DON DOWN.doc · Web viewGulen, now 75, is a Turkish citizen, an...


Transcript of DON DOWN.doc · Web viewGulen, now 75, is a Turkish citizen, an...

Page 1: DON DOWN.doc · Web viewGulen, now 75, is a Turkish citizen, an Islamic cleric, and a long-time rival of Erdogan. An Israeli source says Russian intelligence


Page 2: DON DOWN.doc · Web viewGulen, now 75, is a Turkish citizen, an Islamic cleric, and a long-time rival of Erdogan. An Israeli source says Russian intelligence


Page 3: DON DOWN.doc · Web viewGulen, now 75, is a Turkish citizen, an Islamic cleric, and a long-time rival of Erdogan. An Israeli source says Russian intelligence

















“The coming of the Master is near!”“Yes, I am coming quickly!” (James 5:8. Revelation

22:10)WATCH THEREFORE (with joyful anticipation) !!


Page 4: DON DOWN.doc · Web viewGulen, now 75, is a Turkish citizen, an Islamic cleric, and a long-time rival of Erdogan. An Israeli source says Russian intelligence

“The Judge is standing right at the door.” (James 5:9)THE COUNTDOWN’S GETTING LOWER EVERY DAY!

“Why are the nations in an uproar,and the peoples devising a vain thing?The kings of the earth take their stand,

and the rulers take counsel together against YHWHand against His Anointed - His Messiah.”

(Psalm 2:1-2)

“Nation will rise against nation,and kingdom against kingdom.”

(Matthew 24:7)

“There will be war until the end;and desolations have been decreed.”

(Daniel 9:26)

“God now commands all people everywhere to repent ,because He has fixed a day in which He will judge the

world in righteousness.” (Acts 17:30-31)

“What will you do in the day of reckoning, when disastercomes from afar? To whom will you run for help,


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and where will you leave your wealth?” (Isaiah 10:3)

I am not talking here about rugby, or any sports game - not even gladiators. The world is involved in much more than the deadly “game” of “Russian Roulette.”

It is anarchy, callous, despotic, demonic, economic, genocidal, globalistic, gluttonous, hellish, idealogical, inhuman, lethal, ruthless, ravenous, suicidal, vicious &


Y’shua, Jesus the Messiah said:“Just as it was in the days of Noah, so also will it be inthe days of the Son of Man” (Luke 17:26)

We read of the conditions of Noah’s days in Genesis 6:11.“Now the earth was corrupt in God's sight; the earthwas full of violence.”

Have you heard these words lately? Of course. Well, here’sa brief preview of some of the world’s leading players today.


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Police say they are alarmed by the brutality and aggression of the clans, who are said to view crime as a leisure activity.

If police dare to intervene, hundreds of clan members are mobilized to confront the police.

Angela Merkel is under much pressure for allowing so many refugees to enter Germany.


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Although it has enough troubles of its own, France is seeking to push the recognition of Palestinians as a state, at the United Nations.

Naval confrontations often occur in the South China seas as China seeks to increase its hegemony.

Donald wants to “trump up” the US naval force, to be able to “contain” the Chinese.


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Page 13: DON DOWN.doc · Web viewGulen, now 75, is a Turkish citizen, an Islamic cleric, and a long-time rival of Erdogan. An Israeli source says Russian intelligence

During the past generation, America has fallen into a mire of corruption, depravity, violence, bankruptcy, and apostasy.

It has fabricated a socialist system in which 50 million+ people live on food stamps, and it has piled up a government debt of $20 trillion.

It has slashed its military, and plotted to surrender its national sovereignty to internationalist networks that are seeking toestablish a one world government, a one world economy, and a one world religion – a “wonderful” new world order.

It has undermined Biblical and Christian values, promoted vulgarity, pornography, and legislated legal abortion up to full term. Since the Roe and Wade ruling in 1973, there have been 60 million abortions in the US.

It has promoted LGBT issues, and same-sex marriage under the guise of “marriage equality,” and has made anyone who voices opposition to the new morality, liable to prosecution.

The US has become arrogant and sexodised.” Billy Graham once said: “If God doesn’t deal with the US soon, He will have to apologise to Sodom & Gomorrah.”

It has opened its borders to unvetted migrants, and this has aroused great concern and potential terrorism.


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At present there is one vacant seat, which holds the balance of power in the court. Obama had sought to fill this seat with a leftist, “humanistic” judge. The Senate has rejected it.

