DOCUMENTS AND RESEARCH NOTES Document Ko. 22 'TIllE-OPPORTUIIITY': THB UPRISING APPEAL OF VIBT COIIG LBAPLBTS Background Jlarch 1968 nen the Viet COng and Morth Vietn_ ••• Any uDl ... bed their attack againat the citi •• of South Viet-Ham on 3anuary 31 their ail1tary often.1ye was accompanied by propaganda oft.naive against the Government of tbe Republic ot South Viet-x ... At tbe .oat public and dlttu •• 1.,..1, thi& "politieal struggle" took the tOI'1l of , radio broadca.t. transaitted by aanol and the broadc •• ting atation of tbe South Viet- ... National Liberation Front. The •• broadcut ••••• rted that the Gov.rna.nt of South Viet-Ham ... being overthrown, that 1. authority In aany localltle. bad been by that of revolutionary organizationa, and that the people should seize power and acca.pllab total defeat of the Government aDd it. alII •• At the botte. level , .. ong.t tbeir torce. on the ground, the Viet CODe propelaada took the tor. ot l.atlets di.tributed directly to people on the .treet. or to t-.11ie. in their home. in those s.ctlons ot cltie. penetrated or teaporarily controlled by the Vi.t Coni or North Vietn ..... Aray allitary unitl . Between the.e levels ot activity, aDd to varying degrees in different plac .. , the VC-MVA cadre. and auxiliaries put into practic. a wide range of other propaganda tecbnique. de.igned to weak.n tbe defen ••• of the gOTernaent. Th •• e included sucb activitie. u atte.pts to organize mus meetings and demonstrations, e.tablish COIaltte.s", form political ... oc iationa , and hold IWlm.ary public trial. and ezecutiou of ofticiall and persons loyal to the governaent ot South Viet-X.. . Special eftorts .ere devoted to contacting governaent official., loldier. and offioers with iDduc .. ents to defect, to join the revolution, or at l ... t to quit tbe fight.

Transcript of DOCUMENTS AND RESEARCH NOTES - Vietnam Center … · 2010-08-15 · DOCUMENTS AND RESEARCH NOTES...


Document Ko. 22



Jlarch 1968

nen the Viet COng and Morth Vietn_ ••• Any uDl ... bed their attack againat the

citi •• of South Viet-Ham on 3anuary 31 their ail1tary often.1ye was accompanied by •

propaganda oft.naive against the Government of tbe Republic ot South Viet-x ...

At tbe .oat public and dlttu •• 1.,..1, thi& "politieal struggle" took the tOI'1l of , radio broadca.t. transaitted by aanol and the broadc •• ting atation of tbe South Viet-

... National Liberation Front. The •• broadcut ••••• rted that the Gov.rna.nt of South

Viet-Ham ... being overthrown, that 1. authority In aany localltle. bad been .u~r.eded

by that of revolutionary organizationa, and that the people should seize power and

acca.pllab total defeat of the Government aDd it. alII •• •

At the botte. level , .. ong.t tbeir torce. on the ground, the Viet CODe propelaada

took the tor. ot l.atlets di.tributed directly to people on the .treet. or to t-.11ie.

in their home. in those s.ctlons ot cltie. penetrated or teaporarily controlled by the

Vi.t Coni or North Vietn ..... Aray allitary unitl .

Between the.e levels ot activity, aDd to varying degrees in different plac .. , the

VC-MVA cadre. and auxiliaries put into practic. a wide range of other propaganda

tecbnique. de.igned to weak.n tbe defen ••• of the gOTernaent. Th •• e included sucb

activitie. u atte.pts to organize mus meetings and demonstrations, e.tablish

COIaltte.s", form political ... ociationa , and hold IWlm.ary public trial. and ezecutiou

of ofticiall and persons loyal to the governaent ot South Viet-X.. . Special eftorts

.ere devoted to contacting governaent official., loldier. and offioers with iDduc .. ents

to defect, to join the revolution, or at l ... t to quit tbe fight.

- 2 -

In a0.8 are .. of SatgOD. and tbe adjoining aub-city of Cboloa. .here acattered

pocket. of Viet Cong soldier. continued to hold out for ... era! .eek •• tbere were

•• ny report. of th ••• "&git-prop" activiti... And .. on, tbe .any priaoner. taken in

tbe urban fi,hting were aeveral agit-prop official., ... bera of ar.ed propaganda t .... ,

and propacanda distribution a,ent •.

A nuaber of tbe lower level propaganda personnel were recent recruit. to the Viet

Oone movea.nt, and leaflet distribution ... largely performed by tb ••• persona,

Por example , a young: aan named. Ra and hi_ IS-year-'old stater Khoanh were recruited

only in January by • Cbalon Cbin ••• girl naaed Lay. They were enli.ted .. l •• flet

diatributors, but Sa was pro.i.ed tbat be would later beco.e an ar.ed propagaDda .,ent

aDd finally •• tter tbe conque.t of Salcon, a Viet COne security agent .

Ba received; hi. firat ordera froa thr .. VC agenta at a rendezvoua on 1.0 Sieu .treet t

Chololl, the night of January 28. He and about 12 other. ware ei ... en red ara band. and

b .. kat. of laatlet. wbich he and one other youth deli.ered, a. ordered, alonl one .ide

ot Lo Steu str .. t. Be w .. told he would receive a pi.tol after 10 or 12 .uch dl.tribu-

tion mi •• ton.. In tact, after ht •• econd at •• ion be wa. gi.en • loaded pi.tol, .hown

how to u •• it, and instructed to .hoot rather than lubml t to arreat.

On the .ixth night ot tb. Viet ConI oft.nai ..... Ba w ..... tgned the duty ot guarding

a Vi.t Cone propaganda cadre officer who .ad. apeech.s to the str .. t crowd. uling a

•• ,aphone . Be w .. arrested by polic. officers the n.xt morning at ht. ha.e with the

pi.tol and a .egapQone in hi. po ••••• ioD.. Ba told int.rrogator. that on .ome occ .. ion8

he did not even know .hat the propaganda leafleta .aid as he began di.tribution.

