Dota 2


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Transcript of Dota 2

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Dota 2

Defense of the ancient is the game that kicked of the MOBA (Multiplayer online battle arena) genre and in Dota 2 Valve has recreated the original success almost completely unchanged. Right away you know what you are getting, the first dozen or so hours are going to be a rough ride, knocking you around with too much information and an often unforgiving community of people, but if you persevere Dota 2 becomes one of the best rewarding and intense team based multi-player games available. What makes it stand out from the crowd is its uncompromising depth of its beautifully designed hero models and all the great features valve has built around it.

This is free to play in the most sincere way possible all of Dota 2 and its cast of over a hundred characters and items available from the time you completed the tutorial. The only things for sale is the character skins or other clothing available for the characters that only make the appearance change, it’s not pay to win in any way. Heroes and abilities have distinct an impressive audio and art direction but makes even the chaos of a 10 player team fights readable if you train your eye. Most importantly it’s really easy to tell when a player stuns you or when you are on low health. But where Dota 2 really improves is everything surrounding the well balanced gameplay, the UI is amazing showing all ongoing championships and there gameplays. Valve has made leaps and bounds in curving the aggression of overly competitive players, for example everyone has a match making rank,

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but by making it private valve has prevented players from researching their team mates for the purpose of abuse or baling out of the game because someone in his team is not good enough.

Even among MOBA games Dota 2 has become notorious for its difficulty curve intimidating the complex design and it’s totally justified. Having to learn about everything from killing your own units to deny your enemy experience points and gold to hundreds of complex abilities like Bloodseeker’s rapture which deals huge amounts of damage for every step the enemy player takes is a big barrier to entries. Even figuring out which of the 100 heroes fits you best is a time consuming challenge. But beyond that barrier there is an ocean deep pool of systems of versatility unlike other MOBAs where heroes must be bought individually in Dota 2 each hero feels uniquely powerful in different areas it remains balanced because every heroes strength counter-able by another or by a specific item or tactic. In Dota 2 there is no progression outside the game that affects the slightest mechanical effect inside of it, without artificial goals to aim for you are left with strong and refreshing sense of fairness and purity where everything that can influence success or failure is right there in the battlefield. Yet at times Dota 2 seems almost belligerent towards new player in the ways that it hides it’s mechanics, many of the more advanced techniques like pulling some jungle creeps out of their home so new creeps can spawn to double the coin reward is never hinted at, this forces you to read and educate yourself outside of dota 2 and that ends up as steering yourself to involve yourself in the community. As for its future prospects things look bright for dota 2, Every now and then Dota 2 developers releases balance patches like changing hero skills and item statistics to keep the game fresh and interesting. Giving valves treatment to team fortress 2 and Dota’s own history of regular patching it’s a safe bet that there is always something to learn or something to master.

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Dota 2 deserves its intimidating reputation, there is a huge time investment before you can even enjoy the game let alone feel competent at it. But once you start to learn it’s secrets there is wild and exciting variety to play here that is unmatched even by its peers. It’s a challenge of knowledge as well as reflexes and success is a rush. The fact that it is completely and totally free to play in the way that we wish all free to play games could be isn't just one of the most generous propositions anywhere in gaming it creates a generous playing field where skill and proposition wins.

Financially Dota 2 hosts championships every year where the most skilled players world wide will compete for a price close to 10 million or more.There is also amateur-semi pro competitions that are played by other players who do not really play Dota 2 professionally, these competitions makes Dota 2 more popular because most of these competitions being streamed on This could be one of the reasons that Dota 2 is the most played game on steam.Shown below is he highlights of a competition with professional players.

There is a price pool that players can contribute into making by buying a compodium which will reward player who will buy it with outfits etc. and this money will contribute to the final price of the championship which the players will play for. The price is made by the players buying the compodium in game which will give players in game items and the money will also go towards the price for the championship. Dota 2 also sells

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different outfits for characters which will change the appearance of the characters which will cost real money to buy.

