DOCUMENT RESUME - ERIC · DOCUMENT RESUME. ED 213 619', '1. CS 206 734. ... Norbert Lloyd.,...

DOCUMENT RESUME ED 213 619', '1 CS 206 734 . AUTHOR :-\\ Warren, Thomas 4/.. ,.. TITLE ',Select Bibliography: Help for Teachers of Technical Writing. . PUB DATE Feb 82 NOTE 22p.; Paper -1)resented, at.the'Amival Meeting of the Southeastern Conferenbeion'Ehglish in the Two-Year 'College (17th, Winston-Salem, NC, February 25-27,- 1982). EDRS PRICE , MF81/PC01 Plus Postage. DESCRIPTORS Higher Education; *Resource Materials; *Technical. Writing; Textbooks; *Writing Instruction IDENTIFIERS Writing for Publication ABSTRACT. Intended for technical-writing instructors; this biblipgraphy presents sources on the elements of technical writing and its instruction. Following a list of the addresses of relevant journals, organizations, and institutes, the paper presents citations in the following categories: (1) anthologies and proceedings, (2) bibliographies, {3) communication theory, (4) editing, (5). grammar, and linguistics, (6) graphics, (7) language, (8) professional resources and journals, (9) publication management, (10) research, (11) supplementaL-reading, (12) speech, (13') style manuals, (14) teacher references, (15) textbooks, (16) general and specialized writing, (17)' writing for publication, (18) teaching technical writing, (19) how technical writing differs from other writing forms, and (20)epckence and technology. (HTH) 4 **44***********.*******************************A***************t.********* * Reproductions supplied by EDR)S are the best that can be made -7--* * from the original document. . * ****************************************************0*****************, . . . tJ t-

Transcript of DOCUMENT RESUME - ERIC · DOCUMENT RESUME. ED 213 619', '1. CS 206 734. ... Norbert Lloyd.,...


ED 213 619', '1 CS 206 734

. AUTHOR :-\\ Warren, Thomas 4/..,.. TITLE ',Select Bibliography: Help for Teachers of Technical

Writing.. PUB DATE Feb 82

NOTE 22p.; Paper -1)resented, at.the'Amival Meeting of theSoutheastern Conferenbeion'Ehglish in the Two-Year'College (17th, Winston-Salem, NC, February 25-27,-1982).

EDRS PRICE , MF81/PC01 Plus Postage.DESCRIPTORS Higher Education; *Resource Materials; *Technical.

Writing; Textbooks; *Writing InstructionIDENTIFIERS Writing for Publication

ABSTRACT.Intended for technical-writing instructors; this

biblipgraphy presents sources on the elements of technical writingand its instruction. Following a list of the addresses of relevantjournals, organizations, and institutes, the paper presents citationsin the following categories: (1) anthologies and proceedings, (2)bibliographies, {3) communication theory, (4) editing, (5). grammar,and linguistics, (6) graphics, (7) language, (8) professionalresources and journals, (9) publication management, (10) research,(11) supplementaL-reading, (12) speech, (13') style manuals, (14)teacher references, (15) textbooks, (16) general and specializedwriting, (17)' writing for publication, (18) teaching technicalwriting, (19) how technical writing differs from other writing forms,and (20)epckence and technology. (HTH)


**44***********.*******************************A***************t.********** Reproductions supplied by EDR)S are the best that can be made -7--** from the original document.



. . tJ


0 ,


Convention. December277-29, 1.979, Seattle,' WA. '"Urt'ana,IL: American Business Commdnication Association, (1980).

Brewer, John, et al.,eds.vReadings in Technical ReportWriting. Columbia, MO: Lucas Brothers Publishers, 1959.

Council for Programs-in Technical and Scientific Communication.Annual Proceedings, '197471981. Contact Dr. pave Carson,'President, CPTSC; LaThguage,Litarature, Communication;.R.P.I.;.Troy, NY 12181 for details.

Estrin, Herman A., ea. Technical and Professional Writing:A Practical Anthology. NY: Preston Publishing Co.,,Inc., 1974,. A reprint of a 1963 anthOlogy.publishedby Harcourt, Brace, World.

Effecti4e Communication for Engineers: (A Collection ofArticles Originally Published in "Chemical Engineering").

) NY: McGraw-Hill Book Company, 1974.Hirschhorn, T?chnical & Scientific Reader in English.

NY: A Rege t6 Publication, Simon and Schuster, 1970.Kirkman John, ed..Teaching Communication Skills to Engineers

and Scientists in Higher Education:. Troceedius of aOne-Day Conference, .Friday, 17th November 1978, UWIST,Cardiff, Wales. Cardiff, Wales: The University ofWalesInstitute of Science and Technology, English,Department, 1978.

Muller, John A., ed. Proceedings: 31st Conference on College§ -,C osition and Communication: Technical Communication

SsionS. St. Paull MN:- `University of MinnesotaDepartment of Rhetoric, 1986.

Roland, Charles G., ,ed. Goo*Scientific Writing. Chicago:American Medical Association, 1971.


Separately ,ublisliedBalaCEandran, Sarojini.. Technical Writing: A Bibllography,'...,

Urbana,.IL: American Business Communication Association;.and Washington, DC: 'Society for Technical Copmunication,1977.

Bowman; Mary Ann and Joan D. Stamas, comp. WrittenCommunication in Business: A-Selective-fiETICT.graphY,1967:-1977. Urbaha, IL: American Business CommunicationAssociation, 1980.

Philleri Theresa A., Ruth K. Hersch, and Helen Carlson, eds.,,Annotated Bibliography on Technical Writing, Editing,

Graphics, and Publishing. Washington, DC: Society ofechnical Writers andPublishels; and -Pittsburgh,

PA:' Carnegie Library, 1966,.UNESCO:' Biblioraphy of Publications Designed to Raise the

standard of Scientific Literature., Paris: Unitedt .

NationAEducational, Scientific`, and.Cultural Organization,l963.

Bibliographic ArticlesBlacOlan, Carolyn M. "Bibliography of Resources for Beginning

'reachers of Technical Writing {" in Technical Professionalommunication: Teaching in the Two' - ''`year College, Four-ear,Goilege, Professional School, e4. Thomas M. Sawyer.

Ann Arbori.MI: Professional CommunicationPress',-1977,pp. 49-64.




Convention. Deqember27-29, 1979, Seattle,' WA. 'Urt'ana,IL: American Business Commdnication Association, (1980).

Brewer, John,, et al.,eds.vReadings in Technical ReportWriting. Columbia, MO: Lucas Brothers Publishers, 1959.

Council for Programs-in Technical and Scientific Communication.Annual Proceedings, a97471981. Contact Dr. pave Carson,'President, CPTSC; Laquage,-Litarature, Communication;

- A.P.I.;'Troy, NY 12181 for details.Estrin, Herman A., ea. Technical and Professional Writing:

A Practical Anthology. NY: Preston Publishing Cu.,Inc., 1974. A reprint of a 1963 anthOlogy.published,by Harcourt, Brace, World. .

Effecti'e Communication for Engineers: (A Collection ofArticles Originally Published in "Chemical Engineering").

) NY: McGraw-Hill Book Company, 1974.Hirschhorn, . Technical & Scientific Reader in English.

NY: A Rege t6_EL

Publication, Simon and Schuster, 1979.Kirkman John, ed. Teaching Communication Skills' to Engineers

and Scientists in Higher Education:. 'Proceedings of aOne-Day Conference, .Friday, 17th November 1978, UWIST,

1Cardiff, Wales. Cardiff, Wales: The University ofWales.Institute of Science and Technology, English(

.Department, 1978. '

Muller, J hn A., ed. 1:,oceedings: 31st Conference on College- ,Com osition and Communication: Technical Communication

ssions. St. Paul, MN:- 'University of Minnesota,..

