Dossier d’estiu de Llengua Anglesa. 1) Write the correct ... · Dossier d’estiu de Llengua...

Dossier d’estiu de Llengua Anglesa. 6è d’Educació Primària. 1) Write the correct words in the blanks: FREQUENCY + __________ >>>>_____________>>>>>>__________>>>>>>>__________ - a) I play basketball every Monday and Thursday. I play ________ a week. b) I visit my grandmother every Saturday. I visit her ________ a week. c) On March and November John is always travelling. John travels________ a year. d) My dad gives me money every end of the month. He gives me _________ a month. 2) Translate the sentences of exercice 3 1) 3) 5) 6) OFTEN TWICE NEVER SOMETIMES ONCE ALWAYS

Transcript of Dossier d’estiu de Llengua Anglesa. 1) Write the correct ... · Dossier d’estiu de Llengua...

Dossier d’estiu de Llengua Anglesa. 6è d’Educació Primària. 1) Write the correct words in the blanks:


+ __________ >>>>_____________>>>>>>__________>>>>>>>__________ -

a) I play basketball every Monday and Thursday. I play ________ a week.

b) I visit my grandmother every Saturday. I visit her ________ a week.

c) On March and November John is always travelling. John travels________ a year.

d) My dad gives me money every end of the month. He gives me _________ a month.

2) Translate the sentences of exercice 3






Dossier d’estiu de Llengua Anglesa. 6è d’Educació Primària.

1) Translate in catalan or in english.

a) A can of cola=

b) A jar of jam=

c) A tin of peaches=

d) A bottle of water=

e) A kilo of apples=

f) A packet of biscuits=

g) Un paquet de patates=

h) Un quilo de taronges=

i) Una ampolla de llet=

j) Una barreta de xocolata=

k) Una llesca de pa=

2) Translate in catalan or in english.

l) Ride a bike=

m) Ride a camel=

n) Fly a plane=

o) Fly a balloon=

p) Drive a lorry=

q) Drive a jeep=

r) Navegar en canoa=

s) Volar en helicopter=

t) Conduïr una furgoneta=

u) Conduïr un tren=

Dossier d’estiu de Llengua Anglesa. 6è d’Educació Primària.

3) Write the correct places for each moment:

a) In the morning we are going to go _______ (�) the mountain, in the night we are going to

go ________ ( �) the mountain.

b) Shall we ride on bike for a walk __________ the town

c) Indiana Jones went __________ the jungle

d) Where is the cat? I can’t see it! It’s ___________ the bed.

e) The aeroplane was flying _________the mountain

f) The shopping centre is _________ the street and turn to the left.

4) FUTUR IMMEDIAT: Fill the blanks with the correct words.

a) You ______ going to sing my favourite song.

b) Lisa ____ going to play tennis in England.

c) ___ am going to listen a pop CD.

d) We are going to ____ to the funfair.

e) I am going to see a movie in the _________.

f) They ____ going to write a love letter.

g) Michael is _______ invite his girlfriend.

h) I am going to _______ in a office.

i) You are _________ study medicine.

j) Jenny and Bob are going to ________ their sick granny.

5) FUTUR IMMEDIAT: Read and complete the dialogue.

A- Good morning! Can I ask you some questions?

B- Yes , of course.

A- What are you going to do?







Dossier d’estiu de Llengua Anglesa. 6è d’Educació Primària.


>>>A-What are you going to eat for lunch?


>>>A-What is Peter going to buy in the shopping centre?


A-Where are you going to sing?


A-Where are we going to travel?


A-Thank you very much!

B- It was my pleasure.

6) Finally, translate only the sentences with this symbol >>>

2) Read, write and translate

1: Watch___________________>>>______________________________________

2: Watch ___________________>>>______________________________________

3: Stay ___________________>>>______________________________________

4: Stay ___________________>>>______________________________________

5: Listen ___________________>>>______________________________________

6: Talk ___________________>>>______________________________________

Dossier d’estiu de Llengua Anglesa. 6è d’Educació Primària.

Si l’adjectiu és curt.....

7: Talk ___________________>>>______________________________________

8: Walk ___________________>>>______________________________________

9: Tidy ___________________>>>______________________________________


My car is cheapER than your car (El meu cotxe és més barat que el teu cotxe.)

James is tallER than me (En James és més alt que jo)

• My bike is faster than yours.


• Today is hotter than yesterday.

• _______________________________________________________________

• Paris is older than New York.


• Jack is a better student than John.


• I am taller than she.


