Dome of Florence Cathedral detail, 19–2 (p596) bin/Florence_Cathedral.html/cid_130 593.gbi.

Dome of Florence Cathedral detail, 19–2 (p596) lorence_Cathedral.html/cid_13059 3.gbi

Transcript of Dome of Florence Cathedral detail, 19–2 (p596) bin/Florence_Cathedral.html/cid_130 593.gbi.

Dome of Florence Cathedral

detail, 19–2 (p596)

Filippo Brunelleschi.

Florence Cathedral. 1417-


Joern Utzon. Opera House. Sydney, Australia, 1959-1972. Reinforced concrete, height of highest shell 200’

Donatello. David. Bronze, after 1428

Donatello. Equestrian

monument of Erasmo di Narni (Gattamelata),

Piazza del Santo, Padua. Bronze,


Gattamelata, detail

Trinity with the Virgin, Saint John the Evangelist,

and Donor.Masaccio.

fresco in the Church of Santa Maria Novella, Florence.


Piss Chris.

Andreas Serrano 1987

Cibachrome print mounted on

plexiglas, 30”x40”

Masaccio. Frescoes in the Brancacci Chapel, Church of Santa Maria del Carmine, Florence.


Masaccio. Tribute Money, fresco in the Brancacci Chapel

Birth of Venus. Sandro Botticelli.Tempera and gold on canvas. 1484-1486(19–34)

Frescoes in the Camera Picta

Andrea Mantegna Ducal Palace,

Mantua. 1465–1474(see 19–29)

Battle of the Ten Nudes Antonio del Pollaiuolo Engraving1465–1470(19–15)

Temptation of Saint Anthony

Martin Schongauer

Engraving, 1480-1490