Does Helping Hurt? Aiming Assistance and Skill Development...

Does Helping Hurt? Aiming Assistance and Skill Development in a First-Person Shooter Game Carl Gutwin, Rodrigo Vicencio-Moreira, and Regan L. Mandryk Department of Computer Science, University of Saskatchewan Saskatoon, Canada {carl.gutwin, rodrigo.vicencio, regan.mandryk} ABSTRACT In multiplayer First-Person Shooter (FPS) games, experience can suffer if players have different skill levels – novices can become frustrated, and experts can become bored. An effective solution to this problem is aiming-assistance-based player balancing, which gives weaker players assistance to bring them up to the level of stronger players. However, it is unknown how assistance affects skill development. The guidance hypothesis suggests that players will become overly reliant on the assistance and will not learn aiming skills as well as they would without it. In order to determine whether aiming assistance hinders FPS skill development, we carried out a study that compared performance gains and experiential measures for an assisted group and an unassisted group, over 14 game sessions over five days. Our results show that although aim assistance did significantly improve performance and perceived competence when it was present, there were no significant differences in performance gains or experiential changes between the assisted and unassisted groups (and on one measure, assisted players improved significantly more). These results go against the prediction of the guidance hypothesis, and suggest instead that the value of aiming assistance outweighs concerns about skill development – removing one of the remaining barriers that designers may see in using player balancing techniques. Author Keywords Player balancing; aiming assistance; skill development ACM Classification Keywords H.5.m. Information interfaces and presentation (e.g., HCI). INTRODUCTION When people have unequal skill levels in social play situations, the gameplay experience suffers for both the weaker and the stronger player. The skill imbalance means that weaker players can become frustrated, and stronger players can become bored. Player balancing attempts to address this problem, by altering game mechanics and parameters to help weaker players compete with stronger players. One main type of player balancing involves artificial assistance for the weaker player – for example, faster acceleration in a driving game, different healing or damage rates, or aim adjustment to improve targeting. Several studies have shown that artificial assistance works successfully to balance games when players have unequal skill (e.g., [9, 12, 34]). In particular, aim assistance techniques can help to equalize gameplay in shooting games [9, 34, 35]; in addition, studies showed that both weaker and stronger players preferred the balanced games with the assistance techniques in place (as long as the context is social play) [14, 34]. Despite these successes, questions remain about whether assistance techniques should be used in games. In particular, the effects of assistance on skill development have not been carefully studied – that is, whether assisted players will become overly dependent on an assist, and fail to improve their skills as they play the game. The risk is that when the assist is removed, a novice player will be worse off than an unassisted novice whose performance was also initially poor, but who eventually gains the skills needed to compete. This phenomenon has been studied in psychology and HCI as a version of the “guidance hypothesis.” Bischof and colleagues summarize this hypothesis as “the more guidance given during training, the worse the learning” [6]. In the context of aim assistance in a shooting game, this translates to “the more effective that aim assistance is during training, the less a player will improve in aiming without the assist.” However, this hypothesis is untested in games, and there is little known about how aim assistance affects the development of aiming skill or changes to player experience. To explore this question, we carried out a study where we asked novices to play a first-person shooter game each day for five days, either with or without aim assistance, and then compared learning rates and experience measures across the entire week for the two groups. Our main research goals were to confirm that aiming assistance improved performance, and to explore whether either skill development or play experience was hindered for assisted players. We compared performance in both a shooting-gallery scenario played at the start and end of the week (where players had to shoot a set of fixed targets), and in more realistic walkthroughs played each day (where players had to kill computer-controlled opponents while navigating through the map and avoiding enemy fire). We also gathered subjective measures of perceived competence, suspense, Permission to make digital or hard copies of all or part of this work for personal or classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are not made or distributed for profit or commercial advantage and that copies bear this notice and the full citation on the first page. Copyrights for components of this work owned by others than the author(s) must be honored. Abstracting with credit is permitted. To copy otherwise, or republish, to post on servers or to redistribute to lists, requires prior specific permission and/or a fee. Request permissions from [email protected]. CHI PLAY '16, October 16 - 19, 2016, Austin, TX, USA Copyright held by owner/author(s). Publication rights licensed to ACM. ACM 978-1-4503-4456-2/16/10...$15.00 DOI: 338

Transcript of Does Helping Hurt? Aiming Assistance and Skill Development...

Page 1: Does Helping Hurt? Aiming Assistance and Skill Development distance can warp the cursor towards the target based on the initial

Does Helping Hurt? Aiming Assistance and Skill Development in a First-Person Shooter Game

Carl Gutwin, Rodrigo Vicencio-Moreira, and Regan L. Mandryk

Department of Computer Science, University of Saskatchewan

Saskatoon, Canada

{carl.gutwin, rodrigo.vicencio, regan.mandryk}


In multiplayer First-Person Shooter (FPS) games, experience

can suffer if players have different skill levels – novices can

become frustrated, and experts can become bored. An

effective solution to this problem is aiming-assistance-based

player balancing, which gives weaker players assistance to

bring them up to the level of stronger players. However, it is

unknown how assistance affects skill development. The

guidance hypothesis suggests that players will become

overly reliant on the assistance and will not learn aiming

skills as well as they would without it. In order to determine

whether aiming assistance hinders FPS skill development,

we carried out a study that compared performance gains and

experiential measures for an assisted group and an unassisted

group, over 14 game sessions over five days. Our results

show that although aim assistance did significantly improve

performance and perceived competence when it was present,

there were no significant differences in performance gains or

experiential changes between the assisted and unassisted

groups (and on one measure, assisted players improved

significantly more). These results go against the prediction

of the guidance hypothesis, and suggest instead that the value

of aiming assistance outweighs concerns about skill

development – removing one of the remaining barriers that

designers may see in using player balancing techniques.

Author Keywords

Player balancing; aiming assistance; skill development

ACM Classification Keywords

H.5.m. Information interfaces and presentation (e.g., HCI).

