doesn’t regi -… ·...


Transcript of doesn’t regi -… ·...

Page 2: doesn’t regi -… · *Yogurts: Beware of low fat/fat free yogurts, these are usually full of sugar. For
Page 3: doesn’t regi -… · *Yogurts: Beware of low fat/fat free yogurts, these are usually full of sugar. For

o First things first – lower the fat content in the food that you

are eating. Lowering fat lowers calorie intake.

o Eat in smaller portions and eat slower. This is going to help

you overall for two reasons. If you eat smaller portions and

you eat them slower it is still going to fill you up. Your brain

doesn’t register what is going on in the stomach for a couple

of minutes so people that eat fast have a tendency to

overeat. If you combine smaller portions with slower eating it

translates into one thing – less calories.

o Try and exercise three times a week – Minimum! If possible

get in some sort of physical activity five times a week, you will

be well on your way to solving this problem with your weight.

o Eat a well balanced diet. Make sure you have something

from each of the four food groups. You also need to have

some carbohydrates, ‘good’ fats, and proteins.

o Stay away from junk food and empty calories. This sounds

like a cliché, but it is the absolute truth. Many of these foods

have bad fats and they are simple carbs that turn into fat if

you don’t burn them off. Fats also have the most calories.

If you are about to undertake a weight-loss program don’t

consider it as a diet. You have to be willing to make a lifestyle

change – diet, exercise and making healthy decisions.

Page 4: doesn’t regi -… · *Yogurts: Beware of low fat/fat free yogurts, these are usually full of sugar. For

This is going to be hard, if you’ve trained your system to crave

unhealthy foods you now have to de-train these cravings. The

good news is if you stick with the plan you will see very fast fat loss.

I’ve found that clients with the worst diets and stick with the plan

see the biggest results

– I’ll repeat that...

‘Clients with the worst diets


see the biggest results!’

Please be aware that 2 days of not having any coffee, tea, sugar,

etc....may make you become snappy, jittery, tired, angry & restless

but it will be worth it!

You may come across a few off putting things when following this

nutrition plan. Headaches - headaches are just toxins being

released from your fat stores back into your blood stream as you

burn the fat off and expel the toxins, but if you’re drinking enough

water the headaches shouldn’t be too bad.

Your concentration might slip a little but this should not last more

than a few WILL be worth it and it’s only a few days

compared to the rest of your fit and healthy new life!

This is your ‘cold turkey’ phase of the diet, focus on why you are

doing this and you WILL make it through and I guarantee you will

look back and wish you had done this years ago!

Page 5: doesn’t regi -… · *Yogurts: Beware of low fat/fat free yogurts, these are usually full of sugar. For

Clients with the worst diets have the worst ‘cold turkey’ phase, but

trust me it WILL be worth it and what’s a few weeks of your life

compared to the rest of your life???

100% dedication...

With this diet 50% effort does not mean you get 50% results,

Less than 100% effort = negativity & poor results!

It is vitally important that during days 1-14 you eliminate the

following foods:


There is sugar in alcohol that triggers insulin secretion causing

blood sugar imbalances, not only does this put the weight on, but

it helps you store body fat. Alcohol has also been proven to inhibit

the fat burning process!!! Limit your alcohol, it’s worth it!

Page 6: doesn’t regi -… · *Yogurts: Beware of low fat/fat free yogurts, these are usually full of sugar. For

2 Days Later:

When your body is dehydrated and full of alcohol, it suspends

‘non-essential’ things like fat-burning. Now it has a chance to

recover, you’ll feel more energetic and your workouts will be more


1 Week Later:

Alcohol deprives your skin of vitamins and nutrients, so after a

week booze-free you’ll notice clearer, brighter skin!

2 Weeks Later:

You’ll see fewer lumps and bumps as your body will be free of

booze toxins that contribute to cellulite. You’ll also find things in

the bedroom are more explosive, as alcohol reduces your sex

drive and sexuality!

3 Weeks Later:

Alcohol hinders deep sleep, this means you’ll be getting a much

better quality of sleep and wake up feeling great and relaxed!