The 18-months-long campaign was possibly the most bizarre, cankered, presidential race in US history. All guns were pulled out by the news media, and the Establishmentarians, to prevent a Trump win.

Polls were mostly indicating that Clinton would win. But coming from behind, while making some mistakes, Mr. Trump finished strong, doing the impossible in this campaign. He was the first non-politician, without military or government experience, ever to win the presidency, in the entire history of the Republic.

In the cankered world of America today, almost half the population evidently sided with the liberal, anti-Biblical stance of Hillary Clinton.

In this complicated game, the majority of Americans may have voted for Clinton, and thus against God’s Word. Of course,


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many were put off by Trump’s abrasive mannerisms, but masses of people loved his anti-establishment stance.

Why did most evangelical Christians vote against Clinton?

No doubt, because of her policies and reputation …

Firstly, Hillary had said that she would be regarded as “the third term of Barak Obama.”

Secondly, Clinton, like Obama, took an anti-Biblical stance promoting abortion, LGBT issues, marriage equality, and an open borders, pro-refugee policy. Thirdly, it was expected that she would put an anti-Biblical judge into the Supreme Court, which could change the judicial system, and destroy Biblical Christianity in the United States (and much of the world) for years to come.

Trump took the opposite stand – pro-life (anti-abortion), pro-traditional marriage, a controlled border, and a hardline on unvetted refugees entering the country.

But fourthly, running deeply in the nation was the hope of“Amexiting” from the corrupt globalist “rulership” of recentyears.

THOUSANDS OF CHRISTIANS PRAYED across the nation - against the downward slide which could lead the US to the brink of disaster. Christian leaders motivated three days of prayer in the lead up to the final voting.

They pleaded for God to intervene, and to give the country one more chance. And He has given the US “one last chance,” to repent of its grievous evils.

The 2016 election has been a political tsunami, and America has been saved from the nightmare of the last eight years; and it has been given a short breathing space - a God-given opportunity for sharing the Gospel.


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Now Donald Trump, Mike Pence, and the Republican-controlled Congress have a huge task ahead, which cannot be fulfilled without the wisdom, guidance and power of God.

American Christians must not now resort to complacency. It must quit “playing Church,” and must pray earnestly for the healing of the nation, and for righteousness to be restored.

by conservatives, that the next two months could see ...

1. an attempted assassination of Trump, or

2. an emergency situation develop which will enable Barak Obama to clamp martial law on the country, and then continue his agenda. Possibly a break down of law and order, a terrorist attack, or a threatening international crisis.

At this very moment concerned believers, wherever we are, should pray that none of those options will happen. For the results could affect all of our countries!

Mike Pence said: "Donald Trump and I will be making appointments to the federal courts at every level from the Supreme Court down, that will strictly interpret the Constitution of the United States, that will stand by our God-given liberties, our liberties enshrined in the First Amendment -- the freedom of speech and of religion -- and stand by our Second Amendment."


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With some issues, yes; with others, no.

To succeed he will have to tackle the $20 trillion govt. debt, and many other problems. Already there are indications that he may back away from some issues that conservativesupporters expect him to pursue.

Remember, Trump may not be a spiritual reformer – but he may be a “political reformer.”

But the Christian’s faith should not be in Donald Trump, but in the LORD God Almighty. And the LORD has given the US a short window of opportunity to repent and to seek Him with all their hearts.

Former mayor of New York City, Rudy Giulani said, the US President-elect is committed to building a “gigantic” military force to thwart China’s ambitions in the Pacific, and to allowthe US to fight a “two-ocean war.” He will increase troops to 550,000, and navy ships to 350 .

The US, at present, is gripped with violent upheavals –“Black Lives Matter,” and violent anti-Trump riots, as wellas terrorist threats from ISIS.


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God has been sending warning disaster after warning disasterto the prodigal nation. Floods, cyclones, tornados, droughtsand fires. For one, look at the CALIFORNIA DROUGHT.

The California drought has killed more than 102 million trees in a die-off of forests that increases the risk of catastrophic wildfires and other threats to humans.

The US will be judged, for rebelling and turning their backs on Yahweh the Almighty God, in so many serious ways.

We have already seen large protests with up to 25,000 protestors, in major cities all over America, but the biggest one of all is being planned for January 20. Radical leftists are calling for thousands upon thousands to descent on Washington DC on Inauguration Day.