INTRODUCTION When people have unequal skill levels in social play

situations, the gameplay experience suffers for both the

weaker and the stronger player. The skill imbalance means

that weaker players can become frustrated, and stronger

players can become bored. Player balancing attempts to

address this problem, by altering game mechanics and

parameters to help weaker players compete with stronger

players. One main type of player balancing involves artificial

assistance for the weaker player – for example, faster

acceleration in a driving game, different healing or damage

rates, or aim adjustment to improve targeting. Several studies

have shown that artificial assistance works successfully to

balance games when players have unequal skill (e.g., [9, 12,

34]). In particular, aim assistance techniques can help to

equalize gameplay in shooting games [9, 34, 35]; in addition,

studies showed that both weaker and stronger players

preferred the balanced games with the assistance techniques

in place (as long as the context is social play) [14, 34].

Despite these successes, questions remain about whether

assistance techniques should be used in games. In particular,

the effects of assistance on skill development have not been

carefully studied – that is, whether assisted players will

become overly dependent on an assist, and fail to improve

their skills as they play the game. The risk is that when the

assist is removed, a novice player will be worse off than an

unassisted novice whose performance was also initially poor,

but who eventually gains the skills needed to compete.

This phenomenon has been studied in psychology and HCI

as a version of the “guidance hypothesis.” Bischof and

colleagues summarize this hypothesis as “the more guidance

given during training, the worse the learning” [6]. In the

context of aim assistance in a shooting game, this translates

to “the more effective that aim assistance is during training,

the less a player will improve in aiming without the assist.”

However, this hypothesis is untested in games, and there is

little known about how aim assistance affects the

development of aiming skill or changes to player experience.

To explore this question, we carried out a study where we

asked novices to play a first-person shooter game each day

for five days, either with or without aim assistance, and then

compared learning rates and experience measures across the

entire week for the two groups. Our main research goals were

to confirm that aiming assistance improved performance, and

to explore whether either skill development or play

experience was hindered for assisted players.

We compared performance in both a shooting-gallery

scenario played at the start and end of the week (where

players had to shoot a set of fixed targets), and in more

realistic walkthroughs played each day (where players had to

kill computer-controlled opponents while navigating through

the map and avoiding enemy fire). We also gathered

subjective measures of perceived competence, suspense,

Permission to make digital or hard copies of all or part of this work for personal or classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are

not made or distributed for profit or commercial advantage and that copies

bear this notice and the full citation on the first page. Copyrights for components of this work owned by others than the author(s) must be

honored. Abstracting with credit is permitted. To copy otherwise, or

republish, to post on servers or to redistribute to lists, requires prior specific permission and/or a fee. Request permissions from [email protected].

CHI PLAY '16, October 16 - 19, 2016, Austin, TX, USA

Copyright held by owner/author(s). Publication rights licensed to ACM. ACM 978-1-4503-4456-2/16/10...$15.00



Page 2: Does Helping Hurt? Aiming Assistance and Skill Development distance can warp the cursor towards the target based on the initial

enjoyment, and attribution. In order to fairly compare any

changes to skill or player experience, the first and last

walkthroughs were always played without any assistance.

Our study provides several new findings:

First, aim assistance improved performance when it was

present in the walkthroughss. The Assisted group’s

performance significantly improved when the assist was

added, and got significantly worse when it was removed.

Second, the Unassisted group’s skills did not improve

more than the Assisted group during the walkthrough.

There were no significant differences between the two

groups in the performance gains from the first to the last

walkthrough (which were always played with no assist).

Third, adding and removing aim assistance led to

instantaneous differences in some player experience

measures (perceived competence and enjoyment), but

there were no significant differences between the groups

from the first to the last walkthrough.

Fourth, the Unassisted group’s performance also did not

improve more than the Assisted group in the before-and-

after shooting gallery test. There were no significant

differences between the groups for improvement in Hit

Ratio or Headshots – and in fact, the Assisted group

showed a significantly larger improvement in Score.

Our study found no significant differences in performance or

player experience to suggest that aim assistance causes a

detrimental “guidance effect” in FPS games. In addition, the

aim assistance also substantially improved performance

while it was present, meaning that the assisted group was

able to compete at a higher level during the initial sessions

of the game. Because early competitiveness could increase

new players’ willingness to continue, our study suggests that

balancing schemes based on aim assistance can play an

important role in helping new players learn a game while still

being able to play with more experienced friends.


Player Balancing

There are several types of balancing that can be considered

in game design. Traditionally, designers attempt to balance

games in terms of difficulty level – that is, a game is balanced

when the difficulty level of the game matches the skill level

of the player [16]. This keeps players in the “flow zone”

where challenge and accomplishment are balanced [33];

games that manage to keep players at an optimal level of

challenge are more enjoyable [11, 16, 21].

In multiplayer games, however, players can be at very

different skill levels. If a game is balanced in the traditional

sense, it means that expert players will always win over

novices, and usually by a large margin – which can lead to a

poor play experience for both players. Player balancing

attempts to address this problem – it attempts to provide

assistance to weaker players (or detriments to stronger

players) in order to provide a more competitive game [2].

Player balancing is valuable because when players are more

evenly matched, enjoyment is increased for both players [9].

One type of balancing uses aim assistance techniques

(algorithmic changes that alter the accuracy of targeting

movements) to help weaker players hit their targets. A recent

study showed that this method increased enjoyment for both

the stronger and weaker players [34].

Aim Assistance

There are several ways to assist targeting actions in pointer-

based computer systems, and several of these can be adapted

for use in FPS games. In general, all targeting actions are

governed by Fitts’ Law [18] (including actions in 3D virtual

spaces [8, 22]). Fitts’ Law states a relationship between the

difficulty of targeting and the target’s distance and width.

Assistance techniques work either by changing the effective

width of a target or by adjusting its distance.

