DP & Divine Experience

Divine Principle Divine Experience Vocabulary in the end

Transcript of DP & Divine Experience

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Divine Principle

Divine Experience

Vocabulary in the end v.1

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Realm of Indirect and Direct Dominion

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The Providence of Completion-Stage Resurrection

The era when people are to be resurrected both spiritually and physicallythrough the returning Christ

and complete the providence of resurrection is called the age of the providence of completion-stage resurrection.

All those who live during this era are to receive the merit of the age based on God's work of completion-stage resurrection.

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Christ at the Second Advent brings the new truth with which to fulfill the promises of the Old and New Testaments; it may be called the Completed Testament.

By believing in and serving the Lord and devoting themselves to his work, people of this era are to be fully resurrected both spiritually and physically, become divine spirits, and live in the Kingdom of Heaven on earth.

When they shed their physical bodies, as spirits they will enter and abide in the Kingdom of Heaven in heaven, which is the divine-spirit level of the spirit world.

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 Spiritual Phenomena in the Last DaysAdam and Eve fell at the top of the growth stage.

Human beings are now being restored to the top of the growth stage through the providence of restoration, having passed through the Old Testament Age and the New Testament Age.

The Last Days is the time when people return to the spiritual level reached by the first human ancestors just prior to the Fall.

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Today, being the Last Days, is the time when people throughout the world are reaching this level.

Just as Adam and Eve prior to the Fall were able to converse directly with God, today many people on earth can communicate with the spirit world.

The prophecy that in the Last Days, "I will pour out my Spirit upon all flesh, and your sons and daughters shall prophesy, and your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams,“ Acts 2:17 CEV|KJ|NI

may be explained based on this insight from the Principle.

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2000 year of preparationfor the Second Coming of Christ

M Luther (1483-1546)

R. SteinerAntroposophy

Korean PhopheciesPubl. 1998

Nostradamus 1503-1566

Swedenborg 1688-1772


”1920”Tagore Yeats


St John of Patmos

Fatima FordBranham

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In 1913 two men in Western Europe, in different age and unknown to each other, began to undergo a very unusual experience: CG Jung and J.R.R. Tolkien stepped above a threshold and entered the world of imagination.

For Jung this process, which he called active imagination, took the final shape by Liber Novus, also known as the Red Book, which became the seed for almost all of his subsequent works.


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The rebirth of a new image of God in his soul and developing a new worldview in the form of a psychological and theological cosmology.

They had the shadow of eternity upon them and I could feel the truth of it.

The Red Book told of the battle between the world of reality and the world of the spirit. /page 68


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For Tolkien this fantasy revealed the world ofMiddle-earth, whose stories and myths eventually led to the writing of The Lord of the Rings, a book that even within its own contextual history, called the Red Book of the West march.

Even in different areas, namely, psychology and philology – there are many syncronistic parallels between Jung and Tolkien's "Red bookperiods“; the style of their works of art, the nature of their visions and dreams and a similarity of worldview that emerged from their experiences are all signs that they may have trampled sometimes, the same paths through the archetypal realm.


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W.B. Yeats: Irish poet and drama writer.

After the peace between the Allies and Germany was signed as the Treaty of Versailles, June 28, 1919,Yeats 1920 published a work entitled "The Second Coming”.

He received the Nobel Prize in Literature 1923.


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Turning and turning in the widening gyre The falcon cannot hear the falconer; Things fall apart; the centre cannot hold; Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world, The blood-dimmed tide is loosed, and everywhere The ceremony of innocence is drowned; The best lack all conviction, while the worst Are full of passionate intensity.


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Surely some revelation is at hand; Surely the Second Coming is at hand. The Second Coming! Hardly are those words out When a vast image out of Spiritus Mundi Troubles my sight: a waste of desert sand; A shape with lion body and the head of a man, A gaze blank and pitiless as the sun, Is moving its slow thighs, while all about it Wind shadows of the indignant desert birds.


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That twenty centuries of stony sleep Were vexed to nightmare by a rocking cradle,   And what rough beast, its hour come round at last,   Slouches towards Bethlehem to be born?

Comment: Sun Myung Moon, Lord of The Second Advent was born 1920. 


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In a 1929 poem entitled “The Lamp of the East,” by Rabindranath Tagore, the great Bengali poet and Nobel laureate, wrote these prophetic lines:

“In the golden age of AsiaKorea was one of its lamp-bearersAnd that lamp is waiting to be lighted once againFor the illumination of the East…”


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After True Father's arrival (to Pyeong Yang), some people began receiving revelations about him.