They are planning to disrupt the festivities as much as they can. These people are bitter, angry, frustrated and incredibly motivated.

The outcome of the elections has been described as a “revolution” as it was a great upset for the leftist, socialist, liberal globalists, insiders’ one-world establishment.

The Brexit decision in UK brought about change. The people’s voice in the US also brought change. Some call it an Amexit movement. People in other countries now believe their voices can also change things in their nations.

For one, Geert Wilders, a Dutch anti-Islam campaigner, called the Trump victory a “revolution” that needs to be repeated in his own homeland.


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Protesters in cities all across America have been disrupting public transportation, looting stores, hurling objects at the police, and burning Trump effigies. There have also been shootings at anti-Trump rallies in Seattle and in Portland.

Hundreds of protesters have been arrested so far, and organizers say this is only just the beginning.

Large numbers of enraged leftists are threatening Trump on Twitter, and some are calling for violent revolution. Even some big celebrity names are starting to use the word "revolution" in messages to their followers.Jew-haters join the Trump-haters in New York City, calling for “Intifada Revolution.”

“For men will be lovers of self, (self-centered), lovers of money, boastful, arrogant (proud), blasphemers, revilers … without natural affection, (callous and inhuman), unloving, unforgiving, irreconcilable … without selfcontrol, brutal, despisers of good … treacherous, reckless …” (2 Timothy 3:1-4)

Yes, all our nations will be judged for our rebellion against Yahweh, Almighty God, and for turning our backs on Him, and spitting in His Face.

BUT … before the ultimate judgment falls, the Messiah must remove His people. As He said: “I will keep you from the hour of trial.” (Rev 3:10)


Page 20: DON DOWN.doc · Web viewGulen, now 75, is a Turkish citizen, an Islamic cleric, and a long-time rival of Erdogan. An Israeli source says Russian intelligence

“The word of YHWH came to me: 'Son of man, set your face against Gog of the land of Magog, the chief prince of Rosh, Meshech, and Tubal, and prophesy against him, and say, The Sovereign Master, YHWH, says: “Listen! I am against you, O Gog, chief prince of Rosh, Meshech, and Tubal.

“I will turn you around, put hooks into your jaws and bring you out with your whole army - your horses and horsemen all fully armed, and a great horde with large and small shields, all of them brandishing swords. …(Ezekiel 38:2-7)

“Prepare for war! Rouse the warriors! Let all the men of war draw near. Let them come up to attack! Let the weak say, 'I am strong!' Come quickly all you surrounding nations, and gather yourselves together!” (Joel 3:9-11)

“Persia (Iran), Cush (Sudan - Ethiopia), and Put (Libya) will be with them, all with shields and helmets; Gomer (Galatia in Turkey) also with all its troops; and the House of Togarmah from the far north (Turkey and the Turkic people of Central Asia) with all its troops – manynations with you. Get ready; be prepared, you and all the hordes gathered about you, and take command of them’ ‘.” (Ezekiel 38:2-7)

RUSSIA, IRAN and TURKEY are the central framework of the Northern Confederation. LIBYA, SUDAN, and the TURKIC


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REPUBLICS of Central Asia “… from the far north with all its troops – many nations with you,” will be added to the Confederation. Let’s look first at Turkey.

“Gomer (Galatia in Turkey) also with all its troops; and the House of Togarmah from the far north (Turkey and the Turkic people of Central Asia) with all its troops - many nations with you — (Magog - Russia).” (Ezekiel 38:6)

For a long time we have been saying: “Watch Turkey! One day it will join Gog for the big war in the Great Tribulation.” Now Turkey is in the headlines!

At present Turkey is the country with the second largest army in NATO.

To the North of Turkey is the Black Sea and Russia. To the West is Greece and Europe. To the North East is central Asia, to the East is Lebanon, Syria and the Middle East, to the South East is Israel and Saudi Arabia, and to the South is the Mediterranean, Libya, Egypt and Africa.

The ancient names for parts of Asia Minor (now Turkey) were GOMER and BAIT-TOGARMAH.

Gomer and Togarmah are listed in Genesis 10:2-3.


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Gomer was a son of Japheth, and a grandson of Noah. Togarmah was the third son of Gomer, and thus he was a great-grandson of Noah.