Solutions that increase target width include Sticky Targets,

which reduces the Control-to-Display ratio of the cursor

when it is over the target [39], and Target Gravity, which

attracts the cursor to targets using simulated gravity [9]. Both

techniques have been tested in FPS games, but neither

performed well due to overshooting [35]. Techniques that

reduce distance can warp the cursor towards the target based

on the initial movement [7], or create temporary proxies that

are closer to the user’s staring point [10]. In FPS games,

Target Lock (i.e., snapping to a target) has been shown to be

effective, but is seen as too obvious for player balancing [35].

The best balancing technique seen in previous studies [34]

uses an aiming assistance technique called Bullet Magnetism

(which improves accuracy by bending the path of a bullet

towards nearby opponents), in addition to location awareness

assistance about opponents’ locations and variable damage

modifiers that adjust incoming and outgoing damage. This

study showed that aiming assistance alone was not enough to

fully balance gameplay [34], because expertise in an FPS is

made up of several skills, including the ways that players

move to evade enemy fire, use cover in the environment,

learn the map, and make use of resources such as ammunition

and health packs, in addition to aiming accuracy.

Skill Development

Development of motor skills

A leading model of psychomotor skill acquisition is Fitts and

Posner’s three-stage model [17], which states that skills are

developed through three phases: cognitive, associative, and

autonomous. In the cognitive phase, the learner begins to

form concepts about what the activity is and what needs to

be done through explicit instruction and demonstrations. In

the associative phase, the learner begins to improve and

refine their skills, and begins to pay attention to how an

action is done instead of just what is done. The autonomous

phase occurs after extensive practice – in this phase, the task

has a reduced mental and physical effort compared to the

other phases, and results in very few errors. This frees up the

learner to concentrate on other aspects of the task: for

example, in FPS games players can concentrate on strategy

and map navigation instead of aiming.


Page 3: Does Helping Hurt? Aiming Assistance and Skill Development distance can warp the cursor towards the target based on the initial

In order to improve at a motor skill, practice is required. The

Power Law of Practice [25] indicates that large gains occur

in early practice trials, and that gains gradually diminish with

each subsequent trial. In order for practice to be effective, it

is important for the practice to be deliberate, and focus on

tasks just beyond a person’s competence and comfort [15].

Skill development in games

Several researchers have investigated how learning and skill

development occur in video game contexts. Kiili uses an

experiential learning model to explain learning and skill

development [20]; the model stresses the importance of

players being in a flow state in order to learn most effectively

[33]. When players are in the flow state, learning and skill

development occur more rapidly [20] – the optimal

environment for skill development is one where the game is

challenging, but not so much that it disrupts game flow. This

is similar to “scaffolded learning” theories from fundamental

research on learning – for example, Vygotsky’s idea of the

“zone of proximal development” suggests that learning is

most effective when a learner performs tasks that they can

only complete with assistance [36]. When players compete

with opponents who have much more skill, however,

experiential learning is less effective [20].

Gee identified principles that lead to effective learning and

skill development in video games [19]. For example, the

interactivity of a video games allows for active participation,

and the problems presented by games are often well ordered

– problems in later levels build on what has been learned

earlier in the game. Similar to Kiili’s claim that learning is

more effective in the flow state [20], Gee states that learning

works best when challenges are “pleasantly frustrating” [19],

i.e., when the challenges are hard, but not impossible.

Norman [26] identifies six different kinds of skills that are

required to play most video games: perceptual-motor

abilities, cognitive processing abilities, problem-solving

abilities, information-utilization abilities, persistence, and

human-human interaction abilities. According to Norman,

the skills required to play a game vary depending on the

genre. For example, FPS games mostly involve perceptual-

motor, cognitive processing, and information-utilization

abilities. Several tools have been developed to help people

practice accuracy and targeting speed [3, 4]: for example,

Play2Improve [28] created an FPS trainer to teach players

about resource management, timing, and positioning [32].

Tutorials are another common way for skills and mechanics

to be taught to new players and then subsequently trained.

Research into tutorial effectiveness has indicated that their

usefulness depends on the game complexity [5]; tutorials

increased users’ play time and engagement for complex

games, but not in simple games where mechanics can be

discovered through experimentation.

The Guidance Hypothesis

Practice is necessary for skill development, but the type of

feedback received during practice is also important [38].

Extrinsic feedback (augmented information from an external

source) is split into knowledge of results (KR) and knowledge

of performance (KP) [37]. KR indicates the level of success

in the action [38] (e.g., whether the player’s shot hit the

target), whereas KP refers to external feedback about the

quality or pattern of the movement [37] (e.g., advice such as

“you are pressing the trigger too early”). Studies of motor

skill development have noted that the amount of KR

feedback affects learning effectiveness. When KR is less

frequent, motor learning improves [30,31]. When KR is

frequent, the learner begins to rely on the guidance. This

phenomenon has been called the guidance hypothesis.

This hypothesis [31] states that feedback which improves

performance in early phases of learning will likely impair

retention of skills once the guidance is removed [13] – due

to the learner becoming dependent on the guidance. That is,

the feedback can encourage “maladaptive short term

correction” instead of corrections that will be effective in the

long term [31]. Additionally, feedback during a motor action

can result in more reliance and poorer learning than when it

is displayed after the action [27]. In a study of guides for a

gesture-based system [6], Bischof and colleagues suggest

that the best approach is to practice with infrequent

augmented feedback [31]. The study showed that retention

was increased when users used an adaptive guide system that

gradually disappeared during practice sessions.


We carried out a study to test the effects of aiming assistance

on skill development in first-person shooters, over a five-day

period. The study extends previous work showing that

aiming assistance increases performance [35] and balances

play [34]. Our main goals were to confirm that aim assistance

improved performance when it was present, and to explore

whether changes in skill (as shown by game performance

variables like hit ratio and head shots) or play experience

were different when compared to players with no assistance.

Participants and Apparatus

Eighteen paid participants (8 men, 10 women) were recruited

from a local university. Participants ranged in age from 18 to

47 (mean 26.8). To ensure that participants were novices,

each person completed a questionnaire about gaming habits

and FPS experience; we only selected participants who

reported playing less than one hour per week of PC games.

