DoD MFR Mtg Notes 22 Sept 2012

Deoartment of Defense Militqn_Egmilv Readiness Council Septemb er 20, 2011, 2 :00-4 :00 p.m. Pentagon Conference Center, Room B6 AGENDA I. Welcome and Introductions III. II. ry. Federal Advisory Committee Act Rules and Responsibilities Old Business Review and Discussion: a. Membership Changes b. Vote on change to By-laws New Business Review and Discussion: a. DoD Family Policy Changes and discussion b. Council Focus Areas Introduction c. Informational Briefing: - Chairman's IPT RDML Shepard CJCS Director Jl d. Family Organzation Issues e. Council Focus Areas revisited f. Vote on changes to focus areas g. Family Program Evaluation Overview OSD- Dr Cathy Flynn Army- Ms. Dee Geise Marine Corps-Ms. Kerry Lewis Navy- Ms. Terri Rau Air Force-Ms. Jamie-Lynn Smith h. Vote on Program Evaluation Recommendations Discussion of public written inputs Next Meeting v. Closing Remarks Ms. Erin Conaton usDeaR) CDR Chris Davis Designated Federal Officer (DFo) CDR Davis Council Council CDR Davis CDR Davis CDR Davis CDR Davis Council CDR Davis Council CDR Davis Ms, Conaton Ms. Conaton 1. j.


Notes from council meeting on 22 Sept 2012

Transcript of DoD MFR Mtg Notes 22 Sept 2012

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Deoartment of Defense Militqn_Egmilv Readiness CouncilSeptemb er 20, 2011, 2 :00-4 :00 p.m.

Pentagon Conference Center, Room B6


I. Welcome and Introductions




Federal Advisory Committee Act Rules andResponsibilities

Old Business Review and Discussion:a. Membership Changesb. Vote on change to By-laws

New Business Review and Discussion:a. DoD Family Policy Changes and discussionb. Council Focus Areas Introductionc. Informational Briefing:

- Chairman's IPTRDML Shepard CJCS Director Jl

d. Family Organzation Issuese. Council Focus Areas revisitedf. Vote on changes to focus areasg. Family Program Evaluation Overview

OSD- Dr Cathy FlynnArmy- Ms. Dee GeiseMarine Corps-Ms. Kerry LewisNavy- Ms. Terri RauAir Force-Ms. Jamie-Lynn Smith

h. Vote on Program EvaluationRecommendationsDiscussion of public written inputsNext Meeting

v. Closing Remarks

Ms. Erin ConatonusDeaR)

CDR Chris DavisDesignated Federal Officer


CDR DavisCouncil

CouncilCDR DavisCDR Davis

CDR DavisCDR Davis

CouncilCDR Davis


CDR DavisMs, Conaton

Ms. Conaton



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DoD Military FamilyReadiness Council

September 20,2012

Introductory Remarks

Chairwoman, Ms. Erin C. ConatonUnder Secretary of Defense (Personnel &


Meeting Guidance1. The Council is an Advisory Committee to the Secretary of Defense

and follore the guidelines put forth by the Federal Advisory

Committee Act and Department of Defense lnstruction 5105.04

2. Onlyappointedmembersvote.

3. Council must have a motion to bring an issue to vote.

4. Only members or designees may partieipate freely in discussions.

5. Advisors may provide information or offerviews if €lled upon.

6. Council meetings are required to be open to the pubtii.

7. AllAdvisory Committee documents must be availablefor public

insPeclion, This Inctud$ emaits that involvo dtscusion of Counclt's

delibeatlwl Ploaa. CC CDR Davis on all such corepondance. 3

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Council Requirements

. Meet at least twice per fiscal year

. Submit an annual report on military familyreadiness to the Secretary of Defense andcongressional defense committees.

How to Contact the MilitaryFamily Readiness Council

By email:

[email protected]

By mail:

CDR Chris Davis, USN

Attn: Military Family Readiness Council

,4800 Mark Center Drive

Suite 3G-15

Alexandria, VA 22350-2300

Old Business

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Changes to Membership. New positions added:

o One spoce or parem ot a member of eacfi the, Navy, Marine Corps, and AirForce. (2 .c{ivc, 2 reserye).