“Bait” means “house,” so Ezekiel’s reference to Bait- Togarmah is about the whole House of Togarmah. After the tower of Babel, Togarmah moved to “the land between 2 Seas and 2 Mountains," that is, the CAUCASUS – the region between the Black Sea and the Caspian Sea, where Georgia, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Dagestan, the southern tip of Russia, and East Turkey are today.

The first Turkic people lived in a region extending from Central Asia to Siberia. The term "Turkestan" has never been referred to as a single national state. The word referred to “the place of Turkic peoples.” It included present-day Turkmenistan, Tajikistan, Kazakstan, Uzbekistan,Kyrgyzstan and Xinjiang (called East Turkestan, or Chinese Turkestan. It’s the Chinese province north of Tibet.)


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Many Turkic peoples and related groups migrated west from Turkestan and Mongolia towards Eastern Europe, to the Iranian plateau and then to what is now modern Turkey, in many waves. After many battles, they established their own “Turkey” and later created the Ottoman Empire. Many from Central Asia made Turkey their new home.

The Hellenistic Arabs of Asia Minor were replaced by the invading Turks.

Their fierceness is believed to have derived from the Central Asian Mongol-Tartar roots.

In the early 20th century, (after nearly 500 years of dominance in the Middle East), and now faced with territorial losses on all


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sides, the Ottoman Empire forged an alliance with Germany who supported it with troops and equipment.

The Ottoman Empire entered World War 1 (1914–1918) on the side of the Central Powers consisting of Germany, Austria-Hungary, the Ottoman Empire and Bulgaria, but was ultimately defeated. Allied forces occupied the country, and the Ottoman Empire was divided into several new states.

In 1923, the Ottoman Empire was dissolved. The Treaty of Lausanne of July 24, 1923, led to the international recognition of the sovereignty of the newly formed "Republic of Turkey" as the successor state of the Ottoman Empire; and the republic was officially proclaimed on October 29, 1923, in the new capital of Ankara.

Kemal & the Turkish Grand Assembly gained international recognition, and the withdrawal of the occupying forces. But one thing Ankara had to agree to, was the fate of the Dardanelles and the Bosporus Straits.

The Allies insisted that the straits be demilitarised and open to all commercial vessels at all times. And the new Turkey would have NO RIGHT to close the straits even during times of war.

At present some 45,000 ships travel through the straits each year, including Russia’s military ships.At its independence, Turkey was weak and backward, but Ataturk’s vision was to create a new Turkey that was secular, westward-leaning, reformist, modernised and democratic. The


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Islamic Caliphate was abolished. And Turkey was then set to become a stable democratic nation.

Mustafa Kemal Ataturk died in 1938 at 57 years. In 1950, an opposition Democratic Party came to power which posed a threat to Turkey’s secular agenda. The Military, which was an avowed guardian of Ataturk’s legacy, intervened with four military coups – in 1960, 1971, 1980 and 1997.


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He called on President Obama to extradite Fetullah Gulen, who presently resides in Pennsylvania. He warned Washington that it would be making a very big mistake if it does not extradite Gulen.

Gulen, now 75, is a Turkish citizen, an Islamic cleric, and a long-time rival of Erdogan.

An Israeli source says Russian intelligence alerted Erdogan about the pending coup attempt.

This prepared him for it; and the coup attempt actually played into his hands – it gave him the chance to rid himself of his opposition.

Turkish authorities then launched MASS PURGES of the armed forces, police, judiciary and education system. 15,000 people, including 10,000 soldiers, 200 generals, 2,745 judges and prosecutors have been arrested. 60,000 people have been suspended or removed from their jobs.

Dozens of news agencies, TV channels, and newspapers have been shut down. Erdogan has ordered the closure of thousands of private schools, charities and other institutions.

While Erdogan's determination to reinstate the death penalty has alienated Western nations, it has drawn Turkey into closer alignment with Russia and Iran.


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Following the failed coup, the Erdogan regime locked down the INCIRLIK NATO Air Base in Turkey, along with 1,500 US soldiers and several hundred soldiers from other NATO countries. They cut off the base’s external electricity supply and temporarily suspended all flights from the base. The base commander and 11 other service members from the base, and a police officer, were placed under arrest.

INCIRLIK is the centre of NATO air operations against ISIS in Syria, and reportedly houses 50 nuclear warheads.- Caroline Glick, Jerusalem, July 25.