We verified their experience level by watching their

performance during the training round, looking for markers

of novice behavior such as poor aiming, difficulty navigating

or remembering the map, poor evasive movement, or not

using the rifle scope.

We developed a custom FPS game for the study, using the

Unreal Development Kit (UDK), the UnrealScript language,

and Visual Studio 2010 with the NFringe add-on. All game

sessions were played on 64-bit Windows 7 machines with

comparable Intel processors and NVidia graphics cards,

Razor Imperator mice, and 22-inch 1080p LCD monitors

with 60 Hz refresh rates. Each participant was allowed to set

custom mouse sensitivity. Logging of all study data was done

to a Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 database.


Page 4: Does Helping Hurt? Aiming Assistance and Skill Development distance can warp the cursor towards the target based on the initial

Procedure, Tasks, and Aiming Assistance

Over a five-day period, each novice participant played

several rounds of the custom FPS game. Participants were

first introduced to the study procedure, the game

environment, and the weapons available in each of the two

levels used in the study. At the beginning and end of the

week, participants played a simple “shooting gallery” level

(Figure 2) in order to measure their baseline and final

performance. Between these two rounds, participants played

through a “walkthrough” level 12 times (Figure 3). On the

first day, all participants first completed the walkthrough

with no aim assistance (again to get baseline performance).

Participants were then divided into groups (Assisted or

Unassisted), and completed two additional walkthroughs.

For the Assisted group, the aiming assist was turned on for

the second and third walkthroughs.

On the second, third, and fourth days, participants completed

two walkthroughs each day, with aim assistance either on or

off depending on their group. On the last day, participants

completed two regular walkthroughs, and then played a final

walkthrough that was unassisted for both groups (to assess

people’s final unassisted performance). All participants then

played through the second shooting gallery level (also

unassisted). The two shooting-gallery levels were placed at

the beginning and end in order to capture the largest potential

difference in pure aiming. Figure 1 shows the sequence of

shooting-gallery and walkthrough levels for the study.

Figure 1. Sessions for each participant. Walkthroughs 2-11

were all either assisted or unassisted depending on the group.

Pre-test: SG1 + W1; Training: W2-11; Post-test: W12 + SG2

Participants were told only that they would be participating

in a study to investigate the learning patterns of players in

FPS games. People were not informed that there would be

aiming assistance, and players in the Assisted group were not

warned when the assist was turned on (in the second

walkthrough) or turned off (in the twelfth walkthrough).

Shooting Gallery Level

The shooting gallery constrained several game elements such

as user movement and enemy actions, in order to better

measure pure aiming. In the level, there were seven waves of

enemies, each with six targets. Each wave stayed on the

screen for 10 seconds, and the player’s goal was to shoot as

many enemies as possible in this period. Enemies did not

shoot back at the player, and did not move after appearing.

Waves 1 and 4 were close to the player; waves 2 and 5 were

at a middle distance; and waves 3 and 6 were farthest (Figure

2). In wave 7, enemies were placed in varying locations at

the three distances (shown in blue in Figure 2). Participants

used the sniper rifle (with the scope disabled), which took

two body shots or one head shot to “kill” a target.

Figure 2. The player view of the shooting gallery; player and

enemy locations are inset at top left;

Walkthrough Level

The walkthrough task was a full game-like walkthrough level

set in an abandoned warehouse (Figure 3). The level

contained 12 enemy bots that would move and fire at the

player. To complete a walkthrough level, the player needed

to move through the level and kill all 12 enemies.

Participants were equipped with an assault rifle and a pistol.

The assault rifle had a higher rate of fire than the sniper rifle

used in the shooting gallery, but did less damage with each

hit (approximately 10 body shots or 5 head shots to kill a

target with the assault rifle). The pistol had a lower rate of

fire than the assault rifle, but did more damage per bullet

(approximately 5 body shots or 3 head shots to kill a target).

Common features in FPS games (e.g., the rifle scope) were

implemented, but participants were given unlimited

ammunition (so no reloading was required). The level also

included visual details such as lighting effects and glass

shattering to look and feel like a realistic FPS game. At the

end of each walkthrough, participants filled out a

questionnaire about their game experience.

Figure 3. a) The player view of the walkthrough level b)

Walkthrough Maps. Red dots represent enemies.

Aiming Assistance

The assistance provided to the Assisted group for

walkthroughs 2-11 used the Bullet Magnetism technique

developed and tested in earlier work [34, 35]. Bullet

magnetism alters the path of a bullet toward any opponents

that are within a certain angle of the initial. In the custom

game, the effect was implemented by adjusting the shot

vector towards the first target that is within a fixed range of

the normal bullet path. The algorithm corrects shots towards

the target’s body; if the aim is already on the body, the path

Walkthrough 4

Walkthrough 5

Day 2

Walkthrough 6

Walkthrough 7

Day 3

Walkthrough 8

Walkthrough 9

Day 4

Shooting Gallery 1

Walkthrough 1 (unassisted)

Walkthrough 2

Day 1

Walkthrough 3

Walkthrough 10

Walkthrough 11

Walkthrough 12 (unassisted)

Day 5

Shooting Gallery 2


Page 5: Does Helping Hurt? Aiming Assistance and Skill Development distance can warp the cursor towards the target based on the initial

is adjusted toward the target’s head. Unlike previous work,

however, we did not use an adaptive assist – the strength of

the technique was the same for all participants and did not

change during the week. Figure 4 shows an example of the

bullet magnetism effect.

The Unassisted group had no algorithmic manipulation of

their shots, and all hit detection used the default methods

provided by the UDK engine.

Figure 4. Bullet Magnetism adjusting the path of the bullet.

Instead of going straight, the bullet bends towards the target.

Dependent Measures

For the shooting gallery levels, we looked at three measures

of aiming performance:

Score is the total number of enemies that the player

killed during the seven waves.

Hit Ratio is the number of player shots that hit a target,

divided by the total number of shots.

Headshots is the number of times the player hit a target’s

head (a shot that required higher accuracy).

