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2015-2016 Plan for ACIP Escambia County Middle School Escambia County Board of Education Dr. Anthony L. Morris, Principal P. O. Drawer 1236 1565 Highway 21 Atmore, AL 36504 Document Generated On November 12, 2015 TABLE OF CONTENTS Overview 1 Goals Summary 2 Goal 1: Increase the percentage of students meeting or exceeding benchmark on the ACT Aspire. 3 Goal 2: Increase the percentage of students meeting or exceeding benchmark on the ACT Aspire. 5 Goal 3: Provide a safe, secure, and positive school climate. 7 Goal 4: The achievement gap between the percentages of students scoring proficient between the special education subgroup and the all students subgroup will decrease 10 Goal 5: All students at Escambia County Middle School will become proficient in the area of Science 10 Goal 6: All students at Escambia County Middle School will become proficient writers. 11 Activity Summary by Funding Source 12

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2015-2016 Plan for ACIP

Escambia County Middle School

Escambia County Board of Education

Dr. Anthony L. Morris, Principal

P. O. Drawer 1236

1565 Highway 21

Atmore, AL 36504

Document Generated On November 12, 2015


Overview 1

Goals Summary 2

Goal 1: Increase the percentage of students meeting or exceeding benchmark on the ACT Aspire. 3

Goal 2: Increase the percentage of students meeting or exceeding benchmark on the ACT Aspire. 5

Goal 3: Provide a safe, secure, and positive school climate. 7

Goal 4: The achievement gap between the percentages of students scoring proficient between the special education

subgroup and the all students subgroup will decrease 10

Goal 5: All students at Escambia County Middle School will become proficient in the area of Science 10

Goal 6: All students at Escambia County Middle School will become proficient writers. 11

Activity Summary by Funding Source 12

Escambia County Middle School Page 1

© 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement.

The following is a summary of the goals encompassed in this plan. The details for each goal are available in the next section.

# Goal Name Goal Details Goal Type Total Funding

1 Increase the percentage of students meeting or

exceeding benchmark on the ACT Aspire.

2 Increase the percentage of students meeting or

exceeding benchmark on the ACT Aspire.

3 Provide a safe, secure, and positive school climate. Objectives: 1

4 The achievement gap between the percentages of

students scoring proficient between the special

education subgroup and the all students subgroup

5 All students at Escambia County Middle School will

become proficient in the area of Science

6 All students at Escambia County Middle School will

Objectives: 1

Strategies: 2

Activities: 12

Objectives: 1

Strategies: 1

Activities: 11

Strategies: 5

Activities: 12

Objectives: 1

Strategies: 1

Activities: 2

Objectives: 1

Strategies: 1

Activities: 2

Objectives: 1

Strategies: 1

Activities: 2

Academic $94752

Academic $23139

Organizational $6019

Academic $6200

Academic $0

Academic $0

Escambia County Middle School Page 2

© 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement.

Goal 1: Increase the percentage of students meeting or exceeding benchmark on the ACT Aspire.

25% of All Students will demonstrate a proficiency on the ACT Aspire in Reading by 05/26/2016 as measured by data from the ACT Aspire and EXPLORE .

Differentiated Instruction - Provide differentiated instruction by incorporating a variety of instructional, grouping, and assessment strategies to effectively address all

students' learning needs. ECMS teachers will implement Instructional Best Practices to enhance student success.

Research Cited: Huebner, T.A. (2010) What Research Says About Differentiated Instruction. Alexandria, VA: ASCD.

Activity - Instructional Best Practices Implementation Activity Type Begin Date End Date Resource

Students will participate in lessons to include hands on and real-life






08/17/2015 05/26/2016 $0 No Funding

Activity - Student Engagement Activity Type Begin Date End Date Resource

The students will be engaged in research-based instructional activities

which will involve talking, writing, investigating, reading, and listening on a

daily basis. Students in grades 5-8 will create a reading fair project board

Activity - Quarterly Meetings Activity Type Begin Date End Date Resource

All teachers will participate in monthly data meetings to review and discuss

student assessment data as well as develop a plan of action to help non-mastery students. Teachers will attend professional development

workshops that address the needs of "Children of Poverty".