AUG 23. Russia has approached Turkey to “request” use of the U.S.-built INCIRLIK air base. The NATO base, which is 65 miles from the Syrian border, would enable the Russian air force to engage in “constant bombing” of ISIS and other anti-Assad forces, a Russian official said.“It just remains for us to come to an agreement with President Erdogan for us to get the NATO base Incirlik as our primary air base,” Igor Morozov, a member of the Russian upper house’s committee on international affairs, said.


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AUG 25. As relations between Ankara and Western allies deteriorate, the EU’s enlargement commissioner, Johannes Hahn has urged Turkey to clarify if it still wants to join the European bloc. He said, EU concern was "justified" in saying that Turkey had violated the rule of law in its purge after the failed putsch — military attempt to take over in July.

Turkey has demanded $6 billion, to compensate it for its effort to stem refugees from reaching Europe.

If this demand is not met, and if the visa waver is not given, Turkey will bus 2 to 3 million more refugees to its borders, from where the refugees can flood Europe.

The two options are … Let Turks into Europe, otherwise, we will flood Europe with refugees.


Vienna said EU talks with Turkey should be stopped. And Austrian authorities allowed Kurds to hold a rally in support of the separatist PKK group.PROBLEMS WITH GERMANYLast June, before the coup, the German parliament recognised the Ottoman killing of Armenians in 1915 as genocide.


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Turkey accused the US of sheltering Fethullah Gulen, and has demanded his extradition. The US replies: “There has been no evidence presented about Gulen being involved in the coup."

The rift between Western powers and their NATO ally, Turkey, has prompted speculation that Turkey will ditch NATO, and forge a new alliance with Russia.


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Vladimir Putin plans to revive the KGB under a massive shake-up of its security forces.

A State Security Ministry, (or MGB), would be created from the current Federal Security Service, incorporating the Foreign Intelligence Service, and the State Guard Service, under the plans. It would have the all-encompassing powers once possessed by the KGB. And like the much-feared KGB, it would oversee the prosecutions of Kremlin critics.

The MGB is expected to be in operation before the 2018 presidential elections.

If he doesn't reverse course, he risks bringing Russia to the POINT OF NO RETURN -- THE BRINK OF DESTRUCTION. (Ezekiel 38 & 39)


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News reports, for some months, have informed of the many intrigues of the oil industry. The cost per barrel has tumbled since Saudi reduced its prices.Many "experts" believe that the oil-rich nation's royal family, in unison with the US, cut oil prices to undercut Russia's upsurging involvement in oil production and sales around the world.

Bill Browder, a former champion advocating for Vladimir Putin, now believes the Russian president is leading a nation in great peril, and a likely collapse could mean danger for the world. He says:


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Russia warned of "a new world war" starting in Syria after a dramatic day in which Gulf states threatened to send in ground forces.

Both Russia and the US have demanded ceasefires in the long-running civil war, so that the fight could be concentrated against ISIS - but each have their own, conflicting terms, and goals.

Last September, Russia began a massive build-up in Syria. It deployed nuclear submarines, long-range missiles, and the


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ISIS is bitterly opposed to ISRAEL, as well as to the Shias, to Russia, Iran, Turkey, to all Infidels, to the West, and to anyone, or any group or nation that opposes, or that does not give allegiance to the Islamic State.


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The air forces of 14 nations have been operating in Syrian airspace - as air coalition against ISIS. The air forces of Syria, Russia, Israel, the US, Jordan, Australia, France, Britain, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Canada, Qatar and Bahrain have all been active within the Syrian airspace.

Damascus and Aleppo have been partially destroyed, but now, with Russia air strikes, Assad has been able to retake control of the capital - Damascus. But Isaiah 17:1 could be fulfilled soon.


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On Sept 17, a US airstrike hit a Syrian military base, killing at least 90 Syrian government troops, and wounding 120 others. To make it worse, 13 Hizbollahs, 20 Iranians, several Palestinians, and 7 Russian commanders were also killed in the attack. (The US was supposed to be taking out ISIS terrorists).

Tensions were heated as Russia accused the US of threatening the U.S. - Russian ceasefire plan, and of being in collusion with Islamic State.

Russia’s foreign ministry said the incident was a result of Washington’s “stubborn refusal” to co-operate with Moscow in fighting ISIS, Nusra Front and “other terrorist groups.”