Department of Rhetoric, 1986.Roland, Charles G., ,ed. GoocfScientific Writing. Chicago:

American Medical Association, 1971.


Separately plblisliedBalabiandran, Sarojini. Technical Writ ing:. A Bibltography;....

Urbana,.IL: American Business Communication Association;.and Washington, DC: 'Society for Technical Copmunication,1977.'

Bowman, Mary Ann and Joan D. Stamas, comp. Written-Communication in Business: A-Selective-TaalOgravhy,196'7=1977. Urbafia, IL: Amerci.can Business CommunicationAssociation, 1980.

Philler, Theresa A., Ruth K. Hersch, and Helen Carlson, eds..Annotated Bibliography on Technical Writing, Editing,

Graphics, and Publishing. Nashington, DC: Society oftechnical Writers and Publishers; and -Pittsburgh,PA:- Carnegie Library, 1966,.

UNESCO. Bibliography of Publications Designed to Raise theStandard of Scientific Literature. Paris: UnitedNation 'Educational, Scientific`, and ,Cultural Organization,1963.

Bibliograpilic Articles.

BlecVan, Carolyn M. "Bibliography of Resources for BeginningTeachers of Technical Writing {" in Technical Professional

. Communication: Teaching in the Two' -'`ear College, Four-


ear,Gollege, Professional School, ea. Thomas M. Sawyer.... Ann Arbor,' .MI: Professional Communfication.Press',-1977,

pp. 49-64.




CunnN ghaio.-,,iDonald E. "Bibliogaphies of Technical Writing.

aterials," The.TechnicalliWriting Teacher, 1 (Winter,

/1074),:9-10. t' ?InmAnyham, 'ponalol H./and Vivienne Hertz. "An Annotated /

k Bibliography on the Ttaching of Technical Writing," .c


CCC, 21 (May,-19817), 177-186., Cunninghain, Donald H. and Herman" Estrin, eds. "Bibliography," /H.

in The Teachinv of Technical ,Writing. Urbana,. IL:", .7 Na nal Council of Teachers of English, 1975, pp. .

. .21

ti21. .

tyWalter, John A. "Basic Recommended Reference Shelf: A'

Selected Bibliography, of Technical and ScientificPractices," in Handbook,of Technical Writing practices,'ed. Stello Jordon, John Wiley & Sons, 1971,

. .

Vol. .2,4 pp- J.295-1n3. i,

1 .

/ .

) 4Serial Bibliographies -I - -


Technical Communication, published quarterly by the.Societyfor Technical Communication.' ,"Recent and Relevant," ed.IBertie E. Fearing, provides annotations in each issue.

The Technical Writing_Teacher, Fall issue. No annotations,but classified. .



. Ayer, ,Alfred Jules. Language, Truth and Logic. NY: 'Dover .

Publications, Inc.,L1952. Reprinted from 1946 editionpublished by Victor Gollantz, Ltd.

Handler, Richard )aiiid John Grinder Frogs) into Princes:s.,,,

Neuro Linquistic Programffiing, ed. John 0. Stevens.Moab., Utah: Real People Press, 1979. ' ar '.

Handler, Richard and John Grinder. T e Structure of MagicI: A BoOk About Language and.Th ) rapy. Palo Alto, CA:Science and Behavior Books, Inc.,'1975.

..Grinder, John and Richard BandleF. The .Structure of Magic

II: Palo Alto, CA: Science and Behavior Books, Inc,.,1976'. .

. .

Fabun, Don. Communications: The Transfer of Meaning.Beverly Hills, CA: Glencoe PFe, 198. ._,

Fleishman Alfred. Sense and Nonsense: A Study of Humaii.Communication. San Francisco, CA: InternationalSociety for General Semantics, 1971.

Gordon, George N. The Languages o CoArlunicationt:/, Logical and Psychological Examination. Ny:___41-aatings.

House, Publishers, 1969. ..


, Harper, Nancy. . Human Communication Theory: .The. Historyof a Paradigm ., Rochelle Park, NJ: Hayden Book.

-,,Company', Inc., 197 k. . ,

Kryston, Victor and Portia)Meares4-eds.' Know What I'Oean?,Than Francisco, CA: , International Society for .GeneralSemantics, 1972. . '".:

% Mortensen, C. David, ed. Basic Readings'in Communicat'i.onTheory, 2nd. ed. NY:' Harper & Row, Publishers, 1979.'

. Watzlawick,-Pal.,,111 et al. Pragmatics of Htiman Communication:.




A Study of Interactional Patterns, Pathologies, andNY: W. W. Norton, 1967.



P an, Miriam, ed. 'Scientific Information Transfer: TheEditor's Role,: Proceedings of the First InternationalConference of Scie1rtifid Editors, April 24-29, 1977,Jerusalem. Dordrecht, Holland: 'D. Reidel PublishingCompany,. 1978.

Bennett, John >B.. Editing for Engineers. NY: JOhn kley &'Sons,'1980., . 71,

iclick, J.W. an0 Russell N. Baird. *Magazine Editing 'andProduction. Dubuque, IA: WM. C. Brown Company

", Publishers,' 1'9.74. .

Darrow, Ralph'C. House Journal Editing. Danville, IL: The '"

Interstate-Printers & Vublisbers, Inc., 1974.editorial Eye-cThe. Alexandria,' VA: Editorial Experts, Inc.Gr4Lam, Walter .B. Simplified gechTliques for Preparing Camera-

Ready.?asteup. Wilmington, MA: 'Compugrapilic Corporation;19771 .4

Kleper,1MiChael. Everything you Wanted to Know about In-Plant'Phototypesetting in Less,Than OneHour: .Wilmington,

. MA: Compugraphic Corporation, 1977.Nelson, Roy Paul. PublicaO.on Design. Dubuque,,IA: Wm. C.

BroWn Company Publishera, 1972. .

Wales, L'aRae H. A Practical.Guide to Newsletter Editing &,Design. ) Ames, IA: The Iowa State University Press,1976. . .


Allen, J.P.B. and't. Pit Corder, eds. The Edinburgh Course ,

( in Applied Linguistics, 4 vols. London: Oxford UniversityPress:




VOL I: Readings in Applie d Linguistics, rTi.VOL, II: Papers in Applied Linguistics, 1975.VOL III: Techniques of Applied Linguistics, 1974.VOL IV: Testing and Experimental Methods, 1977.

Coulthard, Malcolm. An Introduction to Discourse Analysis.London: Longman, 1977.

Lyas, Colin, ed. Philosophy and. Linguistics. London:.Macmillan, 1971.

McQuade, Donald, ed. Linguisti, Stylistics,' and The Teack4ngof Composition. Akron, OH:,. University of Akron,Department of English, 1979. .

Marckwardt, Albert H. American English. London: OklordUniversity Press, 1958.

Nurnberg, Maxwell. Questions You Always Wtnted to Ask AboutEnglish. . . .But Were Afraid to Raise Your Hand. NY;Pocket Books, 1972:


,.Mario. Glossaryof Linguistic Terminology.) Garden City,,NY: Doubleday & Company, Inc.,- 1966.

Turner, Rufus P. Grammar Review for' Technical Nriters, Rev.


ed. San Francisco: 11einhart Press, 1971.

GRAPHICSAdards, J.-Michael and David D. Faux. Printing Technology:

A Medium of Visual Communication. North Scituate,MA:* Duxbury Press, 1977'.

Enrick, Norbert Lloyd., Effective Graphic Communication.Princeton: 'Auerpach-Publishers, 1972.

-draphi'oppy Guide for mall Presses. Erie, PA: HammermillPapers Groottp, n.d.

Hofftan, Armin. Graphic Design Manual: Principles and ,

Practice. NY: Van Nos- tr,amd Reinhold Company, 1965.Laeau, Paul., Graphic Thinking tor Avchitects and Designers.