Activity - Read 180 Activity Type Begin Date End Date Resource

A teacher unit is provided for Read 180 to provides students with



08/17/2015 05/26/2016 $5300 Title I Part A Reading



08/17/2015 05/26/2016 $0 No Funding




08/17/2015 05/26/2016 $69452 Title I Part A Nicarla Andry-

Activity - Remediation Activity Type Begin Date End Date Resource

Escambia County Middle School Page 3

© 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement.

Teachers will identify students struggling with reading and math skills and

provide additional time for remediation so that students master skills.

Teachers will provide after school remediation activities based on students'

needs and/or achievement. The extended day remediation will begin

October of the 2015-2016 school year for all grades. Students will be

using the software program Stride Academy. ECMS has an intervention

period for all 5th and 6th grade students. The counselor(s) at ECMS will

work extra days in the summer to address the needs of students "In Need

Activity - Reading Logs Activity Type Begin Date End Date Resource

5th and 6th grade students will incorporate reading logs into their daily

reading lessons. Reading Logs will be used as the bell ringer for each

class, this will be indicated on the teacher's lesson plan. The students will

read a minimum of 10 minutes each day and log it on the Reading Log.

Teachers will monitor the logs through out the nine weeks.

Activity - Common Assessments and Timed Tests Activity Type Begin Date End Date Resource

Reading teachers will meet and plan common assessments. Students wil

participate in timed tests which will be given at least twice a month.

Activity - Constructive Response Questions Activity Type Begin Date End Date Resource

All teachers will ask specific higher order thinking questions during

instruction to promote student assignments and assessments. All teachers

will develop constructive responsive questions to promote critical thinking.

Activity - Coach Support Activity Type Begin Date End Date Resource

Teachers in grades 5-8 will receive coach support for AMSTI and

Chalkable. Substitutes will be paid by Title !! funds.

Activity - Teacher Mentoring/Peer Observation Activity Type Begin Date End Date Resource

Each new teacher is assigned a mentor. 33% of the staff at ECMS are

novice teachers. The School Improvement Supervisor provides support to

all new teachers. All teachers are required to complete two Peer

Observations and weekly mentoring logs during the school year.




08/17/2015 05/26/2016 $13000 Title I Part A Administrator




08/17/2015 05/26/2016 $0 No Funding




08/17/2015 05/26/2016 $0 No Funding




08/17/2015 05/26/2016 $0 No Funding



08/17/2015 05/26/2016 $0 No Funding



08/17/2015 05/26/2016 $0 No Funding

Utilize Technology - All teachers will allow students to utilize technology a minimum of two times a week to enhance instruction and promote student achievement and

an additional teacher will be added to address struggling readers. Teachers will include the Technology Standards on their lesson plan.

Escambia County Middle School Page 4

© 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement.

Research Cited: Nagel, D. (2010). Teachers Report Educational Benefits of Frequent Technology Use.

Activity - Computer Lab and iPads Activity Type Begin Date End Date Resource

Students will utilize the computer lab and iPads in the following ways to

enhance classroom instruction: research projects, virtual tours,

remediation, and enrichment activities. Students use the computer lab for

Activity - Technology Standards Activity Type Begin Date End Date Resource

Teachers will include Technology Standards on their lesson plans and

allow students to use technology as part of their instructional activity.

Goal 2: Increase the percentage of students meeting or exceeding benchmark on the ACT Aspire.




08/17/2015 05/26/2016 $7000 Title I Part A All teachers




08/17/2015 05/26/2016 $0 No Funding

21% of All Students will demonstrate a proficiency on ACT Aspire in Mathematics by 05/26/2016 as measured by reported results.

Differentiated Instruction - Provide differentiated instruction by incorporating a variety of instructional, grouping, and assessment strategies to effectively address all

students learning needs. ECMS teachers will implement instructional best practices to enhance student success.

Research Cited: Huebner, T.A. (2010) What Research Says About Differentiated Instruction. Alexandria, VA: ASCD.

Activity - Quarterly Meetings Activity Type Begin Date End Date Resource

Math teachers will meet monthly to plan, review skills, and strategies and

review student data. Math teachers will attend professional development

workshops that address the needs of "Children of Poverty".

