Double page spread review 2

The main title is clever as it fades out before the end of the sentence as it is a well known lyric from one of her hit songs which indicates how big Florence and the machine have become in the rest The text is very neat and once again keeps that feel of elegance surrounding Florence; What Florence is wearing is black against a light colour and her red hair goes together well. She keeps the trend of elegance in this picture in the way she is positions; legs crossed; arm over

Transcript of Double page spread review 2

The main title is clever as it fades out before the end of the sentence as it is a well known lyric from one of her hit songs which indicates how big Florence and the machine have become in the rest years. The title is also very plane but elegant as Florence herself is very elegant in the photo, so they go well together.

The text is very neat and once again keeps that feel of elegance surrounding Florence; it’s a very plane text (black on white).

What Florence is wearing is black against a light colour and her red hair goes together well. She keeps the trend of elegance in this picture in the way she is positions; legs crossed; arm over knee; hand on table, this all will show how womanly she is. But also she is sitting on a table which gives a suttel indication that she has a bad side.