Download Course Outline - CRC Churches International

1 January 2014 CRC College of Ministry – Certificate IV Assessment Tasks © CRC College of Ministry 2014 Church History (CMT007 superseded by CMTTHE401A) On successfully completing this unit, students will be able to outline the history of Christianity and apply lessons learnt from this study to contemporary situations and to the understanding of the traditions of the CRC and other Christian denominations. Topics to be addressed will include: 1. survey of the history of the Church from Pentecost to the present with emphasis on: - Early Church - Reformation; - Revival Movements; - Denominations; 2. Pentecostal Church History; and 3. The history of the CRC Churches International 1. Reformation Issues Present a 600-800 word PDF/Word-compatible report which summarises two significant theological issues from the Reformation (such as Calvinism vs. Arminianism, the nature of Salvation, the nature of the Eucharist, the authority of the Bible vs. the church, the priesthood of believers, etc.). 2. Christological Issues Present a 15-20 minute mp3/wav audio recording that traces the development in theological beliefs and opinions concerning the person and work of Christ which led to the development of the Nicene Creed in the fourth century. Comparisons should be made with present-day theological statements about Christology. A 250-300 word PDF/Word-compatible outline should be included which includes evidence of the use of various sources and relevant Scripture passages. 3. Historical Report Read chapter 12 “The Christian Revival Crusade” in Barry Chant’s Heart of Fire and present a 400-600 word PDF/Word-compatible report on the development of the CRC Churches International movement from its beginning to the present day, showing distinctive teachings and relevant Scriptures. Draw from other relevant sources, as needed. 4. Baptism Comparison Present 10-12 Powerpoint-compatible slides that objectively and respectfully compares the views of five Christian movements or denominations on the contemporary practice and theology of Water Baptism. Include at least three traditional/liturgical denominations. The slides should include relevant Scripture passages, any changes that have developed through history, and key historical figures where applicable. It should show resources consulted in the form of a footnote. Old Testament (CMT008 superseded by CMTTHE402A) On successfully completing this unit, students will be able to demonstrate an understanding of the message, themes, key persons, places and events of the Old Testament and the relevance of its content for life today.

Transcript of Download Course Outline - CRC Churches International

1 January 2014

CRC College of Ministry – Certificate IV Assessment Tasks © CRC College of Ministry 2014

Church History (CMT007 superseded by CMTTHE401A)

On successfully completing this unit, students will be able to outline the history of Christianity and apply lessons learnt from this study to contemporary situations and to the understanding of the traditions of the CRC and other Christian denominations.

Topics to be addressed will include:

1. survey of the history of the Church from Pentecost to the present with emphasis on:

- Early Church

- Reformation;

- Revival Movements;

- Denominations;

2. Pentecostal Church History; and

3. The history of the CRC Churches International

1. Reformation Issues Present a 600-800 word PDF/Word-compatible report which summarises two significant theological issues from the Reformation (such as Calvinism vs. Arminianism, the nature of Salvation, the nature of the Eucharist, the authority of the Bible vs. the church, the priesthood of believers, etc.). 2. Christological Issues Present a 15-20 minute mp3/wav audio recording that traces the development in theological beliefs and opinions concerning the person and work of Christ which led to the development of the Nicene Creed in the fourth century. Comparisons should be made with present-day theological statements about Christology. A 250-300 word PDF/Word-compatible outline should be included which includes evidence of the use of various sources and relevant Scripture passages. 3. Historical Report Read chapter 12 “The Christian Revival Crusade” in Barry Chant’s Heart of Fire and present a 400-600 word PDF/Word-compatible report on the development of the CRC Churches International movement from its beginning to the present day, showing distinctive teachings and relevant Scriptures. Draw from other relevant sources, as needed. 4. Baptism Comparison Present 10-12 Powerpoint-compatible slides that objectively and respectfully compares the views of five Christian movements or denominations on the contemporary practice and theology of Water Baptism. Include at least three traditional/liturgical denominations. The slides should include relevant Scripture passages, any changes that have developed through history, and key historical figures where applicable. It should show resources consulted in the form of a footnote. Old Testament (CMT008 superseded by CMTTHE402A)

On successfully completing this unit, students will be able to demonstrate an understanding of the message, themes, key persons, places and events of the Old Testament and the relevance of its content for life today.