In the park a football match to music TV the dog on the phone at a friend’s at home your bedroom to a friend

Obj.1 + Obj.1 + Obj.1 + Obj.1 + aux + adjective+ER + than + obj.2 aux + adjective+ER + than + obj.2 aux + adjective+ER + than + obj.2 aux + adjective+ER + than + obj.2

Dossier d’estiu de Llengua Anglesa. 6è d’Educació Primària.

Si l’adjectiu és llarg.....

• My friends are happier than your friends.


• Your homework is worse than my homework

• ________________________________________________________________

• This exercice is easier than the number three.

• ________________________________________________________________

• ....

• ________________________________________________________________

• ...

• ________________________________________________________________

• ...

• ________________________________________________________________

• ...

• ________________________________________________________________


y is more beautiful than Jenny (La Lucy és més bonica que la Jenny.)

My T-shirt is less elegant than your T-shirt

(La meva samarreta és menys elegant que la teva samarreta)

• They are less intelligent than we.


• Chinese is more difficult than English.


• The lesson 1 was less interesting than lesson 2.

• ________________________________________________________________

• My problems are less important than your problems.

Obj.1 + aux + MORE/LESS +adjective + than + obj.2 Obj.1 + aux + MORE/LESS +adjective + than + obj.2 Obj.1 + aux + MORE/LESS +adjective + than + obj.2 Obj.1 + aux + MORE/LESS +adjective + than + obj.2

Dossier d’estiu de Llengua Anglesa. 6è d’Educació Primària.

• ________________________________________________________________

• Love films are more boring than horror films.

• ________________________________________________________________

• ...

• ________________________________________________________________

• ...

• ________________________________________________________________

• ...

• ________________________________________________________________

2-Change the verb that comes after each sentence to its past tense form and write it in the blank..

1. I did all my homework in study hall. (do)

2. She ____________ of a better way to do it. (think)

3. Sam ____________ us to lock the doors. (remind)

4. They ____________ their names on the list. (put)

5. Who ____________ my new shoes? (borrow)

6. We never ____________ his real name. (know)

Read these jokes and search the simple past tenses

A teacher, a politician , and a lawyer all died and went to heaven. St. Peter was in a bad mood because there were too many people in heaven and he wanted to make it more difficult to enter. When they got to the gate, St. Peter told them that they had to pass a test before they could to get into Heaven: they all had to answer one question.

St Peter turned to the teacher and said, "What was the name of the ship that hit the iceberg and sank with all its passengers?"

Dossier d’estiu de Llengua Anglesa. 6è d’Educació Primària. The teacher thought for a moment and then replied:" I think it was the Titanic". St. Peter let him through the gate.

He didn't like politicians so he decided to ask a more difficult question, St. Peter turned to the politician, and asked "How many people died on the ship?"

The politician was very lucky because he had read a book about the Titanic. He said "1228" This is correct so St. Peter let him through the gate.

St. Peter turned to the Lawyer and asked "What were their names?"

The Ferrari Joke

A man wanted to buy a new car so he bought a newspaper and looked in the classified section. He found an advertisement which said "New Ferrari for sale only $500!" This is a very cheap price for a new Ferrari. He thought it may be a joke but he decided to investigate.

He went to the house to see the car. A woman answered the door and she led him into the garage. There, infront of him was a new Ferrari.

"Wow!" the man said, "Can I take it for a test drive?"

"Yes you can," answered the lady. He got into the car and then drove it for 10 or 15 minutes. To his surprise he found that the car was perfect.

When he returned to the lady's house, he asked her, "Why are you selling me this great Ferrari for only $500?"

Then the lady replied with a laugh, "My husband just ran off with his secretary, and he told me, 'You can have the house and the furniture, just sell my Ferrari and send me the money.' "

The Amnesia Joke

An old married couple noticed that their memory was not as good as before. They started to forget many things. They were worried that this could be dangerous, because one of them could accidentally forget to turn off the cooker and cause a fire. So, they decided to visit their doctor to get some help. Their doctor told them that many people their age write little notes to remind themselves. The old couple thought this a was very good idea, and they left the doctor's office very pleased with the advice.

When they got home, the wife said, "Darling, will you please go to the kitchen and get me a dish of ice cream? And why don't you write that down so you won't forget?"

Dossier d’estiu de Llengua Anglesa. 6è d’Educació Primària. "Nonsense," said the husband, "I can remember a dish of ice cream!"

"Well," said the wife, "I'd also like some strawberries on it. You better write that down, because I know you will forget."