NY:. Van Nostrand Reinhold Company, 1980.MacGregor, NJ. Graphics Simplified: How to Plan and Prepare/

Effective Charts, Graphs, Illustrations, and OtherVisual Aids. Toronto: University of Toronto Press,. 1979.

McKim, Robert H: Experiences in Visual Thinking, 2nd. -ed.Monterey:, CA: Brooks/Cole PubAshing'Company,, 198Ga. A

Meyers, Cecil H. Handbook of Basic Graphics: A ModernApproach. Belmont, CA: 'Dickensop,Publishing Company,

n.d.Morris, George E. Technical Illustrating. Englewood Cliffs,

:NJ: Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1975.Pocket Pal: A Graphic Arts Production Handbook, 12th ed.

New York: International Paper Company, 1979.'Pratt, Dan and Lew ROpes. 35-mm Slides: A Manual for.

Technical Presentations. Tulsa: American Associationof Petroleum Geologists, 1978.

Rosen, Marvin J. Introduction to Photography: A Self-Directing Approach. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company,.1976.

-Turnbull, Aithur*T. and. Russell N. E0,1-d. The Graphics ofCommunication: Typography, Laydut, Design, Production,4th. ed.. NY: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1980.

Upton, Barbara and John. Upton. Photography, 2nd. ed..(Adapted from the Life Ligrary of Photography) Boston:Little, Brown and Company, '1981.

. .


D'Angelo, Fiank J. A Conceptual Theory of Rhetoric. Cambridge,MA: Winthrop Publishers, Inc., l75. .

. Hirsch, E.D., Jr. The Philosophy of'Composition. Chicago: ,

University of Chicago Press, 1973.Hayakawa, S.I. Language in Thought and Action, 4th ed. NY:

x . Harcourt7Brace Jovanovich, Inc., .1978. 1

Huddleston, Rodney D. The Sentence in Written English: ASyntactic Study Based'on an Analysis of Scientific

., Texts., Cambridge, England: The University Press, 1971.Kinne7--iMes L. A Theory of Discourse. NY: W.W. Norton,

1971.'. A reprint of the 191 Prentice -Hall edition.Lanham., Richara A. . A Eandlist "Rhetorical Terms: A"Guide

-fotx Students Of Ealg*lish terature. Berkeley, CA:... .

University of taliforni Presss, 1968.

6 .

Lanham, Richard A: Revising Prose. NY: Charles Scribner's.-Sons, 1979.

Lanham, Ric r ar ',,A. Revising Business Prose: NY: Charles-) '' Scribn r's Sops, 19:80.'Lanham, Richard A. .Style: An Anti-Textbook. New Haven:

Yale University Press, 1974. f

Michaels, Leonard and Christopher Ricks, eds. The State ofthe Language. Berkeley, CA: Univeesitiof.California,Press, 1980.


Mitqhell, Richard. '.Less Than Word's Can Say. Boston: Little,' Brown and Company, 1979.

Quinn, Jim. American Tongue and Cheek: A Populist Guide '1

to Our Language. NY/: Pantheon Books, 198.0. ..

Woodson, Linda. A Handbook of Modern Rhetorical Terms. Urbana:National Council of Te9..chers'of English,.1979.

PROFESSIONAL RESOURCESBooks for your shelf and the library (* = paperback):

. Clarke, Emerson and Vernon Root, Your Future int-TechnicalAnd Scientific Writing. NY: Richard'Rosen Press, 1972.

*Cunningham, Donald H. and Herman A. Estzin., eds. TheTeaching of Technical Writing. Urbana, NCTE, 1975.-

*Douglas, George H., ed. tThe Teaching of Business Communication.Urbaha,'IL: ABCA, 1978.

*Gould, Jay R., ed. Direction's in Technical Wr iting andCommunication. Farmington, NY:- Baywood Publishing,1977.

.1'*Gould, Jay R. and Wayne, A. Losano. Opportunities in Technical,-

Writing Today, 2nd ed.' KY: VocationalGuidance, Manuals, Inc., 105.

Heitowit, Ezra D., et. al., comps., eds. Science, Technology,& Society: A ..d=7,0 the Field, Directory of TeachingResearch, and Resources, in' the U.S. Ithaca, NY:'Program on Science, Technology, and Society. ReproducedI by National Technical Information Service, Springfield,VA, 1976.

Jordan,. Stello, and' others. Handbook of Tedhnical WritingPractices, 2 vols. NY:' Wilep-Interscience, 1971-0

Flare, George R. The Measurement of.Readability. Ames,Iowa: Ibwa.State University Press, 1963.

*Pearsall, Thomas E. Teaching Technical Writing: ..1Methods

For tollege Teachers. Washington, DC: STC, 19-75.*Pirsig, Robert. Zen and TheArt of Mbtorcycle Maintenance,

,NY:" Bantam Books, 197A.*Sawyer, Thomas M., ed. Technical and Professional Communication:,

Teaching in the Two-Year Cbllege,Four-YearProfessional School. Ann Arbor, MI: Professional.Communication Press, 1977. , /c.

Sciphers: (PublicatiOn of Science Writers Group).. Columbia,MO: School of Journalism, University of Missodri, v4

Quarterly. $8/year.The Underground Grammarian. Aassboro, NJ. 08028. Monthly

Sept. 7 May. $10.00

. .. ° ..N

...I I' ... '4


.PUBLICATION MANAGEMENTClarke, Emerson. fA Guide to Technical. Literature Production:

A Concise Handbook of Production Practices. RiverForest, IL: TW Publishers, 1961.

Haughney, John D. Effective Catalogs. NY: John Wiley & de%Sons, Inc., 1968.

Walton% Thomas F. technical Manual' Writing and. Administration,ed. Clare Bull and Walter S. Baker. NY: McGraw-Hill


Book Company, 1968..


Cohen,,NMorris L.,'et al.,4comps. Law & Science: 'A SelectedBibliography. Cambridge, MA: Harvard UniverSity,1978.

Data ,User Gill

the., Universityide for th University Science StatisticsFiror Integrated Data Base. Washington; DC:National. Science Foundation, Division of Science

I, Resources Studies, Universities and Nonprofit Institutio,-Studies Group, 1977.


Drons, Anthony, ed. How to Obtain Information in DifferentFields of Science and Technology--A User's Guide.Springfield, VA: National Technical Information-Service,1974. 4)

Felker, Daniel B., ed. .Document Design: A Review of RelevantResearch. Washington, DC: American Institutes forResearch, 1980.

Herner, Saul, et al. A'Brief Guide to So.pAnd Teclin-TInfortation, 2nd. ed.Information ResoUrces Press, 1980.

O'Brien, Robert 4nd Joanne,Soderman, eds. The ,BAsic Guideto Research Sources% NY: New American Lerary, 1975-

Science, Technorogycrand Society: A Guide to he Field.Spr VA: National Technical InformationSe vice (original sponsor: National Science Foundation,Directorate ,for Science Educatib?1Diiiision for ScienceEducation Develbpment and Research), 1976. Heitowit,Ezra D., comps,?, eds.

Todd, Alden: Finding Facts Fast: How to FindOut What Yqu'Want to Know Immediately, NY: .William Morrow & Company,Inc., 1972.

rces o Scientificlington, VA:


SECONDARY READINGSAnderson, W. Steve and Don Richard Cox, eds The Technical

Reader: Readings in Technical, Business, and ScientificCommunication. NY: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1980.

Bowen, Mary Elizabeth and JOseph A. Mazzeo, eds. WritingAbout Science. NY: Oxford University Press, 1979.

Estrin, Herman A., ed. Technibak end Professional Writing:A Practical Anthology. NY: Preston-, 1976.

Lynch, Robert E. and Thomas B. Swanzey, eds. The Exampleof Science: An ArthOlogy for Coll4e Composition.Englewood Cliffs;INJ: Prentice-Hall, 1981.