A ... ple collection ot tbe Vi.t Cone leaflet. used in Cholon and other part. of

the country during the recent off.a..ive i. pr •• ented below. It show. a fairly uniform

_phali. upon tbe theme that it ... "now or never" tor the revolutionary cau.e, that

circum.tanc ••• ere in favor of the Vi.t COni and that a .upr ... eftort could w1n tbe

war at onc ••

VIET.NAM DOCUMENTS & RESEARCH NOTES is iuued as a research service by the Uniled States Mission in Vietnam. I, presents a selection of significant materials on Southern Viet Cong and North Vietnamese

affairs. Copies of Vietnamese ·la.nguage originals of all captured documents used and full texts of ""y translations abridged may be obtained on request from the Minister- Counselor for (nformation, American Emba,uy, Sai,on, Vietnam

- 3 -

The Vietn ... a. phrase used in a number of tbe l •• flets 18 thoi eo, which

translates literally as "tl •• opportun1ty". The pbrue 18 generally taken to mean,

in this context, tbe historically decisive moment -- the t1m. period 1n which. 10ng-

Bought opportunity may become reality. The opportunity mU8t be grasped tor it may

never ret urn .

The •• l •• fleta, found in all tour tactical zones ot the Republic ot Viet-Nam

during and after the enemy'. general otfensive agalnlt the population centers, show

that the National Liberation Front held out to 1t. tighters the promise that they

could gain final victory in this tttlm~opportun1t7" . The leaflets also use the

" It ., ~ ... I .. " " " .. phr.... general offensive (tong coni kic~) and general uprising (tODg khdl

nchi"'a) •

In other primary tha. •• , the leaflet. resemble the Viet Cong radio broadcasts.

They stre •• alleged of the government of South Viet-N" aDd the offensive's

goal a. being the overthrow of the Government, with .eizure of power by "the people";

that is, by the Viet Cong and their adherents, together with any other elements of the

population wbich could be induced to join or support the offensive. Several of the

leaflets make strong appeals to the public and to the soldiers of the Aray of the

Republic of Viet-X.. to Join the revolutionary forces in their effort to overthrow

the government.



All co.patriots! Officers, aold.ler8., elyl1 •• ",ants!

In the put ,.ears, kavlnc the support of foreign_ra, Di .... Mhu, then Thleu-Ky .atablished • totalltar1u regime which 8 .... &,e1y repres.ed the people and all cenuine nationalist forc... Thleu-X,. DOW oYertl,. terrorize and dl .. 1d. the national, democratic and peaceful fore •• , the rellgoa.. the part! •• , and have blatantly torn down the legal ~art.r of Buddhl... They dlsbon •• tly carved thea •• l ••• out .. president and .. ice pre.ident, all country •• llera; they l1yed • gay lit. on the Bufferings, starvation and death of the people. Our people ha .. e lOlt their sovereignty, de.ocracYt freedo. of faith; the 11 .... aDd dignity of the Vietnamese are blatantly trampled upon.

Becaus. Thleu-Ky are lending. hand to the foreleoer'. colonialist ambition, the war 1. going on in our country, d •• troying countl ••• liy •• and pro..,ni •• , flooding our country with death, sorrow. aDd sufterinp. Tb1eu-Iy, IDOreover, have aent out a ..,bilization decree to push our youths and people toward a aore tragic death. Culture i. degradlng, the econoJllY i. collapsing, with .eriou. couequeDCe. to the .piritual and aatertal lite ot our compatriots ot all atrata.

The real .ituatioD ot our country is infinitely tragic. So long .. the Thieu-Ky regia. exi.t., there 1. DO peace, del8OCracy, soYereignty, social justice. There 1. only slavery, dictatorship, death, suttering and shaae, and injuatice.

In the past ,.are, de.pite Thieu-I1'. bloody repre •• ion, the genulne nationalist torce. and all the co.patriot. have never atopped their atruClle, bringing the Tbieu-Xy reg1.e toward collapae.

Today i. the ti. to clean out the entire corrupt aDd totalitarian regiae ot Thieu­XJ' aDd re.tore our country in ita entirety.

smB 2

Aware ot 1 ta hi.torical respoD.JIibill ty 1_ thi. iaportant period, the Front ot "ational, De.acratlc and Peace Alliance In Central Viet-X .. co ... to 11te aDd earn •• tly call. on:

- All coap.triot. - All cenuine nationallst torc •• - All religions - All organizations - All officers and soldier. of the Republican Aray, .Dd ciyil aer.aDt. of all l .. els.

Take thia oDC ... tn-a-thousand-y •• r opportunity to riae up in order to overthrow the Tbieu-Xy traitor., establiah a go.ernaent ot national coalition, achieve genuine national uaion in order to restore peace, recover and pre.erv. our soYereignty, apply delDOcracy and bulld the country .ccording to the a.plrations of the entire people.

Por the aupreae Intereat of the p.therland, for the .urYi.&! of the people, for the people'. peace, d.ftIOCraey happines., be on~alDded and detera1necl in the suppression of the 'ftlieu-Ky totalitarian allitariata and their .tubborn h.oeMen, .eize the .tate power machlnery.

The ti .. haa come for a decl.i •• atrucgle: The people'. htstoric hour h ... truck! All of you, take araa! All of you, take to the atreeta!

Ofticer. aDd soldiers ot the Republican Aray, cty1l guard., police, civil servant., quit Thieu-J:y i .... Take part in the jWlt strugCl. of the entlre people and. achieve _ri t. for the F.therlaDd.

We d •• and that the for.ien. troop. refrain troll int.rfering. Respect the sovereignty of V1et-N... Let the V1et_e aettla tloe1r on 1nterul affaire.

COIIpatriot. :, soldiers, c1.i1 •• rYaata: UD! t. cloa.l,. ..... aet cour .... uly aceoft1ac to the order. of tile Pront ot Rational

DeIIocrat1c aad Peace Alliaa.ce. The collape. of • cruel net- 1. at ~. W. ha.e a larp foree aDd the aapport of all people of coo4 .. ill at ho .. &lid abroa4. Total Y1ctory i. certainly our ••

Jaau.ry 30, 1968 Tile Prout tor ne.ocratic aDd Peac., of Ifational, Alliance in Central net-N ..


