
Dosimetry Sanja Dolanski Babić March, 2010. rasound interaction with tissue


Dosimetry. Ultrasound interaction with tissue. Sanja Dolanski Babić March, 2010. Dosimetry. What’s the difference between radiation and radioactivity?. Radiation - the process of emitting energy as waves or particles, and the radiated energy - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of Dosimetry


Sanja Dolanski Babić March, 2010.

Ultrasound interaction with tissue


Radiation - the process of emitting energy as waves or particles, and the radiated energy

Radioactivity - the property of radionuclides of spontaneously emitting ionizing radiation

Dosimetry – assessment of radiation dose by measuring or calculating and assessment of

biological damages

What’s the difference between radiation and radioactivity?

Sources of radiation – natural and artificial

Types of ionizing radiation

The half-life is the time taken for half of the atoms of a radioactive substance to decay.

[A]= Bq Bq = 27 x 10-12 Ci

Standard warning sign for a possible radioactive hazard

Pie chart for background radiations

Basic principle of devices for detecting and measuring of radiation

Effectivevolume of detector

Basic detector


Measuring effects of radiation

Fragments of fission particlesX, - radiation

Electrical: el.current or impulseOpticalCalorimetricChemicalBiological

Devices for detecting and measuring of radiation:

1. Devices for track visualisation of radioactive particles – radiographic track and Wilson cloud chamber

3. Dosimeter is a small portable instrument for measuring and recording the total accumulated dose of ionizing radiation a person receives – such as a film badge, thermoluminescent or pocket dosimeter

2. Counters (detectors) – Geiger counter, scintillation detector, semiconductor detector, gamma-camera etc.

Radiation detectors are used in: nuclear physics, medicine, particle physics, astronomy and industry

4.1 Slide 1

Radiographic film



Protection from radiation

Ionization Chamber (1898. Marie Curie)

- device used for two major purposes: detecting charged particles in the air (as in a smoke detector) and for detecting or measuring of ionizing radiation- device measures the electric current generated when radiation ionizes the gas in the chamber and therefore makes it electrically


- electric currents are very low: around 10-15 A - dosimetry in medicine measures very low doses X

and radiation

Principle of an ionization chamber


Simplified diagram of a smoke alarm

– higher voltage at the source of current

Geiger-Müller Counter

– imediate “chain” ionization of the gas

– electric current is 1010 times higher than primary electric current

- detects a single particle of ionizing radiation and produce an audible click for each

GM tube – simply gas detector

– GM counter is used to detect usually alpha and beta radiation

Scintillation counterScintillation counter- measures ionizing radiation

- sensor fluoresces when struck by ionizing radiation

- a sensitive photomultiplier tube measures the light from crystal

- sodium iodide scintillation counter detects gamma rays

That’s how it used to be...

Chest X ray examination

EXPOSURE (X)– measure for ionization of the air mass of 1kg

X = X = Q/Q/m m [[XX]]=C/kg 1 R = 2.58 x 10=C/kg 1 R = 2.58 x 10-4 -4 C/kgC/kg

- defined only for electromagnetic radiations which energies are smaller than 3 MeV

RADIATION ABSORBED DOSE (D)– measure of increasing internal energy (U) in a mass of 1 kg

tissue (U) caused by absorption of ionizing radiations

D = D = U/U/m m [[DD]]=Gy=J/kg 1Gy = 100 rad=Gy=J/kg 1Gy = 100 rad

- defined for all ionizing radiations

- measuring of absorbed doses are not possible in living tissues

Radiation dose measurements and units

activity in becquerel =disintegrations per second

Radiation quality factors











20 Sv

1 Sv

1 Sv

1 Sv

10 Sv

radiation factor dose equivalentof 1 gray

dose in gray = energy deposited per kg

dose equivalent in sievert = dose in gray quality factor

energy in different typesof radiation


dose ingray

dose in sivert

- EQUIVALENT DOSE is calculated: DDeqeq = D = D xx H H;;

H is radiation quality factorH is radiation quality factor [[DDeqeq]]= Sv= Sv ; 1 Sv = 100 rem 1 Sv = 100 rem

Radiation dose measurements and units

activity in becquerel =disintegrations per second

Radiation quality factors











20 Sv

1 Sv

1 Sv

1 Sv

10 Sv

radiation factor dose equivalentof 1 gray

dose in gray = energy deposited per kg

dose equivalent in sievert = dose in gray quality factor

energy in different typesof radiation


dose ingray

Radiation dose measurements and units

activity in becquerel =disintegrations per second

Radiation quality factors











20 Sv

1 Sv

1 Sv

1 Sv

10 Sv

radiation factor dose equivalentof 1 gray

dose in gray = energy deposited per kg

dose equivalent in sievert = dose in gray quality factor

energy in different typesof radiation


dose ingray

EFFECTIVE EQUIVALENT DOSE: DDeq eq xx f f- each body part has its own weight factor,


Whole body 1 (100%)

Ovaries, testes

0.25 (25%)

Bone marrow

0.12 (12%)

Bone surface 0.03 (3%)

Thyroid 0.03 (3%)

Lungs 0.15 (15%)

Breasts 0.12 (12%)

Other tissues

0.30 (30%)

--- DOSE SPEED – radiation doses during 1sec- very important to biological damages

Upper limit for Radiation Workers 50 mSv per year

Upper limit for general population 5 mSv per year

Visible blood changes 0.5 mSv per year

Lethal dose for 50% of individuals 500 mSv

Lethal dose for all 1 500 mSv

Radiation dose by one chest X ray examination

0.2 mSv

Radiation dose by one head CT scanning 11 mSv

Natural radiation in Croatia 2 mSv per year

Smoking 13 mSv per year

Radiation levels and their effects

Radiation levels and their effects


Hard technique

Soft technique

Effective dose (mSv) (ICRP 25) 0,03 0,14

Effective equivalent dose(mSv) (ICRP 60) 0,04 0,22

Chest X ray examination

Marija Surić, Institut za medicinska istraživanja, Zagreb

Interactions between Ultrasound and Tissue

Conditions of ultrasound scanning Diagnostic- frequency range: 0,5 MHz - 20 MHz

- the time of puls: 0,2 - 2,0 s - intensity: 1 - 100 mW/cm2

- amplitudes of vibrating: do 10 nm

Therapy- frequency range : 0,8 MHz - 1 MHz

- constant wave

- intensity : 100 - 1000mW/cm2

- amplitudes of vibrating: 10 - 25 nm

have the depth of penetration at the f=0,88 MHZ around 5 cm for muscle tissue, 10 cm for fat tissue and 0,3 cm for bone

have very low apsorbtion in fat tissues (use for diagnostic), higher in muscles and the highest in bones (use for therapy)

Ultrasound waves

The sideeffects in diagnostic usage almost do not exist because the pulses are short, intensities are low and frequencies are very high.

Scanning of small structures (embrio, eye) requires higher frequencies because of the better resolution. But higher frequencies mean fast changes in local pressure what presents risk for breaking of macromolecules. Intensity must be lower.

Ultrasound waves

Ultrasound effects:

1. thermical

2. mechanical

3. appereance of caviation

4. chemical

5. biological

1. Thermical effects – are used in therapy; thermical stress possible

2. Mechanical effects – bonds in macromolecules break when amplitude of the oscillation is higher than 10 nm and the change of local pressure is few atmospheres

3. Cavitation – the appereance of air bubbles inside the tissue that is treated by ultrasound of high intensity- molecular bonds are breaking and free radicals are occuring

4. Chemical effects – breaking of chemical bonds and producing free radicals

5. Biological effects – ultrasound is fatal for bacteria, viruses and fungies