Sparrow, W. Keats and Donald H. Cunningham, eds. 'The P,racticar,Craft: Readings for Business and Technical Writers.Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1978.



SPEECHConnolly, Jams. Effective'Technical Presentations. St. .

Paul, MN: .3 M Business Press', 1968.Friant, Ray J., Jr. Preparing Effective Presentations: How

to Make Presentations Pay-Off. NY: Pilot Industries,

Inc., 1971.Hays, Robert. .Practically Speaking--In Business, Industry,

and Government. Reading, MA:_ Addison-Wesley PublishingCompany, 1969.


Manko, Howard_H. Effective Technical. Speeches and g.-ssions:A Guide for Speakers and Program Chairmen. NY: 'McGraw-Hill Book Company, 1969.

Morrisey, George L.- Effective Business and Technical Presentations:How' to Prepare and Present Your ideas in Less Time With

Better Results. Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley Publishing.Company, 1968.

`Pickett, Nell. Ann.' Oral Communications. NY.: Harpet & Row,_

Publishers, Inc. 1945.TCcey, William S. Business and Professional' Speaking,nd. ed.

Dubuque, IA: Wm..C.,Brown Company Publishers, 1975.Timm, Paul R. Functional Business Presentations: Getting

(Across. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1981,

turner, Barry %. Effective Technical Writing and Speaking. ,

'London: Business Books Limited, 1974._Wagner, Joseph .A. Successful Leadership in Groups and Organizations,'

2nd. ed. NY; Chandler Publishing Company, 1973. A

STYLE MANUALSEach of the following style manuals presents "rules for such

areaareal as usage? spelling, punctuatipn, etc. Some are meant for *

specific disciplines; others arefof general use. Each writer_

should have on5)or more of these handy for reference.CBA Style Manual Committee. Council of Biology Editors

Style Manual: A Guide-for Authors, Editors, and Publishersin theBiologicaa Sciences, 4th ed. Arlington, VA:American Institute of Biological Sciences, 1978.

Handbook and Style Manual for ASA, CSSA, and;SSSA, Publications,

revised ed., Madison,' WI: _American- Society 'of Agronomy,Crop Science Society of America,- Soil Science Societyof America, 1977.

A Manual of Style: For Authors, Editors, and-Copywriters, .

12th ed. Chicago: Th# University of Chicago Press, 1,969.Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association,

2nd ed. Washington! DC:. American Psychological,Awciation1974.

Style Bo 9k and Editorial Manual, 5th ed. Chicago: ScientificPublication Division, American Medical Association, 1971.

Words into,Type, 3rd ed. Englewood Cliffs; NJ: Prentice-Hall,Inc., 1974.

U.S. Government Printing Office Style Manual; revised ed.

Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1973.


TEACHER'S REFERENCESFord, Charles A., ed. in chief.' ComptOn's Illustrated. .

Science Dictionary. Chicago: P.E. Compton-Co., 1963..Graf, Rudolf "F. Modern Dictionary of Electronics, 4tb. ed.

Indianapolis: HowarRi'W. Sams & Co.,Inc., 1972r* Apaperback version is?,usually'avilable through RadioShack. '

Newman, Beth. Teaching Students to Write. Columbus, OH:,Charles E: Merrill Publishing Company, 1980.

:tate, Gary, ed. Teaching Composition: Ten Bibliog4aphicEssays. 'Fort Worths: Texas Christian University Press,

)1976. ,

Tat:, Gary and Edward P. J. Corbett, eds. The WritingTeacher's Sburcebook. 'NY: Oxfoi University Press, 1981.

Way Things' Work, The: An Illustrated Encyclopedia of,Teehnology: Special Edition for Young People, by T.Lodawijk and others. ANY: Simon and Schuster, 1973.

Way Things Wdrk Book of Nature, The: An IllustratedEncyclopediaof Man & Nature. NY: Simon and.Schuster, 1980.

West, Michael, ed.j'and comp. -A General Service List ofEnglish Words: With Semantic Frequencies and a'Supplementary Word-List for. the Writing of PopularScience and Technology. London: Longman Group Ltd., 1953.

Wilson, E. Bright, Jr. An Introduction to Scientific. Research. NY: McGraw-Hill Book Company; Inc., 1952.

Woolf rd F. Peter, Ad. Scientific Writing for Graduate40- nts:' A Manual on the Teaching of Scientific Writing.

Arlingtod, VA: American Institute of Biological'Scigncefor the Council of Biological Editors, 1976._


Alvarez, Joseph A. The Elements of Technical Writing, NY:Harcourt Brace Jovahovich, 1980.

Bilcq, Ron 5. Technically,Write, 2nd. ed._Englewodd CLiffs,NJ: Prentice-Hall, 1981.

Brusaw, Charles T. and others. Handbook of Technical Writing.NY: St. Martin's Press,'1976.

Fear, David. Wechnical,Cpmmunication, 2nd. 3d. Glenview, IL :-Scott, Foresman, 1981.

Fear, David: Technical Writing,- 2nd. ed. NY,: Random House,1978.Harty, Kevin J. Strategies for Business and ,Technical Writing. .

NY: Harcourt' Brace Jovanovich, 1920. ,

Houp, Kenneth W[nd Thomas E. Pearsall. Reporting TechnicalInformation, 4th ed.- Encino, CA:. Collier MacmillanPublishers, 1980.

La9noll, John. Technical Writing. Boston: Little, Brown,and Company, 1979.

Laster, Ann and Nell Ann Pickett: Occupational' English, 3rd.ed. NY: Harper and_Row, 1981.

-Mille, Gordon H. and John A. Walter. Technical Writing, 4thed. NY: Holt, Rinehat and Winston, 1978.

Oliu, Walter, and others That Works. NY: St..Martin's press, 198T

Pauley, Stephen E. Technical Report Writing Today, 2nd. eBoston: Houghton Mifflin, 1979.



Pearsall, Thomas E. and Donald H. Cunningham. .How To_Wri6tFor The WorId.of Work. NY: Holt, Rinehart and Winston,',

'1978. \,

Pickett, Nell An\and Anh*Laster. Technical English, 3rd. ed. NY: Harper and Row, 1980. . .

Sherman, Theodore' and Simon Johnson. Modern Technical Writing,. %-4.... 3rd. ed. EnifewOod Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall, 1975.

.Ti;en, ThomasL. Technical Communication, An Outliner1

Totowa(' NJ:, ZIttlefield, Adams and Company, 1978..




Allen,J.P.B. and H.G. Widdowson, eds:. English in Focus. ,. it-t

.. London: Oxford University Press. There are severalvolumes in the series.i Four follows: .

klleri,,.P.B. and H.G. Widdowson. English in Physical.Science, 1974.

GlendITEIFITT Eric"H.. English in Mechanical Engineering,1973, , .,.

Maclean, Joah. English in Basic 41edical Science, 1975.Mountford,-Alan. English in Workshop Practice, 1975.

Brasnett,,C,live. English for Medical Students. London:Methuen Educational, .1976.

Brasnett, Clive. English.for Engineers. London: MetheunEducational, 1968.


,Campbell, John M. and G. L.'Farrar. Effective Communicationfor the 'Technical Man. Tujpsa, OK: The PetroleumPublishing Compkny, 1972 (Petroleum engineering focus)

Colby, John and Joseph.A. Rice. Writing to Express,.Minneapolis: Burgess Publishing CoMpany, 19.77.

Eksenberg, Anne. Reading.Technical gooks: How to-Get theMost Outlf YouD:Readings in General Physics and Chemistry;Automotive, Electrical, airld Mechanical, Technology, Civil-and Construction Technology; Me allurgy; IndustrialArts Data processing; Technics Courses; EngineeringTechnology Courses. Englewood liffs,,NJ: Prentice-

, .