1 Month Later:

If you’ve cut out only 4 glasses of wine a week you’ll be noticing

the new trimmer waist as you a whopping 1000 calories better off!

6 Months Later:

As well as your skin glowing your hair will no longer be thin and

fragile, now it will be you crowning glory!

Page 7: doesn’t regi -… · *Yogurts: Beware of low fat/fat free yogurts, these are usually full of sugar. For


It leads to massive energy fluctuations and the subsequent need

for sugary foods. Limit yourself to x1 cup of coffee before training

and x1 green tea (vanilla green tea is the best if you’re a green

tea virgin) per day.


This is heavily processed in order to maintain its ‘shelf life’. Other

than eggs, butter and live yoghurt try to avoid all other forms of

dairy for AT LEAST the first 10 days.

Red Meat

Stuffed with hormones and pro hormones used to fatten them up!

Unless you can afford organic and lamb, I’d suggest staying away

from it altogether for the first week and then limit it to 1-2 times per



All sugar (including white, brown, beet, molasses, honey, fructose,

maltose, dextrose, corn sugar) creates an insulin response. The

simpler the makeup of the sugar the more rapid and aggressive

the insulin response. Unfortunately so much of our diet contains

sugar and leads to energy fluctuations, fat storage and an

addiction for more sugar!

Beware - artificial sweeteners are just as bad if not worse for your system than sugar!

Page 8: doesn’t regi -… · *Yogurts: Beware of low fat/fat free yogurts, these are usually full of sugar. For

Wheat and Gluten

It’s not that wheat is ‘bad’; it’s just indigestible and processed to

the point where the body does not recognise it. I would advise

anyone wanting to do this properly to cut it out altogether for

least for the first 10 days. Many wheat products are simply

indigestible or place massive stress on the digestive system leading

to a reduced metabolism and intolerances. Limit your intake of

bread & pasta! NEVER eat white bread!

Processed Food

Anything with crazy names that you can’t pronounce, pre-

cooked, pre-baked or package in any way for ‘long life’ – leave

them on the shelf.

That’s it - no starvation, no crazy diets, just avoid a few foods for a

few weeks. It’s not that tough, but you need to be prepared!

Page 9: doesn’t regi -… · *Yogurts: Beware of low fat/fat free yogurts, these are usually full of sugar. For

Now go to the kitchen, get a large black bin bag and get rid of all

the bad foods. The faster you do this the less time you will spend

looking at it thinking…oooh that’s nice, I might keep this for a

special occasion, etc... You’re only setting yourself up to fail if you

leave these ‘bad fat foods’ in your kitchen to tempt you!

- Remember “ALL OR NOTHING!”

Throw away or give the following to a charity...

o All products containing caffeine – Fizzy drinks, coffee, hot

chocolate, tea

o Sugar – Including sucrose, glucose or fructose, sweets,

chocolate, cookies, biscuits

o Processed Food – Baked, pre-packed or if it has numbers

and/or hard to pronounce words in the ingredients

o Wheat Products – Bread, biscuits, cakes, pies and most

breakfast cereals

o Dairy – Milk and cheese (change to coconut milk, almond

milk, rice milk or almond milk)

o Alcohol – All of it, well maybe not ALL of it!

Page 10: doesn’t regi -… · *Yogurts: Beware of low fat/fat free yogurts, these are usually full of sugar. For

Below are some foods you should stock up on for the next month...

o Chicken, Beef, Lamb, Turkey, Salmon, Tuna, Mackerel,

Sardines, Haddock

o Eggs, Yogurt*, Flora, Olive oil, Coconut oil

o Mushroom, Onions, Broccoli, Aubergine, Cauliflower,

Tomatoes, Peppers, Celery, Cabbage

o Hummus, Chick Peas, Guacamole

o Apples, Bananas, Peaches, Lemons, Limes, Grapefruit

o Sea Salt, Black Pepper, Chilli Powder, Cumin, Cinnamon

(great fat burner!), Turmeric

o Organic Peanut butter (any nut butter), almonds, hazelnuts,

pumpkin seeds

The above list is just a selection of foods you can eat, there are

thousands of other healthy choice foods to choose from, just

don’t venture onto you elimination list!