Activity - Use Assessment Data Activity Type Begin Date End Date Resource

Teachers will meet monthly to analyze assessment data (STAR Math,

ASPIRE student reports, ACT Aspire, and informal teacher assessments)

Activity - Instructional Best Practices Training Activity Type Begin Date End Date Resource




08/17/2015 05/26/2016 $0 No Funding




08/17/2015 05/26/2016 $0 No Funding

Escambia County Middle School Page 5

© 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement.

New teachers will implement instructional best practices strategies to

actively engage students to promote student achievement. Teachers will

also attend the National Conference for Teachers of Mathematics, Mega

Conference, Nuts and Bolts, Writing Workshops, etc.

Activity - Student Engagement Activity Type Begin Date End Date Resource

The students will be engaged in research-based instructional activities

which will involve talking, writing, investigating, reading, and listening on a

Activity - Extended Day Remediation Activity Type Begin Date End Date Resource

The teacher will provide support for students struggling in Mathematics.

Students will be using the computer based program Stride Academy

across the curriculum. This will include life skills to improve application.

Students will use iPads and the computer labs to complete the Stride

Academy and Learn Bop activities. Teachers and Counselor(s) will work

extra days in the summer to address the needs of students "In Need of

Activity - Saturday School Activity Type Begin Date End Date Resource

Saturday School will be scheduled monthly. Teachers will provide support

to students struggling in reading and math by using the A+ computer based

Activity - Career Exploration Activity Type Begin Date End Date Resource

Teachers will provide opportunities for students to participate in pre and

post related career activities to enhance their knowledge such as career

Activity - Common Assessments Activity Type Begin Date End Date Resource

Math teachers will meet and plan common assessments to be given every



08/17/2015 05/26/2016 $4139 Title I Part A Principal,



08/17/2015 05/26/2016 $0 No Funding




08/17/2015 05/26/2016 $13000 Title I Part A Administrator




08/17/2015 05/26/2016 $4000 Other Administrator




08/17/2015 05/26/2016 $2000 Title I Part A Administrator




08/17/2015 05/26/2016 $0 No Funding

Activity - Constructive Response Questions and Timed Assessments Activity Type Begin Date End Date Resource

All teachers will develop constructive response questions as part of their

lessons to build critical thinking skills. Students will participate in a timed




08/17/2015 05/26/2016 $0 No Funding

Escambia County Middle School Page 6

© 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement.

Activity - AMSTI Activity Type Begin Date End Date Resource

Math teachers will participate in AMSTI training to help improve student

achievement. We will paying for substitutes from Title II funds.

Activity - Stride Academy and Learn Bop Activity Type Begin Date End Date Resource

Students will use instructional programs such as Learn Bop and Stride




08/17/2015 05/26/2016 $0 No Funding




08/17/2015 05/26/2016 $0 No Funding

Goal 3: Provide a safe, secure, and positive school climate.

collaborate to maintain a positive and safe learning environment by 05/27/2016 as measured by discipline records, Parent Survey, Needs Assessment, and Safety

Student/Teacher Safety - create an environment focused on meeting all school safety needs for both faculty and staff

Research Cited: National PBIS Center. (2000). Alabama Positive Behavior Supports

Activity - Emergency Drills Activity Type Begin Date End Date Resource

Implementation of the school-wide safety plan for 2015-2016. Policy and

Activity - Secure Building Activity Type Begin Date End Date Resource

All visitors will be required to sign in through the front office and get a

visitor's pass. Classrooms and hallways will be monitored by cameras

during the day. All external doors will be locked from the outside during

school hours to prevent unauthorized persons from entering the building.


08/17/2015 05/26/2016 $0 No Funding

Other 08/17/2015 05/26/2016 $0 No Funding

Create a Caring Environment for Students and Faculty - Continue to implement Positive Behavior Strategies to maintain a positive and productive environment

Research Cited: National PBIS Center. (2000). Alabama Positive Behavior Supports.

Activity - Eagle Notes Activity Type Begin Date End Date Resource

Escambia County Middle School Page 7

© 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement.

All teachers will send at least one positive note home monthly, to selected

students' parents, or make a positive phone call to parents. Administration

will provide teachers with positive feedback and incentives each nine

weeks. Student planners, literature, and Parental Involvement materials will

be purchased for parental involement sctivities.




08/17/2015 05/26/2016 $489 Other Principal,

Transition of students - Upcoming 5th graders from AC Moore and 7th graders from Huxford Elementary will be introduced to Escambia County Middle School. The 8th

graders from Escambia County Middle School will be introduced to Escambia County High School.

