Dr. Nehad Nabeel Al-Shirawi MRCP(UK), EDIC, Saudi Fellowship in ICU Intensivist / Pulmonologist...

Dr. Nehad Nabeel Al-Shirawi MRCP(UK), EDIC, Saudi Fellowship in ICU Intensivist / Pulmonologist nd-of-life Issues in the ICU

Transcript of Dr. Nehad Nabeel Al-Shirawi MRCP(UK), EDIC, Saudi Fellowship in ICU Intensivist / Pulmonologist...

Page 1: Dr. Nehad Nabeel Al-Shirawi MRCP(UK), EDIC, Saudi Fellowship in ICU Intensivist / Pulmonologist End-of-life Issues in the ICU End-of-life Issues in the.

Dr. Nehad Nabeel Al-Shirawi MRCP(UK), EDIC, Saudi Fellowship in ICU

Intensivist / Pulmonologist

End-of-life Issues in the ICU

End-of-life Issues in the ICU

Page 2: Dr. Nehad Nabeel Al-Shirawi MRCP(UK), EDIC, Saudi Fellowship in ICU Intensivist / Pulmonologist End-of-life Issues in the ICU End-of-life Issues in the.

‘And whosoever saves a life, it is as if they have saved the whole of humankind’

�ن�ه�} أ ائيل� ر� إس ب�ني ع�ل�ى ك�ت�ب ن�ا ذ�لك� ل أ�ج منفي اد! ف�س� و

أ� ن�ف س! بغ�ي ر ا س) ن�ف ت�ل� ق� م�نيع)ا م ج� الن�اس� ت�ل� ق� ا ك�أ�ن�م� ف� ض ر

ن األ� و�م�يع)ا م ج� الن�اس� ي�ا أ�ح ا �ن�م� ك�أ ف� ا ي�اه� د أ�ح ل�ق� و�

ن ه�م م8 ك�ثيرا) إن� ث�م� بالب�ي8ن�ات ل�ن�ا س� ر� م اءت ه� ج�} ون� رف� ل�م�س ض ر

األ� في ذ�لك� ب�ع د�

Qur’an 5:32

الرحمن الله بسمالرحيم

Page 3: Dr. Nehad Nabeel Al-Shirawi MRCP(UK), EDIC, Saudi Fellowship in ICU Intensivist / Pulmonologist End-of-life Issues in the ICU End-of-life Issues in the.

Presentation Outline

• Problems with DNR decision in our societies • Definitions • When to consider DNR • Islamic Point View of DNR• My Study • Conclusions

Page 4: Dr. Nehad Nabeel Al-Shirawi MRCP(UK), EDIC, Saudi Fellowship in ICU Intensivist / Pulmonologist End-of-life Issues in the ICU End-of-life Issues in the.

Problems with DNR Decisions in Our Societies

Page 5: Dr. Nehad Nabeel Al-Shirawi MRCP(UK), EDIC, Saudi Fellowship in ICU Intensivist / Pulmonologist End-of-life Issues in the ICU End-of-life Issues in the.

Problem # 1 Ignorance

Many people are so ignorant to understand the meaning of “DNR” and

futility of treatment.

Page 6: Dr. Nehad Nabeel Al-Shirawi MRCP(UK), EDIC, Saudi Fellowship in ICU Intensivist / Pulmonologist End-of-life Issues in the ICU End-of-life Issues in the.

Problem # 2 Misconceptions Regarding Death

Misconceptions among most of the population leading to lack of

understanding and acceptance of “DEATH”.

( رميم وهي العظام !!!!!!!! ( يحي

Page 7: Dr. Nehad Nabeel Al-Shirawi MRCP(UK), EDIC, Saudi Fellowship in ICU Intensivist / Pulmonologist End-of-life Issues in the ICU End-of-life Issues in the.

Problem # 3 Misconceptions Regarding Role of HCP

Confusion about our role as health care providers (save lives at any cost)

إلDي ) عملنا احناوالباقي علينا

الله (علي

Page 8: Dr. Nehad Nabeel Al-Shirawi MRCP(UK), EDIC, Saudi Fellowship in ICU Intensivist / Pulmonologist End-of-life Issues in the ICU End-of-life Issues in the.