Page 11: doesn’t regi -… · *Yogurts: Beware of low fat/fat free yogurts, these are usually full of sugar. For

Below is a list of food that are excellent for destroying estrogenic

compounds, great to regulate your hormones and help in your

battle with that stubborn fat!

o Cruciferous vegetables - broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage,

and brussel sprouts

o Citrus fruits – oranges, grapefruit, lemons, limes

o Coconut oil

o Chamomile and passionflower (can be found in teas)

o Onions and garlic

o Green tea (yet another reason to drink green tea)

o Leafy greens (lettuce, spinach, etc)

o Berries (blueberries, blackberries, strawberries,

raspberries…organic are best)

o Extra virgin olive oil

o Wild fatty fish (salmon, trout, etc)

o Raw nuts and seeds (pecans & walnuts are some of the best)

o Grass-fed meat and dairy

o Spices such as oregano, thyme, rosemary, ginger, and sage

This is not everything, there are hundreds of healthy foods out

there, just remember - if it is on the elimination list just make sure it

does not end up in your shopping trolley.

*Yogurts: Beware of low fat/fat free yogurts, these are usually full of sugar. For example the

best yogurts I have found are ‘Yeo Valley’ natural yogurts and most sugar free greek yogurts.

Check the back - the fat free yogurts have more sugar then the plain natural yogurts. Don’t

be tricked by ‘fat free’ & ‘low fat’ advertising.

Page 12: doesn’t regi -… · *Yogurts: Beware of low fat/fat free yogurts, these are usually full of sugar. For

Below are 15 of my favourites belly fat burning foods...

These little suckers are loaded with two nutrients that

are KEY to killing belly fat: hunger-crushing fibre (11 to 17 grams

per avocado!), and monounsaturated fats, which studies have

shown to actually “spot reduce” belly fat!

Okay, not just peanut butter, but mostly any seeds

and nuts (these are the best): pistachios, walnuts, almonds (or

almond butter), pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, and flax seeds.

Why? They keep you full and satisfied for long periods of time, and

they’re stuffed with healthy, belly burning fats, minerals & fat

burning ‘good’ fats. Only organic & no added sugar!

Just making sure you were

paying attention. Healthy oils like olive oil & coconut oil actually

help you burn fat by supplying healthy oils your body needs to

burn body blubber. Never heat olive oil!

Turns out certain vegetables such as broccoli,

cauliflower, brussel sprouts, kale, and cabbage contain special

phytonutrients, such as indole-3-carbinol (I3C), which help to fight

against environmental estrogens that can add belly fat. Your

Mam was right…eat your veggies!

Eggs aren’t bad, they’re nutrient-dense and loaded

with belly burning protein, vitamins B6, B12, A, D, E, and K, folate,

choline, lutein, calcium, iron, phosphorus, zinc, and omega-3 fatty

acids. Plus, they keep you full for long periods of time. Choose

eggs that come from free-range chickens. You’ll get more healthy


Page 13: doesn’t regi -… · *Yogurts: Beware of low fat/fat free yogurts, these are usually full of sugar. For

! Dark chocolate is loaded with

antioxidants (nearly eight times the number found in strawberries)

and it contains stimulants that can have a positive effect on fat

burning, including theobromine and caffeine. It also contains a

nice dose of oleic acid, which is a monounsaturated fat. Make

sure to choose the 70%+ or higher cocoa levels for best results.

Only a few squares per day!

Packed with fibre and whole-grain goodness, you can’t

go wrong. Just be sure to avoid the processed, high-sugar junk out

there and stick to slow-cook oats. Add a dash of cinnamon, some

walnuts, berries, and use water and/or rice, oat or coconut milk

Not only does it contain a potent antioxidant, many

scientific studies have linked green tea to increased fat burning,

including a report in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition that

found green tea extract boosted the daytime metabolism of test

subjects by 35- 43%.