These devout believers found him through the guidance of those in the spirit world.

Many of those who came had been long prepared for the coming of True Father, and among them were people who had been preparedto receive True Father from even before he was born.


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The spirit world transcends time and space, and the connections of the world of the heart are linked in mysterious and profound ways.

The people who had thus become connected to True Father were so overwhelmed by true love that when they so much as touched the hem of his clothes, they felt as if they were floating on air and could dancefor sheer joy. /Cham Bumo Gyeong Book 3


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Messianic qualifications: True Father - SunMyungMoon

Testimonies of Divine Power

The Early Years (in Korea), 1920-53, by Michael Breen

In one sermon, Moon taught that Korea was the second Israel and that the return of Jesus would take place in Korea. But, he said, the return would not happen in either the spiritual or supernatural way that Christians tended to expect. He said that, just as the mission of the Old Testament prophet Elijah passed in the time of Jesus to John the Baptist, so the mission of Jesus would pass to another.

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After this sermon, In-ju prayed to ask God where in Korea the Lord would come. In her prayer she had a vision. Jesus appeared, walked into the room and bowed his head and began to pray: "This daughter of yours has to go a very long and difficult way. Let her complete this journey without going astray."

The voice was Moon's. As Jesus finished praying and said

"Amen," she looked up but it was no longer Jesus. The face had changed to Moon's.

She felt the answer to her prayer had been given.

Moon was the Christ.

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1952 Mrs. Kang

"He began teaching her about the "Last Days of the World" and the "Second Advent of the Messiah." He explained that the Messiah would not come on the clouds as she had been taught; but he would come as a physical man to their own Korea."

As he spoke, Mrs. Kang thought to herself, "Well, that would certainly be nice, but the things he says are impossible."

"He told her that in 1950 Jesus had appeared in the skies of North Korea, and during the Korean War an airline pilot saw Jesus very clearly in the sky. The South Korean newspapers even printed articles about it."

Early discipleHyun Sil Kang

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Jesus over the skies in Korea 1950

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When the Unification Church started witnessing for the first time, the members did not have to witness with words. People were witnessed to through their dreams.In dreams, people were told, "Go to the Unification Church!"

When people did not follow the direction given in their dreams, they were hit with a bat. The spirit world witnessed to many members this way.Ancestors said to their descendants, "If you go to such and such a place, you will meet a person called Mr. Moon. /SMM 1971/10/10


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50s: Dr Young Oon Kim

”After arriving in Korea, I had become quite ill from the water and living conditions in Pusan, flooded as it was with war refugees.

A year later Ewha University returned to its old campus in Seoul and I moved along with it. I remained ill and worsened to the point where I thought I was to die. During this time I heard a voice that said, "This is a spiritual crisis".

Mrs Young Oon Kim

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50s: Dr Young Oon Kim

After a few days, a woman came and told me that the Lord of the Second Advent had appeared in Korea and that I should study the new truth that he brought. I laughed. This was so shocking!

But I felt curious and wanted to investigate, knowing that if it were false I could quickly dismiss it, but that if it were true, it was a matter of life and death! Soon I became terribly ill, and Dr. Helen Kim sent for an ambulance, which took me to the University hospital.

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After returning home I visited the house where Reverend Moon was teaching and heard lectures on Divine Principle.

On the third day I was completely healed of my lingering illness.

The night before my healing, the inner voice of God had spoken again: ’It was I who led you to Jesus., it was I who led you to Swedenborg; it was I who led you here’.”

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50s: Dr Young Oon Kim from Blessing Quarterly Winter 1987, page 27

"During the 4 years that I lived in Seoul church, under the same roof as Sun Myung Moon. At one point I went back to clean my own home for a week.

One day when I brushing the entrance, he revealed himself, he suddenly came in spirit form, Full-size in front of my door.

I had never seen such a vibrant spirit earlier. He told me that he woke up every morning and looked over the Han river, and longed for me to return. He missed me and wanted me back to life in the church, even though I only been gone a week."

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From New Age Frontiers 13 Dec 1960

Miss Young Oon Kim addressed qualifications necessary for the Lord of Second Advent.

1. First of all, to be the Lord of Second Advent, one must completely subjugate Satan.

2. One must fullfill the words of both the Old and New Testament.

3. He must complete not only Christianity but other major religions.

4. Upon achieving the first three conditions, God must declare him Lord of the Second Advent.

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5. His birth cannot be casual or accidental. He must come from a family where there have been at least seven righteous generations.

