Documentary Styles Examples

Documentary Styles Examples Bill Nichols distinguishes 6 different types of documentaries: poetic, expository, observational, participatory, reflexive, and performative.

Transcript of Documentary Styles Examples

Page 1: Documentary Styles Examples

Documentary Styles

ExamplesBill Nichols distinguishes 6 different types of

documentaries: poetic, expository, observational, participatory, reflexive, and performative.

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Poetic ModeExplores the complex editing within a documentary; juxtaposing and linking images, video clips and music etc. Koyannisqatsi 1982 Godfrey Reggio

Koyannisqatsi is a Hopi Indian term for ‘life out of balance’. The documentary explores the unseen world using images, videos and music effectively together.

The documentary begins with a blind

effect of the title. This is an example of poetic mode because it uses artificial music along

with the title to create an effective beginning.

There is then a montage of video clips of

buildings and cities. Here again, there is a link with

videos and music, suggesting this

documentary to be an example of poetic mode.

Another montage of the public is then used, along with a slow motion pace and

dramatic music. This mix of videos, music and

editing creates an example of poetic


A mid shot video of a women is then used with a tube going past, giving an effect of strong winds.

Likewise, the video is accompanied with artificial music.

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Expository Mode Expository mode explores documentaries which include factual information and figures, having interviews to back up the topic also.America’s Most Wanted

The documentary begins with a presenter

introducing the topic and content. In this scene, the director uses an

establishing shot of what looks like a court house

to emphasise the seriousness of the topic.

There is then a series of secondary images showing the person

who is the focus of the documentary. The

images are displayed as a montage along

with a voiceover.

There is then a interview with the local police

department to support the topic. There is also a caption at the bottom of the screen. His interview is also used a voiceover

on top of videos relevant to what he is saying.

Use of surveillance footage is then used. This provides factual

footage which has not been filmed or produced. The

footage also provides back up on the topic.

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Observational Mode Observational mode tends to just observe, allowing viewers to reach to their own conclusions of the documentary.Big Brother

To begin, there is a clip of a personal talk

between a housemate and ‘Big Brother’

where they are able to express themselves and

chat privately from housemates. There is

also a caption beneath.

There is then footage from the garden of housemates. These

clips are not produced or edited, they are clips of the housemates natural behaviour within the


The cameras a hidden throughout the house,

hidden behind mirrors and placed in corners of rooms.

Cameras can zoom and focus on certain

housemates who are talking for example.

The cameras are hidden to allow housemates to not act different due to being aware constantly they are being filmed. This mean they will be them natural selves. Allowing cameras to

observe their behaviour.

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Participatory Mode The filmmaker tends to become the subject of the documentary. Actively engaging with the situation they are documenting asking questions and sharing experiences.Life of Michael Jackson By Bashir (2004)

The subject of the topic is introduced by a montage

of videos of Michael Jackson. A voiceover of

the filmmaker/presenter is used in the background

also to introduce his documentary.

There is then a one to one talk with the filmmaker and

Michael Jackson, introducing the

documentary type to be participatory. Michael

Jackson is presented to be the subject due to having more focus on him, the

presenter having a side of the screen and back

towards us.

Clips of Bashir with Michael Jackson are shown

in his own home. Here in his personal cinema. This

shows how its participatory as the presenter is getting

involved with the subject instead of simply speaking

about him.

Due to this mode, the presenter is able to

speak to Michael Jackson on more of a

personal level, recording clips of information

which are more personal and emotional.

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Reflexive Mode“to aid the audience in their understanding of the process of construction in film so that they could develop a sophisticated and critical attitude.”A Man With a Movie Camera

The documentary shows the construction and production using videos of the director filming and editing. By the audience seeing how a film is produced, allows critical

response as they are able to see ‘behind closed doors’ on

his filming.

You can then see the director using the camera reel and projector before his film screening in the documentary. This gives the audience an insight to how complicated and

thorough filming is.

Here we are shown footage of the filmmaker preparing the film reels ahead of the screening.

Being shown the production of the filming is effective as it allows us

to see the in depth making of the documentary.

Here we are able to see the lens of the camera

in action whilst zooming in and out of a shot. This if effective to watch as we are able to see how the man uses

the camera during making his


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Performative Mode Acknowledges the emotional and subjective aspects of a documentary and also addresses the audience emotionally.Tongues Untied The documentary

shows a proud lifestyle of a black gay

man. The video clip here used emphasises

the power and strength in these

males standing up for who they are.

Here we are shown an intimate video of a

black gay couple, this is effective as it

reaches out to be open and show the

audience how normal this is and stop

prejudice against gay black men.

This image captures the feeling and emotions with an up close head

shot of the man in focus. Accompanied

with this, is a voiceover of this man speaking

words of encouragement and a

new equal life.

Personal recollections of Riggs's life is expressed

through actors hiding/protecting

themselves from the pain in which is inflicted upon them. This along with the voiceover is effective as it explores emotionally into

the documentary.