Download Brochure - Association of Certified Fraud Examiners


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GLOBAL HeAdquArters • tHe GreGOr BuiLdinG716 West Ave • Austin, tX 78701-2727 • usA

Phone: (800) 245-3321 / +1 (512) [email protected] •

©2012 Association of Certified Fraud examiners. Association of Certified Fraud examiners, ACFe, the ACFe logo, CFe exam Prep Course® and

Certified Fraud examiner (CFe) are trademarks owned by the Association of Certified Fraud examiners, inc.

In Fiscal Year 2011, the SEC announced 735 enforcement cases involving financial wrongdoing resulting in $2.8 billion in penalties and disgorgement.

Take action now before your organization finds itself in this situation. Joining the ACFE Corporate Alliance is a significant anti-fraud measure that organizations can take as part of their overall compliance program or when facing potential penalties.

The ACFE’s 2012 Report to the Nation on Occupational Fraud and Abuse estimates that organizations lose an average of 5% of their revenue to fraud. But that’s just an average. Olympus lost $3 billion in market capitalization in just two days when news of a potential scandal there broke in late 2011. And that’s not even a worst-case scenario — companies like Enron, WorldCom and Adelphia Communications were destroyed by fraud.

According to a 2010 study,* fraudulent activities within U.S. public companies have significant negative consequences for investors and executives. The study found that news of an alleged fraud resulted in a 17% stock price decline in the two days surrounding the announcement. These companies often experienced bankruptcy, delisting from a stock exchange, or asset sale, and in many cases the CEO and/or CFO were named for alleged involvement.

Now more than ever it is vital for companies to take significant steps to combat fraud. Large organizations already know where to turn for anti-fraud best practices. More than 75% of Fortune 500 companies employ Certified Fraud Examiners (CFEs). Companies now have a new option to help strengthen their anti-fraud efforts and provide their teams with the resources required to prevent, detect and deter occupational fraud.

*Fraudulent Financial Reporting: 1998-2007, Committee of Sponsoring Organizations (COSO) of the Treadway Commission.

The ACFE Corporate Alliance supports the implementation of anti-fraud best practices in large organizations by giving your team access to tools, training and resources from the ACFE, the world’s largest anti-fraud organization and premier provider of anti-fraud training.

Participation in the Corporate Alliance denotes a commitment to the fight against fraud and is designed to en-sure that your organization is up to speed on solid fundamentals, best practices and the latest trends. Partner-ing with the ACFE through the Corporate Alliance enhances your company’s image within the anti-fraud com-munity and is a vital tool for instilling confidence in your employees, stakeholders and business prospects.

Enrollment in the ACFE Corporate Alliance can help your organization:

• Protect itself from fraud. Participation in the ACFE Corporate Alliance can help protect your organization both from direct losses, and from fines and other legal sanctions. An organization’s commitment to fight fraud is the founda-tion of an effective anti-fraud program that can serve to mitigate or avoid penalties if a rogue employee engages in fraud or corruption. Joining the Corporate Alliance and taking advantage of the employee training and educational opportunities entailed helps to demonstrate such a commitment.

• Improve the bottom line. Research conducted by the ACFE as part of preparing the 2012 Report to the Nations on Occupational Fraud and Abuse determined that in organizations with CFEs on staff, frauds were uncovered 50 percent sooner, and the median fraud loss was 44 percent lower. The unique expertise CFEs posess in preventing, detecting and deterring fraud has a demonstrable impact on the bottom line. Their effectiveness, and thus their contribution to the organization, increases when whole teams share common terminology, methodologies and a common body of knowledge. The Corporate Alliance is designed to help ensure that everyone involved in the fight against fraud at your organization is up to speed on solid fundamentals, best practices and the latest trends.

As a member of the ACFE Corporate Alliance, your organization will receive the following discounts and benefits:

A C F E . C O M / C O R P O R A T E


• Membership dues for a set number of your team (varies upon membership level).

• streamlined group billing to minimize administrative burden.

• transferable memberships that may be reassigned to other employees.


• use of the ACFe Corporate Alliance member logo on your organization’s website and in print materials to promote your commitment to anti-fraud efforts and affiliation with the ACFE.

• A dedicated Corporate Alliance liaison at the ACFE for an extra level of personalized service.

• unlimited ‘Featured employer’ job listings on the ACFE Job Board.

• A complimentary exhibit booth at the ACFE Career Connection within the Annual ACFE Fraud Conference and Exhibition to recruit and promote your organization.


• Free Annual ACFE Fraud Conference registration ($1,095 value) for one employee participating in the Corporate Alliance. Higher membership levels receive additional registrations.

• up to 15% discount off ACFE seminars, conferences and self-study programs.

• up to 35% group discount on the CFE Exam Prep Course®/CFE Exam bundle.

• up to $1,250 discount on a multi-day, on-site training engagement.

• numerous complimentary opportunities for team members to earn Continuing Professional Education (CPE) credits.

• special discounts on services and solutions from EthicsLine®, the official hotline of the ACFE.

• Consideration for your organization’s top anti-fraud executives to participate in speaking panels at ACFE conferences and an opportunity to be published in key ACFE publications.

• exclusive networking opportunities at major events and conferences.

• Get the most value out of your relationship with the ACFE. Corporate Alliance participants receive numerous benefits, including a dedicated liaison at the ACFE to provide an extra level of personalized service; free featured employer listings on the ACFE Job Board; discounts on EthicsLine, the official hotline of the ACFE; and many more.

Participation in the ACFE Corporate Alliance can help your team:

• Build a solid foundation of anti-fraud knowledge. Having your team earn the CFE credential ensures they possess a solid understanding of fraud prevention, detection and deterrence to help strengthen your organization’s anti-fraud efforts. Corporate Alliance partners receive preferential pricing on an exclusive CFE Exam Prep package that includes the CFE Exam Prep Course® and the CFE Exam.

• Stay up-to-date on the latest fraud news and trends. Your team will have access to benefits such as Fraud Magazine®, weekly e-newsletters and discussion forums to keep them updated on current anti-fraud developments.

• Learn new strategies, techniques and best practices. The ACFE provides the best anti-fraud training available, giving your team skills that they can apply immediately. Corporate Alliance members get access to exclusive training opportunities, as well as discounts on ACFE seminars, conferences, webinars and self-study courses.

GLOBAL HeAdquArters • tHe GreGOr BuiLdinG716 West Ave • Austin, tX 78701-2727 • usA

Phone: (800) 245-3321 / +1 (512) [email protected] •

©2012 Association of Certified Fraud examiners. Association of Certified Fraud examiners, ACFe, the ACFe logo, CFe exam Prep Course® and

Certified Fraud examiner (CFe) are trademarks owned by the Association of Certified Fraud examiners, inc.

In Fiscal Year 2011, the SEC announced 735 enforcement cases involving financial wrongdoing resulting in $2.8 billion in penalties and disgorgement.

Take action now before your organization finds itself in this situation. Joining the ACFE Corporate Alliance is a significant anti-fraud measure that organizations can take as part of their overall compliance program or when facing potential penalties.