Double Page Spread Article

You look great, where can fans wanting to get your look get their gear from? -Thank you, I got it from various places, such as markets and charity stores, I don’t really buy from big expensive labels, and I don’t really see the point in why I should. Some stuff I also modify in my spare time, I enjoy doing that sort of thing. How does it feel, knowing that 6 months ago, you were preparing for your second year of college, but now you’re on the charts? -Its surreal, I had never imagined myself getting this far in such a short amount of time. I, like others, didn’t really mean to be famous. I had my sights set on pursuing a career in law, and singing was only meant to be a hobby. Yeah, I thought it would have been cool being famous, but I had never actually betted on it. Did you ever imagine this happening? -Definitely not. Considering how I rose to fame, that path doesn’t really seem likely. You get the people setting their sights on being famous, posting performances online, making records, sending them to big name labels, it’s crazy. I was just living how I had always done. How did it all begin? -Well when I was younger, I would sing with my friends as young girls do, but as I grew up, I didn’t really enjoy the poppy type of music anymore, and I found acoustic versions much more satisfying. They sounded more real, more raw, more natural, and the singer always seems to be happier performing acoustically. So then I learned to pay guitar when my secondary school offered music lessons, and there I learned how to play guitar for 5 years, not only doing it in school but out of school too. I was also singing whilst playing, teaching myself how to play some of my all-time favourite songs. Then from there, one of my mum’s friends invited me to play at her pub, so I did. I got a bit of money doing it and I took requests and played my own songs too. What songs are your all-time favourites? -There are a good few songs I enjoy. There are many songs from Linkin Park that I absolutely love. They are a fabulous band and I love the feelings and passion they show in their songs. I’d have to say my favourite albums are Meteora, Hybrid Theory and A Thousand Suns. I also really love Taking Back Sunday and Dance Gavin Dance.


A draft for my double page-spread article

Transcript of Double Page Spread Article

You look great, where can fans wanting to get your look get their gear from?-Thank you, I got it from various places, such as markets and charity stores, I dont really buy from big expensive labels, and I dont really see the point in why I should. Some stuff I also modify in my spare time, I enjoy doing that sort of thing.How does it feel, knowing that 6 months ago, you were preparing for your second year of college, but now youre on the charts?-Its surreal, I had never imagined myself getting this far in such a short amount of time. I, like others, didnt really mean to be famous. I had my sights set on pursuing a career in law, and singing was only meant to be a hobby. Yeah, I thought it would have been cool being famous, but I had never actually betted on it.Did you ever imagine this happening?-Definitely not. Considering how I rose to fame, that path doesnt really seem likely. You get the people setting their sights on being famous, posting performances online, making records, sending them to big name labels, its crazy. I was just living how I had always done.How did it all begin?-Well when I was younger, I would sing with my friends as young girls do, but as I grew up, I didnt really enjoy the poppy type of music anymore, and I found acoustic versions much more satisfying. They sounded more real, more raw, more natural, and the singer always seems to be happier performing acoustically. So then I learned to pay guitar when my secondary school offered music lessons, and there I learned how to play guitar for 5 years, not only doing it in school but out of school too. I was also singing whilst playing, teaching myself how to play some of my all-time favourite songs. Then from there, one of my mums friends invited me to play at her pub, so I did. I got a bit of money doing it and I took requests and played my own songs too.What songs are your all-time favourites?-There are a good few songs I enjoy. There are many songs from Linkin Park that I absolutely love. They are a fabulous band and I love the feelings and passion they show in their songs. Id have to say my favourite albums are Meteora, Hybrid Theory and A Thousand Suns. I also really love Taking Back Sunday and Dance Gavin Dance. Another band I adore is Fall Out Boy and I LOVED hearing the news of them coming off hiatus! I also like Panic! At The Disco, theyre so versatile as with every album, they introducer their fans to a whole new genre, and they really inspire me to change it up and not be associated with one thing and one thing only.Have you ever had anyone put you down?-Yeah. Because this wasnt actually a path I had planned on pursuing, when I told my parents I perhaps wasnt going to end up to do law as a career, they were a bit unsure about how it would affect me; was this the right choice, was I going to regret it, was I better off doing what I know, should this have stayed a hobby only, etc. etc. my mum was against it for ages but my dad was ok with me giving it a shot. I also had people who would tell me not to do this because the world would think Im not as good as other big name artists, and other who would tell me Im only good for pub entertainment. But yeah they didnt really affect my decision. This choice was all mine and I took advantage of it.What was it like living in an area with a bad reputation?-It did make things considerably harder for me. Whenever I tried getting a job or something of the sort, they would look at where Im from and instantly think Im just like some of the bad people in my area. I also have been faced with the situation of telling someone where Im form, and them instantly replying You seem so posh! You dont talk like them! You dont look like that kind of person! and to be honest, I dont know if they mean that in a good way or a bad way.Did that make it harder for you to get where you are now?-Most definitely. Coming from a rough area of a well-known city means that people make assumptions. Considering most of the people I came in contact with whilst becoming more famous had never encountered someone from my area, it was up to me to make a good impression and prove them wrong. I hope I did, because my area really shouldnt define my capabilitiesHas your life affected how you see your famous life in comparison to other famous people?-Id like to think so. I fit into the category of no intention to get famous, but there are those who try, those with one hit wonders, and those born into stardom. the added pressure of me also having no real musical background or knowledge, along with the fact that I come from an area with a bad rep. it makes me really appreciate things more, and Im more aware of whats going on around me, constantly asking people what theyre doing and why. They probably find it annoying but I feel uncomfortable if I dont know whats going on.Who inspired you?-There are a bunch of people who have inspired me, both musically famous and not. They include friends I have that have the bravery to perform to large groups of people they dont know. Im quite nervous of my tour because of that. Like Im worried they wont like me, although I know that I dont rea;;y need to worry abo tut because theyve heard my songs and have liked it and have chosen to see me live. I just hope I dont disappoint.Anything to say to your fans?-Erm, well, thanks for all your support, I hope you dont disappoint, and expect the unexpected!

--You were lovely Anni, thank you for being here. Good luck on your tour and album and success and I hope you have a good day.-Thank you, you too.