Research Cited: Middle School Matters: A Guide for Georgia Schools on Middle School Transition

Activity - Elementary student walkthrough Activity Type Begin Date End Date Resource

4th grade students from AC Moore will visit Escambia County Middle

School for a walk through to tour the school. The students will be

introduced to administrators and staff. The counselor will have a meeting

with the students to discuss expectations and concerns of the students

Activity - 7th Grade Shadow Program Activity Type Begin Date End Date Resource

6th grade students from Huxford Elementary School will shadow a 7th

grade student from Escambia County Middle School for one day.

Other 08/17/2015 05/26/2016 $0 District

Other 08/17/2015 05/26/2016 $0 District

Activity - High School Transition Activity Activity Type Begin Date End Date Resource

The counselor from Escambia County High School will visit Escambia

County Middle School to meet with 8th grade students concerning their

four year plans. 8th Grade students from Escambia County Middle School

will visit Escambia County High School to tour the school and meet the

Activity - Kuder Activity Type Begin Date End Date Resource

Kuder will be used for all students in grades 6-8 to raise student aspirations

and to provide career options to students and adults through self-assessment and education. Guide students and parents through

successful eighth-grade and post-high school transitions. Increase

retention and graduation rates. Provide career planning, guidance, and

Activity - Worlds of Opportunity Activity Type Begin Date End Date Resource

Escambia County Middle School Page 8

© 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement.

Other 08/17/2015 05/26/2016 $0 District




08/17/2015 05/26/2016 $0 No Funding

On September 23, 2015 eighth grade students will attend the Worlds of

Opportunity Career Expo at the Mobile Civic Center in Mobile, AL. The

purpose of the Expo is to create awareness about the career options

among students and educators. Teachers will develop pre and post

activities in their classes to engage students and get them involved in goal




09/23/2015 09/24/2015 $1 Other Administrator

Parental Involvement - By communicating and meeting with parents we will increase parental involvement in their child's educational process

Research Cited: Michigan Department of Education (2001) What Research Says About Parent Involvement in Children's Education.

Activity - Commmunications Activity Type Begin Date End Date Resource

Calendar and newsletters are sent monthly to the parents. Parent


08/17/2015 05/27/2016 $314 Title I Part A Administrator

Activity - Parental Involvement Supplies Activity Type Begin Date End Date Resource

Supplies are purchased for Parental Involvement Center and activities. Parent


08/17/2015 05/27/2016 $215 Title I Part A Administrator

Activity - Student Planners Activity Type Begin Date End Date Resource

Student Planners will be purchased for each student. The students will

receive their planner during the first week of the school year. The planners

contain a variety of useful resources such as the 2015/2016 Student

Handbook, Bell Schedule, Maps, A calendar to keep track of assignments,

reference guides for Math, Language Arts, Social Studies, and Science.

The students will also use their planner for hall passes.




08/17/2015 05/27/2016 $2000 Title I Part A Administration

Positive Behavior Incentives - Implement Positive Behavior Strategies to maintain a positive and productive Environment

Research Cited: National PBIS Center. (2000). Alabama Positive Behavior Support.

Activity - Student Incentives Activity Type Begin Date End Date Resource

Students will have an opportunity to participate in field trips, dances,

asselblies, and a variety of other activities if they demonstrate good

behavior, perfect attendance, and improvement in academics. The

incentives will be provided throughout the school year.




08/17/2015 05/26/2016 $3000 General Fund Administrator

Escambia County Middle School Page 9

© 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement.

Goal 4: The achievement gap between the percentages of students scoring proficient between

the special education subgroup and the all students subgroup will decrease

100% of Students with Disabilities students will demonstrate a proficiency that indicates a decrease in achievement gap from all students in Mathematics by

05/26/2016 as measured by state assessment results.

