DOCUMENT JUSTIFICATIV Document justificativ in...

DOCUMENT JUSTIFICATIV Document justificativ in conformitate cu Art. 29, Alineatul 1 al Reg. (CE) nr.834/2007 DOCUMENTARY EVIDENCE Documentary evidence according to Article 29(1) of Reg. (EC) no.834/2007 §ROECO009-99029547-TA09-008514-2018-DICHCON-008514§ Bios s.r.l. ITALIA - SUCURSALA ROMANIA - organism de control si certificare aprobat de catre MADR cu certificatul nr. 257379, avand codul RO-ECO-009 si CUI RO16837157 declara ca operatorul: BIOS s.r.l. certification body authorized by MADR certificate n. 257379 and identified by the code RO ECO009, certifies that Traditii Ineuane Srl Sediu social: STR. MIHAIL KOGALNICEANU, NR.41, 315300, INEU, ARAD Cod: Code: Unitate de productie: (Production unit) 1] - Str. Mihail Kogalniceanu, Nr.41, 315300, INEU, ORAS INEU RO ECO009 TA09 Respecta dispozitiile prevazute in Reg. CE 834/2007 cu privire la metoda de productie ecologica, pentru urmatoarele activitati: is in keeping with the Reg. EC 834/2007 for the following activities: Procesare nucifere crude, boabe de cacao, zahar; Ambalare si etichetare ale derivatelor acestora Processing of raw nuts , cocoa beans,sugar ; Packaging and labeling of their derivatives Depozitarea de nucifere crude, boabe de cacao, zahar si derivate ale acestora Storage of raw nuts , cocoa beans, sugar and their derivatives Comercializare nucifere crude, boabe de cacao, zahar si derivate ale acestora Trading of raw nuts , cocoa beans,sugar and their derivatives Prezentul document a fost eliberat in baza articolului 29, alineatul 1 al Reg. (CE) nr. 834/2007 si al Reg. (CE) nr. 889/2008. Operatorul declarat a supus controlului activitatile sale si indeplineste cerintele prevazute in regulamentele mentionate. This document has been issued on the basis of Article 29(1) of Regulation (EC) No 834/2007 and of Regulation (EC) No 889/2008. The declared operator has submitted his activities under control, and meets then requirements laid down in the named Regulations. Data ultimului control: 11/06/2018 Date of control(s): 11/06/2018 Prezentul document este valabil doar insotit de Anexa I si pentru produsele enumerate in Anexa I. This document is valid only wiht attachment of Annex I and for the products listed in Annex I. Prezentul document permite operatorului de a emite declaratii de conformitate doar pentru produsele prezentate in Anexa I. This document authorizes the company to issue declarations of conformity only for the products listed in Annex I Validitatea certificatului este in conformitate cu Reg. CE 834/2007, cu Regulamentul pentru Certificare al Bios srl, cu acordul de licenta si cu rezultatele pozitive ale activitatilor de supraveghere facute de Bios srl. The validity of this certificate is bound to the observance of the Reg. EC 834/2007, of the Bios Certification Regulation, of the license agreement and to the positive outcome of the Bios surveillance activities. Certificat n. RO ECO009TA09001 Certificate Number Revizia n. 01 Revision number Data primei emiteri First issuing date 2018-06-14 Data expirarii Expiring date 2019-06-14 Data reviziei Issuing date 2018-06-15 Versiunea actuala inlocuieste si anuleaza precedentele - The current revision replaces and cancels the former ones Perioada de valabilitate a acestui certificat poate fi verificată accesand site-ul The validity of this certificate can be verified on Prezentul Document Justificativ isi pierde valabilitatea in cazul rezilierii contractului intre parti. This document ends its validity in the event of termination of the contract between the parties.

Transcript of DOCUMENT JUSTIFICATIV Document justificativ in...

Page 1: DOCUMENT JUSTIFICATIV Document justificativ in JUSTIFICATIV Document justificativ in conformitate cu Art. 29, Alineatul

DOCUMENT JUSTIFICATIVDocument justificativ in conformitate cu Art. 29, Alineatul 1 al Reg. (CE) nr.834/2007

DOCUMENTARY EVIDENCEDocumentary evidence according to Article 29(1) of Reg. (EC) no.834/2007


Bios s.r.l. ITALIA - SUCURSALA ROMANIA - organism de control si certificare aprobat de catre MADR cu certificatul nr.