41 Hall, Inc., 1978.'...

Kantrovich, Jerald M. Riffle the Deck: Technical Vocational. Writing lor High School. Chicago, IL: Stack the Deck,Inc., 1978.

' Kapp, 'Reginald 0. The Presentation of Technical Informations-2nd. ed., rev. London: Constable and Company Limited,,1973

Mackin, Ronald, ed. .English Studies.Series. London: OxfordUniversity Pres----There are several, volumes in thisseries. Seven follow: .. ,,

Adamson, Vera and M.J.B. 'Lowe. General EngineeringTexts, 1971. % ' \

Berkoff, N.A. Agriculture, 1971.,

Clarke, M.M. Anthropology, Psychology, Education,Language, Philosophy, 19'66. '1 .

. 1

Clarke, J.J. History, Sociology, PLitics, Economics,Law, 1§64.

Hawkins, William F. and Ronald Mackin. Physics, 0

Mathematics, Biology, Applied Science, 1966.wkins, W.F.,. Ronald Mackin, d G.I.V. Taylor. Chemistry,




Mackin, Ronald and William F. Hawkins. Liberal Studies,1967. ,


Scholastic Real World English, ed., Stephen Dunning. NY:(Scholastic Book Services. There are several volumes inthis series. Fouk follOw:payis, Kenneth Wk., et al. Writing: 1. n.d.Dunning, Stephen. Who I am. n.d.DAnning, Stephen. preams,'n.d.Robinson, Jay,'et al. Langdage! n.d:

WRITING: GENERAL '4Barzum, Jacgue6 and Henry F. Graff.'


The Modern Researcher,3rd. eol. NY: Hartourt Brace-Jovanovich,,Inc., 1977.

Bernstein, Theodore M. The Careful Writer: 2VModOn GuideTo English Usage'. NY: Atheneum, 1965.,

Brown, J.A.C: ,Techniques of Persuasion: From Propagandato'Brainwashini Baltimore: Penguin Book's, 1963.

Flesch-, Rudolf.. Th& of Readable Writing. NY; CollierBooks, 1949.'

Gowers, Ernest. The Complete Plain Words, rev. by BruceFraset: Hammondsworth, Middlesex,, England: PenguinBooks Ltd., 1973.

Graves, Robert'and Alan Hodge. The'Readerover Your Shoulder :;A Handbook for Writers of English gfose, 2nd. ed, rev",

,NY: Random House, 1971.'-'Gunhing,,Robellt. Hog to Take the Fog out of Writing, Chicago:

The Dartnell Corporation, 1964.Gunning; Robert. New Guide to More Effective Writing in

Business and industry. Bodton: gahners Books, 1963.Hairston, Maxine' C. Successful Writing: A Rhetoric for

Advanced Composition, NY: W.W. Norton & Co.,'1981.\Joseph, Albert. Put it in Writing, rev. ed. Cleveland, OH:

Industrial Writing Institute Inc., 1977..Kern,; Richard P., et al. Guidebook for thelDevelopment of

Army Training Literature. Alexandria, VA: HumanResources Research Organization; L976.

Lipman, Michel and Russell Joyner: How to Write Clearly:Guidelines and Exercises for Clear, Writing., San°Francisco: ,International` Society, for General Semantics-,19/9,.

Newsweek Corporate Communications Program. NY: NeWsweek.There are several volumes in this series. Four follow:Leader's Manual, 1980. -

emory, 1981.Writi 1g 4. Style and Effectiveness, 1981.

-Wri,ting: Reports, 1981..O'Hayre, John. liobblOdygook Hlt-Gotta Go. Washington, DC:

Government Printing Office, n.d. (Stock: #024-011-00002-#)Richard, T.A. A Guide to TechnicalWriting. San Francisco:

Mirving and Scientific Press, 1908. (Reported to be thefirst textbopk.)







Bergman.; Floyd L., et al. 'From Auditing to 'Editing. Washington,DC: kGovernmenTE-Inting ft.d.


Brand, Norman andcJohn 'Legal Wrktj,ng: The,'

Strategy of"P suasion. .'NY: St. Marti 's Ptess, 1976.Bates,.Jeffrson D. Writing With Precision: 'How ,to Write

_so.that You Cann t Possibly bq Misunde-rstood.-

Washington, DC:, Acropolis Books Ltd., 1978.Burqhell, Robert W. d David Lis'tokin. The' Environment01:

, Impact Handbook. New 8rUnswick, NJ: Center for Uri)*Policy Research, Rutgers- -The, State University, 1975,

Davis, Larry Nolan and Earl McCdllon. -Plahning,_Conductingand Evaluating- Workshops'.' gustin, TX: Learning,Concepts.;'"1974."

Effective Writing Study wide:' A' Workshop Course. WashIngton,. DC.: Department of the Treasury, Internal RevepueService, n.d.-

Eimermann, Thomas E. Fundamentals of'Paralegalism. Boston;Little, Brown and Company, 1980.

Gordon, Frank S. and Thomas M:S. Hemne4, gomps. The .LegalWord Book. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company, "1978.

Hall,' Mary. Developing Skills in Proposal Writing, 2nd. ed.Portland, OR: Continuing Education Publication, 1977.

Hillman, HoWard. The At of Winning Government Grant,s_ NY: 1.

The Vanguard Press, Inc., 1978.Hillman; Howard'` and Karin Abarbanel. That Art of Win ingl,

Foundation Grams. NY: The Vanguard Press, In ., 1975.Linton, Calvin D. 'Effective Revenue Writing: 2. W

DC: Government/Printing Office, n.d.Masterman, Louis E. The Applicant's Guide to Successful

Grantsmanship. Cape Girardeau, MO: Keene PublicatiOns, 1978,.Monroe, ,Ipdson. Effective Research and Report Writing in

-Government. MY: Mc'Graw-Hill Book Company; 1980. Thereis also a short course notebook, based on this text.

Rogers, RaymondA, How 119:.Report Research and DevelopmentFindings ta Manageme0e. NY: Pilot Books, 1973.,

Spaven; John W.,-et/al. American Associatiakof AgriculturalCollege Editor's Communication Handbook,-/nd. ed. Danvil,l.e,

Thy InterstatePrinters &Publishers, Inc., 1970.Spurlock, Ludile 8., andtLutheta B. Dawson. Effective evenue

Writing: 1. Washington, DC: _Government Printx Office;n.d.'4-(Stock W 0487004-00036-9)

Writing'Improvement. Guide for Air Force Writiny. a4iington,DC:i0oveRment.lorinting Office, 19-73. (Stock" 008-070-00330-9)

Weihofeb, Henry. Legal Writing Style. St. Paul, MN-: WestPublishing Co., 1961. *-


Weisman, Herman M. ,Technical Correspondence: A Hanabook andReference Squrtefor the Technical Profssional. NY:

John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 1968.


WRITINGbFOR PUBLICATIONAckbff, Russell L., et al. The SCA,7T Report: Designing a

National Scientir.Zand Technelogicarahm5nication System.Philadelphia, PA:, University of Pennsylvania Press; 1976.





ApplebaUlt, Judith and Nancy Evans. How to,Get,Happily'Published: A, Complete and Candid Guide. NY: Harper& Row, Publishers, 1978:

-Day, Robert A. How to Write and Publish'a csCiencific Paper.ttiladelphia, PA: ISI-Presp, 1979. k

Day,'Staci B., ed. Communication of Scientific Information.Basel, Twitzerland? S. Karger; 1975.

AV DeBakey, Lois, ed. The Scientific Journal: Editorial .

Po4cies and. Practices: Guideltes for Editors, Reviewer s,And Autholcs. St. Louis, MO: T C.V. MOsby Company, 1976.

Gannett; E.K ed.. 1979 'SSP Proceedings. ,Washington, DC:Society for Scholarly Pubiishing,'1980.

