Down at the Dump

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Transcript of Down at the Dump

  • 7/27/2019 Down at the Dump


    'Down at the Dump' Patrick White, most noted for his longer works of fiction,

    exemplifies his craft of storytelling in his short story 'Down at the Dump'.

    White has dramatized an event in life, such as a funeral, and given us a very

    believable insight into our own culture. Some readers will take offence to such

    a raw and truthful portrait, while others will find humor and hope in the same

    story. White is a writer who crafts a story with such intensity, that at times

    it slaps you in the face with the truthful, dirty, honest depiction of his

    characters. All of whom we can see something, if not the smallest little detail

    of our selves in them. 'Down at the Dump' counterpoints two families, and their

    journeys on an afternoon. One of the families is off to the funeral of Mrs.

    Hogben's sister Daise. The other family the Whalley's, off to the Sarsaparilla

    dump, for business and pleasure 'I thought the beer was an excuse for comin'.' (Isba

    pg.8) 'Down at the Dump' is also a modern day Australian Romeo & Juliet, the

    forbidden love between Lummy Whalley and Meg Hogben. Both it seems are destined

    for more then what is expected of them. The story is also a comment on the staid

    middle-class lifestyle, the petty bourgeois existence of the suburbs. The story

    is also a comment on the sexually non-conformist such as daise's character

    represents, more about this later. The story is also a comment on standards,

    principals, morality, values and judgmental and discriminatory behavior. White

  • 7/27/2019 Down at the Dump


    pays attention to the dirty, honest characteristics of human beings, "Her

    eyes were that blazing blue, her skin that of a brown peach. But whenever she

    smiled, something would happen, her mouth opening on watery sockets and the jags

    of brown, rotting stumps." (pg.1) This serves to give the readers a deeper

    understanding of the characters right down to the bone. This typical descriptive

    passage is common in white's writing. It cuts to the core of the character,

    shedding light on a side rarely taken by an author. A gritty and honest sense of

    reality is achieved. "Down at the Dump" is a story revolving around

    binary oppositions, a set of contrasts. The two main families, 'The Hogben's and

    Whalley's' are the two main constructs of White's direct opposition. This

    opposition is nowhere more visible then in white's use of language when giving

    his characters a voice. Whites characters speak from the heart. Their own use of

    language reflects directly their class and education. For example - the

    Whalley's speak from the heart, with a distinctly working-class accent.

    "Ere!waddaya make me out ter be? A lump of wood." (Isba pg.1) We

    get a sense very early in the story, by the way the Whalley's speak, a direct

    reflection of their socio-economic background. White's use of language when

    describing the Whalley's is derogatory and intentionly off putting. This is

    contrasted in direct opposition to the Hogben's. Who are described through their

  • 7/27/2019 Down at the Dump


    slightly more capable use of the English language. This helps enforce them as

    being worth more in a snobby middle-class way. This direct opposition is again

    contrasted to another level. For although White uses harsh, dirty, honest

    language when describing the Whalley's, we cannot help but feel empathy with

    them for their honesty. The Whalley's seem truthfully real and direct people,

    yet crass and crude on the outside. This is the opposite for the Hogben's. The

    Hogben's use of speech is much more educated. Although they are described with

    nice, fluffy, sensitive language, I am filled with contempt for them.