2 January 2014

Topics will include:

the Old Testament text: authenticity, canonicity and genuineness;

the Pentateuch including the primeval prologue, patriarchal history, the exodus, the Mosaic covenant, the priestly law code, deuteronomic history, Canaanite religions and cultures;

the history of the judges and the kings, including the tribal confederacy, the united monarchy and the divided kingdom;

the poetry books; and

the pre-exilic, exilic and post-exilic prophets.

1. Analysis Task Present a 15-20 minute mp3/wav audio recording on ‘The Significance of Praise in the Old Testament’ which analyses the term ‘praise’ and its multiple usages in the Hebrew text. It must include at least three examples from Psalm 145 (each translated as praise in the King James Version of the Bible). The presentation should compare the related terms ‘worship’ and ‘thanksgiving’ as they are used in the Bible and should then discuss how these relate these to contemporary Christian living. Relevant passages of Scripture and references should be included in a 250-300 word PDF/Word-compatible outline of the talk which must also be submitted. 2. Old Testament Charts Prepare 250 word PDF/Word-compatible charts that summarise each of the following (one chart per topic):

a) The feasts of Israel & their significance for the New Testament church; b) The Writings of the Old Testament Prophets; and c) The History of Israel in the Old Testament.

The charts should include relevant Scriptures and other references. 3. Covenant Presentation Present an 8-10 slide Powerpoint-compatible presentation showing the relevance of the Abrahamic Covenant to the New Covenant of Jesus. This should include relevant passages of Scripture showing how the concept of ‘covenant’ applied in Old Testament living compared with contemporary life.

Christian Belief (CMT009 superseded by CMTTHE403A)

On successfully completing this unit, students will be able to demonstrate an understanding of key biblical themes and their relevance for life today.

Topics will include:

a working definition of theology and the different types of theology;

the nature of revelation;

the concept of the Trinity;

God as Father and Creator;

the humanity, divinity, person & work of Christ;

the doctrines of humanity, sin and salvation;

the person and work of the Holy Spirit;


defending Christian truth (apologetics); and

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theology of missions and stewardship

1. Apologetics Presentation Present an mp3/wav audio recording of a talk of 15-20 minutes in length that addresses the subject of Apologetics, that is, a reasoned defence of the Christian faith. Your special focus should be on the death and resurrection of Jesus, including alleged discrepancies of the Biblical accounts of these events. The talk should be accompanied by a 400-500 word PDF/Word-compatible outline which includes several relevant Scriptures and other sources such as those dealing with apologetics, scepticism or alleged Biblical discrepancies. 2. Bible Studies

Part A: In a 300-400 word PDF/Word-compatible report, briefly describe and evaluate three available Bible study resources for new Christians by discussing key similarities and differences, including any contradictions with your own views, and present the findings.

Part B: In a 300-400 word PDF/Word-compatible report, present a simple summary of the beliefs and Scriptures that you believe a new Christian would need in order to understand the Bible’s teaching in each one of these key areas:

1. Understanding the new birth in Christ;

2. The nature of God and the Trinity;

3. The importance of regular prayer and Bible reading;

4. Water Baptism;

5. Baptism in the Holy Spirit;

6. Faith and victorious Christian living; and

7. The Church

New Testament (CMT010 superseded by CMTTHE404A)

On successfully completing this unit, students will be able to demonstrate an understanding of the message, themes, key persons, places and events of the New Testament and the relevance of its content for life today.

Topics will include:

the background to the New Testament: relevant Jewish, Greek and Roman history, Jewish social patterns and religious thought, other contemporary religions and philosophies;

the New Testament text: authenticity, canonicity and genuineness;

the origin, context, content and practical significance of each of the following:

the Gospels;

the book of Acts;

the Pauline writings;

the General epistles; and

the Johannine writings.