6 Dhec'tor ot the Offce of Commmity Support for Mif(Ery Famili€ with Special Needso Request approval tron the Council to amend the Council brlarc to refec't lhese 'wmembeE.

. DoD Changes- N4 military rcprenblives o-h6en

. Armla A$istant Chief of Sfaff for lnstdllation Management

. Marine Corps: Dcputy Commandant tor Manpower & Resewe Affaic

. Navyi ChiefofNawl P.Fonnel

. Ak For@: Deputy Chlet ot Stafi for MahpMr and Petunnel

- Senior Enlisted Adv'For (2) + Senior Enli$ed Advhor Spouses (2)

- NewMllitary Fahily OrgenizalioG Reprcsenlatives. Shetri BroM- Amerian Red Cro$. Kattry Moakler- Ndional Military Family Asociation. Noeleen nlhan -BIue Star Families 7

New Business

Council Vote to approve by-laws Amendment

Council votes to approve changes toby-laws to reflect membershipchanges.



. Vote wiil be by nising hand to signify"Aye," 'Nay," or "Abstention'


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Recent Policy Changes Pertaining toFamily Readiness

. DoD lnstruction 1342.22'. Military Family Readiness (Jul2012)

. Update to DoDl 6400.05: New Parent Support Program(Jun 2012)

. Expansion of TRICARE coverage to dependents age up to26 (Jan 2011)

. Provision ofservices and supplies required in thetreatment of complications resulting from a non-coveredtreatment provided in a Military Treatment Facility (Oct2011)

. Updating policy regarding mental health counselorscertified under TRICARE.

. Exended the timely flling requirement for TRICAREOverseas Program claims from 1 yearto 3 years 10

Recent Policy Ghanges Pertaining toFamily Readiness

. EXORD 018-12: TotalArmy Sponsorship (Nov2011)

. Update to AR 608-18, Family Advocacy Program (Sep2011)

. Recently published Marine Corps Orders:

- Marine Corps Family Team Building (MCO 1754; Feb2012)

- Unit Personal and Family Readiness Program (MCO1754.9A; Feb 2012)

- Family Care Plans (MCO 1740.138; Mar 2012)

- Family Advocacy and General Counseling Program(MCO 1754.11; Mar 2012)

Council Focus Areas

Previous CJCS Family Support IPT lssues

Disability Evaluation System (DES)

Boots on the Ground (BOG)/DwellTime

Exceptional Family Member Program


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Chairman Joint Chiefs of StaffDirector, J 1 -Manpower and


RDML Dwight D. Shepherd,USN

GJCS Family Support lntegrated Process Team (lPT)IIIIIIIIII

CJCS Family Support lntegnted Process Team (lPT) lssues:

. Spouse employment and empowement

' Educational development and excellence

. Childcare

. Healthcare

. Strategic Communication

CJGS "Keeping Faith with our Military Family"


CJCS "Keeping Faith with The Military Family" CFT lssues:. Military compensalion and benefits rcfom. Assess military family needs, reduce duplication, and

cnhance progam effectiveness. Mental health issues, traumatic brain injury and combat

strcss initiatives

' Strengthen the force and enhance resiliency. Public awareness, tRnsition gaps and building community


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Family Support OrganizationsTop lssues

Family Organizations Top lssues(continued)

- lmproving training and awareness of unii leaderehip what su@ssfulfamilyprograms/ Family Readiness group events look like and share best pncti€s.Specifl c Examples includei- Provide the families tainihg on deployrnent procedurs and useful tools to help the

families during deployment (i.e. OPSEC, casualty notifiGaiion procedores, sbe$management, undeFtanding the mbsion and the unifs .ole in it)

- Adding real wodd applicatjon to the lesons- Teaching our CommandeE and Sergeafr Major tlat *ong marjages and *ong

families make for even stronger soldieF

- Military Spouse Employment - career portabiliV and liensure portability.

- Edu@tion lssues-- TeacheE, stalfng, localion ofschools, quality. need for longer Waiver letteF for military sfudents wailing for on base housing (90

d46 is not suffcient)- The Education Compad is great bd what are we doing to make sure that it is

implemented 1E

Family Organizations Top lssues

Conoem over DoD budget reductions €using cuts in troop/family prcgrams.