Black beans, navy beans, refried beans, and lima beans

all have 6 or more grams of fibre per ½ cup. Fibre can clean your

system of pounds of “toxic waste” and reduce your belly bulge in

a big way.

Strawberries, raspberries and blackberries are loaded

with fibre (which slows sugar absorption), and they’re packed with

vitamins that can fight cravings (cravings can come from vitamin


Researchers have found that cinnamon contains a

type of antioxidant that increases insulin sensitivity and effectively

helps to stabilize blood sugar. Bottom line…you’ll store less belly


Page 14: doesn’t regi -… · *Yogurts: Beware of low fat/fat free yogurts, these are usually full of sugar. For

Studies have shown that the active ingredient in

chilli peppers and powder, something called capsaicin, increases

calorie-burning, stabilizes blood sugar levels (which decreases fat

storage), and is a potent antioxidant. Add some of this “spice” to

your life.

Mostly regular yogurt is bad for your belly. It’s loaded

with belly bulging sugar (real or artificial) that you want to avoid it.

However, Greek yogurts are loaded with pro-biotics that fight belly

bulge. A lot of people think that yogurt is a nutritious snack, but

you’ve got to be very careful. For example, Yoplait’s Original

Yogurt, 99% fat free, contains high fructose corn syrup and 27g of

sugar in a little six ounce container! What’s more, the Yoplait Light

fat-free version still contains 14g of sugar in just a six ounce

container, and it also contains high fructose corn syrup. On the

other hand, Oikos Organic Greek Yogurt contains only 5g of sugar

and has no high fructose corn syrup. Mix in a few frozen

blueberries to make this a special treat

Hands-down one of the best belly-blasting foods

because of its protein and high omega-3 fatty acid content. This is

like a “double shotgun approach” to killing belly fat. Many people

are deficient in omega-3s and when they add them to their diet

the fat can really start coming off.

I’m not just talking about turkey meat (white preferred),

but any lean protein source is a good belly-blasting food. This

includes wild salmon, free-range chicken, whey protein powders,

and most especially grass-fed beef because it contains natural

CLA—a fat that studies have actually shown to burn fat. The

interesting thing about protein is your body will burn off as much as

30% of its calories after you eat it.

Page 15: doesn’t regi -… · *Yogurts: Beware of low fat/fat free yogurts, these are usually full of sugar. For

Starting to feel and look great!

Lost weight, more importantly you will have lost body fat!

Your friends may have started to notice improved changes in

your appearance

You start to see a new improved you when you look in the


Your energy levels have increased

Your sleeping better

Reduced cravings for bad food

No more bloated stomach Now you have finished your elimination period try and re-

introduce some foods back to your diet. Bread for example, try 2-

3 slices of bread and pay attention to the effects. If after 2-3 days

there are no ill effects present then this particular food is suitable

for you. Try the same with coffee, etc, remembering to only

introduce one item at a time and wait 2-3 days.

If you notice ANYTHING negative like bloating, cramps, gas,

diarrhea, headaches, weight increase or literally ANYTHING that

just doesn’t feel right, then you should remove it from your diet


Page 16: doesn’t regi -… · *Yogurts: Beware of low fat/fat free yogurts, these are usually full of sugar. For

This is where hopefully everything will start to make sense and

come together. The majority of my clients do find it hard the first

1-2 weeks, but EVERYONE who stays with the diet say that by week

3 it’s just as easy as their eating habits before they started the diet.