Gatyey, William D. Communication: The Essence Science:Facilitating InformationExchange Among 'Li rians,SCien,ists, Engineers and Students. Oxford: PergamonPress 1979/

Hill, Mar Wendell Cochran. Into Print: A to Writing, Illustrating; and Publishing. LosAltos, CA: William Kaufmann, Inc., 1977.

Improving the Dissemination of Scientific and TechnicalInformation: A Practitioner's Guide to Innovation.Rockville, MD: Capital Systems Group, Inc., 1975. Now-

.distributed by Rational Technical Inforgation Servide,,ArLington, VA:

Langlois, Ethel G., ed. Scholarly Publishing in an Era ofChange: Proceedings of, the Second Annual Meeting societyFor Scholarly Publishing Minneapolis, Minnesota 'June 2-41980. Washington, DC: Society .for Scholarly Publishing, 1981.

Mitchell, John H, Writing for Professional and TechnicalJournals. NY: John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 1968.

Meadows; A.J. Communication in Science. London: Butterworths,1974.'

Scholarly Publishers Guider' New Methods and (Techniques.Leicester, united Kingdom: ,Primary CommunicationsRe6earch Centre., '1978.

Van Til, William. Writing for Professional Publication.Boston: Allyin and Bacon, 'Incr, 1981.


MISCELLANEOUSBrunner, Theodore F. and Luci Berkowitz. The Elements of

Scientific and Specialized Terminology. Minneapolis:Burge:, i Publishing Company, 1967.

Geretschlaeger, -et al. Der "Fall Schaden and die Publizistik.Salzburg: rnstitut far Publizisti) and Kommunikation-sldissenschalt der UniversLtIt Salzburg,1979.

Professional Advancement for Engineei-s .Through CommunicationTechniques. Los Angeles: yhe Ralph M. Parsons Company,1968. 40'

Richards, Tomas O. and Ralph A. Richardson. Technical Writing.rpt. Washington, DC: Society for Technical Communication,1941.


Vocational-Technical Terminology' Washington, DC:. AmericnVocational As'sociation,





P'Balrass, Robert. Setentist Must Write: A Guide for Better

,Writing for Scientists, Engin5ers and Students: London:Chapman and Hall (John Wiley.& Sons, Inc.), 1978.

COchran, Wendell, et al,. eds. Geowriting: A Guide to Writing,Editing, and Printing in Earth Science, 3rd. ed. F9...J.sChurcla, VA: American Geological Institute, 1979.

6anninghad,,Donald R., comp. and ed. .A Reading Approach toProfessional Polide Writing; Springfield, IL: -:-Ch4.-TlesC. Thomas, 1972. c

Durrenberger, Robert W. Geographical Research and writing..New York: Thomas Y CrOwell Company, 1971.

Harris, John S. and Reed H. Blake. Technical Writin,e forSocial Scientists: .Chicago: Nelson-Hall, 1976,

Hess, Karen M. and Henry M. Wrobiesigr." For the Record:Report Writing in Law Enforcement. New York: JohnWiley<S, Sons,.Inc., 1978.

Huber, Tack T. Report Writing in Psychology and Pschiatrj.New York: Harper & Row, Publishers, 1961.

Kolin, Philip C. and Janeen L. Kolin. .P,rofessional Writingfor Nurses in Edudation, Practice, and Research.St.,Zouis:. The C.V. Mosby Company, 1980.

Miller, Walter-J. and Leo E. A: Saidla, eds. Engineaf; asWrittts: Growth a.Literature.- kew York: D. VanNostrand.Company, Inc., 1953. (Primarily a reader butWith analysis of how the writers of the samples worked.)

Richardson, Ldu and Genevieve Callahan. How to Write to llomemakJ-rs.Ames, IA: The Iowa state University Press, 1962._

Stirnbergp# Robert J. Writing the Psychology Paper. Woodbury,NY: Barron's Educational Series, Inc.,; 1977,

SELECTED BIBLIOGRAPHY:' ARTICLES ON TEACHING TECHNICAL WRITING'Anon. "Efforts Expand to Improve Science Writing," Chemical

and Engineering News, 52, tlo. 41 (Oct.., 1974), 18-20.Andrews, Deborah C. "Teaching Writing in the Engineering


Classroom," Engineering Education (Nov., 1975), 169-174.Carson, David L. and John B. McTasney. "Grading Tchnical

Reports with the Cassette Tape Recorder: The Results ofa Test Program at the United States AirForce Academy,"Journal of Technical Writing and CommunIcation, 3, No. 2'(Spring,- 1973) , 131-144.

Davis, Richard M. "An ExperithOntal Approach to EffectiveTechnical Writing," Society of Technicaliters andPublishersReview, 10 (J41y, 1963), 24-27.

. "_Effective Mechanical Description: ExperimenTwo,." Society of Technical W ,xiters and Publishers Re12 (Oct. 1965) , 5-8.

. '"Effective Mechanical Description: Exper ntThree," Journal of Technical Communications, 14 (3rd Quarter,1967), 28-31.. .

. "Experimental'Research in the Effectiveness ofTechnical Writing." IEEE Transactions on Engineer-Writingand Speech, 10-(Dec., 1967),, 33-38.


. .

Early, Doug a.s andConier4Stutz. "Teaching 'Team' ResearchTec iques anil Technical Report .Writing in the Elementary'ysics Laboraterie," American' Journal'of Physics, 44,

No. 10 (Oct., 1976); 953-955iEstrin, Herman A.0,,"See yoUr Students! In Print!" Teaching

English_in'the-Two-Ye4 College, 22, No.%1"(Fall, 1975),. .

Fieischha er,'F.W. "Standardized Writing in Business pd.-

Indu try,4f Journal of-Technical Writing and-Communication,6, No. 4 J1976Y1. 275-292.

Hays, Robert:, "Case lAcoblem's Improve Tech Writing Coursesand Seminars," Journal of Technical Writing and Communication,3, No. l*( lipter4 1973), 75-89.

_Kull, Keith M. "Notes from the Beseiged, or Why English TeachersShpuld Tpacli Techhical Writing," College English, 41, No. 81

(April,'19$6}; 876-883.Kirkman, John.,-"Can We Test. Technical Writing Skit l Objectively?"

A Journal df Technical Writing. and Communication, 3, No. 1(Winter, 1973) 75 -89.

Lewis, C, Jeainne Alid%Binford H. Poeples. "Report Writin MadeThe Murnal'of Business Education, (April,

1972)-, pp 281-2.82.Mathes, J.C, and DWight Stevenson' "Completing the Bridge:

Report Wtitinge in 'Real Lif Engineering Courses,"Engineerih'g_Education (Novemb'er4 1976) 154-158.,

Mathes, J.C., YWIght W. Stevenson, and Peter KlAper. '"TechnicalCommunicatiOn': The Engineering Educator's Responsibilit,y,"Engineering Education, 69 (1979), 331- ".

Orth, " Technical Report clriting," ,

Engineering Education (January, 1974) 278-279.Pave4*ch, Joan L. "Teaching Technical Writing to FOreign

Student's," Journal of Technical Writing and Communication,3,4e_No.-2 (SprIng,"1973), 102-108.'

Root, Gus a#d Dwight Scott. "'The Interpersonal Dimensions ofTeachingle" Ertgineering'Education, (Nov:,'1975), 184=188.,,,

Schmelzer,.Rf.ohard. "The First Textbook on the TechnicalWriting," Journal of Technical Writing and Communications,7, No. ,l'(1977), 51-54.

Scofield, RiCharra, "Creating, Teting, and EvS:uAing"a Communica-tion Experiment foi.. COmmunity College Students, " %TournA1of, Techniyal Oriting and Communication, 3, No. 1 (1973) , 31-37.

Sherren;tDavid C. "Design and Evaluation of an IngtructionalUnit in-Technical Report Writing," Engineering Education,

1972) , 814-815.,SparrOw, W. *Keats. "Motivating_Recalcitrant'Business and

TechniCai Writing Students;" Journal of Technical Writingand Communication, 5, N'o-, 4 (1975), 305-309.

