Doublethink by lea


Transcript of Doublethink by lea

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•Doublethink in the movie 1984

•Doublethink and reality

•Doublethink and freedom

Page 3: Doublethink by lea

"Doublethink means the power of holding two contradictory beliefs in one's mind simultaneously, and accepting both of them."

- George Orwell


Page 4: Doublethink by lea

•War is peace

•Freedom is slavery

•Ignorance is strength


Page 5: Doublethink by lea

•What is truth?

•Who says what truth is in Oceania?

•Why do they (have to) manipulate the truth?

•What is the connection and the difference between doublethink and newspeak?

Doublethink in the movie 1984

Page 6: Doublethink by lea

Doublethink and reality


•Infallibility + learning

•Knowing but not recoiling

Page 7: Doublethink by lea

"Freedom is the freedom to say that two plus two make four.

If that is granted, all else follows.“


Doublethink and freedom

Page 8: Doublethink by lea

What do you think?

Lea Ganser