• Guidelines are necessary to identify the key ethical and legal issues that govern DNR decisions

• The guidelines provide a framework to support physician in 1. Making DNR decisions 2. Communicating them effectively

• Islamic point-view should be considered ALL the time

DNR Guideline: How Much of Islamic Point-View

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• Instructions that the patient should not receive cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) in the event that he / she suffers a cardiac arrest, usually in the hospital

• Do not intubate, do not defibrillate, no medications


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• Intravenous Fluids• Nasogastric tube feeding• Dialysis • Vasopressors • Mechanical ventilation

Life – Prolonging Measures

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• When CPR and other critical care efforts have no reasonable chance of prolonging life or providing benefit to the patient – i.e. they are futile– Discharge to home intact– Pain / symptom free life– Full awareness of the surroundings

Medical Futility

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• Euthanasia: comes from the Greek “Eu-thanatos” which means “ an easy or good death”

• Killing the patient for their own benefit


Page 14: Dr. Nehad Nabeel Al-Shirawi MRCP(UK), EDIC, Saudi Fellowship in ICU Intensivist / Pulmonologist End-of-life Issues in the ICU End-of-life Issues in the.

• Death has several consequences1. Medical 2. Legal3. Religious 4. Socioeconomic

• Death = body – spirit ( الجسد من الروح (خروج• ( : الذي الموت ملك يتوفاكم قل تعالى الله قال

ترجعون ( ربكم إلى ثم بكم *ل 11السجدة وك

وما) • ربي أمر من الروح قل الروح عن ويسألونك) قليال إال العلم من 58االسراء أوتيتم


Page 15: Dr. Nehad Nabeel Al-Shirawi MRCP(UK), EDIC, Saudi Fellowship in ICU Intensivist / Pulmonologist End-of-life Issues in the ICU End-of-life Issues in the.

• Medical Definition: The irreversible cessation of all vital functions especially as indicated by permanent stoppage of the heart, respiration, and brain activity

• In many countries : Brain Death = Death

• In Islamic countries – disagreement


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When to Consider DNR ?

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1. CPR is unlikely to useful (Futile)

2. CPR is not in accord with a valid advance directive

3. CPR is not in accord with a competent patient’s recorded and sustained wishes

4. Resuscitation is likely to be followed by a length and quality of life that would not be in the best interest of the patient (pain, lack of awareness)

When to Consider DNR ?

Page 18: Dr. Nehad Nabeel Al-Shirawi MRCP(UK), EDIC, Saudi Fellowship in ICU Intensivist / Pulmonologist End-of-life Issues in the ICU End-of-life Issues in the.

Emergency Situations

• In emergencies, there will rarely be time to make a proper assessment of the patient’s condition and the likely outcome of CPR and so attempting CPR will usually be appropriate

• Health professionals will make all reasonable efforts to attempt to revive the patient in the event of cardiac or respiratory arrest

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• No CPR does not mean no other treatment

• No CPR does not mean withdrawal of mechanical ventilator, etc

• No CPR does not mean “Mercy Killing”

It is Important to Explain that:

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Islamic Point-View

Page 21: Dr. Nehad Nabeel Al-Shirawi MRCP(UK), EDIC, Saudi Fellowship in ICU Intensivist / Pulmonologist End-of-life Issues in the ICU End-of-life Issues in the.

What’s Unique about Ethics in Islam

What is Moral in Islam is Always Legal (Halal)

Page 22: Dr. Nehad Nabeel Al-Shirawi MRCP(UK), EDIC, Saudi Fellowship in ICU Intensivist / Pulmonologist End-of-life Issues in the ICU End-of-life Issues in the.

But if one saves a life, it shall be as if he

saved all mankind.”Qur’an 5:32.

Human Life

“Every soul shall taste death” Qur’an 3:185.