0 '

J, f

- 5 -


LeYI Kiu GQI c iJ A •


H&J tOOIl th~ 4lJI2(I bao I

8&1 ,r-quaa, hlnlt...,r,'c I

"" adm 9uo, l1u{rC 'V dJtSl h~ do ogopi .. bug, Difm....jllla ll'trd't IIdy lid: Thifu.-Ifg ogOy 'l4f1 th,ill~p chi d(! ~ Jlli, lip" d.., 116 d.g rli mtl.Q

Jlhda dal! uQ ,ift cd cote lvc /u(J'Qg QUOc !Jill chdJl chl.iI,. Thifa-Kb 119411 "a~ CAlif ,. m\1t tM •• b6 0.0 chia rl ('de: I~ IltVog Dda-t6t. Dda-chU, hOa­filM, c6c 16. "ida tid de pile phaf, 1,.6.°9 ''VII xl bo hii. chuqDg h,p pltdp clio PMI giao. Chilli" gioa l6n tv It{fD. ro cai liJog tIltil/f, phO tbll' IlIbg bd. aulk. 10119 pM phifa I,~a d61 r~l, dlW kh3 ua eM' eMe eua ah4a dd.ll Ill. Db l~(a miS/ ella qUl/h, milt ddochU, mISt Iv do /10 agltltw • • jllh mPDf flO dda phhm rua IlgI~i Vi~t-"am /a hj,.hoi Ifll/I I,&.g lr~M

Do '"Uti d'lJ 'live dd. (Ii!! ngo(ll balt!} duf}i' Thitu-/{y IIlp loy ooi 1140, d,ll .. IT«oll !loL. tilp di~a trlo dID 11II'6c /(1 llfDIl r/lllg IdA khOc, Edna I) •• h¢ hilt bela m~UI' ngwf va clill cai, qu~ hl1"flllg Itl Iron ng~p lang Ilk, iau 'lIuu.,. TAi~u-Ky {(Ii /Juara ,ac Illdiddng ~ilj' d~ day IlrMIt 111111 II. Mall d4a ,do COli 4itO'Q9 chit thl ihelm hun Illia. Vao /!oo ~O!l cdn, wy If)i, klail U n,oy d:Ag 1!lIlJop:i, If", rollg tiah/Mll uti: rldt "M! CUll mfJ/t!ll.qlOp dbng bdo pMi chju hdu qllel n{trlg 1J<l!,

Tltve 'tr~1If .IlIl'6'c IIhd (lidi u6 Cling /Ii tMm. Ngd.y lido cda ch2 d(l Tltit,,-K!) th1 1I.olla 10611 khdllg cd hda blnh, doa. c/IM, diU qug!a lid dlllg klldllg co CODg Mag ~1I Mi: chi cd DO If.. d~ Mi chit ehde:, klla ulle lid bZit eo.g.

Trong qllO, m!'le d.) Thi~u-RfJ dlill up tlhm mdu, cdc 'VII [Irfl.g qu6c , ta cMu ehlllh lid toda Ih~ dbng Mo dll Irauh . all. kMag IIQ'U'II9. Mm clio cM 40' TJritu-Ky ili di'n ngay I4IP 43.

Npy IID.Y If/! IflJl Me pMi thallh 'acta todD ~ eM 1f6 die loi tM; dt Thltu-K~.o plu,lc l/ai I06Jl ditll e.ill quoc (l ia. t thrl'C dag 4u tnk/,


ulu'fm Ilmk I}#II .w. II .. g gioi doaa quu JllIr .", ._·t~ Iaa ... illJ, DdJt.t~, Dd.-chli ud Ito.. blah do TIIW,.,Itb#! V(".acun, ,.. l u; N ' khh thi1J kl., !J9I:

- l'.dJl III~ cfaJlg Mo. _ Tat cli cdc 11ft: 1ltVJlf qu/Sc gitl cAdIz diM. - Tilt cd cdc Ida gi40, ' - Tilt CQ cdc dada Ih), - rOOft th" li-qIlCW. billll·,r qu4dOi C9Dg·ho. lid ((Jag cltikcllc "p.

llii, ~h4tl ro C(J hQi ligOn ntf," cti m(it, t!ling Undonlt d)' ,,!U! ph6nd4a m,.i mr&e 1'hifu.-K!) , 'lIp 11m m"t cldnh pM 1i~1I hifp dllll '(lc tMi 1/1 10611 HI ",UOe gio dil ifi; i(lp hOa.bllllt, thu hai II; Mo II~ cM qU~II, IIIIft: thl i'Jl r.h.i, kil.u Ihlll quilt gin ' Mo {} llgug~1I cUo t~1I ddJt.

VI ,u.Y • .11lvi 10. cuo cuo Tb-quOc, lit "If tiln f)'lIg cll. "da Ilk, .IM. bllth dlln eM II/) hflllh pMc CUti IIAttll cldn, M, dbng tdln aMI trl, klill furlt 1091 tlU "911 d~ idE q"~ 11 phifj ThItu-KillXl: tay U1i .j'acta eli. chibn lify gu.bng mlly chtoo qug~ft.

(;jutlanb lf iflIquy' t! GllIljch II} lua ddnt6c da tfi~""

Tlit cn hag dIm lIil·kAI I Tilt cil hay :ruling f

AliA tm d.quaJl, billh·.T flnon d~i C~ng·hiJa lid OOIl.O,ll, caliA ,Ilt. t;~f chlk hi!} l~p 'Li'c roi btl l 'hltll-Ky. tliam ,in 1160 cu6c chiln ~1Iu dtoo IIgAr. eUa t.all dda, I.p cong Ion u6i 1'3.quOc,

CMillg ta dol qudn d~i ngn.l,li bang kh~n9 dU'(l'c co.. thie"~ phdi lin Ir9~j' chli quyb dia Vltt'"WIi d~ rho IIgllM \'I~i.n"m qUlin d!ll/! cull!!' lIi~ .4i h~ CUll mlah ,

Hirl dbllg lid. I

Hiri ',r'quAII, billlt·,r, cdll9 cMu I Hiy '06n kit cIt(U chi, ding tam Mnh dO.9 thro mtzl/l Ipm c.ia

/tIj1t.ll~ Li~Il.,..iah Don·/dc, dda-cltli 110 llUa-bJnh. Gi& '!lP db cut:! chidO b(lo lila d! ~I~m ! ch«n!1 tn c4 /{rc tltflng to Iva lid dltVt mpi n¥lIal c6 thip. chi tl~1I blllh difll qUik IIVi ding nhlt qu6c Ii dlJng tlnh lIag h6·

TMng '{>j , hodn toon aMt d.iali thu6e ~ ,lIuag In.