Your body is used to eating the way you are currently eating and

the transition period is the hardest, but it is a max of 2 weeks...put

everything you have into it and you will be rewarded with

amazing results:









Page 17: doesn’t regi -… · *Yogurts: Beware of low fat/fat free yogurts, these are usually full of sugar. For

Fibre is great to get your system moving, de-toxifing and de-

stressing the’s also great to ship that unwanted fat out of

you! Try Psyllium as a great fibre supplement:

Fat/Weight Loss Using Psyllium Seeds/Husks

Also called Isphagula, psyllium belongs to the plant family

Plantago and among its parts considered to be beneficial to

health are the seed and husk. The many psyllium husk benefits

have contributed greatly to its growing popularity in the health


The husk of the psyllium is primarily composed of mucilage or

soluble fibre (great for fat loss). For this reason, they are easily

dissolved yet not readily digested and absorbed in the digestive


The fibre component is known to reduce appetite, improve

digestion and cleanse your system of harmful toxins. It is a good

fibre supplement if your diet is lacking in fibre.

Helps against constipation

Acts as a lubricant through the colon & intestines

Lowers cholesterol

Cleanses the colon

Helps with blood pressure

Safe laxative

Fights against stomach and intestinal ulcers

Good against heartburn

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Proven to lower blood sugar levels of diabetics

Reduces bloating and flatulence.

Obesity and Weight Loss - improves lipid and sugar levels

in the blood effectively reducing body weight

The husks usually come in powder or capsule form. Psyllium seeds

swell 10-20 times their size when they come in contact with water,

for this reason you should drink plenty of water when taking this.

This increase in size helps get your stomach moving. Psyllium acts

as a sponge, sucking up toxins and helping the friendly bacteria in

your stomach! To begin with add 1 tablespoon of seed to water

and drink, after a few day you may increase the dose to 2

tablespoon. Also this can be added to your morning porridge or

protein shake – remember to drink lots of water1

There are times when you should be careful and consult your

doctor before trying this supplement. For example if you...

Are pregnant

Are under 7 years old

Have diabetes

Have had stomach problems before

Have difficulty swallowing

Psyllium fibre is in the FDA pregnancy category B. This basically

means that it is unlikely to harm your baby. But my advice is

always check with your doctor first!

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Interestingly, chlorophyll is chemically similar in composition to that of human

blood, except that the central atom in chlorophyll is magnesium, while iron is

central in human blood. Chlorophyll has anti-oxidant, anti-inflammatory and

wound-healing properties. Below are some of the known chlorophyll benefits:

Aids the growth and repair of our tissue & cells.

Detoxifying - Neutralises Pollution that we breathe in and intake

everyday - a good supplement for smokers.

Delivers magnesium - helps the blood in carrying the much needed

oxygen to all cells and tissues. It had been seen to have a good

potential in stimulating red blood cells to improve oxygen supply

Anti Carcinogenic - Chlorophyll protects against a whole host of

carcinogens found in fungus-laden foods such as nuts and grains, the

toxins from cooked meats, and air-borne carcinogens (from pollution).

Further research shows chlorophyll as being cancer preventative.

Researchers at Oregon State University concluded: “At…cancer rates

relevant to humans, chlorophyll was strongly protective”.

Antioxidant & Anti-inflammatory - containing high levels of the vitamins

A, C and E, liquid chlorophyll has a strong antioxidant capacity and

has also been found to help reduce inflammation.

Chelation of Heavy Metals - chlorophyll is one of the most important

chelates in nature. It’s ability to bind to and remove toxic heavy metals

such as mercury makes it an extremely powerful healer.

Treats Bad Breath - This one is a real bonus and really works! Chlorophyll

has a double-action remedy for bad breath. Firstly, as a deodoriser, it

will eliminate odours in the mouth and throat, but secondly (and more

importantly) it promotes a healthy digestive tract – which is the primary

reason for bad breath.

Wound Healing & Antiseptic - Aids our body’s tissue in destroying germs.

By strengthening tissue, it increases the disease resistance of cells and,

at the same time, prevents the growth of bacteria!

Contains vitamin K, C, folic acid, iron, calcium, protein - which are all

also essential in building and repairing red blood cells and boosting our

immune system. Chlorophyll has also been seen to help neutralize free

radicals that do damage to healthy cells.