For the walkthrough levels, we looked at four performance

measures and six experiential measures. Performance

variables were:

Hit Ratio: the number of shots that hit a target, divided

by the total number of shots;

Headshots: the number of shots that hit a target’s head;

Deaths: the number of times the player died before

completing the level;

ElapsedTime (the amount of time in seconds that it took

the player to complete the level).

The six experiential measures for the walkthrough were

taken from standard instruments used in previous work, and

we used only questions that were relevant to our study (e.g.,

removing questions about multiplayer issues):

Competence and Autonomy using subscales from the

Player Experience of Needs Satisfaction (PENS) scale

of player experience [29];

Interest-Enjoyment and Pressure from the Intrinsic

Motivation Inventory (IMI) of player motivation [23];

Suspense using Moulard’s Suspense scale [24];

Attribution using the Player Attribution scale [14] (this

measure was used to determine if players attributed their

performance to themselves or to external factors).


Results from the study are organized below in terms of three

main questions: first, did the aim assist improve performance

when it was present in the walkthrough levels; second, did

the aim assist reduce skill development for the Assisted

group compared to the Unassisted group; and third, did the

aim assist change the overall play experience.

Note on analysis

Because we used a between-participants design, the absolute

performance differences between the Assisted and

Unassisted groups are not meaningful (due to the baseline

differences between players in these groups). Therefore, our

analyses below first calculate a difference between two

points in time (e.g., the performance difference between the

first and second shooting gallery levels), and then compare

the Assisted and Unassisted groups using this difference.

However, the charts in Figure 5 to Figure 12 present the

original data, rather than the differences (to show actual

performance for both groups).

To analyze performance differences, we used one-way

ANOVA tests. To analyze differences on experiential

measures, we used Wilcoxon signed-rank tests.

Did assistance improve performance when present?

To determine whether adding aim assistance led to

improvements that were greater than the simple effects of

practice, we compared the Assisted and Unassisted groups

using the performance difference from the first walkthrough

to the second. The first walkthrough was always unassisted,

and the second added aim assistance for the Assisted group.

These results are summarized in Figure 5 to Figure 8. The

figures clearly show that for several measures, adding aim

assistance led to greater increases in performance than seen

by the Unassisted group. Table 1 shows results of ANOVA

for four measures of performance (all coded as the difference

in the measure between Walkthough 1 and 2).

Measure (W1↔W2)

Assist (s.d.)

Unassist (s.d.)

F(1,16) p η2

Δ Completion Time

-247.8 (133.1)

-195.7 (292.4)

0.23 0.63 0.014

Δ Hit Ratio +0.21 (.14) +0.02 (0.08) 12.82 0.0024 0.44

Δ Headshots +28.8 (7.1) +3.9 (5.6) 68.78 ≈0.0 0.81

Δ Deaths -5.6 (2.1) -1.4 (2.8) 11.87 0.0033 0.43

Table 1. ANOVA results when adding assist: Assisted vs.

Unassisted for performance differences between first and

second walkthrough (Δ = difference W1-W2).

We also looked at the effect of removing the assistance in the

final walkthrough, by comparing the two groups based on the

performance differential between the second-last and last

walkthrough (which was unassisted for both groups). As

shown in the charts below, and in the ANOVA results of

Table 2, removing the assist in the final walkthrough had a

substantial effect – significantly reducing performance on all

four performance measures. Note that as stated above,

participants in the Assisted group were not warned that the

aim assist would be turned off in the final walkthrough.


Page 6: Does Helping Hurt? Aiming Assistance and Skill Development distance can warp the cursor towards the target based on the initial

Overall, our results clearly show that the aim assistance

worked to improve performance when it was present.

Measure (W11↔W12)

Assist (s.d.)

Unassist (s.d.)

F(1,16) p η2

Δ Completion Time +101.1 (55.3)

-1.32 (55.3) 15.4 0.001 0.49

Δ Hit Ratio -0.25 (0.08) +0.02 (0.09) 48.6 ≈0.0 0.75

Δ Headshots -31.5 (8.1) +0.3 (3.8) 112.9 ≈0.0 0.87

Δ Deaths +3.4 (1.9) -0.6 (1.9) 19.7 .0004 0.55

Table 2. ANOVA results when removing assist: comparisons

between Assisted and Unassisted for performance differences

between second-last and last walkthroughs.

Did aim assistance affect skill development?

Walkthrough levels

To determine whether aim assistance hindered the

development of overall FPS skills (measured by performance

variables in the walkthrough levels), we compared the gains

for the Assisted and Unassisted group from the first to the

last walkthrough (unassisted for both groups). Note that

although the charts in Figure 5 to Figure 8 show results from

all walkthrough sessions, our analysis used only the amount

of improvement from the first to the last walkthrough.

Figure 5. Walkthrough completion time (sec., ± s.e.), by group.

Figure 6. Walkthrough hit ratio (± s.e.), by group.

As shown by the ANOVA results in Table 3, there were no

significant differences for any performance measure. These

results are also visible in the charts below: even though aim

assistance had a strong effect when applied, the overall

improvement between the first and final walkthroughs are

not substantially different for the two groups. Both groups

saw large improvements in Completion Time (Figure 5) and

Deaths (Figure 7), but only small changes in Hit Ratio

(Figure 6) or Headshots (Figure 8).

Figure 7. Walkthrough player deaths (± s.e.), by group.

Figure 8. Walkthrough number of headshots (± s.e.), by group.

Measure (W1↔W12)

Assist (s.d.)

Unassist (s.d.)

F(1,16) p η2

Δ Completion Time

-256.7 (120.8)

-441.9 (361.2)

2.13 0.16 0.12

Δ Hit Ratio +0.06 (0.12)

+0.18 (0.13) 4.08 0.061 0.20

Δ Headshots -1.4 (8.8) +3.0 (6.1) 1.54 0.23 0.088

Δ Deaths -3.0 (4.2) -5.2 (4.2) 1.27 0.28 0.074

Table 3. ANOVA results: comparisons between Assisted and

Unassisted groups, considering performance differences

between first and last walkthrough session (both unassisted).