Sglly 30 tMng I adm j968 MIIt-l~n l.i~II.(fIi.h Ddn.t.;c, 0da<1tIi ,d' hOa-bJllh 0. .t:'Iullg·p/NI.a Vi"'lIM!

- 6 -


CUy ~t1n M?1 tr~,' dcn ~pc Sidl pltO"9 Qv.!fI,

S~lZE POWER. In th1s hand b1ll from Ple1ku all people are informed tbat "the time has coate f o r the Revolution to win victory; the ttae-oppor­tunlty bas co_. tor our people to rise up to chase away the Americans, overthrow the puppets and .eize tbe entire power of the state ."

l~1t f.~

binh sf TRON6 N6\JY qUYeN

~Fr( bO;.J!

fiT'';' ph';t J!'nh dOt;ft v~n m~nh nv'o,c nh~ aa- Je~ !

Anh em hinh $i"h~ :

_ Q"""-y • u.~ c U-",,?" -nJ,An,.

cL«.;r-- k.Jtlri ~h..{;;,.. ~p CO~ C. ~.u.. =. - , PhOi ,h.ctp ~~"$ q~n.. ~."c:.,-phD"'I ch.iin. JAu cLUt G 9 '"-

7tf0a..n.. e.o; t.rf. b9rt.. 'frL ;;

I'ATBFUL MCIIENT. This leaflet w •• issued. i n the n .... of the Liber­a t ion Pront CO_itt .. of Central Trung So . It begins with the .tatement J "The MOunt to decide the tate of our country 1. DOW. to

DONG Blo THAN MIN t T HU ,\ tb Ang snng len I Ll1c lU'(!ng vu t r~ng .giai ph6:~R I'lC 1':\

sire t~n cOng lien ti€p vlt d~n d~p "lw de moe t leu quA n 811 d iD. MS'-nguy vA eh~ h~u. de eOng sa eua nguy Qllycn. cae l! glao thong, b~m xly dl]ng nong IbOn. bQR ~c on v.v .. . l!~ Milch thAng I'll to Ian oblSt trong thai ginn tai. Traoh nh ung Ibn 4 03D td . thit hen m,t din gi~c M, vta tny saL tran ll l~n tbtlt cho a~Dg baa khl chi~n s11 xay ra; hlC largns: vu lran.g glitl ph6ng

~eu &91:

D~ng baa a vim" giai ph6ng t'Hi bi hl~! xii, IbiH

tr~o. vung l!ich elm t!;lID thai Id~m wat, l~p lu \! b'O' vc c116 Cll 1~~1I lin, qqy~ t khbng lam hllng rao eho gi~e MY ~l tn.~ saL G!6' p!mt qu)it li~t, d~ng bite ktJ.6ng clIO do d\1 "1 mra klCn qll~'ct (lung db l1'u t rtIDh no; "I.t.rr. Iy do Iro- ve, bllQe (ljch kl:ong dU'.~e kbnng blS, blt bo, dbi b~i lh17ans Hnlt mq.og vA lsi s~n do gu~c My gly n.

SMASH CONTROL. The above l.aflet, distributed i n Quang Ncai Province, contain. t he atate. enta : "The Liberat ion Armed Force. will attack repeatedly and continuously the .111tary targets of the Americana and puppets , the governaent office. of the puppet regime, the co .. un1cat10n arterie., the pac­ification teams, the cruel gang •••••• CO.patriot •• bould take thi. opportunity to riae .i.ultaa.oualy to sma.h the mach­inery of control, to liberate your •• lves and be masters of your ow~ fate. It

- 7 -

":',J ~e 411 .. ttln,bt' 4(10,114" J". eLl III cY~Jl lie t9 ~ •• : ••. ~ '.: ·! . i~lI r.) "'-6D1! til; 1111.. 'aD, tltd ~ •

N c:h "1Tft.~ dlin l.fc.c: ..... UD ,U. N ' ellA .... Itt chi tr. l.renJa ,~ rll/t eWe.1." pU 'u .1":."/("' /' 1,~ II:I9flC lIob k'" ,dr Ull etotn& ni~1I x!' tbilt thll. 'd "t.,; •• ell'

~ ... " ro i : :.. "'1I1In thi' 6~n ... ~. "'n,: ph'" "tt tiu ,U •• lI'tio,t.r'.f·'i,tr:tj ,dr. .. ~ ...

• ~ .. ~ l'llll:i,cHrh J:~"n - ~oAn thi '~~t ~\ft ••• - ToAn thi loinl! 1{nf! ..... r "VIln .. ,..m. Vift liN!';.

- to"r. "hi' thaah nUn "9" sblb,dnll Tt'I1,tr{ Uah, - C't ~I-j Oht .". In •• ,nt.'

I:Ar leUr ,upft "tIl 'b',1.a't ej II •• :naon, he",. Ifl-M J .... h, ,, /."., ' . tn'''' ~~ tl1!!,·i\ c;luyen ThtQo K$> :

LAY ~'.' tr(ll.c b. e:h •• lult Wone: alii Jo.t " khf : 111111:' <I~".r.j"- ,)-:nr 41111,IIftO,l!./tc., (fl'iy II:~C •••

• "'!a.y t.hlnl'; tillY trftll 'JI tIt to' tin tay Ch'l l tl'"l n ,. 't.hfr,l1h .,. .. ' "ltif. F" d{n n.,. vln n,.un r.t tn .lIp b,1 ••••• Io.t lI"',cho'nr pf:;i .. 4ch r''!",. ,

i:'y cHe".! 110 Itfl ccr ,tI&tI,cil,(, .lr T* "ri "IliAn .1] tTOr:,~ H.j. ;0. ...

1:;:1 t.iel- evt ,.hr tr,t tv &II niDb trrm, 'ttlt xft,pl,Q! hli n Tit tr(" 1< 1' kt_ t"n bon ph' bul l.r,t tv aa Dint. e"' .. nbln Il'" •

Ray "~t 1O~, oIoin klt,'nc lit 1,0 hr,., 'ob kIt .. allD "'r, Cltt"I ' flllt_ II(.~ lI ... lt;, t.h ' IlhQhifw. ~ ... nde,oft dln,cft. 't'o •

nit., teln h'nh njl/Ill" ufllll .,1 eh& tMlor."chfnl, O,;ch ,lIIfnr I !"" l~ :' Eft d", deb .,~ I\", l11f1l& •• h ktt ,uln dfie thOlle TM';II p .. .

lAIc .' ;' "r ::' niD, nJI ... I ~rl ,*, •• t .. f~ \I.h' ':

' l'tH t.V~~ . • - ,, ! 1.1'0 ~"t· r:" '~' ~ •. ' . " r ·t: r.:f\A


Tbe crimes of the Thleu-Ky cliqu'e whicb kills tbe people , harms the country, sabotages religions, cheaply sells our national sovereignty, are unforgivable.

