
The main image is good the bright colours and definition make it interesting to look at. The image stands out well and is well edited I think This shows the readers who made the magazine it is not bright this could be The pullout quote is good as it gives the reader an idea of what the article is about. The font is live and bright The logo is good as it stands out and it shows the reader about the band or This is an advertisement showing it tells the reader that the next edition of kerrang will be out soon and that they should not miss it. The text is good as it has good contrast with the background and it does not detract from the main image

Transcript of DPS-Analysis

The main image is good the bright colours and definition make it interesting to look at. The image stands out well and is well edited I think it is effective as it is bright and stands out on the page drawing the readers eye to the page.

This shows the readers who made the magazine it is not bright this could be because it is not meant to stand out.

The pullout quote is good as it gives the reader an idea of what the article is about. The font is live and bright making it stands out and it is quite eye-catching.

The logo is good as it stands out and it shows the reader about the band or company in the magazine,

This is an advertisement showing it tells the reader that the next edition of kerrang will be out soon and that they should not miss it. Is stands out well on the black background the contrast is good.

The text is good as it has good contrast with the background and it does not detract from the main image which is to catch the reader eye.

This anchorage text gives the reader insight on the article once again it also tells them what is happening in the picture.

The article is good as it takes has good contrast with the background, however there are parts that are not as clear due to the different shades on the picture. The large L is good as it shows effectively where the article begins as well as making it look interesting.

The logo tells the reader what magazine they are reading and possible the genre like in this case it is news.

The pull out quote takes up nearly half of the page this is effective as it gives the reader insight on what that particular band is thinking and their opinions. This could be effective as people who are fans of that group might find that appealing. The main image takes up the

whole page which is eye catching for the reader it also gives the reader insight on what the article is about.

This shows the website ss the magazine this if good as the readers can access the data in a wider

The pullout quote is good as it shows the reader what the article is about. The font is bright and bold which draws the readers eye to the to what the band is saying, or thinking. The font colour is appealing as it matches the house style well also the placing is good as it is the middle of the pages.

This is effective as it shows the songs that the band sings as well as the most popular tracks this is good as fans would find this appealing creating more business for the company.

These graphic images are effective as they have to do with the main images giving the reader insight on the groups’ life. The black and white images give it a dark image which goes with the type of music.

The main image is good as it shows the person in action the shot is a medium shot showing the audience what the person looks like performing which might be appealing to fans.

The article is good the font stands out well n the plain background the large letter at the beginning looks interesting and it draws the readers’ eye to the beginning of the article.