Differentiated Instruction - Provide differentiated instruction by incorporating a variety of instructional, grouping, and assessment strategies to effectively address all

students' learning needs. ECMS teachers will implement Instructional Best Practices to enhance student success

Research Cited: Huebner, T.A. (2010) What Research Says About Differentiated Instruction. Alexandira, VA; ASCD

Activity - Data Meetings Activity Type Begin Date End Date Resource

All teachers will participate in monthly data meetings to review and discuss

student assessment data as well as develop a plan of action to help non-

Activity - Student Engagement Activity Type Begin Date End Date Resource

The students will be engaged in research-based instructional activities

which will involve talking, writing, investigating, reading, and listening on a

Goal 5: All students at Escambia County Middle School will become proficient in the area of



08/17/2015 05/27/2016 $1500 Title I Part A All teachers



08/17/2015 05/27/2016 $4700 Title I Part A All teachers

15% of All Students will demonstrate a proficiency on the ACT Aspire in Science by 05/26/2016 as measured by data from the ACT Aspire.

Differentiated Instruction - Provide differentiated instruction by incorporating a variety of instructional, grouping, and assessment strategies to effectively address all

students' learning needs. ECMS teachers will implement Instructional Best Practices to enhance student success.

Research Cited: T.A. (2010) What Research Says About Differentiated Instruction. Alexandria, VA; ASCD

Escambia County Middle School Page 10

© 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement.

Activity - AMSTI Activity Type Begin Date End Date Resource

AMSTI kits will be delivered and used by science teachers. All support




08/17/2015 05/27/2016 $0 Other Science

Activity - Science Fair Project Activity Type Begin Date End Date Resource

Science students in fifth - eighth grades will complete a science fair project

during the 2015 -2016 . school year. Assignments will be closely




08/17/2015 05/26/2016 $0 Other Science

Goal 6: All students at Escambia County Middle School will become proficient writers.

10% of All Students will demonstrate a proficiency on the ACT Aspire in Writing by 05/26/2016 as measured by data from the ACT Aspire.

Differentiated Instruction - Provide differentiated instruction by incorporating a variety of instructional, grouping, and assessment strategies to effectively address all

students' learning needs. ECMS teachers will implement Instructional Best Practices to enhance student success.

Research Cited: T.A. (2010) What Research Says About Differentiated Instruction. Alexandria, VA; ASCD

Activity - Stride Academy Activity Type Begin Date End Date Resource

Students will use iPads and the computer labs to utilize Stride Academy to




08/17/2015 08/26/2016 $0 No Funding

Activity - Reading Fair Projects Activity Type Begin Date End Date Resource

All students at ECMS will complete a Reading Fair project during the 2015-

2016 school year. Language Arts teachers will incorporate the writing

process into this activity. An emphasis will be placed on a 5 paragraph

essay, 4 various modes of writing, and 6 writing traits.




08/17/2015 05/26/2016 $0 No Funding

Escambia County Middle School Page 11

© 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement.

Activity Summary by Funding Source

Below is a breakdown of your activities by funding source

Activity Name Activity Description Activity Type Begin Date End Date Resource

7th Grade Shadow Program 6th grade students from Huxford Elementary School will

The counselor from Escambia County High School will visit

Escambia County Middle School to meet with 8th grade

students concerning their four year plans. 8th Grade

students from Escambia County Middle School will visit

Escambia County High School to tour the school and meet

the teachers and administrators.

shadow a 7th grade student from Escambia County Middle

School for one day.

4th grade students from AC Moore will visit Escambia

County Middle School for a walk through to tour the school.

The students will be introduced to administrators and staff.

The counselor will have a meeting with the students to

discuss expectations and concerns of the students about

middle school.

Other 08/17/2015 05/26/2016 $0 Counselors

Other 08/17/2015 05/26/2016 $0 Counselors

Other 08/17/2015 05/26/2016 $0 Counselors

Activity Name Activity Description Activity Type Begin Date End Date Resource

Data Meetings All teachers will participate in monthly data meetings to

Student Planners Student Planners will be purchased for each student. The

review and discuss student assessment data as well as

develop a plan of action to help non-mastery students

students will receive their planner during the first week of

the school year. The planners contain a variety of useful

resources such as the 2015/2016 Student Handbook, Bell

Schedule, Maps, A calendar to keep track of assignments,

reference guides for Math, Language Arts, Social Studies,

and Science. The students will also use their planner for






08/17/2015 05/27/2016 $1500 All teachers

08/17/2015 05/27/2016 $2000 Administration

Escambia County Middle School Page 12

© 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement.