Sullivan; Prances J. "A Technical Writing Course: Methodand COntent," Teaching english in the Two-Year College,2, No.:1, (Fall, 1975), 37-40.

Walter, John-A. "Education for Technical Writers," Societyof-Technical Writers and Publishers Review (Jan.,


1966),I2-5.Whitburn, Merrill D. "Abuses of the Clarifying Comparisons

in Tectinical,Writing,," CCCC, 25, No. 5 (Dec.., 1974),433-435.



J,Bizzel, Patricia. "Thomas Kuh$, Scientism, and English Studies."

CE, 4Q (1979) , '764-771.Cooper, Charles R: and Lee Odell, eds.'.Research on Composing:

Points of Departuz'e. &baba, IL: NCTCE, 1978.Corbett, Eduard P. J. ClaSsical Rhetoric for the Modern

Student. NY: oxford,71971.,Cox, Barbara'and Charles Roland. "How Rhetoric Confuses Scientific

Issues." IEEE Transactions on Professional Communication,PC-16, No. 3 (Sept., 1973, 140-142.

, /-Flower, Linda and John R. Hays. "Thp Cognition.of Discovery:

Defining a Rhetorical Problem." CCC,\31 (1980), 21-32.Goren, Robert. "Very' Isike a Whar -A Report on Rhetoric."

CCC, 16 (1965), L3.8 -143.Hamilton, David. "Interdisciplinary Writing." CE, 41 "(1980),

780-791. -

'Hartis,',Elizabeth. ,"Applications of Kenneavy's A Theory ofDiscourse to Technical Writing. Cr, 40 (1979), 625-632.

Hughes, Richard.' "The Contemporaneity of lassical Rhetoric."CCC, 16 .(1965) , 157-159.

Hull, Keith. "Noes from the Besieged, or Why English-TeachersShould Teacki Tecimicirl, Writing." CE, 41 (1980) , 876 also the artliclethis one responds to: nathes,'J.C.

id others, "Technical Writing: The Engineering EducatorrSResponsibility," Engineerihci Education, Janury, 1979,pp. 331-314. .

Long, Russell. "Writer-iudience Relationship: Analysis orIhizention? CCC, 31 (1980), 221-226.

Lunsford, Andrea A. "Classical Rhetoric and Technical Writing."CCC,, 27 (1976) , 2897,29.

McCarron, William. "In the Business World and in Academe:,The English Teacher in the 1980's." CE, 41 (1980), 814.

Miller,.Carolyn. "A Humanistic Rationale for Technical Writing."CE, 40 (1979), 610-617.

Overingtdn, Michael. "The Scientific Communilacy as Audience:Toward a Rhetorical Analysis of Science." Philosophy andRhetoric,:19 (1977), 143-164.

Rearsa-TITYESmas E. Audience Analysis for Technical Writers.Beverly Hillis, CA: Glencoe, 1969.

Pfiser1 Fred R. and Joanne F. Petrick. Heur-i-tic Model forCreating Writer's Audience." CCC, 31 (19803, 213-720.

'1 Renner, John.. 'teaming, Motivation, andPiaget" Engineering'Eduta'tion, 64 (March,.1974), 416-419.

J Warren,, Thomas L. "Style in ,The TechnicalWriting Teacher, 6 (1979), 47 -49."

winterowd, W. Ross, ed. Contemporary Rhetoric. NY: Harcourt.Brace Jovanovich, 1975.,




SOMEHiiITERESTING READING!Adams, JameS L.' Conceptual Blockbusting: A, Guide to Better

.'Ideas, 2nd. edition. NY: W.W. Norton, 1979..;-The Journa1.4f-Irreproducible Resfalts. _$Te7014year. P.O.

. Box ,234 Chicago Heights, IL 60.411Magee,(Bryan., Men of Ideas (Dialogues with 15 20th Century

Tinkers). NY: The Viking Press, 1978.Uvarov, E.B. and D.11% Chapman'. F$Dictiodary of Science.

AY: Penguin, 1971. (ReviseE or the third and fourth-- editions by Alan Isaccs,).

Longman Dictionary of Scientific Usage. Harlow, England:Longman, 1979.

SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY: SELECTED BIBLIOGRAPHYAckermann, Robert. .The Philosophy of Science: An Introduction.

0 NY: Pegasus, 1,970.Adler,' Irving. ,How Life Began. The New American Library, 1957.Alfven, Hannes. Worlds-Antiworlds: Antimatter in, Cosmolo y.

San Francisco:* W.4. Freeman and Company, 1966.) Arons k,A.B. and A.M. Bor, ed. Science & Ideas: Selected

Readings. "-Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall,1964.

'Asimov, IsaaC. The Left Hand of the Electron. NY:, Dell, 1972..Asimov, Isaac. Thk New Intelligent Man's Guide to Science.

NY: Basic Books, 1965.Asimov, Isaac. -Please Explain. NY: Dell, 1973.Asimov, Isaac. Words of Science and the History Behind Them.

NY: The'Newl5imerican Library, 1959.Barnett, Lincol . The Universe and Dr. Einstein. NY: Time

Incorporat d, Inc., The Time Reading Program, 1957.Basalla, Georg ed. The Rise of Vodern Science: Internal or

External actors? /Lexington, MA: D.C. Heath, 1968., Bitter, Francis. Mathematical Aspects of Physics: An 4

Introduction. Garden-City, NY: Doubledhy & Company,,Inc., "Anchor Books," 1963.

Blanchard, Paul A. Atoms in'Astronomy. Washington, DC: N'ationalNieronaut4cs and Space Administration, 19761

Bondi,. Hermann. The Universe at Large. Garden City, NY: Doubleday&"Company, Inc., "anchor Books,' 1960.

Bokk,' Alfred M., ed. Science and Language: Selected Essays.Boston DC figth and Company, 1966.

Braden, William. The Age of Aquarius: Technology and theCultural Revolution. Chicago:, Quadraigle Books, 1970.

Bropowski, J. Science and Human Values, rev. ed., wi,th "TheAbacCis and the Rose." NY: Harper & Row, Publishers, 1965.

BurkeJames. Connections. BOston: Little, Brown and CoMpany,1978. ) 7

Burke, Jehh G., ed. The New Technology and Human Values, 2nd.ed. Belmont, CA: WaOsworth Publishing Company, Inc., 1972.

Calder, Nigel. ,,Einstein's Universe. NY; The Viking Press, 1979.Clarke,.ArthurC. RepOrt on Planet Three and -Other

Speculations. .NY: The New American Library, 1972.





Clayre, Alasdair, ed. Nature and Industrialization. Oxford:Oxford University Press, 1977.

Cloud, Preston. Cosmos, Earth, andfMan:' A Short Hi toryof the Universe. New-oHaven: tale University Pr ss, 1978.

Cohen, L. Bernard. The Birth of a Net Physics. Gard n' City,NY: Doubleday & Company, Inc., "Anchor Books," 1 60.'

Crompton, John. The Life of the Spider. NY: The New AmericanLibrary,.1950.

D'Abro, The Rise of the New Physics: Its Mathematicaland Physical Theories, 2 vols. NY: Dover Pfublica4nsInc., 195, 4+-

Darwin, Charles. The Origin of the ecies by Mans of NaturalSeledtio reserv4tio.kf-o Favored Races in theStrugglefor ife NY: The American Library, n.d.AIL"Introduction" by Julian,H /ey, A Norton Critical :dition, 2nd. ed., ed. PhilipAppleman. NY: W. W.? rton & Company, Inc., 1979.

Davies, Duncan, et al. the ...lane Technologist. London:Oxford University Press, 1976.