Page 20: doesn’t regi -… · *Yogurts: Beware of low fat/fat free yogurts, these are usually full of sugar. For

This is the flower pollen collected by honey bees. It is one of natures’ most

unique & complete super foods offering the full spectrum of vitamins,

minerals, amino acids and enzymes. Plus it is very rich in flavoniods,

phytoeostregens and anti-oxidants, and very low in calories. Basically it is the

most complete food that exists and contains everything that our bodies

need, in fact we could survive on just bee pollen and water!

Bee Pollen also contains Lecithin which helps to remove fat stores from the

body and stimulates the metabolism. Lecithin also helps in the assimilation of

nutrients in the digestive process.

The protein content of pollen ranges from 10 to 35 percent (according to its

plant origin), with a mean average of 20 percent. Forty to fifty percent of this

may be in the form of free amino acids. Bee pollen contains 22 amino acids,

yet different species produce varying amounts. The amino acids found in

whole dry pollen fluctuate between 10 and 13 percent (26.88% protein or

albuminous substances). This equals from 5 to 7 times the amino acids found

in equal weights of beef, milk, eggs or cheese.

Approximately 35 grams of pollen each day will supply all the body's protein

requirements. However, only 25 grams of pollen ingested daily will sustain a

person in terms of providing sufficient amounts of each of the essential amino


The albuminous substances in bee pollen consist of albumine, globuline,

guanine, hypoxanthine, lecithin, nusleine, peptone, vernine and xanthine.

The body will more effectively utilize the protein in food if there is a larger

selection of amino acids available.

Bee Pollen can be eaten raw, added to Vi shakes, smoothies, desserts, warm

drinks, protein shakes or sprinkled on porridge or yogurts. I suggest you use

max 1 tsp per day (2 if on muscle gain/definition program. Hayfever (allergy)

sufferers should be cautious and start with a few granules and build up over a

period of time – this will also help fight off the symptoms of hayfever.

Page 21: doesn’t regi -… · *Yogurts: Beware of low fat/fat free yogurts, these are usually full of sugar. For

Omega 3, 6 and 9 are three essential fatty acids (EFA) required in our bodies

to help with growth as well as prevention of many diseases. Since they are

not naturally produced in our bodies, they need to be ingested from foods.

Although they are essential, it's also essentially important to ensure controlled

intake of these foods as they all contribute to the level of oils and fats in our


Omega 3 - With brain-enhancing qualities, it is thought to prevent the risk

Alzheimer's as well as other mental health ailments. Its anti-inflammatory

properties decrease the effects of arthritis, asthma and improve the

symptoms caused by auto-immune diseases. The health of the heart is

improved with the reduction of hypertension and risk of stroke. It is also an

essential element in fat/weight loss programs.

Omega 6 - Also has anti-inflammatory properties and reduces the symptoms

due to pre-menstrual syndrome. It is able to maintain healthy skin, hair and


Omega 9 - Benefits the human body in terms of the management of blood

sugar and insulin. These essential fatty acids promote a healthy heart with

unblocked arteries and lower blood pressure. It also supports the immune

system's defence against bacterial and viral attacks.

I strongly advise you ONLY use coconut oil when cooking, further below are

the benefits of using coconut oil. Let me explain the effect of using

vegetable oil, olive oil or any other types of oil in heating/cooking

Rancid Oils

Rancid oils are a major source of destructive free radicals in the human diet.

Oils oxidize through exposure to air, heat and light and become unstable and

highly toxic to your body. Polyunsaturated fats such as sunflower, soy and

sesame oil are the most unstable and prone to oil rancidity, because their

chemical structures are missing several pairs of hydrogen atoms.

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Rancid Oils cont...

Reasons for Dangers - Manufacturers extract most cooking oils using heat,

which makes the oils rancid and toxic even before they reach the store

shelves. Manufacturers then refine and deodorize the oils through various

chemicals to remove the bad smell and give the oils a nice colour. This

process makes it virtually impossible to tell if an oil is rancid or not. Once

bought, storing the oil in a cupboard at room temperature and in subdued

light will not stop the oxidation process. Cooking greatly accelerates the

oxidation rate and allows free radicals to form, harming body cells and using

up antioxidants.