257379, avand codul RO-ECO-009 si CUI RO16837157 declara ca operatorul:

BIOS s.r.l. certification body authorized by MADR certificate n. 257379 and identified by the code RO ECO009, certifies that

Traditii Ineuane Srl

Sediu social: STR. MIHAIL KOGALNICEANU, NR.41, 315300, INEU, ARADCod:Code:

Unitate de productie: (Production unit)

1] - Str. Mihail Kogalniceanu, Nr.41, 315300, INEU, ORAS INEU RO ECO009 TA09

Respecta dispozitiile prevazute in Reg. CE 834/2007 cu privire la metoda de productie ecologica, pentru urmatoarele activitati:

is in keeping with the Reg. EC 834/2007 for the following activities:

Procesare nucifere crude, boabe de cacao, zahar; Ambalare si etichetare ale derivatelor acestora

Processing of raw nuts , cocoa beans,sugar ; Packaging and labeling of their derivatives

Depozitarea de nucifere crude, boabe de cacao, zahar si derivate ale acestora

Storage of raw nuts , cocoa beans, sugar and their derivatives

Comercializare nucifere crude, boabe de cacao, zahar si derivate ale acestora

Trading of raw nuts , cocoa beans,sugar and their derivatives

Prezentul document a fost eliberat in baza articolului 29, alineatul 1 al Reg. (CE) nr. 834/2007 si al Reg. (CE) nr. 889/2008.

Operatorul declarat a supus controlului activitatile sale si indeplineste cerintele prevazute in regulamentele mentionate.

This document has been issued on the basis of Article 29(1) of Regulation (EC) No 834/2007 and of Regulation (EC) No 889/2008. The

declared operator has submitted his activities under control, and meets then requirements laid down in the named Regulations.

Data ultimului control: 11/06/2018

Date of control(s): 11/06/2018

Prezentul document este valabil doar insotit de Anexa I si pentru produsele enumerate in Anexa I.

This document is valid only wiht attachment of Annex I and for the products listed in Annex I.

Prezentul document permite operatorului de a emite declaratii de conformitate doar pentru produsele prezentate in Anexa I.

This document authorizes the company to issue declarations of conformity only for the products listed in Annex I

Validitatea certificatului este in conformitate cu Reg. CE 834/2007, cu Regulamentul pentru Certificare al Bios srl, cu acordul de

licenta si cu rezultatele pozitive ale activitatilor de supraveghere facute de Bios srl.

The validity of this certificate is bound to the observance of the Reg. EC 834/2007, of the Bios Certification Regulation, of the license

agreement and to the positive outcome of the Bios surveillance activities.

Certificat n. RO ECO009TA09001Certificate Number

Revizia n. 01Revision number

Data primei emiteriFirst issuing date


Data expirariiExpiring date


Data revizieiIssuing date

2018-06-15Versiunea actuala inlocuieste si anuleaza precedentele - The current revision replaces and cancels the former ones

Perioada de valabilitate a acestui certificat poate fi verificată accesand site-ul The validity of this certificate can be

verified on

Prezentul Document Justificativ isi pierde valabilitatea in cazul rezilierii contractului intre parti.

This document ends its validity in the event of termination of the contract between the parties.

Page 2: DOCUMENT JUSTIFICATIV Document justificativ in JUSTIFICATIV Document justificativ in conformitate cu Art. 29, Alineatul

Anexa I la documentul justificativ nr. RO ECO009TA09001 Revizia nr. 01

Annex I to the Documentary evidence n. RO ECO009TA09001 Revision n. 01



Traditii Ineuane Srl STR. MIHAIL KOGALNICEANU, NR.41, 315300, INEU(ARAD)

Cod RO ECO009 TA09

Lista cu produsele certificate

List of certified products

Produse procesate: processed products:

ProdusulConform cu

Reg. CE 834/2007 art. 23

Codul de

autorizare (*) ARAHIDE


Productie ecologica > 95%

Organic production > 95%

BOABE DE CACAOcocoa beans

Productie ecologica > 95%Organic production > 95%



Productie ecologica > 95%

Organic production > 95%


Productie ecologica > 95%Organic production > 95%



nuts with sugar

Productie ecologica > 95%

Organic production > 95% ROECO009TA09



Productie ecologica > 95%

Organic production > 95%



Productie ecologica > 95%

Organic production > 95%

Prezentul document este valabil numai ca anexa la documentul justificativ si permite operatorului sa

foloseasca in etichetarea, in publicitatea sau in documentele comerciale ale produselor descrise in

acesta, termeni care fac referire la metoda de productie ecologica.This document is valid only if attached to the documentary evidence and allows the operator to use the terms related to organic

production in labelling, advertising material or trade documents.

M090 Rev.07 Pagina 2Prot: 2018 DICHCON 8514 Op1=ion Op2=ion Op3=d.parisotto

Copia pe suport de hartie a acestui document este reprezentata de fisierul semnat digital, respectand cerintele legale. Acest fisier este

trimis operatorului si o copie a acestuia se afla stocata in sistemul de arhivare Bios pentru cel putin 5 ani. Operatorul poate solicita o copie

pe tot parcursul perioadei de arhivare. Pentru a verifica validitatea acestuia, va rugam accesati site-ul web: www.certbios.itThe hard copy of this document represents the digitally signed file, pursuing the law requirements. This file is sent to the applicant and a record of it is stored in Bios` archive system

for at least 5 years. The applicant can apply for a copy at any time of this storage time. To verify its validity please enter the web site:

Page 3: DOCUMENT JUSTIFICATIV Document justificativ in JUSTIFICATIV Document justificativ in conformitate cu Art. 29, Alineatul

DOCUMENT JUSTIFICATIVDocument justificativ in conformitate cu Art. 29, Alineatul 1 al Reg. (CE) nr.834/2007

DOCUMENTARY EVIDENCEDocumentary evidence according to Article 29(1) of Reg. (EC) no.834/2007


Bios s.r.l. ITALIA - SUCURSALA ROMANIA - organism de control si certificare aprobat de catre MADR cu certificatul nr.