Da Vinci, Leonardo. The Notebooks of Leonardo DaVinci, ed.Robert N. Linscott, abridged-from the translation by

. Edward MacCurdY. Ntr The New 'Oetican Library, 1A57.DaVinci, Leonardo. The Notebooks of Leonardo DaVinc i, ed.

Pamela Talror: NY: The New American Ipibrary, 1960.

... Derry, T.K. and Trevor I. Williams. A Short History ofTechnology: From.the. Earliest Times to A.D. 1900.London: Oxford University Press, 1560.

Duncan, Ronald and Miranda Wextod-Smitk eds. The Encylcopediaof Ignorance: -Everything you Ever Wanted to Know aboutthe Unknown. NY: Simon & Schuster, "Wallaby Book," 1977.

Dunn, L.C. and Th. Dobzhansky. Heredity, Race, and Society,rev. and enl. edition. NY: The New American Library, 1952.

Eastman, Max. Einstein, Trotsky, Hemingway., Freud and Others:Great Companions, Critical Memoirs of Some Famous Friend46,NY: Collier Books, 1959.'

Editors of TheFtogressive, eds. The Crisis of .Lrvival.Glenview,. IL': Scott, Foresmat and Company, 1970.

Eiseley, Loren. Darwin and the,Mysterious Mr. X: New Light,oft the Evolutionists. NY: "E. P. Dutton, 1979.

Eiseley, Doren., The Unexpected Universe. NY: Harcout BraceJovanol?ich, Inc., 1969.

Ellul, Jacques. The.Technological Society, trans.John Wilkinson,Introdudtion Robert K. MertCh. NY: Random House,"Vintage Bgeks," 1964.

Fide11, Oscar H., ed: Ideas in,Science. NY: WaShington SquarePress, 1966.

Florman, Samuel C. The Existential Pleasures o Engineering.NY:- St. Martin's Press, 1976.

French, Bevan M. What''s New on the Moon? Washingtons, DC:National Aeronautics and Space Administration, 1976.

Gabor,'Dennis. Innovations: Scientific, Technological, and-Social. NY: Oxford University Press, 1970.

Gammon, Richard H. Chemistry Between the Stars. Washington,-r-


r ti

QC: NatiConhi Aeronautics and Apace Administration, 1976.Gardner; Martin-, ed.` Great Essays in Science. VY: Washington

Square Press,1957.GoldStein,,hilomas. Dawn of Modern Science: From the Arabs

To Leonardo,DaVinci. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company,, 1980.Gordon, Isabel S. and Sophie Sorkin, eds. The Arflthair

Science Reader. NY: Simon apd Schuster, 1959.*rGraubard,,' Stephen R., ed. Daedalus: Science and Technology

in Contemporary Society. Special Issue, Vol. 91, No. 2(Spring, 1962).

Henn, T.R. The Apple and -the Spectroscope: Lectures on PoetryDesigned (in the Main) for Science Students. NY: W. W.

'Norton & Company, Inc., 1966.Himmelfarb, Gertrude. Darwin and the Da \winian Revolution. NY:

W.W. Norton & Company, Inc., 1962.Hobart,e'gallie, ed. Expansion, NY: Glencoe Press, 1973.Hotgg, Garry. o. Engineerinv Magic: Giant Projects to Change.,

the World. NY: 'Criterion Books, 1966.Hurley, Patrick M. How Old is the Earth? Garden City, NY:

Doubleday & Company, Inc., 1959.Huxley, Julian. Evolution -in Action. .NY: The New American

Library, '1953., ,

Huxley, Julian. New Bottles for New Wine: 'Essays. NY: Harper+.E, Row publishers, 1957.

Huxley, Julian. Religion Wib4out Revelation. NY: The NewAmerican Library, 1957.

*JacObs,...Z.-eAneth Charles. Extrhgalactic Astronomy: The Universe~'Beyond'Our Galaxy.. Washington, DC: National- Aeronauticsand Space Administration. 1976.

Kahl, Russell, ed. Studies in Explanation: A Reader in thePhilosophy of Science- Englewood Cliffs, NJ:. Prentice-H 1,.Inc., 1963. /

Katz, bert. An Introductji.on to thepecial Theory of Relativity.Princeton,NJ:- D. VanANostrand Cpmpany, Inc.,.I964.

Kenner, Hugh. Bucky: A guided Tour of BuckMinster Fuller'.C NY: ill-iam Morrota & Compaq', Inc., 1973.Kock, Winston E. Sound Waves an Light Waves. Garden City,

NY: Doubledali..& Company, Inc., 1965.Kuhn, Thomas S. The Zssential Tension: Selected Studies in

Scientific Tradition) and Change. Chicago: The Unive sityof Chicago Press, 1977. ,

Kuhn, Thomas S. The Structure of Scientifi Revolutions, 2nd.ed., Vol.-2o, No. 2, Internatio 1 Encycl edia of Unified

.Science, Foundations of the Un ty of Science, 1970.Lauda, Donald P and Robert D. Ryan, eds. Advancing Technology:

Its Impact on Society. Dubuque, IA: William C. BrownCompany Publishers, 1971.-

McColley, Grant, ed. Literature-and Science: An Anthologyfrom English and American Literature, 1600-1900. Chicago:Packard and Company, 1940:'


221;er,Herbert J. The Children of Fr#nkenstein: A Primer on


Modern Tehnoloqy and Human Values. Bloomington, IN:"India a University Press, 1970.

.Nourse, an E. Nine Planets: NY: Pyramid Publications, Inc.,

- e



' Ovenden', Michael W. Life in the Universe, A Scientific %*

" . Discussion. Garden City, NY: Doubleday & Company, N

"Anchot Book's," 1962.Piel, E. J seph and John G. Truxal. Technology: Handle With ,.

Car NY: McGtaw-Hill Book Company, 1975.Purse Carroll W., Jr., ed. Reading's in Technology and

rican Life. NY: Oxford University Pr 1969.pc.

Rapport, Samuel and Helen Wright, eds. Ph si . NY:Washington Sqiiare Press, 1964. ,

Reich, Charles A. The Greening of America. 'NY: Bantam .Books,, 197-0.

Richards, I.A. Poetries and Sciences. NY: W. W. Norton


Company, 1980,Roller, Duane H.D., ed. laarspectiVes in the History of Science

a Technology. Norman, 04: University of Oklahoma Press,971. .


Runes, Dagobert D., ed. Treasury of World Science. Paterson,NJ: ILittlefield, Adams and Co., 1962.

Sagan, Carl. Broca's Brain: Reflections on thesRomkrice of -

Science. NY: Random H se, 1979.'Sagan, Carl. 'Cosmos. NY: R noOm House, 1980.Sagan, Carl. .The Dragons of Eden: Speculations onthe Evolution

of Human Intelligence. NY: Ballantine Books, 1977.Sagan, Carl, et al. Murmers of the, Earth: The:Voyager

Interstellar Recprd. 'NY: Random House, 1978. 1

Schmertz, Herbert. The Energy Crisis and th Media: Some CaseHistories. NY: Mobil,Oil Corporation, .d. (1974?]

Shelley, Mary. Frankenstein': Or, The Modern Prometheus.e Afterword by Harold Bloom. NY: Signet lassic,/1965.

44(Novel published in '1816.) 's

Singer, Charles.. -A Short History of Scientif c Ideas to 1900London: Oxford University Press, 1959., A

Smith, Alex G. and.Thomas D. Carr. Radio Exploration of thePlanetary System. Princeton, NJ: D. Van Hostrand Company, i

Inc., 1964. , .

Snowder, Frances E. Wanda Thillsted? Reading and Writing AboutTechnological and Human Futures. Dubuque) IA: Kendall/Hunt, '197'7.

Strap, W.C. The 'Supernova: A Stellar Spectacle_ Washington,DC: National Aeronautics and Space Administration, 1976.

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Thomas L. WarrenOklahoma State University