Shooting gallery levels

The shooting-gallery tests focused more closely on aiming

performance, and investigated whether having aiming

assistance in the walkthroughs hindered the development of

aiming skills in particular. We tested this hypothesis by

comparing Assisted and Unassisted groups in terms of the

performance gains from the first shooting gallery (the Pre-

Test) to the second (the Post-Test). The results are shown in

Figure 9, and the results of ANOVA tests on the three

performance variables are shown in Table 4.


Page 7: Does Helping Hurt? Aiming Assistance and Skill Development distance can warp the cursor towards the target based on the initial

As shown in the ANOVA results, there were no differences

found for either Hit Ratio or Headshots. However, there was

a significant difference for overall Score change – but

surprisingly, the larger improvement was seen in the

Assisted group rather than the Unassisted group. This result

goes against the expectations of the guidance hypothesis

(i.e., that the development of aiming skill would be hindered

by the presence of an aiming assist) – in contrast, our

shooting gallery trials show that the Assisted group was not

hindered, and in fact improved more in terms of overall score

than the Unassisted group.

Figure 9. Pre- and Post-Test shooting gallery results

Measure (SG1↔SG2)

Assist (s.d.)

Unassist (s.d.)

F(1,16) p η2

Δ Score +10.5 (4.0) +6.0 (3.9) 5.97 .026 0.27

Δ Hit Ratio +0.04 (0.08) -0.01 (0.09) 1.45 .25 0.083

Δ Headshots +7.9 (6.3) +5.4 (7.5) .56 .46 0.034

Table 4. ANOVA results: comparisons between Assisted and

Unassisted for performance differences between pre-test and

post-test in the shooting gallery (both unassisted).

Did aiming assistance affect play experience?

Here we consider whether the aim assist changed play

experience when it was present, and whether having had the

aim assist changed the Assisted group’s experience

compared to the Unassisted group. Note that experiential

measures were only taken for the walkthrough levels.

Did aim assistance change play experience when present?

We carried out Wilcoxon signed-rank tests on several

experiential variables (again, coded as the mean differences

in participant responses between two walkthroughs). First,

we considered whether adding aiming assistance changed

experience. Tests on mean questionnaire differences

between the first and second walkthroughs showed only one

significant difference (to subjective Competence) between

the Assisted and Unassisted groups (Table 5). As shown in

Figure 10, the Assisted group’s perceived Competence

improved more (from 2.3 to 3.7) than the Unassisted group’s

(2.8 for both sessions) when the assist was added.

Figure 10. Perceived Competence in Walkthrough.

(1 = least competent; 7 = most competent)

Figure 11. Perceived Interest-Enjoyment in Walkthrough.

(1 = least enjoyment; 7 = most enjoyment)

Figure 12. Perceived Pressure in Walkthrough.

(1 = least pressure; 7 = most pressure)

Measure (W1↔W2) Assist Unassist W p

Δ Competence +1.41 -0.07 13 .016

Δ Interest-Enjoyment +0.24 -0.20 28.0 .29

Δ Autonomy -0.11 -0.22 38 .86

Δ Pressure -0.56 +0.36 59 .11

Δ Suspense -0.36 +0.06 54 .24

Δ Attribution +0.25 -0.22 19 .06

Table 5. Wilcoxon test results: comparisons between Assisted

and Unassisted groups, considering subjective differences

between first and second walkthrough (addition of assist).


Page 8: Does Helping Hurt? Aiming Assistance and Skill Development distance can warp the cursor towards the target based on the initial

To consider whether removing the assist had similar effects,

we carried out Wilcoxon tests on mean questionnaire

differences between the eleventh and twelfth walkthroughs.

This analysis showed significant differences in three

measures: perceived Competence (Figure 10), Interest-

Enjoyment (Figure 11), and Pressure (Figure 12).

Measure (W11↔W12)

Assist Unassist W p

Δ Competence -1.78 -0.33 70 .0089

Δ Interest-Enjoyment -1.16 -0.09 65 .033

Δ Autonomy -1.00 -0.11 51 .35

Δ Pressure +1.33 +0.14 17 .030

Δ Suspense +0.42 -0.11 20.5 .078

Δ Attribution -0.70 -0.22 48 .52

Table 6. Wilcoxon test results: comparisons between Assisted

and Unassisted groups, considering subjective differences

between eleventh and twelfth walkthrough (removal of assist).

Overall, these results show that the presence of aim

assistance had at least a limited effect on player experience –

adding the assist led to increased feelings of competence, and

removing the assist affected perceptions of competence,

enjoyment, and pressure in the game.

Did aim assistance affect changes in play experience from the start to the end of the study?

We carried out Wilcoxon signed-rank tests on the

experiential variables, considering differences between the

first and final walkthroughs (where aim assistance was off

for both groups). Our tests showed no significant differences

between the Assisted and Unassisted groups for the change

in any experiential measure (see Table 7).

Overall, although there are instantaneous effects of adding

and removing aiming assistance on experience, having aim

assistance for ten sessions of the walkthrough does not have

a substantial effect on the overall change in play experience

across the one-week study (from W1 to W12).

Measure (W1↔W12)

Assist Unassist W p

Δ Competence +0.59 +0.63 41.0 1.0

Δ Interest-Enjoyment -0.31 -0.16 43.5 .82

Δ Autonomy -0.22 +0.04 49.0 .48

Δ Pressure 0.00 -0.47 29.5 .35

Δ Suspense -0.11 -0.17 40.0 1.0

Δ Attribution -0.29 -0.49 40.5 1.0

Table 7. Wilcoxon test results: comparisons between Assisted

and Unassisted groups, considering subjective differences

between first and last walkthrough session (both unassisted).


There are four main results from the study:

The assist helped people perform better. Performance

significantly improved when the assist was added (W2),

and got significantly worse when it was removed (W12).

Overall FPS skill development was not hindered for the

Assisted group in the walkthrough. There were no

significant differences between the groups for any

performance measure (looking at performance gains

from the first to the last walkthrough, W1-W12).