In order to save the country, the people and the religionll;: In order to end the war which i. full of killings, destruction

and sorrows; The Force of People-Army Union Against Thieu-Ky earnestly and

urgently appeals to: - All compatriots regardless of religion, age, sex, nationality,

party, political tendencies, - All Buddhist faithful, - All soldiers and officers who are Vietnamese, - All youths, students, intellectuals, - All laboring compatriots, To rise up with determination, to take to tbe streets in uprising

(khot nghie), to seize the whole power system ot the Thieu-Ky clique. ----Arm yourselves with every kind of weapon: gun, mine, band grenade,

knife, stick •••••••• Pitilessly repress all the faithful henchmen of Thieu-Ky who until

now have stubbornly and covertly harmed religion, killed the people, labotaged the revolution.

Occupy all government offices and military installationa in the city.

POlitively keep order and ensure security in the city, discover and repress in tiae those who aabotage the people's security.

Be one-minded in uniting with and supporting: the force of People­Army Union Against Th1eu-Ky in &cco.plisbing the mission of saving tbe country, the people and the religion.

Strictly co.ply witb all policie., directives, orders of the Revolutionary Council ot the Porce of People-Army Union Against Thieu-Ky.

At ••••• hour, day ••••• month ••••• year ••••• The Revolutionary Council

Force of People-Anny Union Against 'ltdeu-Ky KbaDb Boa Province

- 8 -



Right after tbe &ray and people of ~-Thl.D-Hu. ro •• up to attack and gain

complete control ot the city of Bu. on the nigbt of January 30 to January 31,

tbe Front of National, Democratic and Peace Alltance of Bue ... founded.

Dr . Le Van Heo, prof ••• or of Salgon-Bue Univer8itie., on behalf of tbe Front

of Katlonal,De-ocratlc and Peace Alltance of Rue City. called on the people

of Rue to ri ••• p to .etH power . Text of the appeal follon:

Dear co.patriots of Bue City:

w. cannot ait attll and ••• tbe country lost to the ~rlcan pirat •• and

tbe Thleu-Ky clique of traitor. and lackey ••


w. cannot bear for ... r a 11f. of slavery, .t.ery and atarY_tiou.

We cannot allow the Aaerlcan accre •• ora &ad their lackey. to co_tinue

to •• ce • war de.igned to •• rve only their uDJut tntereate.

w. only .ant: Independence aDd .oyereienty - rr .... and de.ocraey - Peace

and neutrality - lice, clothing and laDd.

The Front of Xational, n..ocratic aDd Peace Alliance urcently cill. on all

patriotiC oreaDizations, people's force., young .. n and wO .. D., .tudent. of Hue

City who bave unc.asingly struggled aga1 ... t the America ... aad tbeir lacke,.. in

tbe pa.t, to .tand up in araed upri.lnga to overtbrow tbe Tbi.u-I) clique

of traitor., L-forceJ the AIlerlcana to wlthdrD tbeir troop. fro-. South Yiet-

H .. , .eize .tat. power for tbe people, brine lndepeDdence aDd peace to tbe people.

The Fat~erlaDd aDd the people call on tbe entire population of Hue C1t,. to

Th. Front of National, l)eD)cratlc aDd Peace Alliance ot Rue Cit,.


- 9 -

SlOB 1

... ,.. ... .. M~'T rR~N tiE'! MINH D'1II '9C ... ,...... .. O'N eHU VA HOA BiNH THAN~

..l ... ,. "-PHO HUE KEU G91 NH,AN DA~

HUE VUNG LEN KHOI NG>t'-lt, , , ~


Mgqy tau khl qua" '1'6 dan Trl.,lfhlln-Hu' vb"g (I" .ranh chiem vlJ 111m ch~ hola,. tola" 'hAnh ph' Hu' dim 30 r9"U ngllf 31 - 1, Mt' h-..., III" mlnh d a n tfC' dan ch6 '1'6 h60 blnh ,n6nh ph6 Hue da dl/9C .h6fth Io,p.

TI'" IT dan t4c hqt U '1'6" Hao gldG '1.1' tde "'fn 491 h,c S'61'gOrt-:~' thay mtt Mtt tr.n III" mlnh dan t~c dan clto va. hoo bhh .h6:'!h ph6 Hu' dqc 1b"1 klu .91 n.h6a dan Nu' 'l'un9 lin khtrl.nghTa glllnh ch6nb qu)'t" $QU day 106'" v6n 1601 klu Sl91 :

BONG BAO THANH PH6 HUt. THAN Mt.N I Chung ta khetng .h" n,,~1 yin nhln nu-be m6,

trO:\1I tay "Ioe "'1 .,6 "" doan Vltt-glan tay .. ~ Thl'u-KY·


Kh5ng th' chlu .Vng mal can" .dng n' It blic 10' vll d61 r6eh cung Ith~.

Khiinc .hi d~ m~c b9" x6m luqc M9 v~ tay sol k'o dol mil mOt \.u9t chi." Iranh d~ chi nhan, p h ~' vy ::ho. quY~JlI 19'1 b6t (.hon t. cUa b,n chung.

(hung ta , hi mdb: Dqc lOp t'hu quy~n-TY' do dan chu -tioa blnh trung lOp -Cam do rVOng d;S ••

MOl trl) :1 II .... ml nh dlln .tc de" ,h~ vb hlta b\llh khan c6p kclu Qql dc dolln Inli vii ,4c h-c h'9'"g nhAn dan. thanh n ,i)'" phy nli •• Iqh vlin, h9' .Inh re u nll"6'c ,&,o t!lb ·" h ptlCS Hu' dB cr'. t r (:mh kh6n;J :to ·}ng chiSn9 Ml9 vll tay sal trong m a~ n6m quo hu y vung ci(!{ v6 trang khlrl nghYa I(U d2i 19P doA" Vif t gla l\. Thl'u_Ky, b9n M9 ' UI quan k"Z>1 m l~n Nom gUnh chdnh quy~n v. toy n ha~. d i:.n d em 191 d9c l(ip Vd h oa blnh cho d6, !1U'ttt:.

