DPS layout decisions

Double page spread: Layout decisions

Transcript of DPS layout decisions

Double page spread: Layout decisions

To start off I added the photo in and immediately altered the lighting to make the background seem lighter and whiter to fit my colour scheme.

I then went on to use the healing tool to fix any of the blemishes that I could see on her clothes.

I then went on to add in my title. This was a quote from the interview however I then went on to change this as it looked better. After this was done I added in my standfirst.

Following this step I added in my text and also picked out an interesting quote that fit with the photo that I chose. In the image my artist is sat alone looking small which is how the quote makes her sound. For my text I changed the colour of the questions to red in an attempt to pull my colour scheme together.

Following feedback from a peer who thought that my image was too small, I made the photo larger which filled more space making the magazine look more complete.

I added gaps in between the answers and questions to space out the writing and make it easier to see the difference between the two.

I adjusted the size and location of the ‘Something’ to see what would look best. I also added page numbers and changed the colours of the words me and music from yellow to white as it wasn’t working very well with the yellow.

Proceeding from this I changed the colour of the box around the page number from grey to yellow. I did this to make the pages better fit my colour scheme. I then went back to re-edit the photo making the edges sharper and the picture work better.

To finish off my double page spread I justified the interview text and organised the text around the body of the model.