The nation in which he is born must have been prepared for centuries for the last dispensation.

6. He must have a complete schedule for the restoration and the establishment of the Kingdom of God.

7. God, Jesus Christ and the entire spiritual world are responsible to witness and cooperate with his work.

Therefore regardless of his race, nationality, education or background everyone has to follow him.

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8. Jesus born of the Holy Spirit and a virgin could not fullfill his mission. The accomplishment of the mission is more important than being chosen to be the Messiah.

9. After the Lord of Second Advent accomplishes his mission, all mankind is indebted to him.

10. In the Old Testament Age, God worked through his servants. In the New Testament Age, He sent His son Jesus. In the Completed Testament Age the Lord the Second Advent will restore the position of Adam, and thus be the True Father of mankind as it is...he returns in the glory of the father.

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11. One can choose his mate, but cannot choose his parents. Therefore the Lord of the Second Advent who comes in the glory of the Father is neither self-proclaimed nor elected by masses. But he must be chosen by God alone. In choosing him God must consider the accomplishment of his mission. This mission must be accomplished by his sacrifice of blood, sweat and tears.

12. We shall know him by his words, his works, and also by the testimony of the spiritual world.

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Miss Kim also explained the three judgments which we will all face.

1. The judgment by the Word The Divine Principles are the tool of this judgment.

They must be mastered.

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2. The judgment of Personality.

We must obtain heavenly personality to be the children of God the Father. To obtain the heavenly personality, our will, plan and desires must be identical with His. This personality must be manifested in everyday life and work.

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3. The judgment of the Heart.

To pass this judgment, our hearts must be one with God's heart. We must experience Gods broken heart of being rejected, rebelled against and betrayed by mankind through the ages. We must even minutely experience Gods broken heart. Therefore we shall experience being rejected by family, ohurch, society, nation and the whole World.

We must overcome all these hardships and be grateful for sharing part of Gods sorrow. Then we will be worthy to be called His sons and daughters.

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The age of individual salvation has passed. Accordingly, our prayer and faith must be changed from an

individual level to universal level.

Since this is the time of the universal restoration, everyones work is judged by the contribution towards whole development rather than individual achievement.

Your own work is now related with your nations mission and

not with your own individual salvation.

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Rev. Paul Werner 1963

“I began to pray without ceasing and to study. At that time I created an outline of the Principle book, to make easier to study. I fasted and especially prayed. Boy, I really prayed.

Right from the beginning my spiritual eyes opened up, and I began to see things spiritually, that I had never seen before. I designated one room in my house as a prayer room. Whenever I sat down to pray, the room was filled with people, spirits. I could see them, and the room was filled with light. I was drawn magnetically into that room at all hours. Many times I saw beautiful colors in there: pink, white, royal blue, much gold and a beautiful light green. It was such a wonderful feeling, just sitting in that room with so many spirit people, praying and talking to God. My prayers lasted for hours. Many times I even prayed through the nights. I never wanted to stop…

Paul Werner

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… I found out, what baptism with fire is all about, because that is exactly what I experienced while praying, studying or fasting. All this was so wonderful that I didn't want to stop being in this spiritual realm.

Soon I also found out that I had healing power, and many spiritual phenomena occurred to me.

I myself and others around me regarded me as a man, down to earth. Therefore I tested all those experiences many times. Other things happened to me, such as smelling and hearing spiritually.

Paul Werner

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Italian beginning

1. ”In 1968 at the time of the Blessing of the 430 Couples, I was

sitting in my car, thinking about Father and what he may be doing. I was unaware that on that particular day the Blessing would take place. Suddenly I saw little pink hearts appear in the car all around me! It was an amusing vision and a very wanning experience. I was surprised and wondered what it could mean. The next day,

Dr. Martin Porter

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Italian beginning

I took one of the members home from the center and her parents invited mein. They happened to be watching the news on television and suddenly I saw the Blessing of the 430 couples being televised from Korea! That was an extraordinary experience. I had just been talking to her about the marriages in our church, and there it was on television! Incidents like this made us feelthe spirit of God so close. Since we had no television in the center, God must have been working so hard to have us at the right place and time to witness this!”

Dr. Martin Porter

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Italian beginning

2. ” In the early days in Rome, we had many deep spiritual

experiences. Doris,our leader, had many herself which may have been the basis for our having so many experiences too. Every Sunday morning in the summer, we prayed out-doors from midnight to 7 a. m. at a place called Monte Porzio.

