroni and the position of the studied core.

mine outcrops an early Pliocene age is assigned to the lignite deposit [10, 11]. Conclusions regarding the constitution, genesis and coalification of the deposit are restricted to results of petrographic study. Since palynological data are not productive

Gelogical Setting Pre-Neogene The Neogene basin of Chomatero-Koroni is situated within the tectonic zone of the Central-Hellenic nappes, which are here mainly made up of

sedimentary sequences of the Olonos-Pindos Zone. These consist essentially of Upper Triassic to Upper Cretaceous limestones. Radiolarites of Upper Jurassic to Lower Cretaceous age mark the deep sea stage of Tethyan rifting. Flysch sequences of latest Cretaceous (Maastrichtian) and Palaeogene age complete the succession. Upper Jurassic to Lower Cretaceous limestone and younger flysch deposits form the pre-Neogene western margin of the basin near the lignite deposit (see figure 1) [12 ,13].


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Figure 2: General section of the Neogene succession in the Basin of Chomatero-Koroni and the surrounding pre-Neogene rocks of The Olonos-Andos Zone (adapted from Albatakis, 1987)

Neogene The Neogene succession is schematically represented in figure 2. The basal sandstone overlies the pre-Neogene sequence disconformably and crops out mainly at the northern margin of the basin. The sands were overlay by the main lignite seam (seam 1) with a thickness of 10 to 20m. It consists of several coal horizons separated by thin interbeds. Over most of its known extent the main seam is overlain by a succession of grey marls reaching a

thickness of up to 70m. Another lignite seam (seam 2) is restricted in areal extent to the northeastern part of the basin and varies between 0.5 and 7m in thickness. A second sedimentary cycle is initiated by a thick (about 100m) conglomerate overlying the marl and upper lignite disconformably. This is succeeded by 100m thick lacustrine marl with abundant gastropods and bivalves covering most of the basin surface. A third sedimentary cycle is indicated by another

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conglomerate which, however, is preserved in a small erosional remnant only.Quaternary deposits are restricted in areal extent and thickness within the study area.

Petrographic analysis For a comprehensive petrographic analysis of lignites it is imperative to include both, a macropetrographic description of lithotypes and seam sections and a standard quantitative analysis of components under the microscope (maceral analysis). In lignites, primary features of plant organs and issues are not yet obscured by diagenetic processes. Therefore, lithotype description pro-vides significant information regarding origin, composition and coal seam development in the Neogene lignite deposits of Greece. Portions of a drill core were provided by LARCO Company for the present study. The location of the drill site near Chomatero is shown in fig. 1. A detailed macropetrographic description of the upper 7m of the main seam was carried out along with the determination of the microscopic composition (maceral analysis) and ash content of 8 selected samples. In addition, reflectivity of suitable macerals (eu-ulminite) was measured from two samples in order to determine the degree of coalification.

Macropetrographic description of seam section The macropetrographic description of the seam section is based on the terminology and classification set up by [14] and adapted to the specific conditions characterizing Greek lignites by [1]. This classification is based on an essentially subjective assessment of the ratio between recognizable tissue remains and fine-grained organic matrix. As a general rule,

the terms “tissue lithotype” and “matrix lithotype” are used, if tissue remains respectively organic matrix are clearly dominant. Lithotypes in which tissue remains and matrix occur in about equal proportions are termed “mixed tissue/matrix lithotype”. In addition, there are lithotypes consisting mainly of woody material (“xylitic lithotype”) or exhibiting fine layering (“laminated lithotype”) due to an abundance of leaf remains or algal respectively bacterial mats. In Greek lignites is the close association of coal and marl often necessitates the recognition of “carbonaceous marls” and “marly lignite lithotypes”. The results of macropetrographic analysis of the main seam (upper part) are given in fig. 3. The left column represents the succession of lithotypes as distinguished on the basis of the ratio between matrix and recognizeable tissue remains. Immediately to the right the most common accessory components and inclusions such as seeds, leave remains, wood (xylite) and charcoal fragments (fusain) as well as root traces and shelly material are listed. The upper portion of the main seam studied here begins with about 30 cm of a mixed tissue/matrix lithotype bearing abundant xylite fragments and some leaves and other plant remains. It is succeeded by 25cm of a xylitic coal made up of about 25 to 50% xylite fragments and numerous other indeterminable plant remains. The tissue lithotype with a thickness of about 25cm following above still contains a number of xylite fragments in addition to other plant remains. The lithotype succession is continued by a nearly 80cm thick mixed tissue/ framework lithotype, in which seeds, root horizons, xylite fragments and charcoal