"Don't be silly," replied the husband. "A dish of ice cream and some strawberries. I can remember that!"

"OK, dear, but I'd like you to put some whipped cream on top. Now you'd really better write it down now. You'll forget," said the wife.

"Come on, my memory's not all that bad," said the husband. "No problem, a dish of ice cream with strawberries and whipped cream."

With that, the husband went into the kitchen and shut the door behind him. The wife could hear him getting out pots and pans, and making some noise inconsistent with his preparing a dish of ice cream, strawberries, and whipped cream. He came out of the kitchen about 15 minutes later.

He walked over to his wife to his wife, he gave her a plate of bacon and eggs. The wife took one look at the plate, then she looked up at her husband and said, "Hey, where's the toast?"

The Heaven Joke

Three men died and went to heaven. The first went up to St. Peter who said, "I have only one question before you go into heaven: Were you faithful to your wife?"

The man answered, "Yes, I never even looked at another women."

St.Peter said, "See that Rolls-Royce over there? That's your car to drive while you're in heaven."

St Peter asked the second man the same question, and he answered, "I once made love to another woman at the office party, but I confessed to my wife and she forgave me and it was OK."

St. Peter said, "That new Peuguot over there, that's your car to use in heaven."

The third man answered the same question, "I am very sorry but, I chased every girl I saw, and I was with a lot of different women."

St. Peter said, "OK, but when you were alive you were a good person, you gave money to the poor and you did many good things, so that old Seat 600 over there is yours to use while you're in heaven.

Dossier d’estiu de Llengua Anglesa. 6è d’Educació Primària. The three man entered heaven and went separate ways.

A few weeks later, man #2 and man #3 were driving along when they saw man #3's Rolls Royce parked outside of a bar. They stopped and went into the bar and found man #1 with empty bottles all around him, he looked very unhappy. They went up to him and man#2 said, "What's the matter, what could possibly be so bad, you're in heaven, you drive a Rolls Royce, and everything is wonderful!"

He said, "I saw my wife today!"

The other two answered, "That's very good! What's the problem?"

He answered, "She didn't have a car, she had a skateboard!"

3) Fill the blanks of the sentences or tranform int o interrogative

_______you a good student?

_______you love your friends?

_______they go to the park?

_______ he lives in a big flat?

_______ Laura a good dancer?

_______ I sick yesterday?

_______ Tom and Nick angry with his parents?

_______ my mum eat a lot of chocolate?

_______ you like going to the cinema?

_______ Sarah fat when she was young?

We were very happy to travel around the world.


You became famous in 1990.


Sandra worked in a little office.

Dossier d’estiu de Llengua Anglesa. 6è d’Educació Primària. ________________________________________________

The Catalans were intelligent people.


He went by car to the town.


I wanted to be a pop star.


You listened your favourite song on the radio.


Laura was very beautiful.


Sergio ate too biscuits and he has stomach ache.


You were fantastic in the karaoke!


Dossier d’estiu de Llengua Anglesa. 6è d’Educació Primària.

Remember this autumn song and practise the pronunti ation

The Leaves on the trees

The leaves on the tree are turning brown, turning brown, turning brown.

The leaves on the trees are turning brown, All through the town. The leaves on the trees are drying up, drying up, drying up. The leaves on the trees are drying up. All through the town. The leaves on the ground make a nice rug, a nice rug, a nice rug… The leaves on the ground make a nice rug,

All through the town.

Les fulles dels arbresLes fulles dels arbresLes fulles dels arbresLes fulles dels arbres

Les fulles dels arbres es tornen marrons, es tornen marrons, es

tornen marrons…

Les fulles dels arbres es tornen marrons,

a tot arreu dela ciutat.

Les fulles dels arbres s’estan assecant,

s’estan assecant, s’estan assecant…

Les fulles dels arbres s’estan assecant,

a tot arreu de la ciutat.

Les fulles al terra fan una bonica alfombra, una bonica alfombra, una bonica alfombra…

Les fulles al terra fan una bonica alfombra,

a tot arreu de la ciutat.

Dossier d’estiu de Llengua Anglesa. 6è d’Educació Primària.

Dossier d’estiu de Llengua Anglesa. 6è d’Educació Primària.

Dossier d’estiu de Llengua Anglesa. 6è d’Educació Primària.

Dossier d’estiu de Llengua Anglesa. 6è d’Educació Primària.

Dossier d’estiu de Llengua Anglesa. 6è d’Educació Primària.

Dossier d’estiu de Llengua Anglesa. 6è d’Educació Primària.