One particular experience happened at 3 in the morning: a small sign of Omega appear over the city of Rome, and as it came

toward us it grew bigger and bigger until it covered about two-thirds of the night sky. This incredible vision lasted three or four minutes, and all of us praying on the mountainside witnessed it.

Dr. Martin Porter

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Italian beginning

3. Another night at the same place we saw a bright burst of light in the

sky – a tiny dot at first, which quickly grew to the size of the moon. Very soon after, another burst of light appeared and another and another, forming the base of four positions in the sky.

The last burst of light turned pink, while the others turned gold and green-it was so beautiful!

Again, we all saw this vision; there was no mistake. We had so many experiences on that hillside outside of Rome.”

Dr. Martin Porter

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Italian beginning

4. ”One witnessing experience in particular stands out in my mind.

My ltalian was not sufficient to explain our message, so I took pamphlets with me and tried to encourage contacts to come back to the center. This method didn't meet with much success, and after several weeks of not bringing anyone home, I began to fast and determined to memorize the explanation on the pamphlet in the hope that whoever I spoke to would not have any questions, but would just obediently follow me back to the center…

Mrs Porter

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Italian beginning

…     I settled on the bank of the Tiber and began to draw, with my

pamphlets spread out informally beside me. Soon a curious passer - by came to watch and I immediately gave him a pamphlet while reciting the first line. He listened pensively and then seemed to want to read for himself. Meanwhile, I prayed desperately that God would somehow allow me to answer, should he ask a question. He did! I stumbled into the first chapter as I'd heard it so many times now ltalian.

Soon a flood of words came into my mind, as if I were repeating the lecture word for word. This continued through the principle of polarity, give and take, the purpose of creation, the three blessings. ..I could hardly believe my own ears!

Mrs Porter

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Italian beginning

…    The man was keenly interested and we went back to the center

where. I introduced him to our teacher, Martin Porter.

No one believed me when I said that the guest had already heard the first part of Chapter One, but after a short conversation with my guest, it became apparent that he had clearly been informed! I call this my "speaking in tongues" experience, which sadly was not repeated again.”

Mrs Porter

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Extracted from the book II Vero Amore (True Love)December 21, 1979 Rome.

Daniela: We want to ask you how the Movement [the Unification Church] will develop.

Horward (in spirit world): The truth is the truth. The Principle shall continue. I already told you that.

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It will develop even more after the year 2000. It is not important whether the person who revealed it will still be alive at that time. (SMM passed over 2012)

I tell you, he shall work more freely and will accomplish more when he is in the spirit world than while he is on earth. (= Prophecy 1979)

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Words from St Augustine 2001

“People of faith! The Messiah who is to comeis none other than Rev. Moon, the True Parents of heaven and earth.

Please pray to discover who that person is. Here in the spiritual world, I have seen him clearly, working in the human form while surrounded by brilliant light.

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Words from St Augustine 2001

“In the Blessing ceremony, people on earth will be able to see only the people on earth, but the Blessing candidates in heaven can see both the couples on earth and those in heaven.

The scene of the Blessing ceremony is truly beautiful and enchanting.”

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Words from St Augustine 2001

“During the ceremony, the officiator, Rev. Moon, suddenly changed into the shape in which God had appeared in the Garden of Eden before the human fall;

God's rays spun in splendid and enrapturing colors and circled around Rev. Moon, whereupon he assumed God's body.

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Words from St Augustine 2001

Then, the whole scene of the Blessing ceremony was showered with brilliant light, as if floodlights of thousands of volts had been turned on in a dark room.

In this ceremony, God's light touched each and every couple.”

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Unification Church Universal Holy Blessing

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Church level1960

The shape of Korea: special meaning according to the I Ching. It looks like the archangel blowing a trumpet. Rev 8:6; 1 Thess. 4:16

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Church levelWorld level

1960 2003

The shape of Korea: special meaning according to the I Ching. It looks like the archangel blowing a trumpet. Rev 8:6; 1 Thess. 4:16

USA has the role of roman-empire 2000 years ago.DP: The situations unfolding in Christianity today are similar to those which took place in Judaism at Jesus' time.

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The shape of Korea: special meaning according to the I Ching. It looks like the archangel blowing a trumpet. Rev 8:6; 1 Thess. 4:16

USA has the role of roman-empire 2000 years ago.DP: The situations unfolding in Christianity today are similar to those which took place in Judaism at Jesus' time.