Russia demanded an emergency session of the UN Security Council, to debate the “bungled raid.”

At the Security Council, US Ambassador to the UN, Samantha Power, was giving America’s response, when Vladimir Putin stomped out of the meeting.

The reason for a DELIBERATE ATTACK was evidently meant to be a strong warning to Russia to stop impeding a real solution to the Syrian war.

Whatever it was, it was clearly an ACT OF WAR !


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The next day, a convoy of trucks, bringing food and medicines to the besieged city of Aleppo, was hit by an air strike. 15 UN aid workers were killed in the attack, and at least 18 of the 31 trucks were destroyed.

The US believes RUSSIAN PLANES attacked the convoy, in retaliation for the American strike.

These two attacks have dangerously changed the Middle East entanglement – for the worse.

An outbreak of war with Israel, could bring about the fulfilment of . . .

Isaiah 17:1: “Look! Damascus is about to be removed from being a city, and it will become a heap of ruins.”


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Last June, Vladimir Putin asked Western journalists:

“How do you not understand that the world is being pulled in an irreversible direction?” Putin warned that “Obama is pushing him into a corner.” Putin left no one in any doubt that the world is heading down “a course which could lead to NUCLEAR WAR.”

It is not only Israel’s neighbours, the Palestinians in Gaza and the West Bank, and Syria, and Hizb’ollah in Lebanon ... Shi’ite Iran calls for Israel to be wiped off the world map.

Iran supports Fatah in the West Bank, and smuggles weapons to Hamas in Gaza.


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Iran became an extreme Shia (or Shi’ite) republic, in 1979, after a revolution that deposed Shah Pahlavi, and that brought Ayatollah Khomeini to power.

Khomeini was succeeded by Ayatollah Ali Khamenei. Both believed they were called to prepare the way for the promised Imam Mahdi. Both have been extremely anti-US and anti-Israel, and have called for the destruction of both. They have referred to the US as the Great Satan, and to Israel as the Little Satan.


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The Kurds have descended from the Ancient Medes. They are at present situated in S E Turkey, N Syria, N Iraq and Southern Iran.

In N Iraq they have been granted a semi-autonomous state. In N Syria, due to the war, they have declared a type of Kurdish autonomy.

For decades, the Kurds have wanted to unite in an independent KURDISTAN.

The Kurds in Turkey have been at war with the Turkish government for several decades. They are fighting for an autonomous state free from Turkish discrimination.

2 to 3 years ago they brokered a peace deal with the Turkish Government; but the deal broke down in 2015. Turkey is now waging war against Kurds, in Turkey, Syria, and Iraq.

Erdogan also urged the US to pressure Kurdish forces in Syria to move away from Turkey’s borders.


Page 42: DON DOWN.doc · Web viewGulen, now 75, is a Turkish citizen, an Islamic cleric, and a long-time rival of Erdogan. An Israeli source says Russian intelligence

Amid the chaos of Syria’s war, the Kurds have carved out a semi-autonomous region called Rojava, that is home to about four million people. It stretches nearly the full length of the 565-mile border between Syria and Turkey.

Rojava, however, is alarming Turkey and is adding complexity to a region in turmoil, bringing resistance from outside and dissent from within. - Aug. 31, 2016

In late August, Turkey invaded north Syria “to capture the frontier town of Jarablus from Islamic State militants.”

Turkey says its military campaign in Syria has a dual goal of "cleansing" the region of Islamic State, and stopping Kurdish forces from filling the void and extending the area they control near Turkey's border.

The beautiful picture on our front cover is of Lake Wan in Kurdistan in the far eastern part of Turkey. Who would not want to have a home in such a lovely place?


Page 43: DON DOWN.doc · Web viewGulen, now 75, is a Turkish citizen, an Islamic cleric, and a long-time rival of Erdogan. An Israeli source says Russian intelligence


Page 44: DON DOWN.doc · Web viewGulen, now 75, is a Turkish citizen, an Islamic cleric, and a long-time rival of Erdogan. An Israeli source says Russian intelligence


Page 45: DON DOWN.doc · Web viewGulen, now 75, is a Turkish citizen, an Islamic cleric, and a long-time rival of Erdogan. An Israeli source says Russian intelligence


Page 46: DON DOWN.doc · Web viewGulen, now 75, is a Turkish citizen, an Islamic cleric, and a long-time rival of Erdogan. An Israeli source says Russian intelligence