Aiming skill development was not hindered for the

Assisted group in the shooting gallery. There were no

significant differences between the groups for the

change in either Hit Ratio or Headshots, and the

Assisted group even showed a significantly larger

improvement in Score.

Assistance changed experience when it was added and

removed, but did not affect the change in experience

over the study. Adding and removing aim assistance led

to significant differences in experiential variables, but

no changes in experience measures were seen between

groups from the start to the end of the study.


Here we consider reasons for our results, generalization of

our findings, limitations of the study, and topics for future


Explanations for results

Why did performance drop when the assist was removed?

The final walkthrough showed a large drop in performance

for the Assisted group (e.g., see Figure 5 to Figure 8). This

could point to evidence for the guidance hypothesis – that is,

when the assist was removed, performance suffered.

However, our data suggest that the performance drop was not

due to the guidance hypothesis, and was instead due to the

change in game difficulty that arises from the removal of the

assist. For example, our data showed that the performance

decreases seen on removal are similar to the increases seen

after adding the assist. As discussed below, comparisons

between the groups on the first and last walkthrough (which

is a more accurate measure of the effects of aim assistance)

showed no negative effects on skill development.

It is also important to note that the assist was removed

abruptly and without any warning (players were not told to

prepare for any change before walkthrough 12, and had no

idea that aim assistance was used at all). Although a few

players may have noticed the assist when it was present, most

would simply have perceived this change as the game

becoming suddenly more difficult (e.g., the effective hit

boxes on the targets suddenly became much smaller).

The abruptness of the change may explain the drop in

performance as much as the actual removal of the assist. In

future studies, we will include additional walkthrough levels

(also unassisted) to assess players’ true performance once

they are familiar with the game’s actual difficulty, and not

simply surprised by the changes caused by removing the

assist. This would more closely approximate a real game, in

which any removal of an assist would be done gradually,

based on the increasing skill of the player (a strategy that is

advocated by Bischof and colleagues [6] in their discussion

of how to minimize the negative effects of guidance). Real

game scenarios may therefore be less likely to see the large

performance drop shown in our final walkthrough level. (See

also the discussion of possible ordering effects below).


Page 9: Does Helping Hurt? Aiming Assistance and Skill Development distance can warp the cursor towards the target based on the initial

Why was the assisted group’s development not hindered?

The main result from our study is that providing aiming

assistance did not hinder skill development compared with

an unassisted group. This result goes against the prediction

of the guidance hypothesis, which suggests that guidance

during training can limit the learning that takes place. There

are several possible explanations for these results.

First, even when the assist was present, the Assisted group

still had to exercise their aiming skills. The Bullet

Magnetism technique does not “auto-aim” for the player, but

rather provides an enhancement to the player’s existing

accuracy. This means that players still had to carry out all of

the mechanics of aiming (e.g., seeing and tracking the target,

moving the reticule to the target, and pressing the trigger),

meaning that there were still opportunities for Assisted

players to improve. Therefore, it is possible that the gains

seen in the Assisted group result from their improvement in

the other aspects of aiming that were not assisted. This idea

can in fact be seen in training schemes for real-world

targeting skills – for example, novice archers might start by

standing closer to the target in order to maintain a basic level

of success while working on the many different aspects of

the skill that contribute to aiming accuracy (holding the bow,

releasing the string, etc.). Previous work on the guidance

hypothesis (e.g., [30]) suggests that the degree to which an

assist takes over for the learner affects the amount of

hindrance. The Bullet Magnetism assistance technique used

in our study may therefore be a good choice, since it did not

take over aiming, but rather only improved the player’s

existing abilities. We suspect that if our aiming assistance

was more controlling (e.g., such as a “target lock” that

automatically moves to and tracks the closest target), there

could have been a larger hindrance than what we observed.

In the walkthrough levels, different skills were affected by

aim assistance in different ways. For example, the measure

of Completion Time appeared to be relatively unaffected by

aim assistance – as shown in Figure 5, the improvements for

the two groups follow a similar pattern, and the changes in

W2 and W12 (corresponding to the addition and removal of

the assist) are minor compared to those seen for other

measures. This is not overly surprising, given that many of

the skills involved in completing a level quickly (such as

movement, navigation, and memory of the map) are not

strongly affected by aiming. As indicated by previous

research [34], there are several aspects to expertise in first-

person shooters, and thus there are many ways for novice

players to improve in addition to aiming performance.

In the shooting-gallery levels, which focused more

specifically on pure aiming, the improvement in performance

for the Assisted group is likely connected to these issues as

well, but the fact that the assisted group had significantly

higher improvement in score is surprising, and requires

further consideration. We have two potential explanations.

One is the possibility that the final walkthrough – which

removed assistance without warning, and which resulted in a

large drop in performance for the Assisted group – acted as

a “wake-up call” to this group, telling them that they were

going to have to put in more effort than they were used to

during the assisted walkthroughs. Players in this group may

therefore have tried harder in the final shooting gallery level,

leading to their larger improvement in performance. We did

not ask people about their effort levels, however, so this

possibility is something that should be explored in future

work (i.e., whether effort and performance increase

immediately after a jump in difficulty).

Another potential reason for the Assisted group’s strong

performance in the shooting gallery is the possibility that

assisted aiming may have actually provided a better learning

environment than unassisted aiming. As mentioned above,

different forms of guidance are part of many learning

programs for aiming sports (e.g., standing closer to the target

to begin), and it may be that aim assistance allowed people

to learn the overall process of targeting better. For example,

if players in the Unassisted group were never close with their

shots in the early walkthrough sessions, they may not have

had the opportunity to work on other aspects of aiming (such

as tracking the target or pressing the trigger at the right time).

This possibility follows the idea that learning occurs best in

a “zone of proximal development” [36], as suggested by Kilii

[20], Gee [19], and Ericsson [15]. That is, an optimal

learning environment balances skill and challenge, and

giving learners tasks that they can only complete with

scaffolding leads to greater improvement. These issues have

not been widely tested with aiming-based games, however,

and need to be explored in additional studies.