New Age of Cheong Il Guk 

Church level

Cosmic level


2013World level2003

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Unification Church Universal Holy Blessing

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List of 34 Spirit persons Blessed On June 13, 1998

1. Jesus - Chang Sung Chong (blessed 1971 Jan. 3rd)2. Buddha - Won Bok Choi3. Confucius - Kyung Joong Lee4. Mohammed - Jong Ok Lee5. Socrates - Myung Hee Kim

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New Start

True Father & Jesus in Spiritual World

April 2013

Inspired painting

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Nelson Mandela (President of S. Africa)from the spirit world:

"Dr. Moon was the first person who met me when I came over here!"


2014 Jan


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According to the Buddhist scriptures, Udumbara is an imaginary flower that only blossoms every 3000 years when the King of Falun comes to the human world.

This heavenly flower is a sign of rare preciousness and a miracle.

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Same dress without knowing!Amazing coinsidense!Or a greeting from True Father in Spirit WorldListen to this amazing story!www.youtube.com/watch?v=QaoLB8Dh3HQ


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Holy Blessing 2016Korea

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The returning Messiah represents the position of Abel at the levels of individual, family, tribe, people, nation and world. He fulfills the responsibilities Christianity and America left undone. He also brings down communism and establishes an environment conducive to the unity of the world.

On the foundation of fulfilling these conditions, the returning Lord sends forth tribal messiahs.

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Therefore, just as Heaven sent the returning Messiah, True Parents on behalf of God are sending you as tribal messiahs.

They bequeath to you the foundation of the realm of mainstream religion that was prepared to receivethe Messiah, which began with Israel four thousand years ago.

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Three spiritual children

Fallen Adam and Eve are restored through Abel. Blessed parents become perfect through their children,which is similar to fallen parents being restored through Abel.

In this way, restoration takes place through indemnity. Therefore, if you do not have spiritual children, you shouldnot conceive and give birth to children.

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You can give them birth, but you cannot truly love them. This is the implication of the Principle. The Fall transpired by people going in a direction opposite that of the Principle.

Thus, restoration transpires through blocking, adjusting andcorrecting that opposite direction in a way that is airtight.

Thus, you absolutely need spiritual children.

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The importance of angels

Who originally was supposed to guide Adam and Eve? It was the archangel. It was not God but the angels who were meant to protect and nurture Adam and Eve until they reached maturity.

Likewise it is spiritual children who are meant to support the spiritual parent’s path to heaven. When, with the support of your spiritual children, you receive the Blessing of heaven, they will follow you into heaven on the merit of their support for you as their spiritual parent.

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This is how the three angels in the angelic world are restored, how the three children of Adam are restored and how the three sons of Noah are restored.

This is how the condition of having gone through three stages as Heaven’s representative is achieved. What does becoming totally one mean?

It means the oneness the three angels in the garden of Eden should have had, focusing on unfallen Adam.

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When the three angels become one, they are elevated into the realm of God’s Blessing.

Before the Fall, the three archangels looked forward to the day Adam and Eve would marry after receiving theircomplete support.

Likewise, your spiritual children will yearn ardently to see you receive the blessing. The mistakeof one archangel affected the others. Hence, when your spiritual children support you substantially, they are setting indemnity conditions required by heaven and earth.

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For that reason, spiritual parents need to maintaina standard of heart toward their spiritual children that is higher than that of parents in the fallen world. Youcannot stand on Heaven’s side or ascend to the realm to receive Heaven’s blessing if your standard of parental heart is lower than that of the fallen world.

When you reach that level, you can receive the blessing, give birth to children and love them completely. Then Satan’s world will not be able to accuse you or require you to pay indemnity.

/SMM Cheon Seong Gyeong Book 9 Ch 2, Sec 2 pp. 953–956.

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Holy Moon

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Short Vocabulary:CSG = Cheon Seong Gyeong, Holy TextbookCIG = Cheon Il Guk, Two persons become one, KoHCP = Cheong Pyeong, Spir. training ground KoreaDP = Divine Principle, v1973 EDP = Divine Principle, v1996ODP = Original Divine Principle, 2008KoH = Kingdom of Heaven LSA = Lord of Second AdventOT = Old TestamentNT = New TestamentCT = Completed TestamentTF = True Father, SMM = Sun Myung MoonTM = True Mother, Hak Ja Han MoonUC = Unification ChurchSee also extended Vocabulary:http://www.slideshare.net/bdp003/vocabulary-uc

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Remember the Beauty in Gods Nature is there to inspire us!Have a great Blessed week. Prepared for 2nd,3rd... Gen. inspiration by Bengt de Paulis Finland-Sweden.