257379, avand codul RO-ECO-009 si CUI RO16837157 declara ca operatorul:

BIOS s.r.l. certification body authorized by MADR certificate n. 257379 and identified by the code RO ECO009, certifies that

Traditii Ineuane Srl

Sediu social: STR. MIHAIL KOGALNICEANU, NR.41, 315300, INEU, ARADCod:Code:

Unitate de productie: (Production unit)

1] - Str. Mihail Kogalniceanu, Nr.41, 315300, INEU, ORAS INEU RO ECO009 TA09

Respecta dispozitiile prevazute in Reg. CE 834/2007 cu privire la metoda de productie ecologica, pentru urmatoarele activitati:

is in keeping with the Reg. EC 834/2007 for the following activities:

Procesare nucifere crude, boabe de cacao, zahar; Ambalare si etichetare ale derivatelor acestora /Processing of raw nuts , cocoa beans,

sugar ; Packaging and labeling of their derivatives

Comercializare nucifere crude, seminte oleaginoase si industriale si derivate ale acestora / Trading of raw nuts , cocoa beans, sugar and

their derivatives

Depozitare nucifere crude, seminte oleaginoase si industriale si derivate ale acestora / Storage of raw nuts , cocoa beans, sugar and their


Prezentul document a fost eliberat in baza articolului 29, alineatul 1 al Reg. (CE) nr. 834/2007 si al Reg. (CE) nr. 889/2008.

Operatorul declarat a supus controlului activitatile sale si indeplineste cerintele prevazute in regulamentele mentionate.

This document has been issued on the basis of Article 29(1) of Regulation (EC) No 834/2007 and of Regulation (EC) No 889/2008. The

declared operator has submitted his activities under control, and meets then requirements laid down in the named Regulations.

Data ultimului control: 11/06/2018

Date of control(s): 11/06/2018

Prezentul document este valabil doar insotit de Anexa I si pentru produsele enumerate in Anexa I.

This document is valid only wiht attachment of Annex I and for the products listed in Annex I.

Prezentul document permite operatorului de a emite declaratii de conformitate doar pentru produsele prezentate in Anexa I.

This document authorizes the company to issue declarations of conformity only for the products listed in Annex I

Validitatea certificatului este in conformitate cu Reg. CE 834/2007, cu Regulamentul pentru Certificare al Bios srl, cu acordul de

licenta si cu rezultatele pozitive ale activitatilor de supraveghere facute de Bios srl.

The validity of this certificate is bound to the observance of the Reg. EC 834/2007, of the Bios Certification Regulation, of the license

agreement and to the positive outcome of the Bios surveillance activities.

Certificat n. RO ECO009TA09001Certificate Number

Revizia n. 00Revision number

Data primei emiteriFirst issuing date


Data expirariiExpiring date


Data revizieiIssuing date

2018-06-14Versiunea actuala inlocuieste si anuleaza precedentele - The current revision replaces and cancels the former ones

Perioada de valabilitate a acestui certificat poate fi verificată accesand site-ul The validity of this certificate can be

verified on

Prezentul Document Justificativ isi pierde valabilitatea in cazul rezilierii contractului intre parti.

This document ends its validity in the event of termination of the contract between the parties.

Page 4: DOCUMENT JUSTIFICATIV Document justificativ in JUSTIFICATIV Document justificativ in conformitate cu Art. 29, Alineatul

Anexa I la documentul justificativ nr. RO ECO009TA09001 Revizia nr. 00

Annex I to the Documentary evidence n. RO ECO009TA09001 Revision n. 00



Traditii Ineuane Srl STR. MIHAIL KOGALNICEANU, NR.41, 315300, INEU(ARAD)

Cod RO ECO009 TA09

Lista cu produsele certificate

List of certified products

Produse procesate: processed products:

ProdusulConform cu

Reg. CE 834/2007 art. 23

Codul de

autorizare (*) ARAHIDE


Productie ecologica > 95%

Organic production > 95%

BOABE DE CACAOcocoa beans

Productie ecologica > 95%Organic production > 95%



Productie ecologica > 95%

Organic production > 95%


Productie ecologica > 95%Organic production > 95%



nuts with sugar

Productie ecologica > 95%

Organic production > 95% ROECO009TA09



Productie ecologica > 95%

Organic production > 95%

Prezentul document este valabil numai ca anexa la documentul justificativ si permite operatorului sa

foloseasca in etichetarea, in publicitatea sau in documentele comerciale ale produselor descrise in

acesta, termeni care fac referire la metoda de productie ecologica.This document is valid only if attached to the documentary evidence and allows the operator to use the terms related to organic

production in labelling, advertising material or trade documents.

M090 Rev.07 Pagina 2Prot: 2018 DICHCON 8419 Op1=d.p Op2=d.p Op3=d.p