1. Sermon Presentation Present an mp3/wav audio recording of a sermon of 20-30 minutes duration delivered to an audience. This should draw from a New Testament passage which addresses a topic of contemporary relevance with personal stories & views and clear application of Scripture.

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This passage should be selected in conjunction with your coach, where required. A PDF/Word-compatible outline of 250-300 words should also be submitted which shows Scriptures and any other sources used, including differing views on the text, as well as showing a personal reflection on the sermon and reflection on coaching feedback given on the content and delivery. 2. New Testament Chart Present a 300-400 word PDF/Word-compatible chart which summarises the key events throughout Jesus’ life that explicitly fulfil Old Testament prophecies, showing relevant Scripture references and other sources. Include a one or two paragraph summary of the significance of this fulfilment for New Testament Christianity. 3. Prayer Report Present a 10-12 slide Powerpoint-compatible presentation showing the importance of prayer in the life of the Christian. This should include relevant Scriptures, different approaches to prayer commonly used, a clear indication of your own preferred approach, and a clear statement of how prayer specifically aids your life.

Using Your Gifts (CMT011 superseded by CMTMIN401A)

On successfully completing this unit, students will be able to understand and outwork spiritual and other gifts as described in the New Testament and identify the role of themselves and of the Holy Spirit in the life of the local church.

The content of the class sessions are as follows:

Every Believer Ministry 1. Our place in the local church 2. How the local church functions 3. Everybody ministry 4. Specialised ministries and gifts 5. Rewards and regrets

Moving in the Holy Spirit 1. The revelation gifts 2. Discerning of spirits 3. Words of knowledge and wisdom 4. The task of the ascension gift prophet 5. How can I be sure it’s the Holy Spirit speaking to me 6. Ways in which the Holy Spirit reveals things to us. 7. The voice or utterance gifts 8. The power gifts 9. The gift of faith 10. Gifts of healing 11. The working of miracles 1. Personal Ministry Expression Present a 1200-1500 word PDF/Word-compatible report describing your own ministry expression that includes the following.

1. A 150-200 word summary of Chapter 4 “You Were Shaped for Serving God” from Rick Warren’s The Purpose Driven Life which shows the implications for your own place in the local church;

5 January 2014

2. A personal S.H.A.P.E. profile that gives a paragraph each on your own: spiritual gifts, heart, abilities, personality, and experiences;

3. A paragraph on the nature of each of the ministry gifts of Apostle, Prophet, Evangelist, Pastor and Teacher as described in Ephesians 4:11 and a paragraph identifying how your own personal ministry expresses any of these gifts;

4. A brief description of your personal ministry calling including ways in which the implications of this call have been considered and the cost of the call has been counted, including specific sacrifices and the impact upon family and friends;

5. A brief explanation and description of how the Holy Spirit leads you and others in your church and how He helps you to know God’s will (including relevant Scriptures);

6. A paragraph on the meaning and operation of each of the nine gifts of the Holy Spirit as described in 1 Corinthians 12:7-11; and

7. A brief description of the personal operation of: o the gift of prophecy; o the gift of the word of knowledge; and o either the gift of miracles or of healing or of faith.

2. Critical Incident Reports Two PDF/Word-compatible critical incident reports of 250-300 words each should be presented that relate to one primarily theological issue and one primarily moral issue you have faced. These should show relevant application of Scripture. The report should also include coaching feedback, any necessary follow up, and your personal reflection on how the issues were handled. 3. Ethics Report Develop and present a PDF/Word-compatible 600-800 word Code of Ethics based upon a selection of the Bible’s suggestions regarding Christian morality in contemporary society by making use of the following passages: Proverbs 16:2; Luke 16:15; Romans 12:17; Romans 13:1-9; 1 Corinthians 10:8; 2 Corinthians 8:21; Ephesians 4:29; Ephesians 5:18; Colossians 3:8; 1 Timothy 3:1-7; 1 Timothy 5:21; Titus 1:6-9; Hebrews 12:1; James 1:19, James 5:12; 2 Peter 3:11, 14; and 1 John 1:5-7. 4. Local Church Presentation Produce a 15-25 slide Powerpoint-compatible presentation that outlines the following aspects of the direction and values of the local church along with relevant comments on how these reflect the church’s beliefs:

1. Church vision and mission statements (or equivalent) and the value of these;

2. The core values of the church and how these affect two different ministry areas;

3. A brief history of the church;

4. A summary of the church’s formal policies, a brief statement of how these are developed, and an example of how one has been used within the church;

5. An organisational chart of the ministry and governance structure of the church;

6. A brief explanation of the Presbyterian, Episcopal and Congregational models of church government and where these might mostly be found today;

7. An account of how ‘ordinary’ church members contribute to decisions within the church;

8. A statement of the purpose and strategy of at least three ministry departments showing how you have helped to contribute to these;

9. A brief account of how you have been willing to serve in different areas of church life without being asked;

10. An indication of how you have been inspired by Jesus’ teaching on, and His modelling of servanthood.

6 January 2014

Evangelism and Follow-Up (CMT012 superseded by CMTMIN402A) On successfully completing this unit, students will be able to lead people to a relationship with God through Christ and then follow them up to integrate them into the beginnings of a Christian lifestyle.

What is Evangelism?

The Goal of Evangelism What is an Evangelist? Using your Gifts for Evangelism GOD, the sinner, the disciple & their respective roles. Empowered to evangelise Baptism in water Baptism in the Holy Spirit

The module has a very significant in church setting focus where the trainee is coached and mentored and required to demonstrate competence in the following:

A. Lead a person to Christ and follow them up. B. Present the gospel clearly including

(1) Preparing and presenting the outline of a simple gospel presentation to use with individuals (2) preparation and presentation of a sermon preaching the Gospel

C. Effectively follow up a new Christian D. Lead a person through water baptism

(1) Outline the biblical teaching on baptism. (2) Outline a simple presentation to use with an enquirer. (3) Design and implement an appropriate baptismal service, baptising a candidate,

highlighting essential elements. E. Lead a person to the Baptism in the Holy Spirit. (1) Develop a clear, simple, Biblically sound,

presentation the Baptism in the Spirit. (2) Effectively pray with a seeker

1. Evangelism Report Present a 600-800 word PDF/Word-compatible evangelism report that includes:

a) a brief explanation of the biblical mandate to evangelise and why this is important; b) a brief comparison of different evangelism styles commonly used by churches; c) a brief comment on alternative communication styles needed for people of different

backgrounds; d) a written outline of a simple gospel presentation to use with non-Christian individuals

that addresses some common objections and obstacles to receiving Christ; e) an outline of some practical follow-up steps to develop a new believer’s faith and to

integrate them into a local church; f) a transcript of a prayer of salvation; and a testimony of actually leading someone to

Christ and following them up. 2. Water Baptism A 400-600 word PDF/Word-compatible report should be presented on a water baptism service that you have participated in. This should include:

a) an outline of the service and a brief comment on specific communication strategies used,

b) a reflection on the baptism and the nature and effectiveness of your presentation,

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c) a brief description of the relevant preparation session(s) that includes passages of biblical teaching on the significance of water baptism by full immersion,

d) an indication of why infant baptism is not practised, and e) an evaluation of feedback from a church leader experienced in performing water

baptisms. 3. Report on Spirit Baptism Present a clear 600-800 word PDF/Word-compatible report that includes:

a) an outline of a procedure for leading a new Christian to receive the Baptism in the Spirit with the evidence of speaking in tongues;

b) an evaluation of the process of actually leading a person to Spirit Baptism; c) an explanation as to why speaking in tongues may reasonably be considered the

initial evidence of Spirit Baptism; d) an explanation that could be used to convince other Christians as to why a ‘third

wave’ understanding of Spirit Baptism is insufficient; e) an explanation that could be used to convince other Christians of the distinctive