Page 47: DON DOWN.doc · Web viewGulen, now 75, is a Turkish citizen, an Islamic cleric, and a long-time rival of Erdogan. An Israeli source says Russian intelligence

"I am going to make Jerusalem a cup that causes reeling to all the people around. Judah will be besieged as well as Jerusalem. And on that day, when all the nations of the earth are gathered against her, I will make Jerusalem a very heavy rock for all the nations. All who try to move it, will be severely injured.” (Zechariah 12:2-3)

“Proclaim this among the nations: PREPARE FOR WAR ! Rouse the warriors! Let all the men of war draw near. Let them come up to attack! Beat your plowshares into


Page 48: DON DOWN.doc · Web viewGulen, now 75, is a Turkish citizen, an Islamic cleric, and a long-time rival of Erdogan. An Israeli source says Russian intelligence

swords, and your pruning-hooks into spears. Let the weak say, 'I am strong!‘ Let the nations be aroused and come up to the Valley of Jehoshaphat, for there I will sit to judge all the nations on every side.” (Joel 3:9-12)

The world has been preparing for this war for a long time!

UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon has harshly criticized Israeli settlements in the West Bank, and has called for urgent action to save "the two state solution." He insisted that Israeli settlements in the West Bank "are illegal under international law," and told reporters that the "occupation" of Palestinian-controlled territories "must end."

It will suffer much, but Israel will be saved from complete destruction by the LORD’s intervention.

YAHWEH ADONAI says: “For I will gather all the nations against Jerusalem to fight against it, and the city will be captured, the houses plundered, and the women raped. Half of the city will go into captivity, but the rest of the people will not be exiled from the city. Then YHWH will go out and fight against those nat ions , as when He f ight s in the day of battle.” (Zechariah 14:2-3)


Page 49: DON DOWN.doc · Web viewGulen, now 75, is a Turkish citizen, an Islamic cleric, and a long-time rival of Erdogan. An Israeli source says Russian intelligence

“In the whole land, declares YHWH, two thirds will be struck down and perish; but one third (of Israel) will be left in it. And I will bring this third through the fire, refine them as silver is refined, and test them as gold is tested. They will call on My Name, and I will answer them. I will say, ‘They are My people,’ And they will say, ‘YHWH is my God.’” (Zechariah 13:8-9)

“In that day the remnant of Israel, and those of the house of Jacob who have escaped, will never again rely on the one who struck them, but will truly rely on YHWH, the Holy One of Israel. A remnant will return, the remnant of Jacob, will return to the MightyGod.” (Isaiah 10:20-21)

“The redeemed, the ransomed of YHWH, will return, and come to Zion shouting for joy; with everlasting joy on their heads. They will obtain gladness and joy, and sorrow and sighing will flee away.” (Isaiah 51:11)


Page 50: DON DOWN.doc · Web viewGulen, now 75, is a Turkish citizen, an Islamic cleric, and a long-time rival of Erdogan. An Israeli source says Russian intelligence


Page 51: DON DOWN.doc · Web viewGulen, now 75, is a Turkish citizen, an Islamic cleric, and a long-time rival of Erdogan. An Israeli source says Russian intelligence

“But since we are of the day, let us be sober and self-controlled, putting on the breastplate of faith and love, and as a helmet, the hope (assurance) of salvation.

“For God has not destined us to suffer His wrath, but to receive salvation through our Master, Y'shua the Messiah.” (1 Thessalonians 5:8-9)


Page 52: DON DOWN.doc · Web viewGulen, now 75, is a Turkish citizen, an Islamic cleric, and a long-time rival of Erdogan. An Israeli source says Russian intelligence

So, “Awake, sleeper, and arise from the dead!” “Be ready!” “Be careful how your walk!” “Redeem the time because the days are evil.” And “be filled with the Holy Spirit.” (Ephesians 5:14-18)

Salvation is given as a GIFT to all who come humbly to Yeshua, confessing their need, and their faith in Him. They sincerely pray to Him, and receive Him as their Saviour.

“The wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in the Messiah, Y'shua our Master.” (Romans 6:23)

Here is a prayer that will help you to express your heart.


Page 53: DON DOWN.doc · Web viewGulen, now 75, is a Turkish citizen, an Islamic cleric, and a long-time rival of Erdogan. An Israeli source says Russian intelligence