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layers (fusain) can be recognized along with numerous indeterminable plant remains. The succeeding 2m of the seam section are characterized by lithotypes consisting mainly of xylite. A distinction may be made between purely xylitic and xylite-rich lithotypes depending on an estimated proportion of more or less than 50% xylite. In this part of the seam there are several fusain horizons and layers with abundant seeds and randomly distributed other plant remains. The following 1.20m are dominated by mixed tissue/matrix lithotypes which are particularly tissue-rich and fusain bearing at the base and characterized in the middle by high xylite content. A 10 cm thick xylite layer separates this part of the section from the succeeding tissue-rich lithotype which, in turn, is interbedded by xylite and fusain layers. The uppermost 1.20m of the seam is made up of a narrow alternation of tissue rich lithotypes, mixed tissue/ matrix lithotypes, xylite lithotypes, silty marls and shelly layers. An increasing number of fusain layers occur toward the top of this section and, in addition, xylite fragments and leaf remains. The macropetrographic description of the core shows that the Pliocene lignite of Chomatero-Koroni is characterized by a high proportion of xylite and dominated by tissue-rich lithotypes. Fusain layers occur particularly in association with xylite rich horizons and the topmost portion of the seam. The shelly and marl layers near the top indicate the transition to the lacustrine marls overlying the seam.

Micropetrography In selecting the (8) samples for the determination of the micropetrographic composition the highly variable upper part of the seam section was sampled more

closely in order to be able to observe the expected changes in maceral composition. The results are summarized in graphic form in fig. 3 and related to the macropetrographic seam section. The detailed maceral composition on an ash-free basis is listed in table 1. Classification of the vitrinite respecti-vely huminite maceral group is here adjusted to the system proposed by the International Commission of Coal Petrology in 1994 and published later [15, 16] which is applicable to lignites as well as bituminous coals. Table 2 shows a summary of this vitrinite maceral classification and the correspondence to lignite equivalents.

The maceral composition reflects the general abundance of xylite in the coal of Chomatero-Koroni by the content of telinite, a common derivative of woody tissue. However, maximum telinite values do not, as a rule, coincide with xylitic lithotypes in our samples. This may in part be due to sampling procedures, since the matrix may have been preferentially sampled rather than the massive xylites themselves. In part, this may also be due to the fact that in the common maceral classification telinite macerals, i.e. textinites and texto-ulminites (Plate2.3 and Plate2.2) in the original lignite maceral classification, derived from xylites are not distinguished from those derived from other sources of tissues. High values of telinites can therefore also be due to good preservation of mesophyll tissue. In most samples the gelified form of telinite (texto-ulminite) predominates over the ungelified variety (textinite).

The detritic component (collodetrinite), too, is generally highly gelified and, thus, represented by the maceral type densinite (Plate2.1) according to the traditional lignite

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maceral classification. Collodetrinite is clearly subordinate in abundance to telinite

in most samples exceeding telinite in two samples only.

Core Macro Sample- MicropetrographyDepth petrography number (maceral composition)

Figure 3: Macropetrographic seam section showing the upper part of the main seam and the maceral composition of selected lithotypes

The proportion of gelovitrinite is highly variable. gelovitrinite values reach their maximum in the one sample at the top of the seam near the transition to the overlying marl. It seems to be noteworthy that high values of gelovitrinite are mainly due to the

occurrence of gelinite (Plate1.6) while corpogelinites play only a minor role despite good representation of tissue remains. The contrast between high telinite and low gelinite values becomes more evident in the diagram of fig. 4 in which only the proportion of vitrinite macerals, i.e.

