Doctor Soil (Pakistan)

Doctor Soil Pakistan 1

Transcript of Doctor Soil (Pakistan)

Page 1: Doctor Soil (Pakistan)

Doctor Soil



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Dr. Soil float activity educates 200 farmers daily across Pakistan. It conducts 3-4 activities daily, with a farmer attendance of 25-30 farmers per meeting. 2

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The activity is conducted by Dr. Soil (a soil science graduate). Farmers are educated on 4 basis soil issues through an animated 20 mins documentary. The topics covered in the documentary are (1) Organic Matter ,(2) Soil pH , (3) Crop Nutrition ; (4) Nematodoes. 3

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Dr. Soil does de-briefing after every chapter and involves farmers in an interactive session. He also gives FMC product recommendation relevant to the soil issue discussed in that chapter.


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Dr. Soil giving practical demonstration of acidic water soluble fertilizer. In these pictures, he is practically demonstrating (1) water solubility of fertilizer, and (2) acidic impact of fertilizer on soil (in the form of bubbles). 5

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Farmers bring their soil samples for soil pH and EC testing. In this picture a pH of 8 is shown after testinga soil sample. 6

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The kit is imported from Germany and tests both soil pH and EC (measure of salts in soil). 7

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Soil Test Report

Farmers are given soil and water analysis report (on a card) along with the right nutrient recommendation for their soils based on the report 8

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Mobile Nutrients Testing


Breakthrough Innovation

This soil testing kit does on spot testing of nutrient levels in soils. Farmers are given the right nutrient (N,P,K etc) recommendation after their soils are tested.