Giving more importanceto and imprcving the support provided by theTEnsition Assistane p.og€m forboth the tcnsitioning seryi@ memberandhjs or her spouse. This includes:- Mandaling appiopilate lead time to separating s.Nice membeF and thejr fumili6

to help with planning

- Codifcafon ofthe T€nsition Asishnce Advisor progEm. Th6fional compensation and heahh care coveEge is needed to help dos over

to civilian life- A national debate is needed now on how veteran's familjes will be supported once

trey leave the safety net of support they had whjle lhe seilice member was onadive duty. What can DoD do to help prepare these famili6 before they leave?What help will communh4 need to support these families?



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Family Organizations Top Issues(continued)

- Exeptional Family Member Program-- Fanllies ftfrted wfth the lack of uniformity aso$ the s€dces- Lack of poliqy iom the olfi@ ot Speid neeG- Td€re litjgalion i$ve surounding ABAthe6py

- Expanded home state demobilization to allowfamily to participate inbriefings with members before REFMD coupled with fullimplemeniation of the piloted Reserve Component Managed Careprogram to address in state, service connec'ted injuries not properlyreported or diagnosed at the remote demobiliation site

- Veterans' issues outsidethefocusof the Council- lnplementafon ol section 304(a) of ft$lio Law 1 1 1 -1 63 Gelating to

comprehereiva nental heallh sNies for OEF/OIF veteBG and their familymembeE) by the VA


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Council Focus Areas Revisited

Familv Orq Top lssues

1. CJCS FamilySupportlPT

- Spouse employmentand empowement E- Edu€tional developmenl and excellen@ El- Child€F- Hearth€re E- StEtegic Communication

2. Disabili9 Evaluation System (DES)3. Boots on the Grcund (BOGyDwell Time4, Exceprional Family Member Program E

Council Vote: Focus AreasYes No Chanoe

l.CJcsFamitysupportlPTOtrO' - Spo6e employmed and empowemeit

- Educalional development and excellence

- Child€re

- Heallhcare

- St'ategic Commhi6tion.

2.DisabilityEvaluationsystem(DEs)OOO3.Bootsonthecrcund(Boc)/Oflell1imeOOtr3. Ex@ptional Family Mcmber P.ogEm O O tr

4. Addilionalrecommendations...

Vote will be by raising hand to signify'Aye,"'Nay," or'Abstention" 21

Page 9: DoD MFR Mtg Notes 22 Sept 2012


Family Program AssessmentFindings

Current Status of Program Evaluationfor Family Readiness Programs

{*. For existing pESEms: Need to review and prepare majorfamily

prognms for fullscope progcm evaluation. Fo. future prctFGi Adopt Fsearch-based progems and include

suffici€nt funding fo. pFtEm evaluation in the prggEmt budget

Large-Scale Evaluation Projects for DoD-wideFamily Programs (FY13-17)

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Recent Program Evaluation Efforts:The Services

Amy. HPRR Portfolio capabilities Assessment^co€card lnitiative. Developing outcome metrics for Pe60nal Financial Readiness and Suryivor

Outreach Seruices prcgGm5USMC

. School Liaison Prcgnm Review

. Stategic Plan forThnsition Assislance Management Prcg€mNavy. Evaluation of Deployment Return and Reunion PrcgEm. Triennial accrcdltation/certification and business opeEtions assessmentAir Force. Unified StEt€gy of Action For Airman Resilience Ahd Maintenance Of

OpeEtional Readin€ss (USAF-ARMOR)

Council Vote: Evaluation Recommendation

1. Existing Family Programs need to b" F * "-review6a ano irepiredfor program tr o oevaluation

2. lnclude evaluation @mponents when a O O Onew program is developed andjmplemented. \Men possible theseprograms should be modeled onresearch-based programs

3. lncludefundingforevaluationinthe D trprogram budget offamily programs. o

. Vote will be by raising hand to signify"Aye,"'Nay,' or'Abstention"


Summary of Council Recommendations

- Approve bylaws change to reflect new membership

- Approvefocusareas

- Approve family program evaluation recommendations