Tl; q l. iSc YO dSn Ifc dong ktu Qql toilln th~ ro ha" d~n .hllnh ph~ tlue hay nhCr. tli clCrngtin.


- 10 _

Tn/I/ e(f - tJl:~"! ...... ... .....'......... " - '"


'mE TIME OPPORTUNITY'. Distributed in Phuoc Long Province, this leaflet depicts an advancing crowd of Vietnamese and Mont8gna~ country people. The message on the leaflet states: The time-opportunity has arrlved~ The entire people unites 1n a single mind to tight the Americans,overthrow the puppets, and seize the government for the people."



- 11 -

A ,


B9 chi huy Quan d9i each m9 ng Quae DAN BCJNG BAD.

CU9' ta,g .ih c6,,, va., bit 10 T~I,~ -Kyo m~ chung ta h~.O ",ong muiSn dB d'~ rill.

Quan d?1 cach m\lng thay m(1I cho y chll~no ph/;~ no ciT~ ,olln d6n d6 "6 lunll vlio ke thil kh6ng d91 Irirl chun~ Cd" chunll ta o

Chunll tol "In bao cao vbl d~ " 11 blio Iii chunll t61 "hv' qUYo. d jnh d6 chelnh quy~" VI,. IIlan Thl'u-KY. nhvl q JY" tliu dl" r.hil'nll ke bISy Ii;~ .Ii" .:1. hI> hlilp danh dllp dCSng blio, my' .Iiu phiSn diSu cua C"U,'II till Iii gllinh d9 C .I~p cho dlln t9c hoa binh cho .6t nllbc din chu vii h\lnh phuc eno nh~n dAn.

Chung .a .ii xlI' dV"1I m9' <helnh quy~n ho;'n ,t .. h ed~ ta, m}. eh~nh quylin vi Til qu6c va nhlt. d~n

.Ii cho Qu6n d91 llim tron nhl.m vy thlinll lIino nhllnll rilt n\lnll nil, chunll tlll xln y iu cllu dang 10110 I

I._ Tlgp sf,c vlJl chunlllOI tronll vl.c t6 .. cinll vii trvy klch cae lV' IIIV"II M9 -nIlYY

2 .• Giup chung tol bAt t6t co nhil' .. ~ tin tilt .al cic an cu" M9 - ngyy .

L~ con em ella "i,an dAn, Qu'" d91 eelch m\lno nlluy~n II dac h'l ,o)c mlnh d~ IIlilnh eho kYO d"V' Ih6 .. o IVI vi cho rl; quiSc via din t9c

Nt.~ 31 IMn, 1 nNm 196R 80 CHI HUY qUAN DOl eAcl! M",NG


CO.patriot citizens:

The general offensive against the Thieu-Ky clique wbich we are looking for bas materialized. The Revolutionary Army, responding to the wll1 and the anger of the entire people, bas opened tire at the enemy .ith .ho •• e cannot live under the 8'" sky. We wish to report to the compatriots that .e are deterained to overthrow tbe Thieu-Ky traitors' regime, destrpy tbose who have been oppre.sing and beating the compatriot. so far; our .truggle'. objective is to win independence for tbe people, peace tor the country, democracy and happiness tor the peopl •• We .ill build a power regime entirely of our own, a regime for the Yatber­land and the people. In order to enable the Aimy to fulfill its sacred but very heavy responsibility, we demand that the compatriots: 1 - Give us a hand in attacking and pursuing the American and puppet fore ••• 2 - Help us arrest all the cruel henchmen of the Americans and puppet •• Being the children of the people, the Revolutionary Army pledges to do its utmost to .1n Victory for the Patherland and the people.

January 31, 1968 The Revolutionary ~y Command {Long An provinc!?

- 12 -



Sev.rely puntah1u.c the enemy; violation of the !'ront'. cea .... fire order, aDd with a vi .. to protect the cOlIPatrlota and allow th •• to enjoy .. peaceful &ad gay Tet holiday, the army and people of Trl-Thlen-Hue at 2:35 a.m., January 31, 1968, 81au1taneoualy attacked tbe entire .y.tea of b •••• and lairs of the Aaerlcau. and puppet. fro. tbe southern bank. ~f the Ben Hat River to the H.l-Van pU8.

In Rue City, having the support of the co.patriot. and .. number of puppet officer. and soldier., tbe Liberation Aray, after only 35 ~nut •• of fighting, oyerran the city, cut tb. en •• ,'s lair. into •• all square., de.troyed tbe .ang­ea b ... , headquarters of the puppet Firat D1v1810n, the Inner Citadel and the b ... of tbe 7th Ar-ored aeCi.ent at the Taa Thai mountain and many Aaerican and puppet poaition. around. Hue City; the Bu. radio station was al.o s.ized. At the .... ti •• the Liberation Army artillery abel led and reduced to abaables tbe Phu Sai ba.e ot the Aaerican Third Marine D1vision a. w.ll as .... ral other ~er1can and puppet po.ition. on their detense 11ne on Route Ko. 1.

In ~uanc Tr1 c1ty, the aray and people of Quang Tri launched .... lv. attack. and de.troyed 1Il&D.y en-.y troop ••

OIl tbe .,.entua ot the1r victory, the army and. people of T'ti. '!'bien are pur.uing the enemy w1th determination to win total victory.

8lDE 2


Angered by the corrupt and bellico.e att1tude ot the Thi.u-Xy-Loan Clique, at 2;00 •••• , January 31, 1968, that i. the second day ot Tat, the people and patriotic .oldiers in Saigon ro •• up in arms to overthrow the Thieu-Ky-Lo.n clique and .eize stat. power.

Tbe force. ot the uprising army strongly attacked the Tan Son Nhut air field, the G.neral Statf, the Capital Special Zone Command­quarter., and paralyzed the.e posit1ons.

The troops attacked the ~independ.nce·· palace of the Thieu-Xy clique. Unconfirmed reports said that the top traitor Nguyen Van Thleu has been killed. The uprising troops a180 attacked the radio station, the navy head­quarters, the pol1ce headquarter. and all important enemy agencies in the city. aeports said that the radio atation ha. been deatroyed. In .any sections ot the city the people took to the streets and joined the uprising troops to smash the military and police posts, arrest and punish the puppet officials, .pie. and reactionary elements.