benefit of Spirit Baptism to Christian life and ministry; f) relevant Scripture passages and other references consulted; and an evaluation of

feedback from a leader experienced in leading people to Spirit Baptism. 4. Evangelism Activity Participate in a church-approved team-based evangelism activity and then present a 10-12 slide Powerpoint-compatible presentation which:

a) outlines the structure, content and highlights of the activity; b) describes the way in which the need for following Christ is presented to non-Christian

people, along with any personal stories, and an indication of the cost of the commitment being sought;

c) reflects on the overall success of the activity in terms of the conduct of the event and follow-up of people;

d) suggests any improvements or modifications that could be made to it in the future; and

e) describes the feedback of participants and other leaders (or an overseeing leader). It is expected that this activity will be designed for ministry to not-yet-Christian people as a means of moving them along the negative end of the Engel Scale, irrespective of whether or not they actually make a commitment to follow Christ.

Discipleship (CHCGROUP403D) On successfully completing this unit, students will be able to employ basic pastoral counselling, conflict management, and group management skills and undertake community service initiatives in which specialised communication skills are employed.

Topics will include:

Running small groups Coaching Evangelism in small groups Pastoral care in small groups People helping skills Active listening Visiting people Special needs

8 January 2014

Handling crises

1. Small Group Leadership Project A PDF/Word-compatible report of approximately 1500 words should present the experience of facilitating a small group of five or more people meeting multiple times, primarily for discussion based Bible study, prayer and discipleship. The report should include:

1. a brief outline of each session undertaken, including reference to prayer, pastoral issues, the topic of any Bible study and main Scripture references;

2. a more detailed outline of at least one Bible study, showing personal application, relevant passages of Scripture and the use of specific open-ended questions (i.e. designed to elicit a detailed response rather than a simple answer);

3. a brief statement regarding how all members were involved in discussions, including reticent participants and those with different views and needs,

4. a brief statement showing how trusting relationships were developed within the group;

5. an outline of the pastoral care program implemented in the group and how this relates to the overall pastoral program of the church;

6. a simple organisational chart that shows the small group’s place in relation to the whole church community;

7. A statement regarding the means for identifying, appointing and mentoring an assistant who would ideally be a future small group leader;

8. a brief statement regarding the way in which difficult or disruptive people were managed;

9. a brief statement on any help sought from, and advice given by, a coach or senior leader regarding any aspects of the group’s operation; and

10. a brief statement of reflection on the small group sessions including some self-analysis of leadership and how this complements the expectations of church leadership for small group facilitators.

2. Change Implementation Project A 1200-1500 word PDF/Word-compatible report should be presented on a structural or program change which you have been a part of and which has impacted on multiple people in your church. Suitable examples could include, but are not limited to, the formation of a new department team, small group multiplication, altering the day/time that a significant activity occurs, or the closure of a small group or department or program. The report should include:

1. a statement of the aims and objectives of the project; 2. specific examples of resistance that you experienced in relation to the change and

how these were handled; 3. a statement as to the advantages and disadvantages of electronic vs. personal

forms of communication when handling conflict or implementing change; 4. an outline of the findings or research that led to the change being implemented

(discussing alignment to the overall church vision, where applicable); 5. evidence that the decision to implement the change is free from self-interest; 6. a letter or email that indicates how the change has been implemented with the key

stakeholders and which clearly indicates who the stakeholders are; 7. at least one promotional brochure related to the public announcement of the

change; 8. two positive letters of reference demonstrating some measure of success at

handling the change and any associated conflict (one must be from a subordinate and the other from a superior);

9. an agenda and minutes of a meeting related to the project which includes the tabling of a handout for all personnel outlining relevant church policies and

9 January 2014

objectives, workplace health and safety requirements, and any relevant channels of communication; and

10. a brief statement that both explains the procedure for encouraging all participants’ comments and input into the project and then reflects upon the effectiveness of the procedure.