Page 23: Dr. Nehad Nabeel Al-Shirawi MRCP(UK), EDIC, Saudi Fellowship in ICU Intensivist / Pulmonologist End-of-life Issues in the ICU End-of-life Issues in the.

Death: International Collective Of Islamic Jurists And

OIC. Amman, Jordan 1986

• Declaration of death:

– Heart and breath have stopped and the condition is irreversible OR

– Mental function has ceased and the condition is irreversible

– Responsibility of the physician

رقم ) مؤتمره( ٥القرار دورة في المنعقد اإلسالمي الفقه مجمع مجلس الصادرعنمن بعمان / ١٤٠٧صفر ١٣- ٨الثالث األول / ١٦ -١١ه تشرين رقم ١٩٨٦أكتوبر وقراره ،

في ٨٨ / ٠٨/ ٤د( ١) بجدة الرابع تمره مؤ دورة من في جمادى ٢٣ - ١٨السعودية/ ١٤٠٨اآلخرة الموافق / ١١- ٦ه شباط ١٩٨٨فبراير

Page 24: Dr. Nehad Nabeel Al-Shirawi MRCP(UK), EDIC, Saudi Fellowship in ICU Intensivist / Pulmonologist End-of-life Issues in the ICU End-of-life Issues in the.

Time of Death

• Time of Death = Complete cardiopulmonary arrest after withdrawal

يجوز • اإلنعاش أجهزة جسمه على ركبت الذي المريضوقررت h نهائيا h تعطال دماغه وظائف جميع تعطلت إذا رفعهارجعة ال التعطل أن خبراء اختصاصيين أطباء ثالثة من لجنةبفعل يعمالن يزاالن ال والتنفس القلب كان وإن فيه،

لكن المركبة، توقف األجهزة إذا إال h شرعا بموته يحكم الاألجهزة رفع بعد r تاما والقلب التنفس

دورته في اإلسالمي العالم لرابطة التابع اإلسالمي الفقهي المجمع قرار فيالمكرمة مكة في المنعقدة هـ 1408العاشرة

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4 Ethical Principles

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4 Ethical Principles in Islam

The principle of la darar wa la dirar )a person must not harm himself or someone else( – prohibited to

cause a loss to another person

Principle of maslahah )Self and public interest( is to address the needs of humankind and confers the

welfare of most people.

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The Major Islamic Ruling Principles

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The Sharia Law System

Category Arabic

Do it Not do it


FardWajeb Reward Punishment



bReward No



MubahHalal No Reward No





No Punishment



HaraamMahd’ur Punishment No Reward

Page 29: Dr. Nehad Nabeel Al-Shirawi MRCP(UK), EDIC, Saudi Fellowship in ICU Intensivist / Pulmonologist End-of-life Issues in the ICU End-of-life Issues in the.

Is Medical Treatment Necessary?

• Definite:o The desired results are achieved without failo e.g. stop bleeding to sustain life o Mandatory (واجب)

• Probable/Expected:o The desired results are often achieved but not always o e.g. many medical treatments o Sunnah (سنه)

• Imagined:o The desired results are not a realistic expectation o e.g. some medical treatments o Permissible (مباح)

Page 30: Dr. Nehad Nabeel Al-Shirawi MRCP(UK), EDIC, Saudi Fellowship in ICU Intensivist / Pulmonologist End-of-life Issues in the ICU End-of-life Issues in the.

Resuscitation In Islam

• Two opinions1. Recommended (مندوب)= التداوي حكم

2. Obligatory ( كفاية الروح = (فرض إنقاذ

• Most people agree on second opinion because إجراء • يمكن فال الحال هذه في له اختيار ال المريض

اإلنعاش مسألة على التداوي حكماإلنعاش • ألجهزة وحاجته خطرة حالة في في المريض

بحيث والشراب للطعام كحاجته h ضروريا h أمرا أصبحتللهالك نفسه عرض فقد تركه لو

Page 31: Dr. Nehad Nabeel Al-Shirawi MRCP(UK), EDIC, Saudi Fellowship in ICU Intensivist / Pulmonologist End-of-life Issues in the ICU End-of-life Issues in the.