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telinite, collodetrinite and gelinite are shown. The liptinite component shows great variation with regard to the proportion of the total maceral content (between 1% and 20%) as well as the proportion of maceral types within the liptinite group. Particularly rich in liptinite (more than 20% of total maceral content) are the mixed tissue/matrix lithotypes near the top sample (4) and near the base of the section sample (11). The high liptinite values in sample (4) are mainly due to a resinite (Plate1.5) content of 7.5%. But liptodetrinite, sporinite, and cutinite (Plate1.3 and Plate1.4) are quite common there as well. In sample (11) liptodetrinite is the most frequent liptinite type, however, cutinite and resinite are well represented, while sporinite plays a subordinate role only. Cutinite is also quite abundant in the xylitic lithotype from the centre of the studied section sample (9). Characteristic for the entire lignite is the near lack of alginite and bituminite (Plate1.2) and the only sporadic occurrence of suberinite (Plate1.1) and fluorinate. In addition to the high liptinite content the mixed tissue/matrix lithotype of sample (11) is characterized by an unusual inertinite content of 21%, which is mainly due to the genetically related maceral types fusinite (Plate2.4), semifusinite and inertodetrinite. High inertodetrinite values are also recorded in sample (6) (tissue dominated lithotype). Optically deter-mined values of mineral content are highly variable especially in the

upper part of the seam. Pyrite content reaches nearly 40% in sample (7) (mixed tissue/matrix lithotype). The proportion of other mineral matter (mainly clay and quartz grains) exceeds 30% in sample 3 (xylitic coal). In contrast, the proportion of mineral matter is as low as 4 to 6% in the lower part of the studied section. The values of ash content determined by heating to 810°C according to ISO-norm 1171 differ in part considerably from the optically determined mineral matter values and are generally higher. Apparently, diffusely distributed clay and carbonate are only insufficiently recorded in petrographic sections, while pyrite is decomposed and much of its weight was lost during heating.

Determination of rank Two samples, (9a and 11), which differ markedly in their maceral composition, were selected for the determination of rank. Reflectivity was measured on eu-ulminites (telinites) following recom-menddations for rank measurements of lignites by ICCP. Some measurements on gelinites (eugelinites) were included.

Spectral fluorescence of sporinites has been omitted as a rank parameter since it was obvious from maceral analysis that colour and intensity of fluorescence in sporinites varied greatly possibly due to oxidation of exines prior to being embedded into sediment. Thus, reliable values could not be expected from sporinite fluorescence.

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Figure 4: Relative proportion of Macerals within the Vitrinite group. The diagram shows the predominance of Telinite over Collodetrinite and the low proportion of Gelinite

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The reflectograms of fig. 5 show good agreement of reflectivity values between both samples. This is especially true if the few values above 0.4% in sample (9a) are omitted. The average reflectivity of 0.325% corresponds to that of low rank lignite (Weichbraunkohle). Comparable values have been obtained from other Neogene lignites in Greece, e.g. the Lower Miocene lignite of Aliveri, Evia (0.27% to 0.33% Rm, [17] ), the middle Miocene lignites of Moschopotamos (0.32% to 0.35%, [2] ) and the Pliocene lignite of Ptolemais (0.31 to 0.33% Rm, [18] ). In contrast, Pleistocene deposits in Greece show slightly lower reflectivity values, e.g. the Pleistocene lignites of Megalopolis, Peloponnes (0.26% to 0.31% Rm, [19] ) and the somewhat younger lignites in the basin of Drama (0.28% to 0.31%, [1] ). According to the classification of Greek lignites given by Chassapis et. Al. [20] based on heating values (A.S.T.M. Standards) the lignites of Chomatero-Koroni rank as lignite B. It should be noted, however, that heating values of Greek lignites presented by [20] vary within much wider ranges than the reflectance values listed above. Since there is generally good control on the type of maceral used in reflectance measurements it is concluded

here that heating values of low rank coals depend to a considerable degree on coal lithotype and that reflectance values may provide a more reliable measure of rank.