Limitations and generalizability

Although our work involves a controlled laboratory study,

there are several factors that suggest our results will

generalize to real-world shooter games, and possibly to other

game types as well. First, we used a realistic FPS game that

used a popular commercial game engine, that used the same

control scheme seen in almost all FPS games, and that

included weapons and visual effects common to the genre.

Our game looked and felt like a real FPS game, suggesting

that our results will translate to other games of this type.

Two ways in which our study differed from the real world,

however, are in the use of bots for enemies rather than real

people, and in the simplification of the game (i.e., using a

small map, and allowing infinite ammunition). First, the use

of bots as enemies changed the gameplay somewhat from a

real social-play setting (where people would be playing with

more-experienced friends); our bot enemies had a fixed level

of skill, rather than the range of expertise that would be seen

in a real game. Although testing with full sets of real players

is a clear direction for future work, our study contains all of

the basic elements that would be present in a game with real

players instead of bots (e.g., movement, evasion, navigation,

memory of the map, and targeting), making it likely that our

results will generalize to real game situations. Similarly, the

smaller maps and simplified ammunition mechanics we used

in our study are less likely to be affected by aiming assistance


Page 10: Does Helping Hurt? Aiming Assistance and Skill Development distance can warp the cursor towards the target based on the initial

(as discussed above) than the targeting aspects of the game,

which were similar to what would be seen in a real game.

In addition, elements of the study design may restrict our

findings. In particular, the study used a relatively small

sample (nine participants in each assistance condition), and

ran for a relatively short time (five days). Therefore, it is

possible that there was a difference in skill development

between the two groups, but our study was not sensitive

enough to see it. Some of our measures for the walkthrough

levels (both performance and experiential) did show greater

mean gains for the Unassisted group, even though none of

these differences were statistically significant.

First, if we had larger participant groups, it is possible that

some of the performance variables would show significant

differences. Even if this situation were true, however, the

differences in the means are relatively small – for example,

hit ratio for Assisted players improved 0.06 over the five

days, and 0.18 for Unassisted players. This implies an

accuracy difference of about one shot in ten – which,

although potentially valuable in an FPS game, is not the

major difference that might be predicted by the guidance

hypothesis. Furthermore, additional participants would not

reverse the surprising result that Assisted players had

significantly better improvement in score for the shooting-

gallery test (and could strengthen this finding).

Second, if we had continued the study for a longer time

period, it is possible that larger differences would have

appeared between the two groups. However, there are several

reasons to argue that our results from early-stage play are

valid and valuable. We explicitly chose to study the early

period of learning, since this is the period in an FPS game

where skill differential is most apparent and where new

players will have the most difficulty competing with more-

experienced friends. We looked at the learning that occurred

over twelve game sessions, and this period is likely to be

critical to a new player’s decision about whether or not to

continue (e.g., based on principles of learning such as the

Power Law of Practice, which suggests that motor skills

improve more rapidly in early sessions).

It is important to note that most of our results only show no

evidence of a difference between Assisted and Unassisted,

rather than conclusively showing that these groups are in fact

the same. Even so, these results indicate that if any effects do

exist, they are not large. A small potential guidance effect

must therefore be compared to the large performance benefit

that we saw from the addition of the assist – this comparison

suggests that the addition of aiming assistance provides a

substantial net benefit. In addition, some of our results from

the shooting gallery levels actually show a difference in

favor of the Assisted group, further suggesting that guidance

effects of aiming assistance, if they exist at all, are weak

enough to be easily overshadowed by individual differences.

Lessons for designers and topics for future study

Overall, our results provide an important result that can be

applied by designers of first-person shooter games who want

to support social play situations. Our results indicate that one

of the main concerns about assistance-based balancing

techniques – that is, that these assists could prevent people

from learning the game – is less of a problem than previously

thought. Previous work has already shown assistance-based

techniques to be highly effective at balancing game

outcomes [34] and highly effective at improving the

gameplay experience for both stronger and weaker players,

without causing feelings of unfairness [34]. With the

addition of our results about skill development, designers

should clearly consider including player-balancing

techniques for social play situations.

The case for assist-based player balancing is now strong.

Even if skill development is hindered by a small amount, this

hindrance must be weighed against the clear and significant

improvement provided by the assist. That is, a novice player

with assistance will be much more competitive during the

critical initial sessions where they are just starting to play the

game. If players are unable to compete against more-

experienced friends during this early period, there is a higher

chance that they will not continue playing. Assist-based

balancing can therefore help to increase the audience for

first-person shooter games in social-play settings.

Directions for future work in the first-person shooter genre

include tests with groups of real players and full game levels,

as described above, and also longer-term evaluations and

tests with adaptive assistance that fades away as the player’s

skills increase. Our results may also generalize to other

accuracy-based games, but here it is clear that further work

is required. We are interested in testing the guidance

hypothesis in simpler 2D shooting games (which focus more

on aiming performance, and therefore may show a stronger

effect), and in other genres such as driving games where

similar assistance techniques have been developed [12].


Player balancing is an effective solution to the problem of

players with widely different skill levels. However, it is

unknown how assistance-based balancing techniques affect

skill development or changes in player experience. To

investigate this question in an FPS game, we carried out a

study that compared performance gains and experiential

changes for an assisted group and an unassisted group. Our

results showed that although aim assistance did significantly

improve performance and subjective experience when it was

present, assisted players were not hindered in terms of skill

development or play experience compared to unassisted

players – and on one measure, the assisted group showed a

greater improvement. These results go against the prediction

of the guidance hypothesis, and suggest instead that the value

of aiming assistance outweighs concerns about skill

development. Our findings help to remove one of the

remaining barriers that designers may see in using aim-

assistance-based player balancing techniques.


This study was supported by the Natural Sciences and

Engineering Research Council of Canada.


Page 11: Does Helping Hurt? Aiming Assistance and Skill Development distance can warp the cursor towards the target based on the initial


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