Fatwa # (12086) Dated (1989) by the Saudi Committee for Fatwa & Islamic


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Fatwa # (12086) Dated (1989) by the Saudi Committee for Fatwa & Islamic


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Do Not Resuscitate order: when the treatment becomes futile.

Withdrawal or withheld therapy is permitted in brain death.

PermittedPermitted (MubahMubah)

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Active Euthanasia:

Passive Euthanasia: Patient should be provided with food, drink, nursing, and relief from pain until death.


Murder. "take not life which Allah has made sacred" Qur’an 6:151.

Forbidden (Haraam)Forbidden (Haraam)

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• In patients with deep coma/persistent vegetative state –forbidden (Haram) by most authorities

• In Brain Death – many authorities said is allowed (Halal)

What About Withdrawal ?

الفقه عمان مجمع في المنعقد اإلسالمي المؤتمر لمنظمة التابع الثالث اإلسالميعام في ١٩٨٧ باألردن اإلسالمي العالم لرابطة التابع الفقهي المجلس وفتوى ،

العاشرة ه ١٤٠٨/ ٢ / ٢٤في دورته

Page 36: Dr. Nehad Nabeel Al-Shirawi MRCP(UK), EDIC, Saudi Fellowship in ICU Intensivist / Pulmonologist End-of-life Issues in the ICU End-of-life Issues in the.

المريض  • عن اإلنعاش أجهزة رفع فأكثر متخصصون أطباء ثالثة قرر إذاالشلل ) - : مثل شديد عجز حالة األول السؤال في حالته الموضحة

- ) فإنه شديد عقلي بتخلف ومصاب ، من الدماغي يقررونه ما اعتماد يجوزاإلنعاش أجهزة بالعالمات رفع ذلك يعلم حتى بموته الحكم يجوز ال ولكن ،

الحكم في عليه يعتمد فال الدماغ موت أما ، موته على الدالة الظاهرةبموته

السؤال  • في المذكورة الحالة في األجهزة رفع المختصون األطباء قرر إذااألهل معارضة إلى يلتفت ال فإنه ، األول

أن • أو يضره وال المريض ينفع الدواء أن المختص الطبيب ظن على غلب إذاالعالج تأثير كان ولو ، عالجه مواصلة له يشرع فإنه ، ضرره من أكثر نفعه

يتوقعه ما خالف مستمرا نفعا بالعالج ينفعه قد سبحانه الله ألن مؤقتا؛األطباء .

What About Withdrawal ?

[ ( ) رقم العلماء كبار هيئة هـ 1419 /4 /6وتاريخ ( 190قرار

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My Study

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• Questionnaire-based study

• 12-questions questionnaire distributed to physicians at SMC

• Total sample size 152 physicians

My Study

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Characteristic Number Percent Age < 40 years 103/144 71.5

Age ≥ 40 years 41/144 28.5

Male 109/152 71.7

Female 43/152 28.3

Muslims 140/150 93.3

Other Religions 10/150 6.7

Basic Characteristics

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Total Number = 135




5.3 %

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Professional Level

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Answer to Questions DNR Policy

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Do you Feel Comfortable or at Ease when Talking to Relatives about DNR??

Page 44: Dr. Nehad Nabeel Al-Shirawi MRCP(UK), EDIC, Saudi Fellowship in ICU Intensivist / Pulmonologist End-of-life Issues in the ICU End-of-life Issues in the.

Do you Feel Comfortable or at Ease when Talking to Relatives about DNR??

Majority of females don’t feel comfortable (P value < 0.05)

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Withdrawal in Brain Dead

There is a significant number of physicians Who said NO !!!!

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Why not Withdrawing in Brain Dead ?

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Persons Involved in DNR Decision

The main persons involved in DNR decisions are the Caring Team and consultant

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Reasons for Making DNR

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• There are many misconceptions concerning DNR decisions among health care professionals

• In the era of resource utilization and scares ICU beds, making DNR decisions might seem necessary if the treatment is futile

• A clear Law is needed to regulate this matter


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