3. Report on Handling Conflict A Powerpoint-compatible presentation with 8-10 slides should be submitted which includes:

1. relevant biblical principles regarding handling conflict;

2. typical kinds of conflict (including positive and negative);

3. practical steps observed in both avoiding and resolving conflict, including church policies;

4. the rights, responsibilities and perceptions of conflicting parties;

5. how conflict resolution outcomes are identified and reinforced;

6. debriefing, support or mediation available in conflict resolution; and

7. particular considerations regarding differences in age, ethnicity, gender or background.

Leadership (CHCCD509C)

On successfully completing this unit, students will be able to employ effective self-management skills in the areas of time and finance, lead others effectively, identify key leadership skills and growth goals, and manage conflict.

The subject is divided into 2 sections. The content of the class sessions on ‘Leading Others’ is as follows: 1. The urgent need for godly leadership 2. Why aspire to leadership? 3. The leader’s walk with God 4. The character of a godly leader 5. Developing good leadership skills The content of the class sessions on ‘Personal Management’ is as follows: 1. Managing ourselves 2. Managing our finance 3. Managing our time 4. Managing conflict 1. Reflective Task Read Courageous Leadership (Bill Hybels) and use Chapter 3 Getting-It-Done leadership: Turning Vision into Action and then the Charter of CRC Churches International to present a PDF/Word-compatible 600-800 word reflective report that provides the following:

1. A brief summary of Chapter 3 Getting-It-Done Leadership: Turning Vision Into Action from Courageous Leadership (Hybels)

2. A brief description of how the principles of that chapter could be used to promote the Vision and Values of the CRC Churches International, with a special focus on its response to the biblical mandate regarding Global Mission work. Use at least three key supporting passages of Scripture.

3. A brief summary of the Vision and Values of the CRC Churches International and a self-analysis of personal effectiveness in promoting these within the local church.

4. An explanation of how key CRC policies are applied in the local church.

10 January 2014

2. Report on Personal Management Part A: Present a 600-800 word written report (PDF/Word-compatible) on your short-term and long-term personal development and planning that is discussed with your coach/minister and includes the following:

1. A brief list of priorities that should be considered in effectively managing time. 2. Sample evidence of personal organisation, such as a “to do” list and diary entries

from a typical week, along with a statement regarding how your priorities are organised and how effectively you balance your time.

3. A one-month extract from a prayer journal (or similar) showing evidence of: o a regular devotional habit of Bible reading & prayer, o personal praise and worship, o multiple answers to prayer within a month, and o consistently hearing and obeying God’s Word.

4. A brief statement of how your specific personal growth has directly resulted from Bible study along with a list of any resources that have assisted you.

5. A brief three-year personal development plan that includes clearly stated goals. 6. A brief outline of goals and strategies that can assist in the personal development of

a spouse, of older children and of younger children, including a statement about how husbands and wives should ideally process such goals together.

Part B: Submit an mp3/wav audio presentation of 10-15 minutes in length (along with a brief Word/PDF-compatible 200-250 word summary) that demonstrates how the Scriptures can inform and direct decision making in various aspects of everyday life. Particular emphasis should be directed to how to overcome temptation, using specific examples, but other areas should be included as well. 3. Ministry Report Respond to each of the scenarios below in consultation with your coach/minister). Present a 1200-1500 word PDF/Word-compatible report that briefly describes appropriate actions and ethical considerations in the following situations.

1. The recruitment of a team member from another department. 2. Criticism of a church department leader by a fellow team member. 3. Conducting inter-church or combined church activities. 4. Transferring of members from one church to another. 5. Requests for counselling from members of another church. 6. Visiting another church as a guest speaker. 7. Establishing and maintaining healthy friendships when also committing to significant

ministry involvement. 8. Resisting pressure in order to honour a promise. 9. Avoiding exaggerations, generalisations and highly speculative statements so as not to

misrepresent truth. 10. Avoiding rash and presumptive courses of action 11. Making well-informed decisions that are well-researched and free from self-interest. 12. Protecting vulnerable members of the local church from exploitation. 13. Implementing workplace health & safety procedures. 14. Exercising a duty of care to children and youth. 15. Appropriately managing church finances. 16. Appropriately managing personal information in the church.