Discussion The lignite of Chomatero-Koroni clearly differs from other important Plio-Pleistocene lignite deposits in Greece such as the Pliocene lignites in the basin of Ptolemais [21] and the Pleistocene lignites of Megalopolis Peloponnes [3] and Drama [20] by its high xylite content and the near lack of carbonate interbeds. On the other hand, xylite-rich lignites are known from Miocene deposits in Greece, such as Aliveri, Evia [5] and Vegora [22]. The abundance of xylites in these Miocene deposits may be explained by their origin from taxodiaceous swamp forests, while the scarcity of xylites in the younger lignites may be due to their origin from herbaceous swamps respectively mires [21 and 4]. Similarly, the high xylite content suggests an origin from taxodiaceous forest swamp for the Chomatero-Koroni lignites as well. Hopefully, this should be confirmed by future studies of the xylotomy, carpology, palynology and organic petrology from additional new sections with high resolution. The high proportion of

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taxodiaceous pollen mentioned by [11 and10], however, strongly supports the idea that taxodiaceous swamp forests played an important role in the original mire environment. Results of carpological studies by [23] suggest that Glyptostrobus (Taxodiaceae) was an important part of the swamp forest. However, the palynological results of [10] as well as preliminary studies in the open mine of Agias Pelagias (Kaouras, personal communication) indicate that fern spores and pollen of herbaceous plants are also important elements in the pollen assemblages of lignites in the area. Macropetrographic evidence, however, strongly suggests that lignites in the section studied here originated from a relatively dry forest swamp. Antoniadis & Lampropoulou [24] attempt to interpret the depositional environment of the Chomatero-Koroni lignite by applying various indices to the maceral data

presented by Antoniadis et al [25] which are also the basis for the present paper. Of particular interest is the plot of the gelification index (ratio of gelified to ungelified humic macerals) vs. the tissue preservation index (ratio of structured to detritic macerals) as suggested by Diessel [26]. In the diagram shown by Antoniadis & Lampropoulou [24] the majority of samples are grouped within the field designated by Diessel [26] to represent a dry forest swamp environment. Only samples (6) and (12) indicate a tendency toward wet forest swamp. Though Scott [27] cautions against the exclusive use of macerals in the reconstruction of environments of coal formation there is good agreement between maceral derived reconstructions and evidence thus far collected from other sources, i.e. macropetrography, palynology [10] and carpology [23] with respect to the depositional environment. However, it is

evident from this study and should be emphasized that macropetrographic lithotype analysis is an indispensable source of information for the recon-struction of

peat forming environments in low rank coals. It seems to be particularly important to point out that during the Pliocene

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taxodiaceous swamp forests prevailed as coal forming environments in the south of Greece in contrast to northern Greece where the Taxodiaceae seem to have been reduced in their role and largely replaced by reed environments in wetlands since the Messinian event [4]. Thus, the Messinian event apparently had different effects on the regional vegetation depending on latitude as well as ecological habitat.

Aknowledgements I am deeply indebted to Prof. Riegel, Univrsity of Goetingen, or offering many suggestions and corrections during all stages of this work.My sincere thank Prof. Dr. Antoniadis, Technical University of Athen for his help in fieldwork and photographing many features in this Paper.

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ــةنجامى لــة تو2ذينةوةيــة ئــةم ترو2طرافى كردنــةوةى شــيتةل2 ئ ــ2 ــةردينى خــةل2وزى ثي ــو2جين ب ني2تـةوة, كـة 2ي 2رو-كـو2رونى ناوضـةى لـة ) باليو2سين( دةكو2ل 2تـة هةيـة, كـة كو2مـاتي باشـورى دةكةوي

Page 15: Dr  Pola   4-1-06 65-79

2نــا، بةدةستى تو2ذينةوةية ئةم يونان.ئةوةى لة ثلو2ثو2ني2س رDو2ذئاواى 2ينــةوة هي 2كو2ل ) لةســةر بــوو ليpolished slabs )ر لة ليطنايت ى ـ2 2نت مايكرو2سـكو2ثى ذي شـيكردنةوةى ئـةذمارى كـة فلو2رسـي