Health Hazards - Eating rancid oil will expose you to accelerated aging,

raised cholesterol levels, obesity and weight gain. Daily consumption

increases the risk of degenerating diseases such as cancer; diabetes;

Alzheimer's disease; and atherosclerosis, a condition in which artery walls

thicken due to a build up of fatty materials. According to a study from the

University of Basque Country, the breakdown rate and total formation of toxic

compounds depends on the type of oil and temperature. Initially, the oil

decomposes into hydroperoxids, then into aldehydes.

Examples - Among the most highly refined polyunsaturated oils are canola,

safflower and corn. Another example is flaxseed oil, rich in omega-3, an

essential fatty acid. Although flaxseed oil sells well in the health food stores, it

is highly sensitive and unstable. Monounsaturated fats like virgin olive oil, have

only a pair of missing hydrogen atoms, which makes them less vulnerable to

oxidation. You can use virgin olive oil for low temperature cooking and for

salad dressings. Once open, store it in the refrigerator and use it within a


Recommendations - Buy only vegetable oils that are cold pressed, unrefined

and organic. Make sure the oils are stored in dark bottles and keep them

away from heat. Get small bottles so you use them up before the oil is

exposed to air for too long. For high temperature cooking, use only saturated

fats like butter and lard, which are stable and highly resistant to oxidation.

Coconut oil is also high in saturated fat and an all-purpose cooking oil.

Coconut oil is very stable under heat.

Page 23: doesn’t regi -… · *Yogurts: Beware of low fat/fat free yogurts, these are usually full of sugar. For

The health benefits of coconut oil include hair care, skin care, stress relief,

maintaining cholesterol levels, weight loss, increased immunity, proper

digestion and increased metabolism, relief from kidney problems, heart

diseases, high blood pressure, diabetes and bone strength. These benefits

of oil can be attributed to the presence of lauric acid, capric acid and

caprylic acid, and its properties such as antimicrobial, antioxidant, antifungal,

antibacterial and soothing properties.

Coconut oil consists of more than ninety percent of saturated fats (Don’t

panic!), with traces of few unsaturated fatty acids, such as monounsaturated

fatty acids and polyunsaturated fatty acids. Virgin coconut oil is no different

from this.

Saturated fatty acids: Most of them are medium chain triglycerides,

which are supposed to assimilate well. Lauric acid is the chief

contributor, with more than forty percent of the share, followed by

capric acid, caprylic acid, myristic acid and palmitic.

Polyunsaturated fatty acids: Linoleic acid.

Monounsaturated fatty acids: Oleic acid.

Heart Diseases - There is a misconception spread among many people that

coconut oil is not good for the heart. This is because it contains a large

quantity of saturated fats. However, coconut oil is beneficial for the heart. It

contains about 50% lauric acid, which helps in preventing various heart

problems including high cholesterol levels and high blood pressure. The

saturated fats present in coconut oil are not harmful as it happens in case of

other vegetable oils. It does not lead to increase in LDL levels. It also reduces

the incidence of injury in arteries and therefore helps in preventing


Fat/Weight Loss - Coconut oil is very useful in reducing weight and fat loss. It

contains short and medium-chain fatty acids that help in taking off excessive

weight. It is also easy to digest and it helps in healthy functioning of the

thyroid and enzymes systems. Further, it increases the body metabolism by

removing stress on pancreases, thereby burning out more energy and

helping obese and overweight people reduce their weight.

Digestion - Internal use of coconut oil occurs primarily as cooking oil.

Coconut oil helps in improving the digestive system and thus prevents various

stomach and digestion related problems including irritable bowel syndrome.

The saturated fats present in coconut oil have anti microbial properties and

help in dealing with various bacteria, fungi, parasites, etc., that cause

indigestion. Coconut oil also helps in absorption of other nutrients such as

vitamins, minerals and amino acids.

Use coconut oil while cooking/frying/roasting/baking, add it to porridge,

smoothies etc...