Career Exploration Teachers will provide opportunities for students to

Read 180 A teacher unit is provided for Read 180 to provides

Student Engagement The students will be engaged in research-based

participate in pre and post related career activities to

enhance their knowledge such as career based poster

students with remediation in reading.

instructional activities which will involve talking, writing,

investigating, reading, and listening on a daily basis.

Supplies are purchased for Parental Involvement Center

Computer Lab and iPads Students will utilize the computer lab and iPads in the

Student Engagement The students will be engaged in research-based
















08/17/2015 05/26/2016 $2000 Administrator

08/17/2015 05/26/2016 $69452 Nicarla Andry-

08/17/2015 05/27/2016 $4700 All teachers

08/17/2015 05/27/2016 $215 Administrator

08/17/2015 05/26/2016 $7000 All teachers

Extended Day Remediation The teacher will provide support for students struggling in

following ways to enhance classroom instruction: research

projects, virtual tours, remediation, and enrichment

activities. Students use the computer lab for after school

tutorials as well.

instructional activities which will involve talking, writing,

investigating, reading, and listening on a daily basis.

Students in grades 5-8 will create a reading fair project

board and participate in the ECMS Reading Fair.

Mathematics. Students will be using the computer based

program Stride Academy across the curriculum. This will

include life skills to improve application. Students will use

iPads and the computer labs to complete the Stride

Academy and Learn Bop activities. Teachers and

Counselor(s) will work extra days in the summer to address

the needs of students "In Need of Support"

math skills and provide additional time for remediation so

that students master skills. Teachers will provide after

school remediation activities based on students' needs

and/or achievement. The extended day remediation will

begin October of the 2015-2016 school year for all grades.

Students will be using the software program Stride

Academy. ECMS has an intervention period for all 5th and

6th grade students. The counselor(s) at ECMS will work

extra days in the summer to address the needs of students

"In Need of Support"

08/17/2015 05/26/2016 $5300 Reading




08/17/2015 05/26/2016 $13000 Administrator

Remediation Teachers will identify students struggling with reading and




08/17/2015 05/26/2016 $13000 Administrator

Commmunications Calendar and newsletters are sent monthly to the parents. Parent


08/17/2015 05/27/2016 $314 Administrator

Escambia County Middle School Page 13

© 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement.

New teachers will implement instructional best practices

strategies to actively engage students to promote student

achievement. Teachers will also attend the National

Conference for Teachers of Mathematics, Mega

Conference, Nuts and Bolts, Writing Workshops, etc.



08/17/2015 05/26/2016 $4139 Principal,

Activity Name Activity Description Activity Type Begin Date End Date Resource

Saturday School Saturday School will be scheduled monthly. Teachers will

Worlds of Opportunity On September 23, 2015 eighth grade students will attend

provide support to students struggling in reading and math

by using the A+ computer based program.

the Worlds of Opportunity Career Expo at the Mobile Civic

Center in Mobile, AL. The purpose of the Expo is to create

awareness about the career options among students and

educators. Teachers will develop pre and post activities in

their classes to engage students and get them involved in

goal setting for their future.

monthly, to selected students' parents, or make a positive

phone call to parents. Administration will provide teachers

with positive feedback and incentives each nine weeks.

Student planners, literature, and Parental Involvement

materials will be purchased for parental involement

All support materials are provided by AMSTI







08/17/2015 05/26/2016 $4000 Administrator

09/23/2015 09/24/2015 $1 Administrator

Eagle Notes All teachers will send at least one positive note home




08/17/2015 05/26/2016 $489 Principal,

AMSTI AMSTI kits will be delivered and used by science teachers.

08/17/2015 05/27/2016 $0 Science

Science Fair Project Science students in fifth - eighth grades will complete a

08/17/2015 05/26/2016 $0 Science

science fair project during the 2015 -2016 . school year.

Assignments will be closely monitored for student success.







Activity Name Activity Description Activity Type Begin Date End Date Resource

Coach Support Teachers in grades 5-8 will receive coach support for

AMSTI and Chalkable. Substitutes will be paid by Title !!



08/17/2015 05/26/2016 $0 All teachers

Escambia County Middle School Page 14

© 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement.

Quarterly Meetings Math teachers will meet monthly to plan, review skills, and

08/17/2015 05/26/2016 $0 All Math

Stride Academy Students will use iPads and the computer labs to utilize

strategies and review student data. Math teachers will

attend professional development workshops that address

the needs of "Children of Poverty".