The fighting i. still going on in the city.

Report. said that the uprising forces in Saigon this time are composed o~ units of patriotic troops of the republican aray, various armed organization. of the people and many patriotic youth groups gathered in one organization called the "Alliance of National and Peace Forces." The objectives of this Alliance are overthrow ot the Th1eu-Ky-Loan clique, establishment of a revolutionary power regime dedieated to the restoration of peace in Viet-H •• , recovery ot our national .overeignty and realization of a broad and ,enuine democracy.


.' 1:

• '.

- 13 -




Nghitm khAe Ifling IT! bQn dith vi pb,m lenh bgtm, t'n tOng quAn ill\!, CUll M~t Irtn, d~ bio vt dl)cg bAo In T~t yIn vtll. hie 2 gia 35 pt.l\! SAllg nglly 31-1-68, quID vA dl1l1 Tri-Ihlen -Hu~ d/) ng 10" 1(0 cOng tolln bO de din rir su" hu}et cun M5' OS!})' tli' ha Nam soog Db-hit df:n dc') Hai-vlln.

T.I Ihllnb phO Hu~ dU'Q'c .\r gidp d& eua d~ng bAo vfl mOt sts si quan bmh ,T 0tlllY. chi laU 35 pbUt nb, Il\nll de miii li~n cOng crul. Quan giel pb6Dg (II trln vfin tll .uh phIS ('hi,. ell a~o huytt C,'H" gll)c ra tifDg 6 vuOng nhc), (Iii III~U diet kllU ManR-d 'J~ chi hUy quia. dORn 1 ng\ly », khu thllnh n(li vA c An eli' Iru[l8 do"n 7 L hj~t Riil p ngIJY 0 nili Tam-thai citng Dbl1!u "Ii tri M, n fl \lY khllc C XURA' quanh thllnh ph lS Hn~. cli chi~m dli phA' thanll HuiS. rung hlc phao bllli. QuAn aiit pht'mg t6-1 Up giii nAt clin cir PM-blli CUI sU" doan 3 cua liDb tbuy dAnh bO M~ "iI nhl~u vi trl M~ '=IPJY khic Iren tuyb pbOog fhi! drrO'Dg .6 I.

T,i thi::d Quing-Iri qUAD 1"d dan Quing--Ir! dl '0 ,t t~n c/)ng bao 'lAy I' lieu diet dU"gt rJhl!u djcb.

Thira tbAnB !quAn 'It, dAn Tl'j-lh1t!n dung truy kich m,nh me quA» djlh qu) ( I J.:iilnh aAna lQ'i boAo Ido.


Nf,J. I.,. SJi-gJ. ,,/i J!y vii tWIg k'lri .gMa I,M, II {,p. ni!1I Kj Loa"

C&Of l'\"~o. tt"( t),.i dO t),~ ,,1 hllu c),ito IU. ),911 n~u-Kt-Lolo, hl5i 2 fiO- .'ar 8f17 31-1 tQ.e mlol 2 T~lt IILb diD. ,.1 c'c Lioh .i 7'u aU"t7c b Sli·,?Jo 06i o,y ,,6 tUD.1 khai olhla, dJiah d& bqo Th~u_Kj_Loa. Ci10h (L'oh qllyh.

CAe: Ive IIfVGI ocilla quio cii dhh m,II' ,So bay TS.-t01l• ail" ,,1 to' quUl 1~lIf tL.m mU"\l. 80 fU" ifill! biit Ir:h" lhu 116 llm eil. ab '01, llii, ". de cO' qUID aidl hola tala hi t~ liel.

N'«hi. qub di t~!I c611f ,,10 diol! c c1~c Itp. eUilI 1,911 T"i~u_ Kj .CO lin ch"l ilU'l1c dt nhln till hUm V~t Iii. N,uylo. ... 111 Thi~b ill oj ";0. tL~lo HfMa Qulb fOb tra c8"f ell; p!lU Il1aob

.SII-,", "'~ t1UIrl mvu h 'i qui".tOlIl Db. e'IIL 1£1 vi "c cI dc (0' qUID c6a, .a Irqlll )lu CUI iljfh nooa Iblo.h pbo ~ lia. 11 c11i pb't thlob Sli-lh iii hi phi. Nhln din ohi~u nO'i troal I •• ub pha: dl aa 1:u6111 ~uaal pbOi hvp .b-. d e: l1,rc IVQ"DI lI,bh QUiD quH de iI~1I Ml, 1.;1 trVII, hi 1,90. Q di~p 1'1 pbi a el~n"

Hi~n bl)' cLieb 11( .Ib daoa litp ditn troDI Ibloll pblS. C6 tiD r~of Ivt 1U"I1DIf thZri oCbia b Sii-BOD ~y lI;y blo

1"3m de dO'n vi liIuln d~; COOl hOI , 'U Ovo<: .1 t'C 1& chCrc ,,6 bllli cw. ,bSD din ,uaf til i t-u dolo Ibi ll b ni('n ' . 0 nt,'pc Ij p 1,111' boal m~t to (bire Uy tin U .. Lif:n Irl illh c'c Ivc 1 ... . Il , h?J~ bioI! .... din tOe •• Mv.tla~ CUI Lien minh oi, I. djll ', do bqo Thi~u­K;-L"ilIo., lblllb I,p fhhh QU},(o. chh mf,n, d~ rhve hi~o bOa. Wa\" Go Viil-IIIII: lilab l,i chu Q,ujb dh. tOe v1lhvc.v ill .. c • .l rhe rli t

- 14 -



* H~I ken h9 Iinh tClin c~ng e~a Ta quae yang d9Y nui song. Toan qu" >! , to:'" dan haf nbvt t~ xong lin di9t djcn, lJiai pl15ng d~r nU'ad

* Thai ea glanh toan th&ng, hay kliin quyet danh 91:'C toa" b9 "gl:'Y f1 l1al'l, d{ip nci ' toal'l l,~ n,,,,,y quyen. Ch~1n ehi1 10 d&c t91 ygi T1; quo:, do dy- Iii t'! sat.