4. Ministry Training Program Develop and submit a PDF/Word-compatible 800-1000 word description of a leadership training program for any relevant church or ministry team (which is discussed with your coach/minister) which includes:

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1. selection requirements for prospective group members, including character traits, gifts, and expertise & skills required;

2. typical roles and responsibilities; 3. typical challenges and pitfalls and how to negotiate them (including handling

conflict); 4. principles for effective teamwork (including personal examples for illustration and a

section on how to handle the disappointment of being overruled); 5. the church’s policies and procedures relevant to the operation of the team; 6. the church’s basic financial requirements of the team (e.g. budgeting, money

handling, fundraising, etc.); 7. accountability/mentoring expectations; and 8. potential leadership development opportunities.

Public Speaking (CHCCOM403A)

On successfully completing this unit, students will be able to effectively plan, prepare and then deliver communication in public through a variety of means, including preaching and service leading.

This unit focuses on aspects of public speaking including the elements of leading a worship service and a special focus on preaching. Skills developed include: structure, research, delivery, evaluation, application and prayer. Students have ample opportunity to practise public speaking in a range of contexts and for a range of purposes and this will also include various elements of service leading.

1. Sermon Presentation Submit an audio recording of a 20-30 minute sermon on the subject of financial giving that Submit an mp3/wav audio recording of a 20-30 minute sermon on the subject of financial giving that is presented as well as possible to a live audience, and then also submit a 250-300 word PDF/Word-compatible outline.

The sermon must address the subject of financial giving and include testimony of the regular personal giving of a tenth of one’s income plus offerings, and of sound overall financial management. It must include some form of public ministry response which leads to praying for people in regard to an aspect of the sermon.

The outline should include a brief self-evaluation of the sermon delivery and how you perceive it to have communicated to your hearers, along with some indication of how it was received and responded to by at least two people. It must also include a description of any feedback gained from your pastor/coach plus a response to this feedback.

2. Ministry Analysis

Present an 800-1000 word PDF/Word-compatible written report which summarises your participation in a meeting or forum focused on providing mutual feedback to on practical ministry skills. This discussion must relate to public speaking related to a typical church service, such as preaching, worship leading, service leading or public prayer for personal needs. A summary of the meeting should be included which addresses the following:

1. the nature of the meeting/forum and how mutual participation was ensured; 2. an agenda for the discussion (or similar) showing how it was to be conducted; 3. feedback or advice given to and by you and then how this was received and


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4. how individual needs have been catered for; 5. ways in which ongoing feedback can be provided; 6. resources available for ongoing development; 7. new learning gained; 8. personal changes made as a result of feedback from others; and 9. an evaluation of the meeting/forum with relevant suggestions as to how it could be

improved on any future occasions.

3. Service Leading Project

Present an 800-1000 word PDF/Word-compatible report on the leadership of a typical local church service (or similar), inclusive of a celebration of the Lord’s Supper (though not necessarily a major weekend service), which includes the following items:

1. An outline of the service including major elements, personnel involved, song choices and special instructions for major stakeholders;

2. An self-evaluation of your leadership roles related to the service, including an assessment of the interaction with the ushers, technical crew, music team and/or other creative personnel, and other key stakeholders (including a summary of any critical feedback and procedures for mediation or referral in cases of conflict);

3. A one-paragraph outline of the message showing how it connects with other aspects of the service;

4. A brief analysis of feedback on the service outline from a leader experienced in service leading, including any suggested improvements;

5. A transcript of the announcements, special presentations, offering and prayers used with a brief self-analysis reflecting positive feedback on these areas from a leader experienced in leading a service;

6. A brief outline of the communion section and of any other significant service elements;

7. A short summary of feedback and strategies provided to individuals on improving the communication skills relevant to their roles; and

8. A statement regarding how the service has shown consideration for people of different needs and backgrounds, including those unused to a church service.