Downs and XXY

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Transcript of Downs and XXY

  • 8/2/2019 Downs and XXY


    Downs Syndrome

  • 8/2/2019 Downs and XXY


    What is it?

    Downs Syndrome is ananeuploidal, genetic disease

    caused by 3 copies ofchromosome 21 in each cell.

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    What are the

    symptoms? Mental retardation

    Stunted growth

    Low muscle tone

    Abnormal, juvenileproportions

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    How does it

    arise?Aneuploidy disorders happen

    due to nondisjunction ofchromosomes in meiosis 1.

    Once the gametes with (n+1)number of chromosomes fuse

    with a gamete of nchromosomes, a zygote with

    2n+1 chromosomes isformed.

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    What makes Downs

    so serious? The presence of an extra chromosome

    means the presence of extra genes

    These genes are then over-transcribedand subsequently over-translated intoproteins.

    This leads to 1.5x the normal levels ofproteins on chromosome 21.

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    Why are excess

    proteins so bad? Not all of the proteins are detrimental.

    The most important proteins areDSCR1 and DYRK1A DSCR1 affects the signalling pathways

    for gene transcription by interacting withCalcineurin-A which stops critical genesneeded for growth being expressed.

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    Why are there no

    cures? Downs is difficult to treat because in

    order to remove the symptoms, achromosome must be effectivelyremoved from every cell in the body.

    Drugs that interfere with cell signallingpathways normally cause more harmthan good.

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    47, XXY( Klinefelters


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    XXY is anotheraneuploidal disorder,but to do with the X sex

    chromosome. Almost 1in 1000 men are XXY.

    Once again, theproblem arises in

    Meiosis stage 1 whereboth X chromosomes ina pair move into one


    What is XXY?

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    Symptoms of XXY

    Sufferers of XXY have normal IQ andnormal growth

    In a few cases, slight language difficultyhas been seen

    Nearly all Klinefelters sufferers areinfertile.

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    Why does Downs

    present with so many

    symptoms, butalmost none for


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    X Inactivation In every X chromosome is

    a gene call Xistin a regionknow as Xic

    When Xistis transcribed, itproduces ncRNA

    This ncRNA wrapsaround the X

    chromosome making itunreadable bytranscription enzymes.

    The inactivated Xchromosome then staysinactivated after replication

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    A possible way to

    treat aneuploidy? Current research that if the Xistgene is placed on

    another chromosome, that chromosome will become


    If transplanted on to chromosome 21 by genetherapy, the extra chromosome may be inactivated,leading to normal gene expression

    The main problem with this is that gene therapy isunreliable and as yet relatively ineffective, althoughthis is rapidly changing.