(Don’t forget to copy your daily agenda and learning goal) Review: Write a brief summary of what...

(Don’t forget to copy your daily agenda and learning goal) Review: Write a brief summary of what has happened so far in Part I of Antigone. Make sure to discuss: -Protagonist and Antagonist -Major Conflicts

Transcript of (Don’t forget to copy your daily agenda and learning goal) Review: Write a brief summary of what...

(Don’t forget to copy your daily agenda and learning goal)


Write a brief summary of what has happened so far in Part I of Antigone. Make sure to discuss:-Protagonist and Antagonist-Major Conflicts

Today’s Learning GoalToday’s Learning Goal

I will be able to generate examples for topic I will be able to generate examples for topic related vocabulary related vocabulary byby completing a vocabulary completing a vocabulary chart.chart.


Notes: Greek Tragedy

• Greek Tragedies are serious dramas that share the following characteristics:– Based on myths that were familiar to ancient Greek

audiences– Tell of a change of fortune from good to bad– Protagonist (male/female) is usually of noble birth– Protagonist usually has a tragic flaw– Audience is brought to an understanding that the

protagonist’s downfall results from their actions– Doom usually brought about by fate

Notes: Theme in Greek Tragedy

• The central message is often a warning against excess, pride, or passion

• Demonstrate the limitations of humanity

• Remind audiences that life involves choices and having to live with the resulting consequences of our choices

Notes: Tragic Flaw• Tragic Flaw:Tragic Flaw: a character trait that causes tragic characters to make fatal

errors in judgment. – contributes to the character’s downfall– the flaw is often a traditionally admirable quality carried to excess– examples:

• pride (hubris)• arrogance• lust for power• lack of insight• Ambition• Passion

• Tragic realization:Tragic realization: tragic character usually perceives how he/she has contributed to his own destruction when it’s too late

• Tragic literature leaves the audience and the tragic hero or protagonist with greater insight and understanding of life, although he/she never gets to use this wisdom

Examples of Tragic FlawExamples of Tragic Flaw

FILMFILM• The Dark Knight

• Titanic

LITERATURELITERATURE• Harry Potter by J.K. Rowling

• Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare

Batman and Harvey Dent

played by Christian Bale

Tragic flaw: His undying duty to Gotham

played by Aaron Eckhart

Tragic flaw: Radical sense of morality and fairness

Jack in “Titanic”

• Tragic Flaw: Pursues things outside his means, takes risks and sacrifices for those aspirations.

Harry Potter and Voldemort

• Tragic Flaw: Self-sacrificing to the point of refusing help that could bring about salvation.

• Tragic Flaw: Pride, Fear of mortality, and cannot understand love.

Romeo and Juliette

• Tragic Flaw: Overly loyal and passionate, especially when it comes to Romeo.

• Tragic Flaw: Too spontaneous and rash, acts without thinking things through. (Marries Juliette in a day, kills Tybalt, kills himself over Juliette)

Exit Reflection

Use ONE of your vocabulary words to describe an example of tragic flaw.