Students will use instructional programs such as Learn Bop

and Stride Academy to improve skills.

Stride Academy to improve their writing skills.

Kuder Kuder will be used for all students in grades 6-8 to raise













08/17/2015 05/26/2016 $0 Teachers and

08/17/2015 08/26/2016 $0 Language

08/17/2015 05/26/2016 $0 Administration

Technology Standards Teachers will include Technology Standards on their lesson

Reading Fair Projects All students at ECMS will complete a Reading Fair project

Reading Logs 5th and 6th grade students will incorporate reading logs into

student aspirations and to provide career options to

students and adults through self-assessment and

education. Guide students and parents through successful

eighth-grade and post-high school transitions. Increase

retention and graduation rates. Provide career planning,

guidance, and development resources to last a lifetime.

plans and allow students to use technology as part of their

instructional activity.

during the 2015-2016 school year. Language Arts teachers

will incorporate the writing process into this activity. An

emphasis will be placed on a 5 paragraph essay, 4 various

modes of writing, and 6 writing traits.

their daily reading lessons. Reading Logs will be used as

the bell ringer for each class, this will be indicated on the

teacher's lesson plan. The students will read a minimum of

10 minutes each day and log it on the Reading Log.

Teachers will monitor the logs through out the nine weeks.

Students will participate in lessons to include hands on and

real-life applications in reading and social studies..










08/17/2015 05/26/2016 $0 All teachers

08/17/2015 05/26/2016 $0 Language

08/17/2015 05/26/2016 $0 Reading








08/17/2015 05/26/2016 $0 Principal,

Use Assessment Data Teachers will meet monthly to analyze assessment data

Each new teacher is assigned a mentor. 33% of the staff at

ECMS are novice teachers. The School Improvement

Supervisor provides support to all new teachers. All

teachers are required to complete two Peer Observations

and weekly mentoring logs during the school year.

(STAR Math, ASPIRE student reports, ACT Aspire, and

informal teacher assessments) to establish flexible groups

in the classroom.

08/17/2015 05/26/2016 $0 School




08/17/2015 05/26/2016 $0 Principal,

Escambia County Middle School Page 15

© 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement.

AMSTI Math teachers will participate in AMSTI training to help

Reading teachers will meet and plan common

assessments. Students wil participate in timed tests which

will be given at least twice a month.

improve student achievement. We will paying for

substitutes from Title II funds.

All teachers will develop constructive response questions as

part of their lessons to build critical thinking skills. Students

will participate in a timed assessment at least two times a

Emergency Drills Implementation of the school-wide safety plan for 2015-

Secure Building All visitors will be required to sign in through the front office










Policy and


Other 08/17/2015 05/26/2016 $0 Principal,

08/17/2015 05/26/2016 $0 All reading

08/17/2015 05/26/2016 $0 Math teachers

08/17/2015 05/26/2016 $0 All math

08/17/2015 05/26/2016 $0 All faculty and

Student Engagement The students will be engaged in research-based

Quarterly Meetings All teachers will participate in monthly data meetings to

08/17/2015 05/26/2016 $0 All teachers

Common Assessments Math teachers will meet and plan common assessments to

and get a visitor's pass. Classrooms and hallways will be

monitored by cameras during the day. All external doors will

be locked from the outside during school hours to prevent

unauthorized persons from entering the building.

instructional activities which will involve talking, writing,

investigating, reading, and listening on a daily basis.

All teachers will ask specific higher order thinking questions

during instruction to promote student assignments and

assessments. All teachers will develop constructive

responsive questions to promote critical thinking.

review and discuss student assessment data as well as

develop a plan of action to help non-mastery students.

Teachers will attend professional development workshops

that address the needs of "Children of Poverty".

be given every nine weeks.








08/17/2015 05/26/2016 $0 All teachers

08/17/2015 05/26/2016 $0 All reading




08/17/2015 05/26/2016 $0 All math

Activity Name Activity Description Activity Type Begin Date End Date Resource

Student Incentives Students will have an opportunity to participate in field trips,

dances, asselblies, and a variety of other activities if they

demonstrate good behavior, perfect attendance, and

improvement in academics. The incentives will be provided

throughout the school year.




08/17/2015 05/26/2016 $3000 Administrator

Escambia County Middle School Page 16

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