2وانــةيى ــو2 ثي 2كهاتــةكانى ب باســى ســةرةرDاى مةســيرالى( دةكــات ) شــيكردنةوةى ليتو2تــايث ثي2ينةوةيــة ليطنايتةكــة. ئــةم مــايكرو2طرافيكى 2كو2ل 2كهاتــةى كــة ســةلماندى لي بــةهو2ى بنــةرDةتى ثي

Prozess Digenetic2كهاتةية نةهاتووة. لةم ثي2ك ديارى رDووةكيةكان شانة و ئةندام دةتوانري2ت ثي2ت,.لة 2بذاردنى ئةنجامى بكري 2ذةيــةكى دةركةوت )ليطنايت( وةك نموونةى هةشت هةل بــةرز ري

2وةيةكى رDووةكي شــانةى ( وXylite) لةتةختة 2دايــة ضــرDوثرD بةشــي ذةى لةطــةل2U ئةمــةش,تي ــ2 رDي2لينايت 2ذةى هيمو2تي 2ت. رDي تايبـةت, ئـةوة رDووةكى ومادةى كاربو2نايت وبوونى كسياليت دةطونجي2ت 2ني 2رو2 خةل2وزى كة دةسةلمي 2تــةوة سةرضــاوةكةى كو2ماتي Taxodiaceousدارســتانى بــو2 دةطةرDي

Swamp .2ذةى 2وانةيى رDي 2ت(Vitrinite-Reflection) ظيترينايت تيشكدانةوةى ثلةى ثي 2نيب ئــةو كــة دةيسةلمي

2نةطةيشتوو ليطنايتى لة بريتيية كراوة لةسةر تو2ذينةوةى خةل2وزةى جيو2لو2جيةوة.بؤ رDووى لة ثي2نانى بــة كــرا دةسـت جار يةكةمين 2نكردنى بــةكارهي )1994( ثــو2لي ICCP ,خــةل2وزى سـةر لـة .ئةوروثا باشورى

في جنوب غرب على فحم الكوماتيرو-كورونىلبتروجرافيةالدراسة ا بلوبونيس, يونان

خانقا ثؤآلهيئة كوردستان للتكنلوجيا والبحث العلمي/اقليم كوردستان/ العراق

ألخالصة تقدم البحث دراسة لنتائج التحاليــل البتروجرافيــة لفحم الــنيوجين )باليوســين( المتــوفرة في

انجــزت البحث.الواقــع فى جنــوب غــرب بلوبــونيس فى اليونــان ،الكوماتيرو-كورونىحوض polished)دراسة على ) slabs.حيث تم حســاب التحليــل للليجنايت تحت المهجر الفلورسنت

القياسي للمكونات الليتوتايب )التحليل المسيرالي( باالضــافة الى الوصــف المــايكروجرافي. لقد اثبتت الدراسة بان التراكيب االساسية لم تتكون بواسطة العمليات التحويرية. ومن هذه

التراكيب يمكن تحديد االعضاء و االنسجة النباتية. لقـد تم اختيـار ثمانيـة نمـاذج من الليجنـايت. حيث اظهـرت انهـا تمتـاز بالنسـبة العاليـة من

(Xylite)و األنسجة النباتية وهذه تتوافق مع شيوع الهوموتلينايت. ان كثرة ( Xylite) الخشب) .مع وجود الكاربونايت والمواد النباتية الخاصة تثبت بأن ذلك الفحم يعود اصلها الى غابــات

Taxodiaceous Swamp) كشفت ان الفحم المــدروس عبــارة عن(Vitrinite-Reflection)ان قياسات درجة االنعكاسية

ــة. وألول مــرة تم ــذا شــائع للفحم الباليوســين اليوناني ــآ و ه ــير ناضــجة جيولوجي ــايت غ ليجن

اوروبا. جنوب في ICCP, 1994استخدام تصنيف ,Received on 1/12/2004 26/5/2005 لة ثةسندكراوة ،1/12/2004 لة وةرطيراوةAccepted on 26/5/2005