Dokkodo - The Way of the Startup

Gabriel Chan Gabriel Chan Co-Founder, NoteWagon How to build great startups The Way of Self Reliance



Transcript of Dokkodo - The Way of the Startup

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Gabriel Chan Gabriel Chan Co-Founder, NoteWagon

How to build great startups! The Way of! Self Reliance!

Page 2: Dokkodo - The Way of the Startup

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The Way of Self Reliance

獨行道 �Dokkōdō

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#1: 世々の道をそむく事なし

Accept the world for the way it is.

•  No such thing as a stupid user/customer! •  Learn their habits or help shape them. •  Understand how the human mind works.

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#2: 身にたのしみをたくます

Do not seek pleasure for its own sake.

•  Long term win VS short term gain. •  Real value, not just hype or cool factor. •  The goal of a startup is not to make money

– it is to make the world a better place.

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#3: よろすに依枯の心なし

Do not ever depend on a partial feeling. •  Be data- and metric-driven in *everything* •  Gut feelings eventually must be verified! •  Mediocrity has no place in a startup.

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#4: 身をあさく思世をふかく思ふ

Think lightly of yourself and deeply of the world.

•  Go around and act like you own the place,

but never drink your own Kool-Aid. •  Remembering that it takes huge

momentum to change the world.

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#5: 一生の間よくしん思わす

Be detached life-long from desire. •  Except the desire is to fulfill your vision. •  Do not get distracted by anything,

unless it is moving towards your vision.

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#6: 我事におゐて後悔をせす

Do not regret what you have done.

•  Mistakes are not mistakes if you learn something from them.

•  Fail early, fail fast, fail often, fail cheap

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#7: 善惡に他をねたむ心なし

Never be jealous.

•  Hire people that are better than you. •  Let your competitors’ success drive you to

not just work harder – also work smarter

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#8: いつれの道にもわかれをかなします

Never let yourself be saddened by a separation.

•  Your colleagues may come and go. •  Keep in touch with the good ones through

LinkedIn and other social media… •  Your paths may cross again in the future.

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#9: 自他共にうらみかこつ心なし

Resentment and complaint are appropriate neither for oneself nor others.

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#10: れんほの道思ひよるこゝろなし

Do not let yourself be guided by the feeling of lust or love.

•  Your startup *is* your significant other. •  Irrational decisions may lead to

unnecessary mistakes and distractions.

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#11: 物毎にすきこのむ事なし

In all things have no preferences.

•  Culture of competency and meritocracy •  Decision making based on facts and data •  Learn from experts, don’t blindly follow.

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#12: 私宅におゐてのそむ心なし

Be indifferent to where you live.

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#13: 身ひとつに美食をこのます

Do not pursue the taste of good food.

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#14: 末々代物なる古き道具を所持せす

Do not hold on to possessions you no longer need.

•  Focus on core competencies; axe extras. •  Keep your software/cloud systems clean,

just like your office (it’s spotless, right?)

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#15: わか身にいたり物いみする事なし

Do not act following customary beliefs.

•  Rules may be bent or broken if necessary. •  What worked for other companies might

not work for your startup.

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#16: 兵具は格別よの道具たしなます

Do not collect weapons or practice with weapons beyond what is useful.

•  Don’t learn how to code in 16 different languages or all the tools of the trade.

•  Use the right tools for the right jobs. •  Keeping useless features or services

distract users/customers from your core.

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#17: 道におゐては死をいとわず思ふ

Do not fear death. •  99% of all startups fail. You’re a 1%er! •  The game is over when you think it’s over •  Startup is stalling? Pivot or persevere!

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#18: 老身に財寳所領もちゆる心なし

Do not seek to possess either goods or fiefs for your old age.

•  Hoarding cash and assets is a BAD idea. •  Opportunity cost of growing your startup.

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#19: 佛神は貴し佛神をたのます

Respect Buddha and the gods without counting on their help.

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#20: 身を捨ても名利はすてす

You may abandon your own body but you must preserve your honour.

•  Failure is not final; fail like a winner. •  Follow your conscience. #businessethics

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#21: 常に兵法の道をはなれす

Never stray from the Way •  Accept everything just the way it is. •  Do not seek pleasure for its own sake. •  Do not ever depend on a partial feeling. •  Think lightly of yourself and deeply of the world. •  Be detached from desire your whole life long. •  Do not regret what you have done. •  Never be jealous. •  Never let yourself be saddened by a separation. •  Resentment and complaint are appropriate

neither for oneself nor others. •  Do not be guided by the feeling of lust or love.

•  In all things have no preferences. •  Be indifferent to where you live. •  Do not pursue the taste of good food. •  Do not hold on to possessions you no longer need. •  Do not act following customary beliefs. •  Do not collect weapons or practice with weapons

beyond what is useful. •  Do not fear death. •  Do not seek to possess either goods for your old age. •  Respect the gods without counting on their help. •  You may abandon your own body but you must

preserve your honour.

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