* Mo; cong d6n Vi?'-nam pl,~i 191' ~(rc "h~", vao d.'?; quon k~bi r.g~TIJ v3 tral~ ::a 1l" i1 ;, ~~ ']n ~~ .:.f-' [J ,h qv'f ;~'\ va lay min ... . 'ia~ ""F "i~ .' ell)' ii, ,~ ir'; M c. , ' ,p ·:' · dci~ 10 m9t cni~1'l SI v~ 1"": -:~.lC ta l ~:j"'.' J oj, .0 ' 3 Jln :1 b?, hoa .. toan m9i pho" it;:n c(J" ""/ ,,~~y.

* Tieu di,r gl<;lc My, '{sn 'r.r b9~ Vi;l . 3:01 l: 01 " 9 ~on co, cnop nanh· nghielTl chinh. m9i eh :xnh s6eh c~a Cucag lTall Mi}I-lr{so.

THE TIME FOR ACTION HAS COME: Courageously Surge Forward to Destroy the Americans and puppets!

The bugle call of the Fatherland ordering the assault has sounded over the mountains and rivers. Let tbe entire army and people surge torward simultaneously to destroy the enemy and liberate the country: This 1s the time-opportunity to win total victory. Be determined to smash the entire puppet army and destroy the entire puppet regime. Hesitation is a sin against the Fatherland, indecision is suicide.

Each Vietnamese citizen should immediately join the armed uprising troops to seize total power tor ourselves. Each citizen should be a combatant defending the country with a gun tirmly held 1n bis hands and a readiness to defeat any American and puppet counterattack.

Let'. d •• troy the American pirates, exterminate the Vietnamese traitors aad the cruel and stubborn elements. Let t S correctly execute the polici •• ot the

pront's Political program.

- 15 -

llu! :BIll!! sit .Af 11\1.\1: T:nJ9c mvY qu!J; ~ ilm l'Iiu'1lJ LOIlG

lrnn 1967 ~:y -llC\lY t!l'Ol3. to heln c~o n~ -mTd.c: *~).ooo ten bi- d:i.~tl vOi 53 tiou dOOIl, tra!l dt-i 491, 3 .200 cay bay, 8 .500 xc quan ~ b~ pha hUy V. v •.• The 11/0 Min nay cua Hj-Ngyy' khon qu=.c. ~t be t~c. C~ung ~ho~ ~hu khon§ xong,~ ~an cong khong noi, hJu aU b! Uy hiep,b+ tancong d~n d~p. Bo ran8 lIy dO. tbua I euch IIlfllg ae thlng hoan toano

cha, Thai r~ d~ d~n. thone do dV. k~on~ Chkll c~c ;';Q.:l LU,y ; .. 130 ngU vo Vdi gia dinh . ... Chong l:tnh khong di can,khong di tiop vi,n, khang chong l~ qUQn giai pholla.

Q1;ay aU~g ~ii~ ac ~n; ~ha don bot l;p co~ tr(l ve vdi nhtul dan. ~t tr~:l. s1ill sang hoan ~honh ManS cD. ~ I aau vi- ob hD.nb d9ng chO'ng llj 1 citu 1l1.tdc. DO 18. con dUang duy nhat I oae bfll DeD trq ~h! de hhh dQll$.

fry llAH Iit.:r 'l"l{Jf D~11 T9C GrAIPIIom 'r l.!\3 Pl.m'Ck: LOll} _ ... _---------_ .. -

SOLDIERS AND OFFICERS OF THE PUPPET ARMY IN PHUOC LONG PROVINCE In 1967 the U.S. and puppets suffered heavier defeats than 1n the previous years; 365,000 of them were destroyed,with 53 battalions and hundreds of companies put out ot action. 3,200 aircraft and 8,500 military vehicles destroyed, etc. The U.S. and puppets are in a difficult, stalemate situation. They are unable to defend themselves or launch offensives, their rear bases are under pressure or under constant attacks. It is obvious that the Americans are being defeated and that the revolution will win total victory. The time-opportunity has come. Without hesitation, without indecision, friends, you should: - Leave your ranks and return to your families. - Refuse to go on sweep operations and rescue operations, refuse to fight the liberation troops. - Turn your guns to kill cruel tyrants, destroy the army and police posts, achieve merits and return to the people's side. The Front stands ready to welcome all individuals and units engaged in acts opposing the Americans and serving national salvation. This is the only road tor you, friends. Please think it over and act accordingly.

National Liberation Front Committee for Phuoc Long province

- 16 -

- ~ , IW'C CAe SL O.uAN , BlNH LINR


- , h ~ L' • , It~ Nhvng "gll'C'J t /J'C tnO" thV'o'ng Co It U'ng h';"h d"9ny k.ho" "jOG" t,.oog khi k:10h cap. cUe b(.'ltl

• ,,~ , At"~ , A JA .. ";;y mav mea·' /t'UIlS len uV'"g V(" ph1a nnan oan va

, • d~ • . ,. ~'.. ,,, +" M~ fr'ln an toe. 9fQ1 pl10ng J CH1P tan Cne ap , A • • • .\, A/ "" .f.'" A.'

rJ!an aCf':" h,!; nV'O'C &CII gon. To "9 Co CJe fjVOC -.... L ,. .",,- N . " I' h' A' ot: ~ ~ I" My ,..O~, knot, nllen am, ,91aml 9' C' u' 'l"'yt?n Q9C - tJp

clio Dot nU'rfC . tU' cloJ hoo blnh cho dan t-9c. '.


The country-selling regime ot Saigon 18 collapslQ1. The American iaperialists ~ in a stale.ate situation without any way out.

The high tide of the people's uprising in the rural area. and cities 1s rising 11ke oc6an •• ves. The armed for~e. for liberation bave simultaneously launched offensive attacks like rain and storma on all battle fronts.

The ti __ opportunity for you to achieve merita for national salvation has come.

people who understand the situation usually act with wisdom in time of emergency. Friends, quickly rise up to .ide with the people and the National Liberation Front to srnash the people­betraying, country-harming regime of Saigon. Let's kick the U.S. imperialists out of South Viet-Maa, win back sovereignty and independence for our country, freedom and peaee for our people.

The fate of our country i. facing a decisive -.oment. Let all true patriot. unite closely with the entire people and march forward to win gloriou. Victory for the Fatherland.

Thi. i. our serious advice.

Central Trung 8D Comaitt .. of the National Liberation Front